We aim to show how God through the Church, with its worship, teaching and service is relevant to modern living.
Sun 26th April 3.40pm for 4pm start
Fun-Key Church “Baptism and Birthday” - The Good Shepherd.
Every Friday
10am-12 noon
Knit2gether in Greyfriars Restaurant.
Sun 3rd
Illuminate at St Mary’s Church
Mon 4th
From 10am
Grand launch of Richmond Bell Restoration appeal (Fun Day at St Mary’s Church)
Tue 5th
After the Cards (at Greyfriars)
Wed 6th
Richmond Flower Club
Mon 11th
Swale Womens Institute
Thurs 14th
Gilling West Gardening Society
Thurs 14th
Deanery Ascension Day Service at Easby Abbey
Wed 27th
Hudswell Garden Club
Sun 31st
3.40pm for 4pm start
Fun-Key Church @ St Marys Richmond (refreshments from 3.40pm)
P1 Calendar and Contents
P2 Ministry Team
P3 Register, After the Cards, Knit2gether, and Car Transport
P4-7 From Our Rector
P8 Prayer Diary May 2015
P9 What’s On May 2015
P10 Mothers Union/Prayer at Election Time/How to become a Dementia Friendly Church
P11 Where would we be? / Richmond Carers Sitting Service/Sitting Service Volunteer
P12 –22 St. Mary's Annual Report 2014 - 2015 / Parish Council Report
P23 Mouse Makes / Easy Fundraising/ Poem
P24 Richmond C of E Primary School
P25 Fun-Key Church / Hutchinson Gilling Trust/Fun-Day Bell-Ringers
P26 Book Reviews / Bible Study Groups
P27 Services in May across group of churches
P28 Rotas / 200 Club
http://funkeychurchatstmarysrichmond.wordpress.com/ 1
RECTOR Rev’d John R Chambers The Rectory, Church Wynd 821241 0787 5348245 j_echambers@btinternet.com CURATE Rev’d Antony Kirby 850349 07594615180 antonykirby01@btinternet.com HONORARY CLERGY
Rev’d Mark Beresford-Peirse
Rev’d Jennifer Williamson
Mrs Joy Hornsby Mr Scott Lunn Mrs Joan Plowman
Rev’d Bill Simms
2 Olliver Road 2 Hurgill Road 7 White Friars Gardens
Mrs Jennifer Patrick
1 Roper Court
Mrs Jennifer Patrick Mrs Ruth Brown
850693 825270
Dr Sheila Harrisson
826490 826895 822792 850693 822059
CHURCH OFFICERS - THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, RICHMOND Mayor’s Warden Rector’s Warden Assistant Warden Organist & Choir Director Bell Captain Head Verger Church Booking Secretary and Parish Administrator
Mr David Frankton Mr Roy Morel Mrs Janet Morel Mr Colin Hicks Mrs Susan Welch Mr Leonard Scrafton Claire Murray
8 Alans Court 22 Olliver Road
823531 823278
1 Willow Crescent 8 Maple Road 14 Pilmoor Close
821464 823700 824106
pa.richmondhudswellparish@gmail.com 07737482611
Assistant Treasurer
OFFICERS OF THE PCC AND OTHERS Mrs Jennifer Patrick 1 Roper Court 850693 Rebecca Simpson Flat 2, 4 Hildyard Row, Catterick Garrison, DL9 4DH 07716608948 Claire Murray 07737482611
FWO Secretaries Magazine Editor Magazine Distribution Magazine Adverts
Mr Don & Mrs Joy Wade 11 Moorside Road Gillian Lunn 2 Hurgill Road Gillian Hardy 11 The Green Mr Frank Gibbon 23 Westfields
Secretary Treasurer
821062 826895 449850 821002
FOR THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, HUDSWELL Mrs Valerie Strawbridge 15 Boundary Way 821440
FOR THE PARISH OF ST MICHAEL Reader Mr George Alderson Church Warden Mrs Jean Calvert Church Treasurer Mr John Horseman
Reader Church Warden Deputy Warden Organist Treasurer
AND ALL ANGELS, DOWNHOLME 68 Brompton Park, B on Swale 818865 Thorpe Farm, Reeth Road, Richmond 823001 Echlinville, Hudswell, Richmond 826216
FOR THE PARISH OF ST EDMUNDS, MARSKE Mr David Stoneham Ivy Cottage, Marske Mrs Ruth Tindale Skelton Lodge, Marske Mrs Ann Stoneham Ivy Cottage, Marske Mrs Jennifer Wallis 1 School Terrace, Marske Mrs Elizabeth Withers e.withers30@hotmail.co.uk
822418 823371 822418 822930 825262
FROM THE REGISTERS We have baptised 22nd March 2015 Reuben Digan Sadly we have laid to rest 27th February 2015 Elsie Bates 25th March 2015 David Kemp 2nd April 2015 Ann McGregor 10th April 2015 Jean Johnson
Aged 67 Aged 71 Aged 86
May they rest in peace and rise in glory
AFTER THE CARDS AND VISITORS Bereavement is a very difficult time for the spouse/partners left behind. Starting again on their own is even more difficult. Carrie and Anne would like to help with the next step by meeting recently bereaved spouses/partners for coffee at Greyfriars on the first Tuesday of the month at 10.30am. Contact Carrie on 850103 for further information.
KNIT2GETHER - FRIDAYS BETWEEN 10 AND 12 AT GREYFRIARS RESTAURANT - A weekly Knitting, Crocheting and Hand Sewing group continues to meet in The Restaurant @ Greyfriars, Flints Terrace, Richmond between 10:00 - 12:00. All will be made very welcome. Bring your own projects and enjoy coffee and a chat whilst making new friends. Please see Claire Murray.
Transport to and from Church (C), Hospital (H), Shopping (S)
Ruth Brown Michael and Margaret Clayson John Dickinson Joy and Don Hornsby Graham Merlane Rosemary Oliver Edna Roberts Eileen Simms Anne Simpson Pamela Wheatley Linda Drury
26 Whitefields Drive
12 Green Howards Road 5 West End Avenue
822631 826803
2 Olliver Road 1 Gallowfields Road 3 Stanley Grove 70 Ronaldshay Drive 56 Ronaldshay Drive 56 Gilling Road 32 Whitefields Drive 25 Darlington Road
826490 826109 823081 822970 821511 822277 822428 850243
More drivers are always welcome and much appreciated so if you wish to volunteer for this very important service, contact this magazine on 826895. 3
From Our Rector
May 2015
RECTOR'S REPORT This is my 5th Rector’s report here in Richmond with Hudswell and looking over the past annual reports, it is clear that a lot has happened and it is wonderful to see so many God given gifts growing and working throughout our church community. The diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales has just celebrated it’s first birthday and it is exciting to be a part of this fresh look at the ministry of the church. Bishop Nick writes “We have much to celebrate one year on. The five episcopal areas are young, but beginning to take shape. New ways of working and relating are beginning to be embraced. The challenges remain huge - not least with respect to finance and buildings - but evangelism, nurture and growth are at the heart of our vision and planning.” A report was recently published called ‘Church Growth Research’ which shows that although there is a general decline in numbers many traditional churches are growing, although Fresh Expressions of church are growing much faster. It seems that people want to engage in a new and different, more informal way than previous generations. People are still searching for a spirituality, searching for God, but for many of them the traditional ways no longer speak to them. So how can we face change and look positively to the future? How can we make sure that there will be a church community here in the future to worship God and to witness to his love? Researchers concluded that, while there is no single recipe, there are common ingredients strongly associated with growth in churches of any size, place or context, regardless of style or churchmanship. These are; Good leadership, a clear mission and purpose, willingness to self-reflect, to change and adapt according to context, involvement of lay members, being intentional in prioritising growth, being intentional in chosen style of worship and being intentional in nurturing disciples. 4
Apparently all of the above are linked to growing churches. St Mary’s is being highlighted in the diocese as an example of good practice and growth. This may seem strange when one considers that the numbers at our traditional services are at best holding up. However the PCC policy of incorporating many of the ingredients listed above has certainly resulted in an exciting sense of growth which is a joy to see. Our pattern of services has become established offering the opportunity for all ages and traditions to worship, from BCP to our Fun-Key church. The latest addition to our worship offer – Illuminate – has made a promising start and may well become a significant part of our pattern of worship. It is a joy to see so many people coming together on their journey of faith. The development of a worship pattern which reaches out to the whole community is clearly a continuing challenge to us all. As I wrote last year, there are inevitably differences of approach, demands and working practices involved in such an outgoing parish church as St Mary’s. I thank you and encourage you all to give thanks to God for the way in which the Holy Spirit is enabling us to work together in his name. Let us remember, before we complain about “this, that or the other”, that we are all God’s disciples working for him, with love and grace - not competing but working together. Worship is key in our church ministry and we are blessed with exceptional musical talent in our robed choir, led by Colin Hicks. For many years Anacrusis and Upbeat, led by Carol Gedye, supported our All Age Eucharist. This year Carol decided to step down from this particular position and we are extremely grateful for all that she has done. The musicians have stayed on and it is a delight to see Carol’s hard work continue to materialise in this special way. Jim Jack and Brett Overin are sharing the tiller – thank you to them. Fun-Key is just about to celebrate it’s 3rd birthday and we thank Gillian Lunn and the team who work so hard behind the scenes. It is a joy to see so many aspects of St Mary’s working together - young and old alike, so called traditionalists and modernists. Fun-Key is a shining example of how wrong it is to label each other. During the year your ministry team has continued to work together and the balance of experience, wisdom and energy has been a delight and I continue to be so 5
grateful to all the team. This year Gillian Lunn and James Hargreaves continued their training and we look forward to celebrating with them at their licensing as Readers in October 2015. Bishop John Pritchard moved from Oxford to Richmond in November and has already indicated his willingness, despite a busy schedule, to help out when diary allows. We welcome him and Wendy into our community. During the year we have seen pastoral initiatives develop and become an established part of our ministry. “After the Cards and Visitors”, a monthly opportunity for recently bereaved spouses/partners to meet together for a coffee and chat and “Knit2gether”, a weekly knitting and sewing group, also offering an opportunity for a coffee and chat are proving very popular. Huge thanks to Carrie, Anne and Claire for initiating and organising these groups. Unfortunately this year has not been all clear sailing. It was with great sadness that the PCC voted to apply for St Michael and All Angels to be made redundant. Despite two village meetings it is clear that the church is not considered by the vast majority as their church and various issues have brought this decision to a head. More will be said as the process continues. However we do pray for the future ministry in the village. The links with the CofE Primary school and St Francis Xavier School continue to grow and it has been a pleasure to work closely with the staff of both schools. We continue to take collective worship every Wednesday at the Primary school and it is a joy when the school community comes to St Mary’s for all their major services. Sadly the school failed a recent Ofsted and we are working hard to support the staff and governors at this difficult time. However this is an opportunity for us in St Mary’s to support in very real ways. For example if you feel that you are able to sit with young children and listen to them read, please contact Jim Jack, the Chair of governors. At SFX our diocese agreed to half fund the appointment of a school chaplain. Rachel Ross Russell started in September and it has been a delight to witness the children growing in their personal faith and owning the ethos of the school. I continue to believe that parish ministry is about being involved in the community in God’s name and I have enjoyed becoming involved in many aspects of the life of Richmond. Being trustee of various local charities, including the YMCA and RCVS has helped me to understand the needs of the community in which we serve. As 6
chaplain to the Richmond Town Mayor and leader of the Richmond District Council and the local branch of the Royal British Legion, I have witnessed the amount of hard work and dedication many give for the benefit of our communities. In January I was appointed Interim Area Dean and so inevitably my availability to continue with all the activities will be an issue. However I really look forward to having a closer working relationship with my colleagues in the deanery. Our Verger, Leonard Scrafton, has worked over and above the call of duty since day one of his appointment. Thank you Leonard for ensuring that worship and activities in church can happen so smoothly. I would like to thank Claire Murray for her efforts to help with the heavy administrative and financial burden of such a busy group, in her role as parish administrator and assistant treasurer and we thank her for her hard work. The Churchwardens and Treasurer once again enabled the ministry to function and I would like to personally thank them for their hard work. I would also like to thank Sue Gudgeon, our previous treasurer, who has continued to help Rebecca in settling into her new role. Finally my thanks to my colleague and friend Rev Antony. We have been blessed by his growing ministry and we pray for him and Debbie as he discerns the next move in his ministry. I finish my report as I always do, because I feel it is even more relevant today. God has blessed us with the gift of so many talents and skills and it really is exciting to look to the future, to discern his will for us and his church. Let us use those gifts to reach out to the community in his name. John Chambers RECTOR (The Annual Report continues on P12)
PRAYER DIARY FOR MAY 2015 - we pray …... FRI
5 6
15 16
19 20
21 22 23
24 25
27 28 29 30 31
For our Mayor, local councillors, for our MP and MEPs, and for integrity and wisdom for all involved in politics. For peace in the world. For people caught up in conflict throughout the world. For medics who minister and Aid Agencies who assist. For our Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales. For our Bishops Nick and James. For the opportunities each new day gives us. May we make the most of that time. For friends and family living near and far away. For all who provide emergency service relief. For our Rector John , now Interim Area Dean, our curate Antony, for Rev’d Mark Beresford-Peirse and Rev’d Jennifer Williamson and their families For our country as we vote in the General Election. May we vote prayerfully. For all who mourn loved ones. We pray for all who attend the “After the cards” group - for friendship and support. For Christians Together in Richmond and their new Chair Sheila Pearson. For Rogation Sunday and for blessing on the seed and land for the year ahead. For Christian Aid week—for collectors and beneficiaries For people who work unsociable hours. We pray for people who are in prison and all their families and victims of their crime.. For our Royal Family we give thanks. For the Bible Society, HomeStart Richmond and all who volunteer and give of their time. For families coping with increasing financial demands For families throughout the world, and for those who are mothers and family to us. For the Mothers Union Ascension Day For all who come to our churches for funerals, baptisms and weddings. May they feel inspired to find out more about God. For all who suffer religious persecution For Traidcraft and the Fairtrade movement. For Swale Womens Institute. For friendships and love. For the schools in our town. For the Girlguiding and Scouting Movements. For all our congregations at St Mary’s Richmond, St Michael and All Angels in Hudswell and Downholme and St Edmund’s Marske. For all who feel dissatisfied with life. May they feel fulfilled For our Readers Joy, Joan and Scott, our Readers in Training James and Gillian, and Warden of Readers Rev’d Jennifer Williamson For love and friendship. For all who are lonely, sad or depressed - encouragement and love. We pray for the world, we thank God for the beauty and wonder of creation. We pray that we may always nurture it Day of Pentecost/Whit Sunday With thanks for all who use their talents for worship-musicians, florists, choir, listeners, cleaners, the unseen workers. For all who are sick in body, mind or spirit, and for all who look after them whether as medical staff or family, friends and carers That we may always love God and love our neighbours as ourselves. For those working shifts and unsociable hours we pray. For space and time to listen to God For peace in self and the world We pray for all attending Fun-Key Church today - may they find true fun, faith and fellowship for all ages.
WHAT’S ON IN MAY 2015 FRIDAYS BETWEEN 10 AND 12 - KNIT2GETHER AT GREYFRIARS RESTAURANT - A weekly Knitting, Crocheting and Hand Sewing group continues to meet in The Restaurant @ Greyfriars, Flints Terrace, Richmond between 10:00 12:00. All will be made very welcome. Bring your own projects and enjoy Coffee and a chat whilst making new friends. Please see Claire Murray. SUNDAY 26TH APRIL - FUN-KEY CHURCH @ ST MARYS RICHMOND Baptism and Birthday - at this special service we will be celebrating the baptism of Oliver Todd and celebrating Fun-Key Church 3rd Birthday. We would love everyone to join us. This really is relaxed fun, faith and fellowship for all ages. See Gillian for more details 07592016476 SUNDAY 3RD MAY - 6pm—7.30pm —ILLUMINATE AT ST MARY’S CHURCH we will be joined as speaker by Paul Saxton who runs the youth group at Kings Church, Darlington, and by Gary Riley who is a Richmond based Christian singer and songwriter who is producing an album and has worked with the music department from Audacious, a large church based in Manchester. Illuminate is a Contemporary Christian worship service held at St. Mary's, Richmond on the first Sunday evening of every month. Informal, relaxed, with food and drinks provided, all ages are welcome to come and enjoy the worship band, relevant sermon and fellowship before and after. MONDAY 4TH MAY—Grand launch of Richmond Bell Restoration appeal (Fun Day at St Mary’s Church)- Please see P25
TUESDAY 5TH MAY - 10.30am - AFTER THE CARDS - GREYFRIARS please see page 3 WEDNESDAY 6TH MAY - RICHMOND FLOWER CLUB IN HUDSWELL VILLAGE HALL - 10.15AM - please contact Judy Farrar on 01748 824514. MONDAY 11TH MAY - SWALE WOMENS INSTITUTE visit Markenfield Hall. For details please contact Alayne Saville 850528 THURSDAY 14TH MAY - GILLING WEST GARDENING SOCIETY at 7.30pm in Gilling West Village Hall. A talk from Matthew Fitch of Foxglove Covert. Everyone welcome. £3 visitors. includes refreshments. £10 for the year. THURSDAY 14TH MAY - DEANERY ASCENSION DAY HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE AT EASBY ABBEY AT 7.30PM - The preacher will be Rev Jenni Lane and the celebrant will be The Venerable Paul Slater. Everyone welcome. WEDNESDAY 27TH MAY - HUDSWELL GARDENING CLUB AT 7.30PM at Hudswell Village Hall - "Wildflower Quest", David Smith. Everyone welcome. SUNDAY 31ST MAY—FUN-KEY CHURCH @ ST MARY’S RICHMOND Refreshments from 3.40pm. The service starts at 4pm abd we hope amongst other things to be joined by the Bell Ringers (rumours of a teddy bear parachute jump from the tower and also the chance to try your hand at bell ringing. THERE WILL BE NO MOTHERS UNION MEETING THIS MONTH 9
There is NO meeting this month. Advance Notice for diaries—MU Fundraiser, Afternoon Tea with Reeth Brass Band will be held at St. Marys` on 4th July 2015 commencing at 3pm the band will play till 4pm then we will serve tea. Tickets will be £6
Prayer at Election Time Heavenly Father, We need your wisdom at this Election time. There are so many issues, so many voices clamouring for attention, clamouring for votes, clamouring for power. Thank you that you give your people a different sort of power, the power of your Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. Help us Lord to receive your Spirit, to listen to him, so that we make good decisions on Election Day - and every day of our lives. Thank you for the wonderful gift of your Spirit, In Jesus name. Amen.
How to become a Dementia Friendly Church On Saturday 14th March seven members of St. Mary's Church attended an excellent, informative and interesting talk in Harrogate, run by the Diocese on how to become a Dementia Friendly Church. Four speakers each covered a different aspect. Dr. Elizabeth Milward explained how she became involved in creating an Action Plan for carers and sufferers initially for her church in Shipley but eventually becoming Adviser on Dementia in the Diocese. Rod Tickner shared his experiences as a carer. Reverend Gaynor Hammond spoke about ways of creating a Dementia Friendly church and a representative of the Dementia Action Alliance told of many local groups who educate the public and give support. An absorbing morning ended with questions and thanks and an opportunity to browse through exhibitions set up by various groups. Glennis Robson
Where would we be? Where would we be without the vine that grows the grape that makes the wine? Where would we be without the wheat that makes the bread we break to eat? Where would we be without the blood that Jesus shed to make us good? Where would we be without the flesh that grants the chance to start afresh? Where would we be without the man who stood his ground while others ran? Where would we be when he bore blame? Our wickedness should cause us shame! Where would we be in our distress without the lord who came to bless? Where would we be without the love and sacrifice from God above? By George Alderson.
Richmondshire Carers Sitting Service Do you or someone you know care for a dependant relative or friend? Do you find it difficult to get time to go out to shop, meet friends or just have some time for yourself? If yes then maybe the Sitting Service can help by sending a friendly volunteer to sit with the person you care for so you can have some time for yourself. For
more information please contact: Michelle Cardwell, Outreach Services Manager, St John’s Community Centre Phone:
01748 832271 or email mc.stjohnscentre@btinternet.com
Richmondshire - Sitting Service Volunteer Do you have time to spare, a few hours a week, or fortnight or month? Would you like to make a real difference here in your local community by supporting a Carer? Want to find out more then please contact: Linda Curran, Volunteering & Information Officer, Volunteering Richmondshire Richmondshire Community & Voluntary Action Phone:
01748 822335 or email volunteercentre@virginmedia.com 11
St Mary's Annual Report 2014-2015 The RECTOR'S REPORT begins on P4 of this magazine PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL REPORT Events which have taken place and decisions made in the last year: Monthly All-age Worship was instituted in Hudswell Village Hall, and subsequently discontinued due to lack of interest. Meetings were held with Hudswell residents about the future use of their church building. Because of safety issues following the quinquennial architect’s report on St Michael and All Angels, it was decided that the Archdeacon be consulted and the process of closure be begun. A faculty was received and the recommended tender approved for the installation in church of toilet facilities for the disabled. The PCC accepted that the bells and bell-frame needed replacement, and supported the ringers’ intention to begin raising funds for the project. The PCC approved that James Hargreaves and a team of volunteers should establish opportunities for outreach of a social nature to young people of an age-range 11 to 16. The PCC agreed to support James, who had been accepted onto the Reader Training Programme. A policy was instituted, that no alcohol should be allowed to be consumed in the porch or churchyard, unless at a church-organized function. A votive candle stand was obtained. A gate was installed at the top of the steps leading to the Green Howards’ chapel. A service by the military, open to the public, was held in St Mary’s at 10.00 pm to commemorate the outbreak of war. An occasional quiet contemplative worship event, ‘Free To Be’, was approved. A free-ranging non-Eucharistic evening service, ‘Illuminate’, was approved to be accompanied by a youth band on the first Sunday of each month at 7.00 pm. A Thursday evening Eucharist was approved to be held at 7.00 pm. The time of the Wednesday morning Eucharist was altered to 9.15 am. Leonard Scrafton was appointed head verger to lead the vergers’ team. Rebecca Simpson was appointed treasurer to the PCC. Claire Murray, Gillian Lunn, Oliver Murray and Keith Robson were proposed by the PCC and authorized by the bishop as chalice assistants at the Eucharist. It was agreed that the church should be locked daily at 3.00 pm, and that advice be sought on crime prevention from the police. 12
The PCC expressed its gratitude to Colin Hicks and the choir, and to Carol Gedye and the musicians of Upbeat and Anacrusis, who had all done so much for the worship in St Mary’s. The PCC expressed its gratitude to the Vitty family for their work in rebuilding the south churchyard wall in Hudswell. Planning is continuing for: All-Age Eucharist to continue on the third Sunday in every month. Anacrusis to continue without a leader, Brett Overin volunteering as piano accompanist. Upbeat to continue with the parents of the young orchestral players forming a management team. A faculty to be obtained for a lockable fire door to be erected at the choir vestry entrance. Jennifer Patrick PCC Secretary CHURCHWARDENS' REPORT In May Len Scrafton was appointed as head verger. He and his team continue to play a vital role in the smooth running of the day to day front of house organization at St Mary’s. This is much appreciated. Last year’s report included the early stages of the disabled access toilet project. The last year has seen significant developments and building work is scheduled to begin soon. Thanks to everyone who has helped so hard to raise funds. The completion of the project will be a significant step in improving access to the building. Holy Trinity is now fully back in use having emerged from its protective coverings as part of the Green Howards’ Museum redevelopment project. Improved heating and, thanks to a generous donation, repainting have made our chapel in the Market Place a much more comfortable place to use. In preparation for the building work the town and church silver which is displayed in the museum was placed in safe storage. Thanks to Roy and Janet Morel who wrapped and packed our part of the display. During the closure of the building the museum staff took over Springwell House in Frenchgate generously accommodating our printing machinery which normally lives in the chapel. The museum is due to be officially opened on Sunday 10 th May. This will include St Mary’s and the Green Howard’s chapel. In preparation this area has been repainted. A particular challenge for the painters who used traditional lime based paints and had the difficult task of working around the flags and standards which are displayed on the walls and could not be moved. Our historic building continues to reveal its secrets. Recently emergency repairs were carried out on the safe in the clergy vestry. Discussing the logistics of how the safe, manufactured in the 1850’s, was installed it became apparent that vestry, built during the 1860’s reordering, was built around the safe. This could cause problems if it was ever to be replaced. A visit from the insurance inspector highlighted the need to keep a record of all those who have any keys for our buildings. David Frankton is compiling a register 13
of all key holders. If you have keys and have not spoken to him please do so as soon as possible. Mystery still surrounds the disappearance of the key to the door to the tower. A new lock has been fitted replacing the original fitting. If anyone finds a large iron key the churchwardens and the tower captain would be pleased to hear from you. The increasing use of the church for community activities continues to give the general public the opportunity to use the building and its facilities. This is not without its problems and challenges. Matching expectations and demands of users and coping with the logistics of staging, seating and catering can be difficult. Turning the building from a concert hall on Saturday evening back into a church for Sunday morning is hard work. Thank you to all who have helped on these occasions throughout the year. It’s certainly appreciated by all concerned. David Frankton Churchwarden ESTATES REPORT The main event during the year was visit by the architect to carry out our quinquennial inspection. All church buildings receive this seven yearly full inspection of the fabric. The report highlights several areas of concern and suggests a phased programme of repairs and maintenance. Some of this can be carried out by ourselves but much is the work of specialist builders to work on our grade two listed building. This must be addressed by the estates team. The much planned the gates at the top of the steps into the Green Howards’ chapel have been installed. These are a really good match for the existing railings and should prevent anyone falling down the stone steps. Richmond Town Council continues to keep our churchyard and surrounding areas in excellent condition. Thanks to Andy Macey and all who work so hard maintaining this large area. Improvements by the District Council to the car park have also included the removal of two overgrown evergreen trees planted either side of the gate into the church. This and repairs to the path are a great improvement to this much used entrance to the church. Repairs are also being carried out, on behalf of the diocese, to the retaining wall of the Rectory garden in the north eastern corner of the churchyard. Some improvements to lighting in the chancel have been made with the installation of led bulbs into some of the existing fittings. This experiment has improved the level of light. This type of bulb uses less electricity and last longer. Quite an advantage when the fillings are thirty feet from the floor. More experimentation followed a request to make the brass lectern easier and safer to move. A specially made trolley has been produced. The mark one model proved to be unstable. Undaunted this was replaced by mark two, a wide wheel base version. Although better it still presents problems as it raises the height of the lectern making it difficult to use. Thanks to Roy Morel who continues to keep our sound system in working order. The microphone used on the naive altar became damaged, although still working, it is proving difficult to replace or repair. Thanks also to all those who keep us informed if the hearing aid loop system is working correctly. Our fire alarm system and fire extinguishers continue to receive regular attention and inspections. The heating system continues to receive regular maintenance and is serving us well through the winter months. However the level of heat in the building would be much improved by simply keeping the outer doors closed as much as possible. David Frankton Churchwarden 14
BELL TOWER REPORT We have had a number of changes in the belfry over the last year and we have managed to maintain our tradition of Sunday morning ringing, usually managing to ring all 8 bells. We are very lucky at St Mary's to be so well supported – many towers struggle to ring regularly for services. Our team has been joined this year by Olly and Alastair, who have progressed to become full members of the band, and Jan, who has gone from being a non-ringer to ringing regularly on Sundays. We have also been joined by Yvonne, an experienced ringer who has been a great asset to the band. Further afield, Tim Holmes has rung in the highly prestigious National 12 Bell striking competition. We continue to practice on Tuesday nights and last year had a programme of quarter peal attempts for evensong. These have enabled a number of our ringers to complete personal milestones in ringing and allowed us to develop our ringing as a band. We have also rung for special occasions, such as Remembrance Sunday and particularly this year for the Tour de France. We entered two teams in the local ringing competition, held this year at Swainby, a lovely village on the edge of the North York Moors. We again supplied 3 ringers for the branch team in the Yorkshire Association competition, somehow retaining the trophy we won last year. This is now on display in the ringing room at Ripon Cathedral. We have maintained our links with local towers, particularly Catterick, Grinton and Bedale, but also further a field at Ripon and Northallerton. Our project group has continued to meet, now led by Peter who has been busy liaising with the bell founders Taylors at Loughborough. This included a trip to Loughborough, where we watched the casting of a 2 ton bell for Harvard. We are drawing up a plan to replace our outdated, difficult to access frame and to introduce a fully tuned set of new bells, with active soundproofing for the tower. As part of this we will research the history of the bells and ringers and rehang some of our historic bells so they are easier to access. We hope to launch a formal appeal in the next few months, so you will be hearing more about the project as the year goes on. As you can see, we have had plenty to keep us busy over the year, rounding it up with a 90th birthday party for Charles, including cake and balloons! Peter, in particular, has taken on leading the bell project in addition to his usual work in maintaining the bells and the tower. My thanks go to all the ringers who make our group such a strong band and show their commitment to the church by turning up week by week. Susan Welch Tower Captain CHRISTIANS TOGETHER IN RICHMOND REPORT John Chambers, John Dickinson and Roy Bebbington continued to act as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Lent 2014. Antony Kirby organised the meetings for the Lent Course “Build on the Rock”, which was held in various locations and was attended by about 65 people. There was a modified Walk of Witness on Good Friday, ending in the Friary Gardens and organised by Keith Hall. This was considered a success and security was improved. There was no drama and no Holy Week prayers because 15
of the building works in the Curtilage and Holy Trinity Chapel. Food Store. Churches continued to support the food store by providing food contributions and Ben Dowding wrote a letter on the success of the enterprise and thanking CTiR for donations. Tackling Poverty. There were various reports and discussions, including a helpful analysis and a description of the work done by the Society of St Vincent Paul and the Archbishop of York’s ACTS435 programme. There was no clear conclusion about any further action to be taken by CTiR, though work is being done through individual churches and discussions will continue. Christian Aid Week. The sum collected was £3128.43 as at 10 June, but further contributions were coming in. Picnic Lunch. Another successful picnic was held on 1 June in Ronaldshay Park. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This was observed in January with weekday prayers in Holy Trinity attended by a total of 11 people and an Agape Meal in the Town Hall hosted by the King’s Church and attended by about 40. Holy Trinity Chapel became available for worship after re-decoration. General Election Hustings. Plans are under way for a hustings on 20 April 2015 at Richmond School. Good Friday Drama. In spite of a desire for this, we fell short of the resources to produce another drama in 2015. John Dickinson Chairman COMMUNICATIONS TEAM REPORT The following activities have taken place: In the previous 12 months the full Communication Team met three times. Reorganisation of notice-boards material is in progress, the Prayer Request board and box have been re-located beside the votive candle stand. A subgroup has met twice to consider a number of website developments. Details of Sunday services are published each week in the Darlington & Stockton Times and special events are printed in the monthly What’s On in Richmond. The monthly entries for the national website, A Church Near You continue as usual. Special events, e.g. exhibitions and concerts, inter-denominational services and agape, study-groups, the Lent study programme, bell ringing and embroiderers’ activities and Fun-Key Church activities are advertised on the parish website, the Richmond Online website, in the local tourist information office and in the local press. The magazine team continues to involve a considerable number of the congregation in its various activities: compilation, printing, collating, distribution and advertising. About 400 magazines are printed for distribution every month to homes, care homes, churches, tourist accommodation, hotels, and libraries in the local community. 16
Special thanks go to two people: to David Frankton for the major contribution he makes to the church’s ministry behind the scenes by printing in-house the monthly magazine, notices and almost all the other printing for special church services and events, and to Frank Gibbon for continuing the time-consuming task of organising magazine advertising. St Mary's parish website, a source of information for the congregation, the local community, and the wider public is in the process of change. Andrew Russell [Moonburst web design] who has designed, hosted and updated the website every month for many years has handed over that responsibility to a subgroup of the Communications Team. We are extremely grateful for the generous work and advice he has given to the church. A newly-designed site will appear shortly. It will continue to link to Facebook, Twitter and other websites. The national website ‘A Church Near You ’ lists 217 churches in the Ripon & Leeds diocese including the four in our own benefice (St Mary’s, Richmond; St Michael & All Angels, Hudswell; St Michael & All Angels, Downholme; St Edmund’s, Marske). Details of all weekly and occasional services in the four churches are given on the national website: A Church Near You website address: www.achurcyhnearyou.com Sheila Harrisson Chairman DEANERY SYNOD REPORT Richmond Deanery Synod: 2 June 2014 with Bishop James Bishop James explained the process of establishing a new diocese and the role of Area Bishop, Followed by an Open Forum. He gave the background to the formation of the new diocese, described the various parts of the Diocesan Secretary’s, presentation of May 21st 2014, “The Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales” from the beginning of the new diocese on Easter Day 2014. Bishop James said it will take three years to complete the process. Richmond Deanery Synod: 3 Feb 2015 with Bishop Nicholas The Synod noted the resignations of the previous Area Dean and the appointment of Rev J Chambers as interim Area Dean (pending confirmation of Deaneries in the new Diocese). He reported that there will be a full complement of clergy in the deanery with the appointment of Revd Andrew Cromarty to Hipswell, Revd Jonathan Barker to Teesdale and Revd Jenni Lane to East Richmond Peter Nicholls announced his resignation as Lay Chair with effect from 1 June 2015. The main business of the meeting was a talk by Bishop Nicholas about the new 17
Diocese. He explained that there are differences between perception and reality. In the context of the new diocese the aim is for us to shape the future rather than let others shape it. The overall process is of three old dioceses moving into one new diocese to become five episcopal areas; currently we are still working as three. By the end of 2014 two new bishops, a new registrar and a Director of Education were in post. Interviews are in process for a new Chancellor; an appointment is expected in the next month. Much has been achieved but equally much remains to be done over the next two years. However, there are still three diocesan offices, three accounting systems and a lot of three of everything else! One priority is to find a location for a new and accessible diocesan office after which area offices will be set up. The Bishop's vision is of a vibrant diocese with confident clergy and confident Christians to live and tell the good news of Jesus Christ in West Yorkshire and the Dales. This will include intentional evangelism and Christian nurture. Sheila Harrisson, Jonathan Roberts Deanery representatives FRIENDS OF ST MARY’S REPORT I would like to start by reminding everyone that membership of the Friends of St Mary’s is open to all those who are on the Electoral Roll. We have been able to help our church this year by paying for various electrical bills and for the further upgrade of the audio system, which has helped to enhance our worship. We have also purchased a new vacuum cleaner, a reusable banner to advertise the Advent and Christmas Services, the supplies for the Christingle service, and Easter eggs, as a thank you to our Choir. In order to give impetus to the Disability Access Toilet Fund the Friends agreed to donate £1,000 and to underwrite £4,000. To help with this Margaret has continued her bus trips and has visited Skipton and Boundary Mills this year. We also held another successful BBQ and finished the year with an enjoyable Quiz and Pie and Pea supper at the Cricket Club. Please speak to either Susan Wallis (Secretary) 518575 or Liz Chambers (Chair) 821241 if you have any ideas for fundraising or general social events. The committee will always give support but would love someone to come forward as a main organiser for an event. In this way we will be able to continue to assist with the general upkeep and maintenance of the church, its activities and services and to bind together in common fellowship all those who love the Parish Church. Liz Chambers Chairman KNIT2GETHER REPORT Since The Knit2gether started meeting at the Restaurant at Greyfriars in June 2014 we have become a happy, supportive, welcoming group. Meetings have a regular attendance of approximately 14 – 16 ladies, of all ages, plus many occasional visitors. Each bringing their own creative projects, sharing knowledge and skills whilst having fun and fellowship. 16 people attended our Christmas party. We have celebrated birthdays and welcomed the birth of a member's 1st baby. New member always welcome. Claire Murray Convenor 18
MONDAY MORNING TODDLER GROUP REPORT Gathering about 10am in the Methodist Church Halls we enjoy a time of fun and friendship for children aged between 0 and 5 years old and their adult carer (mum, dad, grandparents, friends etc). Tea, coffee, juice, fruit and healthy snacks await and flow throughout, and even more important a warm welcome is guaranteed. This is manned by an enthusiastic, loving and committed team made up of ladies from both Richmond Methodist Church and St Mary’s Church. We could do with more helpers to make it easier when there is the inevitable outside commitments or illness. You don’t need to help all session or even every session. Free flow play with a variety of toys for a variety of ages is followed by singing, stories, action games and fun. Numbers vary between 10 children and 25 depending on the weather and time of year, and special gatherings have included celebrating Christmas and Easter with seasonal food, summer in the park and cake when it is children’s birthdays. There are also invitations given and (taken up by our families) to all our services at church especially Easter, Crib, Christingle and Christmas. The time spent with each other, enjoying each other’s company, encouragement and the space to do it in such a friendly way is invaluable. We know the children gain lots, but so too the adults as they find people with similar concerns, joys and thoughts as each other. Gillian Lunn MOTHERS UNION REPORT We have had a very successful and productive year and we have welcomed five new members to Mothers Union and have had some very interesting speakers. We visited St Matthews Church Leyburn for the Deanery Lady Day service and Ripon Cathedral to say the mid day prayers after which we had an enjoyable lunch. We also celebrated Mary Sumner Day at Ripon - also followed by a picnic lunch! Henry Thompson's talk on the charity Downside Up was also very interesting and enjoyable and we have also taken to our hearts the information about Family Help, the womens refuge Darlington. We continue to collect cleaning equipment as well as small cash donations that will be passed on to the refuge in October; the money will be given to the ladies to buy supermarket shopping vouchers so that they have control over their own shopping. We attended the Advent service at St. Anne's Catterick and had a lovely Eucharist service at Holy Trinity followed by tea and mince pies at the Kings Head. Our Christmas party in January! is always a very lively affair and this year's was no exception with entertainment by Forum. We also serve refreshments at Fun-Key Church each month.
Our treasurer, Liz Chambers does a brilliant job for which we are all very grateful. We have no Branch Leader at present but run very well with a good committee [Christine Stedman and Margaret Clayson] . Our new Mothers Union banner is almost finished. We look forward to our Patronal Festival when Bishop James will dedicate the banner. The service will be followed once again by a "lovely lunch" at the Kings Head. On Saturday 4th July we are hosting a concert by Reeth Brass Band followed by Afternoon Tea. Tickets will be on sale at £6 nearer the time. You will have noticed that food is a common thread throughout our year! Last summers BBQ at Susan and Leonards raised sufficient funds for us to donate to Prayer Network, AFIA, our holiday caravan at Filey Overseas Mission and to provide a Baby Change Unit for the Disabled Access Toilet. We thank all who support us in our work Susan Scrafton Secretary ST MARY'S CHOIR REPORT 2014 saw a varied year for the Choir of St. Mary’s. We have gained new members in the treble section and seen one or two of the older trebles move on, notably Sophie Overin who completed her time as Head Chorister at Christmas 2014. We thank her for her service in that post. The choir has continued to support worship at St. Mary’s week by week and in addition to the choral support for Eucharist on a Sunday, we continue to sing Choral Evensong monthly, a service which offers up worship in music and word and is appreciated by those who attend regularly and surprises those who are casual visitors and may not have encountered this service before. Fashions for styles of worship come and go, but Evensong remains the thread that has run through almost unchanged for close on 600 years. It is often amazing to think that some of the music we sing at Evensong was written in the 1500s and would have been sung in our very own Easby Choir stalls all that time ago and regularly since. Someone said to me recently that the 1399 Font and our 1511 choir stalls are probably the oldest pieces of equipment in the town, still being used for their original purpose! Nice to be a part of that. We were invited to sing at the Swaledale Festival in 2014 with Lute virtuoso Jacob Heringman and Viola da Gamba master, Susanna Pell. We were part of a festival concert at Easby Church, celebrating the music of Thomas Ravenscroft. We had a great time preparing for this and performing not only at the concert, but at the service in Low Row to celebrate the start of the Festival. Our Altos Tenors and Basses deserve a special mention. They are all great choral musicians and are so involved in the training and development of our young singers here at St. Mary’s. It is a pleasure to work with them. Special thanks to 20
Andrew Christer who provides such wonderful accompaniment to our Evensongs, and to Gordon Appleton who stands in for me when I disappear to Australia! We look forward to another year of music making and to continue supporting the worship in whatever way will enrich the experience for all involved. Those who support us, Thank you all! Colin Hicks Church Music Director ST MARY’S WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP REPORT As in previous years St Mary’s Richmond Women’s Fellowship continues to thrive. The past year has been interesting and varied which followed the usual pattern of short time of prayer, a guest speaker followed by refreshments. Our meetings last about an hour and a half. In keeping with our affiliation to St Mary’s we held our Annual Easter Service and the traditional Carol Service. We continue to be a happy, relaxed and caring group who enjoy good fellowship together which culminates in our annual Christmas Party. We are an elderly group of ladies and sadly in the last year for various reasons four members can no longer attend. However, we have welcomed two new members this year. We now meet in the Town Hall on the 3 rd Wednesday of the month at 2:00pm (excluding July and August.) It is worth mentioning that the Women’s Fellowship was formed from the then Young Wives Club who wished to open membership to a broader cross section of women. This was achieved and continues to be the case as our membership is a broadly based group of ladies both secular and interdenominational. We will celebrate our 45th Anniversary with a party in September this year. Our leader for the first 40years who made an outstanding contribution to the Women’s Fellowship was the wonderful Kathrine Carr who we all remember with great fondness and respect. Eileen Simms Convenor STUDY GROUPS REPORTS WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP. Not available THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP The Group meets on Thursday evenings at 7.30 at 1 Roper Court, Richmond. We studied a series of readings on the Holy Spirit taken from ‘Guidelines’, a daily 21
reading publication by the Bible Reading Fellowship, then turned our attention to ‘The Acts of the Apostles’, basing our discussions on a commentary by Tom Wright. ‘Acts’ proved to be both an exciting history and a dense theological text, which means that we are progressing only slowly, but thoroughly enjoying the challenges. We read the week’s Bible passage, give time for reflection and discuss our responses to it. Group members can ask questions, admit confusion, keep quiet (if they don’t wish to participate) and learn from each other’s thoughts and experiences. We finish the evening with tea or coffee and biscuits at 9.00 pm. We laugh a lot. Jennifer Patrick Convenor TREASURERS REPORT The Report is printed and provided separately. UPBEAT ORCHESTRA AND ANACRUCIS REPORT The Upbeat Orchestra and Anacrusis Choir, which has led the musical content of the All Age Worship services until Christmas 2014 under the guiding hand of Carol Gedye, continues to lead the worship but without Carol. She has decided to stand down after more than 20 years in charge. Many young (and not so young) musicians have played and sung under Carol over the years. A smaller band of players under the guiding hands of Brett Overin, Allan Guy and Jim Jack, along with some enthusiastic singers have provided the lead in services on the third Sunday of the month since January 2015. If you would like to join either the players or the singers please contact any of the above. Jan Jack
Easyfundraising.org.uk is an easy way to raise money for St Mary's Disability Access Toilet Fund. Shop with any of over 2,700 retailers and a percentage of what you spend is donated to the fund at no additional cost to you. Retailers include Amazon, John Lewis, eBay, Tesco and many more. Please register to support us today -http:// www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ stmaryschurchrichmond Any questions please ask Gillian Lunn (it’s such a simple way to raise money)
The Guarding of the God of Life The God of life with guarding hold you, The loving Christ with guarding fold you, The Holy Spirit, guarding, mould you, Each night of life to aid, enfold you, Each day and night of life uphold you. Ancient Celtic poem
In the last few weeks of the spring term, we seemed to pack so much into school life. There’s always something happening!
Early in the month, Mrs Robinson reminded the children of our “Richmond Pride”. The “pride” stands for Presentation, Respect, Independence, Determination and Enthusiasm, and we are looking for these values to be reflected in all aspects of the school’s life. She also introduced a new element for children’s achievement. All children stay in the “sunshine” by showing good behaviour, trying hard with their work, being kind etc and then they can be promoted to the “rainbow” for exceptionally good behaviour. Now, we have the “Northern Lights” (once seen, never forgotten) which children can reach if they consistently demonstrate these qualities. Along with this, we have a whole school “push” on handwriting and the children are doing very well in proving how neat and tidy their writing can be! I am sure you’ll be hearing more about Richmond Pride as the year proceeds.
The chicks which hatched at the beginning of the month stayed with us for a couple of weeks before moving on to their new homes. Some went with Miss Layton and some to Mrs Kettlewell. It was fascinating to see how quickly they grew from little fluffy yellow things to creatures which much more resembled the farmyard chicken we know. We were able to watch their wings and feathers develop closely. It has been such an amazing experience for the children and one, I am sure, we will repeat another time.
Key Stage One have been making cakes to learn about fractions, weighing and so forth and they decided to have a cake shop to learn about money. This was open to parents (with tea and coffee provided) and was a huge success. Linking learning in school to its real life application is something we always try to do.
We ended the spring term with three exciting events in one day! At lunchtime our wonderful FORCE friends held the traditional Easter Egg hunt in the school grounds. This was followed by our Easter service at church. Once again the children led this all themselves and did an excellent job with their prayers, readings, poems and music. Finally, back at school, the children in Y5/6 team opened their classrooms up for their chocolate shops. They had been learning about how chocolate was made and had then taken on an enterprise project to make and sell chocolate products. This was yet another very good learning experience for them – enjoyable for all those who bought the chocolate too!
As well as all these events, children had taken part in a number of sporting events – football, tag ruby, hockey – and raised money for Comic Relief and the Marie Curie Cancer Care charities. Parents were also in school for meetings with their children’s class teachers. The children love sharing their achievements with their parents and it’s great to see so many smiling parents! We are all ready for a welldeserved rest over the Easter break I think. With good wishes from all of us at Richmond Church of England Primary School. Alexa Barber 24
FUN-KEY CHURCH @ ST MARY’S RICHMOND We met on the last Sunday of March which was Palm Sunday when we explored Holy Week and the approach to Easter. We made an Easter garden and had a reflection making Palm Crosses. We praised God and sang hymns and enjoyed fellowship together. We meet on the 26th April when our theme will be “Baptism and Birthday” and 31st May when we will be joined by the bell ringers—there are rumours of a teddy parachute drop from the Bell Tower. It is amazing to think that at the end of April Fun-Key Church will be 3 years old. Why not join us for some cake. We gather for refreshments from 3.40pm, made by Mothers Union, and the service will begin at 4pm. This service is very relaxed and informal, with words, songs, hymns, stories, crafts, prayers and refreshments available throughout. See blogs for more images and info http://funkeychurchatstmarysrichmond.wordpress.com/ , find us on Facebook or tweet @fun_keychurch. Gillian 07592016476/826895
Hutchinson Richmond and Gilling Trust Did you know that if you live in: Richmond, Gilling West, Eppleby, Eryholme, South Cowton, North Cowton, West Layton, Hutton Magna, Cliffe, or Barton, you may be eligible for a small grant towards:Educational courses, Necessary medical equipment Household appliances, And many other expenses. For further information, please contact either Mrs C Wiper Gentry (Clerk to the Trusts) 3 Smithson Close, Moulton, Richmond DL10 6QP, or the Rector.
STOREHOUSE Thank you to all who support the Storehouse Foodbank with donations left in the large box at the back of church. Your contributions of in date food are much appreciated.
Blessing It was the five year old boy’s first trip down to the Communion rail at church. Fascinated, he watched the vicar place a wafer in the palm of each person kneeling before him. When the vicar reached the little boy, he ignored the child’s out-stretched palm, and laid his hand on the child’s head in a gentle blessing instead. The boy, utterly bewildered, whispered to his father in a piercing voice; “He’s put it on my head!”
Grand launch of Richmond Bell Restoration appeal Bank Holiday Monday 4th May from 10 am St Mary's Church Richmond Tower tours, teddy bear parachuting, have a go at ringing, tea, cakes and much more. Please do come and bring your friends, your teddy bears and their parachutes. http://www.richmondbells.com/events.html 25
Simply Good News - Why the gospel is news and what makes it good By Tom Wright, SPCK, £9.99 ‘Gospel’ means good news, but why is it news? And what makes it good? Tom Wright believes that many, both within and without the Church, have lost sight of the true answers to those questions. In Simply Good News, he invites you to rediscover what the Christian gospel is all about: to explore the world-changing impact it had on its original audience, to understand how later generations have tamed and obscured it, and to find out why a message that was first proclaimed 2,000 years ago still has the power to transform your life, and the world around you, for the good.
Poirot reads the Bible! A Lent Course Postscript. Perhaps you admire David Suchet’s portrayal of Poirot, or enjoyed his contribution to the Lent Course. But did you know that he has made a recording of the entire New International Version of the Bible? And you can have him read it to you! (Perhaps not all at once!) It is a beautiful and meaningful rendering. How? You can buy it as an Audio Book- Google it. But you can also get it free on a computer, tablet or smartphone. Go to https://www.youversion.com/ , sign up for an account (free) if you don’t have one, sign in, click the Bible icon (a book) in the left hand column. Choose the passage you want from the drop down menu at the top, and then choose the version from the drop down menu next to it. You need the NIVUK Anglicised edition with audio (has a loudspeaker symbol). Then press the arrow to start playing. If you want to play it (or read the written version) on a tablet or smartphone offline, download the Bible App (search for ‘YouVersion’) and select the right Bible version as above. You should then be able to download it from the version list in the app. According to Wikipedia, David Suchet became a Christian in 1986 and was baptised in the Church of England. In November 2012 he became a vice-president of the British Bible Society (joining John Sentamu, Vincent Nichols and others). His audio recording of the Bible was released in April 2014. Youversion is produced by Biblica, which since 2009 is the new name of the International Bible Society and which holds the copyright of the NIV. It can access an amazing variety of Bible versions in different languages. John Dickinson THE WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP MEET AT THE LUNN’S AT 2 HURGILL ROAD @ 7.30pm. Currently looking at Philippians . Everybody welcome to join us for cake, chat and discussion. Please call Scott on 826895 if you wish to know more.
THE THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP AT JENNIFER PATRICK’S AT 1 ROPER COURT @ 7.30pm - This is another very friendly group. We are studying Acts, with a commentary by Tom Wright .Please call Jennifer on 850693 for more information.
Fear not! The phrase ‘Be not afraid’ occurs 366 times in the Bible – a reminder for every day of the year, plus one for a leap year. 26
ST MARY’S RICHMOND Sunday 3rd May 5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday 10th May 6th Sunday of Easter Green Howards Day
10am 6pm-7.30pm
Thursday 14th May Ascension Day
Easby Abbey
Deanery Service
Sunday 17th May 7th Sunday of Easter
Sunday 24th May Pentecost
Sunday 31st May Trinity Sunday
10am 12pm
HOLY COMMUNION (BCP) 10am SUNG EUCHARIST 4pm refreshments FUN-KEY CHURCH from 3.40pm
Sunday 24th May
Sunday 10th May
Sunday 17th May
Sunday 24th May
Sunday 31st May
St Mary's SIDES PEOPLE 10.00 am
3RD 10TH 17TH 24TH 31ST
3RD 10TH 17TH 24TH 31ST
200 CLUB WINNER CAMERON MURRAY The deadline for the June 2015 issue is 11th May 2015. Please forward any contributions to Gillian by hand or
The subscription for the church magazine is now due. It is £5 for the year 2015. Please pay Gillian Hardy at 11 The Green, Richmond, or the person who delivers your magazine or Ruth Brown at church. Please give your names with payment. If you wish to pay by cheque please make payable to Richmond with Hudswell PCC. Many thanks, Ruth Brown 28