Pew sheet090314

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The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Do stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church and all hearing aid users are invited to switch to ‘T.’ Large print

hymn books are available if required. ask one of the sidespeople.


WEEKLY DIARY Sunday 9th March 2014 1st of Lent 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev John/Rev Antony Readings: Gen.2:15-17, 3:1-7, Rom.5:12-19, Matt.4:1-11 10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev John/Rev Antony 6.30pm Choral Evensong Scott Lunn Wednesday 12th March 2014 9.00am Holy Communion Thursday 13th March 2014 10.30am Holy Communion (Holy Trinity) Sunday 16th March 2014 2nd of Lent 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev John Readings: Gen.12:1-4a, Rom 4:1-5, 13-17, John 3:1-17 10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev John BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald along with the date of death and a donation of £5.

Please pray for:


Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine. All those in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including, Enid Anderson, Frank Garman, Gordon Garfoot, Philip Gazzard, Adam Gedye, Gerry Lederer, Joyce Robertson, Stephen Salvin, Janet Smith, George Walker, Mark Willey and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died, including Agnes Sutton and Colleen Howley. We pray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn their loss. Also those whose anniversaries fall during this week of March: 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th

Frances Mather, Barrington Wells, David Smith Ben Oakes Tony Horsley John Bruce, Vic Richmond, Ronald Johnson Kenneth Carter, Jean Alderson, Freda Dunning, Stella Holbrook, Barbara Warnes, Marie Bridgen, Ray Potter, Bessie Withington, Leona Davidson Tom Rutherford, Graham Perkins, Joan Robinson Kathleen Harland, Marjory Wood, Samuel Myers, David Smith, George Cartwright, Tony Woof Elizabeth Fielding, Gordon Gent

*********************************************** We welcome Gordon Appleton who is deputising as organist whilst Colin is busy elsewhere. Gordon is the former Director of Royal School of Church Music (North) and the Northern Cathedral Singers. We are extremely pleased to welcome him to St Mary’s once again and very grateful for his expertise.

Reminder Annual Church Report Every year the diocese requires churches to provide a written record of their work during the previous year. It is usual to submit these before Annual Church meetings are held. St Mary’s is no exception and must submit its report, which contains 16-17 short reports, before the Annual Church Meeting in April. So that it can be compiled in good time will those responsible for providing these reports please let Sheila Harrisson have them as soon as possible, but no later than 30th March. Please send them to: or phone 07894668005 to make other arrangements. Thank you very much. Sheila Harrisson ******************************************************

Monday 17th March at 7.00pm the 2014 Lenten Visit at St Francis Xavier School. An evening of Prayer and Reflection with the Bishop of Pontefract, Bishop Tony, and the Archdeacon who are visiting every deanery during lent to talk with clergy and local people about the new diocese. Our evening will start with refreshments and after a short service and a brief update a discussion will take place on three questions. What is special about this Deanery which you would wish to take into the new Diocese; what should be the key issues to enhance Mission in this community; how the new Diocese can best support this Deanery and the work of the Church locally. ***********************************************

The church PCC Coffee Morning is on Thursday 27th March in the Town Hall. Offers of help to Susan Scrafton on 824106 please. Donations of the following would be gratefully received, Tombola John Harland, cakes Janet Morel, bric-a-brac Claire Murray, jewellery and raffle prizes Susan Scrafton. Many thanks for your continued support. Do come and enjoy coffee with friends.


If you are a tax payer please place your cash donations in the yellow gift aid envelope and complete the details. We are then able to claim the tax on your gift. St Mary’s is no longer ‘officially’ a supporting church of the Church Mission Society (CMS). However a number of people are CMS

members or choose to contribute to it once a year during Lent. I still have CMS Lent boxes and Gift Aid envelopes so if you would like either please let me know and I will get one to you. Thank you. Anne Simpson (822277).

DATES FOR DIARY W/C Monday 10th March Lent House Groups ‘BUILD ON THE ROCK’ at five different venues throughout the week. Please note that the Tuesday afternoon group will be held at Gilling Vicarage this week. If anyone requires a lift please contact Rev John or Rev Antony. Tuesday 18th March at 7.00pm Christians Together in Richmond AGM at the Methodist Church. Friday 28th March at 7.30 in Hudswell Village Hall an Illustrated talk by Linda and Martin Booth on their work in Rwanda. £2.50 including light refreshments. Sunday 6th April at 7.00pm in St. Mary’s Parish Church. A charity concert in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research by Reeth Brass Band supported by Brompton on Swale Ladies Choir. Admission is free with a retiring collection for Yorkshire Cancer Research. Contacts

Rector: Tel: E mail:

Rev John Chambers 01748 821241

Curate: Tel: E mail:

Rev Antony Kirby 01748 850349

Administrator Claire Murray Tel: 07737482611 E mail: Pew sheet E mail:

Liz Chambers

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