Architecture Portfolio

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G i a n l u ca C a n G e n ova


CONTACT address 1 address 2 mobile e-mail

Ceyhan Sok. No: 12 D: 1 35330 Balcova Izmir- Turkey Haardtring 244, 64295 Darmstadt Hessen/Germany +90 507 211 73 90

EDUCATION University

Izmir Institute of Technology

Prep Class-Foreign Languages (English) (2009-2010) Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) (2010-June‘14) (Major Program) Bachelor of City and Regional Planning (2012- Jan. ‘15) (Minor Program) Hochshcule Koblenz, Germany (Sept. – Feb. 2013-’14) (Erasmus Exchange Program)

High School Primary

Karabük M. Vergili Secience High School (2005-2009) Safranbolu Emek İ.Ö.O (1997-2005)


English (advance) Italian (mother tounge)

German (advance) Turkish (mother tounge)


AutoCAD, Sketch UP + VRay, Rhino-Grasshopper, ArchiCAD, Atlantis, Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)

INTERNSHIP AND Surveying Knowledge and Topography Practice,IZTECH (Izmir, June 2010) WORKING Building Survey and Measured Drawings Intern, IZTECH EXPERIENCE (Izmir, Sep. 2010)

Construction Site Intern, MKI Bauunternehmung GmbH (Darmstadt,July-Aug. 2012)

Office Intern in” Bogar Yapı Tasarım Bürosu” (Izmir, 2013 Jun.-Sep.)

ODI Decoration and Manufacturing Inc. Co, Sales and Marketing Dep. , Brand Representative of Kartell Furnitures (Izmir, March 2014 – Present)

Project Development Dep. , Architect (Izmir, November 2014 – Present)

SCHOOL DESIGN PROJECTS Exhibition Space in Izmir Institute of Technology Library Garden (2010 Fall) Transformation on Character of the Space, Izmir Atatürk High Scholl (2010 Spring) Judo Sport Center in Kalabak-Urla,Izmir (2010 Spring) Waterfront Urban Design Project in Sığacık, Izmir (2011 Fall) Fish Market Project in Sığacık, Izmir (2011 Fall) Geologic Research Centre (2011 Spring) Carpet Design and Production Center in Kula, Manisa (2012 Spring) Housing Design Project in Bornova,Izmir (2012 Fall ) Open Leisure Youth Hub in Basmane,Izmir (2013 Spring) Urban Design Project in Radebeul,Dresden (2013 Fall) Performing Arts Academy in Aliağa, Izmir (2014 Spring)

COMPETITON PROJECTS Bursa MO Architectural Competition “Sustainable Welcoming-Exhibition Place “ (2011) Pro-Steel Construction 2012 Student Project Competition (Honorable Mention Award) Interior Design Student Competition with Koçtaş Productions –Kitchen 2012 (Honorable Mention Award) Archmedium Student Competition San Francisco Fire Department Project, 2013 Moritz-Ziller-Preis für Stadtgestaltung Radebeul-Zitzschewig „Das Dorf in der Stadt“ 2013/14

PROFFESIONAL WORKS Developing Housing Project for the Romanian people in Urla, Izmir, 2013 spring, P.T.: Arch. Erbil COŞKUNER, Yrd doç Fehmi DOĞAN, Dr. Tonguç AKIŞ, Tufan Zenger (std) Çakabey College Additional Education Building, Izmir, 2013 summer, BYTB Emir Sultan Tomb Restoration Project, Izmir, 2013 summer, BYTB Çakabey College Sport Hall Building, Izmir, 2013 summer, BYTB Korsini Saf Packing Factory Additional Warehouse Building, Izmir, 2013 summer, BYTB Fulya Kargı Sağır House Restoration Project, Izmir, 2013 summer, BYTB Odeion Izmir Kartell Flagstore Indesign Project, Izmir, 2014 May-July, ODI Group Odeion Vogue Hotel Indesign Project, Izmir, 2014 November , ODI Group

San Francisco Knolls SFFDH

San Francisco Fire Department Headquarters Project

Archmedium Student Competition SFFDH 2013


collaboration with Billur Damla Ufler - Tufan Zenger



PASSIVE ARTS consists of handcraft,workshops, painting,sculpture,music, photography... etc. - We dont use physically active or body, refers generally to visual or auditory arts.

ACTIVE ARTS consists of dancing, theater.. etc -We use physically our body to perform something, generally refers to audivisual arts. PERFORMING ARTS

is to present works in a exhibition, in theater or concert hall


Architecturel Design V - Studio Works I Iztech Spr覺ng F覺nal 2013-2014

Underground Floor Plan

+11.00 Level Floor Plan


Im Nördlich gelegenen hang befinden sich zahlreıche naturflaschen welche wir entlang der strassenverbındung weıt runter zu den hauptachsen führen. die querverbindungen in nord-süd rıchtung starken die bezıehungen zu den beiden achsen und unterstützen bzw. entlasten die meıssener str.


Zwischen den reben

Hof Zu hof

Das thema dieses gebäude das ist die panoramaaussicht hin zum kern von Zotschewıg. Dıe Hauser Integrıeren sich In dıe umlıegenden weınbauflachen und bılden eıne symbıose aus whonen und natur.

Eine vorhandene hofstruktur am strassendorf wird durch eıne weitere ebene im hinteren bereich erweitert und bildet somit einen zweiten hof. Die Hauszugange für das wohnen sind im inneren geschützt und in den hofraum gerichtet.

Hochshcule Koblenz, Germany Erasmus Exchange Program M-S Projeckt Städtebau Fall 2013-2014 I

collaboration with Roman Warner

„Das Dorf in der Stadt“


Umsıedlung Vorhandener Landwirtschaft

Moritz-Ziller-Preis für Stadtgestaltung Radebeul-Zitzschewig


collaboration with Roman Warner (arch. std)


Archmedium Student Competition SFFDH 2013

Open Youth Hub ın Basmane

OPEN DESIGN PROVIDES... “ Flexibility, Functionality, Interoperability, Potential Use, Useful Life, Unstable Evolution and Respond to Changing Conditions.” Also Provides “Flow” and “ Continuity” between functions for youth to feel the FREEDOM

6 Architecturel Design IV - Studio Works

I Iztech Sprıng Fınal 2012-2013

“Honorable Mention Award”

Koctas Kıtchen Desıgn

Interior Design Student Competiton Project 2012


collaboration with Billur Damla Ufler

(arch. std)

- Tugce Kurucay

(arch. std)


Urban Housing Project Äąn Bornova - The main concept of urban housing design is reduce the mass making it more invisible to the bay to create more open and semi-open social spaces. - To improve the use of sloped site, the site is divided in 3 main platform which are associated with the social uses like commercial use(marketplace shopping center), interaction point( gathering place,cafe), general social services (sport field, kindergarten)

- The horizontal circulation is provided with stairs and ramps. The vertical circulation is provided with core which include staircase and elevators. For handicapped horizontal access on sloped site will be difficult that’s way the 3 main platform is connected with elevators and bridges.


Architecturel Design III - Studio Works I Iztech Fall FÄąnal 2011-2012

“Honorable Mention Award”

Bus Terminal in Urla

ProSteel Construction 2012 Student Competition Project


collaboration with Billur Damla Ufler

(arch. std)

- Belemir Unlu

(Buldıng Eng. std)



Carpet Design and Production Center in Kula

Kula boasts a diverse heritage of religion, health, vernacular architecture, craft and nature. The historic specimens of the carpets produced in Kula are world famous whereas those that are still locally produces quite high prices. In this Project, it is required to design a center where carpet production and design processes take place in the same complex.


Geology Research Center In Kula

Kula is settled within the youngest region of inactive volcanoes on earth, making it an important case of geological research. Expect for the vine yards the plain was said to be covered in ashes. The are is now proposed to be a geopark. So, it is askes to design a research station for piece of the proposal geopark. The station will be used by 3 researchers and occupy max. 60m2.




WATERFRONT IN SIGACIK , Urban Design -The main concept of urban design project is separating marine activities with land activities by strong two walking axe which one comes from the castle and another one from the city center.

-The location of the fish market is the intersection point of two main walking way. North-east front of the building looks at public square, the north-west front looks at the sea, south west front look at the marina and lastly the south-east front of the buildings looks directly at canal and the city center of Sığacık.

Architecturel Design III - Studio Works I Iztech Fall Fınal 2011-2012

WATERFRONT IN SIGACIK , Fish Market -The direction of fishmarket activities is in the same direction of walking ways which surounding the building.

First Floor Plan

-The separation of the marine activities and land activities countinues in the building by separation of solid and void. The void part contains activities related with fish and sea. On the other hand the solid part of the building which is like a core contains the services members which serves to void part of the building. - The fish market has two floors.On the second floor there is a multipurpose hall and a cafe. The two floors have a obvious connection because there is a galery between the foyer and cafe which look directly on Dinning Hall. -Lastly, the circulation of fish market is provided by lift and by ramps for handicaps.

Second Floor Plan




Judo Sport Center

Introductıon To Desıgn Studıo Selected Works

-The main concept of urban design project is separating marine activities with land activities by strong two walking axe which one comes from the castle and another one from the city center.

-The location of the fish market is the intersection point of two main walking way. North-east front of the building looks at public square, the north-west front looks at the sea, south west front look at the marina and lastly the south-east front of the buildings looks directly at canal and the city center of Sığacık.

Introductıon to Architectural Design - Studio Works I Iztech Fall Fınal 2011-2012

“Sustainable” Welcoming-Exhibition-Presentation Area 2011

The welcome part of our project is divided by a wall to direct the fair entrants. To define the entrance and lead fair entrants directly in our exhibition, we used linear elements on the top in an optimal height to identify the human scale. For the implementation of different conditions we designed the project with interlocked wood pieces. Panel and Box Modules

We designed specified moving prisms and seating elements in workshops for different users. To make a clear guidance for the fair entrants we create visual connections between exhibited works. With the help of openings among panels, social relations are improved. The modular units give us a chance to vary different combinations. (Flexible Design)


Exhabıtıon Plan

Entrance StructurE


collaboration with Idil Kemahlıoglu




Addıtıonal Work Experıences Store Design Project & Interıor Desıgn

Hotel Restaurant Terrace Design Project & Exterıor Desıgn

Odeıon Kartell Flogstore, Izmır-Turkey 2014

Bodrum - Turkey 2014

I was responsible for the design and application phases of the project. Project contains of two parts. the fırst part was the showroom where the products are exhibited. the second part is a cafe where the customer can spend time meet and at the same tıme can examine and use related products. Also ı thought that the potential of the garden can be used as a collective point to make the store more attractive

I was responsible for the design and presantatıon phases of the project. After several design decisions, ı made related drawings and visualizations to prepare a proposed file. Project contains of two parts. the fırst part was design separation wall to divide the large restaurant terrace. the second part was to change the design and location of the exterior bar. With a circular bar which was located in a middle of terrace with a bid of wood deck extension the expected aim was to create a meet poınt with the restaurant terrace and common pool.

Works from Professional Experiences, izmir, 2014 May-November, ODI Group

Developing Housing Project for the Romanian people in Urla, ızmir,2013 spring We participated in this project voluterly with a collaborative work with our professors and we were responsible for the design and phases of the project.

H Urla Municipality has developed projects for Romanıan citizens living in poor conditions in the county. It was a collaborative study with municipal and Iztech for provıde more healthy lıvıng condıtıons. On behalf ‘Heaven Quarter’ was given as a name of the project. The aim of the project was to improve the built environment in that area and improve their living conditions with provıde affordable socıal houses for 120 famıly. In addition to the courtyard housing, there was some social facilities like cafe, association room, seminar room

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Unit Type A Plan

Unit Type B Plan Project Team : Arch. Erbil COŞKUNER, Prof. Assist. Fehmi DOĞAN, Dr. Tonguç AKIŞ, Tufan Zenger (arch. std.), Gianluca Can Genova (Arch. Std.)


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