460 Weston Road, Wellesley

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Property Details

13 Total Rooms | 6 Bedrooms

5 Full 1Half Bathrooms

3 Attached Garage Spaces

Nestled within a serene enclave, this new construction contemporary home is a harmonious blend of modern design and natural surroundings. Set on a sprawling private lot, the residence offers a tranquil escape from the bustling world. The hallmark of this architectural masterpiece is its walls of windows that seamlessly merge the interior and exterior spaces. These expansive glass panels not only flood the home with abundant natural light but also provide breathtaking panoramic views of the lush landscape Every room is a gallery of ever-changing vistas, connecting the occupants with the beauty of the outdoors The open-concept floor plan emphasizes clean lines, minimalistic aesthetics, and a neutral color palette Sleek, high-end finishes and innovative materials create a sense of luxury and sophistication. The heart of the home is a chef's kitchen, equipped with top-of-the-line appliances and a spacious island,perfect for culinary endeavors and entertaining.

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