Some things never change

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‘Some things never change’ Written by Gillian Boyd

INT. ARMELLE’S FATHER’S HOME KITCHEN – MORNING JAMES hovers over a scruffy notepad laid on the large kitchen table. The crisp spring sunlight shines in through the open window, bathing the cosy room in warm light. He checks through the list whilst chewing on the edge of his pen grumbling as his eyes flick over it. In one final check he rummages through the box in front of him. He looks at his watch, smiles to himself and throws the note pad into a drawer. James grabs the box and makes his way out to the car. CUT TO: EXT. ARMELLE’S MOTHER’S HOME - MORNING James’ car pulls onto the long gravel driveway. Beech trees stand solidly forming a row at each side. Their long branches connect overhead creating a tunnel shaded from the bright light of the spring morning. He ducks looking up at the canopy as he drives through. The car pulls up outside the large sandstone house. His eyes run over the building and up to the top window. His gaze lingers for a moment, lost in thought. APRIL opens the door. He turns off the ignition. April leans against the open doorway arms folded. Their eyes meet as he walks towards the house, she stares at him blankly. APRIL She’s in her room. April turns and makes her way back into the house before James reaches the front door. James watches her go, he looks dejected but he doesn’t say anything. James walks towards the stairs, his eyes move over the row of shoes laying neatly against the wall. His eyes focus on the polished masculine lace ups at the end of row. He grits his teeth and makes his way up stairs. CUT TO: INT. ARMELLE’S MOTHER’S HOME BEDROOM - MORNING

ARMELLE lays on her bed her long hair hangs over the edge. She plays with a beaded necklace she twists it and spins it over and over again. The sunlight creeps in from beneath the heavy blue curtains. It casts a ray of bright light onto the darkened room floor. Clothes lay piled up on the floor books and CDs lay strewn over the sides. Scrunched up photographs are scattered over the dressing table. A knock at the door distracts her from spinning the necklace. James opens the door and sheepishly sticks his head into the room. He looks at her upturned face, puzzled… James makes his way over to the window, stepping clumsily over clothes and books. JAMES You get ready then honey, I’ll be in the car James pulls the curtains open the crisp spring morning light fills the room. He looks around at the mess and dust but doesn’t say anything. His eyes focus on a letter lying at Armelle’s side. Their eyes meet as Armelle covers up the letter. James looks awkwardly to the floor and then leaves the room. Armelle looks over to the dressing table at the scrunched up photographs of her and her boyfriend, she sighs. She goes over to the dresser and puts the letter into the drawer and slowly she starts to get dressed. CUT TO: INT. JAMES’ CAR - MORNING James waits in the car. He revs the engine trying to warm up the heaters, he wipes of the condensation from the window with the arm of his jumper. He sits back and rubs his hands together, trying to warm them up. He takes out a bunch of new CDs. SPICE GIRLS, TAKE THAT, and BOYZONE. He unwraps the spice girls. JAMES SPICY GIRLS, that’ll do it.

He puts the CD on and screws his face up in disgust. In the rear view mirror he sees Armelle shuffle out of the front door dragging her feet along the gravel driveway. She wears a dark hooded jumper with the hood pulled up and a backpack draped casually over one shoulder. James turns the music up a little and hums along. Armelle gets into the car. ARMELLE Oh, God DAD. Is that Spice Girls? JAMES I don’t know I just grabbed the first one out of the glove box. Your MUM probably left it. ARMELLE (sarcastically) Sure. Armelle takes the CD out and puts on NIRVANA. James shrugs his shoulders and pulls off the drive. ARMELLE Where are we going anyway? JAMES It’s a surprise. Suddenly James stops causing them both to jerk forward. Armelle’s hood falls down and she drops the CD case as she jolts. JAMES Shit I forgot the sandwiches! Armelle picks up the CD case, rolling her eyes. She leans back into the chair. She folds her arms around her body. James looks at her awkwardly and restarts the engine. JAMES We’ll just stop off somewhere. FADE TO: INT. JAMES’ CAR – LATER IN THE MORNING

Armelle stares blankly out of the window, she watches the countryside flash past as they drive by. James’ gaze shifts awkwardly back and forth between her and the road ahead. The CD ends highlighting the uncomfortable silence between them. JAMES So… Um… There was a big fight in the chip shop last night. ARMELLE What? JAMES Yeah, a lot of fish got battered. James laughs and slaps the steering wheel. Armelle stares blankly at her DAD, obviously not finding the joke funny. JAMES It’s a joke. You know…the fish was deep fried yeah? Battered? ARMELLE (sarcastic) Yeah…right, battered fish eh Armelle goes back to looking out of the window. She presses her face against the glass her breath creates a condensation. James looks sheepish and focuses on the road ahead. CUT TO: INT. TEBAY SERVICE STATION - MIDDAY James looks James down. young

walks over to the table Armelle sits at. Armelle up, a young couple stand at the till behind James. puts down the cake and warm cups of tea, and sits He notices Armelle’s gaze and looks over to the couple playfully hugging.

When James looks back, Armelle’s eyes are filling up. He passes her a serviette and rubs her arm affectionately. JAMES

It’ll get easier sweetheart I promise you. You were too good for him anyway… She wipes her tears and watches the young couple walk out of the room. James pours some milk into Armelle’s tea and passes her some sugar. JAMES So do you recognise this place? Armelle looks out of the window at the familiar countryside. A small pond sits outside the window filled with ducks and the massive hills go on for miles in the distance. She feigns a smile. ARMELLE The golden services. JAMES It’s been a while eh. So have you guessed where we’re going yet? ARMELLE Loch Lommand? James playfully rubs her shoulder giving her a knowing look. It causes Armelle to jolt slightly. CUT TO: EXT. LOCH LOMMAND - AFTERNOON The car pulls up onto the bay. They get out, James starts to unpack the boxes filled with camping gear and fishing equipment. Armelle shuffles the gravel between her feet and looks out to the calm water. She takes a deep breath, drawing in the clean air. James puts the boxes on to the gravel and stands beside her looking out on to the loch. The water stretches on for miles and the countryside rolls on for miles behind it. Huge conifer trees stretch up at the sides and in the hills behind them. Hungry sea gulls caw in the background.

ARMELLE I forgot how beautiful it was here. JAMES You always were your calmest by the water. Even as a baby. Armelle smiles. She looks over to the boxes. JAMES Let’s get set up. James puts an arm over Armelle’s shoulder and they start to unpack. James pulls out a massive blue canvas, metal tent pegs spill out onto the gravel. ARMELLE Oh god Dad! That thing’s ancient. JAMES Its fine! Anyway, your mum got the new one. Armelle looks at him disbelievingly and rolls her eyes. They pull out the canvas. A musky scent fills the air as they stretch out the material revealing a multitude of moth holes. ARMELLE (sarcastically) Sure, it’s fine! James counts out the bent tent pegs and looks over to her sheepishly. JAMES well we’re missing a few pegs I suppose. Armelle unpacks the other box. ARMELLE Dad, these sleeping bags are well mouldy. JAMES Ah…right.

He starts rummaging through the box nervously. He tries in vain to shake the mould from the sleeping bags. Armelle sits down on the gravel and folds her arms. ARMELLE Plan B? JAMES Eh fishing? Armelle shrugs her shoulders and gets up. They pick up the fishing equipment and head over to the marina. CUT TO: EXT. DUCK BAY MARINA LOCH SIDE – EARLY EVENING James sets up the fishing equipment at the side of the Loch. The grassy verge hovers over a pebbly bay beneath them where the water stretches out. The marina and the long dock stand solidly in the back ground. Armelle stares at her fingers as she twists a blade of grass over and over. James’ gaze shifts awkwardly between her and the outstretched water. He gets a bite. JAMES I’ve got one! James frantically starts to reel in his catch. He looks at Armelle excitedly. Armelle stands up ready to pass him the support rod. JAMES Oh it’s big one! He tries to real in his catch moving closer to the murky water. He slides on a rock but steadies himself, he turns to Armelle and smiles anxiously. James then slips again skidding into the water on all fours. He frantically grabs the rod but the fish has gone. Armelle tries to conceal her laughter. ARMELLE Good catch Dad! He looks at her coyly and they start to laugh. She steps off the verge into the water and helps him up. He slides back onto the grassy verge and catches his breath. Armelle sits down beside him.

JAMES This isn’t really going to plan, is it? James tries to brush the mud from his trousers but they just get dirtier. The sun starts to set over the water and the evening grows colder. Armelle puts her arm on his shoulder and smiles. JAMES You go on ahead honey. See if you can get us a table. Armelle gets up to leave patting his back as she goes. CUT TO: EXT. DUCKBAY MARINA / RESTAURAUNT DOCK - EVENING Armelle notices the sign hanging in the window of the restaurant. It reads ‘Open at 7’. She looks at her watch, ten minutes to go. She stands over the edge of the dock looking out onto the loch. The night stars start to glimmer onto the calm water stretching out for miles. The night breeze blows her hair into her face she wraps her arms around her body trying to keep warm. James appears on the dock. He takes off his old woolly cardigan and wraps it around Armelle. The long sleeves hang off her arms. He pulls the collar around her neck. She smiles and draws in the familiar sent of whiskey and stale aftershave. ARMELLE (smiling) This old thing! JAMES We used to wrap you up in this when you were little. Got you to sleep every time. Armelle smiles and slides her hands into the oversized woolly pockets. James puts an arm around her shoulder and pulls her close. They look out to the loch as the moonlight glimmers onto the water. CUT TO:

INT. DUCK BAY MARINA - EVENING Armelle sits down at a table next to a window looking over the port. The restaurant is quiet and cosy except for a few people drinking at the bar. James walks over to the table and puts down a pint of lager and a glass of wine, he sits down. ARMELLE Wine? JAMES Well you’re almost eighteen right. The WAITRESS brings the food to the table. She places down two identical plates of steak and chips. James and Armelle smile at her and she leaves. Armelle immediately grabs the tomato sauce covering everything on her plate in red goo. JAMES Well some things never change eh? Armelle smiles they exchange a knowing look and sip their drinks. ARMELLE You know Dad I don’t think Mum understands. JAMES Well honey… she’s got a lot going on just now. James looks dejected, he takes a deep sigh… Armelle rubs his arm affectionately. James feigns a smile. A silence falls between them… ARMELLE So eh… Dad, there was a big fight in the chip shop last night…


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