Pew sheet 13th Dec 2015

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The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell Sunday 13th December 2015 Advent 3 We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Do stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church and all hearing aid users are invited to switch to ‘T.’ Large print hymn books

are available if required. sidespeople.

Please ask one of the

Sunday 13th December 2015 Advent 3 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev John/Joan Plowman Readings Zeph. 3:14-end, Phil.4:4-7, Luke 3:7-18 10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev John/Joan Plowman 6.30pm Advent Sequence Tuesday 15th December 2015 2.00pm Mothers’ Union Eucharist 7.00pm Concert by The Band of the Royal Armoured Corps Wednesday 16th December 2015 9.15am Holy Communion Thursday 10.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

17th December 2015 C of E Primary School Carol Service Holy Communion (Holy Trinity) Richmond School Carol Service

Friday 18th December 2015 7.00pm The Guilds Carol Service Sunday 20th December 2015 Advent 4 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev John/Gillian Lunn Readings Micah. 5:2-5a, Hebr.10:5-10, Luke 1:39-45 10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev John/Gillian Lunn 6.30pm Nine Lessons & Carols

PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine. All those in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including, Alfred Wood, Mark Willey, Gavin Wheldon, Pamela Wheatley, Lorna Stewart, Janet Smith, Len Scrafton, Rita Rodber, Bill Overall, Jennifer Mole, Jennifer Jackson, Jasmine Guy, David Gillie, Janet Emmerson, Lucinda Bewick, Harry Bell, George Bell, Jenny Beaumont, Barbara Beatham, Liz Atkinson Enid Alderson, Bill Abbott, and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died We pray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn their loss. Also those whose anniversaries fall during the coming week: 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th

Ron Ridley, Doris Bell, Peter Rutter Alwyn Hill, Harry Bullen Donald Carswell, Keith Newton, Wyn Dowson, Bertha Sledge, Flavia Watts-Russell, Robert Atkinson Clarice Evans Gladys Mason, David Holland, Ted Wray John Howitt, Lee Boulton, Joan Dowell Sheila Norrie, Walter Peary, Edna Chapman

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald (01748 823223) along with the date of death and a donation of £5

Olive Wood Products – this may be the last week for you to purchase one of these handmade items from Bethlehem / Palestine. Anne has a few extra items for sale this week. Please have a look. Perhaps Christmas Decoration or present.

Advent Evensong - Tonight at 6:30pm, our service will follow The Advent Sequence 'Veni Emmanuel'. This reflective service includes Advent readings, congregational hymns, the procession of the light, and the Advent Antiphons and Anthems sung by the choir. Nine Lessons and Carols Sunday 20th December 6:30pm. This year we have the combined singers of the choir and Anacrusis to lead us in the service of traditional readings and Carols. We hope you will come along and join in singing your favourite Carols.

Christian Aid: Thanks to all who helped and supported at the Coffee Morning on 28th November. We raised £369.22 which is being doubled by the government to £738.44! There is a poster on the cupboard at the back of church where you can display Christmas greetings and make a donation to Christian Aid in lieu of sending individual cards to your friends at St Mary’s. Donations can be given to Graham Merlane, Anne Simpson or Judith Barber. Don’t forget, the government is doubling all donations to Christian Aid this Christmas.

Thank you to the Royal Lancers who donated the collection of £174, which was taken at their carol service in St Mary’s last Wednesday, to the Children’s Society.


Tuesday 15th December 2.00pm Mothers’ Union Eucharist in St Mary’s followed by tea and mincepies. Everyone is welcome. Tuesday 15th December 7.00pm Free concert by the Band of the Royal Armoured Corps. Tuesday 22nd December 7.30pm. Carols and Barrels at Hudswell Village pub. Everyone is invited to come and join in the singing. Thursday 24th December Christmas Eve Services 4.00pm The Crib Service, 11.30pm Sung Eucharist

Sunday 3rd January 6.00pm Illuminate Tuesday 5th January 10.30am After the Cards, Greyfriars Sunday 17th January 4.00pm Café Church. Speaker Rev David Day who is talking about “The body …temple or compost heap?!” Amongst many roles he was principal of St John’s College in Durham Thursday January 21st Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Holy Trinity 12.00 – 12.40pm. Led by St Mary’s. Tuesday 26th January 2.00pm in the Methodist Church Hall the Mothers’ Union party with entertainment by the Dalesfolk. Wednesday 30th January CTIR Agape Meal 7.00pm in the Town Hall, hosted by St Mary’s. A team of people will be needed to help with catering. This is usually soup and bread. Please advise Sheila Pearson or John Dickinson if you are able to help. Commencing week beginning 15th February 2016 Lent House Groups. Saturday 5th March Exploring Faith Bishop Nick Baines All notices for the next pew sheet by Thursday evening please to Liz Chambers.

Contacts Rector: Tel: E mail:

Rev John Chambers 01748 821241

Administrator: Tel: E mail:

Claire Murray 07737482611

Pew sheet: Tel: E mail:

Liz Chambers 01748 821241


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