The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell Sunday 15th March 2015 Lent 4 Mothering Sunday We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Do stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church and all hearing aid users are invited to switch to ‘T.’ Large print
hymn books are available if required. Please ask one of the sidespeople. Sunday 15th March 2015 (Lent 4) Mothering Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev John Readings Exod 2:1-10, 2 Corinth.1:3-7, Luke2:33-35 10.00am All Age Eucharist Rev John 4.00pm Free to Be Wednesday 18th March 2015 9.15am Holy Communion Thursday 10.30am 1.00pm 7.00pm
19th March 2015 Holy Communion (Holy Trinity) Memorial Service for Joan Graham Holy Communion
Sunday 22nd March 2015 Passion Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Rev Antony/James Hargreaves Readings Jer 31:31-34, Hebr.5:5-10, John12:20-33 10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev Antony/James Hargreaves
Please pray for:
Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine. All those in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including, Mark Willey, Gavin Wheldon, Robert Wallis, Lorna Stewart, Janet Smith, Stephen Salvin, Bill Overall, Hugh Knox, Jasmine Guy, David Gillie, Phil Ellis, Harry Bell, Jenny Beaumont, Barbara Beatham, Enid Alderson, Bill Abbott, and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died. We pray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn their loss. Also those whose anniversaries fall during the coming week: 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
Gordon Gent George Richardson, Ann Lee, Donald Whitaker, David Melia, Margaret Ashbridge, Maureen Clark Denis Brown, Jean Metcalfe, Doris Wilson, Paul Elliott Phylis Dunn, Raymond Ward Doreen Slater William Tate, Edgar Sherrington, Brian Lunn
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald (01748 823223) along with the date of death and a donation of £5 Spring Clean Saturday 28th March
It is time to polish up the church for Easter. Please come armed with dusters etc. (polish provided) Ann will be in church from 9.30 am until noon and even if you can only spare half an hour you will be welcome. Usual refreshments provided. Thank you Ann McDonald The Monday Lent Group at 7 White Friars Gardens has been changed from Monday 16th March to Tuesday 17th March. This is for one week only.
Calling All Key Holders Do you hold keys for St Mary’s or Holy Trinity? We need to compile a list of ALL who have ANY keys for our buildings for insurance purposes. Please give details to David Frankton. or 823531. Electoral Roll Would you please advise Susan Wallis ( of any changes to your personal details eg. address, phone number, so that she can amend the list before the APCM. If preferred put details in the black box at the back of church. Today at 4.00pm Free to Be at St Mary’s Church. A contemplative worship space that gives us the opportunity to think, pray, awaken our senses and simply be with God in the candlelit, inspiring space of St Mary’s. There will be a simple Eucharist at 4.45pm which everyone is welcome to join. The service is ‘free flow’ and you are welcome to join and leave at any point.
The Station Singers present a Spring Concert on Saturday 28th March at 7.30 in St Mary's Church. Tickets are £8 in advance, £10 on the door, children free. Tickets include wine and canapés. With kind support and to benefit the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and the Military WAGS Choir Catterick, tickets are available from Christine Stedman (01748 824664).
Services in Holy Week Monday 30th March 7.00pm Reflection Scott Lunn st Tuesday 31 March 7.00pm Reflection Rev Antony st Wednesday 1 April 9.15am Holy Communion Rev Antony 7.00pm Reflection Rev Mark Maunday Thursday 10.30am Holy Communion (HT) 2nd April 7.00pm Choral Eucharist Rev John Good Friday 10.00am Walk of Witness rd 3 April 2.00pm Liturgy of Good Friday Rev John 7.00pm The Saviour
Anyone wishing to give a donation in memory of their Mother to the MU Make a Mothers "Day" project please give to Margaret Clayson at 8am or Susan Scrafton at 10am. Please see notice at back of Church or ask them for more information
DATES FOR THE DIARY Wednesday 18th March 2.00pm Women’s Fellowship Easter Service in the Town Hall. Thursday 19th March 1.00pm at St Mary’s, a Memorial Service for Joan Graham, who worshipped at St Mary’s before her move to Penrith, followed by tea at the Richmond Cricket Club. Everyone is welcome. Her son Richard would like her friends and neighbours to join in sharing their memories of her life in Richmond. Wednesday 25th March, Mothers’ Union Lady Day Service at East Cowton. Please see Susan Scrafton if you can provide, or need transport. All notices for the next pew sheet by Thursday evening please to Liz Chambers.
Contacts Rector: Tel: E mail:
Rev John Chambers 01748 821241
Curate: Tel: E mail:
Rev Antony Kirby 01748 850349
Administrator: Tel: E mail:
Claire Murray 07737482611
Pew sheet: Tel: E mail:
Liz Chambers 01748 821241
Websites: http://