celebrating 50 years of performing arts and creativity
What’s On Guide
December 2011 - April 2012
Like everyone preparing for their middle years, Pegasus is allowing itself to go a little crazy - and why not! Looking back on the past 50 years is quite fun but possibly not as much fun as looking forward to the next...
‘Recommended as one of the best tapas bars in Britain’ THE OBSERVER K A Z B A R, 2 5 - 2 7 C O W L E Y R O A D, O X F O R D
01865 202920 www.kazbar.co.uk Open until 12.30am Thursday and 1.00am Friday and Saturday.
This season we’re launching the Pegasus Theatre Club – it’s for everyone who would like to come and spend more time with us and join in the fun in our birthday year. For only £30 a year you can have one free ticket each season (spring, summer and autumn), get a discount in the cafe and get exclusive offers from us. Find out more, or join up by visiting the website pegasustheatre.org.uk/theatre-club, call the box office on 01865 812 150 or come in and see us – because we’d love to see you!
RIOJA £5 for
M I N I M U M O F T H R E E TA PA S M U S T B E P U R C H A S E D P E R P E R S O N . Conditions: *This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers Not available after 6.00pm Friday and Saturday. Available while stocks last.
Season Highights Dancin’ Oxford 2012
Pegasus Youth Theatre Companies new double bill
First Stage work-in-progress series
Friday 9 to Friday 30 December Pegasus presents Gonzo Moose
Grimm and Grimmer... the Misadventures of the Brothers Grimm Bavaria, 1806. Brothers Willhelm and Jacob are collecting what will become the greatest book of fairy tales ever published. Cinderella. Little Red Riding Hood. Rapunzel. The list goes on… Snow White. Hansel and Gretel. The Frog Prince. It’s never ending… Rumplestiltskin, Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb. But reality and fantasy collide as the brothers find themselves trapped in their own fairy tales. To escape, the hapless heroes must battle evil queens, dark enchantments and charming princes. Will they make it back alive? Packed full of hilarious slapstick, absurd jokes and magical illusions, this is a 75 minute whirlwind comic adventure full of funked up fairy tales and surreal silliness. Want to find out how the fairy tale Christmas adventure came about? Join us for a post show talk with the company after the matinee on Saturday 10th December. Commissioned by Pegasus
Friday 9th, Friday 16th, Sunday 18th and Thursday 22nd Cafe music At some performances in December we will be playing host to the musical group Kismet. During Grimm and Grimmer, Kismet will take you on a fairytale journey inspired by the show. Kismet will be performing at the shows marked with*. Performance Schedule Day 1.30pm Fri 9th Sat 10th ● Sun 11th ● Tues 13th ● Wed 14th ● Thurs 15th ● Fri 16th Sat 17th ● Sun 18th ● Tues 20th ● Wed 21st ● Thurs 22nd ● Fri 23rd ● Sat 24th ● Mon 26th Tues 27th Wed 28th Thurs 29th Fri 30th
7pm ●* ● ● ● ● ● ●* ● ●* ● ● ●* ● ● ● ● ● ●
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Family Christmas show 75 mins plus interval 6+ pegasustheatre.org.uk/shows/ grimm-and-grimmer
Information Tickets £8, £6 concessions, £4 U18 Weekday matinees (except 20th – 24th December) all tickets £4 Family ticket (4 with max 2 adults) £20
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Friday 13 January 7.30pm
First Stage Dance Scratch First Stage in the Pegasus Studio is where you the public can see new performances being made. This Dancin’ Oxford 2012 preview (it starts next month), is an opportunity to be the first to see new dance work in progress for the festival. Your post show feedback will help shape the artists final productions. Presented by Pegasus and Oxford Dance Forum
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Dance work-in-progress followed by discussion Check with the Box Office when booking 14+ dancinoxford.co.uk
Information Tickets: Free but booking required Venue: Studio (seated)
Sunday 8 January Shows at 11am and 3pm Activities at 10am and 2pm With the Oh Biscuits Collective
Pegasus Funday Sunday Betty Bumble’s Time Tumble - Future Shock By Guy Bass Professor Percy Pacacious has had a time machine accident and his assistant Betty Bumble is travelling through time to rescue him. She lands in a futuristic theme park designed by the professor who is having so much fun he doesn’t want to return. Betty needs your help to get him home! Join in the last of these exciting adventures with song and fun for under 12s. Take part in the show!
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Family show with workshop Workshop and show 45 mins each 6+ pegasustheatre.org.uk/shows/ pegasus-funday-sunday
Information Tickets: Workshop & show (1 adult +1 child) £13; Show only £7 full price, £3 children under 12 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated
Join in the pre-show activities and learn the songs, the movements or make a special props and characters as seen in the show. Limited spaces available. Join in the cafe fun with family art activities and snacks to share! 06
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 January 4pm (plus 7pm on Sat) Performed by Tac-au-Tac Youth Dance
Wednesday 25 to Saturday 28 January 7.30pm (Sat mat 1.30pm) Performed by Pegasus Youth Theatre
May I?
Till I Die
Tac-au-Tac dancers share their love of dance in a varied programme of pieces inspired by social dances from the past and present. Different Tac-au-Tac groups aged from only 3 years up to 19 years will be performing in each show. Each performance will be different and the Saturday evening show will include Oxford Youth Dance Company.
Performance Information Style Youth dance platform Length Approx 1 hour excl intervals Age All ages Link
Information Ticket: £7 full price, £5 concessions, £4 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
Sometimes, things happen that effect lives profoundly and forever. There are ripples beyond those present through the wider community to family, friends, neighbours and workmates. In 1989, at Hillsborough football ground, Liverpool fans were crushed as the stadium became overcrowded. There were hundreds of injuries. There were 96 deaths. This original piece of theatre, created by the cast with a writer, physical theatre artist and director, unearths the passion shared by thousands and the particular effect this day had on 3 young people.
Performance Information Style Length Age
New drama Check with the Box Office when booking 8+
pegasustheatre.org.uk/shows/ till-i-die
Information Ticket: £7 full price, £5 concessions, £4 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Friday 3 February 4.30pm Performed by Paper Balloon and guests
Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 February 6.30pm (Sat mat 1.30pm) Performed by Pegasus Youth Theatre Groups
First Stage Tea Time Tales
The Power of a Dream
Join Paper Balloon for some Tea Time Tales suitable for the whole family to enjoy. Come early to collect and create your own story feast in the café, then settle in for a delightful show of music and tantalizing tales old and new. And you might just become a story teller yourself.
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Storytelling theatre 75 minutes 4+ and families paperballoon.org.uk
Information Ticket: £3 (£10 for 4 tickets max 2 adults) Venue: Studio (seated)
Pegasus Youth Theatre Groups are taking the essence of the Olympic Spirit “to build a peaceful and better world and to reach for a dream”. All the groups will show in their performances how ‘the Power of a dream’ can influence lives. The film animation group explore a real world versus a dream world; the 6-7s drama and music group are in a dream makers laboratory creating dreams and nightmares in jars; the 14 to 19 year olds take a look at what people are willing to sacrifice to achieve their dreams. This platform performance will give an insight into young people’s perspectives on the future – in a funny, touching and above all creative way.
Performance Information Style
Youth theatre showcase
Length Approx. 2 hours plus interval Age
pegasustheatre.org.uk/ shows/the-power-of-a-dream
Information Ticket: £7 full price, £5 concessions, £4 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
Book for tea time at 4pm and join us in the cafe for a cake decorating session before the show!
Sunday 5 February Shows at 11am and 3pm Activities at 10am and 2pm
Pegasus Funday Sunday Funky Monkey and the Juicy Fruits The children’s theatre club, Pegasus Funday Sunday, continues with a new show from Emma Boor. Funky Monkey is the funkiest monkey in the jungle until one day he loses his funk. Who’s got his funk? Where can it be? Is it anything to do with what he eats? How can he get it back? All will be revealed as you meet a whole host of funktastic monkeys and a funk doctor. Come along and join in with the funkadelic jungle fun!
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Family show with workshop Workshop and show 45 minutes 6+ pegasustheatre.org.uk/shows/ funky-monkey
Information Ticket: Workshop & show (1 adult +1 child) £13; Show only £7 full price, £3 children under 12 Venue: Pegasus Studio (seated)
Take part in the show! Make your own rod puppet with real fruit and veg. Have fun designing your own fruity character or vegtastic vegetable with features you can take home and use again. Your five a day have never been so much fun! 10
Box Office Tel: 01865 812150
Tuesday 12 February to Saturday 18 March
Wednesday 15 to Saturday 18 February 7.30pm (Thur and Sat mat 2.30pm) Performed by Oxford School of Drama
The Ballet Dancer Joan Kent danced in public from the 1920s. Her career in ballet and the beauty of the dance form itself has been captured through a series of pictures taken by Angus McBean and others. This collection, first seen at the Oxford Playhouse in 2011, is being re-exhibited at Pegasus for Dancin’ Oxford 2012 – a display for photography and dance enthusiasts everywhere to enjoy.
Serious Money Exhibition Information Style
Photographic exhibition
suitable for all ages
pegasustheatre.org.uk/shows/ the-ballet-dancer
Information Ticket: Free Venue: Pegasus cafe-bar
by Caryl Churchill with music by Ian Dury, Chas Jankel and Mickey Gallagher Dog eat dog in the fast-living, slowly collapsing world of the banker and his bonus. Set in the British Stock Exchange in the late 1980s Caryl Churchill’s Serious Money is even more relevant today than it was when it was written. Serious Money won the 1987 Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play. “breathlessly entertaining” The Guardian
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Contemporary Drama Approx 2 hours and 15 mins incl interval 14+ (contains strong language) oxforddrama.ac.uk
Information Ticket: £10 full price, £8 concessions, £6 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
The Oxford School of Drama will be returning to the Pegasus after an absence of 7 years with a new, original and exciting show. This outstanding school has graduates currently working for leading companies including the National Theatre, Chichester Festival Theatre, The Old Vic as well as the BBC, Channel 4, ITV and HBO.
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Dancin Oxford 2012 opens 18th February 2012
Festival Launch Event Pegasus and Dancin’ Oxford 2012 will launch the festival with a two-day residency and performance from Company Chameleon. Their exciting male only dance, Search and Find, is a physically awesome and sensitive work that invites you to consider your connection with others. It features an original sound score from renowned composer and musician Miguel Mari and was originally commissioned by Dance Initiative Greater Manchester. The residency gives young male dancers the opportunity to work with Company Chameleon to create a new piece especially for the festival launch. For more information and to get involved in the residency visit dancinoxford.co.uk Join us in the City Centre streets between 12 and 3pm with some impressive free outdoor performances on the hour every hour. Come along and see what’s on offer with many of Oxford’s talented dancers. An Intergenerational Dance Day takes place at the newly opened Arts at the Old Fire Station on Sunday 19th February with workshops led by Crossover Intergenerational Dance Company, a dance information exhibition and a chance to take part in the evening show. This year’s festival is bigger and better with more venues and artists than ever before. For the whole festival line-up visit www.dancinoxford.co.uk
One of Oxford’s most exciting festivals is back from 18th February with more than 5 weeks of performances, classes, dance-a-thon taster sessions and showcases of dance and dancers from around the world just for you.
Get your festival pass Don’t forget to buy your Dancin’ Oxford Festival Pass from any participating venue – only £1 gets you discounts, free events andregular updates on dance in the city.
Dance the night away at the Festival Club There are Festival Club Nights after each festival show with resident DJ and bar. Free to Festival Pass and ticket holders, £1 on the door. At 9.30pm on the following nights: Friday 24 February (after Sensual Africa with Tavaziva Dance Company) Saturday 3 March (after Flamenco Intimo with Amarita Vargas) Friday 10 March (after Moving with the Times from various dance artists) Saturday 17 March (after No Stone Unturned from Oxford Youth Dance)
Festival Highights On Stage Tavaziva Dance Sensual Africa is the latest work from these popular festival regulars. Festival Club Nights Post show dance club for performers and audiences to let their hair down. 14
Workshops Tavaziva Dance Company & Company Chameleon Take part in exciting short residencies with both companies
Dance-a-thon Your chance to try some new dance moves in these taster sessions
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Friday 24 & Saturday 25 February 8pm Performed by Tavaziva Dance Company
Sensual Africa Sensual Africa is a choreographic work of art, dexterously crafted following Bawren Tavaziva’s inspirational trip to one of Africa’s most beautiful and compact countries, Malawi. Malawi…untouched, pure, raw, natural, unearthed, mysterious, rich in culture and life. In a nutshell…SENSUAL. Voyage with Bawren Tavaziva and his company of outstanding dancers as they salute and pay homage to the fascinating Tumbuka and Chewa Tribes. Be seduced as Tavaziva Dance injects their own interpretation of the complexities of these intriguing tribes’ movements and music and the inimitability of the rituals that boys and girls go through to become men and women.
Sunday 12 to Tuesday 14 February 10am to 4pm
uary Febr how 4 2 y s Frida o the post b et Com al Clu Festiv
Residency Using the Tavaziva repertoire as a starting point, participants will work with the company education team over three days to develop their own dance piece. This will be performed at the Dancin’ Oxford Festival launch and as a curtain raiser before Sensual Africa – a unique and special performance opportunity.
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Contemporary dance Approx 1 hour 12+ tavazivadance.com
Information Ticket: £12 full price, £8 concessions, £6 U18, £1 off for Dance Pass Holders Venue: Pullman Stage (seated) Residency information Style Length Age Link
Choreographic residency 3 days from 10am – 4pm daily plus dress rehearsal and performance 12+ tavazivadance.com
Information Ticket: £30, £20 concession Venue: Studio
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Thursday 23 February 7.30pm with local group Flocking Environmentalists
Saturday at 8pm & Saturday 18 March 2pm – 4.45pm Sunday9 at 26April February Presented in association with the Oxford Perm Twinning Association
Dance-a-thon The Karavai Quartet
Return of Resource Scarcity Whether or not you’re concerned about accelerating biodiversity loss, water security, climate change, or the impact of major economies in Asia and Latin America joining the West in destructive mass consumerism, the evidence is clear: we are stretching the planet’s resources. Though 1970s anxieties proved largely unfounded, emerging research is resuscitating these concerns in a new way. A panel of local thinkers will lead an interactive discussion asking whether the world really is now entering an age where resource scarcity will come to define the limits of human well-being. Afterwards, Oxford Comedy Deathmatch will provide an irreverent summary of the discussions.
Performance Information Style
Panel discussion plus stand-up comedy
Length 2 hours plus interval Information Ticket £5 Venue Pullman Stage (seated)
This is your chance to get in on the action – or to start a new From Oxford’s twinned city Perm come Russia’s foremost Balalaika dance passion! Every Dancin’ Oxford festival features a series players. Winners of numerous accolades in their home country, of 45-mins taster dance workshops. The Dance-A-Thon offers the Karavai Quartet play traditional Russian folk music with a anyone (whether completely new to dance or a keen enthusiast) modern twist. the chance to have-a-go. Ballet, tap, samba, salsa, hip hop, zumba, African, contemporary… there’s so much to choose from, why not Using inspiration from musicians around the world the quartet’s try them all. repertoire features music of almost every genre. Their original arrangements of classical compositions, film scores and jazz pieces as well as popular folk tunes make their infectious music an unmissable date for the diary.
Workshop Information Performance Information Style Various dance taster sessions Style Traditional Russian music Length 45 mins each with a 15 min break Length Check with the Box Office between Age All ages Age 16+ with special sessions Link karavai.info for 11-16 years Link dancinoxford.co.uk Information Tickets: £8, £6 concessions, Information £5 U18, £4 project members Ticket:£3.50 per session, £2.50 concs, Venue: Pullman (seated) £1 off for DanceStage Pass holders Venue: Pullman Stage
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 812150 150
09 19
Thursday 1 March 8pm Performed by Sonia Sabri Company
Kathakbox The Sonia Sabri Company celebrate the unique, diverse energy of modern Britain by bringing together Indian Kathak dance’s grace and vigour with the rhythms & rhymes of Hip Hop culture. Complex classical rhythms converse with beatbox while the verbal dexterity of Kathak rap (Kavitt) sets layers on urban poetry. Kathakbox does not ‘box in’ these genres to a particular time or place, but uncovers the raw spirit and heartbeat of each art form as it shivers between cultures. This bold, heart-pounding production features Sonia Sabri and three dancers including dynamic b-boy Nathan Geering, tabla maestro Sarvar Sabri, acclaimed spoken word artist & vocalist Marcina Arnold and beatboxer Shan Bansil.
08 20
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Indian/hip hop dance, music and spoken word 70 mins (no interval) 10+ kathakbox.co.uk
Information Ticket: £12 full price, £8 concessions, £6 U18, £1 off for Dance Pass holders Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Friday 2 March 8pm Performed by Kepow
Seven Ages Fresh from a sell out world tour to America, Canada, New Zealand and Norway, this wonderful comedy theatre show explores the seven stages in life. Taking true stories from his own (and his audience’s) upbringing, Kepow’s Kevin Tomlinson creates amusing, dramatic, entertaining and touching scenes based on a variety of topics such as: going to school; falling in love; finding a job; having a child and growing old disgracefully! If you’ve ever asked the question ‘Why am I here?’ or ‘What’s it all about?’, Kevin just might have an answer – but not necessarily the one you were expecting. And you might miss it because you’re laughing too hard.
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Comedy improvisation Check with the Box Office when booking 8+ www.kevintomlinson.co.uk
Information Ticket: £12 full price, £8 concessions, £6 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
Seven Ages has been to more than 300 venues across the UK, garnered 5 star reviews at the Edinburgh Festival and received standing ovations on it’s opening and closing nights in London!
Saturday 3 March 8pm Performed by Amarita Vargas
Flamenco Intimo Amarita Vargas and guests present an evening of intimate, pure flamenco packed with the energy and expression of the south of Spain. Following her residency in Jerez de la Frontera last year Amarita returns with new choreographies which evoke a range of feeling from the fiery and joyful to the dark and sombre. Flamenco celebrates the intensity of the moment, and allows us to experience the totality of human experience with all its brilliance and shadows. An evening of flamenco puro in the intimate cabaret-style setting of Pegasus.
Performance Information Performance information Style Flamenco Length 90 mins Age Any age Link amaritavargas.com Information Ticket: £12 full price, £8 concession, £6 U18, £1 off forn Dance Pass holders Venue:Pullman Stage (cabaret)
Wear something red!
h Marc ay 3 t show d r u s t o Sa the p
b e to Com al Clu Festiv
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Sunday 4 March Workshop at 11am and 3pm Disco at 12pm and 4pm With
Friday 9 and Saturday 10 March 8pm Oxford Dance Forum and Pegasus present
Moving With The Times
Pegasus Funday Sunday Baby Boogie A unique and fun event for children under 4 years old and their families. Come along and boogie with your baby! There will also be a 45 minute workshop before the disco led by professional dance tutors to learn the moves you need – a chance to get creative with your toddler! A Dancin’ Oxford special from Pegasus and the Oxford Dance Forum.
Performance Information
Stay for lunch or tea and enjoy dance mats and socialising after the event.
Information Ticket: Disco & workshop (1 adult +1 child) £7; (2 adults + 2 children) £13 Single £5 full price; £3 children under 12 £1 off for Dance Pass holders Venue: Pullman Stage (dancing!)
Style Length Age Link
Dance event and workshop for carers and toddlers workshop 45 mins: Disco 45 mins under 4 years and carers dancinoxford.co.uk
This year’s special commission dance showcase will feature some of Oxford’s new and emerging artists creating specially created works for the Dancin’ Oxford 2012 festival. Following the huge success of the 2011 showcase, this is an opportunity for local artists to make something entirely new for the ever growing and enthusiastic audience that Dancin’ Oxford has generated over the years. Early booking is strongly recommended. Visit the Oxford Dance Forum website for up to date news on the artists and the work in progress – www.odfonline.org.uk
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
New contemporary dance Check with the Box Office when booking 10+ odfonline.org.uk
Information Ticket: £8 full price, £6 concessions, £5 U18, £1 off for Dance Pass holders Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
h Marc y 10 t show a d r os Satu the p b e to Com al Clu Festiv
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Supporting Pegasus Spotlight on ... Oxford Brookes University
Friday 16 at 7pm & Saturday 17 March at 4pm & 7pm Performed by Oxford Youth Dance
rch 7 Ma ow 1 y a sh rd Satu o the post b et Com al Clu Festiv
Oxford Brookes University and Pegasus have agreed a new long term partnership aimed at enhancing the student experience at Brookes and supporting Pegasus’ artistic and educational work. At the centre of the partnership is ‘Brookes at Pegasus,’ a week in May 2012 when students from across the university will be working with the Pegasus team to showcase their work. Brookes is also sponsoring a large roundel on Magdalen’s Tree in the Pegasus’ foyer alongside other prominent donors, and using the excellent facilities at Pegasus for drama teaching.
Pegasus cannot do what we do without your financial support...
Janet Beer, Vice Chancellor, Oxford Brookes University, says:
Fees, ticket sales and public funding only cover a third of our work with young people.
“The partnership with Pegasus is an exciting opportunity for our students to showcase their work within the community and for the university to support an outstanding local theatre. I am sure that it will be a great success and that it will provide a model for relationships between universities and community organisations.”
We look to local businesses and individuals to help us continue giving them the opportunities to develop and achieve their full potential.
Spotlight on ... is a new feature. In each edition of our programme we showcase the work we are doing with a partner or sponsor. If you are supporting us and would like to be included, then please get in touch with us.
There are many ways you can support us. Making a financial donation online is easy and secure at our website www.pegasustheatre.org.uk. Or, consider having your name carved on a roundel on the magnificent Magdalen’s Tree in the Pegasus foyer, or even naming a seat. For more details on any of these, call Dominique Cadiou on 01865 812173 or email dominique.cadiou@pegasustheatre.org.uk.
No Stone Unturned Oxford Youth Dance believes that dance is for everybody and celebrates young people’s individuality, creativity and love of dance. Children as young as 2 years old will be performing with their parents and Oxford Youth Dance Company will be guests for this event alongside older performing dancers who started their dancing with OYD. The dancers will be exploring new worlds with their imaginations and bodies: What do you find when you turn a stone over? What is inside that cave behind the rolled bolder? Where is the lost jumper that you are searching for at the back of the cupboard? What is this strange object that has appeared in the attic? Did you leave something important in the garden shed? Leave no stone unturned come and enjoy the dance! 08 26
Performance Information Style Length Age
Youth dance showcase Check with the Box Office when booking Any age
Information Ticket: £7 full price, £5 concessions, £4 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
Thanks to all our donors, sponsors, supporters and core funders, including:
Wednesday 28 to Saturday 31 March at 7.30pm, Sat mat 1.30pm a double bill performed by Pegasus Youth Theatre Companies
The Listeners/Stuck Mental health is a growing issue for young people – what it means, how it affects us and what we can do about it. These new performances take different approaches to understand this wide subject. The Listeners, a brand new play written by Mojisola Adebayo in collaboration with The Samaritans and Pegasus Youth Theatre Company, is set in England in 2017. A massive earthquake has caused a nuclear explosion, tsunami and flood. Teenager Magz is locked in a bedroom communicating through the internet and watching reality TV, reflecting on the recent past and trying to find answers but nothing helps. The planet is all but destroyed. Magz, desperately lonely and in need of intimacy, orders a Listener, from a support website. Will this be the answer to loneliness?
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
Double bill of brand new drama and dance Check with the Box Office when booking 10+ pegasustheatre.org.uk
Information Ticket: £7 full price, £5 concessions, £4 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
Stuck is a new dance performance by Pegasus Youth Dance Company that delves into the mental states of agoraphobia and claustrophobia. Agoraphobia: a fear of situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing. Claustrophobia: a fear of closed or tight spaces. Focusing on a series of abstract journeys through the emotions, tensions and effects caused by these conditions and how those might affect the dancers movements. The Youth Dance Company is also presenting a new piece made in collaboration with leading choreographer Bawren Tavaziva during the Dancin’ Oxford Festival this year. This brand new work will be created in residency with the artist and following its premiere at the Dancin’ Oxford 2012 Festival launch, will be remounted during this week in March. Designed by Pegasus Youth Theatre Production Company
Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Tuesday 3 to Saturday 28 April
Encompass Dionne Barber is a local artist who has worked closely with Pegasus since the re-opening in September 2010. This exhibition explores the true character of Pegasus; through drawing and painting Dionne has captured the changing spaces and movement that is life at Pegasus, and the characters, performances and passion that cement its spirit and unique atmosphere.
Information Style Age Link
Exhibition of painting and drawing Any age dionnebarber.com
Information Free entry
Friday 20 & Saturday 21 April 7.30pm performed by community group Theatre Folk
Jamuna On the eve of her first exhibition, artist Jamuna has a dilemma to face. She has promised an exclusive interview about her life and work which will expose her past as a freedom fighter in Bangaladesh who was imprisoned and abused - something her children have never known about her. Her daughter meanwhile intends to announce her betrothal at the exhibition before her intended leaves to perform a Hajj. Should Jamnua break free from the shackles of her past and face being ostracised from her family and society?
Performance Information Style Length Age Link
new contemporary drama 80 mins no interval 12+ theatrefolks.com
Ticket: £7 full price, £5 concessions, £4 U18 Venue: Pullman Stage (seated)
This play explores the effect of war on women, their sexuality and social life. Although the story focuses on Bangladesh in 1971, it delves into a matter faced by women all across the world even today.
Box Box Office Office Tel:Tel: 01865 01865 812 812 150 150
How to find us Pegasus Theatre Magdalen Road, Oxford, OX4 1RE Telephone 01865 812 160
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Website www.pegasustheatre.org.uk
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Box Office 01865 812 150
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Pegasus is next door to the Magdalen Arms pub at the Iffley Road end of Magdalen Road in East Oxford, 2 miles from the City centre. A bus to Rose Hill (number 3) stops almost at the door. There is very limited street parking in this area.
Email info@pegasustheatre.org.uk
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Fax 01865 812 170
Te Le mple ys & Cow Rin le g R y, B oa lac kb d ird
The theatre and cafe are open from 2pm on Mondays, 10am Tuesday to Saturday, and the first Sunday of the month.
The Box Office is open at the following times: Monday 2pm – 8pm Tuesday 10am – 8pm Wednesday 10am – 8pm Thursday 10am – 8pm Friday 10am – 8pm Saturday 10am – 6pm We are also open before and after shows when they are scheduled.
Discounts are available to some performances, workshops and courses for under 18s, those receiving income support disability benefit (along with any necessary companion), senior citizens, equity members and students. All concessions require proof of status.
Groups of 8 or more can purchase tickets at the advertised concessionary rate.
You can book online at www.pegasustheatre.org.uk and click on the Shows button. If you would like to be sent details please email boxoffice@pegasustheatre.org.uk
Schools and youth groups of eight or more, including all adult supervisors, can purchase tickets at a discounted rate to most Pegasus shows.
Under 18
Pegasus box office on 01865 812 150
Under 18s can buy tickets to most Pegasus shows at a discounted rate.
In person
Access and Services
Posting Tickets
Café bar
During opening hours at the theatre or from 2 hours before performances, workshops and courses.
Tickets can be posted to customers for the additional charge of 60p per transaction. The cost will be added to your purchase total.
Pegasus accepts cash and major credit cards. Tickets purchased by cheque should be made payable to Pegasus Theatre Trust. No booking fees are charged.
Unpaid reservations will be released after one week or by the day before the performance, whichever is sooner. Reservations cannot be taken on the day of the performance.
Why not come and enjoy the cafe before during or after shows and workshops. It is open daily from Monday to Saturday. Please check the website for times. We are also open for Pegasus Funday Sundays on the first Sunday of the month. Choose from our range of tasty snacks, cakes and drinks.
Family Friendly
We want families to enjoy their visit to Pegasus and include family activities in our programme as well as child-friendly drinks and snacks, a safe play area, free nappies, unisex changing facilities and friendly staff to help you.
We have main entrance access, lift, wheelchair spaces and toilet facilities for anyone with mobility difficulties. The Pullman Stage performance space has an induction loop sound system for the hearing impaired and large format information sheets for those with vision impairment. If you have particular access needs, please talk to a member of staff. 32
Staff Cathryn Baker James Ball Rose Brettingham Dominique Cadiou Euton Daley Nomi Everall Natasha Godwin Emma-Jane Greig Carla Hovell Peter Hughes Allan Hutson Gill Jaggers Erlinda Koshaj Naomi Moran Angharad Phillips Kirsty Price Yolanda Pulido Ignacio Joe Shuter Yasmin Sidhwa Bobby Sunda Dave Thwaites John Wilkes Emily Winfield Donna Waterer
Youth Arts Leader (Youth Theatre & Community) Technician Cafe/Bar Assistant Development Director Artistic Director/CEO Youth Arts Leader (Technical & Production) Technical & Production Trainee Participation Officer Box Office Assistant Cafe/Bar Assistant Dance Coordinator Head of Marketing Finance Officer Box Office Assistant Youth Arts Leader (Outreach & Schools) Catering Supervisor Office Manager Duty Manager/Operations Assistant Head of Creative Learning Duty Manager Head of Technical & Production Business Director Creative Producer Head of Operations
Pegasus Theatre Trust Danielle Battigelli Shirley Clark Colin George Becky Hall (chair) Fred Kirby Keith Jackson (acting treasurer) Richard Lewis Cecilia Macfarlane Lucy O’Rorke Alison Partridge Louis Rogers Jeremy Spafford (vice chair) Patrons Caro Fickling Thelma Holt CBE Dr. Bill Lucas Francesca Martinez Simon McBurney Korky Paul Trevor Phillips OBE Philip Pullman CBE Philip Selway Mark Thomas
Auditorium / Seating I H G F E D C B A AA
STAGE Box Office Tel: 01865 812 150
Web: www.aziz.uk.com Email: manager@aziz.uk.com Tel: 01865 794945
EST 1990
Opening Hours (7 Days A Week) 12.00pm - 2.15pm 6.00pm - 11.30pm
Experience the treasures of the passionate bengal Gastronomy. Finest fish, meat and vegetables Prepared for your desires.
Café / Bar Photographs by: David Fisher
Your event at Pegasus Pegasus has facilities and spaces available for hire. We offer competitive rates to local businesses, groups and residents on our rooms, equipment and services.We can accommodate a wide range of activities as most spaces are fitted out with top quality technical facilities and equipment allowing great flexibility. If you are interested in hosting meetings, conferences, parties, events, classes or other social or business activities at Pegasus, contact Donna Waterer on 01865 812 154 donna.waterer@pegasustheatre.org.uk
* Daily Menu * Lunchtime Special *Superb Sunday Buffet - Over 25 Dishes Inc Deserts *20% Discount On Take Aways *20% Discount For Students (With NUS Cards) British Curry Award Winning Restaurant 2010 After Theatre - Bring Your Ticket & Receive 10% Discount Web: www.azizexpress.co.uk Email: info@azizexpress.co.uk Tel: 01865 395870
Opening Hours (7 Days A Week) 12.00pm - 2.15pm 5.30pm - 11.00pm
Adding the extras... Our light and airy cafe bar is open from Monday to Saturday serving coffee from local roasters UE coffee, homemade cakes and other treats. It’s an ideal meeting place with a unique atmosphere. Come and enjoy delicious nibbles and an excellent selection of wines, beers, spirits and soft drinks before coming to a show – or stay afterwards to mingle with the cast. Get creative in the cafe1 Fun art activities for young families on the first Sunday of every month. Free. Just drop in between 10am and 4pm.
Located at the Ozone Leisure & Entertainment Park, next to the home of Oxford United FC Kassam Stadium
~ As Much As You Can Eat Buffet ~ Over 40 dishes to choose from, including starters & deserts
Aziz Wednesdays Buy One Buffet Meal Get 2nd Half Price
What’s On December 2011 – April 2012 December Thu 1 & Fri 2 Fri 2 Sat 3 Sat 3 Sat 3 Sun 4 Sun 4 Fri 9 - Fri 30 January
8pm At Swim Two Boys Dance Theatre 10am Earthfall Workshop Dance Theatre Workshop 1.30pm Cohesion Festival - Impro. Technique Music Workshop 4pm Cohesion Festival - Open Session Music Workshop 8pm New Moves: New Sounds Musical Concert 10am & 2pm Pegasus Funday Sunday Children’s Theatre Club Activities 11am & 3pm Pegasus Funday Sunday Children’s Theatre Club Show 7pm (not Mon) Grimm and Grimmer Christmas Family Show (mats 1.30pm, Tue –Thu, Sat & Sun)
Front cover: Sensual Africa
Sun 8 10am & 2pm Sun 8 11am & 3pm Thu 12 5pm, 6.30pm Fri 13 7.30pm Sat 14 - Sun 15 4pm, 7pm Sat Wed 25 - Sat 28 7.30pm (Sat mat 1.30pm) February
Pegasus Funday Sunday Pegasus Funday Sunday Registration Evening First Stage - Dance Scratch May I? Till I Die
Children’s Theatre Club Activities Children’s Theatre Club Show Project Information & Sign Up Dance work-in-progress Youth Dance Showcase New Youth Drama
Fri 3 Sun 5 Sun 5 Thu 9 - Sat 11 Sun 12 - Tue 14 Tue 12 Tue 14 - Sat 18 Sat 18 Thu 23 Fri 24 - Sat 25 Fri 24 Sun 26 March
4.30pm First Stage Tea Time Tales New work-in-progress 10am & 2pm Pegasus Funday Sunday Children’s Theatre Club Activities 11am & 3pm Pegasus Funday Sunday Children’s Theatre Club Show 6.30pm (Sat mat 1.30pm) The Power of a Dream Youth Theatre Showcase 10am – 5pm Tavaziva Dance Residency Dance Company Residency Daily The Ballet Dancer (until Sat 18 Mar) Dance Photography Exhibition 7.30pm Serious Money Contemporary Drama (Thu & Sat mat 2.30pm) 12pm Dancin’ Oxford 2012 Festival Launch Festival Launch Event 7.30pm Return of Resource Society Panel Discussion 8pm Sensual Africa Contemporary Dance 9.30pm Dancin’ Oxford Club Night Festival Club 2pm – 4.45pm Dance-a-thon Taster Dance Workshops
Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 Sat 3 Sun 4 Sun 4 Fri 9 - Sat 10 Sat 10 Fri 16 - Sat 17 Sat 17 Sun 18 Wed 28 - Sat 31 April
8pm 8pm 8pm 9.30pm 11am & 3pm 12pm & 4pm 8pm 9.30pm 7pm (Fri also 4pm) 9.30pm 2pm - 4.45pm 7.30pm (Sat mat 1.30pm)
Fri 20 & Sat 21 7.30pm Box Office 01865 812 150
Khatakbox Seven Ages Flamenco Intimo Dancin’ Oxford Club Night Pegasus Funday Sunday Pegasus Funday Sunday Moving With The Times Dancin’ Oxford Club Night No Stone Unturned Dancin’ Oxford Club Night Dance-a-thon The Listeners/Stuck
Khatak/rap/hip hop dance & music Comedy Improv Flamenco dance and music Festival Club Parent &Toddler Dance workshop Parent and Toddler Disco New Dance Artists Showcase Festival Club Youth Dance Showcase Festival Club Taster Dance Workshops New Youth Theatre and Dance
New contemporary drama
Go online for booking and more information www.pegasustheatre.org.uk
Information published in this guide is correct at time of publication. Please check with the Box Office or online for the latest information. Pegasus Theatre Trust Ltd is Registered in England and Wales no. 3038190 Registered Office: Magdalen Road, Oxford, OX4 1RE Charity registration: 1055305 VAT no. 883 8067 81
Pegasus receives core funding from: