Gianfranco Pietrantoni Undergraduate Works

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Ar chi t ect ur e

Por t f ol i o

gi anf r ancoj pi et r ant oni Al f r edS t at eCol l ege 2012 |2015

Academi cWor k

S i t ePl an

Des i gnPar amet er s 1. Keepi ngt henor t her ns i dewal kwasdonet oal l ow f l ow ofdi r ect t r af f i cf ort hos ewantmor eofadi r ectpat h. 2.A10f ootbar r i erwasgi venont henor t her ns i def ort hos ewho want edt os t opandt akei nt hes ceni cl ands capeoft henewl y l ands capedar eawhi l ewai t i ngf ort het r ai n 3. Byut i l i z i ngonet r ai nwecutdownoncos tandcr eat edmor e r oom f ort hepedes t r i an,wi t ht hi sweal s ocr eat edonl y4maj or s t opss os peedupt het r avel t i medown42nds t r eet 4. T het r ai nwasof f s ett ocr eat eahi er ar chybet weent het wo s pacesi ns t eadofhavi ngt woequal s pacescompet i ngwi t heach ot hert henat ur al hi er ar chyi spr edef i ned 5. T het r adeof fbet weenhavet heonet r ai npl aceons i deoft he r oadi ns t eadoft heot heri st hatpas s enger scanonex i tont he nor t her ns i degi vent hebus i nes sont henor t hs i det hef i r s ts hoti n at t r act i ngt hecus t omer s 6. Weel i mi nat edt hes out her ns i dewal kbecaus ei twasnot neededt hewhol epar kar eai snow i npl aceoft hes i dewal k.

S i t eS ect i on

F i r s tF l oor

S econdF l oor

Eas tEl evat i on

Nor t hEl evat i on

Des i gnS t udi o: S ophomor eYearS pr i ngS emes t er ,2013 Dur at i on: 10weeks Pr of es s or : Ri char dCar l o Gr oupMember s : Ni ckS cal i s e S i t e: S or r ent o,I t al y Pr oj ectDes cr i pt i on: ACl i f fs i des i t ei nS or r ent o,I t al ywasgi vent odevel opal i vi ng andl ear ni ngcompl exf orf acul t yands t udent ss t udyi ng abr oad.T hepr ogr am wasnott oex ceed22, 000s quar ef eet , andhadt oi ncl udes t udenthous i ng,f acul t yhous i ng,and s t udi oar eas .Atcompl et i onoft hepr oj ectcons t r uct i on document sandcoder evi ewswer epr oduced.

Pr of es s i onal Wor k

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