The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with St Michael & All Angels, Hudswell Sunday 9th June. Pentecost
We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Please stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. There is an induction loop system in the church for those who would find it useful.
Large print hymn and service books are available. Please ask one of the sidespeople. Today 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Parish Communion Readings: Acts 2:1-21; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17 6.30pm Choral Evensong at St Edmund’s, Marske Wednesday 12th June 9.15am Holy Communion Thursday 13th June 9:30am Little Rainbows 10.30am Holy Communion (Holy Trinity) Sunday 16th June 8.00am Holy Communion Readings: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15 10.00am Worship for All, Baptism of Eliza Dickinson
The Charity of the Month collection today is for UMNHET (United Mission to Nepal Hospitals Endowment Trust). Please give generously.
PRAYER REQUESTS Within your daily prayers please use the Parish Prayer Diary in the Magazine, also remembering: those in special need of prayer Adam Gedye, Eilidh Hallett, Eva, Ellie Brand those in need of ongoing prayer Liz Atkinson, Jennie Beaumont, Judith Bennett’s family, Mary Hartnell, Harriet Ridley, Joan Rutterford, Carole Ward, David Willey and all the patients at the Friary Hospital those who mourn, as we give thanks for the lives of Christopher White (priest), Harry Sayers, Cyril Fell and those whose anniversaries fall in the coming week 12th June Alfie Stothard and please pray for the growth of our church. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE If you would like to the name of a loved one to be entered in this Book please contact Alexe Roberts (01609 881216). ______________________________________________________ Cashless donations can be made to St Mary’s Church: - By internet banking to ‘Richmond with Hudswell PCC’ Sort Code 40-38-19. Account No. 50701793 - Give By Text (PAYM free service) Text 07960 869955 - By debit/credit card or by Apple or Google Pay Please see one of the sidespeople - All can be Gift Aided using a yellow envelope ______________________________________________________ This evening at 6.30pm Choral Evensong will be at St Edmund’s church, Marske, followed by a ‘bring and share’ tea. Please come along to this lovely service and bring some food to share. Drinks provided. Parking available in the field behind the Old Vicarage.
It is with great sadness that we announce Canon Christopher White died on Monday 3rd June. He was able to be at home and he died peacefully with his family around him. His funeral will be on Monday 17th June at 2:30pm, at St Agatha’s church, Gilling West. The Prayer Group will meet today after the 10.00 service. 200 Club: It will soon be time for the collection of subscriptions for St Mary’s “200 Club” 2019-2020. There are numbers readily available. If you are not already a member and would like to join, or if you would like an additional number, please contact Jonathan Roberts (01609 881216 or We would welcome anyone willing to be a Collector – the immediate point of contact and to collect the subscription (£10 per year) from members – very especially anyone who would cover Hudswell. Men’s breakfast: June 22nd at 8.30am, at St Cuthbert’s church hall, Colburn. For more information or to book, please speak to Martin. Our next Church Coffee Morning is on Thursday 13th June in the Town Hall. Books, DVDs, Jigsaws, Cakes, Raffle and Tombola prizes will be most gratefully received. Offers of help in the kitchen to Margaret Clayson and on stalls to Susan Scrafton, please. Come and enjoy a coffee with friends and help raise much needed funds. DATES FOR THE DIARY Sunday 16th June – Young People: come along to a walk and coffee/ice cream/lemonade, starting at The Station at 4pm. If the weather is fine we will walk to Easby and back and if not we’ll meet and chat. We aim to have a good time as well as gather some ideas about what the young people would like to be happening at St Mary’s. See Anna or Gillian for more details. Saturday 22nd June at 3.00pm. Reeth Brass Band with Afternoon Tea in St Mary’s Church, in aid of Mothers Union. Tickets now on sale £7 from Margaret Clayson, Christine Stedman and Susan Scrafton.
Saturday 13th July – Exploring Faith Quiet Day at Grinton, led by Bishop Nick. To book or for further details please contact Keith Miller on 01833 6275540 or Saturday 24th August – St Mary’s Church Plant and Produce Sale. Our annual sale will soon be upon us. Could all our gardeners and allotment holders please pot up any spare plants in readiness for the sale. If you have spare plant pots or jam jars please bring them to church and if you need pots or jars please help yourself. Last year the produce, jams and chutneys etc sold out very quickly, so please, if you could donate any of these we would be most grateful. Please help make this year’s sale even more successful then last year. Any queries Susan Scrafton 824106.
All notices for the Pew Sheet to Claire by noon on Wednesday please. Contacts Rector: Tel: email:
Revd Martin Fletcher 01748 821241
Administrator: Pew Sheet: Tel: email:
Claire Murray
Churchwarden: Tel:
David Frankton 01748 823531
Churchwarden: Tel:
Peter Trewby 07885 347736
073949 47819