Gigo Learning Lab’s complete series includes individual packages and school sets. The special features of Gigo’s Learning Lab are as follows:
Using Gigo’s “building block” construction-based curriculum, every class has a readytoassemble model, and includes time designed to promote individual creativity. Promotes thinking outside-the-box of the traditional educational framework by learning innovation through play! We are all innately good at something, so we should take into account both individual development and the ability to work as part of a team effort.
Course levels are designed from elementary to difficult, combining a life sciencesbased curriculum with applications from daily life.
Experiment using Gigo’s “building blocks”, which can be used over and over again, saving both time and effort. We hope that kids can enthusiastically learn scientific knowledge through fun hands-on experience, developing their problem-solving abilities, as well as a positive attitude towards science. Our mission is to help children apply their newfound knowledge to daily life, furthering their innovational skills and abilities.

Index 7. Roller 8. Mouse Trap 10. Monograph (2) 11. Sloping Slides 20. Monograph (4) 19. Crane 18. Flagpole 17. Bicycle 16. Conveyor Belt 15. Monograph (3) 14. Gear Set 13. Pirate Ship 12. Balance Scale 9. Rotary Aircraft 4. Seesaw 5. Monograph (1) 6. Push Scooter 3. Speed Detector 2. Measuring Wheel 1. Elastic Scale Parts List EducationIndex Philosophy 1 39 45 9 53 17 59 23 67 31 75 2 3 41 5 49 13 57 21 63 27 71 35 Appendix Paper card 77 2

3 33 x30 27 x8 29 x5 34 x2 28 x8 26 x6 30 x5 32 x6 31 x1 4 x2 3 x2 5 x5 2 x1 1 x1 6 x5 38 x3 39 x3 35 x30 36 x10 37 x5 x1 41 x2x1 40 x3 7 8 x2x2 9 x4 11 x4 13 x4 12 14 x2 15 x50x5 1016 x5 21 x2 22 x6 23 24 x6 25 x2 17 x5 18 x2 19 x10 20 x6 42 43 x2x4 Parts List

4 No. Description Item No. Qty. 1 B-PEG REMOVER 1 2 C-BASE GRID 1 3 C-WORM GEAR 2 4 C-CRANK 2 5 C-LATERAL CONVERTER 5 6 C-FRONT CONVERTER 5 7 C-10T CHAIN GEAR 2 8 C-20T CHAIN GEAR 2 9 C-CHAIN 50 10 C-20T GEAR 4 11 C-40T GEAR 4 12 C-60T GEAR 4 13 C-80T GEAR 2 14 C-30mm AXLE Ⅱ 5 15 C-70mm AXLE Ⅱ 5 16 C-100mm AXLE Ⅱ 5 17 C-150mm AXLEⅠ 2 18 C-AXLE FIXING 10 19 C-3 HOLE ROD 6 20 C-3 HOLE ROD FRONT CLOSED 2 21 C-3 HOLE DUAL ROD 6 22 C-5 HOLE ROD 6 No. Description Item No. Qty. 23 C-5 HOLE ROD FRONT CLOSED 2 24 C-5 HOLE DUAL ROD 6 25 C-11 HOLE ROD 6 26 C-15 HOLE DUAL ROD 8 27 C-BENDED ROD 8 28 C-5x5 FRAME 5 29 C-5x10 FRAME 5 30 C-5x15 FRAME 5 31 C-5x13 DUAL FRAME 1 32 C-LONG PEG 30 33 B-SHORT PEG 30 34 C-ROD CONNECTOR 2 35 C-20mm AXLE CONNECTOR 10 36 C-70mm RUBBER BAND 1 37 C-OD23mm PULLEY 3 38 C-OD33mm PULLEY 3 39 C-OD53mm PULLEY 3 40 C-OD26 O-RING 2 41 C-OD36 O-RING 4 42 C-OD56 O-RING 2 43 C-2000mm STRING 1 Parts List: 7413-W10-K2W7413-W10-Y1W7026-W10-X1W7026-W10-Q2W3620-W10-A1D7026-W10-P1D7413-W10-L2D7061-W10-Q1D7413-W10-N1D7328-W10-G2O7026-W10-W5Y7346-W10-C1B7026-W10-D2R3569-W10-B1D3569-W10-D1S13569-W10-D2S17061-W10-Y1W7061-W10-X1W7063-W10-B3S17344-W10-A1W7125-W10-A1SK7061-W10-B1Y R39-W85-200R12-09SR12-07SR12-08S7344-W10-N1S17344-W10-N2S17344-W10-N3S1R10-027413-W10-T1B7026-W10-L2W7344-W10-C2D7061-W10-C1R7061-W10-U1W7413-W10-J1W7413-W10-I1W7413-W10-Q1W7061-W10-V1W7413-W10-Z1W7413-W10-P1W7413-W10-X1W7413-W10-R1W
TIPS AND TRICKS: When fi ing gears onto the frame with drive a le be sure to keep a proper space about mm between the gear and the frames ig. . nd try to turn the gear to ensure every gear in the gear train turning smoothly so that the least friction will be created and most efficient power transmission can be e pected. ig. ig.ig. ig. sing peg remover to pull peg off as ig.singshows.pegremover to pull a le off as fig. shows. he models will often have several gear wheels installed in a row, or gear train. n order for the models to work well, thesae gears will have to mesh well. therwise, the force from one gear wheel won t be properly transferred to the ne t. . ay attention to the hole . - eg remover C. ear wheels ere are a few tips for assembling and using the models. ead them carefully before starting. without space with space or more assembly tips, please refer to

Brainstorming he gravity of the moon is about one-si th that of the arths . f people lived on the moon, would your current weight on earth be any different on the moon
igi s ad is packing for his business trip today. e packed enough clothes for a week in a small suitcase, igi started to wonder how much the suitcase weighed, so she took out a spring scale.
1 Elastic Scale ass and Weight Scientific Application DailyApplicationDaily
n earth, the mass of a kg ob ect is weighed as kgw, but on other planets, because of different gravitational in uences, the weight of a kg ob ect is not necessarily kgw. ass and weight mean different things scientifically. ass is the amount of matter in an ob ect. ou can use a balance to weigh it. o measure mass, we will place an ob ect in the pan on one side of the scale and a balancing weight on the other side. When the transverse lever reaches a hori ontal position, the mass is obtained. Weight, on the other hand, is a kind of force, the gravitational force between the specific ob ect and the arth. spring balance is usually used to measure the weight of an ob ect. Weight varies with the force of gravity at a location. lease note that weight can change with location while mass always stays the same.
igi hung the suitcase on the hook of the scale with addy s help, it weighed kg he then started to weigh all the things she could find at home.
ust when igi had finished weighing everything she could find, her dad took out a wooden ball and an iron ball which looked identical in volume. igi s ad asked her to guess which one had a greater mass, and also told igi that the mass of an ob ect could not be measured by a spring scale.

6 Parts List 1 2 x2x1 x12 x4 x1 x2 x2 x1 x3 x1 x2 20 22 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 35 36 1 3 2 4

7 1 ModelVideoOperation DoneElastic Scale 5 6

8 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service ote spring scale can only bear weights from g- g. t might malfunction or be damaged if used improperly.etsdoit, compare a g ob ect and a g ob ect on the scale to see how far it stretches. What else can we do if we want to measure other ob ects ive it a try, does air have a weight ssemble a and a C into a pole, find the middle point of it and tie a piece of cotton string to it, put a balloon without air on the far left side and a balloon with air on the opposite side. bserve which side the pole leans to.

What are the tools we see in our daily life that are perfect for measuring distance ow would you measure things if you had no tools n class, the teacher is going to have a dribbling test. ogo helps by placing triangular cones at the beginning and the end of the dribbling route on the basketball court. e took out a cm ruler from his pencil case to measure the total length. t took him minutes to measure only meters, not even half of the total length. e could already feel his back aching and he was starting to get tired. ust as ogo was thinking there must be a more efficient way to complete the task, the class leader obo walked past and gave him some advice. e told ogo that there is a very special tool called a distance measuring wheel in the office and that he wouldn t need to bend over at all, he could ust push-and-go. t s a much easier way to measure distances. ogo went to the office and borrowed the measuring wheel, then he finished the ob in less than one minute. e later became very interested in this tool and couldn t wait to share his e perience with his family. istance is the linear length between two different points in the same space. istance can be measured in many ways, with a ruler, a tape, with laser distance measuring e uipment, for e ample. o conveniently and uickly measure distance, sometimes uni ue tools are designed. or e ample, the distance measuring e uipment that police use in a traffic accident do not re uire the user to bend down. he police officer simply needs to push the measuring tool and walk around to uickly complete distance measurement. t is simple and effective.
2 istance easurement Scientific ApplicationDailyApplicationDailyMeasuringWheel

10 ※ . aper card- easuring Wheel Parts List x2 x1 x4 x4 x2 x1 x2 x16 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 10 11 13 14 15 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 39 42 1 5 3 2 4 ×2 ×2 70mm30mm

11 2 ModelVideoOperation
6 7 8 70mm

12 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it o figure out how long it is when you measure around an ob ect, try it with a desk in class, what is the perimeter of it. ark a length on the ground and use the model to measure the distance before using a measuring tape to confirm the measurement error.

3 peed measurement Scientific ApplicationDailyApplicationDailySpeedDetector
When you go down the slides, how do the steep sections and relatively gentle sections compare. Which move faster and why arks are where students go after school or on weekends to have fun and rela , there are usually many entertaining facilities around. his weekend, igi asked her family to take her to the park with the slide that she loves the most. nce they got to the park, igi ran to her favorite slide immediately, she climbed the ladder and slid down from the top, she en oyed the speed of sliding down and laughed loudly. he played for a while before the newly built, steeper-sloped indoor slide caught her attention.
igi decided to try the new slide, she sat on the highest point and slid down within seconds, way faster than the old ones. he could feel her heart beating and she was e tremely e cited. elative motion is how you interpret speed. or e ample, if two cars are moving at the same speed on the high way and you are in one of the cars, you wouldn t feel as though the other car was fast, but if you stopped to watch, you would feel totally different
13 Brainstorming

14 Parts List x1 x4 x10 x1 x2x2 x1 x1 x1 x4 x6 2 3 10 14 15 19 25 26 30 33 39 1 3 2 4 ×2 ×3

Detector 5 630mm 70mm
15 3 ModelVideoOperation

16 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it compare different rail end heights of the speedometer ad ust the ending position of to observe the difference of the two rollers rolling down. ive it a try, get two different weight rollers to test, observe if the weight of the rollers affects its falling speed.

Seesaw or ue Scientific Application DailyApplicationDaily
17 Brainstorming
What are the tools we see in daily life that apply this principle of movement he concept of tor ue was discovered during rchimedes research on the lever principle. imply put, tor ue can be imagined to be the physical force re uired to turn an ob ect. t is the force that rotates and moves an ob ect. i e of tor ue is determined by three factors force, position vector of the force, and the angle between the force and the position vector. he vertical distance from the rotational a is to the applied force is the distance through which a force moves. herefore, tor ue is defined as the product of force and the distance through which a force moves. t is often used in the leverage principle. ne day, ogo challenged the strongest person in class to see who was the best, m in said Watt, who was the strongest in the class. ogo and Watt decided to have a weightlifting competition to see who was able to lift the heavier ob ect. Watt picked up a kg stone, it took him a lot of effort to lift it up. ust when the class were cheering for Watt, thinking that he must be the ercules of the class, ogo decided he would lift Watt up veryone thought ogo must be oking, how could he possibly lift Watt up when he weighs g ogo said can do it with the principle of oments . ogo asked Watt to sit as close to the center point of the seesaw on the left side, and he sat at the farthest spot from the seesaw s center point on the right. e easily lifted Watt up, and won the competition, becoming the ercules of the class.

18 Parts List x4 x2 x14 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x4 x4 2 10 16 21 22 26 27 28 29 33 1 5 3 2 4 ×4 ×2 ×2 ×2

7 6 8 100mm
19 4 ModelVideoOperation

20 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it eep the center point of the eesaw the same, while adding different ob ects on both sides. ry to keep it balanced. ive it a try, find the most appropriate center point, let a lift ob ects that are even heavier than itself.

21 ReviewModel 5 . lastic cale . peed etector . easuring Wheel . eesaw Try to use the models below to make a vehicle move with gravitational force. Monograph 1

22 2 1 3 esignodel Creationodel Winner! My Artwork Evaluation ConceptDesign

uring practice, igi found out that the skateboard does not move easily on grass, it sometimes gets stuck. igi asked curiously, what is stopping theommyskateboardtold
igi, When an ob ect moves on a surface, there will be obstacles between the two contact surfaces that create a resistance, which we call friction. riction always works in the opposite direction to the direction of movement. igi now reali ed there is more friction on the grass, and that is the reason why the skateboard gets stuck.
23 Brainstorming
What would happen if there was no friction in the world t s igi s birthday today, her om got her a skateboard as her birthday gift to encourage her to e ercise more. igi practices at the riverside park whenever she has time.
When an ob ect moves on a plane, there is a force that obstructs ob ect movement between two contact surfaces. his is called friction , which is always the reverse direction of the applied force or the direction of movement. or a car to run fast, for e ample, the tires must have sufficient friction in order to prevent accidents as a result of skidding. his is why it is necessary to slow down when driving in the rain. he friction of wheel bearings, on the other hand, needs to be decreased in order for the wheels to rotate smoothly and minimi e energy consumption.
6 Push Scooter DailyApplicationDaily Friction Scientific Application

24 Parts List 1 2 2 x1 x1 x1 x1x1 x1 x2 x2 x4 x3 x1 x3 x3 x1 x1 14 15 19 22 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 38 41 1 5 3 2 4×330mm 70mm

25 6 ModelVideoOperation Done Push Scooter 7 6 8

26 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on
et s do it use a book or a board to make a slope, put a skateboard on top of it to slide down, try it on different materials to observe which surfaces allow least resistance.
ive it a try change the material of the skateboard wheels, change the original wheels to a chain gear, make notes of each distance the car moves to see the difference.
AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service

What s going to happen when you give the same thrust to ob ects with different weights hrust helps an ob ect with mass change speed or direction. hrust includes si e and direction. or e ample, with cars, if the thrust is powerful enough, the car begins to move and accumulate speed. he greater the thrust is, the faster the car moves.
27 Brainstorming
7 Roller DailyApplicationDaily hrust Scientific Application
ogo invited igi to come over. ogo showed igi his wooden shu eboard after lunch. hey decided to have a competition and ogo went first. e accidently slipped, and the puck only moved a short distance. n igi s turn, she pushed her puck hard, it slid far. t was almost as if it was ying, obviously igi won this match.

28 Parts List x12 x2 x1 13 23 24 26 28 29 32 33 35 36 x2 x1 x3 x1 x3 x2 x2 1 3 2 4 ×2

5 7 6
29 7 ModelVideoOperation

30 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it eep records of each thrust, push the puck with a putt to move cm. ive it a try, ad ust on the pole to the th, and to the th. f you push both at the same time, which one moves further

n addition to rubber bands, what are some elastic things we see in our daily life
lastic force refers to the recovery force generated when ob ect deformation occurs.
ach ob ect has a different deformation limit which is called the elastic limit. When the generated deformation amount is smaller than the elastic limit, the ob ect can recover its original state, or else it can t recover. he relationship between the length the spring e tends and the tension is ooke s law. When the spring e periences elastic deformation, the si e of the elastic force and the length by which the spring e tends or compresses is proportional to each other. ice are annoying, in addition to damaging the furniture they also spread terrible diseases.heteacher asked students to think of a way to solve the mouse problem in class. veryone got into teams and came up with creative ideas. ecause there were so many great ideas, the teacher asked each team to turn their ideas into real functioning devices. fter an intense discussion, igi and her team members decided to make a mousetrap. his mousetrap applied the principles of leverage and elastic. tudents in class found it very special and interesting. he teacher then e plained to the class that a mousetrap like this is too powerful. t s not only harmful to mice, but also dangerous to house pets, and is officially forbidden by the local government.
Mouse Trap lastic orceApplication
31 Brainstorming

32 Parts List x1 x2 x3 x1 x3 x1 2 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 32 33 35 36 x1 x1 x2 x1x1 x1 x5 x1 1 5 3 2 4

33 8 Done Hold Hold Mouse Trap ModelVideoOperation 1 2 7 6 8 100mm

34 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it ake an ob ect to trigger the ouse rap. bserve the way it functions. ive it a try bserve the change of elasticity if there are two rubber bands on the ouse rap.

When ogo actually got on he pinning light, it spun gently but when it started to spin faster, he started to feel the centrifugal force more clearly and thought he would be thrown out at any time e was e cited and scared, but he wanted to ride again.
DailyApplicationDaily Centrifugal orce Scientific ApplicationRotary Aircraft
35 Brainstorming
What other applications does a centrifugal force have efore we talk about centrifugal force, we must first know what is centripetal force.
When a rope is used to swing an ob ect, for e ample, the rope provides the centripetal force for the ob ect to begin circular movement. f the rope breaks, the centripetal force disappears and the ob ect will y off on a tangent according to the law of inertia. his is a reverse action to the centripetal force and is an imaginary force since there is no real source for this force. t is actually the action of an ob ect maintaining inertial motion. he tumbler of a clothes dryer, for e ample, is an application of inertia. ogo was on his way to visit the amusement park with his family for the weekend. While they were on their way, ommy asked ogo t the amusement park you will find a roller-coaster, a pirate ship, bumper cars and other fun rides, which one do you want to try the most ogo said, he pinning light . e could imagine himself holding the bar, facing the wind, swinging around in the air, from slow to fast, as if on an aircraft.

36 Parts List x6 x4 x4 x4 x2 x8 x2 2 4 5 10 13 15 17 21 25 27 28 29 32 35 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x1 1 5 3 2 4 70mm150mm

37 9 ModelVideoOperation Done Rotary Aircraft 7 9 6 8 10 ×2 ×2 ×2

38 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it ind the magnitude of centrifugal force on the aircraft at different speeds. ive it a try What difference does it make when the aircraft spins using a longer length spinning arm

39 ReviewModel 10 Combine all the things we learnt in previous lessons, make a vehicle that moves with elastic power and see whose car can move the farthest. . ush cooter . ouse rap . oller . otary ircraft Monograph 2

40 2 1 3 esignodel Creationodel Winner! My Artwork Evaluation ConceptDesign

What other applications does an inclined plan have igi got a big surprise this winter, her family arranged a parent-child skiing trip. t was the first time igi had seen snow in person, she was very e cited. igi put on her skiing e uipment and took the cable car up the hill. he looked down on the mountain as the cable car gradually rose into the air, she was impressed by the white, snowy world.
41 Brainstorming
When she arrived at the ski course, she was ready for her first skiing adventure. n the beginning, igi didn t know how to ski, and she fre uently lost control. he was screaming all the way down and then finally fell at thehebottom.coach told igi, he skiing field is like a steep slope, any ob ects on it slide down, unless there is an e ternal force to make it stop. fter this e planation and some more instruction, igi learnt how to ski properly. n inclined plane is a typical simple mechanical structure. t is an inclined flat plank capable of lifting an ob ect less strenuously from a low area to a high area. he length of the route re uired to lift the ob ect also increases. y using an inclined plane, for e ample, one can easily load or unload goods onto or off a freight truck. he smaller the gradient of the inclined plane, the smaller the angle between the inclined plane and the hori ontal plane. he force re uired to be applied to the ob ect is lesser and the moving distance is longer. n the contrary, when the angle between the inclined plane and the hori ontal plane increases, the force applied to move the ob ect has to be increased. he moving distance shortens.
11 nclined lane Scientific ApplicationDailyApplicationDailySloping Slides

42 Parts List 19 21 25 26 27 30 32 33 2 x1 x2x2 x2 x6 x2 x4 x4x12 1 5 3 2 4

43 11 ModelVideoOperation DoneSloping Slides 1 2 1 2 7 6

44 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it ut a marble on the top of the steep slope then release it, observe what s going to happen when it falls onto the second layer, and try to ad ust its angle or the length of the slope. ive it a try, without affecting the falling rate of the marble, combine other designs with your slide.

DailyApplicationDaily alance Scientific ApplicationBalance Scale
45 Brainstorming
ogo s om picked some of ogo s favorite fruits and using her best guessing skills, got it right. he didn t let ogo down, she got all the fruit for free he supermarket attracted many customers with this promotion.
What other applications does a balance principle apply lever is an e uipment acting via rotation, in which the fi ed rotation point is named as pivot and the two ends stressed are the working point and resistant point respectively. he vertical distances from the stressed points to the pivot are called lever arm and resistant arm accordingly. When a lever is balanced, ob ects on both sides of the fulcrum remain stationary. scale is a measuring tool based on the law of the lever that is used to measure the mass of an ob ect. om took ogo to the supermarket for grocery shopping, there were various products in the store, and they were well organi ed by brands, price and categories. here was a rab and weigh promotion at the vegetable and fruit section, where customers could take fruits home for free, but only if they could balance them on the scales provided.

46 Parts List x4 x2 x3 x2 2 10 15 19 21 24 26 28 30 32 35 x1 x2 x1 x1 x3 x2x1 1 3 2 4 70mm

47 12 ModelVideoOperation Done Balance Scale 5 6

48 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it, put two different kinds of parts on each side of the alance cale to see if you want the scale to maintain balanced, how many parts do you need on each side. ive it a try, remodel the rod, and compare the difference with the alance cale.

Pirate Ship imple endulum Scientific Application DailyApplicationDaily
49 Brainstorming
Where else do you ever see a simple pendulum facility pendulum is the physical phenomenon where an ob ect or pendulum is hung from a fi ed point by a fine line and swings freely under the action of gravity. When the pendulum swings freely back and forth, it naturally maintains a steady tempo. he time needed for a pendulum to complete one swing is referred to as its period and the distance from the suspension point to the pendulum is called the pendulum length. he period of a pendulum is determined by gravity and its length but is not connected to the weight of the pendulum or the amplitude. he teacher shared the story of how alileo discovered the physical phenomena behind the pendulum swing. alileo was looking at a chandelier on the ceiling of isa one day, and it suddenly began to swing. e also observed that every swing seemed to take the e act same amount of time. o test this he used his heart beat as a time measuring tool. s he suspected, no matter how the ceiling lamp swung, each swing took the same period. hat is how alileo discovered the property of isochronism in a simple pendulum. fter the teacher s speech, igi thought of the pirate ship in the amusement park. hat is ust like a gigantic simple pendulum, too. he ship swings back and forth.

50 100mm Parts List x2 x1 x2 x7 x2 16 18 21 22 24 26 27 28 30 32 33 2 x1 x1 x3 x2 x3 x1 x3 1 3 2 4 ×2

51 13 ModelVideoOperation Done Pirate Ship 5

Smart Manual Web Service 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation ssembledodel Experiment Complete Creationodel 52 CMFrequency TimeLength Sec. TimesAverage#1#3#2 CM GFrequency TimeWeight Sec. TimesAverage#1#3#2 G et s do it ake notes on the different lengths of the swings, what is the cycle of pendulums ive it a try f the weight of the irate hip changes, will it affect the cycle of pendulums

53 Brainstorming
What else do you see in your everyday life that has gear
Gear Set DailyApplicationDaily ears Scientific Application
part of daily life. t is a wheel-shaped mechanical part with teeth-like protrusions. ear drives use two rotation speeds, fast or slow. or e ample, when two gears are rotating, the gear with more teeth rotates slower. ome applications of gears you commonly see in daily life are motorcycles, bicycles, watches, clocks, automatic doors, fishing reels. ogo got a little clock as his starting school gift from randpa udo. he clock functions normally because each gear works together inside the clock , randpa udo said. ogo is a gear of the family too, he continued. he first thing you need to learn is to get yourself up on time every day. ogo likes the alarm clock very much. t wakes ogo up on time every morning. ogo winds up the clock every night, one gear drives another, tick, tick. ogo is curious about how the gears interact so he asked randpa udo to disassemble the clock to see all the big and small gears in side, they are in a mesh, one gear transmits power to another.

54 Parts List x1 32 10 12 14 16 24 229 x1 x3 x2 x4 x1 x4 x2 1 3 2 100mm100mm 30mm

55 14 ModelVideoOperation Done Gear Set 4 30mm 100mm100mm

56 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it otate to see the speed of rotation. ive it a try f you rotate of the ear et, will the speed of rotation be any different

57 ReviewModel 15 . loping lides . irate hip . alance cale . ear et Make a marble track that allows the marbles to roll down or slide from right to left. Monograph 3

58 2 1 3 esignodel Creationodel Winner! My Artwork Evaluation ConceptDesign

What other applications does a belt pulley have primary characteristic of a belt pulley is that two or more pulleys are inserted in one belt drive and the belt is the medium used to drive transmission of power from one pulley to the other. n factories or other things we see in daily life, belts are widely used. n addition to transmitting power, they are also used to convey goods. or e ample, the conveyer belt systems in airports. igi has got many ideas she is determined to be an inventor. igi went to a hypermarket with her om, she saw her om put all the things they wanted to buy on the checkout counter, and all the things moved forward by themselves. he took a careful look at it and found out that there was a big belt that helped to convey the goods. his is a similar idea to when the sushi train conveys food to its customers. igi looked online to figure out the secrets of the conveyer belt. conveyor belt features two or more transport rollers mounted on one belt. he power is transmitted, via the belt, from one pulley to another.
ulley Scientific ApplicationConveyor Belt
59 Brainstorming

60 ※ . aper card- Conveyor elt Parts List x1 x1 x1 4 7 8 14 15 28 29 36 38 39 2 x1 x2 x4 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 1 3 2 70mm 70mm30mm

61 16 ModelVideoOperation
Belt 4

62 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service lace an ob ect on the Conveyor elt and let the belt move it forward. ry to deliver different things to see if it works, what difference does it make to convey things that are very heavy or very light. ive it a try make a Conveyer elt that transports from a lower point, upward.

Bicycle DailyApplicationDaily procket Scientific Application
63 Brainstorming
What other applications does a sprocket have Chains on bicycles are something we see often in everyday life. When you apply force to the pedal, the crane sprocket starts to rotate. his moves the chain, the chain drives the small sprocket connected with the rear wheel and this rotates the rear wheel. nce the rear wheel starts rotating, the bicycle moves forward. he power transmission between the two sprockets is the same as the pulley, only the sprocket is driven by the chain, and if the sprocket is overloaded, the chain or the sprockets teeth will break. randpa udolph has a sturdy bicycle that he rides every day to drop ogo off and pick him up from school. n his day off, randpa took ogo on his bicycle to the mountains to see the cherry blossoms. While they were en oying the beautiful views along the way, the bicycle got stuck and ogo almost fell off the bicycle. randpa said that the chain had slipped off and he needed to fi it. ogo did not know what a slipped chain was until he saw the chain lying on the ground. e worked with randpa and finally they reattached the chain to the chain wheel. hey were able to continue their cherry blossom tour on the bicycle.

64 UP DOWN Parts List x2 x1 x2 x1 x40 x1 x4 x2 x1 x6 x3 4 7 8 9 14 15 27 29 31 33 39 1 3 2 70mm 70mm 30mm

65 17 ModelVideoOperation DoneBicycle ×40

Smart Manual Web Service 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation ssembledodel Experiment Complete Creationodel 66 Drive(Pedals)Wheel Rotation CountDriven WheelRotation Count 111CHAINCHAINCHAIN30TGEAR20TGEAR10TGEAR CHAINCHAINCHAIN30TGEAR20TGEAR10TGEAR Change the si e of the sprocket and record the difference in rotational speed. ive it a try use the combination of a chain gear and a gear to make the fastest icycle.

Flagpole i ed ulley Scientific Application DailyApplicationDaily
67 Brainstorming
Where do you see fi ed pulleys in your everyday life he pulley is one of the most common and simple machines. ecause of the notches on the circumferential surface of the pulley, it can be used on any side of the wheel. he friction between the rope and the wheel will cause the pulley to rotate around its central a is. When pulling something heavy, you may use a fi ed pulley to change it to an easier direction. he distance of the pulley is e ual to the distance rising from the ob ect, it is not effortless. he opening ceremony of each sport competition is always e citing, igi is the ag bearer of her class this year. t the beginning of the ceremony, she holds the ag up and moves forward, leading the whole class. When the ag is on the agpole, the ag bearer pulls the rope around the pulley and the ag rises from the bottom of the pole to the top. t creates a sense of enthusiasm and honor. isafterhappensCheerleadingrighttheflagraised.tis the highlight of the opening ceremony and is done with passion and e cellence. fterward, the competition begins.

68 ※ . aper card- lagpole Parts List 1 2 1 2 x1 x1 x6 x8 x1x1 x1 x1 x1 5 14 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 37 43 2 x1 x2 x2x2x2 x1 x4 x3x1 1 5 3 2 4 30mm

69 18 ModelVideoOperation Done Flagpole 7 6

70 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service et s do it ift the flag to the top of the lagpole. bserve the difference between the direction of the rope and the direction of the movement of the ag. ake a curtain mechanism that can be opened and closed with a pulley.

71 Brainstorming
ogo saw some news about animal specimens being moved from the museum. here were many huge animal specimens that needed to be moved. esides cranes and pulley trucks, there were also many working staff. With the help of the transportation company, everything was carefully loaded. ome huge.specimensanimalwerehecrane utili ed the characteristics of a moving pulley. he pulling force at one end of the pulley is about half of its load, which saved energy to getting all the specimens loaded up. t became like a great migration of animal specimens
Crane ovable ulley Scientific Application DailyApplicationDaily
What other applications does a movable pulley have n ordinary pulley is a disc that turns around the central a is but the central a is of a movable pulley is mobile. When a movable pulley is used, the direction where the force is applied cannot be changed. he pulling force applied through the movable pulley towards one end of the rope, however, e uals half of the load. n other words, one can pull a heavy load less strenuously. t is an important trait of a movable pulley.

72 Parts List x2 x2 x6 x1 x1 x3 x1 4 14 15 19 21 26 27 30 32 33 35 37 38 43 2 x1 x3 x1 x4 x2x2 x1 x2 1 3 2 4 ×3 30mm 30mm

73 Done 19 ModelVideoOperation Crane 1 2 5 6 33mm 33mm 70mm

74 1 2 3 ExperimentHands-on CreativityHands-on Evaluation AssembledModel ExperimentComplete CreationModelSmart Manual Web Service ote Weight limits for roller sets are g- g. cessive weight may cause a malfunction or damage the ecordrollers.the difference in the force applied with a fi ed pulley and a movable pulley to raise an ob ect. Connect two sets of movable pulleys and observe how the si e of the force applied changes.

75 ReviewModel 20 . Conveyor elt . lagpole . icycle . Crane With the help of previous lessons, make a piece of gymnastic equipment with the models below (eg. a treadmill). Monograph 4

76 2 1 3 esignodel Creationodel Winner! My Artwork Evaluation ConceptDesign

77 1 2 3 546 7 8 9 01 11 21 16314151 17 180 ( cm ) ppendi - aper Card lease copy for use. aper card- easuring Wheel lease copy for use. aper card- lagpole lease copy for use. easuring Wheel lagpole
78 Paper card- Conveyor Belt (Please copy for use.) L16 Conveyor Belt Sticky placeSticky place Sticky placeSticky place
MADE IN TAIWAN 2019 Genius Toy Taiwan Co., Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED R21#1234R-2