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Protection of personal data

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There is a decision in the gymnasium to wear a uniform for all students. But students don’t always want to follow agreements. One girl, in the gymnasium, was watching students and taking pictures of them to capture who was wearing a uniform and who was not. Photos were uploaded into her Facebook account. She asked for students to pose for her, but she did not explain for what purposes she takes photos and where photos will be used. When students noticed that their photos uploaded in a public space, they started to worry about their privacy and asked for a social educator to find out if this student's behavior is appropriate. The social educator talked with a girl. The student said that she just wanted to show other students that they do not follow gymnasium agreements by not wearing uniforms. She didn’t even think that she can’t post other people’s photos without their permission. The gymnasium offered to her to coordinate her actions and ideas with the school administration, to enroll in the gymnasium parliament and photography club. After all, she successfully captured important moments during the events and those photos could be enjoyed by everyone







3. 4. 5.



8. Describe this girl's character and how her behavior will affect other students? How does this girl behave? What was her motive?

How does the character of this story feel and what might happen to him later?

What have you heard, what is the problem here?

Could you tell a story then you needed to take similar actions?

What should have been done or how people could behave when they saw published photos on social media?

If you were a person whose photo was published on social media, what would you do?

In what situation would it be appropriate to block someone on the internet or to report someone's misconduct?

Will your behavior change after we discuss this situation? If yes, could you tell me how?

Aim: To understand what personal data is and deepen the understanding of information that is published in social media. Evaluate the power of sharing your thoughts by using other people’s images.

Facilities: room, situation, paper or printed sheets for each participant (clock, appendix No. 1), pens, profile photo cards (can be presented on the screen, can be printed, Appendix no. 3), recommendations for students appendix no. 2, clock or Timer https://onlinetimer.lt.downloadastro.com/tools/


Methods: Review of the information, case/situation reading, analysis and discussion, practical activities, discussion in a group, reflection. This session requires the involvement of participants: ~ 30 of 14-15 years’ young people. Duration: 1-2 academic hours.

Analysis of stories: Participants are divided into groups of 4-5 people. Each group receives a sheet with a written story. Every group selects a reader and a writer, who will read a story and who will write down all participant’s thoughts of answered questions.

Greeting the group, warm-up exercise:

Exercise I. Invite participants to sit in a circle. They have to see each other well. Present the topic of the session: write one letter on the board and allow participants to guess the words from that letter. E.g. SPACE (online space and personal data). E - exam, eagle...; R - rain, race…; D - day, damage…; V - video, victim…; S - song, silence…

Using the Google Meet app, choose a whiteboard and write participants' words. Share the screen with them. Discussion: summarize all participant words and think about how they might relate to the topic. Ask participants: how important is this topic? What is important personally for them?

Exercise II. “Take a step if”

Rules: all participants stand in a circle. The leader starts first and has to say the first sentence “Those who have had a conflict this week, please take a step… ” You can choose and say your situations or you can follow provided. If you want to keep a specific topic, you can prepare sentences and adapt them to today 's topic. If participants don't know what to say, we remind, encourage them. Finish the exercise when you already decided that is enough. Make sure participants are suitable for this activity and what situations they name. After the session, they discussed what they liked, what surprised them, how participants feel after?

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