2 minute read

2.5. Literature and Geography lesson plan

Subject (Geography, Art, Literature, History) Literature and Geography

Age of the students 8-9 years old Goals of the lessons Using literature as a source of geographical concepts.Learning the continents and the means of travelling through two different literature texts timed in different eras


Venue Classroom – visit to aircrafts

Results Children were introduced to different views of the wideness of the world through time. They learned about the continents, the oceans, the seas and the different cultures depending the place we are living. It was a fun and creative way to enforce Geography and use literature in other ways




Exercises/labs examples Maps, the book: “Around the world in 80 days” by Jules Vernes, Odyssey by Homer The reading of the books is all throughout the school year, using maps and geography hints lasted about four weeks Children used maps to detect the places Ulysses travelled while returning to Ithaka. His travels were within the Mediterranean sea, involving the coastline of Turkey, Greece, Italy and Africa. There was an intercontinental approach of the three different and mysterious -at these ages- continents. We also talked about the means of travelling, navigation and the limited knowledge of the world borders in the antiquity. We used the book: “around the world in 80 days” as a different approach of a very different time. Different means of travel, knowledge about where every country or continent is and how we can approach them. Children worked with worksheets Maps, drawing maps, worksheets, literature books. During this lessons, we also visited the aircrafts of Aegean airlines, and we had a small tour inside a plane, inspected the pilot's cabin and examined how an aircraft works. The visit was planned in order the children to reflect on how our transportation means had finally became easy and fast around the world

Activities examples

This publication created in the project „inclusive and interactive education in museums: sharing of good practices“ (Erasmus+), (2020-1-LT01KA201-077818).

Creators team: Klaipėdos pedagogų švietimo ir kultūros centras (KPSKC), Lithuania Asociacija kūrybinės ateities idėjos (KAI), Lithuania Asociatia Demetrius, Romania Libera università europea terza età campania l.U.E.T.E.C, Italy Des Primary Private Company, Greece

Design and collection of information was made by project coordinator Giedrė Petrošienė, from Klaipėdos pedagogų švietimo ir kultūros centras (KPSKC), Lithuania.

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