Over the summer, we’ve been working hard on a few campus-improvement projects. Fielden Hall got a makeover with lovely (and durable) wallpaper, new carpet, roof, and modernized solar panels to help with energy conservation. In addition, we installed a new public announcement system to improve our regular and emergency communication capabilities and two new security cameras.
We also welcomed OLIN, a landscape architectural firm that we hired to complete our Master Plan, which was a key initiative recommended in Gillispie’s Strategic Plan, On the Horizon: Journey to 2028 Assembling various focus groups, OLIN asked students, administrators, parents, and teachers to share insights and opinions on the campus layout and design This process will continue into the fall with more opportunities to participate in this forward-thinking process
Over the next few weeks, you will receive important information about the 2024-2025 school year such as class lists which will be released on Wednesday, August 7 In the meantime, please find key dates here and school policies and practices in our Parent/Student Handbook I’m also pleased to share some school updates and important information for the new year in this packet
In July we received wonderful news that Gillispie School received seven-year accreditation terms from both the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC); this is the maximum length offered! One paragraph from the Visiting Team Report captured the essence of our school:
“Students find a welcoming embrace at every juncture of their educational journey, while parents are not only esteemed and listened to, but also actively engaged in enriching their children’s academic pursuits. Faculty and staff alike experience a profound sense of belonging within the school community, buoyed by robust leadership support. The prevailing sentiment is one of enduring commitment and contentment. Collectively, the community exudes warmth and affection, fostering an environment akin to a second home for all its members, where each individual is esteemed and acknowledged.” - CAIS, Visiting Team Report, June 2024
Goals identified from the Visiting Team Report include continuing to fortify concepts of global citizenship, innovation, and academic excellence; stewardship of the leadership team; and creating a roadmap for inclusion and belonging through teacher/staff training and family gatherings. This closely aligns with On the Horizon: Journey to 2028 that identified Gillispie’s three essential priorities as Innovation, Well-Being, and Inclusion to guide our commitment to an inspiring interdisciplinary, hands-on academic experience.
Wishing you a wonderful rest of your summer, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Alison Fleming Head of School
In our elementary program, Kelly Daniel will join Ashley Stolzenbach and Alexa Tamayo in Grade 2. She holds a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction and most recently taught in Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas. Please also meet Lizzie Wear in Grade 3 who holds a master’s degree in education and was most recently at School of the Madeleine in San Diego. Chelsea Heizer will be joining our Grade 4 team and holds a master’s degree in education. She most recently taught at St. Joseph’s School in Washington.
To round out Gillispie’s talented Student Learning Center is Lexi Gershkowitz. Coming to us from The Stephen Gaynor School in New York City, she holds a master’s degree with dual certification in early childhood special and general education. Patricia Martinez, with a bachelor’s degree and experience teaching at local elementary immersion schools, will assume the role as the Spanish instructor for Grades 1-6. With different perspectives and experiences from across the country, all of these educators will be a great asset to Gillispie!
TEACHER MEET-N-GREETS (Aug. 15-16) - New students and parents are invited to visit their classrooms and meet their teachers before the school year begins! Stay tuned for specific dates FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL COFFEE (THE “WOOHOO/BOOHOO” EVENT) - Join us for coffee after drop-off on the first day of school!
GREETING MEETING - One day a cycle, elementary families are invited to join students and teachers as they share information, build community, and celebrate student achievements. Look for more details by email!
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT (Sept. 5) - Meet teachers, learn about classroom programs and school-year updates, and hear from school leadership BREWS, BITES, & VINES (Sept. 19) - Our Fall Parent Social featuring local foods, beer, and wine EC FAMILY SUNDAY FUNDAY (Oct. 20) - Come play with us on the field while exploring the La Jolla Farmer’s Market! Look for event details in our weekly newsletter, The Sun ELEMENTARY FAMILY MATH & SCIENCE NIGHT (Oct. 24) - Join us for our first-ever Family Math and Science Night. Bring the whole family!
Drop-off/gates will now close at and classes will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.
We have a new uniform supplier option! In addition to Land’s End, you can now order uniforms from Tommy Hilfiger 8:20 a.m.
Please see the Parent/Student Handbook for a comprehensive overview of school policies and procedures.
1. Put yourself “in the know.” Stay connected with these resources: Gillispie Sun, a weekly email highlighting “happy happenings” and important school announcements Gillispie Gem, a monthly newsletter that offers insightful perspectives, spotlights the incredible work of our students and teachers, and celebrates our vibrant community Special Notices sent via email and push notifications Storypark, SeeSaw, or blogs Facebook and Instagram accounts
2. Always ask! The front-desk receptionist, Susie Grecco, is your first stop! Whether you need to contact a staff or faculty member or have a question about an upcoming event, she is an excellent resource. You can reach her at frontdesk@gillispie.org or (858) 459-3773.
3. Go direct. If you have academic or social concerns about your child, start first by talking to your child’s teacher. For further assistance, Early Childhood (EC) families can contact Dr Mindy Coates Smith, Director of Early Childhood, and Elementary families should contact Mr Paul Ghiglieri, Assistant Head of School If needed, the Head of School, Ms Alison Fleming, is available by appointment through the front desk Open communication is key, and we’re here to support your child’s success!
4. Volunteer at Gillispie! Our vibrant learning environment thrives thanks to our dedicated parent volunteers. It’s a fantastic way to support the school, connect with other families, and witness our mission in action.
Interested in volunteering? Submit your interest through this form. Someone will be in touch to get involved!
5. Drop-off and Pick-up: EC students arrive at the Fay Avenue driveway between 8:00-8:20 a.m., and parents must check-in their child using a QR code at the Fay gate Elementary students should enter through the Girard Avenue entrance, between 8:00-8:20 a m Elementary parents may walk their students onto campus until 8:20 a m when the bell rings to begin the school day
For dismissal, EC students are picked up on Fay Avenue; half-day student pick-up is from 12:00-12:15 p.m. and full-day student pick-up is from 3:00-3:30 p.m. Parents of full-day EC students are welcome on campus from 3:00-3:30 p.m. to pick-up their child directly from the classroom. Elementary student pick-up is on Girard from 3:00-3:30 p.m. Families with children in both EC and Elementary should drop off and pick-up at Fay Avenue.
6. Campus Access & Parking: Our main entrance is the Girard Gate. For security, the Fay Gate entrance can only be used from 8:00-8:20 a m , 12:00-12:15 p m , and 3:00-3:30 p m All other times, please use the Girard Gate entrance
Street parking is available on Girard Avenue and Fay Avenue Please do not park in the loading areas between 8:00-8:40 a m and 2:50-3:30 p m or block neighbors’ driveways, move trash cans onto sidewalks, park in red zones, or park in the Faculty/Staff lots on Girard Avenue.
7. Extended Care & After-school Enrichment Program: Extended care is available before and after school, from 7:30-8:00 a.m. and 3:30-5:00 p.m. Registration is not required and is available on an as-needed basis. Rates are $10 per day for before-care, $15 for after-care, and $25 for both. Please note, EC extended care is only available after school.
After-school enrichment programs are available for a fee from 3:30-4:30 p m Choose from a variety of classes like chess, cooking, theater, karate, and more
8.DressCode&Uniforms:UniformsarerequiredforGradesK-6studentsandareavailable(butnotrequired)forEarly Childhood Instructionsfororderingcanbefoundonourwebsitehere
Studentsareencouragedtowearcomfortableshoesthatfitproperlyandareeasytoputonandtakeoff,suchas sneakers,sportsshoes,orrubber-soledsandals.StudentsarerequiredtowearsneakersorathleticshoesonP.E. days.Shoeswithpoortread(suchasflip-flops,cowboyboots,andballet-styleflats)arediscouraged.
Leggings:Leggingsmaybewornonlywhenlayeredunderotherclothing(shortsandskirts/dresses)andmustbe navy,black,gray,orwhite.
Outerwear:StudentsareexpectedtowearGillispieuniformouterwear(jackets,sweatshirts,andsweaters) With inclementweather,theymaywearnon-uniformraincoatsandheavyjackets
9.HotLunchProgram:WepartnerwithKi’sSchoolLunchestoprovidedelicious,healthymealsforpreschoolthrough Grade6.Ordersareplacedonlineandcanbeusedasneeded!
ONEGillispieAnnualGivingCampaign:GillispieSchoolaspiresto100%participationfromparents,teachers, andtheBoard andweareproudoftheextraordinarytraditionofgivingatGillispie!Eachgifttoourannual fundenablesustocreateaunique,safe,andnurturingenvironmentthatfostersexceptionalstudentsand citizensoftheworld.ThiscampaignrunsfromSeptemberthroughNovember.
Brews,Bites&Vines(Sept.19):Afun,casualeventfeaturinglocalfood,beer,andwinefromtheSDregion Ticketsareapproximately$50perguest.
AnnualSpringFundraiser(March8):Ourannualfundraisingeventwillfeatureliveandsilentauctions,and fantasticfood,drinks,andentertainment!Ticketswillbearound$200-250perguest
EnhancedLearningOpportunitiesandFieldTrips:Studentswillhaveperiodicopportunitiestoexploreand experienceinandoutsideSanDiego
Gillispie Almost-New Uniform Sale
New Parent Social
New Parent Orientation
New Student Classroom Visits
Back-to-school Night
Brews, Bites, & Vines: Fall Parent Social
EC Family Sunday Funday
Elementary Family Math & Science Night
Parent Check-ins
Halloween Celebration
Fall Parent/Student Conferences
Literati Book Fair
EC Grandparents & Special Friends Morning
Elementary Grandparents & Special Friends Morning
Winter Music Performance
Blood Drive & Bake Sale
Annual Spring Fundraiser
Summer Session Registration Opens
Spring Parent/Student Conferences
Family International Celebration
Spring Arts & Design Showcase
Elementary Parents
New Gillispie Parents
New Gillispie Parents
New Gillispie Families (by appt.)
All Parents
Current & Past Parents
EC Families
Elementary Families
All Parents (by grade level or class)
All Families
All Families
All Parents
EC Grandparents & Special Friends
Elementary Grandparents & Special Friends
All Families and Friends
All Families and Friends
All Families and Friends
All Parents
All Parents
All Families
All Families and Friends
Week of July 29
August 13
August 15
August 16 & 17
September 5
September 19
October 20
October 24
October 2024 - May 2025
October 31
November 1
November 6-8
December 19
December 20
January 24
February 6
March 8
March 18
March 28
April 24
May 23
For school closures, holidays, and other key dates, see the website or FACTS Calendar.
Gillispie Nearly-New Uniform Sale - At the Gillispie Nearly-New Uniform Sale, school clothing items that are either gently used or never worn (children grow so fast!) can be purchased at a great discount.
Back-to-School Night - At Back-to-School Night, teachers discuss the curriculum for the year and provide information on homework, field trips, and parent volunteer opportunities
Brews, Bites, & Vines-Fall Parent Social - Brews, Bites & Vines is a fun, casual fall friend-raiser featuring local food, beer, and wine from the SD region, and is a wonderful chance to connect with Gillispie families, past and present!
Check-ins with Admin Team - The grade-level and classroom Check-ins are a time for you to hear from the Head of School and the Director of Early Childhood to communicate about school matters and policies, as well as from specialists on child development topics. Please see The Sun, the weekly e-newsletter, for dates.
Halloween Celebrations - Gillispie celebrates Halloween with a morning parade EC and Elementary families are invited to join us from the sidelines as we cheer on the students!
Parent/Student Conferences - Parent Conferences are held twice a year and are an opportunity for parents to meet with their children’s teachers to discuss academic and social progress.
Grandparents & Special Friends Mornings - Our Grandparents and Special Friends Celebration welcomes our loved ones to the Gillispie campus for lively classroom fun and to learn about a Gillispie education.
Winter Music Performance - Gillispie families gather to enjoy the Winter Music Program featuring singing and instrumental performances by our students
Blood Drive - The Blood Drive provides Gillispie parents, friends, and community members with an opportunity to help support the efforts of our local blood bank.
Annual Spring Fundraiser - For the annual Spring Fundraiser, parents may participate by serving on the event committee, underwriting the event, donating and procuring auction items, and/or attending the event.
Summer Session Registration Begins - Summer Session registration provides information on summertime programming at Gillispie that will keep your student fully engaged in purposeful learning and warm-weather fun.
International Celebration - International Celebration, organized by teachers and parent volunteers, is an exploration and celebration of world cultures This year, we’re excited to make this a family event!
Spring Arts & Design Showcase - The Spring Arts & Design Showcase is a day to celebrate the performing, visual, and technical arts! Parents, grandparents, and special friends are welcomed to campus to experience a morning of music, art, and science.
Hello! My name is Michele Greene, otherwise known as Nurse Greene, your child’s school nurse and the Director of Health and Safety at Gillispie School. I look forward to working with you to support the well being of your child, from minor bumps and scrapes to any health concerns you and your child may have. Below is important information on required immunizations and medical forms, along with school procedures regarding your child’s health.
If your child is new to Gillispie or is new to our elementary program, I am also writing to request a copy of your child’s latest immunization record. According to the California State Law (SB 277) regarding immunizations, all children must be immunized and up to date before entering school. The only exception to this is if a child has a permanent or temporary medical exemption signed by his or her pediatrician. Please send a copy of the immunization record or an exemption letter to mgreene@gillispie.org by Monday, August 12.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at mgreene@gillispie org or 858-459-3773 Ext 102
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you!
Michele Greene Director of Health and Safety
New Students (including Early Childhood families moving into Kindergarten): Please send a copy of your child's latest immunization record or an exemption letter to Nurse Greene or the front office by Monday, August 12.
New Early Childhood Students: In addition to the immunization record, please complete and return these forms to the health office by Monday, August 12:
LIC701 (must be completed by your child’s doctor)
Grade 1 Students: If your child is entering Grade 1, please have your pediatrician complete this Grade 1 Health Form and return it to the health office by Monday, August 12 We understand that some families may still be looking for a pediatrician If you are still looking for a pediatrician and cannot complete this form by the deadline, please let us know!
LIC701 Form (for EC only)
LIC702 Form (for EC only)
LIC995 Form (for EC only)
LIC613A Form (for EC only)
Medication Authorization Record (for temporary medications)
G1 Health Form (for G1 students only)
The online registration packet via FACTS Family Portal includes a Student Medical Form. Here, please include any allergies, medical conditions, and ongoing prescribed medications your child is taking. Please update this form online if new long-term medications arise. If your child begins a temporary prescription that needs to be administered during school hours, please submit the Medication Authorization Record to the health office.
If your child has a fever over 100, persistent cough, continuous runny nose, eye discharge, unusual rash, or other potentially contagious symptoms, please keep them home until symptoms improve and/or have subsided Your child should be symptom-free for 24 hours prior to returning to school To prevent the spread of illness, students exhibiting any of these symptoms at school will be sent home upon a health check by the School Nurse
For more information on our health policies, see the Parent/Student Handbook.
Alison Fleming HEAD OF SCHOOL
858-459-3773, ext 101 afleming@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 140 cbaranowski@gillispie org
Brittany Caraccilo FINANCE ASSOCIATE
858-459-3773 ext 142 bcaraccilo@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 104 cchen@gillispie.org
858-459-3773 ext 116 msmith@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 123 pghiglieri@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 102 mgreene@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 155 lisawaters@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 135 nhosy@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 133 dirwin@gillispie.org
858-459-3773 ext 101 sgrecco@gillispie org
858-459-3773 ext 146 e org
Lily Wang IT LEAD
858-459-3773 ext 139 lwang@gillispie org
Submit a copy of your child’s immunization records to mgreene@gillispie.org by Mon., August 12.
For incoming G1 students: Submit the G1 Health Form that needs to be completed by your child’s doctor.
Submit your child’s registration forms via FACTS Family Portal by Mon., August 12.
For new Early Childhood students only: download and return the following forms to msmith@gillispie.org by Mon., August 12:
Physician's Report (LIC701)
Notification of Parent's Rights (LIC995)
Personal Rights (LIC613A)
Child's Pre-admission Health History (LIC702)
Class lists and teacher assignmentswill be available in FACTS on Wed., August 7.
Expect to hear from your child’s teacher and/or Room Parent in early August regarding classroom specifics.
Join us for the EC Teacher Meet-N-Greet Playdate on Sat., August 10 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. (for new students and their families).
Join us for New Parent Welcome Social on Tue., August 13 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. (for new parents only).
Join us for New Parent Orientation on Thurs., August 15 from 8:30 to 10:15 a.m. (for parents/caregivers only).
Join us for a Classroom Meet-N-Greet on Thurs., August 15 or Fri., August 16 (for new students and their families).