The Parish of St Mary, Richmond and St Michael and All Angels, Hudswell Welcome to our services CLERGY
Rector:!! Curate:! Honorary: !
Rev’d John Chambers! Rev’d Antony Kirby! ! ! Rev’d Jennifer Williamson
Tel. 01748 821241 Tel. 01748 850349
Sunday 27th October 2013 Bible Sunday 8.00 am! ! ! 10.00am! ! ! 4.00pm!
Holy Communion BCP President:! Rev’d John Chambers! Choral Eucharist President:! Rev’d John Chambers Fun-Key Church
Services are at St Mary’s unless stated otherwise
…………………………………………………………………………… Readings for Sunday 27th October 2013 Bible Sunday Isaiah 45: 22- end ; Romans 15: 1-6; Luke 4: 16 - 24
…………………………………………………………………………… Midweek services: Wed! 9.00am Eucharist at St Mary’s ! ! ! Thurs 10.30am Eucharist at Holy Trinity ………………………………………………………………………………...... WELCOME to those who are visiting us today and especially those who are on holiday. If you are new to the area and worshipping with us for the first time, then we would very much appreciate it if you would fill in one of the welcome cards and leave it with one of the sidespersons or at the back of the Church on the table. If you have young children with you please allow them to enjoy being here and if it helps, we have a children’s table and various things to keep them occupied. ……………………………………………………………………………….......
We have large print hymn books available if required– please ask one of the sidesmen.
Prayers for the Week:! Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the Magazine and Bonnie Archer to be baptised here. We pray that God will bring comfort and healing to those who are sick: Gordon Garfoot, John Blenkiron, Adam Gedye, Janet Smith, Mark Willey, Enid Anderson, Harry Bell, Myckala Smith, William Bunney and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died including Sheila Pratt. We pray that God will bring comfort to her family and all who mourn her. We also remember before God those whose anniversaries fall at this time: Oct ! 27th ! Vera Petty, Annie Harker, Dorothy Jennings ! 28th ! Guy Million, David Zipfell ! 29th! Jane Sunlay, Keith Vincent, Bill Conchie ! 30th! Kathleen Todd, Annie Manuel, Kath Woodman, Esther ! ! Cook, Alice Dinsdale, Nev Anderson ! 31st! Dora Pattern, Betty Chapman Nov ! 1st! Dorothy Percival, Freda Brown, Joan Beattie ! 2nd! Dennis Blackburn, Agnes Stead ………………………………………………………………………..... BOOK of REMEMBRANCE - Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald along with the date of death and a donation of £5 Diary Dates Sunday November 10th
Remembrance Day Service (9.45am)
Saturday November 16th
Listening for Life Course (see below)
Saturday November 23rd
Christmas Food and Gift Fair (Ripon Cathedral)
Saturday November 30th
Muker Band, Welcome Christmas (6pm)
Palestinian olive wood products Through October and November we will be selling these beautiful items, made by Christian families in Bethlehem. We sell these articles to assist their economy, support their morale and dignity, and by our prayers and actions to let them know that they are not forgotten. They will be available at the 10 am services alongside the Traidcraft stall. Listening for Life A four session course taking place on two Saturdays, 16th and 30th November 2013, from 9.45 am – 4pm at Greyfriars, Richmond. Being taught to listen well promotes healthy lives and relationships and can bring clarity, empowerment and self-esteem to others. Application forms need to be submitted by 2nd November, and are available from Jennifer Patrick, Tel: 01748 850693. Fun-Key Church at St Mary’s IS TODAY, with activities and Mothers Union Tower Cafe from 3.40pm. The service starts at 4pm,when we will be exploring things to do with our Bible Sunday theme eg hymns, songs, stories, craft and prayer. Very relaxed Fun, Faith and Fellowship for all ages. Gillian 07592016476 JAM, JELLY and CHUTNEY To all who are busy jamming and pickling could you please put a jar or two aside for the Church Christmas Coffee Morning, December 14th in the Town Hall. Many thanks, Susan Scrafton. Mothers Union Meets on Tuesday 29th October 2pm at Greyfriars our speaker is Sheila Harrison and her talk is entitled Fast and Loose with Wooden Spoons! Curious? Come and join us, sounds a fun afternoon. The Fair trade Big Quiz Please note that the date for this has been changed; it will take place on November 23rd, not 16th as given in the Parish magazine.
Coffee Morning for CTIR Thursday 31st November in the Town Hall. Any help would be gratefully received. 8am to 12 noon volunteers needed to man the door, sink, coffee machine etc. Gifts for raffle would be appreciated. Retirement of Bishop John (message from Bishop James) As you will have heard, Bishop John has announced his retirement in the New Year. I know that his service to the diocese is deeply appreciated and that many individuals and PCCs will wish to express their appreciation by contributing to a gift for John and Barbara. Any contributions (cheques made payable to Bishop of Ripon & Leeds Discretionary Account) should be sent to Mrs Janet Slater at Hollin House, Weetwood Avenue, Leeds LS16 5NG. The Service of Thanksgiving for John’s ministry will be at 3.00 pm on Sunday 5th January 2014. For details of events and activities see St Mary’s website:
Services for: November 3rd All Saints
Follow us on Facebook stmarysrichmondhudswellparishchurch and Twitter All notices for next pew sheet to Julia Robertson by Thursday evening email: Tel: 07891004560
8am BCP Holy Communion 10am Choral Eucharist 6.30pm Hope & Remembrance Service