At GIA, we believe in providing our customers with worship resource solutions that serve any size congregation, any style of worship, and any parish budget. We have everything from permanent hymnals with or without Sunday readings, to subscription missals, and every combination in between. You can choose from any of the fine hardbound hymnals GIA offers or, for those who prefer the flexibility of a periodical resource, GIA is proud to offer high quality subscription-based hymnals and missals.
We are always adding new options for you. Be sure to check out Novum: A Modern Missal, and Catholic Community Hymnal—Second Edition. We’ve also added a side-by-side, Bilingual (Spanish/English) missal called Sanctus and in the category of Specialty Hymnals we have The Divine Office Hymnal for praying the Liturgy of the Hours.
If you’re not sure which option suits your community best, please contact our Hymnal and Missal Sales Department at hymnalsandmissals@giamusic.com We will be more than happy to talk you through the many options available to you and provide you with the guidance and information you need to make the best possible choice for your community.
GIA wishes you all the best in your ministry and music making. We are here to partner with you in meeting all of your liturgical music needs.
GIA offers this useful Hymnal & Missal Buyer’s Guide that can help you walk through your hymnal purchase. From recognizing the need for new hymnals to forming a hymnal commitee to purchase, implementation and beyond, the answers to finding the perfect resource are all found in this helpful guide.
It is our goal to ensure that you are paired with the perfect choice for your community, that you have the most positive purchase process possible, and that you experience the most success in introducing and implementing your new hymnal, missal, or both!
To get a copy of our free Hymnal & Misssal Buyer’s Guide contact Suzanne Orland, our Hymnal & Missal Sales Manager at 708-5529815 or Raquel Velázquez, our Hymnal & Missal Sales Specialist at 708-552-9819 or email us at hymnalsandmissals@giamusic.com.
Prices subject to change without notice.
Featuring only essential Catholic repertoire, Catholic Community Hymnal— Second Edition is filled with the music Catholics love to sing! Whether used as your main music resource or as a pew-based book to accompany a weekly or seasonal worship aid, Catholic Community Hymnal—Second Edition is an affordable and beautiful (and lighter weight) long-term resource for your parish!
• 365 Hymns and Songs
• 44 Psalms and Canticles
• Complete Lectionary Psalm Refrains (Michel Guimont)
• Prayers of the Individual and the Household
• Section for the Liturgy of the Hours
• Order of Mass with Roman Missal Chants
• Mass of Creation (Haugen)
• Mass of Joy and Peace (Alonso)
G-11150 Pew Edition $16.00
G-11150K Landscape Keyboard Edition ........ 100.00
G-11150GS Spiral Guitar Edition ................. 80.00
G-11150C Choir Edition .......... COMING EARLY 2025
Additional Ancillary Editions Available Mid-2025
Rooted in a strong tradition of excellence with a clear focus on the future, Gather—Fourth Edition is the complete music resource you have been waiting for! Gather IV builds on the legacy of the Gather name while showcasing the beauty of today’s church with a diverse roster of composers and a wider breadth of musical styles.
• 644 Hymns and Songs
• 10 Full Mass Settings
Mass of Creation/Misa de la Creación, Mass of Joy and Peace, Mass from Age to Age, Welcome Table Mass, Mass of the Angels and Saints, Mass of Christ. Light of the Nations, Mass of Saint Ann, The Sound of My People, Storrington Mass, and Cantus Missae
• A Comprehensive Psalter (Abbey Psalms and Canticles)
• 285 Pieces pieces of music from other publishers
• 20% New music appearing for the first time in a hymnal
• 60% Music that appeared in a previous edition of Gather
• 20% Music that has appeared in other GIA hymnals
GIA is proud to partner with the USCCB to present The Divine Office Hymnal, prepared in anticipation of the Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition
Sixty years ago, the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council expressed an earnest desire that the entire Church—not only the clergy—join in offering praise to God in the Divine Office. The Council encouraged prayer in common whenever possible, prayer that is expressed with music, and prayer that is carried out with understanding as well as devotion. It is the fervent hope of the USCCB that The Divine Office Hymnal will contribute to a renewal in this most beautiful and powerful prayer of the Church.
In preparation of this hymnal, the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) spent several years translating the nearly 300 Latin hymns of the Divine Office. These translations were approved by the USCCB in 2019. In addition, ICEL proposed melodies suited to each text including the Gregorian chant melodies of the Liber hymnarius as well as public domain tunes. The hymnal makes use of these suggestions by presenting both metrical and plainsong settings for each hymn.
• Perfect for Religious Institutes, seminaries, parishes, and private prayer.
• Each Hour of the Divine Office begins with a hymn.
• All hymn texts appeared in the Latin edition of the Liturgia Horarum
• Organized by liturgical day, season, or occasion, and the Hour to which hymns are assigned.
• Includes General Roman Calendar and the Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America
Voices is a contemporary Catholic hymnal that includes the very best from Voices As One, Volume 1; Voices As One, Volume 2; and all three volumes of More Voices As One—plus more titles your community will come to know, love, and sing! Voices provides the best in theologically sound, quality contemporary music for liturgies, prayer experiences, and more.
• Voices is a softcover, perfect-bound book, affordable for groups and worshiping communities of all sizes.
• Three complete Mass Settings: Mass of Saint Ann by Ed Bolduc; Mass of Rejoicing by John Angotti; Mass for the Healing of the World by Trevor Thomson
• Music by incredible Catholic composers, including Danielle Rose, John Angotti, Cliff Petty, Ed Bolduc, Tom Booth, Kristen Colson, Craig Colson, Jalonda Robertson, Sarah Hart, Aaron Thompson, Brian Flynn, Lorraine Hess, Mikey Needleman, Matthew Leon, Michael Paul Leon, Curtis Stephan, Trevor Thomson, Lori Ubowski, Adam Ubowski, and others.
• Popular newer titles from other Christian artists like Chris Tomlin, Matt Maher, Leslie Jordan, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Brooke Ligertwood, Brenton Brown, Paul Baloche, and others.
This fourth edition is everything users of any previous edition of Worship would expect from GIA’s premier hymnal—and more!
• A comprehensive hymnal with a substantial compilation of the finest organ-based hymnody (approximately 80%) and the best-loved piano/guitar-based music (20%)
• A wide-ranging selection of hymn texts by modern writers, mostly wedded to familiar hymn tunes
• A Hymn of the Day calendar to match one or two hymns to the gospel reading for each Sunday of the Lectionary cycle
• A significant selection of bilingual (English-Spanish) music and world music; additional language options for Taizé chants
• Lectionary Psalms set to Gelineau and Guimont Psalm tones, plus a sampling of additional Psalm settings from a variety of composers
This hymnal contains a balanced blend of music that will appeal to communities that embrace a broad range of worship styles. RitualSong—Second Edition includes music that has withstood the test of time, the best of what has been written over the last 30 years, and the most successful mass settings and service music written since the implementation of the Revised Order of Mass.
• A balanced mix of musical styles from chant to contemporary and everything in between
• Two complete Lectionary psalters are included
• Select pieces from the popular The Lyric Psalter along with other lyrical Psalm settings
• 11 complete mass settings and other service music, including Tony Alonso’s setting, Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations
• Orders of service for Taizé Prayer, Stations of the Cross, and other popular forms of prayer and devotions
• An expanded repertoire of music for rituals surrounding the OCIA, penance, funerals, healing services, and more
• A wide selection of world music and music from the Taizé and Iona Communities
• A diversity of languages for bilingual or multilingual worship
• The best music from every respected publisher serving the Roman Catholic Church
This is Gather “Comprehensive”—Third Edition, though we are no longer using the term “comprehensive” in the title. This third edition builds upon the flexibility, utility, and variety of the pioneering Gather series.
• A hymnal with a versatile blend of 70% piano/guitar-based titles and 30% organbased titles
• An insightful collection of the best contemporary titles published since the release of Gather Comprehensive—Second Edition, from today’s best composers and a variety of publishers
• A substantial number of texts from modern hymn writers
• Shorter songs for worship from the Taizé and Iona Communities, along with more bilingual music
• Lectionary Psalms set to Guimont Psalm tones, plus a sampling of additional Psalm settings from a variety of composers
G-8000 Pew Edition
G-8000R Pew Edition with Readings ............
G-8000C Choir Edition ........................
G-8000CD Complete Recording
G-8000K Keyboard Landscape Edition .........
G-8000KL Keyboard Loose-leaf Edition .........
G-8000KS Keyboard Spiral Edition.
G-8000GL Guitar Loose-leaf Edition ............
G-8000GS Guitar Spiral Edition
G-8000IC C Instrument Edition ................
G-8000IB B-flat Instrument Edition .............
G-8000IE E-flat Instrument Edition .............
G-8150 Lectionary Psalms ...................
G-10399 Lectionary Psalms—C Instrument 29.95
One in Faith is a beautiful hardbound hymnal with a broad spectrum of music for your singing assembly: chant, classic hymnody, gospel hymns, spirituals, contemporary and bilingual pieces, and a generous selection of the best service music.
• 605 hymns and songs
• 14 Mass Settings
• Psalms for the entire 3-year Lectionary cycle
• A perfectly balanced mix of musical styles from chant to contemporary
• Offers a helpful planning index book
• A permanent resource that provides you with repertoire that will stand the test of time
Eight years in the making, this second edition of GIA’s African American Catholic hymnal is an expanded and enhanced version of its predecessor.
• The full breadth of African American church music that is suitable for Catholic worship, along with a broader mix of common Catholic repertoire
• An extensive mix of music styles, including a representative selection of music from Africa and the Caribbean
• Music notation that reflects the performance practices in African American church communities
• A comprehensive array of ritual music
• Lectionary Psalms written by some of today’s finest African American composers
• Music for celebrations such as Kwanzaa, revival, commemorating MLK, and Black History Month
Intended for the growing number of Latino-Anglo parishes, Oramos Cantando / We Pray in Song is an entirely bilingual hymnal that is comprehensive enough to satisfy both Spanish- and Englishspeaking communities—individually or in combined worship.
• A thorough mix of bilingual hymns, songs, Psalms, and ritual music—virtually everything is faithfully translated Spanish to English and English to Spanish
• A comprehensive body of well-known and beloved Spanish hymns and songs alongside favorite English hymns and songs
• Culturally diverse music from the United States, Mexico, Spain, South America, and the Caribbean
• Over 500 Psalms, hymns, and inspired songs by a who’s who of hymn writers, translated according to strict editorial guidelines for preserving meaning, rhyme, and meter
• Lectionary Psalms with approved refrains in both languages, and verses from the (English) Revised Grail Psalter and (Spanish) Conferencia Episcopal Española translation from Spain; plus a large number of additional Psalm settings, all bilingual
Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy equips Spanish-speaking and English-speaking Christians to sing together in congregations and parishes, seminaries and schools, care facilities and homes, offering communities a comprehensive collection of songs that span the full range of worship elements, occasions, and pastoral and theological themes. A symbol of unity of the church, this hymnal assists leaders in finding beautifully crafted translations of songs they already know and love, and in discovering compelling new songs from a variety of cultures and Christian traditions. The Guitar and Lyrics Edition contains lyrics with chords above the lyrics.
In creating the African American ecumenical hymnal, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, it was imperative to the core committee that the hymnal serve as a needed resource for the many denominations in the African American church. It was the committee’s strong desire that this hymnal would represent and preserve the rich theological, cultural, and musical heritages of these traditions and offer a full breadth of music representing historical as well as vibrant contemporary worship, while looking toward the future. It was also of utmost importance that this hymnal draw the body of Christ together so that it may be enlarged, enriched, and inspired to live and worship based on what unites us: “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.”
This hymnal contains selections of diverse styles and genres, including traditional ecumenical hymns, contemporary texts written for the twenty-first-century church, praise and worship selections, music from Taizé, choral responses, responsorial psalmody, traditional and contemporary gospel music, and Negro spirituals.
CD-1120 18 Ecumenical Treasures from One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism CD 16.95
In the pages of Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Resources for Every Generation, you will find a multi-faceted worship tool for your traditional or modern-day service. Ideal for pastors, choir directors, praise teams, and the assemblies they lead, this hymnal is great for anyone striving to give glory to God!
Total Praise contains:
• 569 traditional and contemporary songs
• 52 Responsive Readings—one for every Sunday of the year
• 46 Litanies—Designed for special days throughout the year
• Extensive indexes to find just the right music
• Music of all styles: hymns, spirituals, historic and modern gospel, and praise and worship music
G-8050 Pew Edition $22.50
CD-888 Total Praise: Hidden Favorites, CD ......... 16.95
Eight years of inspired work by a committee of more than 30 musicians and pastors, all leaders in African American worship and gospel music, have resulted in this compendium representing the common repertoire of African American churches across the United States. For the first time in an African American hymnal, traditional hymns and songs are notated to reflect performance practices found in the oral tradition of the Black church in America. At a time when such traditions are falling victim to modern technology, this book strives to preserve this rich heritage for future generations. Presented are litanies for “Fifty-Two Sundays of Worshipful Celebration” outlining an African American church year, including such special days as Martin Luther King Sunday, Elders’ Day, Mother’s Day, and Men’s Day. Also included are 52 responsive scripture readings from the Old and New Testaments and an extensive index that includes scriptural and thematic cross-references.
Singing Our Faith—Second Edition represents the spectrum of styles and types of music used in Catholic liturgy and worship.
Drawing from a desire to create music resources for children and young people that are broad in content and scope, GIA offers Singing Our Faith—Second Edition. Suitable for children from kindergarten through eighth grade, this hymnal provides music that children can grow with, and not out of.
Singing Our Faith—Second Edition is a comprehensive program designed to aid those who prepare children for liturgy and liturgy for children. This unparalleled collection of resources includes a hymnal for young Catholic children grades K through 8, a complete recording, and a Leader’s/Catechist’s Manual. These correlating editions make your planning effortless. The Leader’s/Catechist’s Manual is a unique resource that contains a wealth of information on sound liturgical principles by leading experts on preparing liturgies with children.
There is no other children’s hymnal of this caliber offering superior music together with effective support tools that can help to favorably influence a child’s experience of liturgy and music.
An essential resource for those who prepare liturgies with children and children for liturgy.
The Leader’s/Catechist’s Manual provides a wealth of information on sound liturgical principles by leading experts on liturgies with children. Noted pastoral musicians offer their wisdom and expertise in regard to working with the child’s voice and developing children for music ministry. The manual contains commentary on, and the complete text of, the Directory for Masses with Children. You will also find the complete indexes from the hymnal to be a convenient reference tool to assist in the liturgy planning process.
In addition to insightful chapters on the various aspects of preparing liturgies with children, repertoires and outlines are available for morning prayer, prayer to end the day, Stations of the Cross, and Eucharistic Adoration. Reproducible takehome prayer services round out this resource, extending prayer from classroom to home.
• Convenient 4-page spreads
• Reduced page turns
• Guitar Chords
• Gather, Fourth Edition (4 volumes)
• Gather, Third Edition (2 volumes)
• Worship, Fourth Edition (2 volumes)
• Ritual Song, Second Edition (4 volumes)
• Lead Me, Guide Me, Second Edition (1 volume)
• Oramos Cantando / We Pray in Song (2 volumes)
• Santo, Santo, Santo (3 volumes)
• Cross Generation (2 volumes)
• Melody Liine
• Full choral harmonizations when available
• Spiral-bound
• Gather, Fourth Edition
• Gather, Third Edition
• Worship, Fourth Edition
• Ritual Song, Second Edition
• Oramos Cantando / We Pray in Song
• One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
• African American Heritage Hymnal
• Total Praise
• Singing Our Faith
• One in Faith
• Finest quality materials
• Finely embossed images
• Exquisitely bound and constructed
• Color-fast, moisture resistant
• Reinforced spine
• High-quality ink, Legible fonts
• Off-white paper
• Pew Editions
• Pew with Readings Editions
• Choir Editions
• Gather, Fourth Edition
• Gather, Third Edition
• Worship, Fourth Edition
• Ritual Song, Second Edition
• Oramos Cantando / We Pray in Song
• One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
• African American Heritage Hymnal
• Total Praise
• Singing Our Faith
• One in Faith
• Large print
• 2-page spreads to reduce page turns
• Guitar Chords
• Melody Liine
• Full choral harmonizations when available
• Spiral-bound
• Keyboard Editions
• Guitar Editions
• Lead Sheet Editions
• Lectionary Psalm Editions
• Instrument Editions
• Gather, Fourth Edition
• Gather, Third Edition
• Worship, Fourth Edition
• Ritual Song, Second Edition
• One in Faith: Size Exception - 11” x 17”
• Large print
• 2-page spreads to reduce page turns
• Guitar Chords
• Melody Liine
• Full choral harmonizations when available
• Three-hole punched w/3 or 7-ring binder
• Keyboard Editions
• Guitar Editions
A new annual missal that keeps the ever-changing repertoire of contemporary Catholic music in your pews!
• Readings for all Sundays, Solemnities, and Feasts for the liturgical year
• Contemporary psalm refrains
• Order of Mass with Roman Missal Chants
• Three complete Mass settings: (Mass of Saint Ann – Bolduc; Mass of Saint Catherine of Siena – Hess; Mass of the Sun of Justice / Misa Sol de Justicia – Kolar)
• 146 Songs by contemporary composers
G-NM24 Pew Edition
G-NM24K Keyboard Edition ...........$60.00
Lectionary Psalmks, Guitar/Lead Sheet Edition and Choir Edition coming soon.
Subscriptions starting as low as $6.48/year.
delivered three times per year
Seasonal Missalette helped millions of Catholics embrace new patterns of worship after the Second Vatican Council. Now more than ever, this classic and complete worship resource is here to inspire, inform, and transform generations of Catholics as we sing and pray together each week.
• 200 songs and hymns from a variety of publishers
• 11 Mass settings
• Seasonal Lectionary Psalms and Gospel
Acclamations for Sundays and feast days
• Mostly traditional organ-based hymnody with a moderate amount of modern sacred songs
• A comprehensive weekday resource
S-eLSMX Digital Edition
Standard Edition (5.5” x 8.5”)
006601 Large Edition (7” x 10”)
Standard Edition w/Misalito
006502 Large Edition w/Misalito
SMWSK23 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song
Keyboard Portrait
SMWSG23 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song
Cantor/Guitar Portrait
Subscriptions starting as low as $4.92/year or $1.64/issue
A worthy, beautifully softbound HYMNAL
• More than 800 songs, hymns, Psalms, and acclamations
• Complete repertory for the entire liturgical year
• Includes 13 complete Mass Settings, the Order of Mass, a variety of Rites, and Morning and Evening Prayer
• Revised every 3 years
• An outstanding balance of the finest traditional and contemporary liturgical music available
• Durable embossed cover
• 6” x 9” size
An always up-to-date, 3-issues-per-year MISSAL
• Generous 6” x 9” size
• Complete Lectionary, Roman Missal, and prayer texts for Sundays
• Articles on the liturgical season
• Introduction to the Sunday readings
• Reflection questions
• Seasonal blessings and prayers
• Rites and devotions
• OCIA Rites
• Morning and Evening Prayer
• New liturgical music
• Spanish-language missal/music supplement available: Misalito Parroquial
• Scripture citations, responsorial Psalms, and gospel acclamations
• Weekday entrance and communion antiphons
• Optional memorials, as well as ritual and votive Masses
006301 Missal
006499 Missal with Misalito
006424 Keyboard Landscape Edition
006423 Keyboard Portrait Edition
006425 Cantor/Guitar Edition
HWC24 Hymnal
Subscriptions starting as low as $4.68/year or $1.56/issue
¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate! continues to be the first and most affordable bilingual missal, featuring a side-by-side English- and Spanish-language format. Other features include:
• 3 issues per year
• Lectionary readings for Sundays
• All prayer texts for Sunday Mass, including entrance and communion antiphons
• A rich selection of English- and Spanish-language Psalms
• A very descriptive weekday section
The ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate! Himnario/Hymnal is one of the most affordable bilingual worship resources available today, offering a rich collection of music from the WLP library as well as titles from all major Catholic publishers and beyond. Features include:
• A stable and established repertoire of over 600 titles for your multicultural parish, including English-language, Spanishlanguage, and bilingual service music, hymns, songs, and Psalms
• Bilingual Psalm settings from the collection Aclama Tierra Entera/Sing All You Lands
• 12 Mass settings, including the bilingual Misa Luna (018110)
Expanded Latino music section includes new titles by Rafael Moreno, Pedro Rubalcava, Diego Correa & Damaris Thillet, Eleazar Cortés, and others
002503 Standard Edition Misal/Missal (5¼” x 8¼”)
002504 Large Edition Misal/Missal (7” x 10”)
002480 Himnario/Hymnal Standard Edition (5¼” x 8¼”)
002481 Himnario/Hymnal Large Edition (7” x 10”)
002490 Alphabetical Keyboard Accompaniment 002486 Cantor/Guitar Edition
Subscriptions starting as low as $6.47/year or $2.16/issue
Word & Song is the resource of choice for energetic and vibrant parishes. This comprehensive annual volume provides the ease of use of a missal and the repertory of a hymnal and songbook under one durable cover. No extra charge for readings. No extra charge for weekdays. Word & Song continues to be the most complete and most affordable one-volume annual available.
• 700 songs, hymns, psalms, and service music pieces
• 10 complete Mass settings
• Readings, entrance and Communion antiphons for Sundays and holy days
• Scripture citations for weekdays
• Hymnal and Missal combined in one annual resource.
WAS24 Pew Edition (6” x 9”)
SMWSK24 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song
Keyboard Portrait Edition
SMWSG24 Seasonal Missalette and Word & Song
Cantor/Guitar Portrait Edition
Subscriptions starting as low as $6.96/year.
Our subscription-based missals and hymnals are all softcover books with a variety of accompaniment edtions available. They are crafted with durable materials and are made to be an affordable and convenient resource for any parish community. Below you will find the available formats for each subscription-based hymnal and/or missal.
• Large Print Missal (7” x 10”)
• Standard Print Missal (5.5” x 8.5”)
• Alphabetical Keyboard Accompaniment (2 volumes, 3-ring Binder) 8.5” x 11”
• Alphabetical Cantor/Guitar Edition (2 volumes, 3-ring Binder) 8.5” x 11”
• Large Print Edition 7” x 10”
• Standard Print Edition 5.5” x 8.5”
• Alphabetical Keyboard Accompaniment (3 volumes, Spiral Bound) 8.5” x 11”
• Alphabetical Guitar Accompaniment (3 volumes, Spiral Bound) 8.5” x 11”
• Spiral bound Accompaniment Supplements 8.5” x 11”
• Pew Edition 6” x 9” (applies to both the missal and hymnal editions)
• Landscape Keyboard Accompaniment (2 volumes, 7-ring binder, Looseleaf)
• Portrait Keyboard Accompaniment (3 volumes, 3-ring binder, Looseleaf)
• Cantor/Guitar Edition (2 volumes, 3-ring binder, Looseleaf)
• Pew Edition 6” x 9”
• Alphabetical Keyboard Edition (2 spiral-bound volumes) 8.5” x 11”
• Alphabetical Cantor/Guitar Edition (2 volumes, 7-ring binder, Looseleaf) 8.5” x 11”
• Pew Edition 6” x 9”
• Psalter/Salterio (2 volumes, Spiral Bound) 8.5” x 11”
• Pew Edition 6” x 9”
• Landscape Keyboard Edition (1 volume, Spiral Bound)
• Guitar Lead Sheet Edition (Spiral Bound) 8.5” x 11” — Coming Soon
• Psalter Edition (1 volume, Spiral Bound) 8.5” x 11” — Coming Soon
• Choral Edition — Coming Soon
Sanctus: Bilingual Missal + Misal Bilingüe is a fully bilingual side-by-side liturgy resource! Includes readings and psalm responses for Sundays and major feasts! (Abbey Psalms and Canticles / Leccionario Edición Hispanoamericana)
¡Sanctus: Bilingual Missal + Misal Bilingüe es un recurso de liturgia completamente bilingüe! ¡Incluye lecturas y respuestas de salmos para los domingos y las fiestas principales! (Leccionario Edición Hispanoamericana / Abbey Psalms and Canticles)
SANCTUS: Psalter + Salterio
The complete coordinating psalter for Sanctus: Bilingual Missal + Misal Bilingüe. Includes psalms for the entire three-year cycle. (2 spiral-bound volumes)
El salterio coordinado completo para Sanctus: Bilingual Missal + Misal Bilingüe. Incluye salmos para todo el ciclo de tres años. (2 volúmenes encuadernados en espiral)
Sunday’s Word is for use in conjunction with a hymnal and service book or other music resource, and is intended for those who wish to preread the scriptures of the day as a preparation for the celebration, who have difficulty hearing, or who feel the need to read the text as it is proclaimed for full comprehension. The Eucharistic Prayers are also included.
It contains the assembly’s responsorial psalm refrain for each Sunday and major feast. The full version of the Psalms (keyboard accompaniments, guitar chords, and cantor verses) are found in Lectionary Psalms: Michel Guimont (G-8150).
Sunday’s Word also contains the Order of Mass, with the assembly’s responses from Tony Alonso’s setting, Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations (G-9090). The full score with the keyboard accompaniments and choral parts (G-9090FS) and other editions are available from GIA.
The weekday section includes the entrance antiphon, Psalm response, gospel verse, and communion antiphon for all feasts, memorials, and weekdays of the year. In addition, the Order of Mass texts (including both the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed) are printed on the inside front cover for convenience.
The perfect companion to any hymnal...
• Now with larger, easy-to-read print
• Readings for Sundays and major feasts
• Order of Mass with music from the Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations
• Enhanced weekday section
• Easy-to-read 6.5” x 9.5” format; 250 pages
• Low price of $2.60 each
G-SW24 Sunday’s Word 2025, Year C: Beginning Advent 2024 $2.60
An annual missal without hymns and songs. This resource contains texts from the Lectionary for Mass.
• Includes the complete Order of Mass
• Contains Sunday and holy day readings and RNAB Lectionary Psalms
• Includes weekday reading citations, entrance and Communion antiphons, and Psalm responses
• An affordable Word companion to a hymnal without readings
• An aid to those who can’t hear the Word clearly
• A preparation resource for those who proclaim the Word
• 6” x 9” size
2025—Year C (LOTW24)
1 - 4 copies $13.50 per subscription, per year plus shipping
5 - 24 copies ............... 6.00 per subscription, per year plus shipping
25 - 49 copies 4.00 per subscription, per year plus shipping
50 copies or more 3.50 per subscription, per year plus shipping
Each year two expert theologians team up to present thought-provoking insights into the scriptures for each Sunday, holy day, and major celebration of the liturgical year. Each entry includes readings of the day and 3 articles:
• Understanding the Word
• Reflecting on the Word
• Responding to the Word
This resource promotes lively discussion and preparation for:
• Small faith-sharing groups
• “Breaking open the Word” sessions
• Catechumens and candidates
• Teen or adult religious education classes
• Scripture study groups
• Lectors
• Liturgy planners
• Homilists
• Presiders
2025 Year C (LTW24)
2 - 9 copies
10 - 24 copies
This popular annual resource is designed for use by priests at daily Eucharist (Monday through Saturday), lay ministers who lead daily Word and Communion services, and those who lead prayer on a daily basis in other settings. This book includes:
• Daily general intercessions with an invitation to prayer and a closing prayer
• Scripture citations for the readings of the day, with Lectionary number
• Clear, user-friendly page layout and easy-to-read, large type
• Convenient, portable size for ease of handling and transporting
• 9 x 12
• Genuine leather cover
• Page edges gilded in gold
• High-quality ribbons and leather tabs
• Full-color Vatican art inside
002012 ............................................
• 9 x 12
• Bonded leather cover
• Same interior features as the Deluxe Edition with a slightly simpler cover design
002013 $195.00
• 5 x 7
• Soft leatherette cover with a gold foil-stamped host and chalice
• Vatican art included shown in grayscale
• Same interior features as the Deluxe and Value Editions
• Compact and travel-friendly
002014 $69.95
This ritual resource, commonly known as the “Book of the Chair,” is authorized by the United States Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship and approved by the Vatican. It provides the priest with all the prayers of the Mass that are not prayed at the altar in a volume that is lighter and easier to handle than the full Roman Missal. At roughly half the thickness and weight of our award-winning Roman Missal, the WLP edition retains all its best features: beautiful full-color art from the Vatican Apostolic Library; large easy-to-read type; unsurpassed music engraving; durable parchment-colored pages; and an elegant stamped leatherette cover. Three high-quality ribbons are provided for easy place holding.
• 5 x 7
• Soft leather-like cover
• Readings and Mass texts for every Sunday of the three-year cycle
• Two bookmark ribbons
• Compact and travel-friendly
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Arrangements for enhancing your trusted WLP worship resources, including Seasonal Missalette, We Celebrate, ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!, and Word & Song.
The Choral Companion includes more than 745 two-, three-, and four-part arrangements of hymns, songs, and ritual music This volume contains 10 wellknown mass settings and music from GIA, OCP, and other publishers.
The C Instrument Companion contains arrangements specifically for C instruments. This worship companion will truly enrich the current songs and hymns used by your parish. Spiral-bound for convenient and durable use among musicians.
G-10337 Choral Companion ........................ $28.00 (1 volume, softcover)
G-SMWSIC23 C Instrument Companion 110.00 (2 volumes, spiral bound, 8.5” x 11”)
In an effort to provide gospel verses for every Sunday in the liturgical year, GIA expanded the Cantor’s Book of Gospel Acclamations series. Volume 1 contained some of the classic and best-known gospel acclamations used at Sunday worship; volume 2 provides gospel acclamations and verses for some of the most popular new and revised Mass settings from our hymnals Worship—Fourth Edition and Gather—Third Edition. Included is the gospel acclamation from the best-selling Mass of Joy and Peace by Tony Alonso, along with those from Mass of Creation and Storrington Mass by Marty Haugen, Missa Pacem by L. Randolph Babin, Unity Mass by Norah Duncan IV, Glendalough Mass by Liam Lawton, and alleluias from the Taizé Community. We’ve done all the work for you. No more writing out the gospel verse for your cantors. The attractive and dignified cover makes it suitable for liturgical use. Proclaiming the gospel acclamation has never been easier.
In this one edition, GIA has taken 10 of the most widely sung alleluias and Lenten acclamations and set the accompanying verses for the entire Sunday Lectionary! Each acclamation has its own corresponding tone. The works of composers Richard Proulx, Marty Haugen, Howard Hughes, SM, Jacques Berthier (Taizé), A. Gregory Murray OSB, Fintan O’Carroll, Steve Janco, and others are all represented in this one volume, usable year after year.
A complete set of responsorial Psalms for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord throughout the three-year Lectionary cycle. This comprehensive edition offers a true diversity of style and voice, drawn from the treasury of GIA’s psalters: The Lyric Psalter; Cry Out with Joy; beloved favorites from the Guimont psalter that have graced the pages of the Lectionary section of previous editions of Gather; and the psalters published as companions to GIA’s hymnals, Lead Me, Guide Me— Second Edition; Worship—Fourth Edition; and Ritual Song–Second Edition. This commitment to representation—metered and chant, classical and contemporary, male and female composers, accompanied by piano, guitar, and/or organ—allows a more extensive image and likeness of God to come together to create the most well-rounded, inclusive psalter companion the church has ever known. The texts for the Psalm verses are taken from The Abbey Psalms and Canticles (2018).
G-10600 Spiral-bound $36.95 10 or more copies ................................. 29.00 ea.
G-10600INST Instrument Edition 30.00
This versatile edition of Lectionary Psalms includes both Gelineau and Guimont Psalm tones, offering increased variety in proclaiming the Psalm for each Sunday, feast, and solemnity throughout the liturgical cycle. The ICEL refrains are set by some of the most important composers in liturgical music, including Richard Proulx, Robert Batastini, Fr. Ronald Krisman, Br. Howard Hughes, and more. Each antiphon was selected for its ability to evoke the spontaneous singing of the assembly. As with the Guimont Lectionary Psalms, this edition uses the Revised Grail Psalms.
G-8151 Spiral-bound ...........................................$35.95 10 or more copies 28.00 ea.
Now the entire Lectionary section of RitualSong—Second Edition is here! It not only serves as an accompaniment and cantor resource but is also a stand-alone collection for use apart from the hymnal. These refrains draw on a distinguished corpus of compositions found in GIA’s Worship II and Worship—Third Edition as well as many other hymnals, making them usable in a wide range of settings. They are also available as downloads through ONE LICENSE.
G-9260 Spiral-bound $34.95 10 or more copies 28.00 ea.
A complete set of responsorial Psalms for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord throughout the three-year Lectionary cycle.
The release of the document Liturgiam authenticam in 2001 required that the Grail Psalms be revised for use in Roman Catholic liturgy, this time under the direction of Abbot Gregory Polan and the monks of Conception Abbey. Their careful editing and scholarship produced The Revised Grail Psalms in 2010. However, this translation would undergo further (slight) revisions in 2018 leading to the publication in 2020 of The Abbey Psalms and Canticles
This edition offers a complete set of responsorial Psalms for use throughout the threeyear Lectionary cycle. Using The Revised Grail Psalms each of the settings in this collection can be performed using organ, piano, or guitar. The verses can be sung by a solo cantor or by SATB choir. This current edition includes 10 new refrain settings and 7 new Psalm tones. While this collection may be used as a Lectionary psalter, regardless of what musical resource is found in the pew, this edition is uniquely linked to Gather—Third Edition.
Written by some of today’s finest African American composers, this book of Lectionary Psalms contains the responsoral Psalms for all of the Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord for the three-year cycle of the Lectionary for Mass. It also uses texts from The Revised Grail Psalms. Many of the Psalms have the verses set as part of the composition. For the majority, however, the verses are set to a variety of Psalm tones, some by the composer of the antiphon and many drawn from other sources. The cantor-psalmist may chant the text to the tone as written or, following the practice of chanting Psalm tones that has evolved in African American Catholic communities, the cantor may use the tone as the outline for creative improvisation.
This diverse set of Lectionary Psalms contains 70 settings of Psalms and biblical canticles in a variety of styles, for use in the Liturgy of the Hours, at Mass, and in other liturgical rites. Many employ Gelineau, Guimont, or Conception Abbey tones. All of the Psalms are completely bilingual in Spanish and English. The Lectionary Psalms use USCCB-approved refrains in both English and Spanish with verses from The Revised Grail Psalms and the salterio of Spain’s Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE). G-8153
These Psalm refrains and Gospel acclamations are crafted to be singable and expressive. For each Sunday and Holy Day, a carefully selected musical refrain is paired with a Gregorian or modern Psalm tone with the verse text set under the notation in large print. Throughcomposed verse settings for a number of the Psalms are included, and many refrains have choral harmony. The CD Set contains recordings of all the responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations for Sundays, feasts, and solemnities, as well as common seasonal Psalms, Psalms for funerals, and other music. These Psalm settings and acclamations coordinate with WLP’s worship resources, but will find a welcome home in any parish setting. These lectionary Psalm texts are from the Lectionary for Mass and match the English Psalm responses found in Seasonal Missalette, Liturgy of the Word, Word & Song, We Celebrate Missal, ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate! Missal, and One in Faith
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This collection contains through-composed verses for the common/seasonal Psalms of the Lectionary for Mass. Ideal for the more experienced cantor. Refrains are compatible with those found for the Common/Seasonal Psalm in WLP Worship Resources and the other volumes of Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations.
GIA is proud to offer these ceremonial binders perfect for the liturgical seasons. These binders are an attractive and durable solution for choirs to keep and display their music, for church musicians to assemble each week’s accompaniments, and for clergy and church leaders to use for intercessions, special rites, seasonal service programs, and general announcements.
Each binder includes:
• 1-inch spine and 1-inch rings
• 3-ring format
• Can hold pages up to 8.5 x 11
• Inside front pocket for loose papers and cards
These attractive and useful Ceremonial Folders are designed to hold one or two single sheets of 8.5 x 11 paper. The cover design features the exquisite two-tone stamped cross design with gold foil found on WLP’s Series 1 Ceremonial Binders. Each fabric-lined folder holds one or two single sheets of paper that you can easily tuck into the grosgrain ribbon corner holders. Ideal for use by lectors (with intercessions placed on one side and parish announcements placed on the other), by priests and deacons, and by cantors (to hold the Psalm). Consider having brides and grooms use at weddings to hold their vows, or use as a presentation folder for special awards or appreciation certificates. Available in 5 colors, for the liturgical seasons and general use.
These strong, clear pockets affix easily to the inside back cover of any GIA hymnal and can hold a parish song list or bulletin with ease. Call or email us for a sample.
G-4565 Plastic hymnal pocket $.50
Custom-made to beautifully adorn any of GIA’s hardbound hymnals, these elegant gold satin ribbon bookmarks are perfect for marking your psalms, hymns, and service music. The 12-inch, bonded, triple-ribbon marker easily inserts into and securely adheres to the hymnal’s spine.
G-HRGOLD Hymnal Ribbon $.75
This optional plastic binder is designed to hold Sunday’s Word. Navy with gold embossing, it beautifully accompanies any GIA hymnal and will last for years.
A weekly bulletin for the children in your assembly, school, or religious education program...
• provides liturgical catechesis for the whole community.
• introduces Catholic traditions and practices to younger members of the assembly.
• encourages prayer and scripture study in the home, the domestic church.
• invites children and adults into the richness of Catholic liturgical life. Starting as low as $2.45 per student per year for physical editions.
• Curated Choral Suggestions Complete with full score previews and recordings for easy browsing.
• Hymn Suggestions The complete hymnal and missal planning grids found in the GIA Quarterly
• Psalm-based Resources Psalms sorted by translation; each features a score preview.
• Instrumental Suggestions Instrumental collections from GIA and WLP—many available for individual download.
• Hymns from Unbound Texts and tunes available as PDF downloads with full accompaniment included.
• Seasonal Pages Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, and Easter pages for seasonally appropriate suggestions.
• MP3 Player Each page features a built-in audio player, pre-loaded with a playlist for the relevant Sunday.
Every issue of the GIA Quarterly invites national leaders in liturgy and music to engage readers in a dialogue about how to celebrate parish worship that transforms communities. It also features Master Classes with hands-on, concrete solutions to the most common roadblocks pastoral musicians face in their parishes, along with reflections for each Sunday and holy day from Diana Macalintal. The Planning Pages have been expanded to include hymn suggestions for all GIA and WLP Hymnals and Missals. Subscribe now!
The ultimate resource for presiders and planners. This quarterly publication gives sample texts for many ritual moments, including Introduction to the Liturgy of the Day, Penitential Act, Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word, Dismissal of Catechumens (and Candidates), complete Prayers of the Faithful, Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer, weddings, funerals, and occasional liturgies. Also included are liturgical reminders and suggestions, a calendar listing, a Question of the Week, and a “Homily Helps” section based on the Sunday readings.
The Spanish-language version of Pastoral Patterns. Special attention is given to the culture and significant celebrations of Hispanic Catholics in the United States. You will find texts for the same ritual moments for every Sunday and major feast as the English-language edition.