Pew sheet 11 June 2017

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ThePar i shofStMar y , Ri chmondwi t h StMi chael&Al l Angel sHudswel l Sunday11thJune2017Pent ecost Weof f erawar m wel comet oanyv i si t or swhoar eher ewi t hust oday .Pl ease st ayf orr ef r eshment saf t ert heser v i ce.Thi smor ni ng’ sser v i cei sf orev er y one andi fneededt her ei sachi l dr en’ sar eaatt hebackofchur ch.Lor d’ sPr ay er andCommuni onCubesf orchi l dr enar eav ai l abl ef orany onet ousedur i ngt he ser v i ce.Pl easej ustaski fy ouwoul dl i ket obor r owone. Ther ei sani nduct i onl oopsy st em i nt hechur chf ort hosewhowoul df i ndi t

usef ul .Lar gepr i nthy mnbooksar eav ai l abl e.Pl easeaskoneoft he si despeopl e. Sunday11thJune2017Tr i ni t ySunday 8. 00am Hol yCommuni on CanonJohn Readi ngs I sa.40: 1217, 27end; 2Cor .13: 11end; Mat t28: 1620 10. 00am SungEuchar i stCanonJohn 12. 00pm–5. 00pm Fl owerFest i v al 6. 30pm Sai dEv ensong CanonJohn Fl owerFest i v alopen10. 00am – 6. 00pm Monday-Wednesday Wednesday14thJune2017 9. 15am Hol yCommuni on 1. 00pm Or ganConcer tbyChr i sDent on Thur sday15thJune2017 10. 00am Funer al ofWi nni eFel l 10. 30am Hol yCommuni on( Hol yTr i ni t y ) 11. 00am6. 00pm Fl owerFest i v al Fl owerFest i v alopen10. 00am-Fr i day–Sat ur day Sunday18thJune2017Tr i ni t y1 8. 00am Hol yCommuni on CanonJohn/ Scot tLunn Readi ngs Gen.18: 115; Rom.5: 18; Mat t9: 3510: 8 10. 00am Wor shi pf orAl lCanonJohn/ Scot tLunn 12. 00pm5. 00pm Fl owerFest i v al 6. 30pm Fl owerFest i v al Ser v i ceofThanksgi v i ng CanonJohn

Pl easepr ayf or :


Thosement i onedi nt heDai l yPr ay erCal endari nt hemagazi ne. Al lt hosei npar t i cul arneedofGod’ scomf or tandheal i ng,i ncl udi ng,Bi l l Abbot t ,Li zAt ki nson,Mar gar etBar r et t ,Geor geBel l ,Har r yBel l ,Rober t Chandl er ,Car ol i neConway ,Adam Gedy e,Mar gar etGr ady ,Mar yHar t nel l , Ti m Har r i s,Jenni f erMol e,Ver aNewman,Joy ceRober t son,Car ol eWar d, Dav i dWhi t t akerandal l t hepat i ent satt heFr i ar yHospi t al . Wecommendunt oGod’ smer ci f ulkeepi ngt hosewhohav er ecent l ydi ed i ncl udi ngWi nni eFel landMar gar etGummer .Wepr ayt hatGodwi l lbr i ng comf or tt oal l whomour nt hei rl oss. Al sot hosewhoseanni v er sar i esf al l dur i ngt hecomi ngweek: t h 12 Al f i eSt ot har d t h 13 Conni eHunt er , Ri char dWar d t h 14 Rut hBr own t h 15 JoanWr i ght t h 17 Fr ankBoat h, Kei t hNash, Wi l l i am Cal l en BOOKOFREMEMBRANCE–Anynamest obeent er edi nt hi sBookshoul d begi v ent oAnnMcDonal d( 01748823223)al ongwi t ht hedat eofdeat h andadonat i onof£5. StMar y ’ si shol di ngacof f eemor ni ngi nt het ownhal lonThur sday15th June.Raf f l e pr i zes,cakes and hel p on t he day woul d be gr eat l y appr eci at ed.Pl easecont actJenni f erPat r i cki fy oucanhel pi nanyway . Pl easecomeandsuppor t . “ 200Cl ub”-I twi l lsoonbet i mef ort hecol l ect i onofsubscr i pt i onsf ort he “ 200Cl ub”20172018.Cur r ent l yt her ear esev er alnumber sav ai l abl e.I f y ouar enotal r eadyamemberandwoul dl i ket oj oi n, ori fy ouwoul dl i kean addi t i onal number , pl easecont actJonat hanRober t s( 01609881216) . Wewoul dpar t i cul ar l ywel comeany onewhoi swi l l i ngt obeaCol l ect or– t oactast hei mmedi at epoi ntofcont actandcol l ectt hesubscr i pt i on( £10 pery ear )f r om member s– v er yespeci al l yany one who woul d cov er Hudswel l . Chr i st i an Ai d Week Col l ect i on:The col l ect or sf r om StMar y ’ sr ai sed £1, 719. 25,whi chwi l li ncr easewhent heGi f tAi di saddedon.Thi si s sl i ght l ymor et hanwecol l ect edl asty earsoWELLDONEev er y onewho hel ped!Wewi l ll ety ouknowt het ot alf orRi chmondassoonaswewor ki t out .Thanky out oal l col l ect or s.Yourwor ki smuchappr eci at ed. Judi t handAnne

Chr i sDent on,StMar y ’ sor gani st ,wi l lbegi v i ngashor tor ganconcer ton t h Wednesday14 Juneat1. 00pm aspar toft heFl owerFest i v al .Pl ease comeandsuppor t . Don' tf or geti t ' sFunKeyChur chPetSer v i ceonSunday25t hJuneat4pm al l wel come. RSCM Joi ntRi ponandLeeds,Dur ham andNEYor kshi r eev ent‘ Si ngt o st t heLor daNew Song, ’Sat ur day1 Jul y10am3. 30pm atStMar y ’ s.A pr act i cal wor kshopl edbyAndr ewRobi nson, opent oal l , wi t hsi ghtr eadi ng notar equi r ement .Af r eeev entwi t hasuggest eddonat i onof£5.Pl ease r d bookpl acesbyFr i day23 June.Cont actAndr ewRobi nson07739341213, musi ci an14@hot mai l . com f ormor edet ai l s. DATESFORTHEDI ARY Tuesday27th June2. 00pm t heMot her s’Uni onmeet i ngwi l lbehel dat14 Pi l moorCl ose,SusanScr af t on’ shome,wher et hespeakerwi l lbeCanon John.Ev er y onei sv er ywel come. Sat ur day1stJul yRi chmondCof EPr i mar yandNur ser ySchoolSummer Fai r .Pl easesuppor t . Tuesday4thJul yAf t ert heCar ds10. 30am atGr ey f r i ar s.Cont actCar r i eon 850103f ormor ei nf or mat i on. Sunday9thJul yCanonJohn’ sFar ewel lSer v i ceat6. 30pm.Fur t herdet ai l s t of ol l ow. Sat ur day22nd Jul y3. 00pm t heReet hBr assBandf ol l owedbyAf t er noon Teai nStMar y ’ s.Ti cket s£6. 50av ai l abl ef r om SusanScr af t on,Mar gar et Cl ay sonandot herMot her s’ Uni onmember s. Sat ur day29th Jul y‘ Expl or i ngFai t h. ’JohnPr i t char d,f or merBi shopof Oxf or d, wi l lbel eadi ngaqui etday‘ Maki ngPr ay erReal ’ atGr i nt onChur ch. I tst ar t swi t hcof f eeat10. 30am andi ncl udest wot al ks.Ther ewi l lal sobe f r eet i meandwi l lf i ni shat3. 20pm.Ther ei snochar gebutdonat i onswi l l be wel come.Pl ease br i ng a packed l unch,dr i nks wi l lbe pr ov i ded.

Cont actKei t hMi l l er01833627540or07778318503.Pl easel ethi m know i fy oui nt endt obet her e. Sunday30th Jul y7. 00pm StGr egor y ’ s,Bedal e.TheDeepSout hGospel Si ngal ong.Fur t herdet ai l sRevI anRobi nson01677422889. Al lnot i cesf ort henextpew sheett o Li zChamber sbyWednesday ev eni ngpl ease. Cont act s Rect or : Tel : Emai l :

Rev ’ dCanonJohnChamber s 01748821241 j _ echamber s@bt i nt er net . com

Admi ni st r at or : Cl ai r eMur r ay Tel : 07737482611 Emai l : pa. r i chmondhudswel l par i sh@gmai l . com Pewsheet : Tel : Emai l : Websi t e:

Li zChamber s 01748821241 l i z. m. chamber s56@gmai l . com ht t p: / / www. r i chmondhudswel l par i sh. or g. uk

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