Pew Sheet 29th Sept 2013 - St Mary's Church Richmond and St Michael and All Angels Hudswell

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The Parish of St Mary, Richmond and St Michael and All Angels, Hudswell Welcome to our services CLERGY

Rector:!! Curate:! Honorary: !


Rev’d John Chambers! Rev’d Antony Kirby! ! ! Rev’d Jennifer Williamson

Tel. 01748 821241 Tel. 01748 850349


Sunday 29th September 2013 Trinity 18 8.00 am! ! ! 10.00am! ! ! 4.00pm!

Holy Communion BCP President: Rev’d John Chambers!! Choral Eucharist President: Rev’d John Chambers Fun-Key Church!

Services are at St Mary’s unless stated otherwise

…………………………………………………………………………… Readings for Sunday 29th September 2013 Trinity 18: Amos 6: 1a-4-7; 1 Timothy 6: 6-19; Luke 16.19-end Midweek services: Wed! 9.00am ! ! ! Thurs 10.30am

Eucharist at St Mary’s Eucharist at Holy Trinity

………………………………………………………………………………...... WELCOME to those who are visiting us today and especially those who are on holiday. If you are new to the area and worshipping with us for the first time, then we would very much appreciate it if you would fill in one of the welcome cards and leave it with one of the sidespersons or at the back of the Church on the table. If you have young children with you please allow them to enjoy being here and if it helps, we have a children’s table and various things to keep them occupied. ……………………………………………………………………………….......

We have large print hymn books available if required– please ask one of the sidesmen.

Prayers for the Week:! Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the Magazine. For Amelia Metcalfe to be baptised here today. We pray that God will bring comfort and healing to those who are sick: Gordon Garfoot, John Blenkiron, Adam Gedye, Janet Smith, Mark Willey, Enid Anderson, Harry Bell and all the patients at the Friary Hospital. We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those who have recently died including Dorothy Rose. We pray that God will bring comfort to her family and all who mourn her. We also remember before God those whose anniversaries fall at this time: Sept ! 29th ! Raymond McCubbin, Pamela Grundy, Jean Mudd ! 30th ! ! Oct 1st! Edgar Spraglie, Bert Hassall, Margaret Turner ! 2nd! Tony Blackburn, Phyllis Fisher, Mary Kirkbride, Tom Carr ! 3rd! Nellie Hawitt, Elsie Harrison ! th! 4 Helen Brown, Bunty Milroy ! 5th! Dora Metcalfe, Bill McIntosh, Ernest Simpson, Helen ! ! Galloway ………………………………………………………………………..... BOOK of REMEMBRANCE - Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald along with the date of death and a donation of £5 Diary Dates Sunday September 29th

Fun-Key Church at St Mary’s

Thursday October 3rd

CTIR First Thursday Prayers (Holy Trinity)

Saturday October 12th

Christian Aid Coffee Morning (see below)

Friday October 25th

Concert by Reeth Brass Band (see below)

Coffee Mornings Many thanks to all who helped/baked for last Thursday's coffee morning. A total of £144.08 was raised. This will be sent from St. Mary's to support the CMS in their work worldwide. If you were not able to be at the coffee morning but would like to donate, please give it to Anne Simpson (St Mary's CMS Rep.) Richmond Christian Aid Group Coffee Morning Saturday 12th October 2013 in the Town Hall. We need some helpers to make and serve coffee, sell raffle tickets and man 2 stalls. We also need donations of home baking, jams etc and good quality Bric-a-brac. Please note our allocated time to help at the coffee morning this year is only between 10.40 am and 12 noon. We need to take over promptly at 10 40am. Please contact Anne Simpson on 01748 822277 or Judith Barber on 01748 824656. Fun-Key Church @ St Mary's Today at 4pm, with Mothers Union refreshments from 3.40pm. Our theme this month is "It's good to talk", and we will be exploring it with hymns, prayers, songs, stories and activities. This worship is suitable for all ages and really is full of fun, faith and fellowship. Any queries, speak to Gillian on 07592016476 and see blog http:// Reeth Brass Band Will be giving a concert supported by the Brompton on Swale Ladies Choir in St Mary’s on 25th October at 7pm. Tickets £5 available from the Tourist Information Centre, Town Hall or on the door. Proceeds to The Mayor’s Charities and St Mary’s. Open Day at The Old Mill Centre, 16th November 2013 As you may already know, The Old Mill Centre is a self-catering retreat, residential & holiday centre with specialist facilities for performing/creative arts, meetings, workshops and training courses. We would like to invite you to an Open Day at The Old Mill Centre on Saturday 16th November, 2013 from 10.00am – 4.00pm.

JAM, JELLY and CHUTNEY To all who are busy jamming and pickling could you please put a jar or two aside for the Church Christmas Coffee Morning, December 14th in the Town Hall. Anyone with spare jars please bring to Church, many thanks, Susan Scrafton. Posada Our Posada knitted Mary and Joseph have been on their travels since last Christmas. They have already been to Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Japan, France, Lands End, London, Glasgow, and Wales. If you are travelling anywhere interesting and you have a small space in your luggage, please contact Scott, 01748 826895. Trip to Boundary Mills Margaret Emmerson is organising a trip on 26th October to Boundary Mills, Shiremoor. The bus will pick up at Reeth Rd 8.45am, and Friary Gardens 9.00am. Anyone wishing to book a seat please see Margaret or call her on 825381. For details of events and activities see St Services for: Mary’s website: October 6th TRINITY 19

Follow us on Facebook stmarysrichmondhudswellparishchurch and Twitter All notices for next pew sheet to Julia Robertson by Thursday evening email: Tel: 07891004560

8am BCP Holy Communion 10am Choral Eucharist

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