victoria university of wellington school of design
lee gibson
studio teaching
studio teaching
feedback + critique
‘I must be stupid cause I couldn’t figure it out…’
tim brown / ideo
Syndicating The Design Studio: Can a virtual design studio compliment or possibly replace traditional design teaching?
research question
ƒSignificant difficulty moving between the two. ƒCan lead to a disconnection from real world constraints of form, proportion, material, and scale.
virtual studio
ツア large amount of verbal feedback/discussion that does not get recorded, and is therefore forgotten. ツオnefficient model - a lot of repetition. ツウxpensive model (tutors and space)
traditional studio
Most commonly translated as ‘really simple syndication’ but sometimes ‘rich site summary’ is a way to publish frequently updated works – such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video – in a standardised format. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically.
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Students are very demanding (technically/design); •Hard to locate stuff •Difficult to upload/adjust images (auto re-size) •‘Feature rich, but cumbersome’ •Why be on-site for digital submissions •Need to ‘deliver content’ and allow instant feedback
What I know… We are not going to attempt to build a system when it has already been done far better.
Encouraging comments; •Great to see process •Great to ‘compare’ •Feedback and comments from others •Instant portfolio •Forces you to really think about images/words used •More integration between real/virtual ‘the better!’ •Great to see previous work •Active designers so use a ‘designed’ system