Past the long grass

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BLACK. O.S) We hear MARCHING and SHOUTING, mixed with the sound of CHURNING industrial machinery. We hear an English news REPORTER documenting the mine closures and strike action in Scotland. There’s a tone of patronization to the report. (O.S) NEWS REPORTER …the government subsidization of industry intends to close 20 coalmines, with a loss of 20,000 jobs, across Scotland… INTERCUT STOCK FOOTAGE. FADE IN: EXT/ SCOTLAND – DAY STOCK FOOTAGE – Super 8 newsreel of the beginning of the miner’s strikes 1983. Coal-stained WORKING-CLASS MEN, young and old, MARCH and SHOUT in frenzy while neat POLICEMEN stand astute and defensive. The footage is grainy and in black and white. Everything is dirty. The MEN look frantic and desperate. MINERS SLAM makeshift placard sticks loudly on the concrete. They read ‘FAIR PAY FOR HARD WORK’ and SAVE OUR MINES. SAVE OUR JOBS’. They brandish homemade banners that say ’FUCK THATCHER’. Rocks are thrown. The CROWD thrashes frantically. Two POLICEMEN drag a MAN down the street by his hair. A police patrol escorts five or six NON-STRIKERS into the pit. Their heads hang low. PROTESTERS throw rotten vegetables and mud at them. SMALL BOYS stand by their FATHERS, confused and crying. There isn’t a WOMAN in sight. 2

The shouting FADES OUT. FADE TO WHITE: (O.S) We hear the faint sound of WIND BLOWING. It’s very light and haunting. Tiny Vipers – EYE’S LIKE OURS plays quietly as we, FADE IN: EXT/ SCOTLAND – CALDERCRUIX – MORNING - WINTER Winter leaves cover a grey concrete path. An empty, creased white PAPER BAG floats across the ground. We follow the bag as the wind carries it in a circle around us and into the stark, grey sky. Sometimes whipping it about violently, or, without warning sending it soaring skyward then letting it float gracefully down to the ground. The wind and leaves carry the bag. It floats up into the air and past a small row of SHOPS. Only one store looks open. It’s SOOTY’S FOOD shop. There isn’t much in the window. A few small bread loaves, some Christmas cookies and some meat sits on a shelf in the window. We see a sad looking Christmas tree in the background. The shop looks frozen in time. The paper bag floats past a closed POST OFFICE. It looks dusty inside. CUT TO: EXT/ GO-PRO CAMERA SHOT: CALDERCRUIX – CHRISTMAS EVE – DAY From the bag’s POV we soar high into the sky. We get a view of the village below. It looks like a small island surrounded by a sea of fields. Desolate and remote. The colours of the landscape have a cartoon like quality. The deep green fields contrast with the purple and grey sky. Snow-lined hills melt into ice blue rivers. There are no major roads leading in or out of the 3

village. A holly jolly Christmas plays as we: FADE IN: INT/ SCOTLAND – CALDERCRUIX – CHRISTMAS MORNING - WINTER BLACK SCREEN WHITE TEXT: CHRISTMAS DAY – CALDERCRUIX – 1983 A young BOY, chubby, 6 years old, sneaks under a Christmas tree. He hurriedly begins to unwrap a Christmas present. His face is bright with excitement. He removes the shiny red wrapping paper, opening the present. Beat. He begins to CRY. The camera pulls out. We see that the boy’s hands are bleeding. In his hands are shards of broken glass. (O.S we hear a WOMAN shuffle into the room). WOMAN (authoritatively) A told yea not till later! The woman gets close enough to see the boy’s hands. Seeing the blood and glass, she begins to SCREAM. TITLE: PAST THE LONG GRASS WHITE SCREEN BLACK TEXT: CHRISTMAS EVE – CALDERCRUIX – 1983 (O.S) We hear someone struggling to breathe mixed with the sound of sharp, WHISTLING WIND. It sounds loud and abrasive. FADE IN: EXT. FIELD – SCOTLAND – CALDERCRUIX – CHRISTMAS EVE DAWN Wide eyed, ALEC MCFEET looks down the long barrel of a heavy rifle. He’s thirteen. 4

Sweat beads gather on his pale forehead. The gun RATTLES against his cheekbone. His erratic breathing mixes with the sound of CLINKING metal and SHARP wind. Alec shakes nervously. Beat. He lays flat on his belly. Heather whips at his face sending tears streaming down his cheeks and over his blue lips. He points the gun through the long grass. Alec’s scrawny arms begin to buckle beneath the weight of the gun. He aims it at a hill in the distance. A purple hue hangs heavy in the early morning sky. As night fades to day, dawn begins to break behind the snowy hill. Flashes of Red, yellow and orange, snap through the sky. The sun starts to rise over the hill. Alec’s face twists with concentration. Exhausted, he tries to take his aim. He takes a deep breath, WHIMPERING as he exhales. The heavy gun begins to slip from his grip. Alec clenches his teeth and tries in vain to pull the gun tighter. TAM MCFEET, coal-stained skin, strong arms, slowly crawls on top of Alec’s back. Tam forcefully pins his body over Alec’s, and bellows into his ear… TAM (loud. demanding) Steady it boy! Alec winces under the weight of Tam’s body. A wave of anticipation and excitement crosses Tam’s face. Their expressions couldn’t be more different. (O.S we hear BILLY MCFEET LAUGHING loudly, sarcastically) Behind Alec, Billy, fifteen, coal-stained skin, broad shoulders, fiddles with a homemade fishing rod. 5

He looks bored. GYPSEY, a scruffy MONGREL sits compliantly at his side. Billy kicks Alec’s foot trying to distract him. We see that Alec isn’t wearing shoes. Newspaper is wrapped tightly around his feet. Alec looks much scruffier from this angle. We see his clothes are torn and dirty. A pile of grey TROUT rest in the grass next to Billy. One of the fish still GASPS hopelessly, for air. It flips-out on the grass. Billy sharply plucks out one of its eyes. POP, HISS. He threads the eyeball onto the fishhook. Beat. The sun reaches the top of the hill and begins to spill over the peak. Tam pulls tighter around Alec’s body. TAM (CONT'D) Git ready boy! Alec’s eyes widen - he holds his breath. The sunlight burst over the hillside. It lights down through the hidden corners of the field as it travels across the valley. The warm, orange light reaches the boy’s faces they almost look healthy. Beat. A small family of wild rabbits sleepily tumbles out of the fading shadows and into the open grass. They still have their winter coats and are furrier than usual. Alec’s eyes soften. He begins to pull the gun away from them. Impatiently, Tam forces his arms tighter around Alec and the gun. 6

He brings the gun back to aim it at the rabbits. Alec squeezes his eyes shut. Tam forces Alec’s hand down on the trigger. Gunshots RAP-OUT. Loudly. Repeatedly. The sharp BLASTS echo through the valley. It’s a piercing, abrasive sound. The furry bodies of small rabbits flip into the air as bullets RIP through their flesh. Blood splatters over the heather. Alec SOBS as he exhales. Tam looks confused and unsympathetic at Alec’s reaction. Tam rolls off Alec’s body and stands up. Gunpowder hovers in the dewy morning mist. Harsh winter light now floods the valley. Gypsy BARKS manically. Billy lets her loose and she darts out to collect the bodies. Alec looks up at Tam, tears in his eyes. Tam folds his arms and avoids Alec’s eye contact. Gypsy drops five dead rabbits at Tam’s feet. He picks up the carcasses. A baby rabbit shakes free. Wounded, it begins to fit-out on the grass. It’s gross. Blood sprays out of the rabbit’s neck. It makes a weird WHIMPERING noise. Gypsy BARKS and jumps up and down excitedly, as if she’s looking at a new toy. Tam and Billy look at the rabbit, quizzing what to do. Without a word Tam passes the gun to Alec, butt first. Alec gulps. He stands up and takes the gun. He looks down at the baby rabbit, eyes bulging. 7

The rabbit’s eyes are white with fear. Its soft fur matted with blood. Alec looks back to Tam and shakes his head meekly. Tam narrows his eyes and curls his lip. He’s visibly pissed off. TAM The mines wull be tough on you boy… You bettur git straight by strike end. Billy rolls his eyes at Alec. He kicks the baby rabbit to Gypsy. She quickly grabs it by the scruff of the neck and rapidly shakes it around like a rag. We hear the rabbit’s bones SNAP. Blood mats Gypsy’s fur as it seeps out the side of her mouth. She licks her lips, still panting. Alec looks like his heart’s just broken. Billy grabs him into a headlock and playfully roughs-up Alec’s hair with his knuckles. BILLY Ya wee fanny… Maurice Chevalier’s ‘Thank heavens for little girls’ plays as we, FADE IN: INT. CLARK HOUSE – ELMA’S BEDROOM – CHRISTMAS EVE MORNING (O.S We hear high-pitched animal like screams and the muffled sound of an adult shouting and doors slamming. The sound of BANGING and SMASHING, as things are thrown around). ELMA CLARK pours vinegar onto scrunched up rag and applies it to a window in a circular motion. The liquid runs down the glass. She’s twelve with dark, intense eyes. She seems unfazed by the noise outside the bedroom door. 8

She rubs the vinegar off the flimsy glass window with newspaper. The cheap glass gleams. Elma looks down onto the field behind her garden. Grey clouds hang thick in the winter sky. The fields stretch out for miles behind her rickety garden fence. Alec, Tam and Billy McFeet walk past Elma’s garden towards the houses. Alec trails behind looking at his newspaper shoes. He pauses and looks up at Elma’s window. Seeing her, Alec shyly looks back at his shoes. Elma looks down from her window and waves. Alec stops. He looks up at her and smiles. Elma smiles back. She casts her breath onto the glass window and writes ‘DICKHEED’. Alec pulls a goofy face. Elma laughs. Beat. The bedroom door BURSTS open. Elma quickly turns around. Elma’s mother, LYNNE CLARK, flies through the doorway like an unchained dog. She’s fragile, pale and manic. At only twenty-nine, she looks more tired and unnourished than she should. Elma and her mother look uncannily alike, slightly different versions of one another. Startled, Elma immediately jumps away from the window.


LYNNE Whit’s taking you so long… and whit you doin over there… Lynne walks over to the window. She looks down and sees Alec. She screws her face up at the sight of him. Alec runs off. Lynne slams down the blinds. LYNNE (Cont.) Hurry up and git the toilet dun. Lynne leaves the room, slamming the door behind her. Elma stands in the dim light looking exasperated. She stuffs the rag into her pocket. INT. CLARK HOUSE – HALLWAY, MOMENTS LATER (O.S We hear SCREAMING again but this time it’s louder. Closer). Elma walks out of her bedroom and down the hallway. Lynne is using all of her weight to keep a door closed. She’s SHOUTING at the PERSON behind the door. LYNNE You’ll do yur chores! Elma walks past Lynne. The door is rattling open and shut in a tug of war between Lynne and BLAIR CLARK. Blair’s a fourteen year old with a ‘fuck-you’ attitude. Elma watches her mother struggle desperately to keep the bedroom door closed. Lynne looks back at Elma helplessly. (O.S Blair’s SCREAMS emanate from the other side of the bedroom door). Elma looks confused.


Lynne hangs on as the flimsy door shakes violently beneath Blair’s kicks. A bolt runs across the outside of the bedroom door panel. Eventually Lynne manages to force it shut. Lynne steps away from the door. She leans against the wall and tries to catch her breath. She wipes away her tears and lightly rubs the deep red scratches on her skinny arms. Beat. Lynne looks at Elma; guilt and defiance. Elma looks back at Lynne, a mixture of unease and confusion. (O.S On the other side of the bedroom door, defeated, Blair’s SCREAMS turn into the desperate CRIES of a young girl). Lynne looks at Elma. LYNNE You git in there and clean the toilet. And don’t cum oot until it’s gleaming, you hear me!? Elma enters the bathroom at the end of the hallway and slams the door. INT. CLARK HOUSE – BATHROOM, MOMENTS LATER Elma stands in front of a mirror in the bathroom. She looks at herself with a deadpan expression. Beat. (O.S we hear the doorbell ring and Lynne runs down the stairs. She opens the door. There’s a MUFFLED interaction between Lynne and a MAN). This catches Elma’s attention. She goes to the bathroom door and presses her ear against it. 11

(O.S The front door SLAMS shut and the heavy footsteps of the MAN enter the hallway). Elma lies down on the bathroom floor and looks out beneath the crack at the bottom of the door. We have a limited view of the stairs in front of her. (O.S We hear the sound of heavy footsteps as he climbs the stairs). From Elma’s perspective, we see feet ascend the last few stairs. (O.S We hear the CLINKING of metal as he unbuckles his leather belt. The leather SMACKS as he WHIPS it out of his belt loops). The man drags the leather belt behind him. It has a distinctive metal buckle. We see it trail past the crack under the door. He WHISTLES along to the Christmas song ‘Thank heavens for little girls.’ We see the man’s footsteps walk past the gap beneath bathroom door and down the hallway, towards Blair’s room. ELMA (to herself) (confused. hopeful) Da? CUT TO: EXT/THE MCFEET’S BACK GARDEN CALDERCRUIX – CHRISTMAS EVE - MORNING. Alec sits in between Tam and Billy on a rough-cut log. In front of them is a bucket of water, to the left: an open newspaper with five small dead RABBITS on it. Tam picks a rabbit and roughly cuts its head off with a large hunting knife. SLICE. POP. Deep red blood oozes over his large coal-stained hand. 12

Tam dunks the body into the water. Alec covers his mouth he looks like he’s going to throw up. Tam passes the body to Billy. TAM (proudly) See watch how Billy does it Alec… fast and clean… TAM (excited)(Cont.) Goan son… show him how it’s done… Billy takes the rabbit then the knife from his father. He spins it in his hand like a cowboy holstering a gun. He holds the body upside down and softly cuts along the belly exposing the flesh underneath. He dangles it above the pale of water. He then slices through the belly. The guts spill out and SPLASH into the water. Billy then sticks two fingers into the belly and pops out the liver and lungs. They PLOP into the water. BILLY (laughing) It’s still warm TAM (excited) Aye sun, it’s fresh! Alec’s face has turned a paler shade of green. He tries to look away.


Tam grabs his chin with a heavy hand and turns Alec’s face back to the scene, leaving behind two smeared, bloody fingerprints on Alec’s milky skin. TAM (Cont.) (excited) This is the good bit sun! Billy dunks the body in the water. The blood stains the rabbit’s mated fur. BILLY (excited) An then yae pull off its wee jacket Alec… Billy cuts vertically across the rabbit’s back. He holds the body with one hand then uses the other hand to TEAR the skin right off the body. Alec’s eyes bulge. Sweat beads gather on his forehead. Tam and Billy look at each other proudly. Beat. Tam takes another rabbit and passes it to Alec. Alec holds the small corpse in his little hands. He runs his fingers over its white belly fur. ALEC (quietly) It’s really saft… Billy LAUGHS. TAM (bemused) Take the knife… Tam passes Alec the knife. It looks huge and unsteady in his small hand. Alec looks at Tam, confused and unwilling. Tam puts his hand over Alec’s and holds the rabbit upside down. He puts the knife in Alec’s hand and sits back. TAM (Cont.) 14

(excited) Down the belly sun Tam and Billy watch Alec impatiently. Alec looks at the rabbit he takes a deep breath and holds the knife above its belly. TAM (Cont.) (goading) Goan sun… Alec closes his eyes and sticks the knife in. He YELPS and drops the knife and the rabbit. Blood oozes out of Alec’s thumb. Tam and Billy look at him bemused. Alec holds his bloody thumb up in a panic. BILLY (disbelief) Fur god sake Alec Tam shakes his head and picks up the knife and the rabbit CUT TO: EXT / THE CLARK’S HOUSE – CHRISTMAS EVE - MORNING Lynne and Blair sit at the kitchen table. They are wrapping Christmas presents. Blair seems uncomfortable. She is struggling to sit properly. Elma runs into the room clutching the old cleaning rag. ELMA Is it Da? Is Da back? Lynne throws her a scolding look. LYNNE Sit doon and calm doon. Elma clatters down at the table. She points at Lynne’s hands. ELMA 15

That’s Rodger! Lynne is wrapping a small rabbit teddy. It’s made from real rabbit fur - a miniature taxidermy effort. Elma sees the toy and makes a grab for it. Lynne scrabbles the toy back off Elma and continues to wrap it. Elma looks scorned. ELMA (CONT’D) Da made me that? Whit you wrapping it fur? Lynne doesn’t budge and inch. Elma looks confused. Lynne finishes wrapping the rabbit and puts it to one side along with a couple of other wrapped presents. Elma makes another grab for the now wrapped rabbit toy. Lynne slaps her hand, hard. LYNNE (sternly) That’s fur the collection later. Elma’s eyes well up. She looks at her mother questioningly. ELMA But, that’s ma toy, a don’t want tae put it in the collection. LYNNE(CONT’D) (sternly) It’s fur the collection. Elma screws her face up. Lynne disapproves. LYNNE (sternly)(CONT’D) A’l be askin MRS. MCCONNELL if youz huv put these presents into the collection and if she 16

says you huvnea yu’ll huv no dinner fur a month, dae yae hear me!? Elma looks at her mother, she can tell she’s being serious. BLAIR (annoyed) Why ur we pittin our stuff intae the collection when we’ll huv nothing left fur urselves!? Lynne sits back down at the table. LYNNE (matter of fact) Coz it’s proper and Christian Blair. Blair rolls her eyes. She looks annoyed at the response. Elma watches her, a look of admiration on her face. Lynne motions for them to clasp their hands. They follow suit. Lynne closes her eyes and begins to recite a prayer. LYNNE (softly) …through, Blessed are you, Lord God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, We praise you and give you glory: We bless you for calling us to be your holy people. Blair opens one eye. She looks over at Elma. Elma sits with her hands clasped and eyes tight shut. Blair kicks her under the table. LYNNE (CONT’D) (softly) Remain in our hearts, And guide us in our love and service. 17

Elma opens her eyes. Blair sticks up two fingers at her mother and begins to GIGGLE. Elma smiles. Lynne stops reciting. She slaps Blair on the leg. Blair YELPS. They all close their eyes again. LYNNE (CONT’D) (softly) All honor, glory, and thanks are his, And praise and worship belong to him. To God be glory in his Church Forever and ever! Amen! Lynne pours some water into mugs and passes them to the girls. She passes them bowls of tomato soup. Lynne has much less in her bowl than Elma and Blair. Some stale bread sits in the middle of the table. The girls eat quietly. Blair takes a drink of water. BLAIR Ewww it’s warm! LYNNE Yae can’t have cold water with soup Blair; it’ll give yur tummy a chill… Elma continues to eat quietly; she watches Blair and Lynne pensively, suspiciously. BLAIR Ah, don’t want it! 18

Blair pushes the water and the soup into the middle of the table and sits back with her arms folded. Lynne looks annoyed. LYNNE Eat yer breakfast Blair BLAIR Naw! It’s horrible!! LYNNE Why can’t you jist be grateful!? BLAIR Coz a don’t want it! LYNNE Right, that’s it! Lynne forcefully grabs Blair’s arm and drags her out of the room. She opens the front door and forces Blair down on the outside step. LYNNE (Cont.) You can sit oot here until you go to Sunday school. Elma sighs and gets up from the table. She takes the presents and walks out of the front door. LYNNE(Cont.) Where you goin? Elma rolls her eyes. ELMA Sunday school… CUT TO: EXT/THE CUL-DE-SAC CALDERCRUIX. CHRISTMAS EVE MORNING. Elma and Blair walk past BIG JIM’s house, we see from his uniform that he’s the local police officer. He’s a rotund sixty-nine year old with a kind face. 19

Jim is tidying the garden. The small garden is full of litter, rotten vegetables and junk. The word ‘TRAITOR’ is painted on the front of Jim’s house in white paint. Jim scrubs at the paint dejectedly. He sees the girls and walks over to them. JIM (friendly) A hope you’ve been good for Santa girls? Yu’ll not want tae see Krampus wull yeez? They stop at the top of Jim’s garden. The pale blue paint has begun to chip and flake off the garden gate. Jim fruitlessly tries to stick it back on. Elma watches him cautiously. She shrugs her shoulders. JIM Well, I’ll stick some ice cream in the oven for yeez getting back from Sunday school. How’s aboot that? Big Jim GIGGLES at his joke. Elma smiles. Blair rolls her eyes at him and pushes Elma on – she doesn’t want to talk to Jim. The girls continue on their way. ELMA A thought you said Santa isne real? BLAIR He’s no. Elma looks at Blair confused… ELMA Who’s Krampus then? BLAIR Fuck knows… Another stinky perve. 20

ELMA Whit about the ice cream then? BLAIR (sarcastically) Fae the oven? Elma looks deflated. ELMA (disappointed) Aww whit’s he sayin that fur then… Blair throws her arms around Elma’s shoulders. She tickles her by jabbing her fingers into Elma’s collarbone. BLAIR (playfully) Coz he wants tae git us in his house all alonnnnnne… The girls LAUGH. CUT TO: EXT / THE MCFEET HOUSE. CHRISTMAS EVE - MORNING. Alec sits on his front doorstep his socks covered in holes. He leans against the front door the red paint is chipped and worn. Nonchalantly, Alec pulls the weeds from around the step and throws them into the shabby over grown garden. He sighs and rests his head in his hands. Elma and Blair walk past the McFeet house. Seeing Alec sitting there, Elma goes up to the gate. ELMA Whit you doin? ALEC Waitin on the shoes… BLAIR 21

(disinterested) Were goin tae Sunday school… Blair begins to walk on. ELMA We’ll wait on yea… Alec looks relived. Blair rolls her eyes. Elma carefully unlatches the gate. Alec watches her intensely as she walks up the garden path. The wind softly blows her long hair. She tucks it behind her ear. Alec smiles. Elma sits down on the step beside him. Blair sits in the garden and immediately starts to tear out the grass. ELMA Whit’s that? Elma gestures to the cut on Alec’s thumb. ALEC Nothin. Elma pulls out a dock leaf from the crack in the doorstep. She mashes it up a little then ties it around Alec’s finger. Alec smiles, he watches her as if she’s from another world. ALEC (CONT’D) Wull yur Da be back fur Christmas? Elma shrugs. ELMA A think he’s com… Blair rolls her eyes and interjects. 22

BLAIR Naw, Ma says his reg is on clean up duty, their building a school or sumthin. She’s telt us that aboot a hundred times Elma. Elma looks dejected. Billy unlatches the gate he slams it behind him. He swaggers up the small pathway to the house. Alec watches him, a mixture of jealousy and alienation. Billy looks at Elma and Blair. BILLY Whit do youz want? Elma looks at the ground, clearly intimidated by him. Blair gives him the finger. Billy looks at Blair, half amused. BILLY (CONT'D) (suggestively) Al show yae wit to do wae that… Blair looks at him dead-on. BLAIR (sarcastically) Stick it up yer arsehole? Alec and Elma GIGGLE. BILLY (sarcastically) Aye why-no, if yae like that sorta thing… Blair rolls her eyes at Billy. MRS. ELLIOT, 57, Alec’s neighbor, walks past the garden. BILLY (CONT’D) (animated) Hey, Mrs. Elliot…


Mrs. Elliot stops. She looks at Billy inquisitively. She’s got a smug look of superiority all over her face. BILLY (sarcastically) Did yea know Blair Clark wants tae stick hur finger up ma arse? Mrs. Elliot looks at Blair, her face scrunched up like a bun. Elma and Alec piss themselves LAUGHING. BLAIR Fuck aff Billy, ya tramp… Mrs. Elliot scuttles off. Billy takes off the shoes and chucks them at Alec. ALEC. To Billy (softly) Yur late… BILLY (animatedly) And whit? Alec ties the shoes on tight. They are five sizes too big for him. They look ridiculous. BILLY (Contd.) (mockingly) Aye lookin’ good wee man, gee us a twirl eh? Alec looks deflated. Billy lies down on the patchy grass. Shrubbery and rubbish are dotted around his long body. Tam comes to the front door. He’s covered in blood from skinning the rabbits. Alec, Elma, Blair and Billy look immediately intimidated at the sight of him. TAM 24

(to Alec) Yur supposed tae be at Sunday school Tam gives Alec a shove. Billy SNIGGERS. TAM (to Billy) (CONT'D) You’re no gittin aff either… Billy instantly stops laughing. Tam disappears from the front door for a minute then re-appears with the skinned rabbits. TAM (to Billy) (CONT’D) Here Bully, take these round tae RITA and git last week’s muny. Billy’s expression changes instantly. He looks gutted. Tam slaps a bunch of scrawny, skinned rabbits bound in newspaper onto his shoulder. BILLY (annoyed) He’s git the shoes! Make him dae it fur a change… Tam looks at Alec and then back to Billy’s dirty bare feet. TAM Och, tie sum paper on boy! His times comin soon enough… BILLY Nae chance Da. Am no goin round the houses like that! ALEC I’ll dae it Da, I’ll take them tae Rita. Tam looks at Alec, full of doubt. Billy looks hopeful. TAM 25

Git tae school Alec… Alec, Elma and Blair make their way down the path. Billy shoots them a dirty look as they go. CUT TO: EXT / THE WALK TO CHURCH – CHRISTMAS EVE – MORNING. Alec, Elma and Blair walk down the street. The houses lining the path are modest, attached two-beds. Some have slightly nicer gardens or fresh painted doors. They all look pretty simple. They approach a house with a chipped green door. The garden is over grown and messy and there’s no curtains in the window. It stands out among the symmetry. The children pause before the house and look at each other apprehensively. BLAIR Bomb it! Alec, Elma and Blair run past the house. When they’re clear, they start to walk at a normal pace again. Beat. Behind them, we can see that a YOUNG MAN has skulked out of the house. The children haven’t noticed. WILLIAM KERR, eighteen, pauses to make a distance between himself and the children. He then carries on walking behind them. He is clearly following them. William has bright red hair and a squint in his left eye. He walks with his wrist pulled up to his neck. We can see that he has Cerebral palsy. CUT TO: EXT / CHURCH – CHRISTMAS EVE – MORNING. 26

Alec, Elma and Blair enter the churchyard through a large cast-iron, gothic gate. The left gate hangs off the hinges. The iron SCREECHES loudly as they push the gate open. The church sits crooked on top of the hill. It looks monolithic as the children stare up at it. Massive concrete steps lead up to the church. Each one’s almost a metre tall. A high, brick wall lines the steps. It looks and sounds like a tunnel. (O.S We hear other children laughing and joking noisily as they queue outside the looming grey church). Their sounds echo through the stairwell. Elma and Blair climb the heavy concrete steps to join the other children. Alec hangs back, timidly. Elma looks back to Alec. She motions for him to hurry-up. Alec reluctantly moves towards the steps. He stretches his leg up and takes the first step. As his oversized shoe SLAPS the concrete, it sends an echo through the stairwell. With each step, the SLAPS get louder. And louder. We can’t hear anything else but the SLAPPING of size twelve shoes against stone. The other children have gone completely silent. Alec nears the top of the staircase. He slowly pokes his head up. We see that all of the children are looking at him. He ducks back down behind the step. Ten or twenty children descend into laughter. 27

The sound is deafening. Alec hides in the shelter of the step, his eyes glaze and his cheeks flush bright red. Beat. Alec takes a deep breath. Warily he climbs the final step. The laughter erupts once more. Some of the children CHEER and CLAP, sarcastically. Alec begins to make his way up the pebble pathway. He focuses on the weeds lining the path. Beyond it are crooked looking gravestones. Large oak trees hang over the churchyard shrouding it in a dim grey light. Some roots burst through the left side of the church wall. Alec looks at everything but the queue of children in front of him. The yard seems over grown and the church looks like it might fall down at any minute. Alec joins the other children. He stands next to a chubby girl with matted curly hair. She pushes him hard. He stumbles to the ground. CHUBBY GIRL Don’t stand next tae me ya wee tramp, a don’t want yer nits. The other children laugh. Alec looks totally deflated. The children begin to move into the church. A few of them are carrying a present or two. Elma and Blair hang back and wait for Alec. Elma looks at him sympathetically. ALEC 28

(annoyed) Am fine. Alec strops into the church ahead of Elma and Blair who trail on behind him. CUT TO: INT / CHURCH – CHRISTMAS EVE – MORNING The church is dark inside. Dark wooden benches line the red carpet towards the alter. Dusty effigies line the walls. Heavy red velvet curtains hang over the stain glass windows. It’s like something out of The Omen. The children follow each other towards a hall on the left. Two, smarter dressed boys are eyeing Elma up. BOY 1 (goadingly) Git yer tits oot Elma Clark… Elma pretends not to hear. Blair looks at her, hoping for a reaction. Elma avoids her eye contact. BOY 2 (goadingly) Show us yer fanny Elma… Some of the other children snigger at the remark. Elma begins to blush. Blair pulls on Elma’s arm. She looks furious at her passivity. The queue stops outside the hall. The two boys close in on Elma, flanking her either side. Elma looks uncomfortable. 29

Blair scowls at the boys warningly. The boys ignore her. BOY 1 (goadingly) Ah bet Elma’s goat a smelly fanny. The boys LAUGH. Elma looks like she’s going to cry. Boy two bends down. He pretends to smell Elma’s privates. Blair immediately latches onto the boy’s face, biting his cheek as hard as she can. The boy SCREAMS. Blair, GROWLS but doesn’t let go. Boy two looks horrified. He gets ready to push Blair. Elma sticks her leg out and trips him up. He falls to the floor. The door to the hall opens and the queue of children scramble in. Blair and Elma dash past the boys and make their way into the hall. The sound of a heavy organ playing sounds-out as we, FADE IN: INT / CHURCH HALL – CHRISTMAS EVE – MORNING Children scurry into the hall in a race to take the seats at the back. The worn wooden floor gleams. The high windows look old but clean. Small gym benches are stacked in rows of two, ten or so deep. Ancient religious tapestries line the walls. There’s an organ at the side of the hall. ALISTAIR MCCONNELL, fifty-six, sits at the organ’s side. He’s tall with bad posture and greased-back hair. He watches the children intently as they enter the hall. His expression is hard to read. The children wear their Sunday best – which for most of them, isn’t that great. 30

The children push and shove each other as they take their seats. Alec, Elma and Blair are shoved to the front of the class. The Sunday school teacher enters the hall. MARGRET MCCONNELL, is a stern looking woman with pulled back hair and an official looking wool dress. She looks like a witch from a Roald Dahl novel. Ms. McConnell caries a walking stick but it’s clear that it’s not for support. Ms. McConnell takes her place at the front of the class. She holds a large sack in her hands. The children who have brought presents go up and drop them in. Elma approaches her slowly. She stands in front of the bag with the wrapped toys. Mrs. McConnell looks at her unsympathetically. She expectantly, pushes the bag in front of Elma’s face. Elma drops the presents in to the bag, holding back Roger. Mrs. McConnell nods at the remaining present. Elma pulls the wrapped rabbit teddy tight to her chest. Mrs. McConnell pulls it from Elma and puts it in the bag. Elma looks scorned. She reservedly drops Roger into the bag and slowly makes her way back to Blair. Beat. Ms. McConnell SLAMS the stick’s wooden hook on the polished wood floor three times. The heavy wood RICOCHETS loudly through the hall. We hear some children GASP. Then utter silence. At the top of her lungs, she screams… MRS. MCCONNELL Attention! Sit! 31

The children scarper into their seats. The boys fill the benches on the left, the girls fill those on the right. The other boys shove Alec into the front row. Two older boys laugh behind his back. BOY 1 Stinky feet. BOY 2 Big shoes. Alec looks at the ground. MS MCCONNELL Alec McFeet! MS MCCONNELL (CONT’D) Pay attention McFeet! Alec looks up at Ms. McConnell. MS MCCONNELL (CONT’D) Well don’t stare at me boy. Alec looks flustered. Some of the children SNIGGER under their breath. MS MCCONNELL (CONT’D) Right McFeet, you can lead our hymn today. Alec’s face looks clammy. His cheeks burn bright red. Ms. McConnell sternly ushers for Alec to stand at the front of the class. Alec stands up from the bench. He slowly makes his way out towards the isle. One of the boys pulls on Alec’s trousers as he walks past. Alec stumbles into the isle with his trousers half down. Children LAUGH. Ms. McConnell looks furious. Her eyes bulge manically, her mouth tightens into a grimace. MS MCCONNELL (CONT’D) 32

McFeet! You dirty wee boy! Get up here it once. Ms. McConnell grabs Alec by the scruff of the neck and pushes him to face the rest of the class. MS MCCONNELL (CONT’D) Now children McFeet wull lead us in. I want youz all tae start on the second verse… Ms. McConnell passes Alec a hymnbook. Alec takes it with a shaking hand. Alec looks down at the page. The words seem to melt into each other in a blur. MS MCCONNELL (CONT’D) Sing McFeet! ALEC (whispering) Christ, the Lord… is risen today… Alleluia MS MCCONNELL Louder! ALEC (CONT’D) (high pitched) Sons of… men and angels say… Alleluia… He sings with his eyes closed. ALEC (CONT’D) (screeching) Raise your joys… and… triumphs high… Alleluia… Beat. We can hear children SNIGGERING. Alec races to get the final words of the verse out. ALEC (CONT’D) (speeding through) Sing, ye heavens, and earth, reply, Alleluia! 33

Ms. McConnell gives the organ player a nod. The music starts and the other children begin to chime in with the hymn. Ms. McConnell dismissively gestures for Alec to go back to his seat. ALEC AND ALL CHILDREN Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Lo! the Sun’s eclipse is over, Alleluia! Lo! He sets in blood no more, Alleluia! ALEC AND ALL CHILDREN Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Alleluia! Christ hath burst the gates of hell, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids His rise, Alleluia! Christ hath opened paradise, Alleluia! Ms. McConnell paces up and down the hall. She straightens random children’s backs with her walking stick. The whole thing looks militant. ALEC AND ALL CHILDREN (CONT’D) Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Once He died our souls to save, Alleluia! Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!


Satisfied that she’s put enough of the fear of god into the children, Ms. McConnell proudly takes her place at the front of the class. She begins to belt out the hymn along with the children. Her voice sounds like a foghorn compared to theirs. It almost drowns out the organ. It’s a terrible sound. MS MCCONNELL AND CHILDREN(CONT’D) Soar we now where Christ hath led, Alleluia! Following our exalted Head, Alleluia! Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia! Ms. McConnell is clearly getting too much enjoyment out of the song. She becomes very animated. ALL (CONT’D) Hail, the Lord of earth and Heaven, Alleluia! Praise to Thee by both be given, Alleluia! Thee we greet triumphant now, Alleluia! Hail, the resurrection, thou, Alleluia! Ms. McConnell is practically dancing at the front of the class. Standing wide legged, she flails her arms like a drunken conductor and circles her hips as if she’s trying to keep up an invisible hula-hoop. It’s awkward and pretty gross. More of the children have noticed. ALL (CONT’D) King of glory, Soul of bliss, Alleluia! 35

Everlasting life is this, Alleluia! Thee to know, Thy power to prove, Alleluia! Thus to sing and thus to love, Alleluia! Some of the children look at Ms. McConnell with wide-eyed and bemused expressions. Others awkwardly, try to look away. ALL (CONT’D) Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia! Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! Ms. McConnell flings her arms open. With a thrust, she blasts into the final verse. Most of the kids have stopped singing. They watch her open-mouthed. Ms. MCCONNELL SOME CHILDREN (CONT’D) Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! The organ grinds to a halt. Ms. McConnell brushes herself down. She’s out of breath and flushed, she looks satisfied. She nods at the organ player. He stands up and wheels in a decrepit looking blackboard. 36

Ms. McConnell pulls out a nubbin of chalk from her pocket. MS MCCONNELL(CONT’D) Now children, who can tell me what Christmas means? Ms. McConnell looks out at the children. They collectively try to avoid her eye contact. She points at a younger boy on the front row. MS MCCONNELL(CONT’D) You? The boy looks terrified. BOY We come into the hall tomorrow and Santa gives the good wans get the give-away presents? Ms. McConnell looks like she’s just bitten into a rotten egg. MS MCCONNELL No!! Stupid boy MS MCCONNELL(CONT’D) Well. Aye, but youz’ll not find the donation presents here, do yeez hear that… Thur gittin hidden far away and if yeez try and find them, Krampus wull git yeez so don’t even think aboot it. Now Christmas is about Jesus. And do yooz know whit Jesus did? Ms. McConnell looks around the children for answers. MS MCCONNELL (CONT’D) He died fur ur sins. Do yea hear that children? He died for us! Ms. McConnell scrawls ‘Jesus died for us’ on the board. The children look bewildered. 37

MS MCCONNELL(CONT’D) Do yea know why he died for youz? Ms. McConnell scans the room. MS MCCONNELL(CONT’D) Because you’re greedy sinners! Beat. Someone at the back of the class lets out a massive FART. The class descends into HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER. Ms. McConnell throws her chalk on the floor and starts flailing her arms and screaming. MS MCCONNELL(CONT’D) Get oot! Get oot! All of yeez! Sinners! CUT TO: EXT / OUTSIDE THE CHURCH YARD - EASTER-SUNDAY – AFTERNOON Outside the church, kids break off and go on their way. Elma, Alec and Blair regroup. ELMA Where dae yeez think the presents ur? Elma looks at Blair, she shrugs. Elma looks at Alec. ALEC (matter of fact) Wull, there here somewhere We see that William is leaning against the churchyard wall. Other children are looking at him like he’s a wild dog. Waiting parents are ushering their kids away from him. ELMA Blair we shud go find thum, we could git Roger back… and a bet there’s loads a cool stuff in that sack. 38

William tags on behind Alec, Elma and Blair. They haven’t noticed. Alec and Blair look excited at the prospect of finding the toys. Interjecting: WILLIAM A know where there puttin the presents… Alec, Elma and Blair turn round. They eye him warily, suspiciously. Beat. William steps up closer. He looms over Elma, invading her space a little. She steps back. WILLIAM (CONT’D) A’ll show yeez where the presents ur… Alec, Elma and Blair look at William suspicious but interested. WILLIAM (CONT’D) It’s nut far. Alec, Elma and Blair look at each other, indecisively. ALEC Where then? William’s still fixed on Elma. WILLIAM In a shed. Jist past the long grass… Elma and Blair look at each other. ELMA We’re no allowed past the long grass… WILLIAM 39

Wull that’s where their goin and there’s loads more awready there. BLAIR (suspiciously) How dae yae know that? WILLIAM Av seen thum, av seen old rat pants take thum there. It’s just up the Longrig road. Beat. Alec, Elma and Blair grin at each other, clearly convinced. ELMA (excited) Aw Blair kin we go!!? BLAIR A’right. They all turn on their way back towards the village. Billy comes storming towards the gang. He’s got a face like thunder. He’s even angrier than usual. Ignoring the others, he walks straight up to Alec and gives him a shove. BILLY Take the shoes aff. Alec looks at his feet. Disappointed. ALEC But, wur goin tae find the presents. William SNIGGERS. WILLIAM Ha. Your no. it’s jist me and the lassies. 40

Billy shoots William a ‘don’t mess’ look. William is much taller than Billy, but Billy doesn’t give a shit. BILLY (To William) Fuck aff spazy. William looks pissed but doesn’t say anything. The rabbits are still draped on Billy’s shoulder. Alec looks at them inquisitively. ALEC You huvn’t taken the meat round yit. Billy grits his teeth. BILLY So whit… Alec can see Billy means business. He sits down and takes the shoes off. He passes them to Billy. Billy sits down on the ground next to Alec. He unwraps the newspaper from his feet and takes the shoes. Billy slowly puts them on. His expression has changed from angry to depressed. Alec looks at him confused, not sure what to make of this. Billy stands up and takes a deep breath. He brushes himself down. He looks back at Alec. BILLY It’s aboot time you manned up… Billy turns to leave. He notices Blair staring at him. He stares back at her. A moment of bleak understanding passes between them. Billy walks away. Beat. ALEC (dejectedly) Wull I spose I canea go now. 41

Elma and Alec look gutted. Beat. BLAIR Wull the adults ur goin tae church now. ALEC (confused) So? BLAIR Wull. A know where you can git some shoes… We hear the CLUNKING of metal hitting concrete as a bin lid is knocked over as we, CUT TO: EXT / JIM’S BACK GARDEN – AFTERNOON BLAIR Shhhhht! Blair is scowling at William, who is sprawled out on the ground and LAUGHING goofily. Alec, Elma and Blair cower behind a tin bin outside Big Jim’s house. They all huddle over each other, wide-eyes fixated on the cat flap on Big Jim’s back door. William stands out like a sore thumb. His masculine frame looks exaggerated next to the children. Beat. Alec looks at Elma and Blair apprehensively. BLAIR (convincingly) Am telling yeez, he’s it church. He’s always it the church on Sunday afternoon. Alec smiles apprehensively. Elma 42

(reassuringly) Jist sneak through and open the front door, we’ll cum in behind ye. Alec looks utterly scared stiff. ALEC Whit if he comes back. BLAIR (reassuringly) A’ll keep watch. Alec slowly makes his way over to the cat flap, he’s shaking with fear. Alec looks back to Elma and Blair apprehensively. Elma ushers him on. Alec squeezes himself into the flap. He’s too big. He pushes and pushes. But the plastic frame cracks and gouges into his skin. Defeated, he pulls away. Long pink scratches run down his skinny arms. A globule of red blood oozes out of a cut and trickles down over his fingers. Elma and Blair look at each other. WILLIAM I’ll do it! The children all look at William. He’s nearly twice the size of Alec and goofy as hell. Beat. Elma and Blair SNIGGER at him. Elma makes her way over to the cat flap. She and Alec look at each other for a long moment. ALEC (quietly) Are yea sure Elma shrugs her shoulders and smiles. Blair looks nervous. BLAIR 43

(assertively) Elma, no fuckin about right? Elma looks at Blair wide eyed and nods.

Sunn (((0))) Dysnystaxis plays as we, CUT TO: INT / JIM’S KITCHEN - AFTERNOON Elma squeezes through the cat flap. She rolls onto the kitchen floor. A few dead BIRDS lay at the side of the cat flap. Elma jumps up away from them. She stands up and survey’s the room. Her frame seems tiny next to the high sink. The curtains are closed. The room is very dark. Heavy blue shadows run up the woodchip walls of the kitchen. She crosses the kitchen leaving muddy footprints on the peeling laminate flooring. The kitchen door CREEKS as she opens it and makes her way into the hallway. FADE IN: INT / JIM’S HALLWAY – AFTERNOON Lavender bunches are pinned on every surface. Dust and grime hangs thick in the air. Elma gags. She covers her mouth with her sleeve. She creeps towards the front door at the end of the long hallway. To Elma’s left is another room. Yellow light breaks through the gaps in the rickety doorframe. A faint CRACKLING sound emanates from behind the door as 44

she walks past. Someone’s inside. Elma’s eyes widen. Surprised, she backs-up against the wall. At the end of the hallway, Alec peeks through the letterbox. His eyes are bulging. ALEC Git the door. Elma runs over and flicks the lock to open the door. Alec, and William bundle into the house, slamming the door behind them. ELMA Shhhhht! Elma points at light under the sitting room door. Realizing they’re not alone, Alec starts to panic. ALEC Wit! Blair said it wiz empty. William’s finding it all pretty funny. He starts to SNIGGER. On the brink of a meltdown, Alec motions for William to shut up. William GIGGLES even more. Alec gives William a shove. William pushes Alec back, harder. Alec falls against the sitting room door – it flies open and Alec tumbles into the room. A stench immediately bursts out. Elma instantly covers her face in disgust. Alec lays stunned on the sitting room floor. Elma and William look on at him from the doorway. Underneath the coffee table, in front of Alec, are Big Jim’s shoes. 45

ELMA Hurry up! Alec quickly grabs the shoes and turns to leave. Suddenly, he freezes – fixated on the corner of the room. Elma and William look confused. ELMA (impatiently) Cum oan! Alec drops the shoes. He turns to Elma, chalk white and terrified his eyes are bulging. Elma and William look at him, freaked-out and confused at his reaction. Alec doesn’t move. Elma and William slowly go into the room.

CUT TO: INT. BIG JIM’S LIVING ROOM – NIGHT (The CRACKLING noise of a stylus is playing over a finished record. It’s loud and disturbing). Alec is fixated on DOTTY. She sits slouched in the armchair. She’s been dead at least a year. Her rotting, green flesh is tight around her skull. Her false teeth hang loose in her jaws, where her lips use to be. She’s gross, like SKELATOR. She wears fluffy pink slippers and a spotless, yellow sundress. If she wasn’t dead she’d look pretty neat. A cup of tea and some bourbons sit untouched, on the table next to her. ALEC She’s really deed


William steps up closer. He’s fascinated. WILLIAM We need a doctor ELMA (quietly) It’s too late for that ya spazy William looks confused. He pokes Doty’s cheek. Suddenly Doty’s head starts to jiggle like she’s trying to say something important. The kids look confused. A grey MOUSE pokes its way out of Doty’s mouth. Her moldy dentures fall onto her lap. Alec heaves. The mouse crawls down her face and makes a beeline for the bourbons. Grabbing one – it valiantly scurries off. (OS - Keys turn heavily in the lock. The front door CLICKS open then SLAMS shut, as someone enters the house). Alec, Elma and William all look at each other with panicked expressions. ELMA Quick! The curtains! The kids dash behind the curtains. William begins to SNIGGER. Elma covers his mouth with her hand. Beat. Big Jim shuffles into the living room. He kisses Dotty lightly on the head. Seeing the fallen dentures he stuffs them back in her mouth. BIG JIM Stop spitting yer teeth oot dear. The crumbs’ll git stuck in yer gums. He hovers over her for a moment. 47

Jim then picks up the empty plate of mouse-eaten, biscuits. BIG JIM Right then, a’ll jist git yea some more bourbons Jim scuttles out of the room. Beat. Alec gestures to Elma to make a run for it. They all come CLATTERING out of there hiding places and bolt for the hallway. CUT TO: INT / JIM’S HALLWAY – AFTERNOON (CONTINUOUS) Alec, Elma and William crash out of the front door leaving it swinging on its hinges. Beat. Hearing them, Jim shuffles out of the kitchen, confused by the commotion. But he’s too late to see them. He shuffles up to the swinging door, looking around for evidence as he goes. He looks perturbed. Jim steps out into the garden. He looks left, nothing. Then right, nothing. Beat. Jim WHIMPERS then steps back into his house and closes the door. CUT TO: INT / THE ADJOINING PASSAGEWAY BETWEEN ELMA AND JIM’S HOUSES. CHRISTMAS EVE – AFTERNOON. Alec, Elma, and William are pressed like starfish against the wall of the passageway connecting the Clark’s house to Jim’s. William is holding his breath and covering his eyes with his hands. 48

Alec and Elma are chalk white. They are all out of breath and shaken. ALEC Do yae think he killed hur? Elma looks at him like the prospect just dawned on her. She shrugs her shoulders. She’s too disturbed to talk about it. Beat. Alec looks down at his newspaper shoes. Dejected. Elma puts a hand on his shoulder, reassurance for him, comfort for her. William BURPS loudly then starts to LAUGH. It echoes through the passageway. Elma scowls at him. He shuts up William pulls out Jim’s shoes from underneath his jumper. He passes them to Alec. Alec looks surprised then elated. Beat. ALEC No way!? William LAUGHS awkwardly. Elma smiles at Alec. Alec grabs the shoes. (O.S We hear adults talking in the back garden. We can hear Billy and Blair’s voices). Hearing them Elma ushers Alec to hide the shoes. Alec slips them into his waistband. Alec, Elma and William all walk to the end of the passageway. It’s like looking at a framed picture. 49

From their raised position we can see the fields behind the gardens. They stretch out for miles. The occasional hill or group of trees breaks through the landscape in the distance. EXT / THE GARDENS BEHIND ELMA / JIM’S / RITA’S HOUSES. CHRISTMAS EVE – AFTERNOON. Alec, Elma and William step down, out of the passageway and into Elma’s back garden. A small fence separates the rows of gardens. To the right of Elma’s garden is Jim’s, to the left is the MCDAID’S. Lynne is standing at the garden fence on the left. She’s talking to RITA MCDAID. Rita is chewing on a cigarette, swearing in between drags. She’s overweight and under-dressed. Rita’s wearing a tabard with a name badge – we can tell she works at SOOTY’S – the only shop in the village. Her greasy hair sticks to her oily skin. At 63 she’s lost all modesty, she’s repulsive. There’s a weird tension in the air. Alec and Elma still weirded-out – stand back from the adults. William goes up to the fence and starts to climb on it. He pulls at Rita’s tabard and goes to kiss her. Rita instantly slaps him on the head. William YELPS and cowers away from her. Alec and Elma don’t know what to make of it, it’s not funny enough to laugh at. Lynne looks embarrassed. Rita takes £1.50 out of her tabard and passes it to Lynne. She takes the money, giving 20p to Blair who is standing quietly at her side. Elma watches, confused. Blair screws her face up and reservedly takes the money. RITA (To Blair) You shud be grateful hen. 50

Next to Rita is Billy, who looks just as uncomfortable as Blair. He’s holding the rabbit meat but Rita seems uninterested in it. BILLY (desperately) Cumoan Rita, you said yeed take all 5. Billy is waving the meat at Rita. She’s clearly enjoying the power trip. RITA (arrogantly) Well that wis last week and you’re still owing me fur that aren’t yea. Billy looks confused. BILLY (confused) No. we’re all square fur last week. Rita pretends to look surprised. RITA (pretending) Really!? Wull I certainly don’t remembur that!? Billy’s starting to lose his cool. He’s realized he’s being taken for a ride here. He’s pissed off and his eyes are starting to water up. Rita passes him some money. RITA (Contd.) Here, 2 quid. Billy takes the money and begins to count it out. 10 x 20ps, 20 x2ps, and a 50p. he’s struggling to get his head around it. Flustered he passes it to Alec. BILLY 51

Here Alec, count this. Billy passes Alec the money. Rita stands arms folded, she’s smirking and enjoying the show. Alec takes the money. ALEC A quid, 20p, 50p. it’s £1.70. ALEC (Contd.) (meek) It’s 30p short. Billy turns to Rita. He looks like he’s going to burst. She’s grinning like a witch. BILLY (losing patience) Whit the fuck Rita? Ge us the rest a that muny! And yea kin take these rabbits as well. That’s the deal. RITA The customers don’t want them and that’s aw yur gittin. BILLY (losing patience) Yur a fuckin auld witch Rita and… Rita sharply slaps Billy in the face. She looks like her eyes are going to pop out their sockets. Billy reactively lifts his arm, fist clenched as if to hit Rita. Blair pulls on Billy’s sleeve. BLAIR leave it Billy. Billy looks at Blair he softens slightly. RONALD (cheerfully) Now then whit’s goin on oot here then… 52

RONALD MCDAID comes walking out of the back door. He’s sixty-five, a round man with steely grey eyes and thick rim glasses. There’s something not right about him. He’s carrying a carrier bag and some Christmas wrapping paper. He approaches the group with more composure than would be normal, given the situation. Seeing him, Rita starts to grin again. Ronald eyes Billy and Rita, he’s got an odd smile on his face. BILLY She’s tryin tae say I still owe hur fae last week. Ronald turns to Rita. RONALD Cumoan Rita, gee the boy a chance tae pit it right, It’s Christmas after all. Rita folds her arms unimpressed. RONALD (contd.) Look, we’ve all got tae do our bit. I’m even givin oot the presents at the church tomorrow. Billy looks at him like he’s mad. Ronald ignores this and eyes Elma and Blair, looking at them a bit too intensely. RONALD (contd.) Now would you git the girls to wrap these fur us Lynn? There wee hands wull dae a bettur job than mine. LYNN (compliantly) 53

Of course Ronald. Lynn takes the bag from Ronald. She passes it to Blair. Blair takes the bag and the paper. Blair’s looking even more uncomfortable. Elma smiles awkwardly. RONALD See wee Elma appreciates it, you’d be grateful widnt yea hen. Blair doesn’t like this. She stands beside Elma defensively. Blair looks Ronald square in the eye. Noticing it, Ronald LAUGHS dryly. He sharply turns back to Billy. He looks at him sternly. RONALD Why don’t yea jist come see us later then Bully, you know where we’ll be. Billy doesn’t like the offer. He runs out of the garden. Beat. Blair runs out after him. CUT TO: INT / THE ADJOINING PASSAGEWAY BETWEEN ELMA AND JIM’S HOUSES. CHRISTMAS EVE – AFTERNOON. Blair runs into the passageway. other end.

Billy is approaching the

She drops the paper and presents. BLAIR Billy!? Billy spins round. His eyes are full of water and he’s flushed with anger. BILLY 54

Whit!? Whit dae you want!? Blair grabs his collar and pulls his face into hers. She kisses him hard on the mouth. Beat. Billy pulls away. He looks at her with a soft, confused expression. BLAIR Al help yae… She gives him her 20p. CUT TO: EXT. THE CLARK’S GARDEN – MID-MORNING O.S A strange YELPING sound begins to emanate from the bottom of the garden. Hearing it, the neighbors all stop talking. RITA Whit the hell’s that? Confused, they begin to look around. The noise gets louder. LYNNE It sounds like it might be an animal or somethin… The group makes its way down to the bottom of the gardens. A small sheep dog cowers behind the fence separating the garden and the field behind it. It’s making its final RASPING breaths. The group gathers above the dying animal. Alec and Elma screw their faces up apprehensively. Ronald picks the dog up by the scruff of the neck. Blood is dripping out of a wound on the dog’s neck. Some broken glass glitters in its blood-matted fur. Some loose rope hangs off its paws. It seems like someone has hurt it intentionally. 55

LYNNE Who’s dog’s is it Ronald? Ronald shakes his head, he doesn’t know. RITA Doesn’t Jim have a dog? Alec and Elma look at each other apprehensively. RONALD (shouting at Jim’s window) Hear, Jim! Jim! Is this mutt, yours!? Beat. Jim’s kitchen curtains twitch. Alec and Elma look awkward as hell. William grins. Jim comes shuffling out of his house. He looks disheveled and worn-down. He slowly makes his way across to the group, screwing his eyes to focus on Ronald. RONALD (CONT’D) (un-sympathetic) Is this mutt yours Jim? As Jim gets closer to the group we can see the realization dawn on his face. The dog is his. Jim begins to CRY. Ronald passes the dog to Jim. Jim takes the dog and slumps down onto the grass, cradling it like a baby. Alec looks like he’s going to burst. He runs out of the garden. Elma runs after him, William follows. CUT TO: INT / THE ADJOINING PASSAGEWAY BETWEEN ELMA AND JIM’S HOUSES. CHRISTMAS EVE – AFTERNOON. 56

Alec, Elma and William come clattering into the passageway. Blair is sitting on the concrete floor with Billy. She has wrapped up the presents that Ronald gave to Lynne. Billy gets up and runs out of the passageway. William picks up a present. Blair pulls on his sleeve and looks at him sternly. BLAIR That’s nut fur you… William drops the present. Alec looks at his hand. He’s still holding the money for the rabbit meat. CUT TO: EXT / THE MCFEET’S BACK GARDEN – AFTERNOON Alec, Elma, Blair and William sheepishly enter the garden. Billy stands in front of Tam. Tam sits on a log over a bag of potatoes. He peels them roughly with a large hunting knife. Gypsey sits at his feet compliantly. The shotgun sits in the grass in front of them. Tam passes Alec and Billy a raw potato each. The boys start to eat them. Tam double takes. He sees that Billy still has the rabbit meat. Alec and Billy look at each other apprehensively. Tam stops peeling. TAM (seriously) Why huv yea no tain the meat round? Tam’s eyes narrow on Billy, his gaze is unflinching. BILLY (quietly) A did. 57

Billy gulps and looks back at the ground. TAM (impatiently) Whit? Tam throws the knife into the pale of water. The blade rattles off the metal rim, water splashes out over the grass. The kids all jump. BILLY (quietly) A did, she said she disne want it this week… Tam runs his heavy hands slowly, through his long unkempt hair. TAM (loud) And why no? that isnea whit she said last week. He begins to pace from side to side. Beat. Tam takes a deep breath and tries to correct himself. He turns sharply to Billy. He gestures to Billy’s pocket and stretches out a large dirty hand. TAM (CONT’D) (assertively) The muny then sun? Billy looks like he’s going to burst. Billy passes Tam the 20p that Blair gave him then looks at Alec. Alec passes the other coins to Tam. Tam’s eyes are bulging. TAM (Contd.) (impatiently) Whits this?


Tam looks at Billy expectantly. Billy stares back blankly. TAM (Contd.) (angrily) Well!? Billy shrugs his shoulders. TAM (CONT'D) It’s 10p short! BILLY (quietly) She said a still owe hur fae last week. Tam looks furious. He paces the garden wildly. Tam kicks the pale of water hard against the garden fence. The remaining water and potatoes explode all over the patchy grass. The gun slides across the grass and lands at Blair’s feet. Blair stares at the gun intently. Gypsy instantly makes a run for the potatoes. Tam kicks her hard in the back of the leg. She WHIMPERS and mooches off behind Billy. TAM (shouting angrily) Wull you jist better git round there and square hur up then. BILLY (quietly) But a did it Da, you know a did. Tam looks torn between his anger and guilt. Beat. TAM (sternly) Wull you better go again then. Billy looks pissed off. 59

BILLY (shouting) But a don’t want tae! Tam instantly punches Billy on the back of the head. TAM (shouting) A don’t care boy, while the strikes on yeez wull help oot. We need food on the table so yeez wull dae yer bit. Beat. Billy looks gutted. His eyes well up and he clenches his jaw. Tam looks torn. He awkwardly, attempts to pat Billy on the head. Billy pulls away from him. Frustrated, Tam storms past them and makes his way into the house. Beat. Alec, and Elma don’t know where to look. William begins to SNIGGER. Billy looks mad as hell. He looks at the gun lying on the ground. Billy slowly picks up the gun, watching William as he does it. William continues to GIGGLE awkwardly. Alec and Elma look at each other. Elma pulls on William’s sleeve but he ignores her. Billy’s expression is deadly serious. He points the gun at William’s stomach. William stops GIGGLING. Alec, Elma and Blair look anxious. Beat. BILLY 60

(SHOUTS!) BANG! William jumps and covers his ears. The others look scared. Billy starts to laugh menacingly. He runs at William and punches him hard in the stomach then dashes out of the garden with the gun. Winded, William falls to his feet WHEEZING. He begins to sob. Elma and Alec try to help him up. ELMA Come oan jist take deep breaths. They pull William up. He looks wounded and childlike. Elma mothers him, sympathetically. They all look at Blair, expectantly. Blair looks awkward. Beat. BLAIR (feigningly upbeat) Cumoan then, Let’s go find these presents. William smiles halfheartedly and wipes his eyes. Alec brings out Jim’s shoes from his waistband. He takes the newspaper off his feet and puts the shoes on. He grins. The shoes are still too big but not nearly as ridiculous as Billy’s. CUT TO: EXT / THE FIELD, CHRISTMAS EVE – LATE AFTERNOON. 61

We hear the faint sound of children panting. Alec, Elma, Blair and William run as fast as they can through the field. They race each other like neither of them wants to be the one left closest to the village. Their expressions are strained but they push on. With each step the village fades further into the background. They run towards the end of the field. Behind it is the field of long grass. The long grass field seems to stretch out for nearly a mile. As they approach it, slowly, their expressions seem to lift. Finally, the village is fully out of view. They walk towards a gate separating the village field from the long grass behind it. Alec, Elma, Blair and William drop to the ground exhausted. They lean against the farmer’s gate to catch their breath. Beat. A woodlouse crawls onto William’s hand. Elma points at it and screws her face up. ELMA Yuck. William looks down at his hand and GIGGLES. He picks the woodlouse up and pops it in his mouth - he begins to chew. WILLIAM Mmmmmm Alec instantly begins to piss himself LAUGHING. Elma and Blair watch him in disbelief. BLAIR Fuckin gross man!


William doesn't see what’s wrong with the snack. William’s tummy lets out a large GARGLE he begins to LAUGH. Alec, Elma and Blair join in LAUGHING too. They all begin to loosen-up as they GIGGLE; there is a visible release of tension amongst them. Beat. ELMA Whit dae yeez think the presents are like? Alec and Blair look at each other with excited expressions. William looks down at the ground. ALEC A fishin net? Probably comics… BLAIR A hairbrush, some tapes Blair gets up and climbs over the fence. The others follow. FADE IN: EXT / THE LONG GRASS, CHRISTMAS EVE – LATE AFTERNOON. It’s very light and dreamlike. We open up on a tight shot of Alec and Elma’s enclosed hands. The camera follows their linked hands as they move through a field of long grass. The long strands of corn flatten as Alec and Elma’s hands push through the field as they run. The children all run and jump through the grass playfully. The camera pans out. The sky is cartoon blue. The sun shines through some snowy white clouds in the distance. 63

The field is far and wide. In front of them, hills and long grass roll out for miles. They playfully race each other jumping energetically out of the grass. There’s a feel of ‘letting of steam’ to their actions. Elma cartwheels. Alec does handstands. They LAUGH in the enjoyment of it. The children start to break off. Blair trails behind Alec, Elma and William, she seems thoughtful. Elma slows to keep pace with Alec. Elma playfully pushes Alec’s shoulder, Alec smiles at her warmly and lightly shoves her back. The pair walk closely. Intentionally they lean into each other, allowing their arms rub together. They loosely hold hands. William trudges over to Alec and Elma. WILLIAM (demanding) Ah wantae hold Elma’s hand. Alec and Elma look at each other and GIGGLE. ELMA (sarcastic) Nae thanks William. ALEC (whispering to Elma) He fancies you. Elma ignores the comment. WILLIAM (stressed) Now! Elma! William’s face grows flushed he starts to clench and unclench his fists animatedly. Alec and Elma try to 64

ignore him. They look uneasy. Elma continues to walk slowly with Alec. William runs in front of them, blocking their path. Alec and Elma turn and look back at Blair, she is far behind them all now. Alec and Elma look worried. William grabs Elma’s hand. He tries to make her walk off with him. Elma doesn’t like it and tries to pull away. ELMA (screaming) Fu fuck aff! Elma struggles to get out of William’s grip. Alec looks helpless. ALEC (meekly) Git aff hur William. William ignores Alec and turns to Elma. WILLIAM (hopeful) Elma, ge us a kiss and a’ll lit yea go. Elma instantly screws her face up in disgust. Alec looks horrified. ELMA (disgusted) Nae chance ya minger William grips Elma in tight and kisses her on the mouth. Elma recoils but William continues to slob on her like a dog. His tall, gangly, teenage frame drowns her petite and childishly body. William becomes more fervent, grabbing at her small body aggressively. Elma becomes more distressed she tries to fight against him. 65

Alec watches on upset and frustrated. ALEC (shouting) Let hur go! William ignores the warning and continues to paw at Elma’s chest and body. Suddenly a giant rock violently CRACK’S off the back of William’s head sending blood gushing down his neck. Blair stands behind him, unsympathetic. Stunned William’s grip on Elma loosens. Seizing the moment Elma runs away. Disoriented William begins to lose his balance. He falls to the ground. Blair catches up. She lays a full-force kick into William’s ribs, sending him WHEEZING. Alec watches as Elma runs off, she shows no sign of stopping. WILLIAM (wheezing) Whh it did yea dae that fur!? Blair looks at him like he’s mad. William looks back at her, he doesn’t understand. Elma trips over in the distance. Beat. She stands up and instantly begins to flap and scream. Alec and Blair look at each other, confused. They run toward Elma.

CUT TO: EXT / THE FIELD, CHRISTMAS EVE – LATE AFTERNOON Alec and Blair arrive at the scene. Elma is crawling out of some shrubbery. Her hands and knees are covered in blood. Splatters of it are flicked 66

all over her jumper. She looks like she has been involved in a massacre. Blair tries to get her out of the bloody puddle. ALEC (shocked) Fuckin hell! Blair tries to find the source of the wound. There is nothing. Alec kicks at the shrubs. Fur and blood. He picks up a stick and begins to poke around. Blair and Elma look on anticipatively. Alec flicks out a large dead rabbit from the shrubs. It’s been decapitated. He pokes around again pulling out dead rabbit after dead rabbit. All have been decapitated. Alec, Elma and Blair stand over the corpses. Not saying a word. There’s around ten dead rabbits at the children’s feet. All are in different stages of decay. Alec pokes at the dead bodies with his stick. The children all cover their faces with their sleeves. A stench begins to gather in the air. Beat. The children look at each other confused and concerned. ALEC (concerned) Sumthin’s wrong with this place. William trundles over to them, looking scorned and sorry. Alec, Elma and Blair are to weired-out to object to his company. Beat. BLAIR (assertively) We’d bettur go tae the river and clean Elma up. They turn to leave. William follows. 67

BLAIR (to William) (assertively) You’re no cumin. William looks hurt. WILLIAM But a’ll take yae tae the presents. BLAIR Wu’ll find them ourselves. Alec, Elma and Blair walk off from William leaving him standing alone and confused. Alec, Elma, and Blair come to the end of the long grass field. In front of them a mound rises, shielding the children from what’s in front of it. ELMA (inquisitively) Dae yeez really think we shud go? ALEC (unconvincingly) Aye, sure, aye. BLAIR (quietly) Wull wuv got tae clean you up; Ma wull kills us if yae go back like that. The children pause. (O.S We hear running water). Alec, Elma and Blair look at each other. Cautiously they push through the overgrowth and climb down the slope. Tiny Vipers Development plays as we, CUT TO: EXT / THE RIVER, CHRISTMAS EVE – LATE AFTERNOON


(O.S We hear the faint sound of running water and birds singing). It’s very light and dreamlike. The last of the sunlight bursts through an opening in the trees as the sun begins to set. They enter the clearing and approach the river. The fresh spring water rolls over underwater rocks. Lush, green leaves drape off the branches of craggy old trees and into the sparkling water. Alec, Elma and Blair shuffle towards the river edge. They stand over the gleaming water, looking at their reflections. Elma bends down at the water edge and begins to wash off the blood. ELMA (shrill) It’s freezin! Blair and Alec smile at Elma’s reaction. ELMA Blair, dae yae think wull ever find the presents and git Roger back? Alec skims stones off the water. Blair sits on the gravel. BLAIR (nonchalantly) Probably, nut, no. Elma looks gutted. She joins Alec on a rock by the water edge. They lay back on the rock and look up at the blue sky. They push their palms together and stretch out their fingers. ELMA (softly) 69

Yuv git wee hands fur a boy Alec stretches his fingers some more, trying to make them appear longer. ALEC (sadly) Da says a take after ma Maw, he says she wis wee like a mouse. ELMA (softly) Wis she? ALEC (dismissively) Dunno, nevur seen hur. Blair starts GIGGLING. Alec and Elma sit up on the rock and look over to her. BLAIR (excitedly) Look at that beast! Blair’s pointing at a massive TOAD sitting on a rock across the river. The toad doesn’t give a shit. It’s almost prehistoric looking. He’s easily the size of a cat. He looks mean and wise. No way should he be alive at this time of year. He CROAKS loudly, defiantly. Alec and Elma look at him, astounded too. The toad seems to watch them back, it’s a standoff. The toad buckles and hops off into the shrubbery. ELMA (to Blair) She wis deed ya know. Dotty.


She’s in there, in Big Jim’s hoose, deed. Jist sitting there. Deed. Blair shrugs her shoulders. She’s not surprised or bothered. BLAIR There aw fuckin weird round here Elma. Elma thinks about that for a moment. BLAIR (CONT’D) Am goin fur a wee. Blair stands up, hoping on some pebbles she crosses the river and heads towards some trees. Elma stands up and shouts after her. ELMA (to Blair) Don’t go far! BLAIR Aye, aye. Blair disappears out of view. Elma hangs on a moment too long. Beat. Over the river verge, William’s red hair bobs into view. Alec notices him first. ALEC (annoyed) Aw, whit’s he dain here? Elma looks over, grunting at the site of William. WILLIAM Whit’s yooz dain? Elma stands up and shouts back. ELMA (annoyed) 71

Avoidin you ya plooky bastart. Alec SNIGGERS. William looks hurt. He climbs down from the river verge and joins Alec and Elma. WILLIAM Am really sorry Elma, a’l no dae it again promise. Kin a come back? Elma softens. Alec looks unconvinced. WILLIAM (CONT’D) Comeoan, a’l take yae to the presents and a’l git yae the Roger back!? Elma smiles. WILLIAM It’s nut far. Elma’s convinced. Alec looks at her and rolls his eyes. CUT TO: INT / THE FOREST – SUN DOWN. Blair makes her way into the forest. The trees loom tall before her. the sun begins to go down.

Shadows whip around as

Mist hovers lightly over the forest floor. Blair walks in deeper. The forest grows quieter. She spots a hedge. Cautiously she goes over and begins to pee. (O.S we hear rustling and branches being broken as something walks heavily over the forest floor. SNAPS and CRACKS, echo repeatedly through the forest). Blair peers through the bush to see what makes the noise. She squints to see. Then rubs her eyes in disbelief. 72

A large STAG walks through the forest. It’s massive. Beautiful. Its large luminous eyes watch her. Beat. CRACK. Startled, it runs off. She watches it dash out of view. Finished, Blair bends down to pull up her knickers. We see her period has started. BLAIR (annoyed) Fuckin great. CUT TO: EXT / RIVER VERGE, CHRISTMAS EVE – EARLY EVENING Alec, Elma and William cross the river and approach the clearing before the forest. They all look concerned, scared. ELMA (worried) Where is she, she’s been ages. Alec, Elma and William look around for Blair. The sun has nearly disappeared. They can’t see very far in front of them. The forest is ominous and black before them. The last splashes of sunlight crack through the trees, casting shadows over the clearing. The long grass field is now far behind them. The village about four miles behind that. ALEC Should we go into the forest? They all look at each other apprehensively. Freaked-out by the prospect. ELMA (shouting) Blair! Come oot now, it’s no funny! 73

Beat. ALEC Blair! What yae dain!? Alec, Elma and William edge closer to the forest. Neither of them is confident enough to take the first step. ALEC (CONT’D) Dae yae think we shud go back? ELMA No way, we’re nut leaving hur oot here! WILLIAM Lits jist go git the presents, it’s no far. Alec and Elma look at William, they consider this for a minute. Beat. The bushes in front of them start to RUSTLE. Alec, Elma and William jump back. Blair steps out into the clearing. Elma runs up to her and throws her arms around her. ELMA Where huve yae been!? Blair looks straight at William. BLAIR Whit’s he dain here!? William looks at his feet. Elma shrugs. ELMA It’s fine. He’s gonae show us where the presents ur. Blair turns to Elma, looing her square in the eye. BLAIR 74

Fur fuck sake Elma, you’re needing tae wise up. A moment passes between them. Elma thinks about this as Blair looks at her intently, unflinching. ELMA Wull we canae find thum without him. BLAIR He’s no right Elma, believe me I know a perve when a see wan. Elma looks confused, inquisitive. ELMA Whit dae yae mean, why dae yae say that? Blair looks uncomfortable, she’s said too much. ELMA (CONT’D) How dae yae know? Blair’s starting to look agitated. Elma watches her inquisitively. A look of realization crosses her face. Beat. ELMA Who wis in the hoose this morning wis it? Alec looks like he’s watching a tennis match. His gaze switches between the sisters, not quite following the conversation but sensing the tension. BLAIR Jist forget it Elma. William’s starting to fidget, he’s getting bored and the conversation is lost on him. Blair’s eyes are starting to fill up. ELMA (fearful of the answer) Who wis it? 75

Blair whimpers as she exhales, then instantly grits her teeth, pissed off at her own reaction. William pushes in between the sisters. WILLIAM (interjecting) Cumoan lit’s go git the presents. Blair looks almost grateful of the distraction. Elma’s looking confused. Feeling awkward, Alec chimes in: ALEC Wull we’ve come this far and we canae stay here all night. William motions for them to follow him. WILLIAM Cumoan it’s no far. Wull jist get thum then go home. Elma looks at Blair for reassurance. Blair shrugs dejectedly. Elma looks at William. ELMA How far is it? William points to the forest. WILLIAM Jist over there. SUNN 0))) Sin-nana plays low as we: CUT TO: INT / THE FOREST – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Alec, Elma, Blair and William make their way through the forest. Twiggs SNAP underneath them as they walk. A nearby OWL COOS in the background. Crooked black trees loom over them like giants. Bushes and shrubs seem to block them in. 76

The pale moonlight cracks through the tree branches bathing the forest in an almost blue light. The moonlight casts shadows over everything before them and forces the field behind them, into darkness. They all huddle together. Taking baby steps further into the forest. ELMA This is fuckin creepy. BLAIR Wull it wis your idea. The forest is dense and over grown; a skinny path seems to break through the middle of the trees. The moon hangs over the path. It’s by far the lightest part of the forest and looks more inviting than the darkness behind them. William points at the path. WILLIAM It’s jist over there. Grey mist hovers lightly over the forest floor. It looks almost supernatural. William leads them towards the path. The forest grows quieter. ALEC Are you sure aboot this, whit's a cabin dain aw the way oot here fur? Elma and Blair look equally mistrusting, they look at William anticipating the answer. WILLIAM Jist is, it’s old, must nut be used by anyone else. Alec, Elma and Blair follow William on to the path. A warm light breaks through the trees in the distance. Seeing it first Elma points at the light. ELMA Whit’s that? 77

The others follow her direction. Beat. WILLIAM That’s the cabin. BLAIR Wull is there sumbudy in there? Whit if it’s Mrs. McConnell? A don’t want tae see that auld bitch! Alec and Elma look equally unenthused at the prospect. CRACK. (O.S we hear rustling and branches being broken as something walks heavily over the forest floor behind them. SNAPS and CRACKS, echo through the trees). Alec, Elma and Blair all look at each other, wide eyed with fright. Scared, without thinking, they start to charge off down the path towards the warm light of the cabin. They run, and run. Each step takes them closer to the cabin. They approach the edge of the woods. The warm light before them looks safe and inviting. It makes the forest behind them seem even more dark and frightening. They pause and look at each other, not sure what to do. ELMA We could jist go a bit closer? Blair looks unconvinced. Alec seems sold. They edge closer out of the woods. A short slope leads down into a clearing where a small cabin sits. A campfire burns brightly a few meters in front of the cabin door. Some empty wine bottles are strewn around the fire.


It looks warm and inviting. William, Alec and Elma look at it longingly. ALEC Lit’s jist go warm ur hands a bit? CUT TO: INT / THE CAMPFIRE – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Alec, Elma, Blair and William stand around the campfire warming their hands. Alec kicks at some empty wine bottles. William picks one up and drinks the dregs. Elma balances on some firewood and paper. A topless page three girl looks up at her. Elma screws her face up and covers the page. ELMA Looks like who ever wiz here has moved on? They all seem to be growing more relaxed as the fire warms their bones. ALEC Shud we look in and see if we kin see the presents? Alec looks at Elma and Blair for reassurance. WILLIAM (nonchalantly) Wull they’ll definitely give us thum now anyway. The statement instantly grabs Blair attention. She looks at William dead-on and inquisitively. BLAIR Whit did you say? William looks sheepish. He tries to avoid Blair’s eye contact. Alec and Elma look confused. WILLIAM 79

Nuthin, a didn’t say nuthin. Blair squares up to William. BLAIR You said THEY, you said THEY Wull definitely give us thum! William turns his face away from Blair. He’s clearly squirming. BLAIR Who’s THEY Wulliam? Alec and Elma look on not sure what to make of this interaction. William shrugs his shoulders and defiantly sits down on the ground. He folds his arms and turns his face away from Blair. Blair repeats the question. BLAIR Is it Mrs. McConnell Wulliam? Blair stands on William’s toes and mushes them into the ground. WILLIAM AWW! A didnae mean anything. William looks up at her with wide eyes - his expression is a mixture of fear and confusion. He looks almost childlike. An expression of confusion crosses Blair’s face. She looks at Alec and Elma, they look back at her expectantly. They scan their surroundings more attentively, looking for a clue. Beat. In front of the cabin is a heavy barrel drum. On top of it is a shotgun. Alec looks at it inquisitively. 80

ALEC That’s Bully’s gun. Blair and Elma look over at the gun then they all look at each other, even more confused. ELMA Maybe it’s a party, maybe Dad’s back and the village has made a party fur him? Blair is looking unconvinced. BLAIR Naw, suthins no right here. (O.S, in the direction of the cabin we hear muffled voices and movement). BLAIR Quick, hide round the back. CUT TO: INT / THE BACK OF THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Alec, Elma, Blair and William run around round the cabin and hide at the back. To their left we can see light shining onto the grass from a window on the other side of the cabin. (O.S) We can hear the song A Holly jolly Christmas playing inside the cabin). The kids are pressed up against the wooden wall of the cabin with confused, fearful expressions. ELMA It’s Christmas songs, it’s a party!? (O.S) The sound of a muffled interaction between two men can just be heard above the music. It sounds heated). ALEC That’s defnuntly Bully’s voice.


Alec seems more confident. Blair still looks concerned. (O.S)We hear the sound of light thudding in the cabin, it sounds like digging). BLAIR No way, sumthins wrong. Alec and Elma look at Blair. ELMA Its fine Blair, isn’t it Wulliam!? William is looking pretty cagey. He can’t look Blair in the eye. Blair shakes her head. She’s unconvinced. ALEC Lets look in the window then, jist a wee look, then wu’ll go in? Blair looks slightly more comfortable. She nods. CUT TO: EXT / THE SIDE OF THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. They all creep round the edge of the cabin toward the window. They crouch down beneath the window. The inside light shines out onto the grass and casts a shadow over them. Beat. They all look apprehensive. ALEC Who’s gonae look? He looks to Blair and Elma. ELMA Al dae it. BLAIR Na, al dae it. 82

Alec and Elma look relived. Slowly Blair rises to the window and peers in. Beat. Blair GASPS. ELMA Whit is it? ALEC Whit kin yae see? CUT TO: INT / THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Rita is lying sprawled out on a makeshift bed while Billy thrust on top of her. Their expressions couldn’t be more different. Billy is clearly not enjoying it. Tears run down his cheeks. He looks repulsed at the situation. Rita’s loving it. Ronald sits on a chair in the corner of the room masturbating. CUT TO: EXT / OUTSIDE THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Blair jumps back from the window tripping to the ground. She looks traumatized. Alec and Elma look scared at her reaction. ELMA Whit was is, whit did you see? Blair looks at Elma and shakes her head. She looks scared stiff. William scrabbles as if to stand up. Blair makes a dash for him.


She grabs William by the balls. She pulls tight. He WHIMPERS. Blair covers William’s mouth with her hand. He’s wincing in pain. Alec and Elma look utterly confused, scared at the reaction. BLAIR Whit did you bring us here fur Wulliam? Blair lifts her hand from his mouth. WILLIAM He said if a brought you and Elma he’d give us all the presents. Blair stands away from William she looks at him intently then kicks him hard in the balls. William cowers-up winded and WHEEZING. BLAIR You fuckin retard. Blair turns to Elma. BLAIR (CONT’D) A told yae, you can’t trust him! A couple of stray tears run down Blair’s cheeks. Alec looks scared stiff. (O.S the thudding in the cabin has gotten louder and the muffled voices sound more aggressive). Alec, Elma look at each other apprehensively. ELMA Who’s in there Blair? ALEC Is it Bully? Blair nods her head somberly. Alec looks confused, inquisitive. 84

ELMA Who’s he with Blair? Elma looks at Blair. Blair shakes her head she’s scared stiff. Alec and Elma slowly rise to the window. The look inside. CUT TO: INT / THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Billy pulls himself off Rita. He is half naked. Rita is still sprawled out with no clothes on. It’s clear they have been having sex. Ronald pulls his trousers and shorts up and buckles his leather belt. CUT TO: EXT / OUTSIDE THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Alec jumps away from the window stunned. Discussed. Elma looks at Ronald intently. She recognizes the belt. Elma turns to Blair, eyes wide with fear. ELMA Is that who wis round the house this morning? Ronald? Blair nods her head. Elma looks at her, a mixture of sympathy and confusion. ELMA Whit did he want? Blair looks at Elma, pained and angry. BLAIR Whit did yae think? Elma looks terrified. ELMA Is that why he wants us here? 85

ALEC (Interjecting) Lit’s jist git fuckin oot a here. (O.S something CLATTERS inside the cabin, the music goes off we hear Ronald shouting at Billy). Alec looks at Elma a long moments. He stands up and runs off. Elma shouts after him. ELMA Alec! (O.S we hear footsteps come to the window). Elma looks at Blair. Ronald’s shadow blocks the light of the window. (O.S we hear Ronald LAUGHING inside the cabin). BLAIR Run! Elma and Blair run. They get to the front of the cabin when: (O.S we can hear the clinking of metal as Ronald unlocks the door). The girls look terrified. To the left of the door the oil drum. The gun sits on top of it. BLAIR Get it. Elma and Blair pull the drum down in front of the door. CUT TO: INT / THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Ronald pushes at the door. It ricochets as it bangs of the drum. It won’t open. Rita sits back, relaxed. She isn’t too bothered about all this. Billy looks like a caged animal, he paces the cabin. 86

RONALD Comoan lassies, we wur jist gonae huv a wee party. Wuve got plenty of presents fur yeez in here… He LAUGHS lightly trying to be casual. CUT TO: INT / THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. Elma and Blair looks scared stiff. They hold hands as tears run down their face. Loosing patience Ronald kicks at the door. (O.S)RONALD Open the fucking door ya wee slags… Elma and Blair cower away from the cabin. They look petrified. As the door ricochets against the barrel cracks in the wood begin to appear. The girls edge backwards, closer to the fire. (O.S)RONALD Open the fucking door or a’ll teach yeez a lesson! The girls teeter on the edge of the fire. They look at it, both thinking the same thing. Blair pulls out a piece of loose firewood. She hurls it towards the cabin. It burns at the edge of the cabin not close enough to do any damage. Elma grabs the newspaper and sets it alight. She takes it to the cabin and puts it against the door. Blair follows with more wood and paper. Frantically the girls build a fire at the cabin door. It begins to take shape. Smoke begins to fill the cabin.


CUT TO: INT / THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. The smoke moves through the floor of the cabin. Realizing what’s going on Rita frantically gets dressed. Ronald kicks even harder at the door. The wood begins to splinter. RONALD (To Rita and Billy) Help me. Billy edges closer to the window in a panic as the smoke begins to fill the room. The fire begins to creep through the bottom of the door. CUT TO: INT / THE CABIN – CHRISTMAS-EVE NIGHT. The fire laps at the cabin door, seconds away from engulfing the whole cabin. (O.S) We hear the frantic cries of Rita and Ronald) RONALD Open the door. Please. Open the door. BILLY (frantically) Blair. Open the door. Blair and Elma look traumatized. BLAIR Am sorry Bully. The look at each other a moment then they run to the forest. The fire burns frantically behind them. FADE TO BLACK. CUT TO:


INT / THE CLARK HOUSE – CHRISTMAS DAY. Elma and Blair sit at the kitchen table with their hands clasped in prayer. They are wearing coloured paper Christmas hats and heavy expressions. LYNNE (CONT’D) (softly) All honor, glory, and thanks are his, And praise and worship belong to him. To God be glory in his Church Forever and ever! Amen! Lynne serves up some broccoli and ham. LYNNE Did you donate the presents Elma? Elma looks at her mother and nods somberly. LYNNE Good girl. Lynne sets a fourth place at the table. The girls watch her inquisitively. The backdoor opens and a man walks into the kitchen. ROBERT, the girls father is 6,2” dressed in a smart army uniform. He carries a small grey rabbit. He smiles warmly at the girls. They run to their father and embrace him. Credits roll.


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