'22 Spring Newsprint_Layout 1 4/20/22 4:19 PM Page 1
ABIQUA DRINKING GOURD Spring Cat. $8.50 Season Ending $6.75 18" tall, 36" spread, white flowers. Dark blue-green, seer-suckered leaves with heavy substance, display a unique cupped form up to 3" deep. Demonstrates good slug resistance. AMERICAN HALO Spring Cat. $8.50 Season Ending $6.50 22" tall, 60-70" spread, white flowers. Large, intense blue-green leaves have wide, rippled, creamy-white margins. Forms a wide mound of foliage. Slow to reach maturity but will astonish you when it does! DESIGNER GENES Spring Cat. $9.00 Season Ending $6.95 18" tall, 12" spread, purple flowers. Best yellow hosta with red petioles on the market! Brilliant yellow leaves emerge in the spring from deep wine red shoots. Later in the summer, the foliage mellows to more of a chartreuse green color. Showy bright red petioles. FRAGRANT BOUQUET Spring Cat. $7.50 Season Ending $4.95 20" tall, 36" spread, near white flowers. Light apple-green leaves with wide, pale yellow to cream margins. Leaves are broadly ovate, wavy and of good substance. Slug resistant and a strong grower. GREAT EXPECTATIONS Spring Cat. $9.00 Season Ending $6.95 20" tall, 40" spread, white flowers. Thick, puckered leaves with wide, irregular, blue-green margins. Centers start out chartreuse in spring, then yellow, then creamy yellow, and finally white. Slug resistant.
BLUE MOUSE EARS Spring Cat. $8.95 Season Ending $6.95 8" tall, 12" spread, lavender flowers. This adorable miniature hosta has thick (almost rubbery) round blue-green to grey-green leaves. Forms a symmetrical mound. Perfect for containers. CURLY FRIES Spring Cat. $9.95 Season Ending $6.95 6" tall, 16" spread, lavender flowers. Forms an arching, wiggly clump of extremely rippled, narrow leaves. Mature plants have red speckled petioles. Best in morning sun for brightest chartreuse foliage. MINI SKIRT Spring Cat. $11.95 Season Ending $9.50 PP26743. 5" tall, 13" spread, pale lavender flowers. The cute, dense mound of ruffled, blue-green foliage features wide creamy yellow margins. Summer’s heat will lighten the center to green and edges to creamy white. It has adorable lavender flowers with purple stripes. RAINFOREST SUNRISE Spring Cat. $12.50 Season Ending $7.50 8" tall, 16" spread, light lavender flowers. Leaves emerge solid light green, then develop dark green margins and gold centers. As they mature, leaves become lightly cupped and puckered. Slug resistant. WRINKLE IN TIME Spring Cat. $12.95 Season Ending $9.95 9" tall, 29" spread, lavender flowers. Showy, wavy margins. Leaves have a single prominent wave that begins one third of the way from the leaf base. Dark green leaves have creamy yellow margins in spring, maturing to creamy white in summer. Vigorous, fast-growing.
DREAM WEAVER Spring Cat. $9.00 Season Ending $6.95 18" tall, 30" spread, white flowers. Large, distinctive leaves have very wide, blue-green margins and sharply contrasting creamy white centers. Leaves are nearly round, corrugated. A sport of H. ‘Great Expectations’. EMPRESS WU Spring Cat. $13.50 Season Ending $9.95 SHADOWLAND® Collection. PP20774 CPBR4240. 3-4' tall, 5-6' spread, pale reddish violet flowers. Huge, thick, dark green, deeply veined leaves can measure more than 1 ½' wide and long. Takes about 5 years or more of growing in the ground to achieve mature size. HUMPBACK WHALE Spring Cat. $10.50 Season Ending $7.50 3' tall, 7' spread, near white flowers. Forms a massive, dome-shaped mound of blue-green, corrugated, heart-shaped leaves. It is bluest in the springtime. It can take several years to achieve mature size. KOMODO DRAGON Spring Cat. $10.95 Season Ending $7.50 30" tall, 7' spread, light lavender flowers. This GIANT hosta forms a cascading mound of large dark green leaves with loosely rippled margins on long petioles. It takes several years to reach maturity. SUM AND SUBSTANCE Spring Cat. $9.00 Season Ending $6.95 3' tall, 5-6' spread, pale lavender flowers, full sun-part shade. 16", broadly ovate leaves, a huge, mounded form. Leaf color varies with the amount of sun from light green to chartreuse to gold; prefers ¼¾ day of sun. Good slug resistance. Exhibits greater sun tolerance.
Get all 5 Dwarf Hosta listed here for just $35.00 and save $21.30 off spring prices!
ANGEL FALLS Spring Cat. $15.00 Season Ending $10.95 PP28785. 16" tall, 38" spread, light lavender flowers. A rounded mound of cascading green leaves with white centers that darken as they mature. Lighter green appears where margins and centers overlap. AUTUMN FROST Spring Cat. $13.95 Season Ending $10.50 SHADOWLAND® Collection. PP23224 CPBR4946. 12" tall, 24" spread, light lavender flowers. Leaves emerge frosty blue green with wide, brilliant yellow margins in spring and then turn green with creamy white margins in summer. One of the showiest of all hosta. Season Ending $4.95 BRIM CUP Spring Cat. $7.50 12" tall, 16" spread, lavender flowers. This compact hosta has dark green, upwardly cupped, and lightly corrugated leaves with irregular, wide creamy white margins. Season Ending $11.95 JUNE Spring Cat. $15.00 15" tall, 20" spread, bluish-lavender flowers. Pointed, ovate leaves have wide, streaked, blue-green margins and chartreuse centers in spring. Centers can become medium-light gold in summer with some sun exposure. Leaves are of heavy substance; slug resistant. Season Ending $11.95 WHEEE! Spring Cat. $15.00 SHADOWLAND® Collection. PP23565 CPBR 4948. 11-18" tall, 28-30" spread, light lavender flowers. Extremely ruffled leaves are wavy from the crown to the leaf tips. This ruffling is evident even on juvenile plants. Green leaves with cream margins are of good substance.
Get all 5 Tall Hosta listed here for just $30.00 and save $12.50 off spring prices!
Get all 5 Medium Hosta listed here for just $40.00 and save $26.45 off spring prices!
Get all 5 Giant Hosta listed here for just $35.00 and save $17.95 off spring prices!
Get all 20 Hosta listed on this page for just $150.00 and save over 30%! Plus, get FREE SHIPPING!
Gilbert H. Wild & Son • 2944 State Hwy 37 • Reeds, MO 64859 • Offer expires July 1, 2022 • Order on the web at www.gilberthwild.com