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starve to death suffer (or die) because you don’t have enough food destroy sth break sth completely so it can't be used again disaster a very bad event, causing harm or death tidal wave a very large ocean wave collapse fall to the ground evacuate sb move sb away from a dangerous place crucial very important rescue sb take sb from a dangerous place to safety maintain sth make sth continue at a certain level supply (N) an amount of sth that you need be trapped

If sb is trapped, they are inside sth and cannot get out



Words/ Phrases

Meanings savoury pleasant, slightly salty or with herbs tastless no flavor at all greasy oily, too much oil, fat over-cooked, overdone to cook food for longer than necessary, reducing its quality as a result under-cooked, under-done not cooked enough stodgy heavy, hard to digest be done to a turn perfect, not overdone season (v) add herbs/ spices/ salt/ pepper junk food food which is not good for you fizzy drink a drink containing small bubbles of gas cut down on sth have less of sth a balanced diet all the right food the body needs a bad diet too much of the wrong food

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