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Insults in cyberspace (Thoma’s story

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Classmates filmed Thomas urinating in the toilet and uploaded the video to the soc. network, “tagged” the child and then everyone can see, comment, make fun of.





Why children are interested in non-public information and human actions? Why did this happen to Tom? How does Thomas feel? What does he think of himself? What should he think of the children who make fun of her? Does he have friends at school who could help him? Has he ever told his teachers, his parents, about what was going on?

Forum theatre

One of the most important things to prevent cyberbullying is to understand how and what bullied people feel or why people act like that, also to notice that and stop it.

Pupils will be divided into groups and each group in a short time will prepare a small role play according to the situation described. After showing the play they will repeat the same situation again. This time every person in the audience can stop the play and replace one actor and change the situation in a positive way. We believe that this method will help pupils to empathize with the role of the offender, victim, and defender.

Drawing session

One of the reasons why bullying comes is the lack of empathy and friendliness and the unwillingness to understand another person. To train pupils to be more attentive towards another person, a teacher can organize the drawing session together. Two participants will have to create a drawing using just one brush and one hand. After the activity, you can have a discussion.

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