Thank you for the opportunity to show you the difference Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty can make as your partner.
Our job is to make selling your home easier from start to finish And we have the experience and expertise to do just that.What we?d like you to remember is simply this: Together,we will succeed
At Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty,we have everything in place to deliver like no one else We?ll work with you as a true partner and guide you through each step of your journey. This brief presentation will show a comprehensive plan,including the mobilization of our resources and partnerships to reach the right audience of buyers.
Thank you once again for your consideration We would be honored to represent you.
Rachael Staab
After a rewarding career in Social Work and numerous moves across the country with her family,Rachael Staab seamlessly blended her passion for helping people with her love for real estate.Armed with her MSWand a deep understanding of the emotional journey behind buying or selling a home,Rachael brings a unique and empathetic approach to every transaction.
Starting as a Marketing Coordinator with Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty,she quickly fell in love with the industry and became a dedicated realtor.Her enthusiasm is contagious,and her personal experience navigating home purchases allows her to truly understand her clients?needs and concerns Whether helping clients find their dream home or marketing their property, Rachael is a trusted advisor,combining her strong ethical sense,attention to detail,and superior communication skills
Living on the South Shore of Massachusetts, Rachael cherishes the area's coastal beauty, strong sense of community,and top-rated schools A certified Ninja Seller,she is committed to making each real estate journey smooth, enjoyable,and successful When she?s not working with clients,you can find her boating with her family, volunteering at local events,or enjoying the great outdoors With a love for interior design,cooking, gardening,and exploring new places,Rachael is always ready to share her passion for living life fully? both in and outside of the home
Rachael Staab@GibsonSIR com
703 5070354
Real Estate Advisor
Ashley Brennan
As a lifelong resident of the South Shore,Ashley leverages her insider knowledge to help clients find the perfect property in their desired neighborhood She utilizes cutting-edge internet marketing strategies to ensure maximum exposure for sellers,reaching the widest pool of qualified buyers.
With an extensive international background, Ashley brings a unique perspective to real estate She has earned her Graduate Realtor®Institute designation,holds a Broker license,and is an Accredited Buyer?s Representative,giving her a well-rounded expertise in the industry. Additionally,as a Notary Public,she provides extra value and convenience to her clients throughout the transaction process
Why choose Ashley as your real estate agent? She truly listens to her clients and works tirelessly on their behalf Her competitive nature? honed from years as a collegiate basketball player? drives her to negotiate fiercely and advocate relentlessly She is committed to making the buying or selling process as smooth and stress-free as possible Before her career in real estate,Ashley earned a Bachelor?s Degree in Administration of Justice from Salve Regina University and went on to receive her Master?s with a concentration in International Law She now resides in Hingham with her husband and two sons.In her free time, she enjoys photography, reading,traveling,party planning,and hockey.
Ashley.Brennan@GibsonSIR.com 781844 5302
Global Real Estate Advisor
"Rachaelisanexceptional realtorwhoconsistentlygoes aboveandbeyondfortheir clients.Sheisreliable, professional,andapleasureto workwith.I highly recommendhertoanyonein needofastellarrealtor. WorkingwithRachelhas alwaysbeenapositive experience,andI look forwardtomanymore successfultransactions together."
"SueandI cannot thank youenoughfor helpingus exploreandsuccessfully sell our homeso quickly.Wefelt likewe've knownyoufor yearsasyou soquicklyinstilleduswith asenseof trust;which madeworkingwithyouso mucheasier.Youmadethis suchagood, painfree experiencefor usandwe want youtoknow just how muchweappreciateyou for that."
"Rachael wasaliteral lifesaver duringour homebuyingprocess. Theysaynot tocramtoomanybig lifeeventsintotooshort atime span- well,myhusbandandI decidedtodothepolar opposite. Wehadour son,thenmoved internationallywithhimonly3 monthsold,whilelookingfor jobs andanew placetocall home. Rachael kept ussanethroughout thehomebuyingprocess,and helpedfilter throughthemadness tofindtheperfect homefor our family.Wenow arelivingablock fromthebeachinahouseI would haveonlydreamedof before meetingRachael! I cannot recommendher enough- nomatter what kindof homeyouarelooking for,Rachael?sskill inorganization andcommunicationwill makethe processsomuchmoreenjoyable, andyouwill endupwithahomeso perfect youalsowill hardlybelieve it!"
"WearepleasedtocommendAshley Brennanonthepersonality,positive professional attitudeandtenacityit took tosell our historichomeinNorwell. Massachusetts.Ashleywasthethirdreal estateagent wecontractedinthetwo yearsit took tosell our house.We're convincedthat if Ashleywereour agent fromtheoutset thehousewouldhave beensoldinafractionof that timeand for ahigher price.Her legal,marketing andpersonal skillswontheday.Assoon aswesignedour contract withAshley shescheduledopenhousesalmost every weekend.Assoonasprospectivebuyers showedinterest,Ashleydevelopeda relationshipwiththemandpursuedthat relationshiptoitsconclusion.It was Ashley'sdoggedpursuit that earnedour respect.Further,Ashleykept us informedof everyprospect andevery development at everyturn.Through phonecalls,text messagesandemailswe wereoftenindailycommunicationwith her.Sellingone'shouseisahighly emotional undertakingandour constant contact withher wasverycomforting. December 24thand31st wereboth pivotal daysinour negotiationsandwe exchangedphonecallsonboth ChristmasEveandNew Year'sEve. Ashleydidwhat it takes,shehaswhat it takes,andweareforever grateful for her skill andefforts."
"Ashleymadethehome buyingprocesseffortless andeasy.Shewasavailable everystep of thewayandwent above andbeyondfor us.Shewas abletoassist uswithevery thingfromfindingapainter tofindingaplumber - even after her jobwasdone.We weresothrilledwithher."
"For thepast four years,I havebeentotally impressedbythe professionalismthat Ashley Brennanhasdemonstrated. Throughout our multiple transactionstogether, Ashleyhasbeen hardworking,positiveand easytocommunicatewith. I unreservedlytrust her abilitytomanageall of my real estateneedsandhighly recommendworkingwith Ashley.I giveher afive-star ratingfor ajobwell done."
At Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty, we understand that each property and seller is unique,so we offer you an exclusive tailor-made strategy We execute that strategy by combining our vast experience,innovative technology, and unmatched global reach to attract the attention of the most qualified buyers around the world
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Our local heritage began in 1962,when Betty Gibson,esteemed South End local and our pioneering founder, established our flagship office in Boston?s South End neighborhood Gibson was instrumental in developing the growth and desirability of not only the South End,but the city of Boston as a whole
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