Castaldi Jewels Collection 2013

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italian Craftsman since 1940

design by

Gianluca Castaldi

Rome • Italy Via Chiana, 55/A

n Showroom


Classic Jellow co l l e ct io n

GIRocollo ImpeRIal n Zaffiri gialli, Diamanti vari tagli e oro bianco (Pezzo unico) n Yellow Sapphires, various shape’s Diamonds and white gold (Unique piece)

parure IMPERIAL n Zaffiri gialli, Brillanti e oro bianco n Yellow Sapphires, Diamonds and white gold

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parure cross n Zaffiri gialli vari tagli, Brillanti e oro bianco n Various shape’s yellow Sapphires, Diamonds and white gold

parure YELLOW LIGHT n Zaffiri gialli, Diamanti e oro bianco n Yellow Sapphires, Diamonds and white gold

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Red Passion

col l e ct io n

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girocollo geometry n Rubini, Diamanti vari tagli e oro bianco (Pezzo unico) n Rubies, various shape’s Diamonds and white gold (Unique piece)

parure geometry n Rubini, Diamanti vari tagli e oro bianco n Rubies, various shape’s Diamonds and white gold

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anello navette n Rubini, Diamanti vari tagli e oro bianco n Rubies, various shape’s Diamonds and white gold

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paRuRe cRoss n Rubini vari tagli, Brillanti e oro bianco n Various shape’s Rubies, Diamonds and white gold

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parure classic scudo n Rubini, Diamanti e oro bianco n Rubies, Diamonds and white gold

Diamond “D” col l e ct io n

anello cupIdo n Brillanti in varie carature e oro bianco n Various carat Diamonds and white gold

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oReccHInI tuRbante n Diamanti vari tagli e oro bianco n Various shape’s Diamonds and white gold

oReccHInI scudo eleGant n Diamanti vari tagli e oro bianco n Various shape’s Diamonds and white gold

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solItaRI aRound me n Brillanti in varie carature e oro bianco n Various carat Diamonds and white gold

FedIne Wave n Brillanti in varie carature e oro bianco n Various carat Diamonds and white gold

tennIs ReGIna n Brillanti in varie carature e oro bianco n Various carat Diamonds and white gold


co l l e ct io n

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parure reverse skin n Onice, Moonstone, Brillanti, Galuchat e oro bianco n Onyx, Moonstone, Diamonds, Galuchat and white gold

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anello reverse gold n Ametista, Zaffiri rosa, Brillanti e oro rosa n Amethyst, pink Sapphires, Diamonds and pink gold

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orecchini reverse skin n Ametiste, Zaffiri rosa, Brillanti, Galuchat e oro rosa n Amethyst, pink Sapphires, Diamonds, Galuchat and pink gold

bracciali reverse skin n Quarzo Fumè, Citrino, Brillanti, Galuchat e oro vari colori n Smoky Quartz, Cetrine, Diamonds, Galuchat and different colors of gold

anellI ReveRse skIn n Pietre Semipreziose, Brillanti, Galuchat e oro vari colori n Semiprecious Stone, Diamonds ,Galuchat and different colors of gold

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anelli reverse gold n Pietre Semipreziose, Brillanti e oro bianco n Semiprecious Stone, Diamonds and white gold

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cIondolI ReveRse n Pietre Semipreziose, Zaffiri, Brillanti e oro vari colori n Semiprecious Stone, Sapphires, Diamonds and different colors of gold


co l l e ct io n

anello daRk ebony n Zaffiri, Brillanti e oro bianco n Sapphires, Diamonds and white gold

paRuRe daRk ebony n Zaffiri, Brillanti e oro vari colori n Sapphires, Diamonds and different colors of gold

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paRuRe daRk ebony n Acquemarine, Ametiste, Zaffiri, Brillanti e oro bianco n Aquamarine, Amethyst, Sapphires, Diamonds and white gold

bRaccIalI saHaRa n Perle Australiane e Tahiti, Brillanti e oro bianco n Australian and tahitian Pearls, Diamonds and white gold

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paRuRe saHaRa n Perle Australiane, Brillanti e oro bianco n Australian Pearls, Diamonds and white gold


col l e ct io n

anello squaRe GalucHat n Quarzo Lemon, Peridoti, Ametiste, Brillanti, Galuchat e oro bianco n lemon Quartz, Peridot, Amethyst, Diamonds, Galuchat and white gold

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cIondolo concentRIc n Agata bianca, Peridoti, Ametiste, Brillanti e oro bianco n white Agate, Peridot, Amethyst, Diamonds and white gold

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parure square galuchat n Ametiste, Acquemarine, Brillanti, Galuchat e oro rosa n Amethyst, Aquamarine, Diamonds, Galuchat and pink gold

cIondolo concentRIc n Agata bianca, Citrini, Peridoti, Brillanti e oro bianco n white Agate, citrine, Peridot, Diamonds and white gold

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paRuRe squaRe n Citrini, Peridoti, Brillanti e oro bianco n citrine, Peridot, Diamonds and white gold

orecchini concentric n Ametiste, Acquemarine, Brillanti e oro bianco n Amethyst, Aquamarine, Diamonds and white gold

anelli random n Citrini, Ametista, Peridoti, Zaffiri, Brillanti e oro vari colori n Citrine, Amethyst, Peridot, Sapphires, Diamonds and different colors of gold

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anellI vulcano n Pietre Semipreziose, Zaffiri, Brillanti e oro vari colori n Semiprecious Stone, Sapphires, Diamonds and different colors of gold

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paRuRe IndIan lemon n Quarzi Lemon, Brillanti e oro bianco n lemon Quartz, Diamonds and white gold

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io mi chiamo my name is


Baby Girl co l l e ct io n

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io mi chiamo my name is


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baby GIRl stone n Pietre semopreziose, Rubini, Brillanti e oro vari colori n Semiprecious Stone, Rubies, Diamonds and different colors of gold

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baby GIRl Gold n Brillanti e oro vari colori n Diamonds and different colors of gold

Creare gioielli per noi non è solo un mestiere, ma un’arte antica, che esercitiamo con passione da tre generazioni. E’ questo lo spirito che anima ogni nostra creazione, che nasce da una rivisitazione in chiave moderna del gioiello classico. E’ il connubio tra preziosità e buon gusto, tra estro e cura del dettaglio, ad averci fatto diventare sinonimo di originalità e ricercatezza. La nostra missione è di rendere reali desideri di chi cerca qualcosa di unico e personalizzato. L’inclinazione naturale a proporre gioielli di classe, e originali allo stesso tempo, è stata la chiave del nostro successo anche all’estero, dove continuiamo a riscontrare un interesse e un consenso in crescita costante.

For us create jewelry is not only a job, but an ancient art which we exercise with passion for three generations. This is the spirit behind each creation, which comes from a modern interpretation of classic jewelry. It ‘s the combination of preciosity and good taste, between creativity and attention to detail, that made us become synonymous with originality and sophistication. Our mission is to make real desires of those looking for something unique and personalized. The natural inclination to propose jewelry class, and original at the same time, has been the key to our success abroad, where we continue to see an interest and a consensus in constant growth.

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FOTOGRAFIA Matteo Falcone PROG. GRAFICO & Impag. Cristian de Nardis Stylist/image maker Marianna Zambenedetti Modella Martina Santini STAMPA Miligraf Roma

Special guest: Aleksandra Janas

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