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At Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty,we have everything in place to deliver like no one else We?ll work with you as a true partner and guide you through each step of your journey. This brief presentation will show a comprehensive plan,including the mobilization of our resources and partnerships to reach the right audience of buyers.
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A consummate people person, Jill Michaud thrives in partnering and connecting with her clients, developing strategies for success, and ensuring they make buying and selling decisions that work best for them and their families For Jill, every engagement is not merely a one-time transaction, but an opportunity to forge a lifelong client relationship. Combined with her values of honesty and transparency, Jill brings a strategic mindset to every transaction that understands financial considerations, the competitive North Shore market, and how best to position her clients to achieve their real estate goals Before joining the real estate field, Jill honed her organization and communications skills in a business development role, a career she credits with her ability to develop creative marketing strategies and deliver elite client service at all times Today, Jill draws upon her client service skills, marketing expertise, and extensive referral network to lead her buyers and sellers to their dream home or next phase in life. A lifelong North Shore resident with strong ties to the community, Jill is passionate about the area?s future and growth She currently serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce In addition, Jill is a six-year Board of Directors member
of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and Danvers Education Enrichment Partners, dedicating time to participate in committee meetings for various events each year. Backed by both the industry-leading real estate tools at Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty and a sterling rolodex of industry partners, Jill is equipped to offer buyers and sellers a superior level of client resources Jill?s love for the culture, hospitality, and site-seeing Boston offers has also shaped her expert knowledge of the city?s unique neighborhoods, making her a sought-after resource for buyers and new arrivals, as well as for those seeking recommendations for the city's best new restaurants and shops When she is not serving her clients, Jill can be found exploring the city?s streets and taking full advantage of Boston?s renowned cultural attractions Jill is proud to be socially and civically minded She is an avid contributor to her local food pantries, women?s heart health programs, The Make-A-Wish Foundation, and The Veterans of Foreign Wars Jill holds an Associate?s Degree in Optometry and Management from Newbury College in Brookline, Massachusetts She has resided in Danvers, Massachusetts for over ten years
978 766 8064 Global

Thereviewsspeakfor themselves
RAY & NORAH SULLIVAN"Jill Michaudisfabulousto work with! Weworkedwithher whenit wastimetosell our homeinIpswich.Throughout theprocessJill wasthe consummateprofessional.She developedagreat gameplanfor usandswasready,willingand abletodowhatever it took. Alwaysmadeherself available for showingsandworked diligentlytokeepusuponwhat washappeninginthe marketplace.Shehasagreat eye for detail andofferedgreat adviceonhow toshow our homeinthebest light.Jill was alwaystheretoanswer even far-flungquestionsregarding themove.Therewasnodetail shedidn? t takecareof right downtotheclosingdate.We wouldhighlyrecommend workingwithJill!"
KENNETH BEZOZO"Youdidanexcellent, top-notchjobsellingthishouse fromthefirst timeI interviewedyouandcontinuing all thewaythroughtheclosing of thehousesale.Someof my favoritepointsincludeyou answeredvirtuallyeverycall I madetoyouimmediately,even if youwereotherwisebusy.You weretypicallyoneor twosteps aheadof meonmakingsure thingsgot done.Youmarshaled your knowledgeandcontacts andthoseof theGibson
Sotheby'scompanyandwithin afew dayshadafull list of serviceandtradespeoplewho cametothehousetobidon different aspectsof thework that neededtobedone.This shouldhavetakenweeksto accomplishbut youcausedthis tohappenindaysinthewinter, whenmanyworkersdonot want tobebothered."
"Jill isafirst-raterealtor.She foundour daughter andher husbandtheperfect home, andwedecidedtoask her to findaveryspecifichousefor us.Withalonglist of ?must haves,?Jill wasontopof all thelistingsandimmediately availabletoanswer our calls, textsandemails.Shemade appointmentsfor usat the earliest availableandthen helpedguideusthrougha stressful,competitive biddingprocess.Afterward, Jill helpedusthroughthe closingandmoving procedureswithkindness andskill.Wethoroughly enjoyedworkingwithJill andrecommendher highly."
LISETTE MARQUIS"I hadJill Michaudasmy agent sellingmybuilding.I havenever hadanybody cateredtomyneedsas muchasJill didinany situation.Alwaysvery pleasant,ontimeandvery caringof myneeds.I have alreadyrecommendedher toafew people.I try generallynot to recommendfor obvious reasons,however,I don't hesitateonebit tobrag about how goodof a realtor sheis.Takemy wordfor it.Thank you."
Our local heritage began in 1962, when Betty Gibson, esteemed South End local and our pioneering founder, established our flagship office in Boston?s South End neighborhood Gibson was instrumental in developing the growth and desirability of not only the South End, but the city of Boston as a whole
Today, Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty is Massachusetts' leading independently owned brokerage with 30 offices and more than 500 associates serving Boston, Greater Boston, the MetroWest, North Shore, South Shore, South Coast, Cape Cod, Nantucket, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island
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At Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty, we understand that each property and seller is unique, so we offer you an exclusive tailor-made strategy. We execute that strategy by combining our vast experience, innovative technology, and unmatched global reach to attract the attention of the most qualified buyers around the world.

Yourcommunity isourcommunity
For more than 60 years, Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty has been the leading brokerage in the real estate markets spanning Eastern Massachusetts We are an integral part of our communities? we know the neighborhoods, schools, and shops from the inside out to sell potential buyers on the value of the area Better yet, we know and understand the people that make up these communities. It is this deep sense of place shared with our clients that sets us apart

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Over the last two centuries, Sotheby?s auction house has built an iconic brand with unparalleled prestige. Today, Sotheby?s International Realty builds on its legacy with the auction house by offering the same elevated standards and exemplary service. We harness the global power of the Sotheby?s name and its proprietary database of 700,000 clients to create unique opportunities and introduce your property to the most qualified buyers all around the world.
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Our press office possesses strong relationships with leading national and international media outlets who drive buyers to our website and your property We are the most profiled luxury real estate brand in the news

You?llseetheresults astheyunfold
We provide data on the web traffic for your listing and the number of showings. This helps steer the sales strategy along the way and guide informed decisions.

Trust builds alastingrelationship
Thank you again for this opportunity to share our qualifications We would love to work with you and show you why we?ve earned the trust of so many clients. Trust, of course, is all about comfort It?s about feeling at home Which is exactly how we want you to feel all the way to your new one
One of the world?s most trusted and respected brands
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