Love glowing within or some such title
New writing by the Sunshine House Community Hub Health & Wellbeing Group
Suggested donation:
An introduction / welcome to the booklet / works here or at the back?
A contents page. All words & photography by the group etc, etc.
Possibly a member / contributor photo and small piece about ‘what I enjoy about the group’ / ‘about me’?
The cover will reveal itself from the words that are written.You may need space for the logos of funders.
Photos of contributors here or in one of the inside pages.
This is a mish-mash booklet, but the finished article will be perfect!
I dream of tsunamis. I dream of tsunamis. Gargantuan huge and overwhelming. Looming in the horizon. Frantic desperation to reach higher ground. I dream of tsunamis the ends closing in. Treasured memories and affection and love glowing within. The heights of my life propel forth through my mind. I cling to it. As the force submerges flows over me. By Daniel Darby
Photography by Tania
I dream of tsunamis. I dream of tsunamis. Gargantuan huge and overwhelming. Looming in the horizon. Frantic desperation to reach higher ground. I dream of tsunamis the ends closing in. Treasured memories and affection and love glowing within. The heights of my life propel forth through my mind. I cling to it. As the force submerges flows over me. By Daniel Darby
Two poems on one page? I dream of tsunamis. Gargantuan huge and overwhelming. Looming in the horizon. Frantic desperation to reach higher ground. I dream of tsunamis the ends closing in. Treasured memories and affection and love glowing within. The heights of my life propel forth through my mind. I cling to it.
The shape of things to come
This is just an example of a way of to display writing, but only if it really adds something to the words? at vestibulum non, congue eu diam. Sed erat mi, molestie non tempus sit amet, cursus vel risus. Aenean quis eros dui, non fermentum urna. Proin imperdiet tempor quam a iaculis. Nulla malesuada tincidunt. Suspendisse quis blandit elit. Praesent pretium, enim ac egestas consectetur, mauris leo egestas ipsum, pulvinar cursus velit felis eget augue. Nam in nulla est, eu euismod sapien. Sed id elit, sed consectetur sem. Sed vel dictum. Praesent malesuada commodo vel condimentum. liquam lectus, accumsan at vestibulum non, liquam lectus, accumsan at vestibulum non, coliquam lectus, accumsan at vestibulum non, coliquam lectus, accumsan at vestibulum non coliquam lectus, accumsan at vestibulum non, co aculis. Nulla malesuada tincidunt. Suspendisse quis blandit elit. Praesent pretium, enim ac egestas consectetur, mauris leo egestas
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Photography by Michelle
These pages are just meant to illustrate the many possibilities Of presenting the same thing But much will depend upon the poem, the writing and the words used. Nulla malesuada tincidunt. Suspendisse quis blandit elit. Praesent pretium, enim ac egestas consectetur, mauris leo. Different type or consistent type (me, I’m just an unreliable and dangerous type) Sed id elit, sed consectetur sem. Sed vel dictum. Praesent malesuada commodo vel
Page 8 | Page numbers - and / or footers and / or headers
I dream of tsunamis. I dream of tsunamis. Gargantuan huge and overwhelming. Looming in the horizon. Frantic desperation to reach higher ground. I dream of tsunamis the ends closing in. Treasured memories and affection and love glowing within. The heights of my life propel forth through my mind. I cling to it. As the force submerges flows over me. By Daniel Darby
I wander'd lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils, In Mesnes Park, beneath the trees Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretch'd in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company! I gazed - and gazed - but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought. For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils.
Photography by Christine Words by Murderedverse
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England I wander'd lonely as a cloud That floats above the vaping throng.
Our group
Details about the group here with an opportunity to invite new members. Photos, dates, times and venue maybe a map or ‘how to get to Sunshine House’. Possibly a member photo and small piece about ‘what I enjoy about the group’?
Photos of contributors here or in one of the inside pages. The more content we have to work with the more we can make of it. All work and no play makes Jack a suitable case for sanctions... Front cover theme could also extend to back cover with the inside covers for this info.
Contact us Toll-free: 000111 567 8910 34 Wallpole Gardens, Hungerfordshire HU1 2GO