Pew sheet 130518

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The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell Sunday 13th May 2018. Easter 7 We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Please stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church for those who would find it useful.

Large print hymn and service books are available. Please ask one of the sidespeople. Today. 8.00am Readings: 10.00am 12.00pm 6.30pm

Holy Communion Bishop John Luke 24: 44-end, Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 1:15-23 Sung Eucharist Bishop John, Rev. Martin Green Howards Service. Canon Cooper Choral Evensong Rev. Martin, Scott Lunn

Wednesday 16th May 9.15am Holy Communion Thursday 17th May 10.30am Holy Communion (Holy Trinity) Sunday 20th May. Pentecost 8.00am Holy Communion Rev. Martin, Gillian Lunn Reading: Acts 2:1-21, 10.00am Worship for All Rev. Martin, Gillian Lunn 12.30pm Baptism. Harper Scandrett Rev Jennifer 4.00pm Café Church Bishop John, Wendy, Gillian

Thank you to all who generously gave to the Charity of the month collection last Sunday raising £159 for The Missionary Aviation Fellowship. PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine. All those in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including, Bill Abbott, Liz Atkinson, Harry Bell, Michelle Emptage, Eilidh Hallett, Mary Hartnell, Doreen Hooton, Gwendoline McMurray, Harriet Ridley, Don Wade, Carole Ward, Josh Winch, Christopher White and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died. We pray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn their loss including Lesley Frankton and Joyce Thomas. Also those whose anniversaries fall during the coming week: 13th 14th 17th 18th 19th

Phyllis Cass Nancy Simpson, Liz Metcalf Edward Park Barbara Aston, Thomas Taylor, Mavis Robinson Annie Littlefair, Dorothy Aspin

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald (01748 823223) along with the date of death and a donation of £5. The Rectors day off will be on a Monday but this is subject to change. Cafe Church is next Sunday at 4pm with refreshments from 3.45pm. Baroness Angela Harris will be in conversation with Bishop John. Cake, conversation, compline. All are welcome. Any offers of cake or help on the day would be great. Please speak to John, Wendy or Gillian.

Thank you to all who supported the ‘Wheels within Wheels Exhibition’ at St. Mary’s over the Bank Holiday weekend, raising over £1200 for church funds. Christian Aid Week begins TODAY! The envelopes for the streets we cover are at the back of church. Many thanks to those who've offered to deliver and collect - we still need several streets covering - there is a list of all of them on the table. Please write your name and contact details if you can help, and take a pack, thank you. There are also Reflections for each day, and spare envelopes for you to take and return next week. Let's make this the best year ever! 200 Club. It will soon be time for the collection of subscriptions for St Mary’s “200 Club” 2018-2019. Currently there are plenty of numbers available. If you are not already a member and would like to join, or if you would like an additional number, please contact Jonathan Roberts (01609 881216 or We would welcome anyone willing to be a Collector – the immediate point of contact and to collect the subscription (£10 per year) from members – very especially anyone who would cover Hudswell. DATES FOR THE DIARY Thy Kingdom Come Deanery Walk 2018 will be taking place over the days between Ascension and Pentecost. 10th-19th May. Details of individual walks and there varying lengths are listed at the back of church. Bishop Helen-Ann is walking with us on Ascension Day, which takes in the beautifully restored church of St. Mary’s Cowdon. All are very welcome. Wednesday 16th May at 2pm. The Women's Fellowship meet in the Town Hall. The speaker will be Rev Les Nevin. All welcome. Saturday 26th May from 3pm-5pm at St. John’s Church Sharow, Ripon HG4 5BJ. Speaking about Suffering – When questions come. Priest Alastair Ferneley Discusses issues raised in his new book. Please see poster at the back of church.

To reserve a place, contact Carol Stenner at: or 0113 353 0281. Tickets £5. All welcome. Tuesday 5th June at 7pm. The Richmond with Hudswell PCC will be meeting in the Peter Wenham Room at Richmondshire Museum. Saturday July 14th at 7pm. Book the date for a great evening here in church, we'll be showcasing 'St Mary’s Got Talent'. A fun way to raise money for St Mary's. We have a huge number of talented people here - singers, musicians, readers, actors, (maybe even uni-cyclists?) - and would love to celebrate these gifts. Wendy Pritchard is talent spotting, so please don’t be shy – St Mary’s needs you! We’re also going to be showing pictures of talented people who are not stage performers – painters, knitters, embroiderers, cake makers, woodworkers, gardeners etc – so please let Wendy know if you’d be prepared to have your picture taken for this. Let’s celebrate! All notices for the next pew sheet to Claire Murray by Wednesday evening please. Contacts Rector Tel: E Mail:

Rev Martin Fletcher 01748 821241

Administrator: Pew sheet: Tel: E mail:

Claire Murray 07737482611

Church Wardens: Tel:

Roy and Janet Morel 01748 823278


David Frankton 01748 823531


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