Children In Church STM

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“Mummy/Daddy—I need the toilet”

After the service…..

If your little one needs the toilet don’t worry.

Please do stay in

We have toilets at the back of the church.


Please ask the sides person if you need help.

refreshments are

Can I bring children up to the altar

served including

for Communion?

squash and

Of course! We are


happy for you to bring your children up to the altar. They will receive a special blessing from

biscuits for the

This is a great opportunity to meet other

St Mar y ’s Ch urc h Richmond, North Yorkshire

members of the congregation and find out what else goes on in church.

the Priest leading the service.

If you need any more information please



Christenings are very special occasions where

Rector of the United Benefice of Richmond with Hudswell and Downholme and Marske

we welcome normally children into the family of the church. Please feel free to allow your children to come close to the

Rev Martin Fletcher

font so they can get a good look

Tel: 01748 821241

at what is going on.

Mobile: 07762 440094 E Mail:

Children in Church

What services should I bring my

How can I amuse my children

What should I do if my child wants to

children to?

through the service?

move around in the service?

Children are welcome at

We have toy bags that are

It’s absolutely fine if they

all of our services, but

available for every service in

want to move but please

we do have services that

Church, so that children can

do go with them so that

are more geared

stay in the pews with their

they are safe. Please try to

towards Children.

parents. We also have a

discourage running so that

children corner where

they don’t trip and fall and

children can draw, do

hurt themselves.

Worship for All Service

puzzles or read a book.

The Worship for all service is geared as a more family friendly but traditional style service on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

Fun-Key Church Fun-Key Church is a interactive type of service

My baby’s asleep—Do I

Is there a Sunday Club?

have to stand up for the hymns?

On the 2nd Sunday of the month,

we have a T.O.A.S.T. (Time On A Sunday Together).

Of course not—please feel free to do want ever suits you and your baby.

for those who like to learn

This will enable children in the church to

about God by doing things.

have a time specifically set aside for them to

Fun-Key church takes place on the last Sunday

learn and to experience God in a way that is

What should I do if my baby/child

of the month

right for them.

cries during the

Where should I sit with my children? It’s always better for families to sit at the front of the church so that the smaller members of our congregation can see what happens rather than looking at the back of other people heads.

Inviting children into the action of the story


wonderful way of helping

Whatever you would

children to join in the

normally do to comfort

worship and life of the

them. Please don’t feel

community of Faith.

like you have to immediately rush outside.

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