Christmas pew 2019

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ThePar i shofStMar y , Ri chmondwi t h StMi chael &Al l Angel s, Hudswel l Sunday22ndDecember , Adv ent4 We of f era war m wel come t o any v i si t or swhoar eher ewi t hus t oday .Pl easest ayf orr ef r eshment s af t er t he ser v i ce. Thi s mor ni ng’ sser v i cei sf orev er y oneandi fneededt her ei sachi l dr en’ sar eaat t hebackofchur ch.Ther ei sani nduct i onl oopsy st em i nt hechur chf or t hosewhowoul df i ndi tusef ul .

Lar gepr i nthy mnandser v i cebooksar eav ai l abl e.Pl easeaskone oft hesi despeopl e. Today 8. 00am Hol yCommuni on 10. 00am Par i shCommuni on Readi ngs: I sai ah7: 1016, Romans1: 17, Mat t hew11: 211 6. 30pm Car ol Ser v i ce Chr i st masEv e 4. 00pm Ri chmondCr i bSer v i ce 5. 30pm Tr adi t i onal Cr i bSer v i ce 11. 30pm Mi dni ghtMass Chr i st masDay 8. 00am Hol yCommuni on 10. 00am Chr i st masCommuni on Sunday29thDecember 8. 00am Hol yCommuni on 10. 00am Par i shCommuni on Readi ngs: I sai ah63: 79, Hebr ews2: 10end, Mat t hew2: 13end Wednesday1stJanuar y Pl easenot et her ewi l l beno9: 15am Hol yCommuni on Thur sday2ndJanuar y 10. 30am Hol yCommuni on( Hol yTr i ni t y )

Sunday5thJanuar y 8. 00am Hol yCommuni on 10. 00am Par i shCommuni on Readi ngs: I sai ah60: 16, Ephesi ans3: 112, Mat t hew2: 112 4. 00pm Yout hChur ch

PRAYERREQUESTS Wi t hi ny ourdai l ypr ay er spl easeuset hePar i shPr ay erDi ar yi nt heMagazi ne, al sor emember i ng: t hosei nspeci al needofpr ay er Ev a, Cl ai r e, JeanCoul t har d, AnneSi mpson t hosei nneedofongoi ngpr ay er Li zAt ki nson, Jenni eBeaumont , TonyDy kes, Mar yHar t nel l , Car ol e War d, Dav i dWi l l ey , JoshWi nch andal l t hepat i ent satt heFr i ar yHospi t al t hosewhomour n, aswegi v et hanksf ort hel i v esof Edwi nSheppar d, Ashl eyLawson, JohnBr emner , Ant honyWoodwood, Ral phWagget t t hosewhoseanni v er sar i esf al l i nt hecomi ngweek t h 29 December Lewi sHar r i sson andpl easepr ayf ort hegr owt hofourchur ch. ThePr ay erGr oupwi l lmeett odayat5. 30pm byRut h’ sWi ndow.Al lar e wel comej oi nusi npr ay er . BOOKOFREMEMBRANCEI fy ouwoul dl i ket henameofal ov edonet obe ent er edi nt hi sBookpl easecont actAl ex eRober t s( 01609881216) .

TheHomeGr oupshav enow f i ni shedf or2019.TheThur sdayGr oupwi l l t h r ecommenceat7. 30pm onThur sday9 Januar yat1RoperCour t ,t he

WednesdayGr oupon15th Januar yat7. 30pm at2Hur gi l lRoad. Al lar e wel come.

Cashl essdonat i onscanbemadet oStMar y ’ sChur ch: -byi nt er netbanki ngt o‘ Ri chmondwi t hHudswel l PCC’ Sor tCode403819, AccountNo.50701793 -byusi ngTheGoodPl at e -bydebi t / cr edi tcar dorbyAppl eorGoogl ePay pl easeseeoneoft heSi despeopl e -anydonat i oncanbeGi f tAi dedusi ngay el l owenv el ope TheGoodPl at e–wel comet oanewwayofgi v i ng!TheGoodPl at ei sanew ki ndofcol l ect i onpl at et hataccept s“ cont act l ess”of f er i ngs. Si mpl yt ap y ourcar dagai nstt hepl at et odonat e£2( ory oucaneasi l yent eranyot her amount ) .I fy ouwoul dr at hernotdot hi sdur i ngt heser v i ce,t heGoodPl at e wi l lbeatt hebackofchur chaf t er war ds.Thanky ouf orsuppor t i ngt hewor k ofourchur ch. Boi l erappeal Twoofourt hr eeboi l er sar eoutofact i on.Theyneedr epai r i ngandt he heat i ngsy st em needst obemoder ni sedi ft hechur chi st obecomf or t abl y war m.Wecannothav epeopl et ur nedawaybyt hecol d.Theest i mat edcost ofboi l err epai randr ef ur bi shmenti s£4000.Pl easehel pi fy oucan. Cheques( madeoutt oRi chmondwi t hHudswel lPCC)canbesentt oThe Rect or y ,Chur chWy nd DL107AQmar ked“ boi l erappeal ”orhandedt ot he Chur chwar dens,ory oucanpaydi r ect l ybycashorBACSt oSor tCode 40–38–19AccountNumber50701793, r ef er ence“ boi l erappeal ” . Thanky ousomuchonbehal fofal l t hosewhouseStMar y ’ s.

Recy cl ey ourusedst ampsf orTheYor kshi r eAi rAmbul ance.Pl easeput y ourusedst ampsi nt heboxont het abl eatt hebackofchur ch.Pl ease l eav eappr oxi mat el yonecent i met r eofenv el opeorpackagi ngar oundeach st amp.Ev er yst amphel pssav el i v es. Chr i st i anAi dChr i st masAppeal .Aswehav edonei npasty ear s, i fy ouwi sh

t osendgr eet i ngst oy ourf r i endsatStMar y ’ sy oucandi spl ayonecar don t hecupboar ddooratt hebackofchur ch,i nst eadofsendi ngsev er al ,and gi v eadonat i ont oChr i st i anAi d.Iwi l l pr ov i deasheetofpaper , someBl ut ak and someenv el opesf ordonat i ons,whi chcanbehanded t o meora Chur chwar den. Judi t hBar ber , Chr i st i anAi dCoor di nat or DATESFORTHEDI ARY Af t ert heCar ds.Ber eav ementi sav er ydi f f i cul tt i mef ort hosel ef tbehi nd. Car r i eandf r i endswoul dl i ket ohel py ouwi t ht henextst epbymeet i ngany r ecent l yber eav edspouse/ par t nerf orcof f eei nTheFl eeceont hef i r st Wednesdayoft hemont hat1. 30pm.Pl easephoneCar r i eon850103f or mor ei nf or mat i on.Thi si sav er yi nf or mal andr el axedat mospher e. Sunday5thJanuar yat4pm: Yout hChur chatStMar y ' s.Wor shi p, ashor tt al k andr ef r eshment s.Speakt oAnnaorGi l l i anf ormor ei nf or mat i on. Tuesday14th Januar yat2. 00pm.TheAl zhei mer ’ sSoci et yar ehol di ngan hourl ongsessi onatMer cur yHouse,St at i onRd.DL104JX,gi v i ngpeopl e anunder st andi ngofDement i aandt hesmal lt hi ngst hatwecandot omake adi f f er ence.Tobookapl acepl easecont actAnt onyMcFar l andon825817. Al l not i cesf ort hePewSheett oCl ai r ebynoononWednesday , pl ease. CONTACTS Rect or : Tel : emai l :

Rev dMar t i nFl et cher 01748821241 07762440094 mar t i n. f l et cher @l eeds. angl i can. or g

Admi ni st r at or / PewSheet : Tel : emai l :

Cl ai r eMur r ay

Chur chwar den: Tel :

Dav i dFr ankt on 01748823531

Chur chwar den:

Pet erTr ewby

07394947819 pa. r i chmondhudswel l par i sh@gmai l . com

Tel :


Websi t e:

www. r i chmondhudswel l par i sh. or g. uk

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