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Gianmatteo Costanza
Gianmatteo Costanza is a Senior Technical Program Manager for Meta in San Francisco, California. In addition to being a well-established developer and team leader, he is also a successful entrepreneur. Gianmatteo’s first venture was in high school in Zurich, Switzerland. He and some friends co-founded a web design firm called 4nexus the webarchitects. They primarily designed websites initially, but their talents soon let the company evolve into web-based solutions for small- and medium-sized business clients, a hosting company, and software solutions for financial applications. This experience allowed Gianmatteo to explore his multiple talents as a project manager, accountant, designer, and developer. Gianmatteo has always been interested in the communications industry, mainly digital media. After choosing a job as a journalist for a local newspaper, he decided to study Communications at USI Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, Switzerland. Gianmatteo became heavily involved with student organizations and the school paper while enrolled. As he became more interested in the technical aspect of media, Gianmatteo Costanza opted to switch majors to study computer science. He was drawn to ETH Zürich because it is highly regarded as one of the leading technical universities in Europe and ranked among the top universities in the world. During his years at the university, Gianmatteo was actively involved in the student’s association and found himself skilled at organizing and preparing events, such as the yearly CS Career Fair. Overall, Gianmatteo fondly regards his academic years as demanding and rewarding, giving him a strong foundation in science, engineering, and critical thinking. Never one to miss an opportunity, Gianmatteo spent his summers learning about his industry of choice. As a freelancer for surfEU.com, he worked as a journalist and web designer for the popular web portal.