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Course levels are designed from elementary to challenging, combining a life sciencesbased curriculum with applications from daily life.


Experiment using Gigo’s building blocks, which can be used over and over again, saving both time and effort. We hope that kids can enthusiastically learn scientific knowledge through fun handson experience, developing their problem-solving abilities, as well as a positive attitude towards science. Our mission is to help children apply their newfound knowledge to daily life, furthering their innovational skills and abilities.

Gigo Learning Lab’s complete series includes individual packages and school sets. The special features of Gigo’s Learning Lab are as follows: Using Gigo’s building block construction-based curriculum, every class has a readytoassemble model, and includes time designated to promote individual creativity. Boots thinking outside-the-box of the traditional educational framework by learning innovation through play! We are all innately good at something, so we should take into account both individual development and the ability to work as part of a team.

2 Education Philosophy 1 15. Monograph (3) 33 17. Bee 37 2. Home Life 7 19. Eagle 41 4. Travel Around the World 11 21. Chinese New Year 45 6. Turtle 15 11. Dog 25 28. Elephant 59 23. Halloween 49 8. Crab 19 13. Lion 29 30. Monograph (6) 63 Appendix Learning Lab Packages 65 25. Monograph (5) 53 26. Whale 55 Index 2 Parts List 3 16. Bat 35 Flying BabyFestivalsAnimals&Parents1. Vehicles 5 Paper & Building Blocks Underwater World Terrestrial Animals 18. Butterfly 39 3. Zoo 9 20. Monograph (4) 43 5. Monograph (1) 13 10. Monograph (2) 23 27. Giraffe 57 22. Mid-Autumn Festival 47 7. Clown Fish 17 12. Cat 27 29. Parrot 61 24. Christmas 51 9. Lobster 21 14. Panda 31 Index

3 Parts List 1 ×20 ×20 9 ×20 ×20 5 ×20 3 ×20 2 ×20 6 ×12 11 ×20 7 10 ×12 12 ×12 14 ×20 8 ×12 13 ×12 ×12 ×5 ×10 ×3 ×1 ×3 ×4 ×12 ×5 ×10 ×5 ×10 ×12 ×5 ×10 ×2 ×5 ×5 ×5 ×5 ×5 ×5 ×10 ×5 ×10 ×5 ×10 ×1 15 17 25 33 41 49 42 43 18 26 34 27 35 20 28 36 44 21 29 37 22 38 23 31 24 32 40 47 48 ×12 19 ×12 16 ×4 45 ×5 30 ×10 46 ×5 39 ×20 4

4 1 B-CUBE 20 2 B-CUBE 20 3 B-CUBE 20 4 B-CUBE 20 5 B-CUBE 20 6 B-CUBE 20 7 B-CUBE 20 8 B-CUBE 20 9 B-CUBE 20 10 B-CUBE 20 11 B-CONVEX 12 12 B-CONVEX 12 13 B-CONVEX 12 14 B-CONVEX 12 15 B-CONVEX 12 16 B-CONVEX 12 17 B-CONVEX 12 18 B-CONVEX 12 19 B-CONVEX 12 20 B-CONVEX 12 21 B-TRIANGLE 5 22 B-TRIANGLE 5 23 B-TRIANGLE 5 24 B-TRIANGLE 5 25 B-TRIANGLE 5 No. Description Item No. Qty. 880-W10-S1D880-W10-S1G880-W10-S1Y880-W10-S1B880-W10-S1R880-W10-R1S880-W10-R1O880-W10-R1K880-W10-R1T880-W10-R1W880-W10-R1D880-W10-R1G880-W10-R1Y880-W10-R1B880-W10-R1R880-W10-A1S880-W10-A1O880-W10-A1K880-W10-A1T880-W10-A1W880-W10-A1D880-W10-A1G880-W10-A1Y880-W10-A1B880-W10-A1R 26 B-TRIANGLE 5 27 B-TRIANGLE 5 28 B-TRIANGLE 5 29 B-TRIANGLE 5 30 B-TRIANGLE 5 31 B-CONCAVE 10 32 B-CONCAVE 10 33 B-CONCAVE 10 34 B-CONCAVE 10 35 B-CONCAVE 10 36 B-CONCAVE 10 37 B-CONCAVE 5 38 B-CONCAVE 5 39 B-CONCAVE 5 40 B-CONCAVE 5 41 B-6 HOLE CUBE 3 42 B-6 HOLE CUBE 3 43 B-CONICAL PIECE 4 44 B-JOINT 2 45 B-EYE-1 4 46 C-SHORT BUTTON FIXER 10 47 B-SHORT PEG 10 48 B-PEG REMOVER 1 49 P-DIE-CUT GRAPHICS SHEET 1 No. Description Item No. Qty. K16#12327061-W10-B1Y7344-W10-C2D7061-W10-W1W7128-W22-17128-W85-C1SK7128-W10-E2O880-W10-N1W880-W10-N1D880-W10-D1S880-W10-D1O880-W10-D1K880-W10-D1T880-W10-D1W880-W10-D1D880-W10-D1G880-W10-D1Y880-W10-D1B880-W10-D1R880-W10-S1S880-W10-S1O880-W10-S1K880-W10-S1T880-W10-S1W TIPS AND TRICKS: A B Parts List: Here are a few tips for assembling and using the models. Read them carefully before starting. Use the peg removal tool to pry pegs out, as shown in Figure 1. Use the peg removal tool to pry the eye out, as shown in FigureFor2.more assembly tips, please refer to Figure 1. Short pegs Figure 2. Eyes

Brainstorming Cars and airplanes carry us to our destinationquickly.Vehicles Car, Airplane, Speed Which vehicle is fastest? DevelopmentalArea 5 1

Parts List 6 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x1 12 x1 16 1 3 4 4-1 3 4-2 Done x8 5 x4 6 x1 26 x2 42 x10 46 x1 49

Brainstorming Every room at home has different functions. You prepare food in the kitchen and read books in the Homestudy.Life Kitchen, Study Room, ClassificationDevelopmentalArea 7 2 Which of the objects belong in the kitchen? Circle them.

Parts List 8 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 1-1 2-1 1-2 2-2 1-3 2-3 Done Done x2 6 x1 5 x3 41 x2 42 x5 46 x1 49

The zoo is filled with animals. We can see giraffes and penguins. meal time at the zoo. Draw a line from the animal to their favorite food.

DevelopmentalArea 9 3


Zoo Favorite Foods It’s

Parts List 10 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 2 1 4 5 3 4 5 2 1 3 Done x1 5 x2 7 x3 41 x2 42 x10 46 x1 49

Brainstorming There are different landscapes around the world. Explore Egyptian Pyramids and the Amazon Rainforest with building blocks. Travel Around the World The aborigines in the rainforest often have tattoos on their faces. Color in the pictures and design your own aboriginal tattoo! 11 4 Desert, RainforestDevelopmentalArea

Parts List 12 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 2 1 4 5 3 4 2 1 3 Done x3 7 x3 41 x8 46 x1 49

ReviewModel 13 5 Outer space is mysterious. What do aliens look like? Use your imagination and create an alien world using paper and building blocks. 1. Vehicles 2. Home Life 4. Travel Around the World3. Zoo Monograph 1

ConceptDesign 1 2 3 My Artwork Evaluation DesignModel CreationModel Winner! 14

Brainstorming Turtle Shell, Inference AbilityDevelopmentalArea 15 6 Turtle The turtle’s shell is hard. What other objects have hard shells?

16 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x4 3 x6 4 x4 13 x8 14 x1 33 x2 47 1 Done Parts List

Brainstorming Sea SymbiosisAnemone,DevelopmentalArea 17 7 Clown Fish Draw a colorful sea anemone for the clown fish.

18 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 3 4 2 1 Done x2 29 x1 39 x2 45 x4 6 x4 19 x5 9 x2 16 Parts List

Brainstorming 19 8 Big Claw, Create The crab has two big pincers and walkssideways!Crab The crab uses its pincers to eat and protect itself as a weapon. Color and design multifunctional pincers for your crab. DevelopmentalArea

20 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 2 1 Done x14 1 x2 45 x6 11 x10 31 Parts List

The lobster lives in rocks in the sea to avoid attacks from its enemies. Which places are suitable for it to hide in?

The lobster has a long body, a curly tail and two powerfulLobsterpincers.

Brainstorming 21 9 Marine Life, Observation Ability


22 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x14 9 x4 29 x2 39 x2 47 x2 18 x6 19 1 Done Parts List

ReviewModel 23 10 The sharks’ teeth are sharp. Fish swim away quickly when they see sharks. Kids, create a fierce shark with the building blocks. 6. Turtle 7. Clown Fish 9. Lobster8. Crab Monograph 2

ConceptDesign 1 2 3 My Artwork Evaluation DesignModel CreationModel Winner! 24

Brainstorming Dog Make a big bone as a reward for your dog! Bone, Imitation AbilityDevelopmentalArea Dogs are man’s best friend. They wag their tails happily when they get their favorite meaty bones. 25 11

Parts List 26 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x6 5 x4 27 x2 35 x1 37 x2 45 x9 7 x8 17 3 2 1 Done

Brainstorming Cats give a feeling of mystery. Do you know what cats are thinking about? Expression Ability, CreateDevelopmentalArea 27 12 Cat Design a fun cat teaser to play with your cat!

28 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x16 3 x8 13 x3 14 x2 16 x1 23 x1 24 x1 33 x2 36 x2 45 x5 4 x1 6 3 2 1 Done Parts List

Brainstorming 29 13 King of Animals, CreateDevelopmentalAreaLion The biggest feature of male lions is their mane. Pretend you are a hairstylist and design a new hairstyle for the lion.

30 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x15 3 x8 17 x3 37 x2 45 x4 7 x6 13 3 4 2 1 Done Parts List

Brainstorming 31 14 The panda is special to China. They have cute, round bodies and funny movements. Panda The panda likes to eat bamboo. Prepare some for your panda. Bamboo, Endangered AnimalsDevelopmentalArea

32 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x7 5 x10 16 x2 25 x1 26 x2 45 x1 47 x4 6 x9 15 3 2 1 Done Parts List

ReviewModel 33 15 The horse is a vegetarian, land animal. It has strong legs that run fast. Kids, create a running horse with building blocks. 11. Dog 12. Cat 14. Panda13. Lion Monograph 3

ConceptDesign 1 2 3 My Artwork Evaluation DesignModel CreationModel Winner! 34

Brainstorming 35 16 The bat is one of the few mammals that can fly and its thin wings are unique. Bat Do you know why it hangs upside down? Please make a support beam for your bat to rest. Bat Wings, Indepedent ThinkingDevelopmentalArea

36 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x20 5 x10 35 x2 45 x2 15 x4 25 3 2 1 x2 x2 ×2 Done Parts List

Brainstorming Honeycomb, ImitationDevelopmentalArea 37 17 Bee Do you know the shape of a honeycomb? Make a home for your bees!

38 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x4 1 x2 6 x2 11 x4 13 x6 16 x2 31 x1 34 x2 45 x5 3 x5 4 x6 5 3 2 1 Done Parts List

The butterfly feeds on the nectar from a flower. Make a beautiful flower for the butterfly.

The butterfly has two pairs of colorful wings that flutter in the air.

Brainstorming 39 18 Insects, SymmetryDevelopmentalAreaButterfly

40 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x2 3 x6 8 x4 10 x8 16 x2 36 x2 6 x9 7 3 2 1 Done Parts List

Brainstorming 41 19 Eagle What does the eagle like to eat? Make a plate of food for it. The King of the Sky, InferenceDevelopmentalArea The fierce eagle is the"King of the Air". It has a curved, sharp beak.

×2 42 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x2 6 x1 16 x8 17 x2 20 x1 27 x4 30 x1 33 x2 37 x2 40 x2 47 x9 7 x1 13 3 4 2 1 Done Parts List

ReviewModel 43 20 The ladybug has many beautiful spots on its back. Every ladybug has a different pattern! Kids, create a cute ladybug with building blocks. 16. Bat 17. Bee 19. Eagle18. Butterfly Monograph 4

ConceptDesign 1 2 3 My Artwork Evaluation DesignModel CreationModel Winner! 44

Brainstorming Chinese CustomsDevelopmentalArea 45 21 There are many auspicious objects and blessings that symbolize Chinese New Year. Color them in and make them bright and colorful. Chinese New Year is the most important Chinese festival. It’s also a time for familyreunions.ChineseNewYear

46 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 2-1 2-2 1 2-3 2-4 2 1 Done x2 36 x13 1 x12 11 x2 19 x1 6 x7 9 Parts List

Brainstorming 47 22 Bunny, ObservationCarrots,AbilityDevelopmentalArea Rabbits love to eat carrots. Draw some carrots for YuTu! The Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is a very popular time for families to get together. There is a story people often tell about a rabbit called YuTu, who lives on the moon! FestivalMid-Autumn

48 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 3 4 2 1 Done x8 6 x2 8 x3 16 x6 18 x3 38 x2 47 Parts List

Brainstorming 49 23 Pumpkin, AssociationDevelopmentalAreaHalloween What patterns can be seen during Halloween? Circle them. “Trick or treat!” Halloween is a western holiday. Children dress up in costume and go from house to house asking for candy.

50 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 3 2 1 Done x3 47 x16 9 x1 14 x4 19 x1 34 x2 35 x2 39 Parts List

Brainstorming 51 24 Christmas Santa Claus brings many gifts. Which gift do you want most? “Jingle bells! Jingle bells!” Santa Claus brings gifts to kids. Have you hung up your Christmas stocking yet? Christmas Tree, Christmas GiftsDevelopmentalArea

×4 52 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 3 4 5 6 2 1 Done x20 4 x1 7 x4 27 x8 31 x8 36 Parts List

ReviewModel 53 25 Monograph 5 Birthdays are a very happy day! On your birthday, family and friends celebrate together. Who has a birthday this month? Let’s make a birthday cake for them! 21. Chinese New Year 23. Halloween 22. Mid-Autumn Festival 24. Christmas

ConceptDesign 1 2 3 My Artwork Evaluation DesignModel CreationModel Winner! 54

Animal, CreateDevelopmentalArea

Brainstorming 55 26 Whale

What other animals live in the sea? Draw them. The whale is the largest mammal in the sea and mainly feeds on small fish and shrimp. Sea

The Largest

56 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2 1 Done x8 2 x5 6 x6 12 x8 16 x1 26 x1 32 x2 36 x4 45 Parts List

Brainstorming Giraffe The Tallest Land Animal, Problem-Solving SkillsDevelopmentalArea The giraffe’s neck has become a maze. Can you find the way out to eat the leaves? 57 27

Parts List 58 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 1 ×2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2 1 Done x9 3 x9 7 x2 9 x1 13 x3 17 x1 33 x4 37 x4 45

The elephant is the largest animal on land. It uses its long nose to drink water and take food.

Think about what the elephant’s nose can be used for.

Brainstorming 59 28

Elephant The Largest Terrestrial Animal, ComprehensionDevelopmentalArea

60 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel 1 x2 x2 x2 x2x2 x2 ×2 x2 x2 x2 x2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2 1 Parts List Done x3 6 x4 7 x10 10 x4 16 x12 20 x2 37 x1 40 x4 45

Brainstorming 61 29 Parrot Teach your parrot to speak. Collect three words from your family or classmates. The parrot has many colors and can imitate many different voices. Imitatation, Oral SkillsDevelopmentalArea

x1 6 x2 11 x3 13 62 1 2 3 Smart Manual Web Service Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModel x3 1 x3 31 x4 23 1 2-1 2-2 ×22-3 2-4 2 1 Done x3 3 x2 4 x4 14 x5 16 x4 45 x2 33 x3 35 x1 36 Parts List

ReviewModel 63 30 The toucan lives in the tropical rainforest and mainly feeds on insects and fruit. The toucan’s beak is very special. Create your own toucan and its mom with building blocks. 26. Whale 27. Giraffe 29. Parrot28. Elephant Monograph 6

ConceptDesign 1 2 3 My Artwork Evaluation DesignModel CreationModel Winner! 64

A- Creative World C- Technology Explorer D- Brick Contraption B- Scientific Experiment A series- 30 courses in each kit (including 6 creative works). B, C, D series-20 courses in each kit (including 4 creative works). This series is for children 3-6 years old, 30 minutes recommended for one course. This series is for students over 10 years old, 50 minutes recommended for one course. This series is for student over 7 years old, 40 minutes recommended for one course. This series is for students over 7 years old, 40 minutes recommended for one course. WONDERFUL#1230R WORLD 1 LITTLE#1232RARTIST3 ROBOTICS#1246R WORKSHOP 182 THEME#1231RPARK 4 FUN#1233RCUBE 5 FORCE#1234RAND SIMPLE MACHINE 7 ELECTRICTY#1236R AND CIRCUIT 6 MOTION#1235RAND MECHANISM 8 ENGINEERINGANDARCHITECTURE#1237RSTRUCTURAL 9 GAS#1238RAND PNEUMATICS ROBOT 17 S4A#1247RPROGRAMMING BRICKS 19 micro:bit#1269 COMPATIBLE ROBOT 16PROGRAMMING#1276 EDUCATION 15 10 WIND#1239RPOWER 11 LIGHT#1240RAND SOLAR ENERGY 12 LIQUID#1241RAND HYDRAULICS 13 CHEMICAL#1242R BATTERY 14 OPTICAL#1243R DEVICES SMART#1300 BT CONTROLLER 20 21 BASIC#1248RSET 22 RCONSTRUCTION#1249R SET Learning Lab- Individual Packages 65

These products are for school or group courses (we suggest to form groups of 3 students, total operation is for 30 students) This series is for student over 7 years old. A total of 80 courses. (including 16 creative works) SCIENTIFIC EXPERMENT SET POWER MACHINE Learning Lab- School Packages#1251R This series is for children 3-6 years old. A total of 120 courses. (including 24 creative works) CREATIVE WORLD SETThis#1250Rseriesis for student over 7 years old. A total of 100 courses. (including 20 creative works) SCIENTIFIC EXPERMENT SET GREEN ENERGY #1252R This series is for student over 7 years old. A total of 80 courses. (including 8 creative works) TECHNOLOGY EXPLORER SET #1253R This series is for student over 7 years old. A total of 40 courses. (including 8 creative works) BRICK CONTRAPTION SET #1254R 66

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