
?It?s amazing how well this home worked out for all of us.I?d been searching for months for the perfect three bedroom house when I realized that I really wanted one that would eventually accommodate my aging parents.Adding the two bedroom in-law suite to this single story gem was exactly what we needed to keep us all under one roof. So much thought went into the renovations.The architect?s insight?s made sure every detail catered to Mom and Dad?s comfort and needs, like separate bedrooms for both of them Having their own entrance,kitchen and deck meant they could come and go,even have visitors,without feeling like they were intruding on our space And the exercise room turned out to be perfect for all of us: yoga,weights,physical therapy It was such a great idea?Now this perfect Newburyport home is ready for the next family With plenty of room for a pool,a pickleball court or a swing set,maybe your story is waiting to unfold right here on Turkey Hill Road
3 Bedrooms
2F2H Bathrooms
31,798Sq.Ft. Lot Size
2 Garage Parking
$10,874 Taxes/ Yr


