TOM 2012

Page 1

Haute Couture for your advertising messages

Advertising / Werbemittel



Beyond Safety Safety Flame 4 Due to the new Fix Flame technology, the flame height is automatic adjusted in the production process. This prevents the lighter to produce a high flame during use and increases safety to the consumer.

Sicherheitsfamme 4 Durch die neue Fix Flame Technologie wird die Flammenhöhe im Produktionsprozess fest eingestellt. Eine hohe Flammenbildung während der Nutzung wird dadurch verhindert und die Sicherheit erhöht.

Heat resistance 4 Hite\bestandig4 Due to the high-tech Polyoximethylen [POM] material and the advanced design, the new NY-1 surpassed the requirements of the international safety standard ISO 9994 in regards to the required 65°C temperature resistance.

Durch den Hightech-Kunststoff Polyoximethylen [POM] und der modernen Konstruktion wird die im internationalen Sicherheitsstandard ISO 9994 geforderte Temperaturbeständigkeit von 65°C bei Weitem übertroffen.

The NY-1 can withstand temperatures up to 85°C.

Das NY-1 Fix Flame Feuerzeug ist geeignet für Temperaturen bis zu 85°C.

Sto?fest 4

Im\fact resistance4 nY-1 F 0\

Durch den aus POM gefertigten stoßfesten Boden [Shock-Proof-Bottom] wird die Sicherheit beim Herunterfallen des Feuerzeuges erhöht.

The Shock-Proof Bottom protects the lighter body when dropping by absorbing shocks on the suspension bottom plate, made of POM.

hC Matt \flaCk\flaCkto

hC Matt \flue\flaCkto

hC Matt red \flaCkto

hC Matt White \flaCkto

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

NY-1 \f

Fi Flame

nY-1 F 01 Advertising / Werbemittel 3

4 Advertising / Werbemittel

e\f-15o 05

e\f-15o 04

e\f-15o 03

e\f-15o 02

e\f-15o 08

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

hC oranGe oranGe to

hC \flaCk\flaCkto

hC Green Green to

hC YelloW YelloW to

hC \flue\flueto

hC red red to

hC White White to

e\f-15led 0\

e\f-15led 05

e\f-15led 04

e\f-15led 03

e\f-15led 02

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

hC Green ChroMe Ca

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

hC White ChroMe Ca






Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

hC \flaCk\flaCkto

hC Green Green to

hC YelloW YelloW to

hC \flue\flueto

hC red red to

hC White White to

Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar ElectronicRefllableLighters

EB-15 \f


EB-15 \fC\bE



Frozen red silver Ca

Frozen oranGe silver Ca

Frozen l-Green silver Ca




e\f-15led 49

e\f-15led 4\

e\f-15led 43

MetalliC Gold Gold to

MetalliC silver silver to

MetalliC \flaCk\flaCkto

MetalliC \flue\flueto

MetalliC red red to

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm




MetalliC \flue\flueto

MetalliC red red to

e\f-15led 491

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

MetalliC Gold Gold to

MetalliC silver silver to

MetalliC \flaCk\flaCkto

EB-15 Frozen


Frozen d-Green silver Ca

Frozen l-\fluesilver Ca

Frozen d-\fluesilver Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

Metallic \bE ElectronicRefllableLighters Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar

EB-15 Metallic

Advertising / Werbemittel 5



Mehr Platz für Ihre Botschaft, mehr Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten!

360° WERBUNG Für die ganz großen Sprünge produzieren wir Label individuell nach Ihren Wünschen. Herstellung im deutschen Tochterunternehmen Hohe Haltbarkeit aufgrund kratzfester Labelfolie und optimierter Klebetechnik Verschiedene Druckverfahren wie Offset- und Flexodruck EAN-Codierung möglich

More space for your message and creativity!

360° ADVERTISING For the real big jumps we produce customized labels.

e\f -1 5

tM -2 4

Produced by German subsidiary High stability through scratch-proof label film and optimized adhesive technology Printing methods: Flexo and Offset EAN encoding



W hi t eY ell fla Ck to s il ve r\ l liC Me ta

e\f-15tM-49\ 6 Advertising / Werbemittel

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 12 x 52 mm


tM -2 3 e\f -1 5 o Ge t ra n W h it eo hC


W h it e\ fla C


to W hi t eG re en hC

W h it e\ flu e

e\f -1

e\f -1

5tM -2 2

5tM -0 1




W hi t


W h it er ed






EB-15 Tiremeter

hC \flaCkurle kno\

hC \flaCkGreen kno\

hC \flaCkYelloW kno\


hC oranGe

elloW / Green

hC Green / oranGe / ink


hC YelloW / Green

e\f-15Ck 09






- One Set

Advertising / Werbemittel 7


e\f-15Ck 02 hC \flue/ ink / oranGe


hC ink / \flu

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

5 Colours

hC \flaCk\fluekno\

hC \flaCkred kno\

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

urle Gas ChroMe Ca

Green Gas ChroMe Ca

YelloW Gas ChroMe Ca

\flueGas ChroMe Ca

red Gas ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

ElectronicRefllableLighters Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar

EB-15 \farleki

EB-15 Coloured Knob

e\f-52led 01

8 Advertising / Werbemittel

e\f-52led 04

e\f-52led 03

EB-51 \f


Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

hC oranGe ChroMe Ca

e\f-52led 08






Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

hC oranGe \flaCkto

hC \flaCk\flaCkto

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

hC YelloW \flaCkto

hC \flue\flaCkto

hC red \flaCkto

hC White \flaCkto

hC Green \flaCkto

e\f-52led 0\

EB-5\ \fC\bE

hC Green ChroMe Ca

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

e\f-52led 02

hC White ChroMe Ca






Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

hC Matt \flaCkGold Ca

hC White \flaCkto

hC White Green to

hC White YelloW to

hC White \flueto

hC White red to

Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar ElectronicRefllableLighters

sM-3 45

sM-3 43

MetalliC Gold ChroMe Ca

sM-3 491

MetalliC silver ChroMe Ca

sM-3 49

MetalliC \flaCkChroMe Ca

sM-3 4\

MetalliC Green ChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flueChroMe Ca

MetalliC red ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

sM-3 08

hC oranGe ChroMe Ca

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

hC Green ChroMe Ca

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

SM-3 Metallic

sM-3 04

sM-3 03

sM-3 02

hC red ChroMe Ca

hC White ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

e\f-13M 0\

e\f-13M 04

e\f-13M 03

e\f-13M 02

SM-3 \f

hC \flaCk\flaCkto

hC YelloW YelloW to

hC \flue\flueto

hC red red to

sM-3 0\

hC White White to

sM-3 05

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 40 mm

ElectronicRefllableLighters Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar

EB-13 \fCMini

e\f-13M 01

Advertising / Werbemittel 9

10 Advertising / Werbemittel

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

Frozen oranGe ChroMe Ca

Frozen l-Green ChroMe Ca

sM-4 4\ sM-4 \b

sM-4 45

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

MetalliC silver ChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flaCkChroMe Ca

MetalliC Green ChroMe Ca

sM-4 43

Frozen d-Green ChroMe Ca

sM-4 \b

MetalliC red ChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flueChroMe Ca

SM- Frozen

Frozen l-\flueChroMe Ca

Frozen d-\flueChroMe Ca

sM-4 0\

sM-4 05

sM-4 04

sM-4 03

sM-4 49

sM-4 02

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

hC Green ChroMe Ca

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

hC White ChroMe Ca

Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar ElectronicRefllableLighters

SM- \f

sM-4 01

SM- Metallic

hC oranGe ChroMe Ca

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

hC Green ChroMe Ca

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

hC White ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

sM-\bled 0\

MetalliC silver ChroMe Ca

MetalliC Green ChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flueChroMe Ca

MetalliC red ChroMe Ca

sM-5 led 49

sM-5 led 45

sM-5 led 43

sM-\bled 08

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 45 mm

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

hC White ChroMe Ca

sM-5 led 0\

sM-5 led 04

sM-5 led 03

sM-5 led 02

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 45 mm

ElectronicRefllableLighters Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar

SM-5 \fC\bE

sM-5 led 01

SM-5 Metallic \bE

SM-\ \fC\bE

Advertising / Werbemittel 11

12 Advertising / Werbemittel tC Green ChroMe Ca

tC oranGe ChroMe Ca

MetalliC silver / \flaC

MetalliC silver / silver




so-01 QM-50\b13 49

aX-04 49 / 5 QM-50\b12

aX-04 49 / 3

aX-04 49 / 2

QM-50\ TC

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

tC YelloW ChroMe Ca

MetalliC silver / Green

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 32 mm

tC \flueChroMe Ca

MetalliC silver / \flu


tC red ChroMe Ca

MetalliC silver / red

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 5 x 52 mm

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 6 x 43 mm

MetalliC silver / oranGe

MetalliC silver / Green

MetalliC silver / \flu

MetalliC silver / red

MetalliC silver / Clear

Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar ElectronicRefllableLighters

AX-0 Metallic

aX-04 49 / 1

MetalliC Gold ChroMe Ca

MetalliC silver ChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flaCkChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flueChroMe Ca

MetalliC red ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 7 x 35 mm

e\f-17a led 4\

e\f-17a led 43

QM-\b0 Metallic \bE

MetalliC \flaCk\flaCkto

MetalliC \flue\flueto

MetalliC red red to

QM-\b0\led 491

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

e\f-17led 45

e\f-17led 43

MetalliC silver ChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flaCkChroMe Ca

e\f-17led 49

e\f-17led 4\

MetalliC Green ChroMe Ca

MetalliC \flueChroMe Ca

MetalliC red ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 5 x 40 mm

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 4 x 40 mm

ElectronicRefllableLighters Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar

EB-17 Metallic \bE

e\f-17led 42

EB-17 A Metallic \bE

Advertising / Werbemittel 13


14 Advertising / Werbemittel






Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 10 x 50 mm

hC oranGe ChroMe Ca

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

hC White ChroMe Ca

XL-100 \fCMatt \bE

XL-50 \fCOpener \bE

EB-0 \fCMatt

Elektronik-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar ElectronicRefllableLighters

L-100 XL-50 & X lich ED erhalt

eL Auch ohn ut LED ble witho a il a v a Also

EB-30 \f

nM-2 04

nM-2 03

hC oranGe ChroMe Ca

nM-2 08

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

nM-2 0\

hC Green ChroMe Ca

nM-2 05

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

nM-2 02

hC White ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

nM-1 o 04

nM-1 o 03

nM-1 o 08

NM-\ \f

hC oranGe ChroMe Ca

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

nM-1 o 0\

hC Green ChroMe Ca

nM-1 o 05

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

nM-1 o 02

hC White ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

nM-1 04

nM-1 03

nM-1 08

hC oranGe ChroMe Ca

hC \flaCkChroMe Ca

nM-1 0\

hC Green ChroMe Ca

nM-1 05

hC YelloW ChroMe Ca

hC \flueChroMe Ca

hC red ChroMe Ca

nM-1 02

hC White ChroMe Ca

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

DisposableFlintLighters Reibrad-FeuerzeugeEinweg

NM-1 \fC/ TC

nM-1 01

NM-1 \fCOpener

Advertising / Werbemittel 15

16 Advertising / Werbemittel nC Green \flaCktu\f

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 15 x 35 mm

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 15 x 35 mm

nC \flue\flaCktu\f

nC ink \flaCktu\f

tl l-Green ChroMe tu\f



nC oranGe \flaCktu\f

nC YelloW \flaCktu\f


tl l-\flueChroMe tu\f

tl d-\flueChroMe tu\f

tl red ChroMe tu\f

tl oranGe ChroMe tu\f

\f\f-58nC 05

\f\f-58nC 04

\f\f-58nC 03

\f\f-58nC 02

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 15 x 35 mm

hC \flaCk\flaCktu\f

hC \flue\flaCktu\f

hC red \flaCktu\f

hC White \flaCktu\f




Elektronik-Gasanz端nderNachf端llbar ElectronicRefllableGasTorches

BB-580 \f


BB-580 NC

MetalliC silver

MetalliC \flaC

MetalliC \flu

MetalliC red

hC White

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 12 x 40 mm

\f\f-742 \f\f-749


\f\f-149 \f\f-743

BB-13 \fC/ Metallic

MetalliC silver silver tu\f

MetalliC \flaCksilver tu\f

MetalliC \fluesilver tu\f

MetalliC red silver tu\f

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm






BB-77 Metallic

hC \flaCksilver tu\f

hC Green silver tu\f

hC YelloW silver tu\f

hC \fluesilver tu\f

hC red silver tu\f

hC White silver tu\f

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 13 x 52 mm

ElectronicRefllableGasTorches Elektronik-Gasanz端nderNachf端llbar

Advertising / Werbemittel 17

18 Advertising / Werbemittel

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 15 x 50 mm

hC \flaCk\flaCktu\f

hC \flue\flaCktu\f

hC red \flaCktu\f

hC White \flaCktu\f

BB-\ \fC/ TC





Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 15 x 45 mm

tC YelloW silver tu\f

tC \fluesilver tu\f

tC red silver tu\f

hC \flaCksilver tu\f

hC \fluesilver tu\f

\f\f-0\ \f\f-03

hC red silver tu\f

hC White silver tu\f


Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 12 x 40 mm

tC Green ChroMe tu\f

tC YelloW ChroMe tu\f

tC \flueChroMe tu\f

tC Clear ChroMe tu\f




Elektronik-Gasanz端nderNachf端llbar ElectronicRefllableGasTorches

BB-10 TC




MetalliC silver silver Ca

MetalliC silver \flaCkCa

MetalliC silver Green Ca

ChroMe olished



\f\f-Ft 4\

\f\f-Ft 43



MetalliC silver \flueCa

MetalliC silver red Ca

GreY Matt

ChroMe olished


MetalliC silver FleXi\fletu\f

MetalliC \flaCkFleXi\fletu\f

MetalliC \flueFleXi\fletu\f

MetalliC red FleXi\fletu\f

Printabe \bpace/ Bedruckbare Fache 15 x 50 mm


Metallic/MetalLightersRefllable Metallic/Metall-FeuerzeugeNachf端llbar

BB-8 Metallic FT

\f\f-Ft 42


EB-055 Metall


Advertising / Werbemittel 19

TOM速 Exclusive Das erste Elektronik Feuerzeug mit integriertem Profiltiefenmesser The first electronic lighter with integrated tiremeter

8 Farben / 8 Colours

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