2 minute read

casting: heaven, earth, dungeon

2.2. World Tree. The Baltic symbols have been reborn in the casting: heaven, earth, dungeon

Subject (Geography, Art, Literature, History) Literature (folklore). Menai. History (Paganism)


Age of the students Students 9–11 years old Goals of the lessons To acquaint students with the concept of the world tree, Baltic symbols, to teach them to recognize them both in the visual arts, in literature and in the living environment


Class / Ethnocultural Center (https://www.etnocentras.lt/) / Curonian Spit Results Pupils will be able to explain the meanings of Baltic symbols, reflect them in castings, and recognize the living environment (e.g. excursion in Nida) Resources Paper, watercolor, brushes, black pen, cards with Baltic symbols, visual material Duration 2-3 hours Activity content Introduction. Students are invited to observe the drawing on a slide (containing the Tree of the World) and identify the details of what is depicted in the drawing in front of their eyes.

The main part. Students are presented with material about the World Tree (https://www.vydija.lt/kurejai_kuryba/Egle/medis.htm; https://www.puoskislietu viskai.lt/lietuviskas-pasauliomedis/; https://www.patogupirkti.lt/knyga/gyvybes-medis-lietuviu-mene-irtautosakoje.html). They are invited to complete the task. A tree drawn on a piece of paper is hung on the board, and the children choose ready-made character cards and stick them on the sheet to an area of heaven, earth, or dungeon. We then discuss the meanings of the characters, check to see if the characters have been guessed and assigned to the correct sphere. Students are invited to listen to S. Geda's song "White Checkered" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeU9KC_43yk&ab_channel=vdemon1962) and draw three characters in the casting (the interface between the lyrics and the Baltic characters).

Concluding remarks. The lesson is summarized in an exhibition of students' works, students share their impressions (mood at the beginning of the lesson, the fact where the acquired knowledge will be used).

NOTE. The castings are prepared by the students together with the teacher during the lessons. Technique: moisten a sheet of paper for drawing (it is recommended to prepare squares 20 * 20 cm), pour various colors on it with a brush, leave the paper to dry). Continuation. A trip to the Curonian Spit, where students will observe the old architecture, visit the Fisherman's Museum, discover the Baltic symbols in architecture and everyday life

Activities examples

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