The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels Hudswell Sunday 20th November 2016 Christ the King We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Do stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrow one. There is an induction loop system in the church and all hearing aid
Large print hymn books are available if required. Please ask one of the sidespeople. users are invited to switch to ‘T.’
Sunday 20th November 2016 Christ the King 8.00am Holy Communion Rev John Reading Jeremiah 23:1-6, Coloss. 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43 10.00am Worship for All Rev John 4.00pm Café Church Tuesday 22nd November 2016 1.00pm Funeral of Justin Loates Wednesday 23rd November 2016 9.15am Holy Communion Thursday 24th November 2016 10.30am Holy Communion (Holy Trinity) Saturday 26th November 2016 10.00am Church Cleaning/Christingle Making Sunday 27th November 2016 Advent Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion Rev John Reading Isaiah 2:1-5, Rom. 13:11-end, Matt 24:36-44 10.00am Sung Eucharist Bishop John 4.00pm Fun-Key Christingle Today (20th) Anne is selling Olive wood products from Bethlehem made by Christian Palestinian families. The money raised will be distributed to local families there in time for Christmas.
PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine. All those in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including, Bill Abbott, Liz Atkinson, Mary Hartnell, Brian Heap, Jennifer Jackson, Becky McNamara, Jennifer Mole, Joyce Robertson, Ruth Robson, Sheila Willis and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died including Justin Loates and Alfred Wood. We pray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn their loss. Also those whose anniversaries fall during the coming week: 20th Eleanor Reveley st 21 Meredith Nicholls, Lillian Tweddle nd 22 Dorothy Snelgrove rd 23 Gwen Close, Alma Oakley th 24 Carol King, Walter Dunn, Doreen Wilkinson th 25 Mary Richards BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald (01748 823223) along with the date of death and a donation of £5 Ben Drury is to be ordained priest by the Bishop of Ebbsfleet today in New Hinksey, Oxford. We pray for him and his mother Linda on this very special occasion. We also pray for Fr James Wilkinson, and the people of South with New Hinksey, with whom Ben continues to serve. Café Church 4.00pm today with Kate Bruce, Deputy Warden at Cranmer Theological College, Durham. She is a priest, author and theologian speaking on the theme "Creativity: Divine Gift?" Refreshments from 3.45 closing with Compline. Very informal, and thought-provoking. Queries or offers of baking to Gillian or Wendy please. Cleaning for Christmas Any who are able to join us on Saturday 26th November from 10.00am onwards will be most welcome. Refreshments provided.
Thursday 24th November 8.00am-12.00 St Mary’s Christmas Coffee Morning in the Town Hall. Offers of help and items for tombola, raffle, jewellery and cake stall please to Susan Scrafton. There will also be a stall with paintings available. Please join us for coffee and fellowship.
We will be busy in church between 10.00am and 12.00 on Saturday 26th November making the Christingles in readiness for the Next service. If you are available to help, even for a short while, please give your name to Claire Murray. The more the merrier. Next Sunday, 27th November There will be a Fairtrade Stall in church after the 10.00am service. Also The CHRISTINGLE SERVICE is at 4pm in St Mary’s Church. As both Christingle and Fun-Key Church are for all ages we have decided to combine the 2 services, and double up the fun! All in aid of The Children’s Society. Come along and bring a friend.
Wednesday 30th November 7.00pm Barnard Castle School Chapel Choir and Wind Band present A Celebration of Music. This includes Carols, Christmas Songs, Gershwin and the Beatles. Donations on the door in aid of The Friends of St Mary’s please. Come and support with your friends.
DATES FOR THE DIARY Sunday November 20th 11am to 3pm. Christmas Fair at Richmond Town Hall, Entry free, Coffee & Cakes, Crafts, Tombola. Proceeds to Richmondshire Landscape Trust. Friday 25th November SFX School Fair from 3.30pm in the school hall. Friday 2nd December Richmond Primary and Nursery School Fair from 3.00pm in the school hall.
Saturday 3rd December Exploring Faith, 10am at Rokeby Inn, on the A66. Speaker Nicholas King SJ. on 'St Matthew - a Gospel with Attitude?' Fr Nicholas is the first person in more than 50 years to have translated the Bible on his own. £5 including continental breakfast. For further details and to advise Keith Miller of numbers to help with catering phone 01833627540, 07778318503 or email Sunday 4th December - Christmas at Marrick Tickets are available from Judith Clarke (826793), Cathy Trewby or Eileen Baker. As usual there will be a bus from Nun's Close costing £3, the tickets for entertainment, mulled wine and supper are £10. This year we shall have music, carols and readings, do come and join us. Wednesday December 7th the Diocesan Mothers’ Union Advent Service at Colburn Parish Church at 11.45am Saturday 10th December 7.30pm in St Mary's Church. An evening of festive song. The Royal British Legion Richmond Branch, Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution & The Station Singers present a Christmas Concert by Candlelight. Tickets £8, £10 on door to include seasonal refreshments are available from Christine Stedman 824664. Children free (Ticket required) Doors open at 7.00pm. All notices for the next pew sheet to Liz Chambers by Wednesday please. Contacts Rector: Tel: E mail:
Rev’d Canon John Chambers 01748 821241
Administrator: Tel: E mail:
Claire Murray 07737482611
Pew sheet: Tel: E mail:
Liz Chambers 01748 821241