CURLY FRIESSpring Cat. $8.75 Season Ending $8.00
6" tall, 16" spread, lavender flowers. Forms an arching, wiggly clump of extremely rippled, narrow leaves. Mature plants have red speckled petioles. In morning sun its chartreuse foliage will be brightest.
GINKO CRAIGSpring Cat. $10.00 Season Ending $9.00
10" tall, 18" spread, purple flowers. Narrow, elliptical, dark green leaves have crisp white margins and a bit of grey streaking towards the centers. Forms a low, dense mound making this variety excellent for edging or containers. Tolerates morning sun very well.
MAUI BUTTERCUPSSpring Cat. $8.75 Season Ending $7.75
10" tall, 14" spread, near white flowers. One of the best yellow hosta. Bright gold, 5" rounded leaves are cupped and corrugated; of heavy substance, demonstrate slug resistance. Forms a medium sized mound.
WIGGLES AND SQUIGGLES Spring Cat. $9.50 Season Ending $8.50
8-10" tall, 24" spread, lavender flowers. Bright yellow leaves are very long, thin and notable for their incredibly wavy margins. Forms a low, wide habitLeaves will be more chartreuse green in more shade: for best yellow color, plant with morning sun and afternoon shade.
WRINKLE IN TIMESpring Cat. $11.50 Season Ending $10.50
PP29456. 9" tall, 29" spread, lavender flowers. Showy, wavy margins. Dark green leaves have creamy yellow margins in spring, maturing to creamy white margins in summer. Vigorous, fast-growing. Suitable for edging or landscapes.
ANGEL FALLSSpring Cat. $11.75 Season Ending $10.75
PP28785. 16" tall, 38" spread, light lavender flower. Forms a rounded mound of green leaves with beautiful white centers that darken as they mature. Lighter green appears where margins and centers overlap.
FRANCEESpring Cat. $11.75 Season Ending $10.75 14" tall, 36" spread, lavender flowers. Buy 1 Get 1 Free! Glossy green, heart-shaped leaves with narrow, clean white margins. Exhibits greater sun tolerance.
PRAYING HANDSSpring Cat. $8.50 Season Ending $7.75 14-17" tall, 12-16" spread, lavender flowers. AHG 2011 Hosta of the Year! Upright, narrow, tightly folded leaves resemble hands folded in prayer. Dark green leaves are heavily rippled with thin gold margins. Leaves have a matte finish above but are folded, revealing shiny undersides.

ROYAL WEDDINGSpring Cat. $9.00 Season Ending $8.00 PP26727. 12" tall, 20" spread, pure white flowers. Forms an upright mound of thick, shiny green leaves with very wide, creamy white margins which brighten to pure white. The sweetly perfumed flowers will delight you, so be sure to plant it close to a patio or pathway where its fragrance can be enjoyed.
WHEEE!Spring Cat. $12.75 Season Ending $11.50
AUGUST MOONSpring Cat.$8.50 Season Ending $7.75 20" tall, 42" spread, pale lavender flowers, full sun-full shade. Large, heart-shaped leaves are bright gold to chartreuse depending on sun exposure. Leaves are corrugated, wavy and of good substance making them slug resistant. Tolerates full sun intensifying the gold color.
CHRISTMAS TREESpring Cat.$6.50 Season Ending $5.75 20" tall, 36-45" spread, lavender flowers. Dark green leaves have a thin, yellow margin that fades to creamy white in summer. Forms an attractive mound of rounded leaves that are cupped and heavily corrugated. Exhibits greater slug resistance.
GUACAMOLESpring Cat.$8.75 Season Ending $7.75 22" tall, 38" spread, fragrant pale lavender flowers, full sun-full shade. AHG 2002 Hosta of the Year! Huge, apple green leaves are surrounded by streaked, dark green leaf margins. Centers become brighter gold in summer when exposed to sun. Exhibits sun tolerance. Very fragrant!
HANSSpring Cat.$10.00 Season Ending $9.00 21" tall, 32" spread, pale lavender flowers. Glaucous blue-green, rounded leaves have a showy wide, feathery, white center with green jetting between the center and margin. Corrugated, puckered, and folded leaves with ruffling at the base.
PATRIOTSpring Cat.$8.50 Season Ending $7.50 22" tall, 30" spread, lavender flowers, full sun-full shade. Beautiful ovate leaves have dark green centers and margins that are creamy yellow in the spring turning to crisp white streaked margins later in the season. Leaves are slightly wavy and display good sun tolerance.
KOMODO DRAGONSpring Cat. $8.75 Season Ending $7.75 30" tall, 7' spread, light lavender flowers. This GIANT hosta forms a cascading mound of large dark green leaves with loosely rippled margins on long petioles. Though it takes several years to reach maturity, it is a must have for your hosta garden!
REGAL SPLENDORSpring Cat. $6.50 Season Ending $6.00 3' tall, 3' spread, lavender flowers. Long, pointed, frosty blue leaves have narrow, creamy yellow to ivory margins. Forms an upright, vase-shaped mound of foliage.
ROYAL CRESTSpring Cat. $10.00 Season Ending $9.00 PP320672 8" tall, 50" spread, white fragrant flowers, full sun-full shade. Rapid growing mound of rounded, very thick medium green, shiny leaves that are relatively flat. Heavier substance than traditional fragrant varieties. Displays greater sun tolerance.
ROYAL STANDARDSpring Cat. $9.75 Season Ending $8.75 26" tall, 63" spread, white fragrant flowers, full sun-full shade. Large mounds of wavy, green, glossy, pointed leaves demonstrate sun and drought tolerance. Flowers are fragrant, especially in the evening.
SPARTACUSSpring Cat. $10.00 Season Ending $9.00 24" tall, 36" spread, pale lavender flowers. Green-centered leaves are deeply veined with a pie crusted and serrated yellow edge. Forms a dome-like shape of heavily rippled foliage. This incredible hosta is very distinctive in the garden.
SHADOWLAND® Collection. PP23565 CPBR 4948. 11-18" tall, 28-30" spread, light lavender flowers. Extremely ruffled leaves are wavy all the way from the crown out to the leaf tips. Ruffling is evident even on juvenile plants. Green leaves with cream margins are of good substance.
ACROSS THE MILESSpring Catalog $8.50 Season Ending $6.50 32" EM D 6" bloom. Extremely ruffled brilliant lemon yellow. Sepals are gently recurved while petals are almost flat. Holds color even in 100-degree temperatures.
BABY MESpring Catalog $8.75 Season Ending $7.25 29" E D F Ext 5 ¾" bloom. Light peach with raised cream midribs and a yellow green throat.

BAMA BOUNDSpring Catalog $9.00 Season Ending $6.25
T 24" M Se F 5" bloom. Outstanding dark red self with a narrow, sunny yellow band and an apple green throat. Sun fast. Midribs are yellow at the throat and turn purple at the edges. Very ruffled petals.
BRIDGETON DOLLSpring Catalog $8.50 Season Ending $6.50
T 29" EM D 3 ½" bloom. Light melon self above a deep gold to green throat with yellow ruffled edges.
CELTIC BRAIDSpring Catalog $9.00 Season Ending $7.25
T 30" M D F 7" bloom. Nicely ruffled, rich gold self with a solid gold throat and rich, deep green foliage. Strong grower.
EYES OF FURYSpring Catalog $7.00 Season Ending $6.00
T 28" M D Re 7" bloom. Giant, apricot colored blooms with a prominent purple eye and green throat. Broad, ruffled petals open flat to reveal the flower’s triangular form. One of the largest, most spectacular daylilies in the garden!
FRENCH TUDORSpring Catalog $10.25 Season Ending $8.75
T 28" EM SE Re Ext 6 ½" bloom. Huge rose pink flowers in a great form! Sculpted petals with a large, pale pink eye, lemon watermark, and green throat. Attractive blue-green foliage.
GRANDEST MOMENTSSpring Catalog $8.75 Season Ending $7.50
T 36" M D Re OE 5 ¼" bloom. Opens orange in the morning, mellows to show more pink in the afternoon. Mellowing leaves a gold edge on the blooms opening well and fairly wide.
HOLD THAT TIGERSpring Catalog $9.50 Season Ending $8.00
T 34" EM D F 6" bloom. Brightest of oranges complete with orange throat.
JAZZ KINGSpring Catalog $7.50 Season Ending $6.25
T 30" M D F Ext 4 ½" bloom. Bright orange-gold flowers have a raspberry eye and matching edging all around the top three petals. The petals are ruffled, showing off the colorful edging. This colorful heavy bloomer is sure to jazz up your garden!
MOTHER’S MELODYSpring Catalog $11.50 Season Ending $10.00
16" E D 5" bloom. Peach pink with a dark purple watermark above a yellow green throat.

VE - Very Early
E - Early
EM - Early Mid-Season
M - Mid-Season
ML - Mid Season Late
L - Late
D - Dormant (dies back)
EV - Evergreen (stays green)
SE - Semi Evergreen
EXT - Extended Bloom
F - Fragrant Bloom
OE - Opens Evening
Re - Repeated Bloom
T - Tetraploid
PEANUT BUTTER FRENZYSpring Catalog $7.00 Season Ending $5.50
43" ML D 2 ¾" bloom. Golden-bronze & orange-red bicolor with an orange-red eye above a yellow throat. One of the tallest daylilies, which are fantastic for the back of the border!

PRAIRIE MOONLIGHTSpring Catalog $12.75 Season Ending $11.00
34" M SE F OE 8" bloom. Creamy yellow self has pie crust edges and a green throat.
PRIDE OF FATHERSpring Catalog $14.75 Season Ending $12.50
23" M D Re OE F 5 ¾" bloom. Ruffled, airy looking, light peach with a cream raised rib that turns pink in the evening. Segments edged with rose. Gold throat blends up onto petals; green heart.
RED RUMSpring Catalog $8.00 Season Ending $5.50
15" M SE 4" bloom. Rusty red self with smaller yellow throat. Notable white midrib on both the petals and sepals. A great border plant.
ROMANTIC ROSESpring Catalog $8.50 Season Ending $6.50
16" EM D Re F Ext 4" bloom. Mellow pink blends to coral. Much lighter sepals and ribs. Strong greenish yellow throat.
RUBY SENTINELSpring Catalog $10.00 Season Ending $8.50
T 36" ML D F OE 5" bloom. Three-foot tall scapes carry loads of fragrant, rich ruby red flowers with matching red stamens and a brilliant emerald green throat. The broad, rounded petals are nicely ruffled and somewhat recurved. Award winner! A vigorous grower!
SELMA ROSESpring Catalog $6.50 Season Ending $5.75
26" EM SE F 6" bloom. Cool, silvery rose self with a small yellow throat. The petals are loosely ruffled. Recurved sepals reveal the flower’s triangular star shape bloom. One of the first to bloom.
SILOAM DRUMMER BOYSpring Catalog $7.50 Season Ending $6.75
16" M D Ext 3" bloom. Rose coral with deeper rose eye zone and green throat.
SILOAM QUEENS TOYSpring Catalog $8.50 Season Ending $7.00
20" M D Ext 3" bloom. A long blooming bright pink with a deeper pink halo, small yellow heart.
SKY CITYSpring Catalog $6.50 Season Ending $5.75
19" EM D Ext 4 ¾" bloom. Light burgundy with creamy pink raised midribs and a dark burgundy watermark leaves you in awe. Medium burgundy veining and shading. Petals and sepals are edged in cream. Rounded petals overlap and lay flat. Sepals lay flat and curve or recurve.
SUZIE WONGSpring Catalog $8.50 Season Ending $7.00
24" EM D 3 ½" bloom. A small pale yellow that is a wonderful companion for planting anywhere.
WHIR OF LACESpring Catalog $9.00 Season Ending $5.75
36" ML D 5 ½" bloom. Cool grapefruit yellow with edges that are lacy with ruffles. Cool green radiates from throat. Takes sun and wind!
WILD MOUNTAIN HONEYSpring Catalog $8.50 Season Ending $6.75
23" ML D Ext 5 ½" bloom. Diamond dusted light yellow-orange with pink midribs and yellow green throat.
WINE FESTIVALSpring Catalog $7.75 Season Ending $6.75
26" ML D 5" bloom. Smoothly colored deep wine with a medium gold throat. Ruffled overlapping petals; gently recurved sepals; veined.
WINNING WAYSSpring Catalog $7.75 Season Ending $6.00
32" EM D Re 6" bloom. A real aristocrat! A very unusual and resplendently beautiful greenish yellow with a small green heart. A very flat bloom of crisp color and substance, with very wide, overlapping petals that are long and rounded, sepals twirl.
YELLOW EXPLOSIONSpring Catalog $8.75 Season Ending $7.00
27" ML D 5 ½" bloom. Yellow self with small green throat and slightly lighter yellow midribs. Recurved petals; ruffled edges.
YELLOWSTONESpring Catalog $9.00 Season Ending $7.25
36" M D F Ext 7" bloom. Large flowering delicate yellow with darker yellow veining. Wide segments, creped and ruffled.
Spring Cat. $5.75 Season Ending $5.00
GAILLARDIA a. ‘Arizona Red Shades’Arizona Series. 10-12" tall, 12" spread, full sun, early summer-early fall bloom. Large, crimson red blossoms are slightly tipped by a ring of yellow. Forms a short, compact, uniform habit. Great for container gardens. Attracts butterflies. Bee friendly. Deer resistant. Heat & drought tolerant once established. Zones 3-10. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $10.75 Season Ending $9.75
ALLIUM ‘Bubble Bath’ PPAF. 26-28" tall, 24-26" spread, full sun-part shade, late summer-early fall bloom. 3" soft lavender flower clusters are held on strong stems above a mound of glaucous blue green foliage. The wide, linear leaves have a slight twist. Attracts butterflies & is bee friendly. Deer and rabbit resistant. Zones 4-8. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $8.75 Season Ending $7.75 BUDDLEIA. 2-5' tall, 2-6' spread, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. Our choice of color and variety. Densely compact, rounded habit. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and is bee friendly. Deer resistant. Zones 5-10. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $11.00 Season Ending $10.00
PHLOX ‘Crater Lake’ PP32990 CPBRAF –MOUNTAINSIDE™ Collection. 4-6" tall, 24-28" spread, full sun, mid-late spring bloom. Cool, indigo purple flowers. This new series of Phlox from Proven Winners® is a more refined spreader, compressed to the ground. Can take up to 3 years for full maturity. Attracts butterflies, is bee friendly! Zones 4-8. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $5.50 Season Ending $5.00 Buy 1 Get 1 Free!
IRIS Dwarf. 10-13" tall, full sun, earlymid spring bloom. Our choice of color and variety. We are not sure of the names and varieties but at these prices...just enjoy! Zones 3-10. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $12.00 Season Ending $11.00 Buy 1 Get 1 Free!
DIGITALIS. 1 ½-4' tall, full-part sun, early summer bloom. Our choice of color and variety. Blooms on strong upright stems. All labeled. Large rosettes of green, oblong leaves. Zones 4-9. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $8.25 Season Ending $7.50
MONARDA didyma ‘Jacob Cline’. 4-5' tall, 3' spread, full sun-part shade, early summer-early fall bloom. Large, fiery-red, tubular shaped blooms look like fireworks exploding on the 4th of July. One of the most specular native Beebalm hybrids. Excellent mildew resistance. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and is bee friendly. Deer resistant. Zones 4-9. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $7.50 Season Ending $6.75 SISYRINCHIUM ‘Lucerne’. 10" tall, 15" spread, full sun-part shade, late springearly summer bloom. Spiky, dark green, grass-like foliage gives way to brilliant, bright purplish-blue, star-like flowers. Great as an accent along walkways or in rockeries. Very unique! Zones 5-8. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $7.50 Season Ending $6.75
ECHINACEA p. ‘Magnus’. 36" tall, 18-24" spread, full sun-part shade, midsummerearly fall bloom. This classic coneflower has beautiful rose-pink petals with darker stem color and large coppery cones. Newer blooms are more intense in color and lighten to pale rose as they age. Zones 3-8. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $5.50 Season Ending $5.00
RUDBECKIA f. ‘Goldsturm’. 24-36" tall, 18-24" spread, full sun-part shade, midsummer-early fall bloom. Goldenyellow, daisy-like flowers, dark brown central cone. Sturdy upright habit, long blooming. An excellent perennial for providing color in late summer! Attracts butterflies, songbirds & is bee friendly.
Zones 4-10. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $8.25 Season Ending $6.00 SEMPERVIVUM ‘assorted’. 3-4" tall, 6-8" spread, full sun. Comprised of one large rosette called the “hen” which sprouts smaller rosettes around it called “chicks”. Zones 3-8. #1 grade, bareroot. An unnamed assortment of 5/bag, our choice.
Spring Cat. $5.00 Season Ending $4.50
PELARGONIUM x. fragrans. 14-18" tall, 12-14" spread, full sun-part shade, summer bloom. This lemon scented geranium has three times higher oil content than the ordinary ‘mosquitoshoo’ geranium and helps to repel mosquitoes, especially when leaves are crushed. Hardy in zones 9-11, annual elsewhere. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $11.00 Season Ending $10.00
PHLOX s. ‘Rose Quartz’ PP33315
CPBRAF – SPRING BLING™ Series. 4-8" tall, 24-28" spread, full sun, mid-late spring bloom. Large, rose pink flowers. Takes creeping Phlox to the next level of refinement and beauty. Blooms earlier than other creeping Phlox. Mature plants will spread more in the garden. Attracts butterflies & is bee friendly! Zones 4-8. Potted in 3" pot.
TOLL-FREE: 1-888-449-4537
Spring Cat. $9.50 Season Ending $8.50
LEUCANTHEMUM s. ‘Seventh Heaven’ PPAF. 20-22" tall, 22-24" spread, full sun, early-midsummer bloom. Lemon yellow buds open to large 4" wide creamy white flowers. Three rows of petals on each flower overlap for a very full look. Lateral branching produces a second flush of flowers that extends time in color. Attracts butterflies and is bee friendly. Zones 5-9. Potted in 3" pot.
• Offer expires July 1, 2023
Spring Cat. $11.00 Season Ending $10.00
PHLOX ‘Majestic Magenta’ PP33006
4-6" tall, 24-28" spread, full sun, mid-late spring bloom. Star-shaped, rich dark pink flowers. Spreads slowly. One of the first perennials to bloom in the spring! Can take up to 3 years to reach full maturity. Attracts butterflies & is bee friendly! Zones 4-8. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $10.00 Season Ending $9.00
ALCEA r. ‘Mars Magic’. 5-6' tall, 2' spread, full sun, midsummer bloom. Bright red, single flowers are produced on tall, sturdy stalks. A true perennial. Will grow under Black Walnut trees. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, & is bee friendly. Zones 3-9. Potted in 3" pot.
Spring Cat. $9.75 Season Ending $8.75
VERONICA spicata ‘Sunny Border Blue’. 18-24" tall, 15-20" spread, full sun, midsummer-early fall blooms. Violetblue spikes dart up above the dark green, crinkly foliage. Veronica is highly valued for its ease of growth and long bloom time. Heat tolerant. Attracts hummingbirds. Deer and rabbit resistant. Zones 4-8. Potted in 3" pot.
Get all 17 Sunny Bloomers varieties listed on page 4 for just $118.00 and save $28.75 off spring prices! Plus, get FREE SHIPPING!
• Free shipping on all orders over $100.00.

BOOM CHOCOLATTA HARDY GERANIUM – GERANIUM p. ‘Boom Chocolatta’ Spring Catalog $18.00 Season Ending$16.25 PP32025. 24-26" tall, 28-30" spread, full sun-part shade, early-late summer bloom. Rich, dark bronze leaves with blue-purple flowers. Very vigorous with a refined, upright habit. Bee friendly. Deer & rabbit resistant. Zones 4-8. Potted in 3" pot.
GOAT’S BEARD – ARUNCUS dioicus. 4-5' tall, 3-4' spread, Spring Catalog$12.50 Season Ending $11.25 full sun-full shade, early-midsummer bloom. With similar foliage to an astilbe, ‘Goat’s Beard’ boasts feathery, creamy white flower plumes up to 1' long. Though slow-growing at first, once established it puts on a fabulous show year after year. Bee friendly. Deer and rabbit resistant. Zones 3-7. Potted in 3" pot.
PEACH BLOSSOM ASTILBE – ASTILBE ‘Peach Blossom’. 24" tall, Spring Catalog$7.50
Season Ending $6.75 15-18" spread, shade, early summer bloom. Delicate peach plumes are dense with a hint of pink. Plumes are full and lend a frothy appearance to the clump. Glossy, green foliage. Bee friendly. Deer & rabbit resistant. Zones 4-9. #1 grade plant.
RED SENTINEL ASTILBE – ASTILBE ‘Red Sentinel’. 20-24" tall, 12-18" Spring Catalog$8.25 Season Ending $7.50 spread, shade, early-midsummer bloom. Vibrant scarlet-red flowers are held in open, lacy panicles. Forest green foliage and mahogany-red stems. One of the best red astilbes. Bee friendly. Deer & rabbit resistant. Zones 4-9. #1 grade plant.
SOUTHERN COMFORT CORAL BELLS – HEUCHERA ‘Southern Comfort’ Spring Catalog$19.50 Season Ending $17.50 PP20364. 14" tall, 24" spread, part-full shade, late summer-early fall bloom. Huge, cinnamon- peach leaves mature to burnished copper, then to amber in the fall, making a bold foliage statement in your garden. Creamy white flowers. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds & is bee friendly! Deer resistant. Zones 4-9. Potted in 3" pot.
VISIONS ASTILBE – ASTILBE c. ‘Visions’. Spring Catalog$5.25 Season Ending $4.75 14-16" tall, 12-15" spread, shade, midsummer bloom. Raspberry pink plumes are sweetly fragrant with a dense, pyramidal shape. Large, clear green leaves have course texture. Perfect for adding a cool color contrast to containers or the front of the border. Bee friendly. Deer & rabbit resistant. Zones 4-9. Potted in 3" pot.
Get all 6 Shady Ladies listed here for just $57.00 and save $14.00 off spring prices!
AUTUMN JOY SEDUM – SEDUM s. ‘Autumn Joy’. Spring Catalog $7.50 Season Ending $6.75 24" tall, 18-24" spread, full sun, late summer-mid fall bloom. Deep rose flowers age to a beautiful bronze on light green foliage. Sturdy stems support massive flowerheads which develop in summer and burst into bloom in fall. Attracts butterflies & is bee friendly. Rabbit resistant. Zones 3-9.
Spring Catalog $8.25 Season Ending $7.50 3-4' tall, 2-3' spread, full sun, midsummer-fall bloom. This easy to grow, upright native has gray-green, licorice scented leaves that are covered with very showy, smokey lilac flowers opening from dark-purple buds. Well-drained soils are a must, especially in the winter. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds & is bee friendly. Deer & rabbit resistant. Zones 6-9.
CRAZY COREOPSIS – COREOPSIS. 8-22" tall, Spring Catalog $7.50 Season Ending $6.75 24-36" spread, full sun, early-late summer bloom. Our choice of color and variety. Blooms on dark green foliage. Heat tolerant. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies & is bee friendly. Zones 4-9.
INVITATION TALL BEARDED IRIS – TB VE 34" Re F. Spring Catalog $10.75 Season Ending $10.00 Pristine white standards invite the warmth of the light apricot-peach falls. This ice cream like bloom is reminiscent to grandma’s garden and makes an elegant statement. Drought tolerant, highly resistant to deer & rabbits, very attractive to butterflies! Some cultivars will be larger than others at shipping. Zones 3-10.
MRS. GIUSEPPE HEN & CHICKS – SEMPERVIVUM c. ‘Mrs. Giuseppe’. Spring Catalog $5.00 Season Ending $4.50 3-6" tall, 6" spread, full sun. Fleshy rosettes of blue-green foliage are adorned with a pointed, mahogany tip that keeps its color all year round. Very tidy and uniform growth habit adds charm to locations typically left untouched. Drought & heat tolerant. Deer & rabbit resistant. Zones 4-8.
PERSIAN STONECRESS – AETHIONEMA grandiflorum. Spring Catalog $8.75 Season Ending $8.00 6-12" tall, 12-15" spread, full sun, late spring-midsummer bloom. The soft pink, fragrant blooms are held on study stems and compliment the blue-green, succulent-like leaves. It thrives in heat and full sun in well-drained soils. Try in a rock garden or xeriscaping. Very drought tolerant. Self-seeding. Bee friendly. Zones 4-8.
RIO VISTA TALL BEARDED IRIS – TB E 36" Re. Spring Catalog $10.50 Season Ending $9.50
Pale violet blooms with purple veining at the throat and gentle lacing along the petals’ edge create an elegant view in your garden. Drought tolerant, highly resistant to deer and rabbits, very attractive to butterflies! Some cultivars will be larger than others at shipping. Zones 3-10.
ROYAL CASTLE RED HOT POKER – KNIPHOFIA u. ‘Royal Castle’. Spring Catalog $7.25 Season Ending $6.50 3' tall, 1 ½-2' spread, full sun, late spring-late summer bloom. Easy to grow! Large bottlebrush shaped blooms are held high over stiff, dark, evergreen to semi-evergreen grass like foliage. The unique flowers change colors; from white to yellow at the bottom then orange to red at the top, and all colors can appear at once because 2 or 3 flowers can develop on a single bloom stalk. Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. Deer & rabbit resistant. Zones 5-10.
Get all 8 Drought Tolerant plants listed here for just $52.50 and save $13.00 off spring prices!

ALL GOLD HAKONE GRASSSpring Catalog $13.25 Season Ending$11.25
HAKONECHLOA m. ‘All Gold’. 9-14" tall, 18-24" spread, part-full shade. A brilliant grass that glows in the shade! More chartreuse in heavier shade, brighter gold in more sun. Though this grass does spread by rhizomes, it is a slow grower and will not rapidly overtake its neighbors. Deer resistant. Zones 5-9.
BLUE ZINGER SEDGE GRASSSpring Catalog $9.00 Season Ending $7.50 CAREX g. ‘Blue Zinger’. 12-18" tall with equal spread, full sun-part shade. A dense, cool-season, clump-forming, slow creeping grass. Features narrow, arching, somewhat coarse leaves which are blue-green above but blue-gray underneath. Insignificant flowers appear in early summer on terminal, cylindrical spikes. Plants will spread slowly but will form colonies after several years and can be used as an effective ground cover. Deer resistant. Zones 4-9.
HELLO SPRING FEATHER REED GRASS Spring Catalog $9.00 Season Ending $8.25
CALAMAGROSTIS a. Hello Spring!™. 3-4' tall, 1 ½-2' spread, full sun. Leaves have wide creamy white margins edging green centers. The foliage cascades to the ground to form an arching habit. Expect the variegation to be most pronounced in spring. Cream flower spikes rise above the foliage in summer. Deer resistant. Zones 4-8.
Season Ending $7.25
CHASMANTHIUM latifolium. 2-4' tall, 1-2 ½' spread, full sun-full shade. A clump-forming, upright, ornamental grass, mostly distinguished by the flat seedheads which hang in terminal clusters on thread-like pedicels from slightly arching stems. Seedheads develop green but turn purplish bronze by late summer. Bright green leaves turn a coppery color after frost and eventually brown by winter. Deer resistant. Zones 5-9.
OVERDAM VARIEGATED FEATHER REED GRASSSpring Catalog $7.75 Season Ending $7.00
CALAMAGROSTIS a. ‘Overdam’. 5' tall, 1-2' spread, full sun. Variegated foliage starts out with bright creamy-white margins which turn to white with a pink flush. Strikingly erect, feathery plumes with purplish seed heads turn tan as they age. Ideal backdrop for low-growing, flowering perennials all through the year. Deer resistant. Zones 4-8.
all 5 season ending
grasses listed here for just $37.75 and save $9.50 off spring prices!
Spring Catalog $4.50 Season Ending $4.00 24" tall, 4" bloom, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. Pink-lavender duplex quills show frost resistance. A very uniform plant with dark green foliage and willowy stems. Makes a very good cut flower. Deer resistant. Zones 3-9.
Spring Catalog $4.50 Season Ending $4.00 36" tall, up to 5-6" bloom, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. Gigantic, copper-orange corsage-type bloom stands tall on sturdy stems. A must have football mum! Deer resistant. Zones 3-9.
DOLLIETTE CHRYSANTHEMUMSpring Catalog $4.50 Season Ending $4.00 24" tall, full sun, fall bloom. An extremely interesting novelty cushion! Bronze spoon center with red tips. This is one of the few multi-colored mums. Makes a wonderful addition to your fall garden. Zone 2-9.
Spring Catalog $4.00 Season Ending $3.75 24" tall, 2" bloom, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. This upright hardy mum has elegant red blooms that are tipped with rich yellow. Tips are most pronounced in center of bloom, creating daisy type look. Deer resistant. Zones 4-9. POWDER RIVER CHRYSANTHEMUM Spring Catalog $4.50 Season Ending $4.00 15" tall, 3-4" bloom, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. Snow white outer petals with a touch of cream at the center smother the entire upright habit making a stunning fall display. Deer resistant. Zone 3-9.
Spring Catalog $4.50 Season Ending $4.00 36" tall, 5" bloom, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. Showy semi-double, bright yellow spidery petals cover the low, bushy dark green foliage. Excellent for cuttings. Zones 3-9.
VIRGINIA’S FAVORITE CHRYSANTHEMUMSpring Catalog $4.50 Season Ending $2.00 10-15" tall, 1 ½-2" bloom, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. Straight from the gardens of P. Allen Smith. An alluring bronze button type mum. Deer resistant. Zones 5-9.
YELLOW QUILL CHRYSANTHEMUMSpring Catalog $4.50 Season Ending $4.00 14-24" tall, 4" bloom, full sun, late summer-early fall bloom. Rich, clear yellow tubular petals are shaped like spoons at the tips. Dense, dark green foliage. Deer resistant. Zones 3-9.
Get 1 each of all 8 Mums listed here for just $28.50! That’s an average of $3.56 per plant!

DAZZLING DAHLIA - MIX 18-40" tall. Season Ending $38.50
This dahlia mix has the WOW factor! Get 5 brightly hued dahlias to add color and texture to your garden oasis. A mixture of various colors and types. Midsummer to fall bloom. Attracts butterflies and is bee friendly. Deer resistant. #1 grade tuber. Hardy in zones 8-11, can be dug & stored throughout winter in zones 3-7.
DINNERPLATE DAHLIA MIX – 36-48" tall. Season Ending $19.75

Create an enchanting garden with these huge, 8-12” long lasting blooms. A mixture of various colors and types. Midsummer to fall bloom. Attracts butterflies and is bee friendly. Deer resistant. #1 grade tuber. Hardy in zones 8-11, can be dug & stored throughout winter in zones 3-7.

Season Ending $4.50
Full sun, mid to late summer bloom. Our choice of variety and color variation. All labeled. Zones 5-9. 8/10cm corm. 3 corms/bag.
Season Ending $8.00
A great mix of 5 lily bulbs. Our choice of color and variety –we are unsure of type, but you’ll have loads of gorgeous blooms. Unnamed and unlabeled. 5 bulbs/bag. Zones 4-10. 12/16cm bulb.
Season Ending $14.00

PAEONIA ‘Mixed’. Various heights and bloom seasons. Our choice of variety, bloom time and color variation –red, pink and white. All unlabeled. Zones 3-7. Bareroot, 3-5 eye division, 1 per bag.

Queen of the Daylilies
Season Ending $20.00

For years, Stella de Oro has been the go-to daylily for many gardeners and landscapers, but we believe there’s a new Queen in town by the name of Stella Supreme. Get 5 each of Stella de Oro and get 5 each Stella Supreme. We will let you decide which is best deserving of the title, Queen of the Daylilies!
STELLA DE ORO - 12" EM D Re F Ext 2 ¾" bloom. Bright gold self with green throat.
STELLA SUPREME - 14" EM E Re F Ext 3" bloom. Lemon yellow with strong citrus smell.
Angel Eyes Hibiscus
One of the earliest hardy hibiscus to flower. 8" bright white flowers have raspberry red eyes that radiate out through the petals. Broad green foliage on red stems make up a well-rounded habit. Very fast grower. Attracts hummingbirds & is bee friendly. Deer resistant. Zones 4-9. #1 grade, bareroot.
Groundcover Daylilies
Daylilies for as low as $1.00

If you have a large sunny area which is lacking in curb-appeal, a spot which occasionally floods but doesn’t hold water, perhaps you want to line your driveway with gorgeous summer color or maybe you just love daylilies and a great deal, then Groundcover Daylilies are for you! The possibilities are endless! These unnamed and unlabeled daylilies will keep the weeds down but will not spread to your neighbors. Available in quantities of 25. Get 25 for $50.00, 50 for $90.00, 75 for $123.00 or save the most with 100 for $150.00!
Your Solution for Shady Areas.
Hosta are the most popular perennial for shady areas and can be used as a wonderful groundcover. If you haven’t seen mass plantings of Hosta, it is a gorgeous sight to see. Many Hosta varieties cost $5.00 to $20.00 per plant, which is very expensive to fill in a large area of Hosta. But, if you take advantage of this offer, you can get them for as low as $1.50 per plant (in quantities of 100)! These fast growing hosta are unnamed, unlabeled, bareroot divisions. Expect to see growth 2-3 weeks after proper planting. These are shipped through May.