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Cyberbullying is one of the forms of bullying. This is aggressive, intentional behavior in cyberspace. It is often encountered that offenders, in explaining their actions, say they did not want anything bad or just joked, but bullying is not the same as humor. When you want to make fun of it, it is fun for everyone, mocking - for one child or even a few are painful and sad. In cyberbullying situation can be noticed the predominance of forces. In real life, the preponderance of forces is understood as the advantage of the abusers, such as physical superiority, and in cyberspace, the abuser can be anyone, even a physically weak or unpopular child. In the virtual world, he gains the advantage of being able to remain anonymous and of a huge bullying-watching audience. 30 classmates see bullying in the classroom and, for example, can be watched by 300 or more people on Facebook.


Cyberbullying can take the form of emails, messages on chat sites, social networks. Cyberbullying also takes place through the use of mobile phones. There are direct and indirect cyberbullying forms. In direct cyberbullying, the abuser attacks his victim himself, and in indirect ones, he uses other people to do "black" work for him, while remaining anonymous. Indirect cyberbullying can also be described as situations where the abuser pretends to be another person by using the data of this login. In this case, the person whose personal data has been used may not be aware that he or she has contributed to the electronic bullying.

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