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Mum, how much time do I have left to be with God?

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I am WHO I am

I am WHO I am


“Juan Pablo is 12 years old and he has been bullied at school since he was 4 years old, but members of staff from his school say that it is impossible that children at that age can bully someone. Juan Pablo has been scratched, pushed, kicked, cut, and bitten. Also, they hit him once with a pencil case and he lost one of his teeth. A few weeks ago, he told his mum he didn't want to go to school anymore because he wasn't ready to fight. His mum felt terribly sad when she heard her son saying: Mum, how much time do I have left to be with God?


Juan Pablo has been attacked on social media networks and he constantly receives messages from children from his classroom calling his names. His mum is desperately trying to find help as the school seems not to do anything to help his son. She had a few meetings with the headteacher and she also showed him the evidence which shows how her son is attacked online but the headteacher does not believe it. Juan Pablo does not want to go to school, he does not want to have any kind of social media app as he knows he will be threatened by them and that will make him scared.




Teachers will use these questions when analyzing the case/ the story with pupils: in fact, teachers invite pupils to reflect on how they would react, what the character felt, what measures they would take if they witnessed such an event, etc.

How would you help Juan Pablo?

How would you feel if you were him?

Do you think Pablo felt lost?

How can we create a safe environment in our schools?

How can we, as teachers, encourage children to act against bullying?

How would you help Juan Pablo ´ s mum?

Why do you think that the headmaster did not want to help?

Title: I feel like you do


To know how children who have been bullied feel. To understand how dangerous it can be not to use social media properly.

To find solutions that can help children like Juan Pablo.


Age: 12+

Number of participants: any

Duration: 30-60 min

Materials: pencils and paper


A small group of students will represent Juan Pablo ´ s case. The teacher will assign a few students the roles and they will have to represent the story about Pablo.

After this representation, in small groups, they will discuss the roles shown and they will find possible solutions. For this discussion, the teacher will provide them different questions like:

How does Pablo feel? Write at least 5 adjectives to describe Pablo ´ s feelings.

What would you do if you were the headteacher of this school? is the headteacher acting right? Does he know the truth?

Do you think Pablo might not be telling the truth to his mum?

How have you felt being one of them during the representation?

These solutions will be written on a piece of paper and a child who represents the group will share them with the rest of the pupils. Then, they will vote the 5 favorite ones and they will allocate them in a visible place in their classroom e solutions and share how they would react if they were in their position.

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