pew sheet 8th Jluy 2018

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The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell Sunday 8th July 2018. Trinity 6 We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Please stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church for those who would find it useful.

Large print hymn and service books are available. Please ask one of the sidespeople. Today. 8.00am Readings: 10.00am 12.00pm 6.30 pm

Holy Communion Ezekiel 2:1-5, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13 Sung Eucharist Baptism Imogen Pick Choral Evensong

Wednesday 11th July 9.15am Holy Communion Thursday 12th July 10.30am Holy Communion

(Holy Trinity)

Sunday 15th July. 8.00am Holy Communion Readings: Amos 7:7-15, Ephesians 1:3-14, Mark 6:14-29 10.00am All Age Worship 4.00 pm Café Church Charity of the Month. Thank you to all who donated to the charity collection last week, raising £311 for Playgrounds for Palestine UK.

PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine. All those in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including, Liz Atkinson, Harry Bell, Michelle Emptage, Mary Evans, Eilidh Hallett, Mary Hartnell, Doreen Hooton, Stephen Lambert, Harriet Ridley, Hannah Sawford, Don Wade, Carole Ward, Josh Winch, Christopher White, David Willey and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died. We pray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn their loss, including Albert Catt and Jean Randall. Also those whose anniversaries fall during the coming week: 8th 9th 10th 12th 13th 14th

Dennis Buxton, Audrey Spencley Brenda Woodhouse Brian Anderson, Robert Finlay Mick Kilvington Alison Coutts, Brian Ayre Thomas Embleton

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Alexe Roberts (01609 881 216) along with the date of death and a donation of £5. Two of our choristers, Andrew (11) and James (13), are cycling the Richmond2Richmond (Surrey to Yorks) route in the first week of August. More details can be found by Googling 'lunn and weston boys virgin money giving'. Thank you for the huge support so far and please spread the word. "Do good, undo harm." Cafe Church will be next Sunday (15th) at 4pm with refreshments available from 3.45pm. Our speaker this month will be our very own Martin Fletcher and we very much look forward to an afternoon of cake, conversation and compline. Why not bring a friend? Any questions do speak to John or Wendy Pritchard or Gillian. We look forward to welcoming you.

St. Mary’s Mothers Union would like to thank everyone for the part they played in our annual band concert, making over £900 for Mother’s Union projects, mostly local but also in the diocese and the world. ‘St Mary’s Got Talent’ is almost here! Doors will open at 6:30pm on Saturday 14th July, for a 7pm start. Payment is at the door, and is £7 for an adult, £2 for under 18s, (even if you're performing). This includes a glass of wine and a slice of delicious cake. As well as the stage performers, we'll be showing pictures of lots of talented people who do things at home, so prepare to be surprised! It's not too late to have a photo of yourself included in this - just speak to Wendy. We'll be having a raffle, and would be very grateful for a few more good prizes. If you'd like to donate anything, please speak to Claire or take it to the rectory office. Could performers please note that if you'd like to rehearse, we'll be setting up for the event between 6:30pm and 8pm on Friday 13th. Microphones and the projector will be set up then for you to use, but the church is generally open between 8:30am and 6pm every day if you'd like to drop in to practice. We now have a draft programme, so could performers please meet with Wendy briefly after the service to check your slot. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who are performing, appearing in the photos, baking or helping in so many different ways. It will be a great evening out - come and enjoy!

DATES FOR THE DIARY Sunday 22nd July. Strawberry Tea at Marrick Priory. The Locomotion Morris Dancers will entertain us, strawberries and cakes are in preparation, the usual activities are there, all we need now are guests to enjoy the afternoon with us. Cars can be parked in the field at Grinton and buses will collect from there and Reeth bus

stop from 2.30pm to just after 3pm, or you could take a pleasant walk along the road. No tickets, just donations. Monday 6th August at 12.30pm-1.30pm. Barnsley Youth Choir Concert. “Joy” at St. Mary’s Church. This concert is been held by the choir as they make their way up to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to help raise funds for St. James Church Building project. Melsonby. Tickets are £10 for adults and are available on the door or from Castle Hill Bookshop and The Green Howards Museum. Saturday 25th August. There will be a Plant and Produce Sale at St Mary’s. Anyone with spare plant pots or empty jam jars could you please leave in box at back of church, likewise anyone who has spare plants or would like to make jams, jellies or chutneys for the sale please take as needed. Thank you. Any queries Susan Scrafton 824106.

All notices for the next pew sheet to Claire Murray by Wednesday please. Contacts Rector Tel: E Mail:

Rev’d Martin Fletcher 01748 821241

Administrator: Pew Sheet: Tel: E mail:

Claire Murray

Church Wardens: Tel:

David Frankton 01748 823531


Roy and Janet Morel 01748 823278



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