Prepared By: Amy Mizner Senior Global Real Estate Advisor

ExceptionalService fromStart toClose
Our commitment has always been to curate an exceptional experience for our clients ? one that is characterized by excellence, integrity, and professionalism Whether you are embarking on your first home purchase, transitioning from another region or country, exploring real estate options, or seeking out-of-state opportunities,it is essential to align yourself with experts Our team of experienced Real Estate Agents understands your unique requirements We possess an in-depth grasp of our local markets, fortified by an extensive global network, and are committed to providing our clients with comprehensive advice and strategy Gibson Sotheby's International Realty has prepared this Buyer Guide to provide you with a keen understanding of the crucial components and choices available to buyers during the purchasing process Our purpose is to inform and guide you through each phase of this journey.

NavigatingtheHome PurchaseProcess

YourTrustedReal EstateAgent
Buying a home is typically one of the largest investments you will make and will have a lasting impact for years to come. Our team of trusted Real Estate Agents will expertly guide you through the many intricacies of buying a home and help you to avoid costly mistakes
Leverage t he Sot heby's Int ernat ional Realt y®Brand
Sotheby's International Realty®is a globally recognized brand that lends credibility to your offers and elevates your representation. Our success is defined by our deep commitment to our clients. This trust has been built over 270 years of Sotheby'sselling their clients' most valuable treasures
Navigat ing t he Home Purchase Process
Having an experienced professional in your corner offers a competitive advantage when searching for your home and accessing local resources A Real Estate Agent?s broad perspective can provide a stabilizing force to assist you through what can be a challenging,but ultimately rewarding,process

BenefitsofExclusive BuyerRepresentation
Your Gibson Sotheby's International Realty Agent will prepare a contract outlining our services so we can commit to assisting you with your home purchase transaction As your exclusive buyer representative, we will guide you through the home purchase experience from start to close Below is an overview of how we demonstrate value and contribute to a successful purchase
- Provide an overview of the current market dynamics and challenges
- Create a purchase strategy
- Assist with procuring financing by referring you to lenders with a successful track record
- Evaluate purchase price range
- Set up listing alerts with MLS or RealScout
- Schedule property tours,both privately and open houses
- Provide access to Off-Market,Coming Soon and Office Exclusives,as available
- Review disclosures and reports on selected homes
- Evaluate and negotiate the offer
- Recommend vendors for inspections In Massachusetts, a Real Estate Agent can only provide a licensed home inspector referral if the agent exclusively represents the Buyer
- Recommend a Closing Attorney
Prior to joining Gibson Sotheby's International Realty, Amy Mizner was a founding Principal and Broker of Benoit Mizner Simon & Co. with offices located in Weston, Wellesley, Needham, and Sudbury As a top producing real estate broker with over $1Billion in sales, Amy's vision and integrity keep her on the leading edge of the luxury residential real estate market. Amy utilizes bold and strategic marketing while embracing the latest technology to service her clientele. Her background, producing and directing award-winning television commercials, enables her to develop an innovative and fresh approach for each and every listing. From first time home buyers to celebrities and CEOs, Amy's ability to skillfully navigate the real estate process from beginning to end has been the trademark of her success
Amy Mizner has recently elevated her brand to the next level of service by combining forces with Will Montero Although powerful in their own right, their collaboration in forming Mizner + Montero provides a unique ?Urban-Suburban?connection
Mizner + Montero is the number one team in Weston and Back Bay and ranks #7 in the state of Massachusetts This partnership allows a distinct edge in the luxury market by providing a combination of unparalleled expertise and strategy in
an expansive marketplace The collaboration of a winning team with a laser-focused vision on service and performance makes all the difference Amy has been a featured speaker at Bentley University's Entrepreneurial Thinking Summit and her real estate expertise is often sought out by news sources such as CNBC, Fox25, Boston Business Journal, Banker & Tradesman and the Boston Globe She was recognized by the Boston Business Journal with the prestigious Women of FIRE award, an achievement given to the top 20 women leaders in finance, insurance and real estate in Massachusetts as well as Boston Magazine's, Top 100 Women Led Business Award in 2019 The Wall Street Journal & Real Trends The Thousand and America's Best recognized Amy Mizner as one of the top real estate teams nationwide Charitable and non-profit involvement includes Horizons for Homeless Children and the CJP of Greater Boston
Amy?s strength in forging relationships and extending her networking sphere results in her proven success. Her manner of conducting business with passion, drive, experience and expertise is what makes Amy shine and explains why she remains at the top of the luxury market year after year
Senior Global Real Estate Advisor
Mizner + Montero Team

Specializing in multi-million dollar properties, William Montero has achieved more than $2 billion in career sales with a focus on discretion, sophistication and peerless client service Will consistently outperforms his clients? expectations with a data-driven approach and an unequaled understanding of the market, enabling him to set numerous sales records and source off-market opportunities across Massachusetts Many of the most desirable properties in Boston are sold off market, and through his local and global network, Will offers his top-tier clientele access to qualified buyers and an exclusive selection of listings not found anywhere else In 2020, Will and colleague Amy Mizner established Mizner + Montero, a
unique partnership between two reputable leaders in Massachusetts' luxury real estate market The alliance was formed with the intention of bringing together two top real estate advisors with expertise spanning the urban and suburban markets, taking the home search process from daunting and overwhelming to personalized and exciting Because Will and Amy deliver the same impeccable level of service, there is not only inherent trust, but constant collaboration With this partnership, Will sold more than $128 million in property in 2020 and is able to better serve his clients as they navigate their real estate goals? from the city to the suburbs and beyond
Senior Global Real Estate Advisor Mizner + Montero Team
William.Montero@GibsonSIR.com 617.312.7232


Aphrodite Karpouzis
508 5619552| Aphrodite Karpouzis@GibsonSIR com
With years of experience in the luxury real estate market, Aphrodite brings unparalleled expertise and attention to every transaction She possesses an expansive network of buyers, sellers, brokers, builders and developers in Boston and its surrounding suburbs, helping her stay on the cutting-edge of the ever-changing market This foundation, coupled with her outgoing personality, tireless energy, and unwavering determination, ensures her clients receive the information they need to make informed decisions
Attia Linnard
617233 6306 |
Attia Linnard@GibsonSIR
Attia has lived in Weston for almost 2 decades and has been an active member of the Weston community from the moment she arrived Her passion for education led her to devote her time and energy to the schools and larger community in a variety of capacities As an elected member of Weston?s School Committee, district PTO president, member of the Weston Soccer Club Board of Directors, and Executive Board member of the Weston Children's Community Association, Attia has been able to connect with a variety of people in a meaningful and significant way, leading her to develop and hone the skills required for success

Christina Santangelo 617593 0889 | ChristinaS@GibsonSIR com
When it comes to home buying, selling, and design projects, Christina consistently exceeds her clients?expectations Christina?s passion for real estate began 20 years ago when she developed an integral role in her family?s construction company, assisting in the design, floor plan creation, and sourcing of materials for new development projects She learned first-hand how to juggle the complexities of construction projects and to consistently produce superior results

Yue Yu 617306 7920 | YueYu@GibsonSIR com
Yue Yu strives to be a relentless advocate for her clients and takes great pride in client satisfaction She is a highly energetic, detail-oriented, and passionate agent. She understands what home means for a newcomer and appreciates the joys of bringing up a family in the MetroWest region Yue?s passion for real estate began in Shanghai as one of the leading agents in a Chinese real estate company After graduating from Northeastern, she became involved in the real estate business as a representative of investors from Asia and Europe

Wendy Ligouris 617939 1362 | Wendy Ligouris@GibsonSIR com
With over two decades of expertise as an award winning sales-design consultant in the kitchen and bath industry, Wendy Ligouris leapt at the chance to join the Mizner Network Drawing upon her extensive background in servicing high-end trade professionals, Wendy's transition to the real estate industry comes with a wealth of knowledge and a keen eye for the intricate details that make a property truly exceptional

Robert Cataldo 7817714955 | Robert Cataldo@GibsonSIR com
Robert comes from a lineage of developers, builders, and business owners He has been involved in the real estate, construction, and development industry from a young age and brings 16 plus years of experience His projects have included small home renovations and remodels and luxury new construction builds, as well as building biopharmaceutical labs and a large scale project at Logan International Airport. His involvement in a diverse portfolio has brought an additional layer of value and insight to each transaction
Thereviewsspeakfor themselves
Weston, Massachusetts
"WewholeheartedlyrecommendAmyMizner andher teamfor residential real estatebroker services.WehaveknownAmysincewesold our first Westonhouse,andpurchasedour secondWestonhousefifteen yearsago.WhenwedecidedtoleaveWestonlatelast year,basedonour prior great experiences,Amywasthebroker wecalledtodiscussour plansandwhat thebest approachwasfor our wonderful home.Our recent sale,occurredwithout evenlistingthehouseonMLS(our preference).Throughher network of contactsintheindustry,shemade surethat theright potential buyersheardof theproperty,eventhough not listed,andgeneratedanacceptableoffer within4/5monthsof being giventhelisting,closing3monthslater.Weview thissaleasavery successful outcomefor usgiventheproperty.Inadditiontodelivering that outcome,Amyfoundusgreat rental optionsinBostonfor usto maintainasaBostonbasepost sale.Shesuccessfullynegotiatedour current Bostoncondorental inatimeframethat allowedfor asmooth movefor our family.Wearedelightedwithour new homebase."Amyis terrific,providesgoodadvice,arealisticassessment of themarket,and handlestheups/downsof negotiationswithgreat understanding, sophisticationandempathyfor thesellers.Inour most recent sale,she managedtheprocesstoreachour desiredoutcomeevenwithasomewhat oddbuyer andbroker ontheother sideof thenegotiation.Sheisvery experiencedandnothingphasedher! Importantly,Amytreatedusas partnersandfriends,anddefinitelyactedinour best interests throughout.Inaddition,Amyissupportedbyastrongteamthat handled all theother itemsinthesaleprocess,suchasescortingthepotential buyer?sinspectors,radontests,obtainingwater meter readings,andthe manyother miscellaneousadministrativeitemsneededfor acomplete sale.TheMizner teamwasprompt intheir communication,didnot miss anappointment,andprovidedplentyof noticefor usof theactivitygoing onandwhat wehadtodobywhen.Theymadetheprocessstressfree. WewouldabsolutelyuseAmyandher teamagainif buyingor rentingin thegreater Bostonarea."
Weston Massachusetts
"ThisistorecognizeAmyMizner andtoprovideareferencefor her.I haveworkedwithAmy since2013.Inthat time,I sold3 homesthroughher asmyseller?s broker,andI purchased3homes asmybuyer?sbroker.Ineach deal,Amydemonstrated extraordinaryintuitioncoupled withskill anduseof relationship. Shewashighlycommunicative withmeabout prospectiveoffers. Shewasskillful withenticing prospectivepurchasers,andhas shownher eyefor modest priced homeenhancementsthat can movetheneedletofetchinga significantlyhigher offer.Most importantly,though,Amyhas deepandenduringrelationshipin therealtor community.Shegets dealsdonewithawordor witha merehandshakeor aknowing nod.It isthoseprofound relationshipsandher abilityto intuitivelyknow how toposition her client?sgoalstoget thebest outcome,that keepmecoming back toAmyMizner for every oneof myreal estatedeals.I am anattorney,andI know thevalue of intuitionandrelationshipsin closingadeal.Amyhasthat very intuitionthat shecoupleswith her strongrelationshipsfor the successof her clients.Thisisa definingset of traitsandit distinguishesher fromothers. Sheismyoneandonlyrealtor."
Weston, Massachusetts
?Amyhashelpedmewith multiple,significant house purchasesandsales.I describe her astheMichael Jordanof Westonreal estatebecauseshe reallyisthebest. Sheknowsthe market better thananyone,she hasyearsof experienceinthe market that shebringstobear, sheworkstirelesslyfor her clientsgoingfar abovewhat you seefromother agents,andshe?s agreat andsavvynegotiator wholistenstoher clientsand closesdeals. She?salsojust a great personandapleasureto work with. I haverecommended her tofriendsandall havebeen veryimpressed.?
Our Trusted Network agents are committed to acting as a TRUSTED ADVISORto their own clients as well as those referred by brokers within the Sotheby?s International Realty network As a client of this group of leading real estate experts you have access to the expertise of dozens of members AROUND THE WORLD representing best in class properties and the HIGHEST LEVEL OFSERVICEto their clients
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HighlyCuratedNetworkof Agents
Clients have access to the expertise of dozens of OTN members around the world representing best in class properties and the highest level of service.Experience and deep local knowledge are what we promise
Our website showcases all OTN agent listings giving your property exclusive reach that no other agents can provide.This online presence extends across all OTN social media channels as their followers and global reach grow daily
LINK is Boston?s MLS, and includes the most comprehensive data on downtown Boston residential condominiums, townhouses,and buildings As LINK subscribers,Amy and Will have access to all available and sold property data, and all broker or public open houses, which are also published weekly in Boston Homes magazine

Our local heritage began in 1962, when Betty Gibson, esteemed South End local and our pioneering founder, established our flagship office in Boston?s South End neighborhood Gibson was instrumental in developing the growth and desirability of not only the South End, but the city of Boston as a whole Today, Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty is Massachusetts' leading independently owned brokerage with 27 offices and more than 450 associates throughout Boston, Greater Boston, MetroWest, the North Shore, South Shore, South Coast and Cape Cod
Specializing in residential sales and rentals at all price points, our team offers a world of advantages to our clients? including a heritage of hyper-local expertise, a reputation for delivering white glove service, and numerous tools and resources that empower you to meet your goals
Gibson Sotheby?s International Realty
544 Boston Post Road Weston, MA 02493


What toExpect onYour InitialConsultation
An initial meeting is important to understand your home-buying needs and to develop a strategy to help you successfully make a purchase
Underst anding your real est at e goals
- Purchase time frame
- Past experience with real estate purchasing
- Risk tolerance
- Financing and stage of pre-approval,if a loan is needed
Refining propert y search crit eria
- Location and neighborhood
- Price range
- Size of home,style,amenities
- Specific requirements and non-negotiables
- Condition of home and flexibility to make improvements
- School districts, commute,neighborhood amenities and distances to such amenities

First Stepstoa SuccessfulPurchase
Each home buying journey is unique, just like our clients The following is a list of some of the items our Real Estate Agents can assist you with that may be part of your home purchase process.
Financing Assist ance
Financing and good lender relationships are important Our Agents can:
- Provide a list of Lenders who can pre-approve you and confirm the purchase price range
- Suggest that you obtain loan pre-approval subject to the property selection
- Collaborate with Lender on any Bridge Loan so you can buy before you sell
- Provide any requested contract documentation
- Show the property to the Appraiser and provide supporting comparable sales information

Our Real Estate Agents view properties regularly, follow local market dynamics and are here to guide you in finding the right home.Your Agent can:
- Set up automated listing alerts that meet your search criteria
- Present Off-Market or Pre-Market listings as they arise
- Communicate with Listing Agents to schedule and set up private showings
- Map out and tour properties together
- Recommend properties that are available to view at open houses
- Provide monthly Market Reports
- Review the pros and cons of each home after viewing


Your Agent can help you assess how your selected property compares to others on the market and to homes recently sold. One benefit of having a trusted Real Estate Agent is their familiarity with required disclosures, recommendations for inspectors and experience with reviewing reports
- Your Agent will request the Disclosure Package, if any,and other necessary information from the Listing Agent
- Discuss with your Agent any additional inspections or reports and determine the time frame for needed contingencies
- If the home is in an HOA,and the Seller has not provided the HOA documents,your Agent can explain the typical timing of the process to receive and review the documents
- Recommend a Closing Attorney experienced in real estate transactions and Title issues
When you locate a property that meets your needs, your Agent will provide a market analysis and strategy to assist you in determining an offer price and terms,and then negotiate on your behalf
- Communicate with the Listing Agent to get the best information possible about competing offers and Sellers' preferences regarding terms and the timeline for offer submission
- Review comparable sales and discuss the price and terms that can best position your offer
- Prepare a compelling offer with the relevant addenda and disclosures,and submit the loan approval letter and proof of funds with the offer
- Get signatures and initials on all offer documents to provide a complete offer
Present ing your offer
Representing you in the best light can be helpful in securing the home you desire What may not be evident at the outset is the value of having a Gibson Sotheby's International Realty Agent with a trusted brand and excellent reputation in the eyes of other agents ? who are often a key factor in helping their clients assess competing offers
- Present the offer in a timely manner
- Maintain communications and forward any counteroffers for review
- Negotiate on your behalf and write any addenda or subsequent counter-offers

Once an offer is accepted and necessary measures such as a home inspection are accomplished, both the Buyer and Seller will need to sign a more detailed contract, known as the Purchase and Sale Agreement Massachusetts has a two-contract process: an offer with basic terms, followed by a Purchase and Sale agreement between the Buyer and Seller and negotiated between attorneys
Massachusetts is not a Seller Disclosure state, meaning it is not a legal requirement to provide a disclosure form to any prospective buyer. Your Attorney will negotiate a detailed agreement that is designed to protect you and outlines all terms of the agreement The Buyer?s attorney may seek representations from the Seller regarding the property, its condition,whether claims are pending against the property, and if so,how potential issues will be resolved,and which party bears the risk
A well negotiated Purchase and Sale Agreement protects all parties and addresses challenges that may arise leading up until closing.

HomeInspectionsand OtherContingencies
There may be numerous contingencies associated with your contract, including a home inspection In Massachusetts, only an exclusive Buyer?s Agent can recommend a Home Inspector Your Agent will assist you in navigating this process
- Your Agent can help you locate a Home Inspector,plus arrange any additional inspections if needed
- Coordinate and schedule the home inspection
- Attend the home inspection
- Forward and review the Inspection Report with you
- Assist you in negotiating repairs or credits
- If appropriate,assist with conveying termination of the offer based on home inspection issues to protect your deposit
- Communicate with your Lender as requested
- Assist the Appraiser with access to the home and provide comparables,as needed
- Provide resources for Homeowners Insurance
- Guide you through any remaining contingencies

Congratulations on your home purchase!
- Your Agent can recommend movers,interior designers,landscapers, general contractors,gardeners, cleaning services,and home maintenance services
- Arrange for a final walk-through of the property
- Provide resources for a Home Warranty Policy
- Accompany you to the settlement
- Upon recording title, provide keys

UnderstandingBuyer Representation
Gibson Sotheby's International Realty agents will provide you with a Buyer Agency Agreement that will explain in detail the role of your Buyer Agent A Buyer Agency Agreement will be signed by the purchaser and the Broker in order for the Agent to represent the purchaser on the buyer-side of a transaction A Buyer Agent represents only the Buyer and promotes and protects their best interests throughout the transaction, keeping all information confidential
Once an agreement is signed, the Buyer Agent owes a fiduciary duty to represent the best interests of the Buyer throughout the purchase process; including obedience, loyalty, disclosure, confidentiality, accounting, and reasonable care In rare circumstances, Dual Agency occurs, meaning your Buyer Agent may have a pre-existing relationship with a Seller That being said, both the Buyer and Seller must consent and provide written authority for the Agent to engage in Dual Agency This process will be explained to you further in your initial Buyer Consultation
About Brokerage Compensation
Similar to a Listing Agreement, Buyers execute an Agency Agreement for professional services and representation between themselves and Gibson Sotheby's International Realty This confirms the compensation for the Buyer's Agent and Brokerage It should be noted that the amount a brokerage charges is not fixed by law, the commission amount is negotiable,and brokerages may set minimum compensation

Seller Paid Brokerage Commission
When listing a property for sale, Sellers enter into a Listing Agreement and agree to pay a commission to the Listing Broker In some cases, the Seller may also offer a commission to be paid to the Broker representing the Buyer In circumstances where the Seller does not agree to compensate a Buyer?s Agent, Buyers may request in the written offer that Sellers pay some or all of the Buyer Broker's commission This allows the commission to be incorporated into the final sale price The Seller can write off the commission and the Buyer does not need to pay the commission with additional funds at closing Instead, the commission will be paid from the Seller's proceeds
Buyer Paid Brokerage Commission
Buyer's Agents can search for properties not listed in the MLS, including For Sale By Owner, Off-Market Listings, and Office Exclusives The Buyer Agency Agreement specifies the commission for Buyer representation and allows Agents to represent Buyers even when no cooperative compensation commission is offered If the offer of compensation offered is less than the agreed upon amount in the Buyer Agency agreement, the Buyer will cover the difference at settlement However, the Buyer can avoid this by making it a condition that the Seller pay the commission if they accept the offer
Adjust able-Rat e Mort gage (ARM)
Also called a Variable-Rate Mortgage, an ARM is a home loan with an interest rate that adjusts over time based on the market
Amort izat ion
The length of time it takes to pay off a mortgage in full
The amortization is an estimate based on the interest rate for your current term
Annual Percent age Rat e (APR)
The cost to borrow money as a yearly percentage It's a more complete measure of a loan's cost than the interest rate alone It includes the interest rate plus discount points and other fees
An unbiased professional opinion of a home's value by a licensed appraiser needed to secure a loan The appraisal will be ordered by your Lender and is typically paid for by the Buyer
Assessed Value
The dollar value assigned to a property by an assessor for tax calculation purposes It may differ from the appraised value and/or market value
Cert ificat e of Tit le
Legal document issued by a government agency that indicates proof of ownership of property
The point at which the deed to a property is legally transferred from the seller to the buyer and all documents are recorded Also known as Settlement
Closing At t orney
In Massachusetts, real estate closings are considered the practice of law, so there will be an attorney overseeing the closing transaction and reviewing title and clearing title issues The Closing Attorney will also be an agent of a Title Company and be able to issue a
Title Insurance Policy for the benefit of the Buyer and the Lender
Closing Cost s
The expenses over and above the property's price that Buyers and Sellers incur to complete a real estate transaction These costs may include loan origination fees, discount points, appraisal fees, title searches, title insurance, surveys, taxes, deed recording fees, attorney fees, etc
Closing / Set t lement St at ement
A document confirming the purchase price and summarizing all of the closing costs and credits due to and from the Buyer and Seller
Commit ment
An agreement to loan a specified amount to a purchaser
Comparat ive Market Analysis (CMA)
An assessment of the attributes and selling prices of comparable properties recently sold or on the market used to determine current market value
Cont ingency
Any requirements in a contract which must be completed before the contract can be considered ready for performance
A deed is a tangible document signed by the seller, or grantor, of a property It confirms transfer of ownership from one party to another
Discount Point s
Also called mortgage points or simply points, discount points are a form of prepaid interest One point equals one percent of the loan amount
Earnest Money
A sum of money given to bind an agreement or an offer made to show good faith
Equit y
The difference between what you owe on your mortgage and what your home is currently worth
Escalat ion Clause
A special provision in a purchase offer that states that a prospective buyer is willing to raise their offer on a home should the seller receive a higher competing offer until it reaches the maximum price the buyer is willing to pay for the home
A neutral third party holding assets or funds before they are transferred from one party in a transaction to another
Fixed-Rat e Mort gage
Interest rate and monthly payments remain the same for the entire term of the loan
Homeowners Associat ion (HOA) Fee
A monthly fee the homeowner is responsible for HOA fees typically cover the costs of maintaining common areas, such as lobbies, elevators, landscaping, and amenities, and common utilities, such as water/sewer, garbage disposal, master insurance and property management
Int erest
The cost of borrowing money expressed by a percentage rate
A security claim placed on a property until a debt is satisfied
Market Value
The price a property should bring based on comparable sales,economic conditions and market trends
Mort gage
A type of loan used to purchase property The borrower agrees to pay the lender over time, typically in a series of regular payments that are divided into principal and interest The property then serves as collateral to secure the loan
Mult iple List ing Service (MLS)
A Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a database established by cooperating real estate brokers to provide data about properties for sale An MLS allows brokers to see one another?s listings of properties for sale with the goal of connecting homebuyers to sellers Below are statuses you will see within MLS updates:
New / Act ive
The property is either newly listed or active on the market
Cont ingent (CTG)
The property has an accepted offer Typically, the property is still available to be seen for potential backup offers
Under Agreement (UAG)
A purchase and sale agreement has been signed The buyer is moving forward with the purchase
Back on Market (BOM)
The property is available for sale again after a prior offer or contract fell through
The outstanding balance of your mortgage
Privat e Mort gage Insurance (PMI)
An insurance premium charged by a Lender to Buyers with less than 20% down payment PMI insures the Lender in the event that the Buyer should default on the loan
Purchase and Sale Agreement (P&S)
The Purchase and Sale Agreement is the contract between the Buyer and Seller of real estate It sets out the obligations of each party from the time the property is taken off the market to the closing
Tit le
Title denotes ownership rights: It is the bundle of rights that dictates who has legal or equitable interest in the property It also details the limitations on ownership
Tit le Insurance
An insurance policy that protects against any errors or claims that may arise about ownership
Tit le Search
An examination of public records to confirm that the Seller owns the property and it is free from unsettled items,claims or liens

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Thank you again for this opportunity to share our qualifications We would love to work with you and show you why we?ve earned the trust of so many clients Trust, of course, is all about comfort. It?s about feeling at home. Which is exactly how we want you to feel all the way to your new one.
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