The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell Sunday 14th September 2014 Trinity 13 We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Do stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church and all hearing aid users are invited to switch to ‘T.’ Large print
hymn books are available if required. ask one of the sidespeople.
WEEKLY DIARY Sunday 14th September 2014 Trinity 13 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev Antony Readings: Gen. 50:15-21, Rom.14:1-12, Matt18: 21-35 10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev Antony 1.30pm Wedding of Joshua Dennison & Samantha Ulyott 6.30pm Choral Evensong Scott Lunn Wednesday 17th September 2014 9.00am Holy Communion Thursday 18th September 2014 10.30am Holy Communion (Holy Trinity) Friday 19th September 2014 1.00pm Funeral of Janette Whitaker Sunday 21st September 2014 Trinity 14 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev John Readings: Phil.1:21-30, Matt.20: 1-16 10.00am All Age Harvest Eucharist Rev John
Please pray for:
Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine. All those in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including, Bill Abbott, Enid Alderson, Jenny Beaumont, Phil Ellis, Adam Gedye, David Gillie, Jasmine Guy, Jennifer Jackson, Hugh Knox, Janet Smith, Stephen Salvin, Theo Turner, Lilian Tweddle, Gavin Wheldon, Mark Willey and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died including Janette Whitaker, John Dale and Gwyneth Poad. We pray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn their loss. Also those whose anniversaries fall during the coming week: 14th Gladys Paine 16th Eunice Thornton 17th Priscilla Charles, John Cole, Barbara Robey 19th Nellie Allsop, Barbara Selby, Winifred Stephenson, Peter Oxley, John Raine 20th John Massey, Sheila Chapman, John Hambly, Silvanus Berry, Peter glue BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald (01748 823223) along with the date of death and a donation of £5. Confirmation Classes for adults and young people will be starting at the end of September. Please contact the Rector today if you are interested. Sunday 21st September Harvest Festival The Fair Trade stall will be in church.
HARVEST AND THE BEACON PROJECT Our donations will be taken to The Beacon on Catterick Garrison to help support the personnel no longer serving. Many of the residents at the Beacon are young soldiers, some of whom may have been invalided out after only months of service; homeless young people who need to be given a fresh start. Please bring any donations you may have during the week or on Sunday 21 September when we shall have our Harvest Festival Thanksgiving Service. If you would like to help in the display or flower arranging, please be in church around 10am on Saturday 20 September; we shall be very pleased to see you. Many thanks. Bible Study Groups The Wednesday Study Group resumes this week (17th) at 7.30pm at Scott Lunn’s, 2 Hurgill Road, Richmond when they will be continuing to study 1Peter whilst enjoying friendship, coffee, tea, cakes and discussion. If you’ve never been before you are very welcome. Any queries please call 826895. The Thursday Study Group will also be meeting this week (18th) at 7.30pm at the Rectory. Joan Plowman will be leading this session continuing to explore the Acts of the Apostles alongside Tom Wright’s commentary. The venue for the next meeting will be decided at this meeting. All are welcome. DATES FOR DIARY Friday 19th September 2014 Knit2gether 10.00am until noon, at The Restaurant, Greyfriars, Flints Terrace. Saturday 20th September 2014, 10.00am-12noon the A66 Motel. Exploring Faith: an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the Christian Faith.
‘What does prayer achieve?’ Speaker Bishop James. £5 (to include continental breakfast). For further details or to book phone Keith Miller 01833 627540 or 07778318503. Friday 17th October The Friends of St Mary’s Quiz to be held at the Cricket Club 7.30pm onwards. Tickets are £5 for adults and £3 for children to include a pie and peas supper. Tickets available from next Sunday. Saturday 18th October Christian Aid Coffee Morning in the Town Hall. Each church has a time slot to cover. Please see Judith Barber or Anne Simpson for more details. Saturday 18th October at 7.30pm. A Concert by The Dalesfolk, in aid of Hudswell Gardening Club and St Mary’s DAT Fund, in Hudswell Village Hall. All notices for the next pew sheet by Thursday evening please to Liz Chambers. Contacts Rector: Tel: E mail:
Rev John Chambers 01748 821241
Curate: Tel: E mail:
Rev Antony Kirby 01748 850349
Administrator: Tel: E mail:
Claire Murray 07737482611
Pew sheet: Tel: E mail:
Liz Chambers 01748 821241