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Insults in cyberspace (Marius story

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Marius: At school and on Facebook, I keep getting nasty comments because I have freckles ... The classmates have almost forgotten my name, they just call it "ryžasnukis (brown snout)" . Do you know how to eradicate freckles? ”


Teacher to pupils:

Be friendly with a child who is being bullied. Show him that you see what is happening to him and that you care. If you can, try to be with him more often - it will be harder for bullies to make fun of him when he is not alone.

The teacher leads the discussion:

How do we differ from each other? External differences between people should be discussed. Questions: What would happen if all people were externally the same? Why do people see the same person differently? It is recommended to watch the movie "Freckled Summer" and discuss, why the film's hero's love was not hindered by external differences.

Each person, if he wants to prevent bullying, has to know why it's important to stop it. Probably every pupil has experienced bullying before or is bullied by others. By talking and letting go of those harmful feelings they will be able to empathize with others and their problems better. This is why you can have a self-discovering session during which pupils will go deeper into themselves, discover what they would like to change within themselves and what it means to be the victim. Pupils will paint their own costumes „No fake faces“ where they will tell their personal story about bullying. During the action, there will play music that will help to release the feelings. After it, all of them will wear those costumes and we will have a discussion.

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