We aim to show how God through the Church, with its worship, teaching and service is relevant to modern living.
Every Friday
10am-12 noon
Knit2gether in Greyfriars Restaurant.
Sun 1st
ILLUMINATE at St Marys Church (see page 7)
Tue 3rd
After the Cards (at Greyfriars)
Wed 4th
Richmond Flower Club, Hudswell Village Hall Club Workshop - "Spring Surprise"
Mon 16th
Swale WI at The Scout Hut
Sun 22nd
Fun-Key Church @ St Marys Richmond (refreshments from 3.40pm)
Tue 24th
Mothers’ Union AGM at the Rectory
Wed 25th
Hudswell Garden Club - ”Beginners Guide to Orchids" with Chris Barker
P1 Calendar and Contents
P9 Mousemakes
P2 Ministry Team
P10 Prayer for Tourists, Traidcraft
P3 Register, After the Cards, Knit2gether, and Car Transport
P11 Notices, Olivewood, Easy Fundraising
P4 From Our Curate
P12 Richmond C of E Primary
P5 From Our Curate
P13 Fun-Key Church, Mothers Union, Hutchinson Gilling Trust, The StoreHouse
P6 Prayer Diary February 2015
P14 Book Recommendations, Bible Study, Carols and Barrels
P7 What’s On February 2015
P15 Services in February across group of churches
P8 A new bell ringer’s lament
P16 Rotas, 200 Club
http://funkeychurchatstmarysrichmond.wordpress.com/ 1
RECTOR Rev’d John R Chambers The Rectory, Church Wynd 821241 0787 5348245 j_echambers@btinternet.com CURATE Rev’d Antony Kirby 850349 07594615180 antonykirby01@btinternet.com HONORARY CLERGY
Rev’d Mark Beresford-Peirse
Rev’d Jennifer Williamson
Mrs Joy Hornsby Mr Scott Lunn Mrs Joan Plowman
Rev’d Bill Simms
2 Olliver Road 2 Hurgill Road 7 White Friars Gardens
Mrs Jennifer Patrick
1 Roper Court
Mrs Jennifer Patrick Mrs Ruth Brown
850693 825270
Dr Sheila Harrisson
826490 826895 822792 850693 822059
CHURCH OFFICERS - THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, RICHMOND Mayor’s Warden Rector’s Warden Assistant Warden Organist & Choir Director Bell Captain Head Verger Church Booking Secretary and Parish Administrator
Mr David Frankton Mr Roy Morel Mrs Janet Morel Mr Colin Hicks Mrs Susan Welch Mr Leonard Scrafton Claire Murray
8 Alans Court 22 Olliver Road
823531 823278
1 Willow Crescent 8 Maple Road 14 Pilmoor Close
821464 823700 824106
pa.richmondhudswellparish@gmail.com 07737482611
Assistant Treasurer
OFFICERS OF THE PCC AND OTHERS Mrs Jennifer Patrick 1 Roper Court 850693 Rebecca Simpson Flat 2, 4 Hildyard Row, Catterick Garrison, DL9 4DH 07716608948 Claire Murray 07737482611
FWO Secretaries Magazine Editor Magazine Distribution Magazine Adverts
Mr Don & Mrs Joy Wade 11 Moorside Road Gillian Lunn 2 Hurgill Road Gillian Hardy 11 The Green Mr Frank Gibbon 23 Westfields
Secretary Treasurer
821062 826895 449850 821002
FOR THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, HUDSWELL Mrs Valerie Strawbridge 15 Boundary Way 821440
FOR THE PARISH OF ST MICHAEL Reader Mr George Alderson Church Warden Mrs Jean Calvert Church Treasurer Mr John Horseman
Reader Church Warden Deputy Warden Organist Treasurer
AND ALL ANGELS, DOWNHOLME 68 Brompton Park, B on Swale 818865 Thorpe Farm, Reeth Road, Richmond 823001 Echlinville, Hudswell, Richmond 826216
FOR THE PARISH OF ST EDMUNDS, MARSKE Mr David Stoneham Ivy Cottage, Marske Mrs Ruth Tindale Skelton Lodge, Marske Mrs Ann Stoneham Ivy Cottage, Marske Mrs Jennifer Wallis 1 School Terrace, Marske Mrs Elizabeth Withers e.withers30@hotmail.co.uk
822418 823371 822418 822930 825262
FROM THE REGISTERS We have baptised 21st December 2015 Alice Young Sadly we have laid to rest 11th December 2014 Aaron Booth 14th December 2014 Shirley Rowena Pleydell 19th December 2014 Edna Chapman 29th December 2014 Margaret Crinson 6th January 2015 Sidney Horace Larder (Sid) 6th January 2015 Ronald Percival Sheldon 7th January 2015 Dora Stephenson 8th January 2015 Marjorie Martha Nicholson 10th January 2015 Pamela Ann Mary Layton 11th January 2015 John Arthur Lines 12th January 2015 Olive Mary Severs 12th January 2015 Dorothy Knowles Dixon 13th January 2015 Roy Bailey May they rest in peace and rise in glory
Aged 17 Aged 94 Aged 88 Aged 89 Aged 86 Aged 86 Aged 87 Aged 85 Aged 69 Aged 94 Aged 98 Aged 85 Aged 75
AFTER THE CARDS AND VISITORS Bereavement is a very difficult time for the spouse/partners left behind. Starting again on their own is even more difficult. Carrie and Anne would like to help with the next step by meeting recently bereaved spouses/partners for coffee at Greyfriars on the first Tuesday of the month at 10.30am. Contact Carrie on 850103 for further information. KNIT2GETHER - FRIDAYS BETWEEN 10 AND 12 AT GREYFRIARS RESTAURANT - A weekly Knitting, Crocheting and Hand Sewing group continues to meet in The Restaurant @ Greyfriars, Flints Terrace, Richmond between 10:00 12:00. All will be made very welcome. Bring your own projects and enjoy coffee and a chat whilst making new friends. Please see Claire Murray.
Transport to and from Church (C), Hospital (H), Shopping (S)
Ruth Brown Michael and Margaret Clayson John Dickinson Joy and Don Hornsby Graham Merlane Rosemary Oliver Edna Roberts Eileen Simms Anne Simpson Pamela Wheatley Linda Drury
26 Whitefields Drive
35 Springfield, Skeeby 5 West End Avenue
822631 826803
2 Olliver Road 1 Gallowfields Road 3 Stanley Grove 70 Ronaldshay Drive 56 Ronaldshay Drive 56 Gilling Road 32 Whitefields Drive 25 Darlington Road
826490 826109 823081 822970 821511 822277 822428 850243
More drivers are always welcome and much appreciated so if you wish to volunteer 3 for this very important service, contact this magazine on 826895.
From Our Curate
February 2015
One month into 2015 and all is well, but how are you doing with your New Year resolutions? Are you on course with all those well meant desires, or have they already dwindled into the past and been forgotten? As followers of Christ, one of our desires for 2015 should be to strive to understand and know God better. To serve the needs of his Kingdom with more commitment and to ask ourselves the question, how could I do that better? For Christians, desire can often seem wrong, unless of course our desires are seamless and woven into putting God first. The whole of the Bible gives evidence of the need to put God at the centre of our lives and at the centre of all our relationships. Only with God at the centre will our lives interact with God’s Kingdom here on earth as they should. The poem adapted from Psalm 42 gives clear evidence that God alone should be at the centre of our lives. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you. You alone are my strength, my shield. To you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you. I want you more than gold or silver. Only you can satisfy. You alone are the real joy giver, and the apple of my eye. You alone are my strength, my shield. To you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you. You’re my friend and you are my brother, even though you are a king. I love you more than any other, so much more than anything.
You alone are my strength, my shield. To you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you. Our God is a God of deep desire who longs for us to return to him. He put into our hearts the capacity of desire, the most human of emotions. If we reflect back to Christmas we will remember the desires of the children longing for that special gift, but the real gift, the only true gift, is the Christ Child who comes to us, he alone makes all things new, he alone is the vital key to understanding our deep and inner-most needs. Many people deny that they have desires, because often their desires are for the wrong things in life, like the child awaiting that special gift that turned out to be not as desirable as first thought. Real desires demand responsibility and are a powerful experience of who we are. Our desires shape us and mould us into the people we are. As Christians we need to take the time to look at what we desire, because this will tell us something about ourselves and about our human condition and our relationship with God. Is our relationship real and meaningful or do we let our God down? I guess like me, you fail regularly, but if we can acknowledge our failing we have the potential to ask for God’s forgiveness and try again. Desire will show us what we yearn for. When we pay attention to our desires we have the capacity to understand ourselves better. If we find that our desires are a little out of line with our Christian faith, than may we find courage to bring to God our need to desire and love him more and in loving Him, may we also love others as he loves us, so that each day we can say in faith, “You alone are my strength, my shield. To you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my hearts desire, and I long to worship you.” May 2015 be for each one of us a year when we may grow in holiness and receive God’s forgiveness . Every Blessing for 2015 5
Rev Antony.
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For all gathering for the new service Illuminate. We give thanks for all the gifts God gives us. May we embrace every opportunity given to us, For all who support, organise and use the Storehouse. For people in Paris and throughout the world suffering from terrorism. For all who mourn loved ones. We pray for all who attend the “After the cards” group - for friendship and support. For peace in the world. For people caught up in conflict throughout the world. For medics who minister and Aid Agencies who assist. For friends and family living near and far away. For the Christians Together in Richmond . For our Mayor, local councillors, for our MP and MEPs, and for integrity and wisdom for all involved in politics. For the new Bishop of Stockport Libby Lane For our Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales. For our Bishops Nick and James. For MU Marriage Week 8-14th February. For all who provide emergency service relief. For families coping with increasing financial demands For our Armed Forces here and abroad, and their family and friends For our Rector John (taking up his new post of Interim Area Dean), curate Antony, for Rev’d Mark Beresford-Peirse and Rev’d Jennifer Williamson and their families. For our Royal Family we give thanks. For the Bible Society, HomeStart Richmond and all who volunteer and give of their time. For Mothers throughout the world, and for those who are mothers and family to us. For the Mothers Union. ST VALENTINE’S DAY For love and friendship. For people who work unsociable hours. We pray for people who are in prison and all their families and victims of their crime. For Traidcraft and the Fairtrade movement. For Swale Womens Institute. For friendships and love. SHROVE/PANCAKE TUESDAY For the schools in our town. For the Girlguiding and Scouting Movements. ASH WEDNESDAY For all our congregations at St Mary’s Richmond, St Michael and All Angels in Hudswell and Downholme and St Edmund’s Marske. For all who feel dissatisfied with life. May they feel fulfilled. For all who come to our churches for funerals, baptisms and weddings. May they feel inspired to find out more about God. For all who suffer religious persecution We pray for all attending Fun-Key Church today - may they find true fun, faith and fellowship for all ages. For our Readers Joy, Joan and Scott, our Readers in Training James and Gillian, and Warden of Readers Rev’d Jennifer Williamson For all who are sick in body, mind or spirit, and for all who look after them whether as medical staff or family, friends and carers. With thanks for all who use their talents for worship, amongst them musicians, florists, choir, listeners, cleaners, the unseen workers.. For the criminal justice system—for victims, offenders, those in authority, That we may always love God and love our neighbours as ourselves. For all who are lonely, sad or depressed - encouragement and love.
WHAT’S ON IN FEBRUARY 2015 FRIDAYS BETWEEN 10 AND 12 - KNIT2GETHER AT GREYFRIARS RESTAURANT - A weekly Knitting, Crocheting and Hand Sewing group continues to meet in The Restaurant @ Greyfriars, Flints Terrace, Richmond between 10:00 - 12:00. All will be made very welcome. Bring your own projects and enjoy Coffee and a chat whilst making new friends. Please see Claire Murray. SUN 1ST FEBRUARY BETWEEN 7 AND 8PM AT ST MARY’S CHURCH ILLUMINATE - This contemporary worship service will run on the first Sunday of every month and worship will be led by the Youth Band. Rev John Chambers will be preaching at the service in February. All are very welcome. Any questions please contact James Hargreaves 07599926781 http:// illuminateservice.weebly.com/ TUESDAY 3RD FEBRUARY, 10.30am - AFTER THE CARDS GREYFRIARS please see page 3 WEDNESDAY 4TH FEBRUARY - RICHMOND FLOWER CLUB IN HUDSWELL VILLAGE HALL - 10.15AM - Club Workshop - "Spring Surprise". Enquiries to Judy Farrar on 01748 824514 MONDAY 16TH FEBUARY AT 2PM - SWALE WI - Local History by Marion Moverly meeting at the Scout Hut, 35 Quaker Lane, Richmond. For details please contact Alayne Saville 850528 SUNDAY 22ND FEBRUARY AT 4PM - FUN-KEY CHURCH @ ST MARYS RICHMOND - relaxed fun, faith and fellowship for all ages. See Gillian for more details 07592016476 TUESDAY 24TH FEBRUARY AT 2PM - THE MOTHERS UNION AGM - at The Rectory, Everyone welcome. WEDNESDAY 25TH FEBRUARY - HUDSWELL GARDENING CLUB AT 7.30PM at Hudswell Village Hall - "Beginners Guide to Orchids" with Chris Barker
Richmond C of E Primary School. Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) Admissions is very pleased to announce the opening of Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) for afternoon sessions which commenced on 6th January 2015. If you know of anybody who would like a place, please contact the school office on 822104 for an admission form. Please note they now take children in from their 3rd birthday. “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 7
A new bell ringer's lament
Hand stroke, backstroke, keep in time Rope sight is the key. Listening for my bell to sound Am I where I should be?
"Look to," all must concentrate, “Treble's going .... She's gone" Adrenalin rush to pull in time, Don't want to be the one Who rings too fast or rings too slow It's just so hard to cope. There's much more to this ringing lark Than pulling on a rope.
So I can write these changes down But can I ring them? No! More practice needed in the tower I've a long way yet to go. Letting coils out to ring bells up And making coils, to ring bells down And all the time I'm sure my face Is fixed in a fearsome frown.
Hand stroke, backstroke, keep in time Rope sight is the key. Listening for my bell to sound Am I where I should be? Ringing rounds on 6 and 8, Steady, even blows, Experienced ringers in the tower, Keep me on my toes. Then the call is given to, "Stand." On no! Will I go wrong? Can I manage to stop my bell From ringing a solo "dong?"
Hand stroke, backstroke, keep in time Rope sight is the key. Listening for my bell to sound Am I where I should be? Watching from the sidelines Trying to understand What on earth is happening When good ringers form the band. They bob and dodge, hunt up and down Ring majors, minors, doubles. Someone leads and someone covers And the captain sorts out troubles.
Hand stroke, backstroke, keep in time Rope sight is the key. Listening for my bell to sound Am I where I should be?
Hand stroke, backstroke, keep in time Rope sight is the key. Listening for my bell to sound Am I where I should be?
Tied bell practice every week Helps me hone my skill. Theory sessions in the Ship I'm sure, one day, will Help me get call changes In my repertoire. On paper it's all so easy In reality, it's yet so far.
One day I'll go Plain Hunting And learn to bob and dodge. Perhaps make seconds and long fifths Without a single bodge. For now, I'll stick to basics As taught by teacher John. Hands together on the sally "Look to, treble's going, she's gone."
Hand stroke, backstroke, keep in time Rope sight is the key. Listening for my bell to sound Am I where I should be? 2 to 3 and 4 to 5 I know what this all means When followed by calling 2 to 5 I've managed to get to queens. 5 to 2 and 3 to 2 I'm listening to the sounds And know once 5 to 4 is called I'm back to ringing rounds.
Hand stroke, backstroke, keep in time Rope sight is the key. Listening for my bell to sound Am I where I should be? Jan Jack
“Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.� Terri - age 4 9
Prayer for Tourists
Heavenly Father, look down on us your humble, obedient tourist servants, who are doomed to travel this earth, taking photographs, mailing postcards, buying souvenirs and walking around in drip-dry underwear. Give us this day divine guidance in the selection of our hotels, that we may find our reservations honoured, our rooms made up, (no bugs in our beds), and hot water running from the faucets. We pray that the telephone work, and the operators can speak our tongue. Lead us, dear Lord, to good inexpensive restaurants were the food is superb, the waiters friendly and the wine included in the price. Give us the wisdom to tip correctly in currencies we do not understand. Forgive us for under-tipping out of ignorance and over-tipping out of fear. May the locals love us for what we are and not for what we can contribute to their worldly goods. Grant us the strength to visit the museums and parks, the government buildings and all the 'musts' in the guidebooks. And if perchance we skip a historic monument to grab a sleep after lunch, have mercy on us, for our flesh is weak. Art Buchwald Sent by Freda and Tony from Christchurch Fair Trade The net takings from our Traidcraft stalls in 2014 amounted to just under £900. Many thanks to all who buy. I shall be doing the stall during 2015, and hope to start again at the beginning of February, and then have it there after 10 am service on the first and third Sundays of each month, as far as possible. I feel very strongly that we, as Christians in an affluent society (and if you think we’re not affluent, I recommend a Traidcraft trip to meet some of their producers!) should do all we can to assist those unfortunate enough to be born into less developed countries to work their way out of poverty and hopelessness. If anyone is willing to assist, and/or stand in for me when I’m not at St Mary’s, I would be most grateful. If you can help, or if you would like to take over responsibility for running the stall, please do have a word with me. Joan Plowman
Notification of Appointment Bishop Nick is pleased to announce that the Revd John Chambers has been appointed Interim Area Dean of the Richmond Deanery with effect from 1st January 2015
Mrs Joan Graham Maureen Morison sent us this note “Joan passed away yesterday 22/12/14 afternoon, peacefully. She had lived next door to us on Roper Court for 30 plus years and after the death of her husband she became a regular member of St Mary's. She moved from Richmond in July 2013 and had a short time in Penrith before moving to a nursing home in Halifax. Both her sons spent a lot of time with her especially during the latter months and they have asked me to notify members of the church of her passing. Joan had many friends through the church and through the Country Women's Guild and I understand that the family are going to organise a memorial service for her sometime in the new year”. Palestinian olive wood products Many thanks to all who bought these olive wood products in the months leading up to Christmas. I sent a cheque for £211 to Liz de la Hoyde in Harrogate, to be sent on to Ibrahim, her Christian contact in Bethlehem, before Christmas. This was more than last year, and in fact I had very few items left to return to Liz. All the money taken goes back to the producers, no-one else takes a ‘cut’ from it. Liz and her husband go out to Bethlehem every year to help with the olive harvest, and they see first hand the difficulties the olive farmers face. Selling these beautifully crafted items helps them to survive. Joan Plowman
Easyfundraising.org.uk is an easy way to raise money for St Mary's Disability Access Toilet Fund. Shop with any of over 2,700 retailers and a percentage of what you spend is donated to the fund at no additional cost to you. Retailers include Amazon, John Lewis, eBay, Tesco and many more. Please register to support us today -http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ stmaryschurchrichmond Any questions please ask Gillian Lunn (it’s such a simple way to raise money) 11
The last couple of weeks before Christmas is such a busy time for everyone and school is no exception. It saw us putting on performances of the Key Stage One play “Angel Small” who discovered she was not too small to visit the new king Jesus, and that He was just small too! Foundation Stage One (nursery) and Foundation Stage Two (reception) entertained their parents, friends and family members with Christmas songs and a visit from Father Christmas. He was very generous this year, with a gift of a book for every child in school. One of the things we pride ourselves with at Richmond Church of England Primary School is that as well as focusing on the very important skills in Maths and English, we always make time for many other subjects too. This was evident in the number of children who took part along with other primary schools in a choral performance of The Snowman, and those who formed our choir to sing for the Mayor’s Christmas Concert at St Mary’s. Children continued their support of charities to help those less fortunate than themselves when we held “Christmas Jumper Day” in aid of Save the Children. It was amazing to see the different varieties of jumpers and we were proud to raise approximately £150. Sporting events carry on all year round of course and even in the last week of term our sporting determination didn’t wane. The Year Five and Six hockey team repeated last year’s success, winning all of their games, including a 3-0 victory over Richmond Methodist School in the final. Almost the final event of the year is always our Christmas Collective Worship which takes place in Church. This year it was led entirely by the children in Year Five and Year Six. They presented a drama with the events of that first Christmas being reported as a live news event on a morning TV programme. Along with all the other children singing, the hand chime bar group playing and a solo cornet piece by Joey Johnston it was, as always, a memorable occasion. It has also become our tradition that when we return to school on that day we have our school Christmas lunch. Mrs Stephenson, Mrs Butler and Mrs Purkins did as proud as they always do, with a wonderful meal cooked for about 300 people! It was also Mrs Butler’s final “performance”, so to speak, as she moves on to become the cook at Barton school. They are in for some fantastic puddings and tray bakes – her speciality! Before we returned to school in January, we heard the good news that Mrs Kelly’s baby had arrived safe and well (although not before Christmas as had been her meticulous plan!) and we look forward to meeting little Edith Kelly some time in the New Year. All the children, staff and governors at Richmond Church of England Primary School wish everyone in the parish a happy and healthy 2015. Alexa Barber 12
FUN-KEY CHURCH @ ST MARY’S RICHMOND By the time you read this we will have met on 25th January - will report back on it in March! Gathering for refreshments from 3.40pm, made by Mothers Union, the service will begin at 4pm. This service is very relaxed and informal, with words, songs, hymns, stories, crafts, prayers and refreshments available throughout. See blogs for more images and info http:// funkeychurchatstmarysrichmond.wordpress.com/ , find us on Facebook or tweet @fun_keychurch. Gillian 07592016476/826895 Helpers are always welcome, and as Fun-Key Church is for all ages and not just for children, if you are perhaps concerned that you might “not be good with children” then fear not, there are many more adults than children! Fun-Key Church and St Mary’s Church got a mention in the Church Times in December as a photograph taken by Scott and submitted by Gillian to a “Life and Soul” competition received a “Commended”! It shows Antony, Mark, Len and Tony chatting round the font at a Fun-Key Xtra afternoon. We think they were discussing journeys. You can see a report at http:// www.westyorkshiredales.anglican.org/?q=content/life-and-soulwest-yorkshire-churches On February meeting is the AGM and it will be held on Tues 24th at 2pm in the Rectory. Everyone is welcome. Susan Scrafton
Hutchinson Richmond and Gilling Trust Did you know that if you live in: Richmond, Gilling West, Eppleby, Eryholme, South Cowton, North Cowton, West Layton, Hutton Magna, Cliffe, or Barton, you may be eligible for a small grant towards:Educational courses, Necessary medical equipment Household appliances, And many other expenses. For further information, please contact either Mrs C Wiper Gentry (Clerk to the Trusts) 3 Smithson Close, Moulton, Richmond DL10 6QP, or the Rector.
STOREHOUSE Thank you to all who support the Storehouse Foodbank with donations left in the large box at the back of church. Your contributions of in date food are much appreciated. 13
Street Angels - the amazing story from binge to better By Paul Blakey, CNI, £7.99 (visit www.sa-cni.org.uk/book) What began on the streets of Halifax, and is now found throughout the UK, and even in Spain? The Street Angels. This book tells their story: of how hundreds of volunteers from churches and communities have ventured forth onto their streets after dark… and in doing so are helping to change a culture. The Bishop of Wakefield, the Rt Revd Tony Robinson, explains: "Much of the news we hear about night life in our towns and cities is about unsocial behaviour and violence. So it is heartening to be able to read this story which, though not in any way diminishing the impact of harsh realities, tells of faith, hope and love." Reflecting the Glory By Tom Wright, BRF, £7.99 In this Lent book for 2015, the ever-popular Tom Wright, former Bishop of Durham, explores how Christians can reveal Jesus even at the lowest and weakest points of their lives. Drawing on New Testament passages, with a particular focus on Paul’s letters to the church in Corinth, Tom Wright shows that, through God’s Holy Spirit, the suffering but also the glory of Christ can be incarnate in our lives, enabling us to be the people of God for the world. He writes: “Throughout Christian history, saints and sinners, scholars and simple folk alike have found that spending time pondering the great passages in the New Testament not only informs them about what people thought and said in the past but challenges them and transforms them at the deepest level in the present.” THE WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP MEET AT THE LUNN’S AT 2 HURGILL ROAD @ 7.30pm. Currently looking at 1 Peter to be followed by 2 Peter. Everybody welcome to join us for cake, chat and discussion. Please call Scott on 826895 if you wish to know more.
THE THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP AT JENNIFER PATRICK’S AT 1 ROPER COURT @ 7.30pm - This is another very friendly group. We are studying Acts, with a commentary by Tom Wright .Please call Jennifer on 850693 for more information.
Carols and Barrels The George and Dragon Pub in Hudswell hosted an evening of Carols and Barrels on 23rd December. This was held as a way of gathering members of Hudswell Village Community together to celebrate Christmas together as the village church (St Michael and All Angels) is unable to hold services at the moment. 60+ people took up the opportunity to do just that including The Rector Revd John Chambers. Music was led by Scott Lunn on keyboard and ably assisted by the community and friends from St Marys Church whose ages ranged from 4 weeks to quite old! Money was raised for two charities - The Newman Trust and the Disability Access Toilet Fund at St Marys Richmond. We look forward to gathering together to do it all again next year. 14
ST MARY’S RICHMOND Sunday1st February Presentation of Christ (Candlemas)
8am 10am 7pm
Sunday 8th February 2nd Sunday before Lent
8am 10am 6.30pm
Sunday 15th February Next before Lent
8am 10am
Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday
9.15am 7.00pm
Holy Communion Holy Communion and Ashing
Sunday 22nd February 1st Sunday of Lent
8am 10am 4pm
9.15am (NEW TIME)
Sunday 22nd February
ST EDMUND’S MARSKE Sunday 1st February
Sunday 8th February
Sunday 15th February
Sunday 22nd February
HOLY COMMUNION Loving God, from birth to death you hold us in your hand. Make us strong to bear each other’s burdens and humble to share our own that as one family we may rest in your power and trust in your love through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (A Mothers’ Union Blessing) 15
St Mary's SIDES PEOPLE 10.00 am
1st 8th 15th 22nd
J & R Morel, P Wheatley, L Copeland J & A Roberts, D & J Wade G & M Merlane, A McDonald, A Guy G & J Barber, R Macaulay, K Robson,
1st 8th 15th 22nd
Susan Broadhurst Susan Scrafton Susan Scrafton LENT
200 CLUB WINNERS Number 129 Ruth Brown
1ST 8TH 15TH 22ND
Valentine Dreams A young woman woke up one morning and told her husband, "I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's Day. What do you think it means?" "You'll know tonight," he replied with a smile. Sure enough, that evening the man came home with a small package and gave it to his The deadline for the wife. Delighted, she opened March 2015 issue is 8th February 2015. Please forward any contributions to Gillian by it, only to find a book hand or gillian.lunn@yahoo.com entitled ‘The Meaning of 16 Dreams’