Pew sheet 27th January 2019

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The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell Sunday 27​th​ January 2019. Epiphany 4 We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Please stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church for those who would find it useful.

Large print hymn and service books are available. Please ask one of the sidespeople. Today. 8.00am​ Holy Communion Readings: Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a; Luke 4: 14-21, 10.00am ​Sung Eucharist 4.00pm ​Fun-Key Church Wednesday 30​th​ January 9.15am​ Holy Communion Thursday 31​st​ January 10.30am ​Holy Communion

(Holy Trinity)

Sunday 3​rd​ February 8.00am​ Holy Communion Readings: Malachi 3:1-5; 2 Hebrews 2: 14-18; Luke 2: 22-40 10.00am ​Sung Eucharist The Charity of the Month ​collection next week is for ​The Bridge in Catterick Garrison. The Bridge is a charity that offers professional support and companionship to help people live an independent and fulfilling life.

PRAYER REQUESTS Within your daily prayers please use the ​Parish Prayer Diary in the Magazine, also remembering: those in ​urgent need of prayer Joan Rutterford, Adam Gedye, Josh Winch, Sheila Willis those in need of ​ongoing prayer Liz Atkinson, Jennie Beaumont, Mary Hartnell, Jennifer Jackson, Stephen Lambert, Harriet Ridley, Carole Ward, Christopher White, David Willey and all the patients at the Friary Hospital those who mourn, as we give thanks for the life of Anne Peacock, Philip Heseltine, Brenda Gardner and those whose ​anniversaries​ fall during the coming week 28​th 29​th

John Kirby Michael Clayson

and please pray for the ​growth of our church​. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE​ – If you would like to the name of a loved one to be entered in this Book please contact Alexe Roberts (01609 881216).

Fun-Key Church​ is on today at 4pm when we will be looking at the theme of "one body, many parts". Crafts, activities, cake making, science stuff and so much more. All are welcome to this very informal worship. See Gillian if you would like more information or you would like to help. Today’s Flowers in Church Perhaps you have noticed that the flowers are not “arranged” but simply placed in a vase. If you feel you could do something similar and would be prepared to take on some weeks during the year, I should love to hear from you. The task is not particularly onerous or expensive but at the moment we have only 10 people to cover the whole year which is making the task more demanding. Thank you for thinking about it. Judith (01748 826793)

The ​Traidcraft stall ​will be in church after the 10am service. Please support this if you can. Thank You ​to all who worked so hard preparing, providing and serving at the agape meal at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. It was lovely for so many people from different Richmond Churches to get together for fellowship. Siân Lawton. Great news!​ The monthly informal discussion group that has been bubbling away as a possibility over the past couple of months is going to have its first meeting on ​Monday 28th January​ at 7.30pm in Hudswell. At this first meeting please bring yourself and your ideas and we’ll take it from there... All are welcome! For address and directions contact Anna on 0775 388 4572. Prayer meetings​ – in recent weeks a small group has been meeting in church on Sunday evenings to pray for the needs of the parish. All are welcome to join the group. Today’s meeting is at 5.30pm, when we will gather around the votive candle stand near Ruth’s Window. To learn more, or if you would like to be part of a new group meeting at a different point in the week, please speak to Martin. Men’s Breakfasts at St Cuthbert’s, Colburn​. Our next breakfasts will be on Saturday 16​th​ February and 16​th​ March, 8.30-10am (please note the change of the February date) with both featuring a guest speaker. Please speak to Martin for more details or to reserve a place. The Women’s World Day of Prayer ​is on March 1st this year. The Richmond service will be in St Joseph and Francis Xavier church in Newbiggin. If you would like to take part there will be a planning meeting in that church next Thursday (January 31st) morning at 10:30. Please support this ecumenical service for all people (not just women) Could all ​who are responsible for producing annual reports for the various church groups and committees please send them to Claire no later than 12​th​ February. Many thanks. Cashless donations can be made to St Mary’s Church​: - By internet banking to ‘Richmond with Hudswell PCC’ Sort Code 40-38-19. Account No. 50701793 - By debit/credit card or by Apple or Google Pay Please see one of the sidespeople - All can be gift aided using a yellow envelope

DATES FOR THE DIARY Tuesday 29​th​ January​ 2pm. ​The Mothers Union Christmas Party​ will be held at 14 Pilmoor Close. We will be entertained before tea by Freda and Tony (The Dalesfolk) and friends! Subs for members are now due. All are most welcome, members or not! Saturday 2​nd​ February ​at 7.00pm. ​Saxhorn Fest 2019 ​presents Sound the Horn. ​A concert featuring many world renowned brass soloists playing a range of music from Brahms and Rossini to Seal and Streisand. Tickets for St Mary’s parishioners and their families are available for £5. Please call Marrianne on 07886 176511 or buy online at​. Saturday 16​th​ February ​12.30pm for 1pm. ​Exploring Faith Lunch ​to be held at Catterick Garrison Golf Club. Hot buffet lunch with tea/coffee £15. The after dinner speaker will be Revd Canon Richard Cooper, a former rector of Richmond and until recently a chaplain to the Queen. The title of the talk will be “The Queen and her Church”. To book please contact Keith Miller 01833 627540 All notices​ for the next pew sheet to Claire Murray by noon on Wednesday please.

Contacts Rector: Tel: email:

Rev’d Martin Fletcher 01748 821241 ​

Ordinand: Tel: email:

Siân Lawton 07583 874203 ​

Administrator: Pew Sheet: Tel: email:

Claire Murray

Church Wardens: Tel:

David Frankton 01748 823531


Roy and Janet Morel 01748 823278


07737 482611 pa.​

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