1 minute read
Seasonal Missalette
Affordable, complete worship resource, delivered tri-annually.

We Celebrate
A worthy, soft-bound hymnal revised every three years combined with the We Celebrate missal, issued three times per year.
¡Celebremos! / Let Us Celebrate!
Revisado cada tres años / revised every three years.
MISAL / MISAL: Tres veces al año / tri-annually.
A fully bilingual side-by-side liturgy resource. Includes readings and psalm responses for Sundays and major feasts.
Liturgy of the Word
An annual missal without hymns and songs. This resource contains texts from the Lectionary for Mass.

resource for you!
Living the Word
Insights into the scriptures for each Sunday, holy day, and major celebration of the liturgical year. Each entry includes readings of the day, daily Mass intercessions, and three articles. Quantity pricing available.

Sunday's Word
Sunday’s Word Includes readings for Sundays and major feasts, Order of Mass with music from the Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations, weekday section with entrance antiphon, psalm response, gospel verse, and communion antiphon for all feasts, memorials, and weekdays of the year. The lectionary psalms used in this resource contain texts from the Abbey Psalms and Canticles.

Word & Song
Annual hymnal/missal resource.