1 minute read

Stephen Philip Webster

born 6th March 1968, died 14th December 2022

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Webster, a longterm stalwart of the transition management industry and contributor to the transition management roundtable over many years, aged 54 following a year-long battle with cancer.


Down-to-earth and knowledgeable on all things transition-related (and beyond), Steve will be remembered as a kind and caring friend and colleague by all those who knew him.

Fresh out of school, Steve began his career at the London Stock Exchange in 1988, working as a guide in the public viewing gallery before later moving to manage the Exchange’s broker relationships.

In 1998 he commenced his career in transition management, working in and later leading teams at ITG, J.P. Morgan, ABN AMRO, Credit

Suisse and finally State Street. A number of our roundtable contributors could have called Steve a colleague at some point.

Off the trading floor, Steve had a wide range of interests extending to motorbikes, skiing and sailing as well as being an avid supporter of Tottenham Hotspur.

In 2017, Steve joined the investment advisory team at Allenbridge, later part of MJ Hudson, to offer transition consulting services to various institutional clients. As well as client work, he conducted surveys and peer analysis of all current transition managers’ offerings and performance data.

He remained dedicated to securing the best outcome for his clients and always aimed to keep his former colleagues in check!

Steve is survived by his son Cameron, and his wife Cathy.

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