1 minute read


go on a diet eat less to lose weight recipe a set of instructions for stock water with added flavour of meat, fish, or vegetables plaque unwanted substance that forms on the surface of the arteries offal organs from inside animals which are eaten as food (brains, heart, kidneys, liver) fibre substances in food that travels through the body as waste, helping digestion mood enhancer hormone that makes you feel happier

Some food words with different meanings make a meal of sth spend more time doing sth than is necessary don't count your chickens don’t be too conlident that sth will be successful, because it may go wrong breadwinner a person who supports their family with money they earn eat your words admit that sth you said was wrong a fish out of water a person who feels uneasy and out of place in their surroundings go pear-shaped go badly wrong and be very unsuccessful



Words/ Phrases Meanings take/do/sit an exam resit an exam take an exam again because you did badly first time school-leaving age the lowest age at which a person can leave school grant an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose further education education below the level of a university degree for people who have left school

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