This specialized kit makes it possible to investigate how natural resources such as wind can be used in Gigo mechanism by assembling each model to produce energy, or by transforming them from one form to another. These activities can stimulate children’s independent thinking, and furthermore lead children to discover how different types of energy are formed and where these energies can be applied in real life.
Before beginning these experiments, read through the instruction manual together with your child and discuss the safety information. Keep the packaging and instructions as they contain important information. Ensure the models have been assembled correctly, and assist your child with the experiments.
Only for use by children aged 8 years and older.
This product can help children explore and understand wind power in models and devices.
Before starting to assemble a model, please tell your children some precautions for using electricity.
Do not insert wires or other accessories into a household mains power outlet, this is extremely dangerous. This product is only suitable for use with AA rechargeable batteries (1.2-Volt, AA /HR6/KR6).
No wires should be put in household electrical outlets. Never perform experiments using household current! The high voltage can be extremely dangerous or fatal!
To operate the models, you will need a AA rechargeable battery (1.2-volt, type AA, HR6/KR6, NiMH/NiCd ), which could not be included in the kit due to their limited shelf life.
The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited. A short circuit can cause the wires to overheat and the batteries to explode.
Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity. Press them gently into the battery compartment. Always close battery compartments with the lid. Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged. They could explode!
Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision. Rechargeable batteries must be removed from the device before being charged. Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the toy.
Dispose of used batteries in accordance with environmental provisions, not in the household trash. Be sure not to bring batteries into contact with coins, keys, or other metal objects. Avoid deforming the batteries.
As all of the experiments use batteries, have an adult check the experiments or models before use to make sure they are assembled properly.
Always operate the motorized models under adult supervision.
After you are done experimenting, remove the batteries from the battery compartments. Note the safety information accompanying the individual experiments or models!
The electronic components of this product are recyclable. For the sake of the environment, do not throw them into the household trash at the end of their lifespan.
They must be delivered to a collection location for electronic waste, as indicated by the following symbol: Please contact your local authorities for the appropriate disposal location.
The Earth’s surface is surrounded by an atmosphere. Solar radiation is constantly landing on and passing through the atmosphere before it reaches the Earth. Because the Earth spins at an angle, different regions are subjected to different levels of solar heat. The different solar exposure causes changes in air pressure. Temperature is an important determining factor of air pressure, because relatively higher temperatures cause air to ascend, reducing air pressure. On the other hand, lower temperatures cause air to cool and descend, increasing air pressure. Another influence on temperature and air movement is the Earth’s rotation, which combines with the changes in air pressure. All these changes in air pressure causes movement in the air that we call wind.
Fig. 1 Cold/hot air convection caused by solar heat and the earth’s self-rotation leads to the formation of “wind”.
Humans began using wind power a very long time ago, for example, the Chinese and Persians used windmills for irrigation, water-collection, and grinding grain more than 1,000 years ago. European countries also used wind power, and the most famous example is Dutch windmills. People in Crete, a Greek Island, also used canvas windmills to fetch water. By the medieval period, windmills were an important energy source in Europe, and extensive research was being conducted using windmills. In 1890, meteorologists in Denmark created the first wind turbine, which began a new period of technological development. As wind turbine technology developed, wind power became increasingly effective.
Wind power continued to progress into the 20th century. In the early 1900s, wind power was still solely used for agricultural needs. It was not until the 1970s and the OPEC oil crisis when wind power was considered a way of producing electrical power. A lot of research on wind power to electrical power happened at that time. By 1990, with the assistance of significant government subsidies, wind power generators were beginning to be used. As fuel costs increase, alternative energy sources become more important, and wind power generation is one possible way of supplying energy needs.
The wind force can be measured by observing the sea or land condition under wind effects, and represented based on the wind force scale. At present, the most common scale used internationally is the Beaufort Scale, which was created in 1805 by Sir Francis Beaufort, an Irish-born British admiral. The scale is firstly applied to observation on sea under wind forcing, and sequentially also applied to land. Via revisions over ages, the scale becomes standard as the table below:
The formula for actual wind speed and Beaufort Number is V= 0.836 * (B3/2 ) (B= Beaufort Number; V= Actual wind speed (m/s))
1-2 3-6 7-10 11-15 16-20 21-26 27-33 34-40 41-47 48-55 56-63 64
<0.2 0.3-1.5 1.6-3.3 3.4-5.4 5.5-7.9 8.0-10.7 10.8-13.8 13.9-17.1 17.2-20.7 20.8-24.4 24.5-28.4 28.5-32.6 32.7
Gentle breeze
Moderate breeze
Strong breeze
High wind, Moderate Gale,
Fresh Gale
Strong Gale
Violent storm
Calm. Smoke rises vertically.
Wind motion visible in smoke but not in vanes.
Wind felt on exposed skin. Leaves rustle. Vanes moved.
Leaves and smaller twigs in constant motion. Light flags extended.
Dust, leaves, and loose paper lifted. Small tree branches moved.
Small trees in leaf begin to sway.
Large branches in motion. Whistling heard in telegraph wires. Umbrella used with difficulties.
Whole trees in motion. Inconvenience felt when walking against wind.
Twigs broken off trees. Progress impeded.
Larger branches broken off trees, and some small trees blown over. Slight structural damage occurs, such as chimney collapsed.
Trees are broken off or uprooted. Considerable structural damage occurs.
Seldom experienced. Accompanied by wide-spread damage.
Maximum and extensive damage occurs. Very rarely encountered.
From the Beaufort Number 3-7, the wind is categorized as Gentle Breeze, Moderate Breeze, Fresh Breeze, Strong Breeze, and Near Gale (the actual wind speed is around 3-17m/s). These wind levels are applicable to wind generators.
Traditional windmills come with more blades than a wind turbine, because windmills for grinding grain and wind turbines for generating power are very different. The cross section of windmill blades can vary widely, some are low efficiency and others are high efficiency.
The cross-section of a modern wind turbine blade is very similar to an airplane wing. They both have convex tops and flat bottoms, which creates a difference in air pressure. The faster air flow over the upper (convex) side creates a low pressure environment, and the slower air flow under the lower side has greater pressure. This is known as the Bernoulli Effect. The different air pressures generate a force in plane wings that we call lift, but on windmills and turbines, the force creates spin. The optimal curvature of the convex (and sometimes concave underside) of a wing is close to the shape of a water drop. This is because the water droplet is the shape least likely to create vortices in the air as it moves. Eddies and vortices in the air near a moving body lower efficiency. The shape of the wing in Gigo’s long and windmill blades all follow the principles described here, and these are taken from a the science of fluid mechanics.
Fig. 3 Dutch Windmills and water-pumping windmills in villages in central parts of the United States.
Most wind turbines in use today use a 3-blade design. Experimental findings have shown that the power generation capacity of fans with 6 blades is higher, particularly in low winds, but because the blades on a commercial turbine are about 120 meters long, the rotational torque on the mechanical part of the system can become too great when there are high winds or gusts. One key aspect of wind turbine design is managing the enormous rotational torque produced by such long blades. Consider, how would a wind turbine function in a typhoon?
Building the models in this set will show you how green energy wind turbines function, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of wind power. The model in this set can’t match full scale commercial wind turbines, but the functional principles are exactly the same.
generating wind
human engineer.
Wind is a natural and best sustainable energy for its replenishment which helps reduce the consumption of fossil fuel. Due to the characteristics of cleanness, pollution free, and tourism potential of wind, and the mature development of technology, people manufacture wind for commercial purpose in recent years and make wind become the fastest growing recyclable energy. When wind turns windmill blades, torque is generated to accelerate the gearbox, power the generator, and then create wind power. The process shows how wind power is converted into mechanical power, and then turned into electrical power through generators. For house use, the electrical power needs a further transformation by transformers, and finally distributed to consumers via electricity transmission system. The real wind power generator belongs to the type of alternating current generators. Its electrical power has to be rectified into a direct current when stored in a battery.
According to Fleming’s right hand rule, when the right index finger is pointing towards a magnetic field, the thumb is meanwhile indicating the motion direction of the conductor while the middle finger is showing the direction of the electrical current (positive charge of current). This is the principle behind power generator.
Fig. 10 The biggest difference between a direct current generator and an alternating current generator is the commutator connecting the coil, also known as “brushes” structure.
Similar to the alternating generator.
When the coil passes through the vertical position, the commutator changes the connecting direction of the coil and the external wiring, making the electric current outside of the coil always moving in a unidirection. When there is a conversion between the positive and negative charge in loop, the terminal block of the contactor interchanges as well, and thus the positive and negative voltage discharged from contactors are fixed, as shown in Fig. 12. This type of connecting-exchanging process is known as “commutation”. The rotatable semi-circle conductor as “commutator segments” and the position-fixing contactor as “brushes” set up the device of “commutator”.
Different from the alternating generator.
During the coil’s rotation of one cycle, Current I is constantly changing.
cycle 1 cycle
Revere direction by the commutator
Coil position
The motor and generator share the same basic structure, and in other simpler words: Generator (motor) = current = (magnetic field action) = motion Generator = motion = (magnetic field action) = current Therefore, applying a current on a motor will create motion; on the other hand, applying motion on a motor will create a current!
In this experiment, we use a special generator component, as shown in Figure 13. On its most right side, an axle is placed to rotate the input fans, and then the wind power generated by the fans
be transmitted via the gear A, B, C and D to the generator. Through the device, a train value is produced as:
GEARBOX = 30/8 × 28/8 × 20/8 = 32.8125
This indicates that when the axle for the input fan rotates at the speed of 1 rpm, the generator shaft will rotate at the speed of 32 rpm. If the rotation speed of the axle for the input fan achieves 100 rpm and that of the generator shaft accordingly becomes 3200 rpm, the generator can produce a 3V direct current (DC). The faster the rotation speed is, the higher the voltage of the produced current.
Fig. 14
Fig. 15 A diode is installed into the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX.
A diode allows only unidirectional electric current. The electronic symbol (the arrow) indicates the permitted direction for the electric current to flow. Generally speaking, only if the electric current is a forward current with the voltage of 0.7V, it will be able to pass through the circuit. However, when the electric current flows in the counter direction (as in the case that the positive and negative poles of the solar panel or the wire connecter are set reversely), it will be blocked, which is showed by the electronic symbol.
Using the device under ideal conditions of wind speed, the wind turbine can be mobilized, and a current from the positive electrode of the wire passes into the positive electrode of the rechargeable battery in the battery charger and slowly charges the battery. As wind speed becomes too slow, the voltage from the power generation will reduce as well. However, a reverse current leakage will not take place since the diode in the battery charger functions as a protector. Keep the device under stable wind conditions and charge for 3-4 hours, the windmill can be activated for 50 minutes.
Fig. 16
Fig. 18
1. Use the end “A” of PEG REMOVER to pull off the LONG PEG (Fig. 16).
2. Use the end “B” of PEG REMOVER to pull off the LONG BUTTON FIXER (Fig. 17).
3. When fixing a gear or a tire onto the framework with a drive axle, be sure to keep a gap of about 1mm between the gear or the tire and the framework to decrease the friction caused in operation so that a smooth motion can be expected (Fig. 18).
4. Fix the ROUND HUB with your left hand and adjust the angles of the bottom end of the blade (Fig. 19).
5. How to take apart the UNIVERSAL ADAPTER from the ROUND HUB? Insert the end “B” of PEG REMOVER between the UNIVERSAL ADAPTER and the ROUND HUB, and tilt the UNIVERSAL ADAPTER to take them apart (Fig. 20).
How to Assemble and Disassemble TUBE ADAPTER and 410mm TUBE
Fig. 21
Push the TUBE ADAPTER into 410mm TUBE and turn the TUBE ADAPTER until a “click” is heard. They are then fixed together (Fig. 21).
Note: Do not hold the TUBE ADAPTER and the 410mm TUBE where you insert each piece as finger may be pinched (Fig. 21).
1 23
Fig. 22
Put RELEASE PLIERS into holes that have safety lock pins coming through and squeeze the RELEASE PLIERS to release the 410mm TUBE and the TUBE ADAPTER (Fig. 22).
Open Insert the rechargeable battery to the battery holder.
Use BATTERY BOX OPENER to open the battery cover. Close the battery cover.Push
Fig. 23
Using the BATTERY BOX OPENER to open the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX and using the end “B” of PEG REMOVER to remove the battery as Fig. 23 shows.
WARNING: This product is only intended for use by rechargeable batteries.
Only for use by adults!
Fig. 24
Hold the gearbox and the 60T GEAR you are to shift as shown in Fig. 24 and move this 60T GEAR backward so that it will mesh with the upper 20T GEAR, while the other two gear sets are left unmeshed, to adjust the gear ratio at 3:1.
Fig. 26
Gear Ratio 1:1
Fig. 25
Hold the gearbox and the 20T GEAR you are to shift as shown in Fig. 25 and move this 20T GEAR backward so that it will mesh with the upper 60T GEAR, while the other two gear sets are left unmeshed, to adjust the gear ratio at 1:3.
Gear Ratio 1:3
Fig. 27
Fig. 27 shows you only the upper 60T GEAR meshed with the lower 20T GEAR so that the current gear ratio is 1:3.
Gear Ratio 3:1
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
If you shift the gears so that only the upper and the lower 40T GEAR are meshed together the gear ratio of this gearbox will be changed to 1:1. (Fig. 28)
If you shift the gears so that only the upper 20T GEAR and the lower 60T GEAR are meshed together the gear ratio of this gearbox will be changed to 3:1. (Fig. 29)
Household Fan
Household Fan
Fixing the windmill on a bamboo rod with 2 CABLE TIE (Fig. 34).
Fastening the CABLE TIE to ensure the windmill is immovable (Fig. 35).
Press the Gearbox with your hand (Fig. 36) while fixing the windmill base to the ground with tapes (Fig. 37).
Putting two iron blocks or stones with the weight of 1.3 Kgs for each on the base to further fix the windmill (Fig. 38).
The experiment of power generation can be run by fingers under the condition without wind in doors.
Hold the windmill with the left hand and rotate it with a right finger (Fig.39 & 40).
Use a windmill with SHORT BLADE (Fig. 42) to observe the variation of power generation (the brightness of the LED bulb) under the same wind speed. Fix the angles of the blades and change the gear ratios by shifting the gears at the lower axle.
Fig. 41 shows you the upper 60T GEAR meshed with the lower 20T GEAR so that the current gear ratio of this gearbox is 1:3.
Select Gear Ratio 1:1 in Experiments 2-4
Experiment 2:
Use a windmill with SHORT BLADE (Fig. 42) to observe the variation of power generation under different wind speeds (wind levels of a fan). Do you figure out any correlation between wind speed and power generation (the brightness of the LED bulb)?
Experiment 3:
Use a windmill with SHORT BLADE (Fig. 42) to observe the variation of power generation (the brightness of the LED bulb) under the same wind speed. Change the angles of the blades. Can you find the best and most efficient angle to make the LED brightest?
Experiment 4:
Use a windmill with SHORT BLADE (Fig. 42) to observe the variation of power generation (the brightness of the LED bulb) under the same wind speed. Change the blade numbers (6 blades, 4 blades, 3 blades, 2 blades). Note to arrange the blades in symmetry with equal intervals. Can you find the best and most efficient blade numbers to make the LED brightest?
Experiment 5:
Use the windmill with LONG BLADE (Fig. 44) and repeat Experiments 1-3. Can you also find the best and most efficient conditions for this new device?
Make sure the switch on the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX is set to IN (charge).
Plant Can be
Make sure the switch on the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX is set to IN (charge).
After the Windmill is
To activate the windmill, toggle the switch to OUT (discharge).
To activate the windmill, toggle the switch to OUT (discharge).
Fasten Its Base with Heavy Objects/Bricks.
How to charge a battery by using the windmill:
1. Remove the LED and connect the wire connectors to the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX. Make sure the switch on the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX is toggled to IN (charge).
2. Adjust the blade to the optimized angle obtained in the earlier experiment.
3. Secure the rechargeable batteries (below AA, HR6/KR6, NiMH/NiCd 1.2-volt 1200mAh). Do not use rechargeable batteries with excessive charging values; otherwise, the results will not be apparent.
Note: Never use a non-rechargeable AA battery in the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX, there is a risk of overheating and explosion!
4. Utilize natural wind outdoors or an electric fan at home to blow the windmill and allow the batteries to be charged.
Fig. 47
5. When set to OUT, the 1.5V DUAL BATTERY BOX will discharge and activate the windmill in case there is no wind.
6. Interestingly, the fast-rotating windmill slows down when rechargeable batteries are inserted. It is a normal phenomenon because the flat batteries constitute an ultra high capacitance. The effect is negligible like water being poured into a large pond. As the voltage slowly increases after sometime, the windmills will start to rotate.
7. Under a normal wind speed (5.5m/s), charging for 2.5hr can activate the windmill for 40 minutes.
8. There will be an extended charging time as wind speeds vary. The varied voltages will form a voltage pulses that enhance the charging capacity. No risk of overcharging will take place if left unattended over a long period of time. (Since the wind turbine voltage under wind speed 4m/s is about 4.5. In case of excessive winds, the windmill blade will detach and reduce in the rotation speed due to the centrifugal force).
Advanced Reference I
Fig. 48
Adjust the angle using the angle meter (draw up the angle values on paper in advance in place of matching)
Fig. 49
Since the LED brightness cannot be quantified, use a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) to test the relationship between model voltage and blade angle after removing the LED light.
An Analysis on Fan Blade Angle vs. Power Generation Capacity.
Quantitative Analysis is adopted to verify the optimum blade angle through a measuring instrument. In “Experiment 3: Is There Any Change in Power Generation Capacity (Change in Brightness of LED Lights) for Wind Turbines with Short Blades? Can You Find the Best Fan Blade Angle?" the LED light on/off and brightness are determined by the power generation voltage. When it is lower than 1.7V, the LED light will not turn on and a higher voltage will produce a brighter LED light. The higher the rotational speed of the turbine is, the higher the voltage will be (distal shaft). Thus, fixed test conditions such as fixed wind speed are called controlled variables, the blade angle is the independent variable, and the voltage output is the dependent variable.
Fig. 54
Fig. 55
From the left:
Digital Multi-Meter (DMM)
Angle meter
Fig. 56
1. All the experiments above adopt “Quantitative Analysis.” Three variables are included: the fixed conditions of each experiment are called “controlled variables”. “Dependent variables” represent experimental outcomes and “independent variables” are those factors assumed to have an effect on dependent variables.
2. Under different testing conditions, the best experimental result can be derived from repeatedly experiments on different independent variables. Since the result is for the “optimized design” and has to been obtained from variant experiments, it is highly beneficial for kids to develop their ability on problem solving and truth seeking.
3. In the case to measure the correlation between wind speeds and power generation (the brightness of the LED bulb), it is difficult to concretely quantified the result and make it data-based only upon the brightness of the LED bulb.
For more accurate record, a multi-meter is suggested to be used for measuring voltage changes (DC-V).
4. This teaching aid for wind generation is excellent for experiments and happy learning either outdoors with natural wind or indoors with an electric fan.
the LED(20mm) does not power up, try inserting the LED(20mm) again, but in the opposite direction.
Only the gears closest to the motor mesh.
If the wind power is low, try meshing the blue gears in the middle, rather than the gears closest to the motor.
The blades should spin clockwise,
light up.
If the LED(20mm) does not power up, try inserting the LED(20mm) again, but in the opposite direction.