Gilman Class Notes - Summer 2020

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Summer 2020

Our Development/Alumni team recently gathered on campus for the first time in months and positioned the blue and gray Adirondack chairs in a circle, six feet apart, overlooking Brown Field. Other than the quiet conversation through masks and chirping cardinals, campus was eerily silent without the boys, who would typically be muscling their way through an intense football practice or attending one of several Gilman camps on a hot summer day.

The surreal scene was in direct contrast to the start of the 2019-2020 school year when all faculty, staff, students, and guests gathered outside — shoulder to shoulder — for opening convocation. Headmaster Henry P. A. Smyth unwrapped the year with the story of the Apollo astronauts who first walked on the moon in 1969. These men returned to earth, he explained to the littlest Hounds, finding a hero’s welcome and universal acclaim. “We did it,” the astronauts heard time and time again from admirers and adoring fans. Mr. Smyth connected this experience to our own at Gilman. Having school spirit, he explained, demands becoming intimately involved in the spirit of the school and, as a result, means becoming directly connected to a cause larger than your own.

Working remotely since March, this message seems to resonate now more than ever before. The coronavirus pandemic has challenged us as a global citizenry in ways previously unimaginable. Our individual and collective health, wealth, and well-being have faced direct attacks from an unrelenting virus and ensuing shutdown that touched off a recession.

Still, these uncertain times have also created opportunities for individuals to embrace Mr. Smyth’s message and live out the spirit of the Apollo astronauts. It should come as no surprise that Gilman alumni are leading the charge,

demonstrating courage, resilience, adaptability, and concern for their fellow individuals in novel and impactful ways.

Dr. Ethan Weiss ’87 flew from San Francisco to New York to assist overwhelmed health care professionals in a COVID-19 hotspot. R Adams Cowley and Jay Brooks, both 2010, launched Feed the Fight MD, which collects donations and provides meals free-of-charge to frontline health care heroes. And, Phil Han ’04 shifted his Baltimore restaurants to carry-out and marketplace operations.

You will find these stories of Alumni on the Front Lines sprinkled among the beloved Class Notes in the pages ahead. We are very pleased to highlight news of your classmates’ moves, promotions, publications, awards, weddings, births, and so much more. This stand-alone publication, which will not replace the Bulletin, is our attempt to keep you all connected even when we are apart.

We look forward to the day when we can welcome you back to a bustling campus, and you can grab a seat in an Adirondack chair, while catching a glimpse of a winning Greyhound team.

Until then, stay well, stay connected, and stay in touch!

August 2020


Warren Magruder


Please send us your notes for next time.


Guy Hollyday

Bill Passano keeps busy visiting family and friends. Gough Thompson and Irene continue to enjoy their Rancho Santa Fe home, its natural setting, and bird life.

Holland Wilmer continues his law practice although his work time has eased back to four days a week.

Bob Rich and his wife, Joan, are involved and Zooming with their families, including eight grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren, with another on the way.

George Thomsen and his wife, Mary Ellen, are looking forward to a family vacation this summer in Cambridge, Md. Included in the fifteen people on the trip will be Philip Thomsen ‘15, son of Roszel ‘76, who graduates from Harvard this year, and Abigail Thomsen, daughter of Laurence (Lee) ‘85, who is graduating from Macalester College.

John Strickland is not enjoying stay-at-home, but is happy to be well and living in Florida. He gave up flying last year, but is still living at the airpark and has his old plane still in his hangar, even though it has been sold.

Tom Fenton and Simone are living in New York City, where they have both had ER visits and hospitalizations and are now quarantined in their apartment trying to recover from the coronavirus. Tom deeply regrets the recent death of his older brother, Matt.

Your secretary, Guy Hollyday, now a great-grandfather, writes a daily poem for his local community and plants a tree or two in nearby Wyman Park. Last spring he attended a Zero Balance conference in California. He and wife Pam, who volunteers at Memorial Episcopal Church in Bolton Hill, are selling their

house and moving to the Pickersgill community in Towson. Guy’s daughter Jennie retired in June after many years of teaching in the Gilman Lower School, and her son, James Idy Iglehart, Gilman ‘08, who taught in the Lower School, is looking for employment. Our winter luncheon at the Maryland Club is scheduled for Thursday, December 3. Please reserve the date. As our ages cross over from the 80s to the 90s, best to all, and let’s keep in touch.


Haswell Franklin

Haswell Franklin reports that members of the class of 1950 are generally doing their best to get ready for a festive celebration of our 70th reunion from Gilman. And he offers a very special congratulations to David Griswold on his 50+ years of service to the Greenwich Country Day School and, in particular, for the past 15 years when he has been co-editor of the School faculty’s literary and arts magazine.

Robert Bruce Turnbull: It is with great sadness I report the death of my father, Bruce Turnbull, age 88. He passed away a year and a week after his wife, Jerri. His Celebration of Life Service was held in January in South Carolina. Internment will be at a later date at the West Point Columbarium, West Point, N.Y.


Bob Swindell

Please send us your notes for next time.


Bruce Follmer

Please send us your notes for next time.

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Pierre Bouscaren is glad to report that the class of 1953 is still steaming along, although in fewer numbers and with somewhat less elan. The good news is that there is no reluctance to share information, making your writer’s job a pleasure.

Andy Gantt weighed in early from Wingina, Va., the telephone pole capital of the state, where he and wife Digna own a huge timber operation. Wingina is not a big town (check out the website) and Andy is more worried about his next haircut than the current COVID-19 scare.

Bill Trimble responded from his home of 58 continuous years on the hill in Owings Mills, Md. Although no longer the premier high jumper or schuss-bomber he used to be, Bill still likes a challenge and boarded a rubber boat on the Maine waters just to go to an island picnic. The big problem, which requires the help of young ‘uns, is getting in and out of such a buoyant craft.

Harry Thomas reported from Tarrytown, N.Y., that he and Karen unsheltered for a while on Mother’s Day and hiked (yikes!) along the Pocantico River with their daughter and granddaughter. Apparently Harry has genetically passed on his considerable singing talent, honed as a key member of The Traveling Men, because two of his grandchildren are currently leading a cappella groups at Amherst and Rochester, respectively.

Cary Woodward, our contribution to the Gilman faculty where he distinguished himself for several years, regrets having to forego his customary vacation to Maine with Peggy. They are making the best of things, gardening and relaxing in Roland Park.

John Seiler filed a report from Louisville that the Derby Day that wasn’t forced what is usually a raucous weekend into deadsville. He and Harriett are hunkering down like good little law-abiding citizens with no hangovers to deal with.

From Silver Spring, Md., George Urban writes that he and Alicia are coping with the virus as well as a spate of difficult family illnesses and losses by reading real books and planning for better things ahead.

The “Pope” plans to substitute kayaking for skiing this summer. Ben Proctor and Sue, avid travelers, have been really slammed by COVID-19. They cancelled an RV excursion to New England and then a cruise to the Greek Isles. Like many of us, Ben and Sue take

great pride and pleasure in the accomplishments of their kids and grandchildren. He claims he is still active “mending fences and mowing pastures” on the family farm in Darlington, Md.

Bill Eaton, still living in D.C., has “taken the plunge” and moved to a retirement community, Ingleside at Rock Creek, in Northwest. Bill was the longtime caregiver for his lovely wife, Louise, before her recent death, and although the food is okay and the neighborhood is nice enough to walk, he does look forward to some social contact with outside visitors.

Speaking of walking the neighborhood, Tony Carey and Ellie are still ensconced at home in their stylish townhouse near the Baltimore Inner Harbor. They are often seen coping with the enforced tedium by patrolling their environs in masked togetherness, occasionally highlighted by a visit to the local dog park where Rover and Spot are seen feverishly chasing balls around...Orioles are postponed, y’know.

Kent Flannery and wife Joyce Marcus don’t let a mere virus cramp their style. Although they live in Ann Arbor, home of the University of Michigan, Kent and Joyce are noted archaeologists working in both Mexico and Peru. Their current backlog of excavation data, which needs to be analyzed and then published, keeps them hard at it.

Speaking of publishing, Cristobal Bonifaz has assured us that this is the year that his (I think somewhat autobiographical) novel, The Curse of Eleuterio Rodriguez, will be published. Both he and Diedre will be relieved. You might want to get your hands on a copy. Cristobal sent me a brief excerpt of a portion dealing with his time at Gilman and it is very interesting indeed. He might send you a bit also if you ask nicely.

Doug Godine and Ellen are reported to be doing quite nicely out there in Ruxton. While working through this pandemic they are doing exactly what many of us are doing: reading almost anything and eating too much. Any news about the grandkids is a ray of sunshine, especially since they seem to be doing so well both athletically and academically.

Bert Muecke wrote in raving about the recent trip he and Tania took to Oregon. Although they have visited 149 countries (not a typo), this trip checked off a bucket list item because it included a visit to Crater Lake National Park. Crater Lake is the deepest in the U.S., among the clearest in the world with loads of recreational and photo opportunities. Another eye-opener was a chance to actually step inside that iconic Howard Hughes airship, The Spruce Goose, now on display at a museum outside of Portland.

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Ben Bird wrote in from his Seabrook Island, S.C., paradise that he is short on news, long on health and living the good life with Marsha just waiting for the next Spoleto Festival in Charleston.

Warren Buckler and Pat have happily surfaced once again in Valparaiso, Ind. Apparently Valparaiso is only a launching pad for continuing cultural and charitable pursuits. Last October, Warren was in Sierra Leone West Africa as part of an effort to open a secondary school with the objective to prepare young men and women for potential high-paying careers — like construction, engineering, and agriculture — not merely jobs. He learned “how little he really knows about Africa” and vows to catch up. He finds the people most hospitable and the beaches “splendid.”

Ben Stallman, still happily living in York, Pa., among family and longtime friends, informs us that his life is full and sweet. His condo abuts a beautiful golf course, temporarily unused, where he enjoys excellent health and is learning to operate the zoom function on his camera from his 4-year-old granddaughter. Ben is a serious road trip guy having recently driven to St. Paul, Minn., via Toronto and Winnipeg...and plans to do it again via New Orleans.

Rick Betts and Laura tell me they are dutifully keeping proper distances in sunny Oakland, Calif. Even refraining from skipping out to the store? They aren’t bored because decluttering and downsizing is their COVID-era resolution and appears to be a fulltime job.

And finally, your humble scribe, Pierre Bouscaren, remains similarly “retired” here in Gainesville, Va. Sarah has me digging, seeding, hauling, lawn-mowing and otherwise helping maintain her truly glorious garden. For me, a stay-at-home order is a mere suggestion because someone has to get to the grocery (Wegmans), hardware, bird food, and nursery stores, as well as walk the dog on a regular basis. I have a stylish mask and make a two-hour jaunt almost every other day. My main hobbies are choral singing and cooking. The latter is fun when one doesn’t have to do it three times a day for eighteen years like many of our wives have had to do. Carry on, gentlemen of the class of 1953.


I write this while “sheltering in place” in May 2020 of the pandemic. Happily I can report that as of this writing, COVID-19 does not seem to have infected any of our classmates, at least none that I know of. In part, maybe in large part, that’s probably because most of us are already sheltering in place, too old and gimpy to do much else. However, some still paw the ground, eager for adventure.

Specifically Dave Andrew and Bonnie, back from three weeks in New Zealand last year, had a three-week trip planned from Honolulu to New York for five days. Then the AMTRAK train to Boston for a few days before boarding a cruise ship up the New England coast and the Maritimes and then the St. Lawrence River to Montreal from where they would fly home. I use the verb “had” because with COVID-19 those plans were delayed who knows how long? Dave reported that once the tennis courts are open and assuming his recent back surgery doesn’t stop him, he’ll be back in action on the tennis courts again.

Another of our ground-pawing peripatetic classmates, Scott Sullivan, is stuck in place, in his case New Orleans, for the duration. He bragged shamelessly, but with generational justification, about his two great-grandchildren. And about his brother, St. Clair, who is an artist of some renown. Tiggie has reported on Scott’s full and impressive CV many times over the years. Quite a family.

Larry Wagner reported that he and DeeDee are “sheltering in place” on Florida’s Marathon Key, a challenge made easier by the fact that as of this writing, Florida has closed the only highway from the top of the Keys all the way to Key West to all but residents and people who have legitimate business in the Keys. Larry goes back to Baltimore periodically to check on the family container business, which is run by his two sons. He says they’re doing a terrific job — at least they were before the pandemic — and he admits only slightly facetiously his main reason for going back is to be sure his stipend as Board Chairman continues.

Among our scholar athletes (I was neither) is former Class President Charlie O’Donovan, who is living the life of the typical ninth-decader and lamenting the fact that it’s spring, the grass is green, the trees are full, the flowers are blooming, BUT — as of this writing, the golf courses are closed thanks to COVID-19. It’s enough to make a low handicapper pull out the wiffle ball

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and take a few swings with a 9-iron in the backyard. Despite it all, Charlie reports he and Katherine and various children and grandchildren are all well and hunkering down like the rest of us. One victim is granddaughter Kate’s April 2020 wedding which has been postponed, date TBD.

Evie and I had a wonderful visit last summer with John Sherwood and his wife, Lisa, at their beautiful summer place on Nantucket Island in Massachusetts. John still pursues his great love of sailing, but no longer as a skipper. I honestly can’t recall if he is still racing, but I am sure if he could, he is. Lisa stays in close touch with her lifelong dear friend Marion DeGroff, the widow of our forever class secretary, Tiggie.

Dick Fryberger reports that, “Being in an assisted/independent living facility, Nancy and I are very restricted, and not by our own limiting. No activities, no dining room socializing, no trips, i.e. no diversion. We hope for a freer life soon, and control over it!” (COVID-19 was still surging in Massachusetts when he wrote this.) Dick continued, “We are very fortunate to still enjoy our farmhouse in Chocorua, N.H., and also attend vintage car races where our nephew participates driving our/his car, and does it very well. Seeing our racing enthusiast friends is always a pleasure as well. Friends, family, and other activities continue to enrich our lives and keep us involved in a broader world.”

Frank Loweree reported that his “big news is that I moved back in with my present wife of 37 years after living under separate roofs for nine years. We both mutually decided that living alone as octogenarians wasn’t much fun.” He added, “my agent has initiated a lawsuit against Netflix and their new (in 2019) TV series, “Messiah,” as a direct lift from my novel, “The Fugitive Messiah.” I watched three or four episodes of “Messiah,” which was highly touted, and found it confusing and boring. Frank agreed the TV version did not hold together and tended to wander. He said, “Yes, their plot bifurcated into too many directions, but it had a large viewing audience. We’ll see. This is the fourth property I’ve had lifted. I definitely should have become a bond salesman on Wall Street, like my father wanted.” Or intellectual property lawyer.

Class vice president and classmate voted most popular, Neil Bouscaren, reports that, “Nothing of significance here, still doing a few surveys solo of local fauna and flora for local NGOs.” “Here,” I believe, is Southern California. According to the Pacific Southwest Biological Services (PSBS) website, Neil’s very interesting career has revolved around his deep expertise in providing “a wide range of biological consulting services with emphasis in surveys for sensitive species in riparian and sage scrub habitats. He is long experienced in project construction monitoring and client liaison.”

Carlton Seitz was newsy as always. Here are the highlights:

-Had a mild stroke in September of 2019, but has almost fully recovered.

-He continues his fascination with family genealogy and has become Gilman’s own Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

-After a learned discussion of economics and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, Carlton admitted he is really looking forward to planting and harvesting his veggies on his farm a few miles up York Road from Towson where he lives.

-His emails are always full of information, ideas, and opinions.

Another scholar athlete and class treasurer, Cliff Harding, reported that as a member of the “Octo Generation,” he is acutely aware of life’s changes. Classmates may recall Cliff lost both his son and wife Barbara of 57 years in 2018. He says he finds comfort in sticking as close to their regular routines and calendars as possible. But Cliff is forever upbeat and, despite the double tragedy, remains a ray of sunshine. He said his Hopkins pals did not reunite at Prout’s Neck in Maine in 2019 for the first time in 25 years. I thought his COVID-19 comments were interesting, particularly for old-timers like all of us. He said, “The COVID-19 challenges are something I can deal with because I remember WWII and living in Dundalk, Md., Steel Mills community. Terminology like Air Raid Warden, gas rationing, food banks, neighborhood volunteers, etc. Most of all, Sunday School and church dinners, Cub Scouts, YMCA sports…”

Our Pacific Northwest classmate and lacrosse-legend-turned-treefarmer, Sam Sadler, had this to report:

1) The tree farm is healthy and so are we.

2) Last May I was inducted into the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association Hall of Fame, an organization of College Club Lacrosse Teams on campus with our NCAA teams.

3) In January, I was inducted into the Stanford University Men’s Lacrosse Hall Of Fame. (He coached there for 16 years.)

And, he adds, they sold their Oregon Beach property and are now living solely in the lee of the Coast Range. I would add that George Chandlee obviously taught him well.

Late breaking news: As I was about to send this off, I saw in the letter from Headmaster Henry Smyth that George Shriver passed away in a retirement home in Tucson, Ariz., on April 24. George had not maintained any contact with Gilman, but on May 3, 2020, the New York Times carried a lengthy obituary of his very interesting life. He was the son of a missionary, born in India to families that were both part of American history dating back

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at least to George Washington. George used his exceptionally keen intelligence and foreign language skills in many different ways. He also appears to have been the personification of the iconic (I hate that word) Harvard liberal activist in pursuit of world solidarity and peace, the environment, Vietnam, etc. You can read about his varied and interesting life in his full obituary at obituaries/nytimes/obituary.aspx?n=george-van-bibber-shriverjr&pid=196135479&fhid=2499

And finally, another last-minute addition. My friend since the 7th Age (first grade) at Calvert School, and one-time class of 1954 member, Sam Merrick, and I connected for a lengthy phone call in early May. He has been caring for his wife, Betsy, who has suffered with Alzheimers for 15 years. But he has been able to keep her at home, and he remains as enthusiastic and interested as ever. It was great filling the gaps in our personal biographies over the past 70 years.

David Woods: On a personal note, my wife of 61 years, Evie, (nee Gans) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early 2020. There is no cure, but rather than curse the darkness, we have chosen to celebrate the incredible life we have had together. We are blessed with a very tight-knit family — a son and three daughters, their four spouses, all of whom we love deeply, and five grandsons and three granddaughters. We have had a lifetime of travel to more than 30 countries all over the world, deep into the nooks and crannies of every state in the union, and most of the major and more than a few minor cities, towns, and villages. For the past


47 years, we have been blessed with what is now the family homestead on a lake in Maine from which we have accrued a huge collection of sunset photos looking across the lake into the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

We capped our travel off just in time with a fabulous trip to Southern Africa a little over a year ago. We retain great friendships around the country and even other parts of the world. We have financial security and had the good fortune of good health until Evie’s illness early in 2020. So we celebrate what we have and have had and count our many blessings. We know every story has an end and with a happy life to look back on our story’s ending is a reflection of our life together, a happy one.

One of our blessings, as I’m sure it is for some of you, is Zoom, which came along at just the right time. We have a family Zoomtail party every Sunday at 5 p.m. The family that Zooms together grows together! And it has helped us all talk freely about and deal with the inevitable outcome of Evie’s cancer. And mindful of our many blessings, we devoutly wish the same for each of you. STAY SAFE.

Dr. Ethan Weiss ’87, a San Francisco-based cardiologist, “heeded the dog whistle” and boarded a plane bound for COVID19-stricken New York on April 25. He and other Bay Area medical professionals served on the ground as attending physicians in a COVID ICU. Read his first-person account of this remarkable story here timmermanreport. com/2020/04/a-san-francisco-doctor-answering-the-call-tonew-york, and then an update about his experience at cnbc. com/2020/06/13/san-francisco-doctors-recount-experiencefighting-coronavirus-in-nyc.html

The current pandemic has produced loss and generated fear, but it has also provided a wonderful opportunity for willing and able individuals to rise to the occasion and help their fellow man. We are so proud to recognize the following alumni, and the many others not mentioned, who have answered this call, in ways both large and small, to help ensure that we all get through this together.
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Thanks to George Hess and Zoom, our class had a wonderful virtual 65th reunion. Present and healthy were Hess, Swindell, Powell, Greenhill, Roe, Girard, A, Plant, Rienhoff, Bonsal, Callard, Carroll, Compton, and Grotz. In this time of stay-at-home isolation, it was really a pleasant relief to see and talk with old friends and classmates. Hopefully we’ll meet again in person in October at Gilman. Until then, stay safe.

On a personal note, I’ve finally retired and am enjoying the peace and quiet. My son, class of 1986, lives a half-mile north of Courtney and me; my daughter, her husband, and my two grandchildren are one mile south. It is a great joy for us to have them so close. 1956

In an attempt to reach as many classmates as possible this year, I emailed or wrote letters to everyone for whom the School has an address, and only two letters came back undelivered, which I thought was pretty good. Let’s hope that those who did not respond are healthy and active, but had no news to share. Sadly, one response was the news that Jock McNair died in June 2018. Those of us who attended Calvert School were his classmates for 12 years.

Once again, Bentley Offutt hosted a very enjoyable luncheon for Joe Healey, who was visiting Baltimore from Kenya. In attendance were Dick Biggs, Cooper Graham, Julian Jones, Phil Briscoe, and yours truly.

Joe continues his ministry in Kenya and has authored or co-authored two books recently: “God’s Quad: Small Faith Communities on Campus and Beyond” and “Small Christian Communities Today.” He also moderates two websites. Joe told Bentley that he plans to return to Baltimore in June 2020, and Bentley hopes to host another luncheon in Joe’s honor.

Sandy Dugan writes from Wrenshall, Minn., that he is busy in retirement enjoying two grandsons, volunteering, some politicking, cross-country skiing and staying active.

Phil Briscoe continues to be healthy and active in Cockeysville where he has taken up painting, along with his ongoing activities


God’s Quad: Small Faith Communities on Campus and Beyond and Small Christian Communities Today

in woodworking and other crafts, plus bicycle touring to keep in shape. He and wife Liz continue to enjoy his passion for cooking.

Ron Nelson is certainly enjoying his move to Fort Myers, Fla., last year, where he and Cynthia can be close to their son and family.

Cooper Graham reports from Baltimore that he and his wife, Patricia, are finally retired: he after 30 years in the Library of Congress as curator of Moving Picture Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, and she from teaching at Peabody for 50 years. He is enjoying retirement after all of these years, and, among other things, plans to “contemplate my navel, which I am happy to announce that I can still see.” His website is:

Tom Carroll writes from Havre de Grace that he had triple bypass heart surgery in Baltimore in November and is feeling better every day. He asked me a very timely question: Do you still write in cursive? My answer is “sometimes.”

Spencer Everett has married again, as reported last year, to Ellen, his “#1 bridge instructor!” He had lost two wives to cancer. His principal residence is in Boynton Beach, Fla., while keeping an apartment in Raleigh, N.C., to be near his daughter’s family. He has recently taken up croquet, in addition to playing bridge. Two of his grandchildren, who are recent Phi Beta Kappa graduates of the University of South Carolina, are headed to medical school. He keeps up with Victor Bridgman, Bruzz Jory, Dave Eaton, Don Loweree, and Gordon Rupp.

Mike Fisher reports from Black Butte Ranch, Ore., that he is alive and well! That’s good news!

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Sam Smith in Timonium reminds us that most of us will turn 82 this year, and he is grateful for his good health. His son and daughter are doing well living in the Atlanta area. Sam continues his ongoing project to record all of the approximately 4,400 Maryland veterans of the War of 1812 who are buried in the state. More than 1,000 are buried elsewhere. He and Judy sold their home in Nova Scotia in 2018.

Guy Dove reports from Middleburg, Va., that he keeps up with Bentley Offutt, and he travels to Baltimore occasionally because of his participation in a syndicate with six steeplechase horses. He is doing very well.

Ralph (Merrill) Lincoln is still living in New Castle, N.H., and enjoys sailing his Wianno Senior gaff-rigged sloop as often as he can in the Cape Cod area, but he’s not racing as much as before. He and Jane, his wife of four years, spend three months in Florida each winter, and they both are golfers. Sounds great!

Jim Hartle retired from the University of California-Santa Barbara 15 years ago, but he still goes into the office most days “working hard to understand the beginning of the universe through theoretical physics.” He worked closely with the late Stephen Hawkings in England on a long series of works with him “on a theory of the origin of the universe in the big bang.” Jim was an honored guest at Hawkings’ funeral service in Westminster Abbey in 2018, where Hawkings’ ashes were interred between those of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. To learn more about our very accomplished classmate, go to:

Jim continues to be very grateful for his Gilman training, and he recently corresponded with Mr. Bill Porter, our physics teacher, who is now living on Cape Cod, to thank him for “starting me off on this trail.” Jim is currently working hard proofing a collection of his essays that “World Scientific” will publish later this year.

Fritz Baukhages reports that he and wife Ann spend winter months at their condominium in Southern Pines, N.C., but continue to live in Luray, Va., where they have been for many years. He had triple bypass surgery and aortic valve replacement in November 2018, and he is steadily recovering through rehabilitation and workouts. He has eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren who are spread out between Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Dick Biggs provided a very interesting summary of his life since Gilman, covering his education, his career, his family, and his health. After graduating from Princeton, he earned his M.D. from the University of Maryland Medical School. He served in the U.S. Army for three years at the SHAPE Headquarters in Belgium before returning to Baltimore. There he practiced cardiology for nearly 38 years. He and wife Anne have three children and eight grandchildren

ranging in age from 13 to 25. He recently moved from a 10-acre estate in Stevenson to a .07-acre townhouse in Baltimore. Quite an adjustment! His health, he says, is “currently decent,” but he had quite a scare during seven months in 2018 when he developed biliary sepsis following cholecystectomy and he lost 25 pounds. Fortunately, his infection is under control now, and his joie de vivre has returned, judging from recent emails.

Dave Eaton and Debby have recently moved to Washington, D.C., after many years in Singer Island, Fla. They wanted to be near their only grandchild where they can babysit and spoil him at will! And of course they are now a lot closer to their roots. Dave keeps up with Victor Bridgman and Spencer Everett.

Fred Neesemann reports that he has recently moved to a retirement community in Jacksonville, Fla., where his wife can be treated for Alzheimers. He has shut down his consulting business and is no longer traveling. His son lives in Baltimore, and his daughter lives near Philadelphia, so, if we have a 65th reunion celebration next year, he wants to combine family visits with his attendance at the event. His last class reunion was our 50th.

Mert Fowlkes: My life has been good recently, and, compared to some of you, kind of boring! My health is good, my three grandchildren are nearby, Sue and I get back to Bermuda every year, and my antique cars are still lots of fun! I am very grateful. We all know that the buzzword of the day is “diversity,” and the class of ‘56 seems to have lots of it! We are sailing, skiing, playing bridge, counting graves, cycling, navel-gazing, and even working on the big bang theory! That’s a tough act to follow! Many thanks to all who contributed so much news this time, and don’t forget, we celebrate our 65th reunion next year. Stay tuned.


Some sad news to report. This past year we lost G.B. Gordon and Bill Woodward to illness. Although G.B. didn’t graduate with us, many of us fondly remember him from our days at Calvert and the early part of Gilman. He enjoyed a fruitful career with IBM and was an avid sailor most of his life. I was able to reconnect with him at a Calvert reunion a few years ago, and he seemed to love life. Several of Willie’s friends have reflected on their friendship with Willie, and their comments will be included later. We were classmates at Calvert, Gilman, and Hopkins Medical School. We also did the first two years of residency training at Vanderbilt, where we were inseparable. Pound for pound, I regard him as one of the best natural athletes I’ve ever seen. I still smart

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that I was never able to beat him in tennis, although he had barely taken up the sport and I’d played it all my life.

This winter, I had a nice conversation with Bruce Brian. He continues to rotate between Priest Lake, Idaho, and The Villages in Florida, where he has enhanced his skills in PickleBall and attended a Beach Boys concert. Bruce has fond memories of Willie from his days at Gilman and as residents in the Vanderbilt Internal Medicine residency program. He recalled how he and Willie incurred the anger of an attending physician when they transferred a less needy patient from intensive care to accommodate a sicker patient. It all ended well when the chief of medicine told them that he would have done the same thing and commended them for their courage and judgment in standing up for their patient.

Eddie Brown and I had a nice phone conversation a month or two ago. Aside from the reassurance that we have more body parts that work than ones that don’t, we reminisced about Willie and his being our wrestling captain and winning two MSA championships. We should also remember how close Eddie came to winning one when he and Willie were seniors. Fond memories.

Sandy Cochran and his wife of 56 years, Allie, appear to be making Alexandria, Va., their permanent residence after previously living in eight different locations. After graduating from Yale, Sandy enlisted in the Army, spent two tours in Vietnam, and became a career officer. He subsequently earned a Ph.D. in history, and became a military historian. I remember seeing him providing commentary on the History and Military channels. He continued to teach history when he became a civilian. Although he didn’t graduate with us, Sandy has continued to have fond emotional ties to the school and our area. He and Eddie Brown are first cousins, and he grew up in possibly the first contemporary home in Baltimore. It was designed by his father, a renowned architect. “My fondest memories of Gilman are diagramming sentences for Mr. Lipscomb, learning how to play lacrosse from Mr. Chandlee (wasn’t very good but coached and refereed it most of my life), and the kindness of Jerry Downs.” Perhaps even greater memories are the rides he took down Pennsylvania Avenue with Ludlow Keeney, Frank Deford, and Ronnie (AKA Harvey) Clapp listening to Hot Rod and Buddy Deane on the radio. When asked where he grew up, he replies, “Baltmur.”

Our retired rear admiral, Millard Firebaugh, continues to reside in Annapolis. His wife, Barbara, has successfully recovered from heart surgery, and both are doing well health wise. Both children live nearby, and his daughter keeps close ties with the Navy as chairperson of the Electrical Engineering department at the Naval Academy.

Tommy Garrett continues to help the California Dept of Public Health solve the COVID-19 crisis. States that he is finally going to

go half time in early May. Plans to downsize have been temporarily curtailed by the epidemic. He urges all of us to “drink more wine.”

UPDATE: Tommy Garrett has decided to begin working half time in May with the California Department of Public Health, which has been at the forefront with its involvement with the COVID-19 epidemic. There have been several citations in the news recognizing its effectiveness in modifying the effects of the virus, especially in the Bay Area. It has been recognized by many as the “gold standard” for public health organizations. We should all be very proud of Tommy for his contributions.

Jim Gieske and Judi have moved from their house of 46 years to a smaller one in downtown Easton. They both continue to be blessed with good health and mobility, and remain active with projects involving hospice and Vietnam. “Taking fewer trips across the bridge, but welcome all visitors.” Jim has been a lifelong friend of Willie’s, starting with Calvert, Gilman, Princeton, and Hopkins, and continuing to the present, when, several years ago, he and Judi helped connect him with Ingrid.

Frank Gluck: Personally, life has remained good. A little over two years ago, I suffered a (fortunately) mild stroke which slightly affected my speech and balance but nothing else. Everything else seems to work as before. I was working out at a local fitness center on a daily basis before COVID-19, but now walking through our community daily. Judy and I were blessed by being able to travel to Pasadena to see the family the week before everything shut down. Thanks to the internet, I’m able to continue voluntary teaching activities with residents and medical students, and recently signed on as a mentor to third- and fourth-year medical students at Vanderbilt. I am also able to continue volunteer activities at our local hospice with patients and families online. Other than that, lots of sports reruns on the cable channels. Recently, I enjoyed the rerun of the Titans-Ravens playoff game. Sorry, Ravens fans. Consider it poetic justice for the Ravens knocking the Titans out of the playoffs in 2001 and 2009. I lost bets to George Barker after those.

Sam Hopkins and wife Genya still live in the same duplex they first occupied in 1969. They still remain blessed with good health. Sam remains occupied with the 14 West Hamilton St. Club and is busy creating Zoom events in an attempt to keep members engaged while the club is closed. Sam has offered to send the link to any of us who are interested in participating.

Although I didn’t hear from him this year, I wanted to mention Ludlow Keeney for his effect on our psychic well-being during his time with us at Gilman and afterwards. I view Ludlow as the driving force in creating an interest and appreciation of Black music with many of us. He made Hot Rod and Buddy

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Deane household words. As one of the founders of the NBHRFC (North Baltimore Hot Rod Fan Club), Pennsylvania Avenue and its establishments became a go-to place. And who can forget the memorable stickball games, which he, Frank Deford, and others helped organize, replete with prominent (and not so prominent) individuals as mythical players and the “Harley Burger” as the designated pre-game food? As one of San Diego’s most prominent attorneys, I’m not sure that these contributions were included in his C.V., but they deserve due recognition by us. Thanks for the memories, Ludlow! May the Snow White Bakeshop send you a birthday cake.

We have a novelist in our midst! John Lewin recently composed his first novel, “The Black Jacaru.” He was nice enough to send me an autographed copy for Christmas. It should appeal to those who like murder mysteries and John’s non-fiction. I found it very enjoyable and suspenseful. Besides, the font size is large, it’s double-spaced, and it’s only 131 pages long. Not to be undone, John’s wife, Tolly, wrote a delightful travelog about their cruise to New Zealand and Australia this past January. They apparently escaped the worst of the fires and feel very fortunate that they escaped that and got the trip in before the subsequent disaster. John’s memory of Willie: “He had a laugh, like a joyous snort, when you said something funny. Willie was a man of good humor and always a gentle soul.”

Some nice news. Gus Lewis remarried January 11 to Debbie Woods. Jim and Judi Gieske and Sam and Genya Hopkins were in attendance. They honeymooned in New Zealand, where some of Gus’s children live. Gus relates that he is vertical “most of the time.” He continues to drive Jerry Downs to weekly Oscher lifelong learning sessions. Gus states that despite short-term memory loss, Jerry’s recall of his early years at Gilman remains sharp. Jerry is 95 years of age, making him the second oldest Gilman faculty member (Bill Porter being first at 97.)

Pat Mundy is still working at the Maine State Prison, where he continues to teach American History and Justice to inmates. His work also involves helping recently released inmates adjust to society. I remember watching a Ken Burns special on public television about similar programs and how impressive they were. We recently had fun reminiscing about listening to Hot Rod on WITH. Not sure we will ever move away from that.

Peter Ness relates from his home in Connecticut that he remains vertical thanks to a hip replacement and is reliving his love of lacrosse through his grandchildren. Although Peter only attended the Lower School, he and George Barker had remained close friends through the years, and he has attended a number of reunions. Many of us who attended Camp Wallula fondly remember him from our camping days.

Crossan O’Donvan and Brenda have successfully completed a move to a retirement community in Raleigh, N.C., after living in Dundalk for 46 years. After living there for more than a year, the move appears to have been a great success. In addition to making loads of new friends and blending into the community, their proximity to two of their three children has been an added “plus.” He reflects his warm experiences with Willie at Calvert, Gilman, and Hopkins, in both the athletic and academic fields. Judy and I remain grateful for all the humorous material Crossan sends our way. It’s certainly a survival perk in our present era.

On June 13, thirteen former members of our class met for a Zoom reunion. Sam Hopkins hosted it, and, through his handholding skills, guided us through the logistics. In addition to Sam, Walter Birge, Bruce Brian, Eddie Brown, Sandy Cochran, Millard Firebaugh, Tommy Garretty, Jimmy Gieske, Butch Khoury, Gus Lewis, John Lewin, Crossan O’Donovan, and I participated. It proved to be a wonderful experience for all, and pointed out the usefulness of this technology in reconnecting former classmates. I highly recommend it.


Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland and Founder of the Whistleblower Law Collaborative Bob Thomas ’76 spoke with Boston’s WGBH about the rise of scams related to the pandemic’s stimulus payments and unemployment claims. Listen to the full interview ( national-news/2020/04/24/scams-proliferate-asstimulus-funds-are-rolled-out-to-waiting-americans), and learn more at

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Singleton Mathews ’02 is a Battle Captain for the National Guard, which is delivering food to civilians at local soup kitchens and schools and establishing medical testing sites for COVID-19 in Maryland. As of the Guard’s activation on March 12, Capt. Matthews receives requests for military assistance and is in charge of coordinating with units to determine which soldiers are best-equipped to help and subsequently plans missions.


George Michaels

Randy Barker: I continue to do a bit of doctoring, in retirement from Johns Hopkins Medicine, using the Spanish I began with Alf Townsend at Gilman, to volunteer primary care services to Baltimore’s undocumented immigrants at Esperanza Center. Mostly I write what I call photo poems, each awakened by a photo, one or two per day...nothing like having fun with words. Marie Clair and I spend two months each summer at our farmhouse in Normandy (her father bought it in 1929). We have a lot of fun times with our elementary and middle schooler grandkids in Baltimore and Philadelphia. And about every three months we take Southwest to Rochester to have a good visit with frere Billy and his rare bird friends at a retirement place called The Highlands....almost Brigadoon.

Herb Dresser: My wife of 47 years, Robin, passed on in 2017. Our two daughters are living here in Washington State, and we

have three grandchildren. Some of you remember my brother, Dave. He is living in Blacksburg, Va. (He doesn’t have email at present.)

George Michaels: I am still living in Rock Hall on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. In Rock Hall, I often fish and hunt waterfowl with Dr. Bill Rienhoff (Gilman ‘43) and for many years, I have fished with Barker Harrison (Gilman ‘88) and Jack Harrison (Gilman ‘26) — Barker is the son of our classmate Bobby Harrison. I often see our classmate Ken Marty, and at least once a year, I try to get together with our classmates: Randy Barker, Woody Woodward, Jim Stone — and last year when Florida residents were in Baltimore, I did have lunch with Alex Doyle, Norris Cook, and John Spilman


We held our annual fall class lunch at the Valley Inn last December 5. Those in attendance were Ramsay, Edelin, Uhlig, Pine, Hardy, Fowlkes, McPherson, Gibbs, Hilgenberg, Markell, and Mary Ellen Porter for the school. As usual much fun was had.

With our annual spring class lunch being foreclosed because of the coronavirus pandemic, on May 14, the class engaged in a meeting via Zoom with 19 class participants from around the country, and with much help from Mary Ellen who helped plan and set it up. The video meeting was a consensus success much enjoyed by all. Those participating were Adelson, MacKenzie, Stifler, Ramsay, Andrew, Uhlig, McPherson, Schmick, Fowlkes, Emory, Spencer-Strong, Pine, Ahern, Callard, Gibbs, Hardy, Wood, Brown, and Markell. The meeting began with a talk by Headmaster Henry Smyth, who kindly contributed his time on a very busy day to talk to us about the school’s approach to the pandemic. He answered many questions from the class and the conversation was very meaningful and well-received. The meeting then proceeded with our usual brief talks by each of the participating class members about their current activities and interests, with open exchanges with classmates.

Larry Stifler has recently opened the Maine Mineral and Gem Museum in Bethel, Maine, starting right at the top as one of the finest in the world, with a large collection of extraterrestrial minerals and gems, some 40,000 of the nation’s finest terrestrial minerals and gem specimens, from tourmaline to quartz, and 6,000 of the world’s foremost extraterrestrial rocks, including the four largest pieces of the moon on Earth, the largest collection of

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Mars meteorites, the oldest igneous rock in the solar system, and the largest piece of the Vesta asteroid. There is a good article in the Portland Herald on Nov. 29, 2109, and similar articles in the New York Times and Boston Globe on December 12 can be found on Google. Regrettably he has had to close it down for the time being due to the virus. He and his wife, Mary, have their own foundation, the Stifler Family Foundation, which is very active in a variety of charitable efforts.

Dick Emory has not slowed down in his senior years and particularly with his favorite subject: the environment. He has recently published a book entitled “Fighting Pollution and Climate Change: An EPA Veteran’s Guide to How You Can Join in Saving Our Life on Planet Earth,” which addresses diverse issues of environmental protection and management. It has received excellent reviews, including a Kirkus review and eight five-star reviews on Amazon, nothing less, and the following from our press star, Bill Schmick:

“I urge all of you to read Dick Emory’s book, “Fighting Pollution and Climate Change.” It is easily the most readable and, for me informative, work I’ve read on the subject and is doubly interesting for what we learn about Dick’s life and career: 30+ years with the EPA that led him to becoming the agency’s top enforcement lawyer for pollution crimes and then to service worldwide advising other nations on U.S. strategies for achieving and enforcing clean air and water. Catching and then prosecuting polluters, especially wealthy and politically influential companies, isn’t easy. But the stories Dick tells about how he did this are fascinating. He also gives an insider’s view of the dicey, sometimes nasty, politics within the government and the fights he waged to protect the agency’s integrity and its budget. Not easy — and today, never more important given the current administration’s efforts to roll back regulations and gut the agency’s mission. I can’t recommend this book more highly.” See

Dick has just recently engaged in a Zoom teaching event at Gilman based around his experience, which was much appreciated according to teachers Tim Lauer and Frank Fitzgibbon, and he may do another this fall.

Dick and Donna spend six months a year in Boynton Beach, Fla., and have extended this year due to the virus.

Don McPherson has also recently produced a book of an entirely different nature, on the life of his son, David, who died prematurely in the fall of 2016. An engaging read, written with much feeling and positive empathy, for the benefit of family, friends, and others interested, the book explores the many diverse and interesting aspects of his life and family relations replete with numerous photos.

David’s son Tyler has begun living with Don and Ann since last summer. His mother, a native of Hungary, returned to Hungary with her husband, and Tyler wished to stay in this country with Don and Ann to go to school here. Tyler attends St. Paul’s School where he is in the seventh grade and is happy and active.

Despite the reduced season, Don and Ann have enjoyed some interesting travel in the past year, particularly to several spots in the Middle East.

Don continues on with his pro bono work with the University of Maryland Law School and the Mount Vernon Conservancy, but is currently on hold. Ann, former headmistress at the Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, has remained active in consulting and advisory work in education and is on the board at St. Paul’s School.

Other part-time Florida denizens of our class, the Schmicks, have, like the Emorys, extended their stay because of the virus. They get to play some more golf. The Schmicks are in a very nice golf course community and can play regularly, walking to the course. The Schmicks enjoyed a very nice trip to Crete with a Princeton class group last year.

The Offutts also have a place in Naples and have extended their stay. Charlie is active in town affairs.

Bill Spencer-Strong was pleased to host the fourth annual class of ‘59 Florida golf outing in January in The Villages, where he lives, which brought in Schmick and Offutt from Naples and Andy Adelson from Miami accompanied by Didi. Following a brief meeting and quicker unanimous vote, they opted to play from the green tees. The fine wine and fond remembrances far outshined the golf. Charlie did indeed win the grand pot of $4.

Bill was quite pleased that his classmates also got to see some of the activities occurring at that time including the fourhour nightly dancing in the town square even though they did not participate. The Villages has established a reputation of friendliness and sociability, and is the home of 695 golf holes. Bill plays golf daily.

The ebullient Andy Adelson and Didi spend most of their time in Miami and also have a summer home on the Massachusetts coast.

Marsha and John Ramsay are seasoned and frequent travelers and this past year was no different despite losing a planned trip to Italy this spring. They did their usual summer stay of a number of weeks at Ahmic Lake in Canada well north of Toronto, a family retreat for generations. They had a very nice barge cruise with friends in southern France through burgundy country. They visited a son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren in New Mexico and had an extended trip in Florida visiting friends in several

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locations. They continued taking classes taught by Judy Pittinger and Jackson Briar, the latter sponsored by Tim Baker. And they have continued to be socially active and interested in civic affairs with their many friends until the virus hiatus.

Jennie Lee and Hobie Fowlkes, like many of us, are continuing enjoyment of their six grandchildren. Hobie has also particularly enjoyed resuming flying his Bonanza airplane after a two-and-ahalf-year fix-up job.

Eve and John Hilgenberg are enjoying their new home at Blakehurst with its quality of life and excellent activities. John has substantially recovered from a stroke he suffered months ago. He was able to attend the fall lunch. He is enjoying a 1952 MG.

John Edelen attended our class lunch last fall all the way from Earlysville, Va., near Charlottesville. It was nice to see him again, after he and Lockette attended our reunion last spring. John is an avid fisherman.

Jane and George Hardy celebrated their 50th anniversary recently. George also attended our fall lunch long distance. They continue to enjoy their living at Rock Hall on the Eastern Shore, where they have lived for 20 years, and would welcome seeing classmates coming over that way.

Rick Uhlig suffered the loss of his wife, Susan, very recently after her long disability following a stroke two years ago. Rick has sold his houses in Florida and has moved back to Baltimore full time where he has moved to 6005 Hunt Ridge Road, Apt 3422, Baltimore, MD 21210. The last two years have been a struggle but Rick maintains very fond memories of the long term.

Lorraine and Frank Pine continue to split their time between Cross Keys and Long Lake, N.Y., in Adirondack Park, a lovely and popular summer tourist attraction not far from Lake Placid. Frank is active in water quality and invasive species issues, works with kids on environmental matters, and is on the board of an NGO.

Bill Beatson kindly hosted a Gilman luncheon with Henry Smyth in Palm Beach in February. He splits his time between Annapolis and Palm Beach, having a career as a very successful developer. He did not graduate from Gilman but spent many years there and has been a very generous supporter.

Clark MacKenzie and Andy are splitting their time between Baltimore, Delray Beach, Florida, and Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where they have had a home for some time. Clark notes his golf game has been seriously pinched by the virus limitations.

Debbie and Bob Wood are in their fifth year of permanent residence at Jackson Hole, where they can continue to see their spectacular

view of the Grand Teton range and Woody can enjoy his favorite pastime — fishing — though that has been put off by the pandemic.

Herb Tinley and Betty continue to live in Cape Coral, Fla., but have moved to another home. They both have been booking cruises for Cruise Everything out of Fort Myers for some time, focusing on groups they accompany, helping out friends as well. They have traveled most of the world. We have enjoyed a couple of trips with them and have been helped by others. Regrettably, cruises look like they may be on hold for some time. Herb is a great resource for what is going on. His contact info is in our latest class list passed out on 12/19.

Don Hooker continues to keep a home here on Broadmoor Road and makes an occasional appearance here, but spends a great deal of time in Washington with his longtime companion, Mary. They particularly enjoy theater.

Chip Markell: Bonnie and I have helped manage this shut-in pandemic life in a number of ways, with family visits in backyards keeping a safe distance but still having grandkids playing around and being able to see each other and talk person to person; family Zoom calls, in my case, with 15 or more people nationwide; Zoom cocktails with friends; watching movies and special shows on TV; watching replays of hallmark sporting events; keeping active on email with friends, especially on the humor mill, and groups I work with; reading; some yard improvement; and cleaning up the house. Bonnie and I have eight grandchildren ages 1 ½ to 14. A 12-year-old grandson has been living with us five nights a week for almost two years to take advantage of a good school district, while his single dad works and visits in the evening. He is doing school online now with almost the same regular video schedule as they were doing when at school. Bonnie’s dad died last fall at 95;


Fighting Pollution and Climate Change

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sad but at the same time a blessing as he was confined to a rest home with dementia and no life to lead, and now he doesn’t have to face COVID in an overmatched rest home. Bonnie has continued her real estate work, even some into the pandemic. I keep up with my history groups, Friends of Fort McHenry, the War of 1812 Society, and Star Spangled City, a subgroup of the Baltimore City Historical Society, obviously not fully active at this time.

I regret to report the passing of two classmates and family members of four classmates in the past year. Bob Grose, who had been in a senior medical facility in Chicago with advanced Alzheimer’s and had been declining for some time, passed in early March, and Ned Clapp, who was living at Broadmead, passed in his sleep last August. We also report the passing of spouses of three classmates: Ted Gans’ wife, Lanny, in January, of cancer, Bill Spencer-Strong’s wife, Vera, last June after a long lung illness, and Rick Uhlig’s wife, Susan, in late March. She had been in assisted living for some time struggling with the effects of a stroke two years ago. In addition, Tom Haines’ son, Rob, passed away suddenly and very prematurely at the age of 48 from a heart attack last November. The class sends its deep condolences to the afflicted families and classmates.


Charlie Bradford and his wife, Sue, in retirement, enjoy living in an old family farmhouse on 40 acres in Marshfield, Mass. While Sue curries her mare, Vee, and feeds a quartet of sporadically productive chickens, Charlie serves on the board of the leading chorus in the area, the Pilgrim Festival Chorus. “Singing with this fine chorus has given me a lot of pleasure over the last few years,” he writes. One of their daughters, Amanda, is an English professor at Duke’s campus in China. She used to teach at Zayed University in Abu Dhabi. Shortly after the advent of the coronavirus, she was safely in Laos. Their other daughter, Kendall, lives much closer to home, in Jamaica Plain, Mass., with grandson Jakob. I hope Amanda is still safe, Charlie.

Ned Sullivan: Ski season in Colorado (and my job on Aspen Mt.) ended abruptly on March 14 and Aspen looks like a ghost town now. My end-of-season Greek cruise has been postponed for six months, and already I’m bored. Biking and/or cross-country skiing will be my main diversions for a while, as even the library is closed. Class Secretary: A closed library is not good. There is always Amazon, which I call the biggest library in the world.

Peter Wood: Since our class cannot connect this spring as hoped, I send greetings from Colorado, where I am still staying busy. Three things have occupied most of my time over the past year, at least

until six fatal weeks of ignorance and deception by a dangerously corrupt and self-serving national administration literally put the lives of our “vulnerable cohort” in danger. I devoted four months last spring reading and editing manuscripts for friends and former students who are crafting important books in American History — a rewarding endeavor. Then I spent considerable time on the road, delivering history talks and seeing old friends in Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. In Alabama, I added a day to visit the moving slavery museum and the lynching memorial created by Bryan Stevenson (“Just Mercy”) that are changing the face and direction of Montgomery. Now, confined to quarters, I continue to revisit old writing projects and pursue new ventures sparked by reading that I began early in 2019. After plowing through a string of books with ominous titles such as “The Uninhabitable Earth” and “The End of Ice,” I finally decided I’d better go beyond “thinking globally” and find a way to “act locally.” So when Longmont’s City Council set up a Climate Action Task Force, I tossed my old hat in the ring, hoping they might need an aged humanist along with Boulder County’s atmospheric scientists and technocrats. I was appointed, and I soon found myself in the midst of a civics lesson about how hard it is, at every level, to right a listing ship. Most of what I have to contribute is a sense of history — stressing cause and effect in a state that doesn’t take history too seriously! So I also served, before the virus meltdown, as a docent showing third graders through the Longmont Museum. I’m learning enough local history to add some perspective to the work of the Task Force. By the time you read this, we all will have gotten an astounding lesson in the high price we’ve paid for neglecting our public health and education systems, and ignoring the need for strong social safety nets in a mass society. For diversion from troubling times, here’s a sonnet that I wrote recently...without the benefit of Mr. Downs’ useful editing or Mr. Barker’s sharp red pen. It doesn’t qualify for the Blue and Gray, but it may fit in the Class Notes somewhere.

A Summit Sonnet, Written Staring at the Jagged Upslope of Colorado’’s Front Range

The Ides of March, 2020 Longmont, Colorado

More height, more weight, more RBIs per game — An upward graph looked good when I was small. I wanted better grades and sharper aim; I reached for higher apples every fall.

But are there hidden costs in rising curves? Does every flood tide lift up all the boats?

I’d need to read, to study history’s swerves, To learn why one ship sinks, another floats. White sideburns now; my trend line’s heading down. I may still envy certain upward curves, But “spikes” and “hockey sticks” can draw a frown;

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Stark graphs of climate change get on my nerves. I watch coronavirus scale the summit And long to see its upward trend line plummet.

Pete Taylor from Eleanor Gilmore: Hi everyone, it’s so good to hear from all of you! Sit down, folks, because I have a lot to tell you. In mid-January, Pete Taylor and I decided to get married while his mother, who was failing fast, was still alive and able to participate. Simultaneously, I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Fortunately, I knew to call Dr. Kitty Santos Harrison (GFS ‘63) who put me in touch with the head of Endovascular Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. On Feb. 22, Pete Taylor and I got married, 59 years after our first date! We had the ceremony in Pete’s 99-year-old mother’s room in Brookdale Retirement Home in Baltimore. (She and Mr. T. had always wanted us to get married and made no bones about it.) My two sons “gave me away,” and Stuart Reinhart of GFS (now Caroline Stewart, Sr. Rector of The Church of the Redeemer in Baltimore) performed the ceremony. Two weeks later, Pete’s mother died. The funeral was March 12 and the next day (Friday the 13th) I had a successful embolization of the aneurysm. The way I like to put it is that when I decided to get married to Pete after 59 years, it was determined that I should have my head examined. Then, instead of a honeymoon, I had brain surgery! I consider myself very fortunate that a) they found the aneurysm, b) I was put in touch with the best of medical care, c) we were able to have the wedding in time for his mom, d) I was able to have the procedure before they shut down all elective surgery, and most of all e) I finally married my Pete. We are well and living in Virginia Beach, hunkered down for the duration. My best to you all, Eleanor Gilmore Massie (not changing my name to Taylor — too complicated!)

Ted Knowles: In this time of COVID-19, and with the possibility of dying a premature death, I find myself feeling the preciousness of each day. I am reading “The Great Influenza” by John M. Barry. It is written for the layman; after explaining the medical things in technical terms, he explains them again in language that anyone can easily understand. There were many parallels with today’s approach to COVID-19. A study showed that while everyone was wearing masks for protection, the only thing that kept people safe was isolation. That it was caused by a virus was not discovered until the late 1920s. Brilliant scientists were under intense pressure to develop a vaccine. They found that antibodies in the plasma of recovered patients dramatically helped sick patients recover, just like now. Woodrow Wilson did not pay much attention to the pandemic because he was so focused on winning WWI. He even got a pretty bad case of the virus while in Europe conferring with the Allies.

John Lewis: What a bummer! Heading into my 79th year, I was hoping Jo and I could get in a little travel, a successful sale of

our house in Louisville, and perhaps some of the cold months in Florida or other points south. But NOOOO!! As T.S. Eliot put it, “April is the cruellest month.” Instead, we are sticking to fairly strict isolation at home, even avoiding contact with our daughter, Brett, who is a radiology/CT tech at Vanderbilt Hospital, where she is in daily contact with COVID patients. Jo is a prepper, so we are ahead of the game on toilet paper, Cheetos, peanut butter, and dried beans. We’re not sick, and I’m trying to work out PT visits via telehealth. It’s actually been a few weeks of hard work getting our junk organized to market our house (apparently a market about to crash), time for communication and reflection, and good food so long as it lasts. I’m sorry if I seem glib about this tragedy, and I hope none of you or yours are victims. Looking forward to the still possible 60 squared reunion this fall.

King Barnes: I have produced a new Dixie-Land music piece entitled, “Gilman Strut” on my keyboard and hope the next time we get together in Baltimore, I can play it for you. By the way, do you know of anyone at Gilman who could put it on paper? (My keyboard does have “MIDI” capability.)

John Rouse: 2020 started out like any other year here in Italy, then in early February came the news about the spread into Italy of this mysterious coronavirus. The first we heard about it was when we were returning from a two-week trip to Peru to attend the annual board meeting of the Chijnaya Foundation. We didn’t think too much of it until we were met at immigration control by two red-suited Red Cross workers wearing face masks who told us to stand two meters in front of them while they measured our forehead temperatures using some sort of an iPad device. Fortunately for us they let us in and we began to learn that the epidemic, which would soon balloon into a pandemic, had already hit Italy hard, particularly in the north. Since then we are learning to live under lockdown conditions: we are mostly confined to our apartment and allowed to access only essential services such as nearby supermarkets and pharmacies, bank ATMs, etc. Till further notice, social distancing is in force and all schools, museums, and non-essential services like restaurants, bars, and regular shops are closed, and sporting and entertainment events are cancelled. Streets that were jammed with cars two months ago are now virtually empty. It’s weird. The only good thing about lockdown is that we have plenty of time to figure out how best to entertain ourselves while at home. Cooking, house cleaning, the internet, watching films, reading books, writing, and time to reassess our lives and contemplate what the future of the world will be like after the virus disappears.

We are now entering our 46th day of “lockdown” here in Rome, and are being told by the Italian government that it will continue until 4 May, after which there will be a gradual

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loosening of lockdown conditions, depending on each region. Figuring out how to keep oneself adequately active, entertained and busy 24/7 at home requires a major reset of routines.

Jim Constable: No thoughts of retiring from my law practice and civic activities yet. Katie and I are doing more traveling. Ecuador two years ago where I landed a 300-volt electric eel in an Amazon tributary while fishing for piranha, tracking leopards in S. Africa, hiking in Costa Rica, fishing in Nova Scotia, and summers in Nantucket. Life is good. I am still competitive racing my sail boat and can hold my own in my weekly tennis match. Golf is another matter. Just ask Don Hebb. I hope to spend more time with my fly rod and chasing our 18 grandkids. Class Secretary: All of your activities make my head spin. I’m glad you didn’t get “volted” by that eel.

Snowden Stanley: I have gotten much pleasure lately out of remembering Traveling Men practices at Bill Porter’s house. I know that I enjoyed the practices more than the performances although those were fun as well. I think that we were very lucky to have had that experience and to be supported and led by Bill Porter, a superb teacher and friend to all of us. In isolation, Nancy has not killed me yet, so I continue to thank the good Lord that I married a saint. Tommy’s work life must be quite different now with (I assume) no visitors to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I wonder if some of the animals like porpoises notice the lack of people walking around?? Class Secretary: Tommy says, “I doubt they notice, but who knows. The jellyfish certainly don’t notice.”

Kent Mullikin: Looking back 60 years, I think we were fortunate to be at Gilman under the leadership of Henry Callard and to be taught by such a gifted faculty. Best wishes to everyone. Class Secretary: This reminds me of that item in the Cynosure, which I am changing a bit: “Types least, says most.”

Bucky Buck: We are still living in Albuquerque and are now legal guardians of our late daughter’s two sons, Jaewon Choi (age 16) and Jin Choi (age 13). The legal guardian process was expensive, grueling, and suddenly over, successfully, in a court hearing that we thought would be the first of many. We got the boys 6 years ago. They are Korean, and Korean was their only language. They have lost most of it because quite frankly they have been much too busy to keep up with it. The older, who is an inch or two above my 6 feet, is into basketball (JV in his ninth grade year), football (split end, linebacker), a very active social life, and the rest. His younger brother is likewise very busy with tennis, friends, and school. Parenting the second time around is a lot easier when you have been through it all before and when you have the incredible advantages that electronics offer. Even teaching Jaewon to drive was easier once I got over the fear of an untimely death. The virus has not been rough on


Classmates R Adams Cowley ’10 and Jay Brooks ’10, launched Feed the Fight MD, which is collecting donations to purchase meals from local restaurants and provide them free-of-charge to health care heroes on the front lines. Learn more and support their effort on their Facebook page (

They also partnered with Brandon Copeland ’09, whose Beyond the Basics Foundation is assisting with food deliveries.

us as Albuquerque Academy, where I taught for years, has a very good off-site program that is keeping both boys very busy. But who knows what the summer will bring. As of this moment (April 2020) it is all good.

Jim Winn: Elizabeth and I returned on March 1 from Belize to our home in Butler, Md., just in time to go into quarantine at home where we have been ever since. I have been calling some classmates around the area, and all have come up virus-free. John Rouse and I were to meet in Venice in late August, but Elizabeth and I have put our 50th wedding anniversary trip on hold.


Thanks to everyone who sent updates on their status over the past year. The participation evidences people’s interest in keeping up with each other. For the most part, we are all fairly well. The

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Andrew Todd ’02 lives in Tokyo and volunteers as a software engineer with Safecast, a nonprofit founded after the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster to help collect and share radiation and environmental data. The group has turned its attention to COVID-19 and created a tool to help people report their experiences with testing. Learn more at

news of Reddy Finney’s death on July 30 saddened us all. He was a great man and a friend to all of us. His memorial service at school and the reception that followed were very moving while also uplifting. Many members from our class attended and paid their respects to Reddy, his wife, Jean, his family, and his accomplishments. We are also saddened by the news of the death of one of our classmates, Cary Stewart, on August 1, 2019 (see write-up below). In addition to Cary, we learned recently that Mike Swanson died in October of 2018 (see below).

While we all tolerate the restrictions caused by this pandemic, so far, it has just been an inconvenience. We pray that it stays that way. Now to the news. Things are mostly what was sent in with few edits.

Rick Born says things remain pretty much the same: I continue to work part time in the family business, being in my 51st year there. I suppose the company’s longevity (168 years) is a result of being conservatively run and small enough to be able adapt to a changing world. Elaine and I enjoy keeping in touch with our classmates at the dinners organized by Bill Hardy and other local alumni. (Class Secretary: Rick and Elaine have also done a bit of world traveling.)

Colt Miller ’10 and his colleagues at connectRN created a software platform that deploys nurses to care facilities. They’ve partnered with more than 100 health care facilities supporting thousands of patient beds. The platform now has more than 1,000 RNs, LPNs, and GNAs licensed and credentialed in Maryland who are ready and willing to care for those in need. The tool also provides daily COVID-19 screening, tracking, and education information. Visit to learn more.

Bryson Christhilf reports that he is still living a relaxed life. He says not much has changed: “Spent some time in Florida; probably caught the last Southwest flight out in late March. They were closing everything down. It will be nice to look back on all this. Question is when?”

Steve Cordi is adjusting, he says: “Now, in early April, Marque and I have settled into seclusion in our Roland Park home. On the whole, it’s been very pleasant, as doing nothing turns out to be one of my skill sets.”

Chris Creed, however, has been busy traveling and dodging a few bullets: “2019 was a mixed year for Barbara and me. Wonderful trips to Japan (first time in Kyoto), Alaska, and Eastern Canada (to see the fall colors.) But then, in November [he fell] I had a subdural hematoma and subsequent embolization and spent about a month total in the Stanford Hospital and skilled nursing. All good now and thankful this happened before the virus hit. 2020 started well with a trip to Australia which was cut short as Australia began closing down in mid-March. So now we are luxuriating in splendid isolation at the CCRC in Portola Valley, Calif., where we’ve lived since late 2016. The churches with which I’ve been involved have all gone to virtual services of one sort or another in the face of the virus. It’s been interesting to see the creative way these churches have responded to the changes needed to keep people safe.

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Jack Emory continues to be the “snowbird,” after 46 years in Maine, escaping Maine winters for the sixth year in Vero Beach: Playing a lot of tennis. Livestreaming our 11-year-old grandson who is an ice hockey goalie for the Charlestown Townies in Boston. Trying to get caught up with Henry Hopkins for lunch while he is at Hobe Sound. It is all good. (Class Secretary: A number of guys in our class flee the winter weather and taxes by going to Florida; see Bryson above. Maybe we should descend on them for a 60th reunion there next spring?)

Scott Faulkner enjoys his time and family as always. He sends this report: As a season ticket holder, I watched Vanderbilt baseball win the College World Series (59-12). (Class Secretary: Must have been last spring.) I am watching my grandson, Lee, following in my footsteps (similar all boys school, Glee Club, Traveling Men equivalent.) Katie and I help with 8- and 2-year-old granddaughters who keep us on our toes. Katie and her friends have sewn 350+ masks for local health care workers. Hope everyone stays well.

Jim Garrett writes that the tradition continues: Edie and I have three Greyhound grandsons: Wyatt Randolph ’24 and his brothers, Robert ’29, and Dodge ’32. In addition to occasional carpool duty, my other interaction with Gilman has been as an advisor to the Gilman Outward Bound program, which combines on-campus character and leadership education with a wilderness expedition that takes place during the final week of the ninth grade year (exception: 2020).

My active role on nonprofit boards continues with the Evergreen House Foundation, the Robert Garrett Fund for the Surgical Treatment of Children at the Hopkins Children’s Center, the Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School, and Feather Foundation. I rotated off the Calvert School Board this year, giving HHH the opportunity to serve at our other alma mater. After 36 years of connection to the Parks & People Foundation, I have retired from that board. New pasture fencing and restoration work on the historic Rockland Barn have re-energized the family’s farm.

John Gerhardt and his wife, Ann, have had a stressful year. In July, their son, Mo, was taken to the hospital and placed into ICU. According to John’s note in October, everything that could have gone wrong, did. Except Mo’s determination kept him going. After five months in the hospital, it seems that Mo, who has had muscular dystrophy since childhood, was released and is getting back to his job as the Michigan State women’s basketball radio color analyst (back in February). The cancellation of college sports certainly affected that, but it is great news that Mo is up and about.

Joe Giardina is now one of those snowbirds! He writes: Diane and I and family are all alive and doing well under the current virus restrictions. Noteworthy: daughter Elizabeth, married last year, is

currently an RN working on the front lines at Broward General Hospital in Florida against the coronavirus.

Other news: Diane and I purchased a condo in Pompano Beach, Fla., which is currently undergoing renovations. We plan to spend a good chunk of time there once they reopen the beaches. We still plan to hold on to our Virginia home for now.

Bill Hardy is doing well. Last summer, he and Lin did a cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg with his son’s family and his sister. The fall sent the two older grandchildren back to college, one at Penn and the other at Pitzer in Claremont, Calif. This presented Bill an opportunity for a cross-country road trip with his son from California to Baltimore. Lin and Bill made a February visit to California to see their grandson and returned home before the virus hit. Now we are, like everyone else, enjoying each other’s company. The rest of our family are doing well also.

Henry Hopkins is another Florida resident (sort of). He is also our only bionic man and may have to retire from the Olympic javelin team because of the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics. He writes: Nancy and I are spending our second winter in our new home on Jupiter Island. We welcome you all to visit us at 67 South Beach Road, Hobe Sound, FL 33455. Now sporting a cobalt spine, two new hip joints and a new left shoulder joint. Getting my right shoulder joint replaced this spring. My knees are doing okay. Still working on restoring Clifton Mansion, Johns Hopkins’ summer home in Clifton Park. Have completed the Grand Stairwell, the Tower, the dining room, and the South Lawn. Now working on the Reception Area, the Porch and the restoration of the Gardeners Cottage. Also continuing work with the Mount Vernon Place Conservancy to restore the four squares of Mount Vernon Place. The Washington Monument has been completely restored and is open for tours and ascents to the top. The Conservancy took over the management of the annual Flower Mart last year and successfully returned the event to its original purpose. For information on the Clifton Mansion, go to:; for information on Mount Vernon Place, go to or Washington_Monument_(Baltimore).

Hugh Long, like the rest of us, is getting along. He says: nothing important has happened to me. I am somewhat busy trying to make money to pass on to my wife and children. Not dead yet. Kids and four grandchildren doing well.

Corbin Marr and Liz are so enjoying DC life and visiting old friends and classmates in Baltimore often: This spring we will be busy with Corbin’s 65th Calvert reunion on Saturday, May 9 (unfortunately cancelled)...I am on the reunion committee

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with ‘T’...This news is quite spectacular: This May MY Penn 55th reunion weekend is the very same as graduation weekend!!! (Both unfortunately cancelled.) Our only child, Carson, graduates then as well!!! I’m class of 1965 and he is 2020. I’m also on our reunion committee and I have been selected by my class president to carry the class of ’65 flag in the graduation parade to honor Carson. Oh my. It doesn’t get any better than this!! Go Quakers!!!

It is always good to hear from Bob Moss. He writes: I am looking forward to our 60th reunion and to seeing all my “old friends.” Marguerite and I have dug our roots into Raleigh: bought the house she grew up in, reconnected with her old friends, and made some new friends through my college classmate who introduced me to Marguerite 50 years ago. We moved here to be closer to NYC and DC, where our children and grandchildren live, and, of course, to Baltimore. See you all soon.

Moby Mudge and Sis (wife) and Lark (German shepherd) have finished upsizing the kennel in Sharon, Conn., to which they downsized in 2018. Moby’s crate is in the cellar and has room for a desk, bookcases, computer, printers, camera gear, and an old lacrosse stick from days of yore. In the pre-corona era, Moby spent time on a book club and a camera club whose meetings have been converted to Zoom events. Moby has yet to learn how to Zoom. We are lucky to live in a rural area (perfect for walks with Lark) and to be able to order food by phone for delivery to the house. Walking Lark and following the news consume most of each day. Recent books include “The Boys in the Boat,” “All Quiet on the Western Front,” and “The Plague.” I recommend all three, particularly “The Boys in the Boat.” In these sobering times, it is hard not to think about my paternal grandmother who died in the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and about my mother, who in June will turn 103 in a nursing home, which wisely prohibits visitors. I may drive to New Hampshire in June to wave happy birthday through a window to my mother on her birthday.

Ed Muhlenfeld reports he is still above ground, still living in Scottsdale, Ariz.: Linda and I have little to report other than coping with various skeletal issues (backs, necks) but soldiering on.

Rick Ober is very busy with several endeavors: Carol and I moved into Stonebridge at Montgomery, a continuing care retirement community just north of Princeton in September of 2019. Downsizing was a challenge, but we are SO glad we’re here during this pandemic. To keep out of trouble, I’m now a volunteer legal analyst at the Princeton Gerrymandering Project. The Project uses well-established mathematical tools to support state- and federal-level reform efforts to eliminate gerrymandering. I have co-authored a Law Review article in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law vol22/iss1/5 as well as several newspaper articles for the Project: Recent travels have included Dubai, Nepal, and Bhutan. Skied Snowmass (still haven’t linked up with Ned Sullivan out there), and Steamboat Springs in spring 2020 — Squaw Valley cancelled. Both daughters have Ph.Ds. Molly is the special projects director for transgender health at at West Virginia University Medicine. Julie will be an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma in the fall. We enjoy spending as much time as possible with them and grandchildren Bem, Aubrey, Emma, and Simon.

Mac Passano has been busy, as usual, with his family, reporting the summer of 2019 was normal with grandchildren (10) activities in Groton Long Point, Conn.: My middle daughter, Tammy, celebrated her 40th birthday in style and we enjoyed many boating days on the water in Eastern Long Island Sound. A calm fall in Baltimore was turned to excitement as the Ravens moved in their quest for postseason play, only to be passed by in the sudden death postseason format. After returning from a winter trip to St. Maarten, where I rode a high, long, and very fast zip line, I was faced with the pending lockdown from the COVID-19 virus. So far so good, enjoying a beautiful spring in Baltimore, daily walks of three to four miles and seeing my granddaughters’ adapt rapidly to distance learning. Definitely looking forward to a GLP summer in the sun and on the water!

Tom Salisbury continues to work on his six-month house upgrade: Our remodel looks like it will be sufficiently completed by late spring/early summer to move back into the house. “Only two years” to do that. It will be good to get back to a more normal life, although a second knee replacement may be in my future come this fall. Hope all is well.

John Snead is enjoying retirement. Bet he is after this spring’s market performance! From John: Hard to believe it has been four years since I retired from Brown Advisory. Oldest grandson, Jack, a junior in high school in Williamsburg, experiencing interruption in college visits, as are most students, in these difficult times. Classes, SAT, Advanced Placement Tests, all postponed. Stay safe, optimistic, and hope for the best!!

Our classmate Cary Stewart passed away August 1, 2019. Cary attended Gilman in the seventh and eighth grades from 1955 to 1957, after which time he left to attend Episcopal High School and then the University of Virginia. Cary was an exceptional athlete at EHS. He played varsity football all four years as an offensive tackle and linebacker. He was on the varsity wrestling team and won the Metro D.C. tournament twice. And he was also on the track team for four years as well. In his senior year, he was awarded the Monitor’s Trophy as the outstanding citizen at EHS. At UVA he starred on the wrestling team and was captain his senior year.

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John Stockbridge is still living in Bedford, N.Y. with his wife, Anita. He right now gets the distance award for the Grumpies dinners when he comes. Tom and Kate O’Neill get it when John doesn’t. John notes: Anita and I continue to have a good life. Our kids are all well, and the seven grandkids continue to grow. Two are in Switzerland, three in Connecticut, one in New York City, and a little guy in Bermuda. This past year we had two wonderful trips, one to Rome for a family wedding and a Garden Club of America tour of Normandy which was fantastic. My work as Bedford’s Town Historian continues to keep me busy as does volunteer work to other local historical societies and nature sanctuaries. Anita is also quite busy as an officer of several local not-for-profit organizations. As I said at the opening to this update, our life is good for which we are immensely grateful.

With great sadness we learned that Michael Swanson passed away on October 24, 2018. Following his graduation from the Gilman School in Baltimore, he attended Wesleyan University, graduating in 1965. From there he continued his education, graduating from Harvard Medical School in 1969. After graduation from medical school, Mike went on to a surgical internship and residency at Boston City Hospital, completing the urology residency program in 1975. He practiced as a board-certified urologist in Greenfield from July 1975 until his retirement in July 2001. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Martha Ruth (Asbury) Swanson, and son Carl Swanson of Greenfield, daughter Meghan Swanson Amodeo, her husband, Vincent Amodeo, and two grandsons, Max and Sam Amodeo.

T Tall reports that he is now entering his 10th year building houses for Habitat for Humanity. A fun group, comprised mostly of retired physicians, college professors and other professionals. So we don’t build a “lean to,” a local contractor devotes one day a week ensuring we don’t. Best news — my wife, Cy, retires in April as president of Beau Ties of Vermont. Gone are her 60 hours per week. (Note: Headmaster Henry Smyth sports bow ties from Beau Ties of Vermont.)

David Trussel is another one of these winter travelers, but not to Florida. He could host the people who drive to the 60th! His note says: All good here in upstate South Carolina. Spent the second winter here with the expectation of going back to Maine around May 1. Maybe not! Kids and grandkids all well. I spend my time singing and playing guitar (poorly) and doing a four-mile walk daily. Sally paints (nicely.) Stay-at-home is not a lot different for me although normally we’d go out to eat fairly often. Hope all is well with you.

Butch West and wife, Peggy, still are living in the house Otts found for them years ago. Butch is still working and seems that he always will. He and Peggy spend some winter time in Florida (another location for the 60th!).

Peter Wilkes and Dickey are pretty much hunkered down waiting for the COVID-19 issues to pass... whenever that may happen. He writes: During this time I have been able to continue my acting through a group called The Pandemic Players who present classic play readings over YouTube every Saturday evening. In addition, the Standardized Patient work I have been doing at Johns Hopkins as well as The University of Maryland Medical System also continues, albeit now done remotely from home rather than oneon-one with the medical students. Bottom line is that I’ve had to quickly come up to speed on far more technology — never a strong suit of mine — than I ever dreamed possible. :-)


After 16 years of running a transportation company, Michael Saunders ’93 was ready for a change that would allow for greater community engagement and was eager to put to use the many lessons he had learned in the service industry. So, he decided to launch a coffee company. Then, a global pandemic hit. And so, he pivoted again, putting the needs of the community first, and has partnered with Gilman to do a canned food drive and raise funds for meals for frontline workers and those experiencing food insecurity. Learn more on the Spinning Cups Coffee Facebook page (

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Please send us your notes for next time.


Ted Leach is now in his seventh year teaching first- and secondyear med students at F.H. Netter School of Medicine. Bonnie is two years retired from her pharmacy tech work. She frequently travels to Georgia, often with Ted, to visit their two daughters, both veterinarians, Kate, in Atlanta, and Beth, who lives in Athens.

Word recently reached me that after a long and painful bout with rheumatoid arthritis, Gene Austen died on November 15. I learned of this in mid-February, around the time my first request for news went out. After receiving a meager response, I sent a second request for news three weeks later, just as the COVID-19 lockdown was about to commence. It seemed to be a good time for reflection, as responses, some quite lengthy, poured in as never before. Craig Cutter, from whom I’d previously learned of Gene’s passing, this time had some good news. He is healthy and feels good “except when I look in the mirror or remember that our youngest grandchild graduates from college this spring.” While still corporate director for Maryland Treatment Centers, Craig hopes to cut back on his time there in favor of “immediate travel plans” for Antigua, Scotland, and Alaska.

Bill Paternotte, who had recently returned this winter from fly fishing in Patagonia with son Chris, now has a grandson in each of Gilman’s three divisions, and still works at Brown Investment Advisory as well as with nonprofits. Bill was looking forward to trekking Nepal with son Brooks in April and taking Nan to Alaska in June. Like Craig, he expressed no concern that anything related to the new coronavirus could screw things up. How quickly everything would change.

From his winter residence in Florida, Bill Legg mentioned that as president of a golf club in Key Largo he was preparing for a board meeting that would decide whether to close the club to guests and family members just as spring break was about to flood its membership with kids and grandkids.

From Naples, Florida, John Claster, after expressing sadness over the losses of Craig Woodward and Reddy, reported only that trips he and

Heather had planned for Europe in May and Idaho this summer could well end up on hold.

Peter Rodman wrote that a family reunion in Cape Cod in May to celebrate his 75th birthday might not happen. On the home front, when weather permits, he takes to sailing on Tuesdays and Thursdays in North San Francisco Bay. His wife, Mary, turns 65 in November, is currently on the front lines of their local pandemic experience, and looks forward to retiring from family practice.

Speaking of front lines, some apples have fallen quite close to the tree for Claudius Klimt. His son and daughter-in-law both work in the emergency room at GBMC. Three of his six grandchildren live in Oregon, and three more are second-generation Calvert students here in Baltimore. Claudius is in good health, and continues to enjoy his passion for aviation and just flew his little two-seater along the coast to Florida. Was that one of the planes you were building, Claudius, when we last caught up?

Our most traveled classmate, Ed Supplee, visited Cuba independently and drove the length of the island. A second trip to Tunisia and Algeria included visits to Roman ruins. Another excursion was to Churchill, Canada, to visit polar bears. Within the United States, he and Sally went to Little BigHorn and The Grand Tetons, as well as Cody and Kemmerer, Wyoming, where Ed dug for fossils.

Ward Coe and Christie went to Rincon, Puerto Rico, in February, Western Ireland in April, and in October to Uganda and Rwanda on an excursion that included tracking chimpanzees and mountain gorillas. Ward is still lawyering and currently chairs the Maryland Access to Justice Commission.

Recently he was in touch with a well-remembered classmate, Barry Henderson, who was with us in the Fourth and Fifth Forms. Barry has been in the commercial real estate development and investments business for 47 years. He and Lynn, his wife of 51 years, live in Cartersville, Georgia. There his company, J.B. Henderson Properties, oversees the major 75-acre mixed-use Highlands Commercial Development project. He and Lynn were major figures on their regional fox hunting scene until eight years ago when Barry gave it up to enjoy more time bird hunting and fly fishing. About 10 years ago, he became interested in the arts and quickly evolved into a serious and successful sculptor of bronze pieces. Search “Barry Henderson sculptor” on the web for perspective.

Be certain also to see what Jimmy Rouse has been up to by going to After resisting technology for longer than anyone else in our class, he now maintains not only this website, but also a presence on Facebook and Instagram.

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Jimmy still continues to chair the local advocacy group Transit Choices in Baltimore, which is online at

Jack Nesbitt enjoyed a Baltic cruise in late June and early July 2019 before a traditional two-week visit to the family cottage in Canada. All went great until he was struck with a bout of viral meningoencephalitis accompanied by double vision that put him in the hospital shortly after Labor Day. After eight weeks, Jack recovered fully and has resumed his usual avocations: woodworking, Great Books Courses, and model trains.

Robin Baker traveled to the same part of the world as Jack. Upon returning, Robin spent a week in UNC Hospital (followed by three weeks of home care) with an encephalitis infection. The doctors never determined what caused it, but many suspected he’d picked up listeria from eating unpasteurized cheese in Norway. Robin was back to full strength by Thanksgiving and returned to work at MetaMetrics as Director of Psychometric Services. Mary continues her legal volunteer work as a Guardian Ad Litem.

Serious health issues figured in one other response, namely Chuck Newhall, who wrote: “Unfortunately diagnosed with Parkinson’s and prostate cancer.” But then, he added: ”No big deal since I am happily working on three books.” Chuck still continues to work with sons Ashton and Adair at Ashton’s venture firm, Greenspring Associates.

Lance Bendann enjoyed excursions to Williamsburg, Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Shore, Chadds Ford, Stone Harbor, N.J., Chautauqua, and Washington and Lee. There he joined class of ‘67 classmates for a mini summer course about George H. W. Bush. Lance made a point of expressing gratitude for his good health. He nurtures it with tennis, long walks, an active social life, and working out at the Y.

That is where he ran into Tom Farley, who recently followed through with his and Carol’s plans to move back to Baltimore.

Bill Lamb and wife Jenny also moved — for the 14th time since they’ve been together. At the end of July, they packed up three U-Boxes, loaded their tiny Honda RIT to the ceiling, and moved from New Hampshire back to San Diego. There, they’ve settled into a happy routine with daily walking/running and taking courses to continue their education. Among those courses is Bill’s third memoir-writing class.

It’s unlikely that anyone in our class visited more classmates around the country than Tom Chase. He and Dave Robinson caught up halfway between their respective residences in Salem, N.H., where Dave spoke of enjoying lunch in Amsterdam with then expat Tom Salisbury, who has since moved to Boise, Idaho. After a stay

with cousins in Seattle, Tom and Joanna headed to Bellingham, Washington to see Bruce Marston. Bruce took them birding as well as to Deception Pass Bridge where he shot their picture. Tom and Joanna also traveled to a wedding in Vermont that was close enough for a side visit to Caspian Lake and where John Loeb was vacationing. John writes that despite his and and Anna Belle’s love of New Orleans, they are moving back to Philadelphia to be closer to their son Locke and four grandchildren.

Teddy Mudge and Joan live in Ligonier, Pa., where they raise thoroughbred race horses. Teddy also has a horse in England and two in France, where each year he and Joan spend time in Deauville, Normandy. “We are at camp for adults,” he writes after reporting that he’s also taken up tennis after a 50-year hiatus, is enjoying golf, fox hunting, skiing, and shooting clays. His grandson, Edmund Tileston Mudge, VI, turned 3 in March.

George Scarlett is still teaching at Tufts and finds enjoyment FaceTiming with his new granddaughter Sadie in NYC. He is also working with a team to develop a new web magazine (sites.tufts. edu/earthstewards) that helps groups connecting youth to nature.

Bob Dobbin’s response emphasized spending significant time with his four grandchildren (two 5-year-olds and two 1-year-olds).

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Tom Chase ‘63 and wife, Joanna, at Deception Pass Bridge in the State of Washington. Photo credit: Bruce Marston.

Keeping track of them, he says is a lot more exhausting now that he’s in his 70s than when in his 20s.

Paul Dowling, while reporting no changes, boasted of a notable accomplishment. As of May 4, it has been 50 years since he began working out with weights five times a week. No less remarkably, he took up boxing nine years ago. Even more remarkably, he says his teeth are fine.

The day after New York Mayor Bill de Blasio closed schools shortly before urging constituents to hurry to their neighborhood bars, Mitch Miller wrote, “Nothing to report that everyone is not already all too familiar with.” He followed through with an eloquent 250-word description of how life has changed in the shadow of COVID-19.

For yours truly, life has become less frenzied as I seek to understand it better by attempting an autobiography. I also continue to write about, photograph, and sell mineral specimens online.


In this unprecedented COVID-19 world that we are now all living in, classmates, who are now spread all around the country (and beyond, thanks to Stuart McCarthy), responded both before (B) and after (A) quarantining has become the name of the game. So, in numerous instances I have received updated updates to share in what evolved into a free-flowing email conversation. From Maine to Florida and Baltimore to the “far west” (meaning anywhere beyond the Mississippi River), this year’s news, views, and some of the exchange — keeping in mind that in this exceptional case (A) comes after (B) — are as follows.

Professor Emeritus David Abrahamson (A) wrote: Big news is that, after 25 years, I retired on January 1 from the faculty of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. I confess I’m not heartbroken that it was just in time to avoid the pandemic-induced experience of remote teaching that my former colleagues are having to endure. My wife, Barbara, and I don’t have a second home in the summer climes nor do we have any grandchildren, so we’re likely to stay here on Chicago’s Northshore for the foreseeable future. We don’t get to Baltimore often, but we do stay in touch with a handful of dear friends from the class of 1964...and always enjoy reading the Class Notes.

Bill Anderson (B) initially informed me that: “Other than old man aches and pains, my health is real good, wife and kids and

grandkids are all fine. Just bought a new car — Ford Escape — and I’m trying to figure out how things work. I am not a Luddite, but things may be a little over the top. This foot under the rear bumper to open the tailgate is beyond me, and I can’t understand that no matter what I touch on the dashboard, the rear window wiper comes on. Oh well. Hope everyone else is well, and I’ll see you all soon.”

Then (A) providing advice to Tom Revell (see below) and the rest of us on the need for exercise, Bill added: “Just a thought about your walking regimen. I’m up to 12,000 steps per day six days a week — based on my stride length, 12,000 steps equals 5.5 miles. I’m in south Florida and I have the same heat problem as you plus the humidity. June, July, and August are brutal. I’ve solved the heat problem by walking at night. About half hour after the sun sets, I strap on a headlamp, plug in my radio, and start walking. I finish up, grab a quick shower, an adult beverage, and I’m set for the evening. You may want to give it a try.”

When asked by yours truly for clarification, he replied: “We are all in our 70s, and we should all be exercising in some fashion, and a good walk is an excellent way to accomplish that. Start slow — a quarter to a half mile and increase gradually. As far as an adult beverage — a little nip of Scotch is quite therapeutic, especially 12-year-old Dewars.”

After affirming that it was “really good” to hear from the others who had written in and that he was particularly impressed with Bill’s 12K steps per day (compared with his around 10K) and was amazed by how widely spread out we all are, Jim Campbell (A) turned to his family news: “I, too, am hunkered down at home and healthy. I am in Potomac, Md., just outside of D.C. There are a few classmates in the D.C. area. Wife Karen is taking her corona vacation at our beach house in Bethany Beach, Del. She went over in March for a change of scene and decided to stay since there is much less virus there, people are friendlier, food is easier to get, and the walks — the only thing to do these days — are a lot nicer at the beach. All good reasons, but it is a lot easier for me to work in my home office, so I am going back and forth.”

He went on to note that, “Daughter Hayley (35) is a lawyer in the office of the Attorney General of New York State, which is located in New York City near Wall Street so she has an apartment in the city. About a month ago I urged her to get out of the city and either come home or go to the beach house (by then she was working from home anyway). She reluctantly agreed (what does Dad know?), but she is now very glad she made the jump. I am guessing she will not go back to the office until June. Son Chris and family (wife and two kids, 3 and 6) are in Tokyo. He works for a big Japanese company and has been working from home for six or eight weeks now. Even so, the

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Japanese have not been that strict on closing down until recently. The schools were closed last week. It seems to be getting worse there. So, everyone has been healthy except brother Scott, who some of you may remember (he was five years behind us.) Scott is living in Vermont. He had a rough two weeks with the virus but seems to have recovered fully I am glad to say.”

Hamilton Easter wrote (B): “It’s been a quiet year so far. Barb and I spent a week in Normandy cycling through the countryside. The ski season started off with great conditions, but February was disappointing. We will hopefully have some great cycling in Croatia this summer if the coronavirus doesn’t interfere.” He updated (A): “Still trying to behave myself. Luckily, I get out once or twice a week to see patients in the clinic and my bike is set up in the garage on a trainer with electronics that allows me to ride anywhere in the world.”

Doug Green contributed (B): “I am still practicing antitrust and public utility law full time at Steptoe & Johnson in D.C., still trying cases, but have not yet taken up my colleagues’ suggestion to have 15 USC 2 inscribed on my license plates. Dan continues to make great wine at Jaffurs Wine Cellars in Santa Barbara; any Syrah lovers out there should do themselves a favor and order a case. My three granddaughters are now 10 and 7 (the twins.) Laurie is doing fine, as are Peter, an executive with Knoll in NYC, and Sam, CEO of Amethyst, which runs recovery centers in Florida and Maryland. Biggest plans this year include trips to Lisbon and Paris. Next year, if nothing changes, I’ll make up some more flamboyant news.”

Fred Kelly observed (B): “Still building stream restoration projects and suing the polluters on the Severn River, while playing in Savannah with grandchildren in the winter and sailing in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, in the summer. No sane person stays in Savannah in the summer. Two grandchildren in Savannah and two in Steamboat Springs, Colo., which got a ton of snow this winter.” However, he later added (A): “Maine is nippy this time of year with snow and wind in Boothbay Harbor. Just left Savannah after telling daughter and grandchildren to ignore the idiot governor and stay safe. Actually, our 13-year-old granddaughter loves spending lots of time in her room with her cell phone and other exotic electronics.”

Bob Locke noted (B): “All is well here. Grandkids, 17, 17, 14, and 13 are doing fine. Each one is very different. Oldest is headed to University of Texas in Austin in the fall to study drama. Second oldest got his pilot’s license this fall and wants to get into aviation and business as soon as possible. And we will celebrate our 50th anniversary in September.” His wife, Sherry, later (A) stated in response to Stuart McCarthy that “I remember when we visited you in HK how careful everyone was. When we went to board the ferry to Macau, Bob was told to remove his hat for a temperature check. What was odd then, now makes sense and all of us are

wearing masks. We are relieved you are okay. It is hard not to see your son graduate. But you must be very proud that he is on his way. Hope your daughter is ok. I assume she is still in NYC.”

Before our quarantine here in the U.S., Stuart McCarthy had written: “I am still in HK, still carrying on despite the vicissitudes of the COVID-19 (coronavirus), and the recent civil unrest (I walked in two of the non-violent protests in July 2019.) HK keeps trundling along. My son, Sean, is in his last semester at Cornell, and Michelle and her family are settled in Costa Rica, probably permanently. Samantha, my youngest daughter, is living in NYC working for a tech startup in business development. Looking forward to catching up with everyone at big #60. All my best to everyone.” He later chimed in (A): “We’ve been very fortunate that we escaped any lockdowns. Probably leading the world out of the pandemic. Been there and done that with SARS in 2003, including China’s cover-up of that epidemic as well. Restrictions being lifted as I type. Fifteen days, single-digit new cases, zero new deaths. Missed skiing these past six to seven years. Skis gathering dust in the garage. My youngest is supposed to graduate from Cornell in June. Looks like I won’t be able to see that unfortunately. Staying healthy. Been chilling in Hong Kong for five months now. HK’s business environment is holding up, but the slowdown is probably going to hit the April numbers.

Jeff Miller, our other Professor Emeritus, informed (A): “My situation at present is not so different from other classmates. My son, Jeff ’95, who is finishing his Ph.D. at EUI (European University Institute) — remote defense on May 21 — was on vacation in Florence when the pandemic began to raise its ugly head there. He and his family are now staying at our house in D.C. We were told to leave for our own protection and are now staying at our condo in Cambridge, Md. So far everyone is healthy. I hope that continues. I am still teaching a course at Gallaudet. It has been a real challenge trying to teach a course on Zoom with sign language and sign language interpreters. This is probably the end for me. Zoom teaching is almost certainly one step too far. Ginny has been helping our granddaughter remotely with her remote school lessons. She is in third grade at McLean. The real reason is to keep her occupied while our daughter tries to teach her college classes from home. Having children at home and working remotely is a real challenge. (Word has been passing around that Newton made some of his most important breakthroughs while isolated during the plague. My son pointed out that he did not have a 5-year-old at home.)

From beyond the Mississippi, Doug Ober pitched in (A): “As I sit here looking at the Tetons from Jackson, Wyo., with the snow

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starting to melt, it’s hard to have sympathy for you (meaning Bill Anderson and Tom Revell — see above and below!). Ski season ended early due to COVID-19, but the bike paths are open, and we don’t even need chains. After so many years in B’more with some heat and a lot of humidity, I’m glad to be in the mountains. When the snow is on the ground and I can’t walk, I strap on my snowshoes or crosscountry skis to get my steps in. I wonder how many of us are daily counting steps? More than one might think, I bet.

Bob Pine wrote (B): “Pascale and I are still in East Hampton and still have the travel bug. Last year we spent two and a half weeks in Egypt, Oman, and Bahrain. Bahrain was especially interesting since this was the first time we have been back since we lived there in ’79 and ’80 right after our wedding in 1979. Then in October we spent two weeks in Paris visiting family and friends. Finally, we just came back from two and a half weeks in Colombia. A beautiful country, very friendly, and many interesting places to see — the coffee country and the nature preserves in it full of birds and butterflies were especially beautiful. Olivia, our daughter, is living in New York, so we get to see her often. We are looking forward to our 60th in a few years.

John Redwood III: Your news compiler (A), is still working “part time” (which is sometimes more than full time) as a consultant for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, with my last three trips being to Myanmar via Bangkok, Manila (for a week each), and Brazil (for a month — 10 days of work and the rest visiting Lúcia’s family and “chilling”). One of the highlights was revisiting the two places where I had lived as a Peace Corps volunteer more than 50 years ago — Quirinópolis and Goiânia, both in the central Brazilian state of Goiás. The changes have been amazing, and this is even more the case for nearby Brasília where most of my work was done and I had first visited in 1969. I also went to the state of Tocantins and its capital city, Palmas, which only came into existence in 1988 and where I had not been before (although I had twice passed through its territory when Tocantins was still the northern part of Goiás, travelling on the BelémBrasília highway, once by bus before it was paved and once by car afterwards). So, the only state I have not yet been to is Roraima in the far north and which is currently full of Venezuelan refugees. Like others in the DC area, we are now confined to home. Since I have been working from home ever since I “retired” in 2008, this doesn’t represent much of a change for me, but Lúcia is frustrated because we are in lockdown. Son André is now teaching music theory remotely for his SUNY students from his home in Albany and Victoria, our resident 15-year old, is studying remotely from home. Please do stay healthy and safe everyone, no matter how many steps (with or without snowshoes and/or Dewars) you take each day!

Rick Reese was another of those who updated us both B and A. Starting with the former he indicated: “Linda and I are still residents of Roswell, Ga., and enjoying living in the Atlanta suburbs. The weather here has been a pleasant change from living in Baltimore or Danbury or Pittsburgh or Chicago as we have in the past. Baltimore will always be home, but it has been a few years since we have been there. I have been a member of the Piedmont Chapter in the Sons of the American Revolution in Roswell since 2013. I was the chapter’s past president in 2016 to 2018 and I am currently the Georgia SAR Society’s education chairman. I have spent many hours in the area elementary and middle schools teaching the students about the American Revolution. Linda has been very active in the Daughters of the American Revolution chapter in Roswell and is also the treasurer for the Sons of the American Revolution Ladies Auxiliary in the Georgia Society.

Our son, Rick, is living in Roswell and is still a very active musician playing bass guitar with a number of bands both locally and other locations throughout the southern states. When back home, Rick and a partner have a robust remodeling business utilizing his past experience and skills in the home building industry. He just celebrated his 51st birthday at the end of February. Our daughter, Ashley, is living in Sandy Springs, Ga., with her husband Mark Carman, son Parker Carman, and daughter Sammi Carman. Ashley is a successful sales executive with Sales Force and has a heavy travel schedule working with major account customers within the U.S. Mark is also a successful sales executive with SAP, with a lot of domestic travel to key account customers. He also has purchased a number of houses in the Dunwoody area, and manages them as rental properties. Our grandson Parker is a senior at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School in Sandy Springs. He has been very active in sports with the varsity teams for football, track, and wrestling. Most notable recently, Parker is currently on his school’s senior 10-day trip to Egypt. From the pictures that the school has posted it looks like they are seeing lots of historical sites and artifacts, as well as having a great time. Parker returns this Friday night just in time for Ashley’s 47th birthday. Parker is going to his father’s alma mater Oklahoma State next year. Granddaughter Sammi is a junior this year at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School. She has been involved in competitive cheerleading over the years and has been a cheerleader at Mount Vernon for football teams. Sammi has also competed in intramural track for Mount Vernon. She will also be interning for an advertising agency during this coming spring break.”

Writing again more recently (i.e., A), he added: “When Linda and I moved to the Atlanta area years ago to be near our son, daughter, and grandchildren, it seemed like a great idea...and it has been.

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Now with the virus, we have been sheltering-in-place at home for the last six weeks or so. We were looking forward to enjoying our grandson’s high school graduation in two weeks. Now there will be no in-person ceremonies this year to mark this milestone in his life. Thanks to the incompetent order by the Georgia governor to reopen many essential businesses like tattoo shops, bowling alleys, barber shops, and the like, we can expect a rise in the spread of the virus in Georgia. Fortunately, our friends and I are playing it safe and staying home. We still get to see our family, but now at a distance.”

Tom Revell also submitted B and A notes, stating initially, “I think this is my first update. My wife of 46 years, Kay, and I live in the Las Vegas suburbs and are diehard Vegas Golden Knights fans. The ice hockey in the desert is great! We saw the Knights beat Tom Beck’s favorite team (Washington Capitals) last night; this was scant revenge for losing to them in the Stanley Cup finals in 2018. Our older son, David, is a Ph.D. (coastal geomorphology) and principal with Integral, Inc. after several years of managing his own consulting company. Our younger son, Craig, works with the Ojai Valley Inn, a very upscale resort near Santa Barbara, Calif.”

And he later added: “FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype are new best friends as Kay and I are hunkered down in Henderson, Nev., except for our “social calendar” of doctors and more doctors. I was getting out for three- to four-mile walks until the temperatures hit the upper 90s again (and will probably stay there or higher for the next four to five months). Since I don’t like the produce our food delivery services bring, I do go out to select our fruits and vegetables on a weekly basis. We are having a grandkid withdrawal issue. Just trying to stay home, and hope all of you are, too. Our hearts, prayers and gratitude go out to all those putting their health and lives on the line for us. My best to you and all those you hold dear.”

Bill Stafford (B), an early communicator informed that “Bonnie and I continue to enjoy our relocation east (2016, Wisconsin to New Hampshire) and the increased opportunities

for family visits which it has afforded. We have both become rather engaged within the retirement community where we live. Most recently, I have been elected to the board of trustees, one of three “resident trustees.” As the community has been transitioning from a single-site entity to a “system,” this has raised interesting governance issues, which, given management’s desire for transparency, have resulted in lots of conversation with fellow residents. There are those in our class who transit up the I-95 corridor on their way north... Bonnie and I would be pleased to welcome any and all (though not at the same time) to visit, coffee, a meal, or for the night, as they go north.”

Gally Warfield, who was likewise one of the first to send an update (B), wrote “Retirement? What retirement? Judy and I are as busy as ever in our idyllic setting in the shadow of the San Diego mountains. She is working on a book about meditation, and I have gone full Hollywood, writing screenplays, novels, and working with several producers to bring unique true stories to the big and little screen. Any classmate with knowledge of such stories is asked to contact me to discuss. The quest for content by media companies is extensive and voracious. Maybe your story can be aired in a cinema or on TV. Let me know. On a personal note, we added another grandson to the grandchildren mix bringing the total to seven. Warmest regards to all of our talented classmates. Take care one and all.” A very appropriate message to end with and my sentiments as well!


William Baker

William Baker: Since I sent out my request for information, we have been plunged into a situation unlike any we have ever seen. As I write this on the Eastern Shore, Maryland is still under a ‘stay at home’ order, with many businesses and all schools closed. The Class Notes publication date has been pushed

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George Cassels-Smith ‘83 (left) and Temple Grassi ‘65 (right) catch up at the snappy Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier, Pa. What’s fun here is that George was a fourth grade student of Temple’s circa 1972, and says Temple, “I am happy to report that George’s behavior was exemplary and he didn’t lose his recess!!!”

back, so no one is really sure when these notes will be out there. Thanks to those who sent information in, so here we go.

Gordy Allen and Jan welcomed their third grandchild, Olivia, in June of 2019. Son Ben and his wife, Megan, live in Baltimore, where Ben works for Catholic Charities on international relief projects. Daughter Rebecca and family (Charles, Odin, Kepler) live in Seattle, where Rebecca is working hard to maintain her medical practice in the face of the challenges of COVID. Gordy has recently been confronted with his own major medical challenge (see my post in ‘66 Class Notes).

Geoff Leboutiller says, “I am consumed fighting huge industrial open-net salmon farms being introduced into Nova Scotia’s bays and harbors.”

Tom Webster reports that he is now a grandfather. His son, Win, and wife Jessica welcomed Evan Lee Webster, 8 lbs. 10 oz. into the world on 2/20/20. Tom has been playing those numbers in the lotto ever since.

John Helfrich is also a grandfather, now for the third time, but is worried that our Class Notes are moving closer to the front.

Jimmy Potter recalled the 50th anniversary of his UVA lacrosse championship team. Jimmer was captain and an All-American midfielder on that team.

Steve Redd is retired, but he reports he is the person who opens the Towson Y each morning at 4 a.m. Steve’s wife, Kyoko, is in her 21st year at the Bryn Mawr Little School, and their grandson, Wesley Davis Redd, is the apple of their eyes. Steve is not sure whether Wesley has completed his application to Gilman yet, but if not, then soon.

I bump into Alex Fisher around Baltimore from time to time. He is still working with Marquette Associates, a $220 billion investment advisor out of Chicago. Since his firm merged into Marquette, he has had more time to be involved in a couple of nonprofits, Baltimore Tree Trust and the Church of the Good Shepherd. Alex also helped launch an “impact” investment business whose mission is to use urban agriculture as a revitalization strategy for underserved Baltimore City neighborhoods. The impact is jobs, fresh produce, instruction on nutritious meal preparation, and instruction for careers in hydroponics. They have a pilot project going up at Green Street Academy this spring. Alex’s four grandchildren, including the latest born in January, round out his time commitment, along with trips to a house in Bethany Beach.

Neil Harris has completed his first year of retirement with wife Ann, moving from Boston to their place in New London, N.H., where they are enjoying rural life. Neal still teaches an online course in Econ for

Babson, while Ann continues to expand her fundraising consulting portfolio. Neal is doing more fly fishing and photography, and he is still doing long-distance biking. Their son Chris and family are in nearby Hanover, and other son Jeff is not far away in Newton, Mass. Neal and Ann spend winter in Sanibel and were planning a Gilman get-together in Naples in April, which will hopefully be rescheduled.

Although this is hard to believe, Marcia Goldberg has put up with Nelson for 45 years of marriage! They still live on Falls Road in Baltimore, in the house with the tennis court, where I recall a match that I think included Jimmer and maybe Rocky Ober many, many years ago. Nelson and Marcia have three kids and four grandkids, and Nelson still plays lots of tennis and golf, with one hole-in-one at the Woodlands. He still operates four days a week. There are five motorcycles in the garage, but he says they don’t get ridden nearly as fast as they used to. Sure!! Nelson reports a recent dinner with David Shiling and Arnie Wallenstein. Thanks for the report, Nelson.

Gilman is rescheduling all reunions from last spring. Tinsley Van Durand and Mac Lewis are spearheading our 55th reunion, so look for more information from Tinsley, Mac, and me as we get closer to October.


Bryson Cook and Cindy hosted the marriage of their daughter, Laura, to Brooks Wunder in mid-November at their home in Palm Beach. A beautiful sky served to provide a lovely backdrop on the lawn behind their house with the beach and ocean in the background. The reception was held at the nearby Sailfish Club and afforded a great opportunity to catch up with several other ‘66 classmates, including Dave and Kendi Irwin, Charlie and Sherry Fenwick, Richard and Manuelle Wasserman, Rog and Kathy Novak, and Rick and Barbara Buck. Laura had suffered a severe, multiple, complicated ankle break a month before the wedding, so honeymoon plans needed to be put on hold, but with the aid of a walking boot and knee scooter was able to fully enjoy the wedding weekend, including the dance floor at the reception, where a fantastic rock/soul band gave forth. Bryson had been continuing his weekly commute from Baltimore, but spending more time working from his Florida home, where Cindy and daughter Rosie, are living full time. Now, with the sudden arrival of COVID-19 in the U.S., he is doing all of his working from a distance from Florida.

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Rick Buck: In a quite remarkable coincidence of health events, Rick Green, Gordy Allen ‘65/’66 and I, all of us born within 60 days of each other, were each diagnosed with prostate cancer within 60 days during fall 2019. Fortunately, all of our cases were treatable and we all chose radiation and hormone therapy as our course of treatment, and by the time February of 2020 rolled around, we had all completed radiation successfully. With the three us having knowledge of each other’s situation, we have been able, through a frequent exchange of texts, emails, and now, Zoom video meetings, to provide mutual support and encouragement, as well as many memories of years together as classmates, along with discussions of many topics of shared interest in music, literature, and of course, family. This abundance of communication has made a wonderful experience out of a daunting health challenge!

In March of 2019, before the prostate cancer diagnosis arrived on my doorstep, Barbara and I enjoyed one of our wishlist long trips, to New Zealand for 11 days. We traveled with fellow Brown University alumni on a guided tour, beginning with a couple of days in Auckland on the north island, and then flew to Dunedin, the southernmost city on the south island, where our daughter, Maggie, had stayed for a semester abroad from Middlebury. Highlights were numerous, including the spectacular fiord, Doubtful Sound on the southwest coast, Queenstown, the extreme sports mecca of NZ, and Christchurch, where there was still mourning for the losses in horrific mass shootings. Our group included a total of only 18, plus two guides, both excellent. In midsummer we welcomed Maggie and family home from their twoyear stint in Mozambique. Matt continues to greatly enjoy his post as head of Calvert Middle School, now ending his ninth year.

Gill Deford and wife Laura continue to reside in Cambridge, Mass., close to Harvard, where they met as students. Gill has retired from

his long-standing career with Medicare Advocacy, during which he had the rare opportunity to present a few cases to the Supreme Court of the U.S. He continues in a consultant role with Medicare Advocacy. Gill and Laura’s son, Jack, started college at Hampshire, joining the throngs of students who had their 2019-2020 academic years drastically altered by COVID-19.

Since our 50th reunion, Charlie Fenwick has made major changes and taken a giant step into retirement. While he still keeps an office at Bill Kidd’s Toyota in Cockeysville, he sold the Towson Valley Motors and now has more time to enjoy the many forms of recreation he engaged in from childhood days. These include a daily early morning horseback ride on his farm in Upperco, Baltimore County, where he and Sherry live and raise quite a number of horses and dogs. He continues to play squash at a high level, recently winning an age-group national championship in doubles. He also plays golf with gusto, enjoying an annual junket to Augusta National with Stuart Janney. Thursday mornings, Charlie can be found playing indoor tennis with Dave Irwin and Rick Buck. Charlie is also greatly enjoying time with grandkids and a new Tesla.

Rick Green is retired and has enjoyed being back in more regular contact with friends from childhood days at Calvert School and Gilman. The battle with prostate cancer, a shared experience in real time with Rick Buck and Gordy Allen, served as a catalyst for regular exchanges of email, texts, etc. and broadened into extended conversations and sharing of interests. Rick’s son, Yeardley, and his wife, Chris, welcomed their first child, Rick’s first grandchild, Birdie, last year. Daughter Lissa continues to work raising and training horses in Virginia, and her sister, Virginia, resides in Baltimore County. Rick lives in Royal Oak, near St. Michaels, enjoying his dogs, caring for horses, and continuing his lifelong love of literature and music.

At the close of 2019, Dave Irwin took down the shingle of his longtime law firm, Irwin, Green & Dexter, closing that chapter of his career as a criminal defense attorney of some considerable good reputation and renown. On the next day, he affiliated with the Baltimore firm of Kramon & Graham, PA as of counsel. On the sports front, Dave and I continue to play tennis once a week in the indoor season, with Charlie Fenwick and another friend. We have great fun and still play respectable games! Dave and Kendi enjoyed a wonderful trip to Greece in late 2019, and now get to spend longer periods of time at a new location in Bethany Beach, just east of the coastal highway, a couple of minutes’ walk from the dunes. Dave and Kendi’s son, Mark, is in his first year at Georgetown Law School.

Roger Novak closed the door of his highly regarded venture capital firm, Novak Biddle, at the end of 2019. He and Kathy are looking

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Left to right: Roger Novak, Dave Irwin, Bryson Cook, Richard Wasserman, Rick Buck, and Charlie Fenwick, all class of 1966.

forward to the travel opportunities that will be presented by the free time created, including visits to Jackson Hole, Wyo., which they greatly enjoy, and which is slated to be the site of son Ned’s wedding. In 2019, Roger and Kathy continued a history of strong financial support for Gilman with a gift to establish the Novak Family Innovation Lab, which features 3D printing and laser-cutting machines, LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robotics, and a green wall for film-making, among many advanced technological tools to enhance the STEM learning opportunities provided at Gilman. What a wonderful gift!

Tom Parkinson witnessed the marriage of his oldest son, Carter, to Whitney Duc at a beautiful ceremony in Charleston, S.C., in February 2019. Gordon and Marjorie Hart and Rick and Barbara Buck were in attendance. Carter and Whitney now reside in Atlanta, where Carter is a project manager for a large commercial construction firm. Zach Parkinson has transitioned from a job in the White House communications department to the position of deputy director of communications for the Trump 2020 Campaign, and youngest son, Reed, received his master’s in supply chain management, and just started a new job with a firm in Baltimore.

Lew Rumford and Fran have had much to do over the past few years, including the sale of their wonderful home in D.C. and the purchase and renovation of two condo units into one large one in a lovely D.C. building not far from the Naval Observatory. After their usual few weeks in Florida this winter, they headed north to Raleigh, where daughter Julia and her husband, Richard, welcomed their second child, Emma, just a week or two before COVID-19 arrived. Emma and brother Elliot are the first grandkids for Lew, and he has sharpened his video production skills to a high level. Daughter Grace is living in London, greatly enjoying her job with BP, and son Will enjoyed several months working for the Pete Buttigieg campaign in N.H. and Va. Lew and Fran enjoyed a summer 2019 cruise in the Baltic, including St. Petersburg.

Michael Stanton continues guiding his successful San Francisco architecture firm, with no plans for retiring anytime soon. Mike thrives on his annual summer sojourn at a beautiful, rustic cottage on a lovely lake in Ely, Minn., the U.S. gateway to the famed Boundary Waters wilderness area, including Quetico Park in Ontario. Mike still manages to get one of his daughters or a friend to join him for a weeklong canoe trip along one of the dozens of trip routes available, and for most dinners while on the trip, catches the meal on one of the pristine freshwater lakes. Mike is looking forward to some travel to Honolulu, in connection with an upcoming hotel project there, once the the virus subsides!

Richard Wasserman “Wass” reports that he “timed out” at Venable, after almost 40 years there, in December 2017, and joined the Baltimore-based firm Offit Kurman. He happily announces that the size of his family has been increased with two wonderful grandchildren, Cameron and Joanna, born to daughter Lauren and her husband, Chris, all living in New Jersey. He writes “my wife Manuele retired last year from a very successful career with Morgan Stanley,” and they took two wonderful overseas trips during the remainder of 2019. The first trip was to London, Manchester, and the Lake District in England, and they followed that up with a South American itinerary of Chile, Argentina, and Brazil! “We are sheltering at home now, waiting for the world to safely reopen and return to some semblance of normalcy.”

Conway Ziegler reports of a wonderful trip taken in June 2019, with his daughter Julia (now 26), to London, Paris, and the Normandy celebration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day on June 4. For Julia, the trip served as her first time ever to Paris, a chance to receive European “driver training” while serving as Conway’s driver, and to capture many great photos including ones from the top of the Eiffel Tower, and, of course, many in Normandy. For Conway, enjoyment abounded, with reunion and much time in Normandy with longtime friend Col. Ferguson, whose father had died in a crash of his plane on Day

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Featured at the wedding of Tom Parkinson’s ‘66 oldest son, Carter Parkinson, are (left to right) Rick Buck ‘66, Tom, Carter, Gordon Hart ‘66, and friend Dick Lowe.

2 of the invasion, witnessing a re-enactment of the arrival of a U.S. Army medical detachment in a village near the coast on Day 2, performed by current residents, a visit to Omaha Beach, three nights’ stay in Chateau Canisy dating back to the 1100s (Norman times), and Mont Saint-Michel. In Paris, Montmartre, a dinner cruise on the Seine, and a visit to Notre Dame Cathedral. In London, meals at several clubs familiar to Conway: The East India Club and Army-Navy Club, among others.


Key Kidder

Thomas G. Bias of Flanders, N.J., died peacefully at home on October 17, 2019, following a long illness, surrounded by his wife, Linda Bryk, and daughter, Fiona Kyle. He is also survived by his sister, Nancy Nicholson, and brother, George Bias. Thomas was predeceased by his first daughter, Sarah Bryk-Bias, and his parents, Guy and Wilma Bias.

Thomas was born in January 1950 in Tulsa, Okla. His family later settled in Baltimore. He attended Gilman School and graduated in 1967. In high school, he tutored at-risk youth and saw their tribulations. Thomas then attended Amherst College, where he graduated with a BA in English literature in 1971. His political activism was ignited at Amherst; he tore through the library to learn about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That led him to discover socialism and set him on a path he followed his whole life. He first joined the Young Socialist Alliance and then the Socialist Workers Party after moving to New York City. He later joined the Fourth Internationalist Tendency. In 2010, he co-developed the Labor Fightback Network. In 2014, he returned to the Episcopal Church. Inspired by his Oklahoma heritage and Woody Guthrie, he picked up the 12-string guitar. He played throughout his life, and it brought him and others great joy. He sang with groups, including The Solidarity Singers of the N.J. IUC, and was the organist and choir director of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church. His songs are a testament to his beliefs and will leave a legacy of hope for the future of the working class.

Thomas began working as a printer in the typographical trade in 1971. He was a proud member of the International Typographical Union. He worked at Arrow Typographers in Newark, N.J. for 14 years, and other typesetting companies, specializing in foreign languages.


Racing Time: a Memoir of Love, Loss and Liberation


Bill Reilly

Please send us your notes for next time.


Wally Pinkard

Please send us your notes for next time.


Howard Baetjer

After so many of us contributed so richly to last year’s batch of these notes, class communications have improved further and continued pretty much unabated.

We have Bob Cole primarily to thank for this, because he worked steadily to find email addresses for all of us and to create our remarkably lively class email listserv,

If you are not yet on that list and would like to join the class conversation there, please subscribe. At intervals it’s warm, touching, serious, wacky, nostalgic, and instructive. I, for one, believe that I’m getting to know my classmates better now than when I was going to school with you guys. Many, many thanks to Bob Cole for putting us all in touch with one another.

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Because we are communicating so richly on the email list, I can’t possibly digest it all here. The email list has become our main means of keeping in touch, and it’s way better than notes once a year. Accordingly, I’m just going to report on highlights since last year, items I think will be of general interest, and comments from classmates about other classmates that warmed my heart.

First some nuts and bolts about class activities. Not long after last year’s notes went out, an ad hoc reunion planning committee came into existence the way most things in our class come about: it just happened, with no detectable process. Some guys started to email about it, some proposed meetings, and some came to the meetings. Bill Mueller came down from Massachusetts several times to make the meetings; Harry Shaw did much of the organizing; Bob Seims and John Gilpin set up meetings and dinners afterwards, Chad Pistell made every meeting, even coming in from Illinois once or twice; Duane Chase was always there by phone (more on Duane below); Bob Cole was master of communications, and others who contributed somehow include Bob Brown, John Hebb, Warren Marcus, Julien Hecht, Bruce Eisenberg, Bob Tickner, Tim Zouck, and your secretary, Howie Baetjer

The group leaders did a lot of thinking and working and planning and decision-making, and then COVID hit and the reunion was postponed. (We hope and intend that the work will all pay off in October or sometime thereafter.) So we went for a Zoom reunion instead. That occurred on the afternoon of April 25 with the following in attendance (sorry if I missed anyone!) in no particular order: Jade Tippett, Mike Bowe, Boo Smith, Ed Sutton, Page Nelson, George Richards, Steve Wexler, Bill Johnson, Julien Hecht, Bob Cole, Harry Shaw, Bob Brown, Chad Pistell (voice only), Scott Campbell, Bob Seims, Andy Quartner, Rick Gumpert, Brad Harrison (from China! — way to go Brad!), Bill (Wim) Fitzpatrick, Mike Russo, John Gilpin, Page West, Don Gettinger, Jeff Putterman, Kevin Glover, Bill Mueller, Duane Chase, Thayer Simmons, Rafael Haciski, Bruce Eisenberg, and Peter Whedbee

Headmaster Henry Smyth spoke early in the event, telling us of Gilman’s activities and plans in response to COVID-19, and then we spent most of the time in greeting and joshing one another, in many cases, for the first time in 50 years. As satisfying as it was to see and talk to one another through a little Zoom window, it was frustrating to see so many old friends and not be able to talk individually. Let’s hope we can do so in person in October, or sometime soon thereafter!

In the bad news department, we have one very sad note and then some very good news: The sad note is that Jeff Peabody has severe dementia. As of last July, he was living at Copper Ridge Assisted Living in Sykesville, Md. Bob Cole found out that if anyone wants to visit, he should call ahead “so that Jeff can be ready for company.” Sad to say, it sounds unlikely that he would recognize any of us.

Now the good news in the bad news department: Bill Johnson and Boo Smith, both of whom have multiple myeloma, have sent us very encouraging reports as of late May 2020! Here they are. From Bill: I continue on multiple daily antibiotic, an antiviral, a bone strengthener, baby aspirin, as well as two major cancer meds, one orally for two weeks per month and another by monthly infusion (4+ hours in the cancer center). The treatment appears to be working well; I no longer have bone pain or much weakness and can regularly work in the garden and do yoga or go on bike rides. I’m hopeful and expect to be around to welcome our first grandchild in mid-November. Denise, my wife of almost 39 years, has been a good companion for the journey. From Boo: The biopsy of my bone marrow — taken 5/21, to measure the effectiveness of the stem cell transplant 2/11 — was very encouraging. There was a minuscule amount of myeloma, much less than what might be anticipated. There is still no cure, but I am considered in remission. I will be on a chemo pill once a day as maintenance (three weeks on one week off.) Hopefully I will be doing this for a long, long time. I plan on returning to Gilman full-time in the fall — whatever that is going to look like.

Similarly, we have a positive report from Duane Chase about his prostate surgery. Actually, the report that the surgery went well came from Chad; Duane next wrote about something else, so I guess he’s doing well. Duane has been a source of good humor and good fellowship, as usual, commenting in his email about prostate cancer and upcoming surgery that “Apparently, the state of Colorado needs an old prostate in its medical collection.” Despite the medical problem, Duane participated fully in the reunion planning, joining every meeting by phone. To one email he attached a photo of his “nurse.” That provoked no less than 23 messages from 10 different classmates, first to identify the “nurse,” and then about other pro wrestlers of our youth (and the holds they used), names a lot of us will remember: Bruno Samartino, Gorilla Monsoon, Killer Kowalski, Hans Mortier, the

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ALUMNI AUTHORS North Atlantic Cities by Charles Duff ’71

Iron Sheik, Andre the Giant, Argentina Apollo, Haystack Calhoun, Bobo Brazil, and Buddy Rogers.

One of the best parts of the conversations on our email list, for your secretary, at least, have been the expressions of appreciation of classmates from classmates. Here follows a sampling: Mike Farber called our attention to Bruce Beehler’s many accomplishments, giving us this link to his website: brucembeehler. John Renneburg chipped in with appreciation of Bruce as well, and Page West followed with this: Bruce was the speaker at a major Wake Forest University event a few years ago. Invited by the president of the university as part of a special yearlong speaker series, he filled Wait Chapel (1,500 seats?) as he presented some of his research, showed slides, and discussed the climate and the environment. It was very, very special. The next day Bruce and Carol came over to have a reunion visit. It was very special because my dad and Bruce’s dad, Bill, were absolutely best of friends growing up in Ruxton and throughout their lives.

Michael Farber also wrote of Warren Marcus, “Here’s another class standout who has changed the world!” and gave us this link:

Hunter Nesbitt was celebrated by both Rick Gumpert and Bob Brown. Rick wrote to thank Hunter for his help in Mr. Riley’s art class, and Bob wrote, “Hunter, so nice to hear you here and a big shout out to you for being one of the best teachers my daughter Rachel had at Park. Hunter was her fourth grade teacher and was fantastic!! I only had a few teachers as good as you in all my schooling.”

John Renneburg wrote to say what many of us will surely second — my wife, Susie, and I sure do, most recently as we are on the fourth episode of Country Music — to congratulate Allen Moore for his great cinematography in Ken Burns’s films. Mike Farber (again) passed on this appreciation of Page West from his daughter Kate: “Yes! He taught entrepreneurship and was probably my favorite professor. Definitely my favorite class at Wake.” That’s Wake Forest, where Page teaches.

Many expressed appreciation of Derek Matthews for the work he is doing in Tanzania, and our anxious hope that he stays healthy on the front line of a pandemic in a poor country. Let’s give Brad Harrison the last word here, from a response to Jeff Putterman: “Also, I too am humbled and moved to be in touch with our classmates and hear of their accomplishments, and to remember the spirit of camaraderie that the entire class possessed and possesses, one of kindness and acceptance, which I have appreciated so much over the years. I feel truly privileged to be part of our class, and to have had such a start in life. My thanks and appreciation go out to every classmate! So good to be in touch with you, Jeff, and all our classmates!”

Keep October 9-10 clear on your schedules, guys, and keep your fingers crossed that we can all meet up face to face then.


Please send us your notes for next time.


Russell Monroe: At age 65, having completely read Social Security and Medicare for Dummies, I have alas decided to continue to work, most likely until I drop. Nobody ever said living in California is cheap. I continue to work as a psychiatrist for my Napa-based company, but gave up driving to various hospitals where I was medical director and have pulled back to part-time work from home doing tele-psychiatry. It is odd seeing patients in sweatpants and slippers, but this is the brave new world of Health Care 2.0. I no longer spend three hours a day on freeways listening to NPR and podcasts. We fled the city of San Francisco some years ago for the hills of Marin County, having been overwhelmed by insufferable 20-something techies. Unfortunately, even living 30 minutes from Napa and Sonoma, I still prefer a cocktail over a Carneros. We ended up selling our Charleston, S.C., property after holding on to it for decades. I had always thought that was the best place to live and retire, but no longer so in the current political and social state of our country. My architect husband, Charlie, retired this year, but somehow continues to work. I did not expect that to be what retirement meant. We have connected with Roger Bowie and his wife, Mary Alice, on numerous occasions. Roger, when you are next playing golf up here, let us know. We have some great new restaurants to try. I have only crossed paths once with Chris Taylor at the Mill Valley Film Festival. If there are other Californian classmates, where are you?

John Sinclair: After 40 years of practicing law, I retired last year. I have been thoroughly enjoying the freedom retirement brings. I still stay “in the game” continuing to work on a part-time basis as the president of The Sheridan Foundation, set up by my great-grandparents. We focus on grants to schools and cultural arts in Baltimore. I have increased my history conferences and battlefield tours, making new friends. Retirement also has allowed me to renew old friendships, including with Terry

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Levering from our class of 1972. I keep active with our two grandchildren. My wife’s and my dream vacation to Australia and New Zealand had to be postponed until next year due to the bush fires. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our 50th in two years!

J. Richard Thomas: Greetings from eight weeks in quarantine. This has been a rather fascinating year in every respect. It included a fabulous trip to Africa with a wonderful group of friends that included countries such as South Africa, Batswana, and Zimbabwe. The most significant event of the year is serving as grandfather to three amazing grandchildren. How could I have gotten this old?

Many thanks to Mike Karas who clearly has served as the glue of our class by arranging several mini-reunions at such illustrious places as the Mt. Washington Tavern and Ocean Pride. Included in this group were ‘72 classmates as well as “dignified” representatives from other schools and classes. Also, thanks to Pete George and Ted Trimble for arranging our most recent Zoom visit. It was great to catch up with a few chaps we have not seen or heard from in years.

Remember 50 (reunion, that is) is right around the corner. Stay well. Stay in touch, and hope to see you around town.


Please send us your notes for next time.


Our annual Holiday Luncheon tradition continued this year, with a gathering of classmates at the Maryland Historical Society, hosted by Clinton Daly and A.C. George. Clinton is serving as the First Vice Chairman of the MHS, and Andy Brooks is on the Board of Directors. Attending were Courtenay Jenkins, Greg Pinkard, Steve Dembo, A.C. George, David Seiler, Andy Brooks, Jamie Murray, John Rice, Dave Emala, Andy Murray, Bill Baker, Clinton Daly, and Kim Byron. We enjoyed lunch in the Boardroom while each of us shared what we’ve been involved with over the past year, and personal reflections of how Gilman impacted our lives for the better, challenged us to contribute to the best of our abilities, and to give back by volunteering and serving our communities.

Next, Mark Letzer, the President and CEO, gave an overview of the programs and future growth plans of the Maryland Historical Society. He led us on a tour of the H. Furlong Baldwin Library, which featured the original document of the Star Spangled Banner, written by Francis Scott Key during the bombardment of Baltimore in 1812. Yes, we all got to touch the original manuscript, well actually the glass case it was enclosed in, of course. Mark also guided us through the “Spectrum of Fashion” exhibit and the “Divided Voices: Maryland in the Civil War” permanent exhibit, and fielded questions.

If any of us ever do get back into an airplane post-pandemic, we no longer have the opportunity to be flown by a classmate, as Captain Kimball Byron retired from American Airlines in February. Kim continues to race in the JFK 50 Mile Ultramarathon, held last November. I believe the count is 51 times running this race!

Clinton Daly has been spending the stay-at-home time painting, polishing, planting, and having lots of board-related Zoom calls strategizing for the post-COVID recovery. Additionally, he, A.C. George, Andy Brooks, and Tom Gamper worked hard in support of Thiru Vignarajah’s Baltimore mayoral campaign.

Brad Mudge writes that he is finishing up a yearlong sabbatical from his teaching duties at the University of Colorado, but that progress on his research has stalled a bit around the recent coronavirus shutdown of the university. The real tragedy for Brad is that this summer’s World Series of Poker has been canceled, and he had saved up for some high-stakes play.

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Roger Bowie ‘72, Charles Chase, Mary Alice Bowie, Russell Monroe ‘72.

Marc Zarbin reports that his wife, Susan, Nicolas (16), Francesca (14), Isabel (14), and he are well in New Jersey. One great benefit of the lockdown is that they are spending more time together as a family, and fortunately, they all get along! So the time together is precious. The hospital where Marco is chief of ophthalmology was the epicenter of the COVID-19 epidemic for the state, and he notes at one point, ~75 percent of the inpatients either had COVID-19 or were suspected of having it. University Hospital is a level I trauma center, so Marco and staff have continued to see patients and do emergency surgery throughout the lockdown. He sees that reorganizing processes at the hospital will allow performance at a higher level as a result of the epidemic-induced logistical changes, which ensure a safe environment for patients, staff, and physicians. Marco admits that to help keep his family safe, Susan makes him disrobe when he arrives home from work so that his clothes can be washed and then dried at high heat promptly! The increased risks associated with surgical practice have made him appreciate how fortunate we all are to have good health and this time together.

A.C. George writes about enjoying the great Holiday Luncheon hosted by Clinton at the Maryland Historical Society. Ace’s third grandchild is due in June by his daughter, Ellett, down in Washington, D.C. His sons and Gilman grads Pell and Taz are enjoying their lives in Charlotte and Chicago, respectively. Coach George is missing his varsity lacrosse guys terribly this season due to COVID-19 school closures; his Carver Vo-Tech Bears will be back next year as contenders! A.C. planted a Magnolia to celebrate his wife, Kathryn’s, retirement from pathology after 42 years of service, and mentioned working hard with other classmates to

elect Vignarajah as mayor. Somewhat philosophical, A.C. commented on the influence of our Gilman education, instilling understanding, patience, discipline, resilience, faith, hope, and confidence during this challenging coronavirus pandemic.

Mac Finney continues his essential work keeping us in Baltimore informed, as he files news stories and broadcasts remotely out of his car. He prefers to call the pandemic world we’re now living in “The New Abnormal.” Sadly, Mac’s mother, June, died in May at age 93, and many of our own mothers visited Mrs. Finney’s fabric shop in Ruxton back in the day. Mac hopes we all stay well!

Henry Blue writes he and wife, Liz, remain in Butler, with Liz active in volunteer work and riding horses, both of his sons now married (one in NYC and one in Chattanooga), and his daughter living in Maryland coaching varsity lacrosse at Garrison Forest. Bench is active, playing competitive golf, and modestly states he just “happened to win” the 91st Maryland State Senior Amateur last September. He did that with a hole-in-one in the final round to charge back from a five-stroke deficit and pass seven other players to capture the tournament and trophy. Henry’s past wins include the U.S. Seniors Championship and the Mid-Atlantic Seniors title. Sadly, his father, also a strong competitive golfer, died in April.

Jim Lynn proudly announced the birth of his first grandchild, Declan James Feeney, born last November. Jim’s oldest daughter Kate and her husband, Kevin, are raising Declan in Hoboken, N.J., Jim very much enjoyed seeing all of us who made it to our 45th reunion last April.

Dave Emala relates how so much of life has been affected by COVID-19 precautions, including two rescheduled weddings and new business and civic efforts related to supplying personal protection equipment. Dave’s youngest son, Ned, is now a teacher-coach at Gilman. Directly related to an awareness of Reddy Finney’s spirit still resonating in the hallways, Dave is serving for a second term on the Gilman Alumni Board, 30 years after his first round.

Ross Pearce has had a challenging spring as senior steward of the Maryland Racing Commission and co-chairman of the Manor Steeplechase Race. With the stay-at-home decree and restrictions

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Members of the class of 1973 at the Maryland Historical Society: Byron, Daly, J. Murray, Emala, George, Pinkard, Baker, Dembo, Rice, A. Murray, Brooks, Jenkins, Seiler.

on gatherings of more than 10 persons, he canceled the 118th running of the My Lady’s Manor Steeplechase in April. There has been no horse racing starting mid-March at the Laurel race course, and unfortunately, no Preakness and other racing at the Pimlico track. Ross’s son Parker had to cut his freshman year at UVA short and could not play in finals for varsity horse polo, in which they were the leading contenders. Ross’s daughter Jessica has a new job with Vanguard in Pennsylvania, and is living in Philly, and daughter Elizabeth had a baby girl in December named Dabney. Elizabeth works at The University of Maryland as a nurse practitioner, and is building a new house for Dabney and family in Monkton. Ross is very happy to be a proud grandfather!

David Seiler continues as senior consultant for a specialty manufacturing company, and as an essential critical infrastructure business in the medical supply chain, the facility remains open and fully staffed. Some remote work is possible, but I am onsite four days of the week. I’m a big proponent of face masks — mask up! Among the many things canceled this spring was the Men’s Doubles Interclub B League Tennis play, which I was looking forward to.

And where in the world is Jock Whittlesey? He and Monique remain happily retired in Falls Church, Va. I’m sure there will be stories of post-pandemic travel next year!


Ian MacFarlane and I were too busy, lazy, committed to tracking COVID stats, or whatever to do a proper Class Notes this year. But I’d like to think one of us will be up for it next year and heaven knows, there should be some compelling material to collect. But I sent out a class e-blast for individual responses this time around and we got a few, so below, our DIY Notes from the pandemic. God bless everyone.

Bo Lewis: Not that any year is good to have a pandemic but for it to happen the year of our 45th reunion made it that much worse. Sorry to miss seeing everyone. Dealing with the new normal here in Baltimore. As we all are finding out that getting old isn’t for the faint of heart, it does mean that we get to enjoy the grandkids. We now have three and it is great. Stay well everyone...we’ll catch up soon, I hope.

Kevin Lynch: Laura and I are still in Baltimore. She’s working part time for an internist and watching our grandson, Harry, two days a week. Our daughter, Ali, and her husband live in Rodgers Forge and both work at T. Rowe Price. My son, Andrew, is in sales and living in Austin, Texas. As I write this note, amid the COVID-19 virus, I’m finishing up my sixth week working from home. I work for a consumer lending company as a VP in the cybersecurity organization. No plans to retire soon. Hope everyone is staying healthy and look forward to catching up (hopefully) later this year.

John Tompkins: Greetings from sunny South Florida where Sara and I are stranded in paradise. Since I retired a year ago, it feels like Gilligan’s Island. Just call me Thurston Howell III. I am stuck here in Ft. Lauderdale with Mary Ann! Missing our three grandchildren and running into classmates at lacrosse games. Grateful for good health and hope for the future.

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John ‘75 and Sara Tompkins

Amid the coronavirus plague’s worldwide impact on health and wealth, and its overload of calculations and commentary, members of the class of 1976 contributed thoughtful perspectives in April with updates on their lives and livelihoods, as we approach next year’s 45th reunion.

Angus Finney and his wife, Allyson, were preparing to move to Table Rock Lake, Mo., later this year. “We have vacationed there over the last few years and are looking forward to the ‘lake life,’” Angus wrote. “Fishing and hunting are on the agenda, but I plan to start a small BBQ business next spring. I’ll take what I learned over the last five years as a pit master at Andy Nelson’s Southern Pit BBQ, tweak it a bit, and fill the fresh lake air with delicious smoke!”

Charlie Steinberg tallied that this spring marked “the 44th anniversary of our Encounter projects — and mine is beginning its 45th year. Despite being the least talented ballplayer — and athlete — in our class, I have managed to sustain this dream career in baseball.” Currently, as president of the Pawtucket Red Sox, Charlie noted, “I work with my longtime mentor, Larry Lucchino, and Gilman family member Janet Marie Smith, and her son, Gilman alumnus Bart Harvey. We are all engaged in building a new ballpark in Worcester, Mass., less than an hour west of Boston, for the Red Sox’s Triple-A affiliate. The WooSox hope to begin play at Polar Park in 2021.” Looking back on his career, Charlie added, “Only through Gilman could I have managed 19 years with the Baltimore Orioles, seven with the San Diego Padres, six with the Boston Red Sox, two with the Los Angeles Dodgers, two with Commissioner Selig, four more with the Boston Red Sox, three

more concurrently with Commissioner Emeritus Selig, and four with the PawSox/WooSox/Red Sox. And I teach sports communication at Emerson College two nights a week for fun. And I stress Gilman punctuation rules!”

Garrett Waters’ evangelistic forays and recent sermonizing coincide with his “working part time at present, and thus, have some money to pay my necessities.”

“A nice thing,” Garrett added, “is that I have been able to continue my faith practice, even during the pandemic. For example, last night I went to an outdoor prayer service in front of a Korean church, where the people had masks and observed social distancing. The Lord allowed me to serve that church for some time, teaching preschool Sunday school and helping the church with musical performances.”

Kirk Smith assured us that “I’m still conducting in various locations around the world and looking forward to the world opening up again. I’m also working from home in the CBD industry as well as world travel. As (Leonard) Nimoy used to say, ‘Fascinating.’”

Keith Christian, weighing the culinary offerings of Philadelphia and Baltimore, is “still working in law enforcement,” he wrote, but only “a couple more years, and I’ll hang it up. As much as I love hoagies, I miss steamed crabs.”

Keith’s words prompted a quick response from Mark Strohsacker, noting that “We are still in Philly as well, and I’m still working for GSK Pharma R&D. I’m also hoping to hang in there for three or more years.” Mark added his hope that “everyone is doing well during these difficult times!”

Bill Matthai saw Mark’s comments shortly before taking a bike ride and actually seeing Mark and his wife in Philly, a city that Bill wrote “has not had the same

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The 1968 Calvert School football team. Members of the class of 1976 enjoy a virtual reunion over Zoom. Keith Christian ‘76 on patrol in Philadelphia.

problems that NYC has. While COVID is a big deal here, as in Baltimore, I think we will have enough beds, ventilators, and PPE. We are predicted to hit our peak in the next week or so. I have not been redeployed to a COVID unit yet — there are six of them in the hospital — and I don’t think I will end up working in one of them. Outside of the COVID units, hospitals are pretty slow since most elective procedures have been postponed, and our office visits are done virtually. I am hopeful that our leadership will continue to encourage social distancing until adequate testing and tracing of infected people is available. If anyone wants to know what is really happening, just ask someone who works in health care.” Bill added, “The rest of the family is doing well. My older daughter is being baptized by fire as a medical student at Geisinger Commonwealth Medical School in Scranton. My younger daughter is attempting to study architecture virtually in Boston. She has another year and a half unless she decides to get yet another degree! Jan is fully retired, and just keeps asking why I am not as well!”

Among our classmates already making life changes when the pandemic hit was Nick Richardson, who wrote that, “I changed employers at the end of last year leaving M&T to go to Fulton Bank, still in the capacity as an SVP and senior lender. I was looking for a smaller, less bureaucratic institution for my next four to five years, harkening back to my first years in banking at Mercantile Bank, which was similar in size and approach to commercial lending.” Nick acknowledged that he chose the wrong time to leave the extensive financial work portfolio he’d accumulated to start a new one, “but it is a little late to secondguess. There is no convenient time to experience a pandemic.”

Nick and Anita both were working from home in April, where she continues her employment with the FDA, as their younger generation, Matthew and Will, “are working from their respective apartments in Bolton Hill and D.C., and still getting paid!”

In early March, Nick’s last musical gig before the nationwide shutdown was a chance to “share the stage at the 8x10 Club in Federal Hill with my son, Will, as we both played in a band featured in the lineup for the annual breast cancer fundraiser MammoJam. Will drove the band with his great lead guitar playing, while I was just a bit player adding some harmonies and harmonica to a number of the songs in the set. Anita and Matthew were in the audience, providing support, as is always the case.”

Also living in Baltimore, Scott Graham wrote that his wife, Beth, is a yoga teacher, their daughter, Maria, is finishing up college, and of the older two children out of school, Duncan lives in San Francisco and is a “techie,” while Rachel is living in Hampden and is a wellness coach. She leads yoga retreats, including one in Costa Rica, while Scott handles her “back-office stuff,” including a website.

“I stumbled into programming in my first insurance job and I never stopped loving it,” Scott wrote. “My day job is as a P&C insurance broker, and I just moved to a new agency, Maury, Donnelly & Parr. Great place to be except for getting ribbed about being from Gilman — lots of BL folks there.”

Scott wrote that “Ken Volk gets older every year but still manages to play tennis. Fortunately we get to celebrate his onset senescence once a year, and often see Biff Hearn and Ted Campbell.”

Ken wrote that he and Margot “are extremely thankful that we are continuing to work, albeit at a much slower pace, and to be able to keep our staff employed and get that warm fuzzy feeling of helping pets and their owners. I’m not sure when Groundhog Day will end, but here’s hoping that this confusing episode is just a small blip on the radar screen.”

From across the Atlantic, Jim Burgunder wrote, “We are all still healthy, and we now count ourselves among the luckiest. Even though Switzerland has among the highest infection rates in the world, social distancing is the default condition in the mountains, so the general lockdown is not very difficult for us. Two of our sons continue to study and work from home, and one is now graduating from business school and trying to enter the job market at the worst imaginable time. The stress shows at times, but we are hanging in.”

John Purnell and his wife, Claire, in their 30th year together in Annapolis, “quarantine well together,” he wrote, and “her office is now in our dining room where she is designing books for the Smithsonian and for other customers. Her exercise is walking the halls of our condominium — in mask and gloves, of course.”

The Purnells’ oldest offspring, Mary, and her husband, Paul, are living in Rico, Colo. They are starting a tutoring business together. Their youngest, Lizzie, is living in New York City, the epicenter of COVID-19, John wrote, “and that is a source of much worry for her mother and me. She seems fine and sheltering in place quite well. However, she was laid off from her job and now fills her time doing virtual astrological readings.”

John is in his 15th year as the owner of Inspired Data Solutions, and has “now worked for myself longer than anywhere else.“ The airport share of his business “is still going okay despite the fact that air traffic is down a phenomenal 97 percent,” he added, but “our other large customer is the Maryland Department of Unemployment Insurance, which for the past six weeks has monopolized my entire staff plus two other senior consultants I have brought in to handle the flood of claimant calls. We are seeing call volumes of 47,000 calls per hour on some lines. It is

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unprecedented. I am very grateful to have work, even if it is 12 hours a day and seven days per week.”

John’s theatrical pursuits for 2020 have been cancelled or postponed, including on the stage and in lighting work, both with a local theater company and a scheduled production of Pirates of Penzance at Severna Park Middle School. “Too bad,” John wrote, “because that took me back to the Gilman Summer Theater days.”

Bill Spragins’ “two major life changes in 2019,” he wrote, included that “after 34 years of living in Denver, Colorado, I decided I was not paying enough taxes, so made the move to the San Francisco area to be with my girlfriend, Barbara, whom many of you met at the 40th reunion, and her son, Spencer, who is in 10th grade. We are in the East Bay in Danville, just south of Walnut Creek, in a beautiful valley within one to four hours of a lot of nice spots along the coast, wine country, and the Sierras.”

Spencer’s many interests include the Boy Scouts, which “has taken us to some really neat state parks and other places, a great way to explore this area,” Bill wrote, adding that Barbara works from home as an attorney and analyst for the U.S. Patent Office. “We feel fortunate that the counties surrounding San Francisco and California were some of the first, if not the first, in the nation to aggressively clamp down on social distancing, etc. and the results on keeping the curve flat to date out here are reflective of that,” Bill wrote. “We are required to wear masks anywhere in public social areas and have run into police presence occasionally at the ACE hardware, grocery stores, and other essential businesses to ensure it. For exercise, we still jog, ride bikes, and can hike in the state forest and steep hills that rise above our town — without masks! But we keep our fingers crossed every day!!!”

And the other big change in Bill’s life, after more than 30 years with his firm FMI Corp., occurred when “we amicably agreed to go our separate ways at the beginning of 2019. I opened my own entity with the catchy name Bill Spragins Consulting LLC, which is me and a part-time assistant. I am still working with major heavy civil construction projects around the nation with a focus on getting the inevitable issues resolved sooner than later. The difference now is I work as much or as little as I want. For years while at FMI we had talked about how we could do more consulting virtually and travel less, and COVID-19 has finally forced it into reality.”

Bob Thomas shared his take on these unprecedented times, and on the continuing legacy of a classmate we lost not long after our Gilman days had ended. “Polly and I are holding up okay in this very strange time,” Bob wrote. “Our daughters are far away but oddly more in touch with Zoom, and our work goes on but with greater difficulty in focusing, as the Boston Globe’s obituary pages ran 16 pages this last week and the news cycle seems more

discouraging each day, both medically and politically. Time seems different; work seems different; relationships seem more fragile and more important.”

Bob was taking “senior status” at his small law firm as of the start of May “to try to free up more time for other pursuits,” he wrote. “The day will come not with a bang but with another day of quarantine. Maybe that’s as it should be — take a pause to reflect on where we are, where we want to see the world go, what we can do to make that happen.” Bob suggested a pause to reflect on “a marvelous unsung hero in our world,” namely Alex Brusilow’s father, Saul, who died earlier this year after taking on a major role in ensuring that our class’s 40th reunion contribution to the school was a success.

“Although I considered Alex one of my closest friends at Gilman,” Bob wrote, “I didn’t know his father very well at the time. I got to appreciate him greatly, though, when the time came for us to raise money for the beautiful turf field that bears our class’s name.

Bob added, “We had raised a lot of money and were mostly tapped out, and about $100,000 short of our goal. I reached out to Bill Brusilow, Alex’s older brother who lives in Michigan, to see if the Brusilow family would consider helping us out. Alex played so hard and so well in both football and lacrosse on that very field; wouldn’t it be great to have his family’s name on the plaque? Both Bill, and then Saul in a subsequent conversation, did not hesitate, [asking] ‘How much do you need? We’d like to help you close the gap. Gilman was very good to Alex; we’d be happy to help.’”

“Suffice it to say,” Bob wrote, “that between the two of them, they essentially closed the entire gap for us and moved us forward. It had been something like 35 years after Alex’s death, with no contact in between, and here with two phone calls out of the blue, the brother and father of one of our classmates stepped up with extraordinary generosity. I’ve never felt more proud of the Gilman community than at that moment. It spoke volumes about the nature of commitment, and the ties that bind us.”

On a little plaque near the field, the first name on the list of major donors is ‘Family of Alex Brusilow.’

“How extraordinarily lucky are we to have each other and to have had the great fortune to go to a school like Gilman,” Bob wrote. “No school is perfect, and I know it was better for some of us than others, but Gilman got so many of the important things right.”

From Virginia, Richard Mulligan wrote, “During my time at Gilman, I was good friends with Alex, and used to spend the night at his home in Roland Park often. I remember his father

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clearly, who at the time was a single father with three kids, which at the time was a bit unusual. He was a gentle soul, and his disciplinary admonishments were always accompanied with a smile, and/or a few pertinent words of wisdom.”

Describing Alex and Bill Pacy, who also died within months after our graduation, as “two of our greatest classmates,” Frank Rosenberg wrote in late April, “My life is rather strange, even by the current standard. I am living alone. Ann, my wife, is ‘trapped’ in Anguilla, which has not allowed entry to anyone since early April. Ann went back to Anguilla on March 6. Leslie and Dave, another married couple, and I were heading down on March 13. The five of us canceled our travel plans a few days before departure. Meanwhile, Ann has had two chances to leave the island, but I and her doctor recommended that she stay; it is much safer and thus prudent for her to stay. Aided by being a small island, Anguilla has done a great job dealing with the virus, internationally recognized. Ann may not get home until late summer, unless there is another evacuation flight opportunity and she determines it is safe to travel.”

Frank added, “My daughter, Amanda, is staying in her apartment in the Noe Valley neighborhood of San Fran with her awesome boyfriend. I am so happy that she has someone to be with her. She switched jobs in mid-February, going from FitBit to Workday.”

During his solitude, Frank noted that because of “the volatile oil and stock markets, I have never been busier. Perhaps, I should crave retirement or ‘senior status’ like many of you, but for now, it is nice to have work to keep me occupied. I am not bored one bit. Lonely, yes; bored, no.”

Andy DeMuth wrote, “I am working from home, as most are these days. I must say I don’t like it, as I have always tried hard to separate my work life and my home life. Now that I know I can do it, I just may work from the beach on Fridays this summer, if we are ever allowed to go. Last fall, Ken invited Scott and me to Puerto Rico with the spouses, but I had to cancel at the last minute as I had a herniated disc in my neck. It was very debilitating and painful. One doctor wanted to operate right away, and the second opinion said I would be fine in three months. I chose the latter, and have made a pretty decent recovery.”

Andy noted that 2020 is a 50th reunion year for our class members who were in Gilman’s Lower School, and for all the new class members from Calvert, including Andy, who joined us in seventh grade. He found their fifth grade football picture, with Doug Rice holding the football, and entered into dangerous territory by seeking some color commentary on the Calvert/Gilman rivalry. I think Calvert won in fifth grade and Gilman got revenge in sixth.


Parker Knott ’16 organized a community drive-by parade to show our collective gratitude for the brave and tireless health care workers at Johns Hopkins Hospital on Thursday, May 7. Participants were “loud and visible,” beeped horns, held posters, waved, applauded, and played music! See photos from the event on Instagram @HospitalHeroes410.

Who can remember the score and any key plays? All I can say is I am glad Mike ‘The Rock’ Austin and Ted Sotir weren’t at Gilman Lower School.” Doug responded, “All I remember is we were undefeated up until the last game against Gilman, and we lost 6-0, and I do remember looking up at some Gilman giants who were six feet tall and weighed at least 250 pounds. I think I was five feet (tall) and 120 (pounds) in sixth grade.”

Roszel Thomsen wrote that Gilman’s lineup included Lee Gerstley. Offering a detailed analysis of the two teams’ performance, Dave Heubeck wrote, “We went into the fifth grade game overconfident and thought we were going to run over the smaller Calvert players. Only trouble was those smaller guys were really fast and they ran by us all day long in a thrashing. I was really motivated going into the game as I had just started at Gilman that fall, and this was the first game that my father was going to watch me play in as a new Greyhound. He even wrote me an inspirational letter to get me ready for the game. Unfortunately, this was the only Gilman game of mine he ever got to witness as he passed away after a car accident the following January, but I have always carried the advice and spirit of his letter with me in all my endeavors.”

Gilman awaited a rematch, and Dave remembered that day in detail. “Having learned a little humility from the previous year, we went into the sixth grade game ready for a battle,” he wrote. “The game was played on the current lacrosse/soccer grass field next to the wall, but the wall had not yet been built, and there was just a small hill with Belvedere Avenue behind it, as Northern Parkway didn’t exist either at that time. We did have some large players.

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Lee Gerstley was our fullback and my protector, and Bill Pacy was a lineman. Bill’s dad filmed the game on his Super-8 camera, and we watched it many times over at his house.”

As Dave recalled it, “The game was a tough battle on both sides, but I threw a long pass that I swore was 35 yards — but was probably only 15 or 20 — to a streaking John Ward who caught it and either ran it in for a touchdown, or got close to the goal line and Lee Gerstley then ran it in for the game’s only score. I tried to abide by my father’s wise advice from the year before and remembered to be modest in victory.”

Bob Thomas added his memories of the two teams’ playbooks, including “a clever coaching move by the Gilman coach.”

“Calvert’s basic play was the off tackle from the single wing. The wingback was instructed — no matter what — to line up on the outside shoulder of the defensive end, to provide leverage on the corner. That job fell to me, at least some of the time,” Bob wrote. “I remember that Gilman had digested this tendency and coached its defensive end — Duane Smoot, I think it was — to line up on the outside of the wingback’s shoulder, to make sure no such leverage could be gained. So, play after play, Duane and I would, before the snap, engage in this bizarre struggle for outside leverage, with each of us moving two steps further outside of each other, one after the other, until both of us were at the edge of the field by the sideline, like a wide receiver and defensive back!”

With “coaching ‘adjustments’ being a far-off concept of the future at the time,” Bob concluded, “Calvert never came up with a Plan B, and our blocking scheme was disrupted for the whole game, resulting in ZERO points and Heuby’s name going into the history books.”

Jim Campbell also remembered the matchups, writing, “My favorite recollection of the Calvert football team was the ‘Suber Sneak,’ where our massive front line would part the enemy forces, and while the entire blocking force ran to the right in front of Charlie Jenkins, he made a sly handoff to Suber Huang, who would sneak through a gap in the center of the line for a big gain before some huge linebacker flattened him.” Jim also wrote that he has kept in touch with Roszel over the years, including about our field turf project, and that Jim’s first visit to the campus in 40 years, during a trip to Baltimore, included a look at the plaque, and the involvement of Alex’s father detailed in Bob’s remarks.”

“Dr. Brusilow’s study of cystic fibrosis touched a family nerve,” Jim wrote. “When I joined my wife, Lynda’s family 33 years ago, her niece had been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and has been fighting it for almost 40 years. She has gone on to become a district attorney and mom in North Carolina thanks to dedicated researchers like Alex’s father. It really struck home when our newborn first daughter

had digestive issues and we were told to do the sweat test for cystic fibrosis, which is inherited, and Lynda is a known carrier of the gene. Fortunately, our daughter did not have it, but that pioneering work by Dr. Brusilow touched our family.”

“On the more fun side of life,” Jim wrote, “in February 2019, I ran into Dixon Harvey, his wife, and Jim Bond ‘77, family and friends at 10,500 feet, at the top of Alta Ski area in Utah. Dixon and I were in a carpool together for at least 10 years and we had not seen each other since June 1976. We gave each other a hug but unfortunately were with groups going in opposite directions, so it wasn’t much of a reunion. Nonetheless, it brought a big smile to my face for all the memories.”

In addition, Jim noted, “my best buddy Ned Gray and I were the only two 76ers that headed west of the Mississippi, and in my case I’ve never looked back. I went to Fort Collins to get a degree in construction management at Colorado State University, the founding institution of that degree. I did the six-year plan so that I could spend lots of time in the woodshop, skiing, rock climbing, and being a professional carpenter for a year to get residency, cutting my tuition to $440 per semester! I loved Colorado, but in 1982 there was little work to be found. Turner Construction hired me to go to the San Francisco region where I spent the next 15 years building several Oakland and SF high-rises, SF Moscone convention center, a jail, a prison, etc. Along the way, on a dance floor in Emeryville, I met the love of my life, Lynda, who is a native of Monterey County, California, where we now live. We were married in 1987 and have two girls, now both married, one in her first year of residency as an emergency room doctor with the UCSF program in Fresno, Calif., and the other a program manager for Patron Technology in Austin, Texas.”

The years that followed brought changes in Jim’s spiritual, vocational and home life. “While trying to raise two girls in this crazy world, I renewed my own commitment to Christianity. That commitment had been more difficult growing up as a rebellious kid in Baltimore,” Jim wrote, and he also transitioned from corporate construction to a small family business in Monterey County, and from full-time real estate work to a pace that allows time for riding his mountain bike, working in his wood shop, swimming, playing tennis, kayaking on the Carmel River, helping Lynda raise puppies for Guide Dogs For The Blind, and restoring a 1941 Packard convertible wedding car left to them by her grandfather. “We spent 26 years on a property in John Steinbeck’s ‘Pastures of Heaven,’ building a country gentleman’s farm with orchard, vegetable gardens, lots of 4-H animals and Lynda’s horses,” Jim wrote. “We bought the family cabin on the Carmel River a couple years ago with the plan to build our retirement home there. Then, last fall, her brother decided to move out of the main family house

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In response to the current pandemic, Charlie Moore ‘76 and his team at DinnerTimean app that helps members plan, shop, and prepare delicious, healthy meals using ingredients that are on-sale grocery stores nationwide — are giving away their services. Visit covid-19-response6-months-freedinnertime-healthy-meal-moore to read more about how you can redeem a free six-month subscription and, in doing so, help them help others.

on the same property and gave us one week to decide if we wanted it before he put it on the market. We decided to go for it and we now own three acres, a beautiful spot on the Carmel River. We are only a mile away from the Carmel Valley Village which has become a winetasting mecca.”

Also providing insights on the Gilman-Calvert duals, Henry Jenkins wrote, “As for the fifth grade football game of the year at Calvert, I clearly recall how at the end of every touchdown run by Charlie Jenkins, he’d climb the chain link fence in the back of the end zone, which was about seven yards behind the goal line, an early version of cage fighting. It was a stinging loss for us Gilman boys. In the sixth grade game of the century, which settled things once and for all in the middle of the expansive Gilman fields, Gilman’s defense, led by Duane Smoot at defensive end, shut down Calvert’s running game. I think it was Gilman’s John Ward who caught the only touchdown of the game, instantly becoming a legend.”

On the home front in 2020, Henry wrote, “Annie and I are enjoying having our two boys, Benji and Timmy, home again. When not complying with a government-ordered quarantine, Benj works in D.C. for the consulting firm Water Street Partners. Most of his work is related to the energy industry and requires a good deal of writing, which he learned how to do at Gilman. He works with

Molly Farber, daughter of Jonathan. Timmy is working for the El Pomar Foundation of Colorado Springs. His job entails doling out grants to small nonprofits around Colorado. His first job was with Harlem Lacrosse coaching middle schoolers in Los Angeles. He misses it and probably will return to coaching in some form or another.”

“As for me,” Henry added, “I am busy here in Owings Mills taking care of chores around the property, maintenance of equipment, things I grew up doing. I also am involved with the Valleys Planning Council, which since 1962 has been focused on preserving open space in northern Baltimore County.”

Suber Huang, who was scheduled to be the keynote speaker for the Calvert School’s class of 1970 50th reunion, until that event was postponed amid the pandemic, focused his update less on his ball-carrying skills and more on concerns, including his son’s role in addressing the worldwide plague. “It was supposed to be a banner year, 2020, a year of celebrations around the world with colleagues in ophthalmology. Instead, it’s been an unprecedented time in the history of world medicine,” Suber wrote. “Our eldest, David, is an intern in internal medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC. At peak, they received a thousand admissions in a six-day period. He is well, but as parents, it is a particularly unsettling feeling to be proud and anxious at the same time. Jennifer, like other medical students around the country, has been pulled from clinical clerkships and asked to stay home until mid-June. Our youngest, Dan, is working from home in SF as an associate analyst for one of the country’s biggest commercial real estate firms.”

Suber also wrote, “Cindy continues in private-practice dermatology and continues to enjoy both the benefits as well as challenges of solo practice. She is an avid gardener, and this year she set a personal best, moving 10 yards of mulch in 12 days accompanied by Halsted III, our golden.”

In his own career, Suber wrote, “The last two years have been among my most fulfilling. Professionally, it’s humbling to continue to receive accolades from my peers in the field including the Retina Hall of Fame, the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Jose Rizal Medal, the International Lecture at the Asia Pacific Vitreo Retinal Society in Shanghai, my father’s birthplace, the VRSI President’s Award in India, Retina Medal of Nepal, and the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Wilmer Eye Institute. I continue to be involved in retinal and cortical brain implants for bionic vision, gene therapy, stem cell treatments, and helping new drugs and devices come to market. I am Chair of the National Eye Health Education Program of the National Eye Institute/ NIH and represent the Academy of Ophthalmology at the U.S. Pharmacopeia. I continue in private practice and feel honored to

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see consultations from around the world, to participate in research, and to teach.” But beyond those awards and accomplishments, he added, “the most gratifying things I do come from programs and projects that bring people together to collaborate, share, and which will leave a legacy. I started the ASRS Retina Image Bank six years ago. It has commitments for more than 50 thousand images and is now used in all but 12 countries in the world. It receives about 38,000 hits per month, has more than two million page-opens, and should grow to three million late this year. It is the most comprehensive open-access platform for ‘all things retina,’ all free, including downloads, to anyone in the world. The ASRS Retina Atlas will be the first continuously iterative online resource for retina knowledge. Working with more than a hundred editors, it has been a huge amount of work, but equally gratifying to foster its growth from concept, to design, to near-final version.”

Suber “started the Future Vision Foundation, whose mission is to inspire and celebrate breakthroughs in vision research through powerful documentaries of discovery, impact, and hope. Now in its third year, it has been such a marvelous experience to review and recognize clinician-scientist colleagues whose work will help millions of people see. Harnessing the synergy between visual science and the visual arts, our films have their international premiere at the Future Vision Awards. This year, we are in the process of adding a new meeting, the first annual Future Vision Forum, which seeks to join all vision stakeholders — clinical, scientists, investors, pharma, regulatory agencies, patients, and advocacy groups — at a high-level strategic summit with the goal of proposing drastically improved pathways to treat disease.”

Suber’s comments about his additional skills at photography did work in one reference to his childhood prowess on the football field. “This year, I got ‘discovered’ at a pre-exhibition dinner at the Freer and Sackler Galleries at the Smithsonian Museum in D.C.,” he wrote. “Several ambassadors and senior leaders of the art world attended a dinner for 30, but I strongly suspect I was the only one that played scatback in the single-wing formation at Calvert School. A tablemate named Mike took an interest in my photography and ... followed up with an email inviting me to a masterclass at the New York Foundation of the Arts, with five of the most prominent gallery owners in Manhattan (and) a formal invitation to be featured at a solo show at the NYFA. The pre-exhibition reception is on Thursday, September 10. Let me know if you are in the area and would like to help me celebrate my birthday. I will chill a Natty Boh and, pandemic willing, maybe we can catch some action at the U.S. Open.”

Suber’s new Proton Project “is an effort to capture positive images that inspire us and help us remember the world is still a very special place.”

Dixon Harvey wrote from his home just outside Baltimore that “the most important things on the personal front are that as Janet and I get ready to celebrate our 35th anniversary, our kids, their spouses, and our grandson are all healthy and doing fine through the shutdown. Our biggest concern is for the vulnerable people in our dear city.”

“With Janet retired and me mostly, until six weeks ago,” Dixon wrote, “we decided about two years ago that we wanted to put significant time and effort into something in Baltimore that would be impactful, replicable, and hopefully scalable. That resulted in us getting involved with the redevelopment of Johnston Square, which is a great community-led collaboration based on the model used in Oliver and Greenmount West, where no existing residents were dislocated. While the development-related work is mostly on hold during the quarantine, we had an overwhelming response to an appeal for meals and PPE for the residents of East Baltimore around Johnston Square, and raised over $22,000! People in Baltimore do care. The other fun part of the effort is that it has become interwoven with the efforts of our church, Redeemer, which is all about helping our City and its residents.”

Eb Finney wrote, “These days, I am counting my blessings more often as we stay sequestered. Reopening our respective towns will not be easy but there is hope now, I believe.”

He had been home working remotely for about six weeks, which he described as “operationally fine, but I miss the interactions in the office. No senior status for me yet; I still have a full load. My guess is the travel gets easier — won’t be as much — but still hope to feel some ‘warmer’ weather soon.”

Eb added that two of his children are “shuttered in their cities NYC and Pittsburgh,” while “one here with us, (and) we are happy for that one!” Eb “really missed the spring steeplechase races,” he wrote, noting that it’s the “first time since WWII that they have not run, but we look forward to next year.”

Arthur “Tiger” Cromwell wrote that his athletic activities at Gilman focused on running, “on dirt, gravel, sidewalks — it didn’t matter — just keep going as long as you could, as fast as you could,” and that the pandemic’s relevance to the more than seven years he spent doing mission work in Venezuela includes confronting fear with the power of prayer.

“I never overcame it with ‘courage,’ whatever that is, or willpower. It was always the same method — prayer, prayer, and more prayer, day after day, after... well you get the idea,” Arthur wrote. “So maybe my experience can be of value in this situation where a whole world sits at home in fear except for the medical folks, first responders (and) grocery store workers. Mother Theresa used to

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say, “Love until it hurts.” It was quite powerful listening to her in Baltimore in 1992. If we do ponder our mortality, … giving should be aimed to give it eternal value — to those in great need.”

After five days with no power in March of 2019, and no internet, Arthur wrote, “my wife Isa and I were both dead in the water professionally. We both depend on the internet 100 percent for work. The U.S. Embassy had been writing us for months telling us to leave, (and) in the end, if we couldn’t work we couldn’t stay, so we left on two days’ notice, the day after the bare bones contingent at the U.S. Embassy finally left. And we moved back to Lake Ridge, Virginia.”

That prompted a reply from Andy Wright: “Tiger, courage is not the lack of fear. It’s doing what needs to be done, no matter the fear that may turn your guts to water. You, my friend, are a man of great courage because you do and have done that which needs to be done.”

Tom Doyle wrote, “Last year I took the plunge, and bought the ‘retirement home’ down in the warmer climes of central Florida. The four seasons offered by Baltimore have become less attractive every year since I turned 50, and I must say that the two seasons offered by Florida have been ever-more enticing.”

He added, “Although Florida calls, my bread is still buttered in Baltimore, as I am now in my 34th year at the helm of Hilgartner Natural Stone. My relocation timeline will be driven by the effectiveness of the implementation of the dreaded ‘succession plan,’ but I have high hopes for a timely permanent relocation. Overall, I get to see my son most every day as he has become quite the marble mason. There’s food on the table, a roof over my head and most importantly, I am still spending every day, so far, on the sunny side of the dirt!”

Dudley Parr wrote that, a dozen years ago, “at the end of the school year, I left Shady Side Academy where I taught science and was a dorm parent, to go to Trinity School for Ministry outside of Pittsburgh. That was also my last paycheck. Anna and I married in November 2009 and have been partners in seminary and ministry since then. We currently run a small cafe in Cambridge, Maryland, which is our base for ministry.”

Dudley added, “We’ve been here for just shy of six years still without a regular paycheck. And yet, I have not missed a meal. We get to live in a nice house on the Choptank River outside of town, rent free. We’ve been blessed to share that house with 25 homeless friends and to see most of them get on their feet. We’ve been given four vehicles. Most of seminary was free, too. I share all this to point out that God is really good. We have been well taken care of. The Lord is faithful, even when we are not.”

At the Overflow Café, Dudley spends his days “serving great coffee and good food to people from all walks of life. I get to listen to their stories, and share some of mine. Over time, we get to engage over the one story, about true identity, and celebrate at a table the gift of God.”

Presiding from home, Baltimore City Circuit Judge Sylvester Cox wrote, “COVID 19 has severely hindered the administration of justice, yet we do what we can to preserve the judiciary.”

Sylvester added, “Judy continues with the American Red Cross; she’ll have been with them for 30 years this fall. Currently, she teleworks from home. Lindsey, my oldest daughter, moved to Los Angeles — that threw us for a loop — and works for BCG Digital Ventures. She loves it out there. Erin took over her grandmother’s house, and is typically millennial, changing jobs annually.”


Dr. Andy Sabatier, PT

’01 is the lead physical therapist in a mixed ICU in Central Oregon. He and his team may not have experienced the patient surge numbers like those in New York, but he is proud to report that, “Thanks in part to the innovative involvement of rehab services, we currently maintain a 100 percent survival rate for all COVID patients, even the sickest ones who are on ventilators for weeks.” While most people think only of doctors and nurses in an ICU, the work of critical care physical therapy can mean the difference between life and death, or survival and returning to a full life. He is pictured wearing a CAPR system that allows patients to see the faces of their clinicians, which fosters more effective communication and has been “truly a difference-maker.”

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Charlie Moore wrote, “On the religious front, I’ve been particularly engaged these past two decades with The Institute for Islamic, Christian & Jewish Studies (, an organization with quite a few Gilman connections having been founded by Gilman buddies Charlie Obrecht and George Hess, along with others they attracted, with former Gilman pastor Chris Leighton as its first executive director. Reddy Finney was an enthusiastic supporter, his daughterin-law has been a fellow board member, and our classmates Michael Ward, when he was in Baltimore, and Dixon Harvey for many years have been fellow board members.”

Charlie’s son Bryan, Gilman ’12 and Harvard ’16, has been working and living in Shanghai on behalf of an edu-tech platform startup, Crimson Education. He’s now running operations for much of Southeast Asia, including managing the rapid growth of college counseling and tutoring for international school systems. Bryan and his girlfriend, Na’ama, were on vacation in Thailand when the pandemic broke. “Having been out of China for 17 days,” Charlie wrote, “they decided to return to the States, and we had two weeks with them and my mom in Florida. Bryan remains hunkered down with my mom there, keeping her safe and working online with colleagues from all over the world. We expect that they will return to Baltimore to be with us before the end of May.”

Charlie and Laura continue to work hard at building, to solve the everyday grinding challenge of “what’s for dinner” through their platform for highly personalized, healthy meal planning, pantry management, and sale-smart, health-smart grocery shopping. They went to market initially as a typically free-to-consumer benefit in corporate and health plan wellness programs, and now they’re providing those technologies as free-to-shopper with select grocers.

Charlie wrote that he was invited to be on the board of The Whiting School of Engineering’s Center for Leadership Education at Hopkins. He has been a frequent guest lecturer there and at the Carey School of Business at Hopkins.

Ham Davis provided an update from North Carolina that “My personal big news is that I retired for a second time; this time it will stick. I live in Charlotte, and our three children are currently sheltering in place with us. Oldest daughter Paige will be a senior at Yale, daughter Avery will be a sophomore at UNC School of the Arts (focusing on) ballet, and Chace is a rising junior in high school. Everyone is healthy!”

Ham added, “I know circumstances are dire for many, but I am enjoying having the family together. I had several bike trips planned, but those are migrating to next year’s calendar. Staying fit on the local mountain bike trails is my idea of a great time.

Kiki and I celebrate our 25th this year, (and) hopefully we will be able to do something special to mark the occasion in the fall.”

“If there weren’t enough signs that the apocalypse is upon us,” Ham also wrote, “I note my service as a Sunday School leader for sixth grade boys.”

Your Southern Maryland correspondent’s transition a year ago from 40 years of community journalism to volunteer pursuits, including mediation training and helping to plan a nonprofit’s convention in Ocean City, abruptly stopped when social distancing began.

For her part, Linda stays busy painting, as she now sees her instructors through Zoom classes and informally meets online with her own students, until they can return to her studio in our home along Kingston Creek. My fledgling post-career pursuits likewise will resume, probably about the same time this quasi home detention becomes way too familiar.

Washington, D.C., once was described as a place where “work expands itself to fill the time allotted for its completion.” In retirement, particularly during a pandemic’s quarantine, the same rule applies to mowing small patches of the lawn, tending a little backyard garden, or taking a long joyride through the back roads of Southern Maryland to get a bucket of chicken.

Bill Baldwin: It’s always great to catch up and hear what all are up to, particularly so given our current situation. Safe to say the last 10 years are not what any of us would have wished for as we prep for well-earned, feet-up and kicking-back glide into our golden years. I’m kinda with Tim O’Shea on this one — about time to stay engaged and working, just without all the direct reports, conference calls

Hap Cooper, Stewart Finney, and Fritz Haller, all class of 1976, at the site of their third grade class party in Glencoe. Stewart was still at Calvert.

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and meetings, yadayadayada. If I never have to produce one more PowerPoint deck it will be too soon.

After taking a buyout last summer from my French employer, I was kinda sorta semi-retired, not entirely by choice, mind you. Just not a lot of companies out there rushing to find 60+ overpaid execs with no discernible skills (I’m in sales). Yang Wei was fine with that — she and I have a few rental properties, so she was more than happy to make me her handyman — not exactly how I saw myself ending up. I think if there were a contest, I would win going away as “Worst Handyman Ever.” Anyway, tossing my résumé over the online fence every now and then when I saw something halfway interesting, and not getting even a sniff, I did actually land something right when the shutdowns were taking effect. So back in the workplace for a while longer. But I like the company and the people, can’t complain about a regular paycheck in these uncertain times, and it could be fun for a couple of years, so we’ll see.

Yang Wei is at the Library of Congress as a Java developer, now firmly entrenched in the work-from-home mob. Which is great. I’d say she only uses air quotes occasionally when saying she “works from home.” She actually gets a lot done, but gets to wake up a little later, do some gardening breaks on a nice day, and greets me with drinks and dinner on the table when I come home from a hard day’s work (not even a little bit, but I can still dream). We have taken the shutdown pretty seriously — even our kids aren’t allowed in the house. If only we had thought about that 10 years ago. As I’m sure is true with most of you, personal productivity is through the roof. Not in my wildest dreams could I have ever come up with the never-ending and imaginative list of chores that Yang Wei throws my way on a near daily basis! But we’re doing great, and actually really enjoying our time together. Furniture is out on the porch, weather is getting nicer, so what’s not to like.

Our daughter Rachel is working at Northrup Grumman — been there for a couple of years — lives in Silver Spring, likes to cook, just got a cat, and will be going back to school to pursue a master’s in international studies at American U. Will is living down in Locust Point by himself, as his roommate is back with his parents. Has a sweet rooftop deck with a built-in grill, and has good friends nearby, so all good there. Works for Brinks, whose business is understandably suffering, so we’ll see where that ends up. But both are healthy and off the parents’ dole, so that is a happy thought.

I haven’t played golf in forever so don’t have much to share in the way of fun. Yang Wei and I were planning a couple of trips for this year, now on hold. We do have the good fortune of holding socially distant conversations on our front walk with Tyler. He comes over when he’s bored, calls me on my cell phone from the end of our

front walk to come out and talk. Always a good and interesting time to get Tyler’s perspective on life and current events.

As some of you may know, we lost Chris Murray last year to ALS. He handled his illness with incredible courage and grace. He was a great friend and classmate.

Not to call anyone out, because it gets harder and harder to find the time, but I do see a number of names on here of folks that I’d love to hear from. Tom Connor, Eddie Wyche — two guys right off the top of my head that I’d love to hear from. I saw one of the earlier emails, I think it was Timmy’s, and he talked about the impact Gilman had. For me, the impact was from all of our classmates. When I look at the list of names here, I have a picture and memories of all. And though we have all gone in different directions, it is great every now and then just to touch base. When we all get back to getting out and about, there is an open invitation to anyone in the neighborhood to stop by. If anyone has a good email for Damon Roach, add him in.

Daniel Berne: Betty and I are sequestered in our homes like many others. Both of us are fortunate to be able to work from home. I am currently in my 34th year working at T. Rowe Price. I have spent the last 16 working in corporate learning as an instructional designer. I create those annoying online courses everybody hates. But I also create virtual real-time classrooms as well. Betty works in a large human data sciences company (Iquvia). She does something with health care but no matter how many times she describes her job, I have no idea what she does. Our two adult sons are doing well. Sam, 28, a tech graduate of ‘09, works for the Maryland Energy Administration in wind power. My oldest, Matt, 31, works for Toyota Financial following his dad as a cubical rat for a large corporation. He is married, and recently, his lovely wife gave us the gift of a grandson. So yeah, we are grandparents. I have celebrated the new era of my life by growing a large bushy white beard. People call me Santa Claus. Love reading your life stories, stay safe and keep living well.

Hap Cooper: After nearly three decades of expansion, Jennifer and I decided to downsize. So last summer we moved onto the campus of McDonogh School — which is surreal. Jen is the Director of Educational Support at McD, so we live in a faculty house overlooking the cornfields. My three daughters are nearly out of college, so the empty nest is looming. Rebecca (26) was working in marketing in Virginia Beach and was one of the very first to be laid off in the economic shutdown. So, she’s enjoying the big unemployment check and planning her next adventure — including her wedding to naval officer (and PLL LSM) Matt Rees. Do you think weddings will be happening in June 2021? Rachel (22) finished up at Princeton in June 2019 (along with a

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cool internship at the Stephen Colbert Show) and moved straight to LA, where she is in pursuit of a career in film production. Currently her rent exceeds her salary, so I hope promotions are swift. And Julia (20) is a virtual sophomore at Stanford, which means she moved home and — given the time difference — is taking what amounts to night school on Zoom. The silver lining is another year of lacrosse eligibility — Stanford Business School?

My consulting practice crashed and burned with impressive speed. My core business is sales training for investment banks and insurance companies — in person. Poof — all gone. Soooo, I’m reinventing my delivery in virtual form and am working on becoming a Zoom Zen Master. I’m also using the extra time to write that elusive book I’ve been putting off for 15 years.

Marshall Thomsen : I’m still teaching physics at Eastern Michigan University, so of course that means I was scrambling a couple of months ago to convert all five of my courses to entirely online experiences. One of the challenges was finishing out a lab course, but it is amazing the number of experiments you can do with a smartphone and things you can find around the home. My wife has been able to continue to work part time at a mail order company that sells flower bulbs. My son is sheltering with us, while my daughter somehow managed to pull off a transition to a new job and a move to a new city (Roanoke, Va.) in the midst of all of this. I am still enjoying hiking and am looking forward to travel restrictions being eased so I can resume that hobby.

Tim Holley : Still at The Tech and finishing my 32nd year on the faculty. My wife, Stephanie, and I have been living in Perry Hall since 1998. I stopped being the Gilman AD and coaching in 2017 and finished my last teaching stint (ninth grade English) at the end of May. I went full time in Development starting in July (sorry but I will be reaching out to It was great to see some of you at Mr. Finney’s celebration of life and hope to see you at our 45th reunion in 2022.

My three daughters are now 32, 28, and 18. Deniece (32) lives in Los Angeles and works for Spotify. She was a communications major at Syracuse and has been working in the entertainment industry in LA since her graduation. Her son, Brooks, our grandson, will be 4 in June 2020. Deniece is planning to get married in October 2021. Tammy (28) just finished her second year of law school at Penn. She is interning this summer before heading down the home stretch next school year. Our baby, Camille (18), graduated from Portsmouth Abbey School (RI) in late May and is heading to Lindenwood University, a DII school just outside of St. Louis, as a lacrosse student-athlete.

Charlie Tipper: Life continues to be good in Burlington,

Vermont. Nest is empty. Kids all healthy though entirely hobbled by COVID — their many fire-irons cooled way off. Mima’s and my 31st anniversary is today (5/13). Excellent bubbles in our near future. Projects abound for me, mostly around place-based community-building. Our Burlington house goes on the market this weekend. Fortunately, at least so far, Burlington’s attractiveness persists. I’m dreaming up a familyin-place “sabbatical” to pitch my gang on this weekend. The adventure continues.

Tad Law: I recently ended a 16-plus-year career at M&T Bank/ Wilmington Trust. Not ready to hang it up; so, looking for the next chapter opportunity. Enjoying the downtime and spending time with my daughter and two grandsons, who, along with my son-in-law, live nearby in Towson. (We are observing proper social distancing, of course!) My wife is busy running the Mary Miller for Mayor campaign, and once it is over, we look forward to spending time at our cabin in the Pennsylvania mountains this summer. My son lives in Denver (what a great city!) along with his girlfriend. I got to visit them in early March, just before everything began to shut down. My mother still lives in Towson, and both of my sisters are enjoying life on the Eastern Shore with their husbands. All is well!

Bob Johns: I’m pleased to report the Johns family is healthy. Susan and I had the fine planning skills to buy a larger house in the same community we have been living in Bonita Springs, Fla. just before COVID hit. We are now the proud owners of two houses! Great time to try to sell. The good news is that we won’t be squished as we were Christmas 2019 when there were 11 of us under one roof with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Jennifer and her husband, Andy, are the proud parents of our first grandchild, and live and work in England. Richard and his wife, Stefanie, live in NYC. He is a director at JetBlue (great time to work for an airline) and Stef is a doctor of physical therapy and was called into duty for NYC COVID patients. Kelly lives in D.C. and works for Katz Media specializing in selling TV time for political ads. It is the one part of Katz Media doing well as even COVID can’t stop politics. Stephanie also lives in D.C. and works for a small consulting firm specializing in financial and legal consulting. Stay safe.

Ed Mitzel: I moved back from California in November to Baltimore to work for a firm that is now moving its headquarters to Phoenix in only six months...another corporation sad. So my wife and I have our home up for sale in Ruxton. We bought a condo in Denver and we will be traveling back and forth from Denver to Phoenix shortly. Our four children are still employed during these tough times: government, tech, medical marijuana, and alcohol delivery...who knew! I probably will have

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changed CIO jobs when I write again unless the COVID gets me — number I hope you and your families are doing well! Please send TikTok videos!!!

Fred White: I am happy to report the family is safe. I work at a software company in Virginia while living in Randallstown, not far from McDonogh (pass it all the time.) I have been telecommuting for years so the stay-at-home order has little to no effect on me. My wife is a teacher so she has been home with schools shutting down. We will be celebrating our 38th anniversary next month. My daughter, Alicia, just turned 37. She has retired from her career as a professional ballet dancer with Alvin Ailey and Columbia City Ballet. While performing, she went back to college and acquired another degree, this time for nursing. She is on the front lines and we do worry about her but she tells us all is good. She will also be making us grandparents for the third time in June. We have two grandsons, 11 and 4. We look forward to her moving back to Maryland this summer. My son, Fred III, who lives in Baltimore, is 31 and works with an electronics company that has government contracts and is lucky enough to still be working during these trying times. I heard from Mark Brown recently. He has retired from a career with the state of Maryland. Stay safe everyone.

Ed Wyche: It’s good to hear that so many of us are safe during these uncertain times. I’m happy to report that all is well with the Wyche family. My wife, Christine, and I are living in the Charlotte, N.C., area. I’m in the home stretch of my career doing software engineering at Fidelity Investments. I’ve been working remotely for the last eight years, so I haven’t been impacted much by the stay-at-home orders. My wife is a general manager at Duke Energy — she’s also been working remotely for the past few months so we’ve been spending lots of time together. My older daughter, Nicole, lives in D.C. She’s a director of brand and marketing strategy at HZDG, which is a marketing/creative agency. She has a master’s degree in electronic media from Elon (undergraduate degree from UNC Chapel Hill.) My younger daughter, Kelly, just finished getting her MBA from Yale (undergraduate degree in econ from UPenn.) She’s hanging out with us here in N.C. while the dust settles with the economy. Be safe everyone.

Peter Wharton: Life is still wonderful here on the Chesapeake, although these incessant Zoom calls impinge on my ability to go outside and enjoy the beauty of living on the Bay. I was in Palm Springs for the Hollywood Professional Associate Tech Retreat in February, and have been quarantining at home ever since. I can’t really say I miss the travel, but I do miss seeing all my friends in fun places for conferences and seminars. And why is it even though we’re all stuck at home, the more I see my colleagues on Zoom the more they look like they’re homeless? My specialty is migrating media

companies and technologies to the cloud; I just finished wrapping up a project migrating the PBS network into AWS, and now I’m taking on a slew of new projects. I have a dev team in Croatia and media customers in Israel, Germany, and also, thankfully, right here in Maryland. With everyone stuck at home, all the media companies are struggling to make remote production work. With no on-site shoots possible, don’t be surprised if 18 months from now all the new movies and TV shows are animated. Grey has never worked harder for NASA than he has during these times. Non-stop meetings and calls from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and even multiple calls at 3 a.m. The next Mars rover, Perseverance, launches in July so there’s a lot of build-up before that happens. The rover’s name was actually selected last fall by a 13-year-old STEM student in a contest long before the current crisis; you really couldn’t ask for a better name in these times. Hopefully you’ll hear a lot more about it this summer. I trek out every two weeks to Costco to stock up and it seems a little scarier each time. This time, the meat case was full of fresh fruit; my doctor would be very happy. I can live with no TP, no eggs, no meat. But the day they run out of coffee, watch out!

Richard Lundvall : We too are “hunkering in the bunker” in Richmond, but do escape to the lower Chesapeake as much as we can. Both kids are in Colorado living the dream as fly fishing and mountain biking are accepted forms of social distancing. Margaret is becoming a marvel with Zoom as she navigates her leadership responsibilities for the organizations she’s involved in and I’ve never had a honey-do list as long as the one I have now! It was great seeing many of you at Reddy Finney’s memorial and, hopefully, when our 40th rolls around I’ll finally make a reunion! Stay safe and see you soon!

Pete Jervey : Great to hear from everyone; the Jerveys are well, shivering in fear in the basement of our house in Bethesda. Three children sheltering with us, Will, Leigh, and Trap, ages 21, 25, and 27. Will, the youngest, is still in college at St. Lawrence U, in the North Country, not far from Charlie Tipper. I’m semi-retired from real estate and getting bored. We spend a lot of time in New Orleans, where my wife, Donna, is from, and were in the crowds at Mardi Gras — but somehow did not get COVID. I stay in touch with Hap, occasionally play golf with Tyler Gearhart , am in a book club with Stuart Gray (he actually reads the book, of course), and saw Fritz Haller in the winter at his cool startup, Intelligent Endoscopy, in Winston Salem. Best to all.

Jim Scriba: Debbie and I returned from a ski trip to Whistler, BC on Friday the 13th, just in time to shelter in place. As we approach day 60, I continue my work with the Sausalito Historical Society, managing construction of a plaza

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surrounding the downtown visitor’s center, planning a rock-n-roll history of Sausalito exhibition, and providing IT assistance. We’re supporting regional PPE and mask fabrication, while reading and eating at a pace to keep our local bookstore and restaurants in business as fears around COVID-19 mount. The golf courses here have just reopened, and I’m looking forward to getting back to sailing on the Bay. Debbie continues her work on voter registration rights, and she’s picked up an online watercolor class with a local artist friend. Our electric bikes are proving big fun for venturing beyond our hilly town — and are easy on aging knees! Stay well, and keep working on being a first-class citizen.

Barry Saunders: Greetings from Chapel Hill. Sue and I are still in the same house where we raised our daughters. It’s tucked into a forest above a marsh — getaway spaces that have been a boon in the time of COVID. Nest is empty apart from a dingo named Bodie. I’m still teaching, Zooming now (various humanities/social science courses at the med school and main campus), still not getting enough writing done. Our daughters are both in early careers... Eleanor, winding up a second year of residency in medicine at NYU, was doing COVID care at Bellevue during the breaking wave in NYC; we’re hoping to hear soon that she has antibodies. Haley is a talented underemployed cinematographer in Los Angeles, lives on an old 32’ sailboat that she’s getting back to working order. Sue is making assemblage art with stuff from the garage that she won’t let me throw away. We are healthy, and frequent caregivers of an aging parent and uncle. This spring we’ve also returned to tending groves of bald cypress trees that we planted decades ago back in the marsh; they need protection from beavers until they get knees and can hold their own. BTW, Fritz, if this finds its way to you: love the company name. Mostly because it begs for inversion... a band name? Stupid Endoscopy? (Bright lights kill virus?) Anyway, come over and show us how to paddle over beaver ledges.


Tom Connor: Howdy, folks, and greetings from Wisconsin! Sue and I are now in our 26th year in Milwaukee where we have become Packers, Bucks, Brewers, Marquette, and U Wisconsin Badger fans, there IS a lot of cheese and beer, and we did have some snow flurries on Mother’s Day. As our state shelters safely at home, Sue has been working from home — she’s the finance officer for the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) — a kind of United Way for the arts — and she’s been scrambling and strategizing on how to help the performing arts survive. I go in to work daily to take care of urgent/emergency cases — but my normal clinical practice has been slowed with patients rescheduling and preferring to stay at home. Research Labs have been in hibernation since March 1, and I’ve been teaching via Zoom. At home with us are our two golden retrievers Cooper and Toby — and our 19-year-old triplets Caitlin, Michael, and Sean, who moved back from college (at


Hoby Buppert ’91 at Preppy Pimp is producing a line of stylish face masks featuring their customary bold prints and made from a hypoallergenic moisturewicking finish that keeps the face dry, cool, and comfortable. For every mask purchased, a second mask is sent at no charge with the intention that it be donated to someone in the community in need of face protection. Learn more at

William & Mary, U Michigan, and Northeastern U, respectively) in March and just finished their freshman years remotely. Our home wifi was not ready for the bandwidth requirements — but we managed! And while we are locked in at home in the evenings, I’ve tried to fill in the gaps of my children’s cultural education by making them watch select episodes of the Brady Bunch, Happy Days, the Partridge Family, Sanford & Son, The Six Million Dollar Man, and Rocky I. I’m glad they are over 18, otherwise I’d be guilty of child abuse. After talking to a friend/college roommate from Brooklyn about what it’s been like in N.Y., I realize how fortunate and blessed we are. Cheers!

Jim Wyatt: I guess it has been a few years since I’ve been in contact. It’s great to see everyone here doing well. I hope we all survive this current crisis. I am on my second (and last) marriage of 15 years...being in the Air Force didn’t help the first one. I have no kids, as I was more interested in flying than making babies! I am currently in the last stages of my work life at HUD Headquarters in D.C.... as many of you, I am working from my home in Bethesda at the moment, which is fine with me, my commute just got shorter by 45 minutes each way. My wife, Carol is very busy, She is chief of research grants at NIH. She knows Dr. Fauci well. Listen to him, he knows what he’s talking about.

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Dr. Jeremy Pollock ’03 gave the thumbs up as he prepares for the challenges ahead on the front lines combating the coronavirus.

“Doing our best in unprecedented/ uncharted territories! Gilman training and ethos are with me every step of the way!”

Read more about how Dr. Pollock and other cardiologists are being impacted here: coronavirus/bs-md-maryland-cardiologists-see-drop-inheart-patients-20200420-4ikfqg6dh5eqhmjes2oosrtpx4story.html

I am the godfather to Spencer Johnson’s daughter, who is 26 and a lawyer with a large law firm in New York. Thankfully, she is healthy and doing fine. My quest to visit 100 countries and all seven continents is on hold at the moment. I’ve visited 87 countries and six continents. Haven’t gotten to Antarctica! But it’s still in play. Had to cancel trips to Amsterdam and Africa, but they aren’t going anywhere. Everyone stay safe!

George Brush: As many of you know, Mary Anne and I still live in Grosse Pointe Park, a couple of blocks from Detroit. We’re going on 21 years here. We have three children, who make me a blessed and proud old man. Jared (23) finished up at Emerson College last spring (where he was the career-leading goal scorer in lacrosse, if I may boast.) He has been living with us and saving money to travel — he was booked to fly to Italy on March 25 and at one point visit a colleague of mine in Milan. Needless to say, that didn’t happen. Our daughters are both in the Bay Area, Somers (26) at Berkeley Law, and Emma (28) at Stanford for a Ph.D. in English. They love living within visiting distance of each other. Currently, they are hunkering down with their significant others’ families, Somers in Siesta Key, and Emma in Telluride. Lots of Zooming with them recently, of course.

Mary Anne continues to be the education reporter for our local weekly, Grosse Pointe News. Man, this turns out to be the hottest beat in town. Controversy after controversy, fueled mainly by insane parents. Mary Anne never planned on becoming a journalist, but the opportunity presented itself and she loves it! I am still at Wayne State University School of Medicine, doing some teaching, trying to do research, and directing a master’s program. Like most universities, we are remote teaching through the summer at least.

We are all healthy during this crisis and so very thankful. I had a stroke almost two years ago now, with some very minor lasting effects. I am thankful for my quick and nearly complete recovery as well. Great to hear from everyone! Stay safe!

David Obstler: Hello from the War Zone in the New York Metro Area. Does anyone else live in the area? We live in Manhattan , but escaped with the full family at the end of March to Salisbury, Conn., in the Berkshires, two hours north of NYC. Before that we were in various degrees of exposure in the city. My wife, Thea, is head of a child development center at a public hospital in New York City and was working when COVID hit the hospitals.

Our son, Andrew, is a sophomore at Northwestern in Chicago and, by the time he came home, there were only five other people on the plane. Our daughter, Alison, graduated from Colby last year and is working for a software company in NYC. She moved out of the nest in early March with friends and stayed in her new place for three nights before COVID hit. Three months later, she has paid three months rent for three nights in the apartment, which is a pretty steep nightly rate.

So we are all camped out in the country with our aging dog and appear to have dodged COVID despite the risks (maybe we are lucky enough to have antibodies). Fun to be together, and I have improved my laundry skills, but have been heavily criticized on my dishwasher-loading techniques. We have been able to get some normalcy with hiking, tennis, and a bit of golf. No telling when we will be back in NYC (our building of 56 units is totally empty.) In addition to household duties, I am the CFO of Datadog (DDOG), which we took public last September. It has been a great experience. It’s cloud software, so Peter Wharton, we should talk. I saw Tim Holley in New York earlier in the year (or end of last year), and he was kind enough to reach out when COVID hit New York. When I reconnected with George Brush on Facebook, I saw that he posted the meals he was cooking (he seems like a great chef). I assume he is cooking more than ever. I hope that everyone is staying safe and well, and it is great to connect.

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Stuart Gray: Everyone here is healthy and working under COVIDsafe rules. Katie goes to the office but she is the only one there. Carter (25) and his roommates work from their apartment in Fed Hill. Drew (23) is living at home and working in a designated essential business with mask and gloves on. I work from home. We are expecting COVID-safe rules will be in effect until there is a vaccine, which best case might be Sept 2021. I have been Zooming with Jerv as part of a book club that is open to the class of ‘77. Next book is “Underground Railroad,” and if you are interested in discussing it with us, contact Pete. If you’ve read the book, let us know if you’d recommend it to others. I have been hiking around Baltimore with Hap. Our last hike took us from Eddie’s of Roland Park to the Stony Run trail past Hopkins to the trail’s end in Remington. We crossed over to Druid Drive and down the bike switch back to the Jones Falls trail and followed that to Union Ave and back to Eddie’s via Hamden. 8.2-mile loop that was not well-travelled. If you are interested in hiking Roland Park trails, Hap and I leave from Eddie’s most nights at 5:30. Bring a mask and some suggested routes. Our next reunion will be in 2022, but if you want to arrange a ‘77 Zoom meeting, Hap can set that up. Suggest a date and time. Favorite COVID TV series: “Killing Eve,” “Ozark,” “Occupied”; favorite movies: “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” (Swedish actors), “Great Escape.”

Ron Shelton: Hello everyone — It’s really amazing what my classmates have done! At the moment I am enduring the COVID pandemic just like everyone else. (I come from work, go directly to the wash machine, take a shower, then engage with the family.) My wife (Kathy) and children are fine. All four of my children, Aunrik, Micah, Jeremiah, and Rachel, have graduated from college. The Lord blessed them. Currently, I’m working at a small community hospital in West Balto. as a pharmacist.

I’ve worked various shifts, including 10 years as an overnight pharmacist (10 p.m. - 8 a.m.) My wife and I have been attending Manna Bible Baptist across from the Pimlico racetrack for the last 30 years. We serve as teachers there. I’ve served as an associate pastor for about 10 years. As I look towards retirement I’ve joined a supplements company, Shaklee; so if anyone is interested in quality supplements go to:

Mason Lord: I’m living and working in the northwest corner of Connecticut, not far from David O. My wife, Hope, and I bought property in Sharon, Conn., and are building a high performance factory-built home up at the top of the property on a rocky ledge. Pretty sure that the ledge is harder than Holley’s head, but not as hard as Whitehurst’s. My business, Hudson Valley Preservation, moved to Kent a year ago. We are entering our 30th year. We specialize in improving antique homes, both for comfort and energy efficiency. We are using carbon storing materials for

insulation such as wood fiberboard and cellulose; avoiding rigid and spray foam as much as possible. Son #1, Mason, 30, is in Spokane, Wash., managing and part owner of a cannabis dispensary. He is really knowledgeable about the product, and I’m pretty sure he’s been in the cannabis industry since he was 15. Son #2, Alex, 28, is married and has just moved to North Yarmouth, Maine. He works as a carpenter for GO Logic, a design build Passive Haus firm. Son #3, James, 24, lives in Hyattsville, Md. He and a business partner have started a CBD salves and oils business, Jimbo and Jules: Check them out. As a part of the business they have a conscious garden project with bee-saving goals. James is also a musician and plays guitar and vocals with his band Humbalaya. Lastly, my mother is still in her home on Underwood Road. I have made it back to town and caught up with Mr. Holley and others on occasion and really enjoyed the Reddy Finney Memorial in October. Nice to catch up!

John Xanders: Gentlemen, I guess I started my retirement three months early due to the pandemic. If I survive online teaching I will be retiring from The Tech after 38 years, with wrestling (28 years) and baseball coaching (9 years), I can honestly say that I enjoyed every aspect of my 38! Marian and I live in Lutherville with a crazy 15-year-old cat. My son, Ty, has been writing for Inside Lacrosse magazine for almost 10 years. He lives in Fells Point and knows more people than I do! I also have four stepsons (all Gilman grads) who live close enough for a quick visit! Take care.

Bill Blue: I’m trying to meet a ‘Cooper Deadline’ which (after 12 years at The Tech with Hap) I know is an oxymoron. Betsy and I are celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary. Since we’re not going anywhere, I may have to surprise her with something beyond the meal kits in 15 minutes that represent my culinary skills. Our children are now 34 (Will), 32 (Nancy), and 30 (Kacie). Will and his wife, Alison, live in Atlanta and just blessed us with our second grandson last month. Our girls live in town, so we see them and their significant others at least weekly, which has been great.

I left the banking business five years ago to join Betsy in starting a mental health treatment center in Charlotte called HopeWay ( We offer residential, day treatment, and outpatient care and served just over 500 clients last year. We had to temporarily close our doors at the end of March because of community spread concerns and lack of PPE. We pivoted to a virtual treatment model over the last six weeks, and reopened our doors for in-person care this week. Fingers crossed that health insurance companies continue to authorize virtual care because it is very effective and increases access.

The class of ’77 was well represented at Mr. Finney’s service. For those of you that missed it, Stewart did an amazing job describing his father. I particularly enjoyed sitting around the fire pit later

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that night recounting Mr. Finney stories and time at Gilman...even if the stories were a little embellished. Timmy, looking forward to your next visit to Charlotte. We’ll get Ed Wyche and Kraig Holt and play some socially distant golf, which given how I’m hitting the ball these days, shouldn’t be a problem.

Tim O’Shea: Hey guys. Great to hear from so many. An observation... our class has more than its fair share of doctors, scientists, and engineers. Messrs. Williams, Bartkowski, Porter, and Kozumbo would be proud. Impressive work. All is well in Richmond, Va., three adult kids, two who happen to be sheltering with us at this moment. The third lives a mile away. I’m definitely in the twilight of my career, which has evolved in and around health care/ health insurance, analytics, and technology to deliver navigation solutions to consumers and employers. Definitely transitioning now having sold a company a year ago. Trying to figure out how to keep working/stay busy with interesting strategic work, minimal responsibility, no direct reports, fewer Zoom meetings and complete flexibility as the primary objectives. If I’m successful I’ll let you know. I’ve started advising a couple startups here in Virginia in the space I’m familiar with so maybe I can just keep doing that until I become obsolete. Mr. Finney’s passing and the reflection that followed reinforced for me how important Gilman and this group of guys was as a springboard to a productive and happy life. Gilman was full of role models, hard work, failure, some success, mentors, learning about the importance of diversity, and lifetime friends. It was and remains one of the most fortunate blessings of my life. See you soon I hope.

Stuart Rienhoff: All good from here in Reisterstown, Md., with the Rienhoffs — lots of projects, open space, and critters out here. Married to Pat for just about 33 years (don’t ask me how she could put up with it). Still doing office leasing for work at Cushman & Wakefield (with many of the same people and Gilly alumni I have worked with over my career as well). No complaints and still enjoy doing what I am doing (especially not commuting downtown), but a little apprehensive about what our office markets will look like in the short- and mid-term?

Kids doing pretty well — one in office leasing for Highwoods in Tampa, another an arborist (trees) with a small company in Fort Collins. My dad, class of 1943, will be 95 in July and is living at Roland Park Place. He must be one of the oldest living alumni? He is healthy and restless and we try to be entertaining from a distance! Not sure if I will make it that long.

We had a great class and the school remains a big influence. I look forward to seeing everyone sometime. Be well and stay safe.

Damon Roach: My best regards to everyone. I’ve been locked down with my wonderful wife, Sandy, (and a giant orange tabby cat)

in Federal Hill during the recent viral crisis. We have remained healthy. I was able to enjoy celebrating turning 60 last year with a few of our classmates including Baldwin and Rienhoff in Roland Park at Bill’s home, a party in Sausalito, Calif., for Scriba that Will Dixon came down from Seattle to attend, and a bash in Vermont for Charlie Tipper that Willy D. flew in for, as well as Jimmy Bond and his clan. Good times.

I have been in sales in the broadcast television systems business for 38 years with firms like Sony, News Corp, Harris Corp, and AWS in Maryland, Virginia, D.C., California, and NYC over the years, and some European stints in England, France, and Germany. It has been a pleasure to be associated with Peter Wharton in the D.C. area in some of my endeavors. I want to thank Jim Ebeling for being my GP for some 25 years. Sandy and I get together with Jim and Liza for dinner in Baltimore now and then, which we really enjoy. I want to thank Tyler Gearhart for the text memes during this lock down that have kept me laughing. Oh, and I know he will hate this, but Peter Van Kleeck is alive and well living with his wife in the panhandle of West Virginia. I wish everyone the best as we engage in our 60s in uncertain times. It is not boring! Stay safe.


Please send us your notes for next time.


Has Franklin

I have not heard from many classmates as the notes need to be submitted now. We are living in a strange time with a global pandemic that has shut down the world economy. Our Class Notes are probably secondary as we all are approaching the age that we need to be concerned with our health to protect ourselves from the virus.

Rick Watts and Roberta hope to crisscross the USA in their RV this fall, assuming they get freed from home detention, and National Parks are open. He plans to continue to spend winters in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, even though Sam Hillers and Ann sold their house and moved to California. Friends are welcome to visit in 2021! It is also my understanding that the Hillers family is safe and healthy in California.

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Biff Poggi reported that his middle son, Sam, had COVID-19 while touring with a rock band in Europe. He is home and healthy now with his family. His youngest son, Henry, was playing professional American football in Northern Italy, the original epicenter for the virus in Europe. He had quite the experience getting back to the United States where he was quarantined at the family’s summer home in South Carolina. He and Amy are proud grandparents.

I have been told that our classmate George Kelly and Marietta have been locked down in their Maryland home by themselves while all their children are in Denver taking care of each other. Luckily for George, his children have not had any “wild parties” at the Colorado house while they are not there like George used to do at his parents’ house.

Bill Senft and Louise’s oldest daughter, Paula, was married last fall. Bill earned another degree while helping his son Archer attend college at the University of Penn. His youngest son, Dutch, is going to be a senior graduating in 2021 from Gilman.

Kathleen and David Willis are now empty nesters. Their youngest son, Mike, is playing baseball at Georgetown. Connor is in medical school in Nebraska. Their daughter, Katie, won two national championships playing lacrosse at Gettysburg College. She is now teaching at a Catholic school in California. I believe Bryan is working in Chicago.

Lisa and John O’Donovan have been sheltering in place in Lutherville with their two sons, Henry and Jenks.

Chris Patterson is very active on social media living in Australia. Tom Booker is living in Columbia when he is not traveling the country watching his son, Thomas, play football for Stanford, where he is excelling on the field and in the classroom. Joe Carroll reports that he is safe and healthy living in Greensboro, N.C. Sean Darby is running a successful elevator inspection company that is expanding throughout the United States; his CFO is Carter Buxbaum. Sean’s son, Charlie, is going to be a senior at Bucknell and his daughter, Julia, is going to be a junior at Tulane. Carter is extremely excited that his oldest is going to attend his alma mater, UVA. He is also an assistant coach for a girls’ high school basketball team where he helps to teach teamwork principles. They were in first place the last time I spoke with him. I do not know if the virus allowed them to complete their season.

I saw Ned Finney at his dad’s funeral in the fall of 2019. There was a strong showing of our classmates at the service to honor Reddy Finney. He looked good with a full head of gray hair. He has one

son. Jay Wagley, Tyler Blue, and McLane Cover are all safe and healthy with their families. Right before the virus crisis began in this country, I was able to see Dwayne Lovick’s daughter, Chere. She is a public school teacher in Baltimore County making her dad proud. I occasionally see Ted Millspaugh running a very fun tailgate at Baltimore Ravens home football games. Nancy and Craig Russell are looking to locate to the West Coast for their American residency. They still own an olive farm in Spain. I heard that Jon Jacobson has retired. Jim Wilkerson’s oldest boy graduated from Gilman’s Middle School virtually this year.

Has Franklin: My family is doing well as we all practice social distancing and either working or studying remotely. My youngest son, Drew, hopes society moves forward so he can have a somewhat traditional senior year at Rhodes College. My middle son, Luke, is coaching and getting his master’s in kinesiology at McDaniel. His team played the last NCAA Lacrosse Game of this past season. He has made his parents proud by attaining a 4.0 GPA through his first year in his master’s program. Our daughter, Leslie, has been working extremely hard during this time as her company supplies many places with the equipment and materials needed for cleaning to fight this virus along with the PPE to protect yourself. I am sorry if I failed to remember current information to pass on in our Class Notes. It is extremely helpful when you send notes to share with the class. Please stay in touch as it is always nice to hear from classmates from a very special time in our lives.

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Cary Woodward ‘53, Topher Russo ‘79, John Behm ‘76

Christopher Russo: I caught up with (retired teacher) Cary Woodward ‘53, and John Behm ‘76 at Miss Shirley’s for lunch in early October. John and I were friends with each other and with Mr. Woodward. John and Mr. Woodward both spent a Gilman year in England. We had a lot to talk about and the time was too short.


We unfortunately missed our 40th reunion in April due to the coronavirus pandemic. Brian Lyles asked me to co-chair the event with him and we were really looking forward to it. We had a nice dinner at Cypriana earlier in the year to begin planning. Hopefully we can get this to work in the fall. #flattenthecurve

You will be happy to know that Will Griffith continues to surf when the California governor says he can. Will and I were in the process of planning a secondary event for the reunion: the QKC. Many of the original cast of characters were excited to attend. Tolly Merrick, Ham Hackney, Roland Mackenzie, Jenkins Marshall, Harris Jones, and David deMuth all were planning on being there to celebrate. Alan Livsey was going to miss the event because he was saving his USA vacation for Randy Brown’s daughter’s wedding in June. Hopefully that won’t be cancelled as well. We were also attempting to get Robert Abramson to attend. He was unsure if he could make it. In a shocking turn of events, there was a TJ Woel sighting. Paul Hazlehurst, Paul Danko, and I actually sat down with TJ for breakfast at the Towson Diner. We were trying to convince our friend to move back to Baltimore. Naturally, we have not heard from him since so it seems TJ is back on the MIA list.

Mark Hillman’s senior year party was a topic of conversation recently. Mark is still managing money down in Bethesda and doing very well.

Steve Snyder’s daughter graduated from James Madison this spring. The proud father posted some pictures on Facebook.

I see Tom Brodie is doing well. His quarantine seems to be fun. He and his wife post some of the best pictures on Facebook. And Tom, we still need to play a round. It is a great social-distancing sport.

Dave Mason celebrated his 31st wedding anniversary recently. Congratulations!!

I am not 100 percent sure on this, but there have been rumors the

pandemic has brought Steph Jackson back from London early. Not sure if this is for good or if he will be going back this fall. Steph, call me so we can tee it up this summer.

John Zentz’s daughter (and my goddaughter), Allison, graduated from TCU this spring. She is very excited to get her career started. John was going to be attending our reunion this year and I am sure he is upset he won’t be flying in from St Louis. I am sure he will spend the time building his GT40.

I bumped into Charlie O’Donovan at Vito’s a couple of times recently (pre-lockdown of course). Charlie is still enjoying shooting sporting clays in his spare time.

I saw George Parker at Henry Galleher’s memorial service. It was great that George came down from Boston for this tribute. It was nice seeing him. I hope George can make it to our official reunion as well.

Steve Plunkert and I had been discussing another lunch get-together prior to the state-mandated shutdown. Once restrictions are lifted, please be on lookout for an email (Hans Wittich, Roger Levin, Shockey Gillet, David Cromwell, etc...)

Jimmy Franklin: My family is staying safe during quarantine. I have two frontline workers. My wife, Emma, works in the pediatric emergency room while my oldest, Lexi, works in the emergency room. They are my heroes. My beautiful Mackenzie had her first year of college cut short, which was unfortunate. We did, however, have a blast driving to Myrtle Beach to clear out her dorm room at the end of March. We laughed nearly the entire trip over who knows what, but it was refreshing. My son, Garrett, has been doing extremely well in school during the pandemic. He gets up, goes to his computer, listens to his class, and gets his work done. As for me, I am still working with my three brothers in the wealth management industry. The past few months have been very busy and challenging to say the least. We will get through this. Metallica concerts every week online have certainly helped.

George Finney: Dr. Rodney Glasgow ‘97 recently spoke with students, faculty, parents, and members of the community in the middle and upper schools at the Lancaster Country Day School (LCDS) on questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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George Finney ‘80 and Rodney Glasgow ‘97

I am a Trustee Emeritus at LCDS, and our youngest, Whitney, is preparing to graduate this spring. Our family attended Rodney’s presentation and appreciated the way he challenged attendees to engage respectfully in dialogue on tough issues.

Greetings ‘81ers! Well your classless secretary has lived up to his moniker, by neglecting those important duties last year. The result, there is much to download to get caught up.

First, and most important, was the tragic loss of our class act brother, Henry Galleher, in July of 2019. One of the great benefits of being class secretary has been that I have had the opportunity to connect with many of you over the years. Henry and I started exchanging emails several years ago, and we maintained communications until just after he moved to in-home hospice care. Throughout the entire duration of his tenure with cancer, Henry never allowed his prognosis to alter his outlook on life; if anything, his disease heightened his admirable qualities, as he seemed to meet every new day with love and appreciation for the continued opportunity to spend additional time with family and friends. Before his disease I respected him and appreciated his taking the time to reach out to me, but during his illness, I grew to admire him greatly. Henry’s prognosis of colon cancer became evident after he had his first colonoscopy several years after the recommended age of 50. With the severity of his diagnosis revealed, while many people would simply focus on their own condition, Henry immediately became a vocal advocate for all who would listen, to have their routine exam conducted at 50, without delay. He was trying to help others until his end.

In late July 2019, JB Howard, Clark MacKenzie, Ted Xanders, Bill Thomas, and I, along with many of Henry’s friends and family, were treated to a rather extraordinary experience at Henry’s service at his home in Littleton, Colorado. The day was cool and overcast upon our arrival, and by the time of the service, it had started to rain. The presiding pastor, who met Henry at the hospice facility, opened the event with his recollections of Henry. He shared that Henry had asked several times whether the pastor thought he was destined to be headed up or down upon his passing. The pastor also shared that friends and family had asked Henry to give a sign. As soon as those words passed the pastor’s lips, a large clap of thunder burst over the house. When the pastor finished, Watty and Gai, Henry’s brother and sister, shared many heartwarming stories about their wonderful brother. Gai mentioned that Henry

had a cherished photo of him and his wife, Kim, at his bedside next to a window in his hospice room. According to Gai, as soon as Henry passed away, a rainbow emerged outside of the hospice, and illuminated their photo at his side. As soon as Gai finished her remarks, Bill Thomas’s wife, Sally, noticed that the sun had broken through the rain clouds. All walked out of Henry and Kim’s home, to witness a double rainbow arching 180 degrees across the sky, directly above the home. It was an amazing experience for all in attendance, and there was no doubt left in anyone’s mind which direction Henry had traveled.

It was an experience I will never forget. A special shoutout should be made to a handful of classmates who went to extraordinary efforts to be with and help Henry through his struggle with cancer. JB Howard started a Facebook page specifically for friends to share their thoughts, recollections, and countless photos with Henry. From its inception through only just after the 4th of July holiday, every post was greeted with an enthusiastically appreciative response from Henry. JB’s act provided a wonderful conduit for all to show their love for their great friend. Also, Sandy Brown spoke with Henry almost daily, and he, Mac Ford, Clark MacKenzie, JB, and others, traveled to Colorado to enjoy time with Henry before he passed. Lastly, Mac and Sandy played an instrumental role in the creation of a scholarship fund at Denison University, funded in Henry’s name and revealed to him, including the list of initial donors and the initial recipient, a few months before his passing. Also, since the last alumni magazine posting, Damian Lynch, Tom Fusting, Tom Hoblitzell, Don Wiley, Bill Thomas, and Steven Levin all lost parents. Steven’s mother, Alice, spent 27 years working at Gilman, and I was a recipient of countless productive hours with Mrs. Levin in Middle School, as she worked her magic to increase my reading speed and comprehension levels. Were it not for her, I might still be stuck in seventh grade! And of course, Bill Thomas’s father, who might as well have been called Mr. Gilman, was Chairman of the Gilman Board of Trustees our senior year. As I shared with Bill at his father’s service, there was no happier person than me on graduation day, receiving my diploma on stage from Mr. Thomas; until that instant, I had no idea if I was going to graduate! In retrospect, had I just had four Upper School years of additional help from Mrs. Levin, then my graduation would surely have been less of a surprise!

On to better news... in July of 2018 Mac Ford was named AllMetro Girls Lacrosse Coach of the Year, and one of Mac’s players, Hannah Mardiney, niece of Michael Mardiney, was named AllMetro Girls Lacrosse Player of the Year!

Back in March of 2019, Marcus Ranum shared that he had just erected a new steel building to house his hot steel forging

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equipment. I think I have shared in the past that Marcus is an accomplished artisan in the hand crafting of beautifully forged knives. I learned from Marcus that old wrought iron, which has not been mass-produced in the U.S. for decades, is an ideal metal for knife making. As such he is always happy to receive antique wrought iron salvage for use in his knife making.

More recently, Tom Finney reported, “As I sit in my office at home and try to make sense of all the world’s madness, I find myself continuing to refocus on the things that have mattered most to me. My health, family, and friends are what have guided me over the years, and today all three remain just as important, if not more so given the current state of the world. This year, my daughter, Georgie, graduates from the University of Delaware. As it stands now she will complete her four-year degree in exercise science, but there has been no date set for commencement. I know many of you are dealing with the same situation that I am and I feel for you as much as I do for my own situation. My son, Tommy, is finishing up his sophomore year also at University of Delaware. If you had asked me back in high school what it would be like living in today’s world and to be a parent, I would have never thought that I could be as fortunate as I am. Regardless of what happens in the days that follow, at least for me I am forever grateful to my wife, Virginia, and most importantly the two greatest gifts I could ever have — my daughter and son. Continued health and peace to all.”

Sandy Brown shared, “I was in Singapore for SARS, so I had a dry run of sorts. Not something I would have ever recommended, but it has come in handy. I am in my third year as Commissioner of Major League Lacrosse (MLL), and we are working like hell to get a season off. I am hopeful that fans will be chomping at the bit to see live sports this summer and that we will be able to play, so fingers crossed. If anyone would like to attend any MLL game, please reach out, and I will handle it. I am still living in Boston, but I am getting back to Baltimore more frequently. In terms of family, my son, Alex, graduates from Taft in Connecticut this month, and will head to Lexington, Va., in the fall to become a member of the W&L Generals. Sadly, he was captain of Taft’s lacrosse team this year, which lost their season to the pandemic, so he is eager to get to fall-ball. My daughter, Kendall, will be a senior at Trinity in Hartford this fall where she will be captain of the field hockey team. She was fortunate last season to earn All-American Honors, so she will be looking forward to not only repeating that, but also getting Trinity a NESCAC Championship. In early March, I had a nice visit with Bubbles (Mr. Bulkeley) at his home in Campton, N.H.; he is his usual irascible worse for wear there. Loves living in New Hampshire, and skis (when there is snow) probably every other day. Bubbles’ wit is as sharp as ever. He lamented the closing of Greetings and Readings, his source for his colorful card collection!”

Let’s hope Sandy’s efforts at starting up the MLL are successful. With the MLB and NBA seasons still up in the air at the time of this writing, if the MLL could beat them to the punch, then the MLL could have the unique opportunity to be the only live sport, aside from golf, being played and broadcast. One could easily presume there would be huge numbers of people starving to watch some live sports, thereby exposing a large portion of the population to the excitement of the fastest game on two feet. Fingers crossed!

Bill Thomas noted, “Sally and I have moved to Maine full time, a longtime dream of ours. I will be working from home and be in St. Louis once or twice a month when the world comes back to normal. Our daughters are also sheltering in place in Chicago and Denver.”

Leonard Frenkil, who is an owner of one of the mid-Atlantic’s largest residential property management firms, posted: “Crazy times we are living through. Paula and I drove to Baltimore on March 20 and will be staying here for the duration of the state of emergency. I’ve been at work each day and our 450 associates are as busy as we ever have been. Construction never stopped in Virginia so we take delivery of a new 248-unit community at the end of May. Work just restarted in Pennsylvania so our next community is six to eight weeks delayed and will deliver now in September. On the homefront, we anxiously await the arrival of our fifth grandchild — our fourth grandson — who is due in late June. Our daughter is a nurse and her hospital classified all pregnant clinicians as high risk and sent her to work from home about four weeks ago; that lifted a huge weight off our shoulders. Our daughters and sons-in-law are all hunkered down in Charleston and look forward to the stay-at-home order being lifted so they can drop off the grandkids for an extended visit with Nana and Grandad!”

Five grandchildren!!! Leonard is doing it right! He is going to have great-grandchildren by the time Del Dressel and Todd Stokes are finishing up paying college tuition payments!

Tom Hoblitzell contributed, “So my wife, Sheryl, and I are recently back from India where my son Alec was married. Visited the Taj Mahal and got out right before the coronavirus shut everything down. They currently reside in Arlington, Va. Other son Tyler is a lobbyist with the American Heart Association. I am still working with Jim Urquhart at Willis Towers Watson.”

Jim Cavanaugh, aka Big Jim, Jimbo, and JC, added, “Deb and I continue to enjoy our life in Portland, Maine, where I am now a full professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of New England. This year we took advantage

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of a snow bird opportunity to spend January through March in Charleston, S.C., where we found friendship, fair weather, good tennis, and a welcome break from the winter cold. Our kids are now both married; Ben is a speech-language pathologist working on a Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh; Katie teaches middle and high school Spanish in Raleigh. Thankfully everyone is healthy.”

Mark Neuman submitted, “Robin and I have been social distancing in Bethany Beach, where we are usually found these days anyway. Like many, we are no longer empty nesters, which is in some ways an unexpected benefit of this situation. Our daughter had her freshman year at IU interrupted and is with us until the fall or beyond. Our 22-year-old, who graduates from Penn this month, will be working in N.Y., but is starting remotely and will be with us in Bethany for at least part of the summer. And our oldest is in his second year at Harvard Law and, most importantly, got engaged to the girl whom he has been dating since his junior year at Gilman (she was at Bryn Mawr). So life is good and crazy all at the same time. I look forward to seeing many of you in person soon!”

My last and favorite recent contribution was from Marcus Ranum, who said, “I have been practicing to be a hermit for decades, so being forced to be a hermit has been a great big ‘who cares?’ for me. So far, so good.” He is a funny fellow!

Willy Moore: As for the Moores (not of the Robby or Chris variety), we are all doing just fine. Our younger son, who works and lives in NYC, contracted the coronavirus many weeks ago, and fortunately he was spared from serious complications. He is back to running four to six miles a day, so none the worse for wear. Our older son has been successfully climbing the corporate ladder for a company that represents product manufacturers who directsell on Amazon. Given the explosive growth in sales on Amazon post-COVID, he has been incredibly busy. My wife, Caroline, was traveling a lot for work, having biotech and innovation district projects in Miami, Raleigh-Durham, Winston-Salem, Richmond, and Baltimore, but like many, she has been working full time from an office at home, and is yearning for the day when we can all have some face-to-face meetings again. Fortunately, my company, Southway Builders’, work has been deemed critical throughout the pandemic, so our 12 projects have largely proceeded uninterrupted. The one I am most excited about currently is the new Lexington Market. As a fifth generation Baltimorean, I have a great deal of pride in building the next new structure housing the country’s oldest open market. Lastly, Caroline and I have been living under the Governor Larry Hogan diet plan. We demolished our kitchen after the holidays and were relying on restaurants for most of our meals; and then came the pandemic. But no complaints. We feel extremely fortunate to still be working, and we, like all of you, are looking forward to the day that we can head out to a Ravens or

Orioles game, or better yet, one of Sandy’s MLL games! Stay safe and healthy, and be sure to stay in touch with your classless secretary at

Taylor Classen, who continues in his role as a partner for Delbert Adams Construction Group, writes: “My son, Taylor, graduates from Gilman in June 2020 via virtual graduation and will be headed to Elon in the fall. It was certainly not a fun way to spend your final months in high school. I have run into a large number of the folks from 1982 in the past few months.

I had dinner with Jay Dugan while I was in Miami a few months back. He has a business consulting firm that seems to be doing well. His youngest boy, James, is a freshman at the University of Florida and he spends some time with Geary Stonesifer who moved to Palm Beach, Fla., and has a successful packaged food business. I run into Peter Wilson on a regular basis as his office is in an adjacent office building. He started his own architectural business and seems to be doing well.

When I was in Tampa looking at colleges with Taylor, I spent some time with Joe Seivold, who is headmaster at Berkeley Preparatory School. I was very impressed with the school and Joe’s philosophy on running it. He runs a very tight ship. I am not certain if he would last as a student there, given his antics at Gilman. There was a beautiful academic building named the Seivold Center for Early Education. Last summer, Stephany and Blake Erlbeck were in town for an UA lacrosse tournament, and I had a few folks from the class of 1982 (Frank Bonsal, Wells Obrecht, Tom Waxter, Tim Krongard, Glenn Lacher, Chris Alevizatos, George Doub, and Bill Mathews) to meet them. It was great for Blake and Stephany to meet some of Kurt’s classmates. A few months later I stopped by the nursing home to see Kurt’s mom. Not certain she knew who I was but she smiled when I talked about Kurt. That is about it for now.

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Taylor S. Classen ‘82, Taylor L. Classen ‘20, and Joseph Seivold ‘82

Members of the class of 1982 with Stephany and Blake Erlbeck.

As many of you know, Chuck Wilder passed away in April 2019. I met “Charlton” and David Reahl in the first grade at Mount Washington Country School for Boys in September 1970. Chuck was, without a doubt, the smartest kid in our class. David and I, and later on Ed Villamater and Leigh Panlilio, attempted to give him a run for his money for that title but I believe he won or shared the award eight straight years. He was also the best and most gifted athlete in our grade. Even back then, Chuck did everything in a manner that seemed effortless. But those of us who knew him knew the relentless drive for excellence, the steely determination and the supreme confidence he had in his abilities. Chuck could do anything he put his mind to achieving. He used to joke with me that my football career at Gilman would be nonexistent if he had chosen to play football because he would have been the weak-side corner — not me. I know he was right. In later years, I would meet up with him in New York and, along with Ross Taylor, tell Mount Washington and Gilman stories late into the night, laughing loudly at the exaggerated antics of our teachers, friends and classmates. Many of you may not be aware that he put his career on hold for more than a decade to care for his sick mother. He passed away not long after she died. His death shook me to my core and I could not write the Class Notes last year because it was hard to write that my friend, one whom I had known almost my entire life, had passed away. I often told people Chuck was the kind of guy who let you in his life — not the other way around. I am honored that he let me in his life and considered me a friend. Ad astra, Charlton Gerard Wilder.

Chris Alevizatos sent in the following: “Hey Brian, I hope things are going well in Alabama. My daughter just finished her sophomore year there in Tuscaloosa and is loving it. What’s not to love! My oldest has made me a grandfather. I have an adorable 2-1/2-year-old granddaughter named Juliet Rose. My son,

Braeden, is finishing up his third year at Maryland majoring in architecture, and as I said, my daughter, Sarah, is just finishing up her second year at Alabama. Lastly, Ryan is finishing up his sophomore year at Gilman and loving it. His big interests are playing goalie for the ice hockey team (what a fun sport to watch!) and flying. He has already soloed across the bay and is due to take his pilot exam soon. After 20 some years of renting a house at Deep Creek for Thanksgiving and or New Year’s, we finally pulled the trigger and bought a place out there. It’s beautiful and would be a great place to get some of the guys out there sometime for a long weekend. Don’t tell my wife, but the invitation is open!

I guess I should have said something about classmates that I run into. I haven’t seen as much of our classmates as I should. I am still trying to get more control of my life. I run into David Knipp every now and then. I last saw Ed Villamater at a parent function as our sons are classmates. I also ran into a bunch of the guys at the memorial service for Mr. Finney. Stuart Finney did a fabulous job talking about his dad, recalling the true essence of “Reddy.” Taylor Classen hosted a real nice cocktail party for Kurt Erlbeck’s son who played in a lacrosse tournament last summer here in Baltimore. Well, I guess this is enough fodder for you.”

Dirck Bartlett has ended his 12 years of service on the Talbot County Council. He continues in his role as Director of Business Development for ILEX Construction.

Frank Bonsal is now Managing Partner at Bonsal Capital.

Nick Brader has started his own civil engineering consulting firm, NJB Engineering. According to his website, Nick’s company is located in Baltimore with current projects in Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Howard County, and Harford County. Nick has been a practicing engineer in Maryland for more than 30 years specializing in land development with extensive experience in site feasibility studies, zoning, grading studies, stormwater management and erosion, and sediment control plans. Congratulations and best wishes on your new venture, Nick!

Ken Brown wrote: “I’ve been back in Baltimore for eight years (after a number of years in Cleveland, Ohio, and New Haven, Conn., and for most of that time, I’ve been a bookseller at a rad left worker collective called Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse. I enjoy putting books — especially from outside the dominant narrative — into people’s hands. The artistic love of life the past decade or so has been poetry! Being a spoken word performer and host (under the name “Analysis”), and getting my work into print, has been a great experience and

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a natural outlet for thoughts developed over years of being in ministry, education, and activism. And it’s a lot of fun! I’m not eating and paying bills off of it yet, but hopefully one day.”

My sources tell me Jim Cooke has a new business venture having left Network Media Partners after 25 years.

John Danko continues with the family business as president and CEO of Danko Arlington, which specializes in military and commercial aluminum and bronze sand castings, 3-D sand, and 3-D plastic printing of rapid prototypes and production parts. I was recently on a Zoom call with Les Goldsborough and his wife, Ann, Bill Mathews and his wife, Michaela, and Alberto Zapata John let us know that his wife, Janine, was on the USS Comfort in New York harbor treating patients. Dr. Mathews was in New Jersey waiting out the quarantine. Les Goldsborough is now the Director of Philanthropic Planning at Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Dr. Jay Goldstein continues in his role as an Instructor in Kinesiology at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Health. Jay also runs his own consulting practice in youth sports initiatives.

John Harrison writes: “I’m doing fine here in Baltimore. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I have been playing online spades with Bruce Zukerberg. So far, playing together, we have never won a game yet. Bruce and I, along with Scott Bowerman and Jay Goldstein, traveled to New Orleans in early February for a group trip. Enjoyed many fine Cajun meals, cocktails, and musical performances. I don’t have any group pictures, but if you send me your cell phone number I can send you a video of a street performer leaping over Bruce and Jay!”

Jamey Hebb writes: “As far as Class Notes, here goes nothing: My sons, Jack and Jamey, are now 13 and 12 years old, respectively. My daughter, Lucy, will be 28 in October 2020, and — fingers crossed with pandemic restrictions — will also be getting married that month! I spent almost all of 2019 and early 2020 working in Southern California, living in Marriott hotels and working as the Director of Rideshare Operations for a fintech startup called that’s headquartered in Santa Monica. Unfortunately, like so many others have experienced, our business collapsed and my division was shuttered shortly after the economy shut down as a result of coronavirus. While out west, I was able to connect and spend time with Phil Gorman, ‘81 and a fellow Terp, which was great fun. He is living in La Jolla, Calif., which is about as good as it gets. On the occasional weekends I did make it back home last summer, I saw Del Dressel ‘81 and JB Howard ‘81 regularly at the pool. I also saw our classmate Jim Cooke there, typically out on the tennis courts, where he remains a dominant player in our age group. Not a whole lot else to report. I stay in fairly regular contact with many classmates and other Greyhound alumni scattered around the

country via the digital world and social media. Too many names to mention all, though I’d be remiss without thanking Rick Friedman for his wit and perspective, both of which I enjoy immensely. Dirck Bartlett deserves mention, too, as he provides a valued political perspective that sometimes challenges my own and is always worthwhile. I hope everyone has been able to remain safe and healthy through these crazy times.”

Will Howard has returned to Baltimore and is a freelance editor working for clients such as Johns Hopkins University, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Sheridan Journal Services. My sources tell me former classmate Danny Jarrett is living in Owings Mills and runs a computer business north of the border in Pennsylvania. Nick Kouwenhoven is now the executive director for the Academy of Lifelong Learning at University of Maryland Baltimore. My dad found a photo from the summer of 1970 when I was a day camper at Camp Red Eagle at McDonogh. In that photo, aside from me, the young and innocent faces of Van Dorsey, David Workinger, David Rothschild, Tim Krongard, Jeff Mulholland, Pat O’Brien, Glenn Lacher, and Robbie DeMuth ‘83 emerged.

Wells Obrecht, unfortunately, sent in the following as we were going to press: “It is with great sadness that I report that Bobby Bone passed away at John Hopkins on May 26 after a multi-year battle with dementia. Bobby leaves behind two teenage girls (Caroline and Genevieve) who reside with Bobby’s ex-wife, Dawna, in Florida. After graduating from Duke, Bobby got his master’s degree in occupational therapy and then moved to practice in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Bobby lived there for 15 years before returning to Baltimore about two years ago due to his illness. Since then he lived in Roland Park with his parents, Lee and Bill Bone. In addition to his parents, Bobby is survived by his sisters, Kitty Bollinger and Elizabeth Martin. As Bobby declined, he was surrounded by many of his old Gilman friends. We will always recall his gentle spirit, love of travel, concern for others, and wonderful sense of humor.” Wells was a devoted friend to Bobby up until the end. We should all be so lucky to have a friend such as he has been to Bobby.

Wells continued: “Tom Waxter, David Knipp, and I had lunch with Doug Riley right before his surgery. Doug’s wife, Choya, is assistant principal at Wilde Lake High School. Doug also reports that Aaron Bryant is a curator in the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. It is kind of hard to report this news and then shift into my usual jabs, fake news, and fabrications about Gilman classmates. Tommy Waxter continues to lose to his 86-year-old father in golf. Knipper carries me on the squash court when we take on Nick Kouwenhoven and Waxter. We might not impress the scouts at the squash combine with our speed and vertical leaps, but we have a lot of laughs. We’ve

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all enjoyed watching young Julia Dorsey, Van Dorsey’s daughter, dominate on the soccer and lacrosse field at McDonogh and at UNC. She was Maryland female athlete of the year before heading to UNC. Van and Jessica are devoted sports parents — trekking across the country to follow the action. David Hess continues to produce amazing art. A trip to his studio-barn is well worth the price of admission. He’s doing high-profile work all over the mid-Atlantic — and has a number of pieces on display at Gilman.”

Wells did forget to mention he is a member of the Board of Trustees at The Tech.

Dr. Leigh Panlilio continues in his role as a research fellow at the National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health with concentration in the neuropsychopharmacology of opioids, stimulants, cannabinoids, and nicotine. Dr. Mark Peeler continues as a vascular surgeon with Cardiology Associates in Annapolis, Md., and Chester, Md.

I spoke at length to Doug Riley. He informed me he had brain surgery in February to correct an arteriovenous malformation. He expects to make a full recovery. He let me know Tim Robinson had his entire family at home and while it was nice, it was driving him crazy. And, he said, and I quote, “Aaron Bryant is still crazy.” We both reminisced about Chuck Wilder, which made us laugh.

Michael Sarbanes is now a science teacher at Green Street Academy, a charter school in Baltimore.

Rhett Waldman writes: “As I write, I am in the car, going around the beltway, teaching my youngest how to drive. (Oops — forgot the football helmet!) Since last year, I married off another child. Three down, three to go.”

Tom Waxter sent in the following: “Last summer, a number of the members of the class of 1982 got together at the home of Kerri and Taylor Classen to meet (some of us for the first time) Stephany Erlbeck and her son Blake. Stephany was married to our classmate Kurt Erlbeck who died five years ago. The Erlbecks live in San Diego and Blake attends Torrey Pines High School. Like his father (and his mother), Blake is a talented athlete and was playing in the Under Armour lacrosse events in Maryland. Blake is a rising senior and headed to Syracuse to play lacrosse in the fall of 2021.

Other members of the class of 1982 who attended are Frank Bonsal, Chris Alevizatos and his wife, Amy, Glenn Lacher and his wife, Kelley, George Doub, and Billy Mathews and his wife, Michaela. Stephany and Kurt had two older children, including a daughter playing soccer at Duke, along with another child just entering high school. Also, in response to Mr. Obrecht, I not only lose to my 86-year-old father, but also to my 23-year-old son and

even my 56-year-old wife. It’s just a matter of time before I start losing to my 25-year-old daughter. What else is new?? One thing that has not changed on the squash court is the never-ending efforts by team Knipp/Obrecht to ‘mistakenly’ call the score. Interestingly, they always call it wrong in their favor. Does seem to get to Nick, who shakes his head in frustration and corrects them. Not sure when the four of us will next meet on the court, but we can trust the incorrect score calling will not abate.”

Tom and his wife, Olive, were kind enough to also host Patrick Doud for dinner while he was in Baltimore for his internship at T. Rowe Price.

Rob Yarlott continues in his role as vice president of business development with Cryotrans. Rob, his wife, Linda, and sons Jay and Will reside in Ellicott City.

Scott Bortz continues his career as a partner for Tribek Properties in Charlotte, N.C., which focuses on specialty retailers such as Walgreens, Family Dollar, Starbucks, Vitamin Shoppe, and Harris Teeter.

Scott Bowerman writes: “Thank you, Brian, for reaching out and doing this for our class! I can’t believe it’s been 38 years since we left Gilman. I’m thankful for the foundation that we all share from our time together. The expectations, values, and education we received have all helped me to persevere but also appreciate relationships like the ones we started at Gilman. Four of our class (myself, Jay Goldstein, John Harrison, and Bruce Zuckerburg) enjoyed a guys trip to New Orleans in February this year. Lots of great food and drink with the highlight being Commander’s Palace and John showing us his dance moves at Tipitina’s. We missed having Ned Brody along with us because of a family commitment. I hope you and your family are doing well and I really hope to see you at the next reunion.”

Jay Brennan texted me the following: “My wife, Susan, and I retired two years ago to Oconee County, S.C., about two hours north of Atlanta. I golf poorly three to four days a week. I am not good but I love it. I spoke recently to Rick Friedman who was hunkered down with five females somewhere in Utah!” After more than 10 years at the Richards Group in Dallas, Texas, Doug Eyring is now an independent creative director/art director/ designer. You can check out Doug’s work at My sources tell me Bill Martien is now living in Martinsburg, W.Va. Bill, are you and your band Star FK Radium still playing?

Romeo McClarry continues in his role as principal consultant and owner of Swing Space, LLC, a technical security company providing services to the residential, business, and federal government communities. He has also added pastor and founder

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of Haven of Rest Ministries in LaPlata, Md. Wendell Phillips is now interim vice chancellor and chief of staff at Fayetteville State University in Fayetteville, N.C. Craig Rocklin continues in his role as a fundraising consultant for his own firm, Maybe it is Rocket Science!

Joe Seivold sent in the following: “Glenn ‘Lenny Lache’ Lacher and his bride, Kelley, joined Joan and me at the wedding of our son Johnny in New Haven, Conn., on the weekend of 12/28-12/30 2019. Good times were had by all!”

Former classmate Bill Slaughter is working for Weatherby Healthcare of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., as a consultant in pediatric subspecialties.

Randy Wilgis is now an investor with Meliorem Advisory in Sumter, S.C., making capital investments during the early stages of company development in advance of Series A financing efforts.

Alberto Zapata continues in his role as senior counsel at the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. He and his wife, Chris, keep busy managing the social schedules of his girls, Emilia and Sophia.

Bruce Zukerberg sent in the following: “Hi Brian, a little update for you. After having a heart attack followed by coronary stent and bypass surgery at Thanksgiving 2018, I tried working as a physician part time after but ended up retiring May 2019. I went to New Orleans with other Bagel Squad members from Gilman — John Harrison, Jay Goldstein, and Scott Bowerman in February 2020 (pre-COVID). It was a great trip. My son, Jared, just finished first year at FSU (last couple months at home with virtual classes). My middle daughter, Julia, just graduated from University of Miami (also virtually thanks to COVID) with a plan for a gap year then med school. COVID has done lots of damage to routine daily activities everywhere. Thank God I’m retired. I’m looking forward to returning to normal, if ever possible.”

I caught up with Rick Friedman on the phone while writing these notes. Before the COVID-19 stay-in-place rules came in effect, Rick and his family gathered up their things and headed for his offseason home in rural Utah. He regaled me with stories of not one but two 16-hour drives to retrieve his children, the adoption of a sheep-a-doodle pup and the daily existence of living in rural Utah. Rick said this pandemic had given him lots of time to think and, in a philosophical moment, said he had so much to be grateful for, that “I’m going to be less of a d**k going forward.”

Rick informed me that Jay Brennan is retired, playing golf and living in South Carolina, and Bruce Zukerberg is retired as well, hanging out, drinking lots of wine for his health. Dr. TR Levin writes, “Brian,

you are good at this. I’m still living and practicing medicine in Berkeley, Calif. My three daughters are growing up. My youngest, Liat, is a mechanical engineering student at Duke, class of 2021, where she met Geary Stonesifer’s son — small world. My middle daughter, Aliza, is in New York City, working at Columbia Medical Center, trying to stay safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our oldest, Yael, is in Baltimore getting a Psy.D. at Loyola, living in Mt Vernon. On our visits back, she’s taken us to the Owl Bar, and for trivia night at Alonso’s on Thursday nights. So I’m reliving my misspent youth through her. I just stepped down as chief of my department to spend more time on research, learning how to do risk prediction with machine learning. My wife, Rona, and I have been sheltering in place and enjoying having a little extra free time. I hope everyone is staying safe and well.”

Stephan Miller is now senior director of clinical development at SANIFIT, a biopharmaceutical company focused on treatments for calcification disorders.

Charlie Price writes: “Brian, I hope you’re doing well. Hawaii’s virus numbers are currently low, but visitors are still required to quarantine for 14 days after arrival and cannot leave their hotel. Things will obviously change in the months ahead, but, of course, keep an eye out for any Hawaii travel restrictions if there is a second wave. I am well, and my best to all of our classmates.”

Wallace Simpson writes: “Thanks for the note. Here you go. I am still in the Seattle area and really hate the Seahawks. We have been out here for 21 years now and I can’t imagine living anywhere else. I worked for Amazon Web Services for almost four years and left in the middle of COVID to join a software company called ServiceNow. As it turns out it will be 100 percent remote even after COVID, so that’s fun! I was doing some work travel and fun photography, but that has come to end for the foreseeable future. I try to keep my website up to date ( My last fun trip right before COVID was to Istanbul and then on to Tbilisi, Georgia, where we caught up with our daughter, Kati, who was on a mission trip that was supposed to run through July. She came home in March three weeks after we did on the last plane out of Azerbaijan, and is hanging out with us until she can get back on the road again. My son was working for a small architecture firm and was also impacted by COVID layoffs, so if anyone needs an architect in Napa Valley, let me know. Life is good, can’t really complain, feel fortunate to be able to work from home and shelter in place during these difficult times.”

After a short-lived retirement, Ross Taylor has taken on a new role as CFO of Codexis, a leading protein engineering company that applies technology to create high-performing enzymes for improving the cost and quality of pharmaceuticals and food

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ingredients, to enable sequencing of minute quantities of DNA for medical diagnostics, and to create novel biotherapeutics.

Bill Heller sent in the following: “No half-truths about any classmates that I can think of, but here’s a quick update. It may have been decades since my last one. Leslie and I live in the same house in Chicago, Ill., I’m still an orthopedic surgeon. We are currently full nesters as all three of our daughters are living at home, including our oldest who works in New York City and our middle who attends Tulane. We still have a high schooler also, but she wakes up so late these days during quarantine that I rarely see her. Our favorite prequarantine activity had been walking our two Dachshunds to the local microbrewery with friends, so that’s taken a big hit. All three of our daughters are/were hockey players, which has been a lot of fun to watch. I ride my bike a lot, although now they’ve closed the Chicago lakefront so I spend more time on my Peloton. I’m faster than two-thirds of women over 70. I’ve become an avid fly fisherman and hope to head up to Canada later this summer if the world starts spinning again. I typically return to Baltimore about once a year, and stay in contact with Nick Kouwenhoven, Wells Obrecht, Dave Hess, and Tom Waxter. I also had beers with Rick Friedman, David Riehl, and Andy Owens last summer. It was a great time. I was a little worried we wouldn’t recognize each other at the bar since it had been so long, but they all looked about the same.”

Andy Owens and his son Justin dropped by Birmingham on their way to a college visit at the University of Alabama. We enjoyed some good southern ribs and barbecue and I did my best to convince young Justin of the benefits, primarily aesthetic and bacchanalian, in attending Alabama. It did not work as I believe he will be attending Miami of Ohio.

Gary Raab is now vice president of innovation and business development for Flavor Materials International.

Since 2005, Mike Berkowitz has been a history teacher at the Trinity School in New York, N.Y. He has now added Upper School class dean to his duties. Mike, do you leave “See me now” messages like Mr. Gamper? Terry Booker continues his work as vice president and head of business development for Independence Blue Cross in Philadelphia. I spoke at length to Hollyday Compton. He wanted me to sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” so he could hear it in Massachusetts as he prepares for his Liverpool Football Club to be named champions of England.

My sources tell me Hank Donnelly is back in Massachusetts working for the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Erstwhile classmate Bobby Greenfeld is patent counsel at Steptoe & Johnson in New York. Vincent Hom’s LinkedIn page says he is ‘somewhere in a galaxy far far away’ but based in Cambridge, Mass.

Mike Liebson is now the vice president of product marketing and account-based marketing at TraceLink.

Herb May writes: “Hey Brian. We are moving to West Palm Beach, Fla., from New York City. We are currently renting a house three blocks down from Geary Stonesifer and will buy later this year. Geary and I are about to go grab drinks at a local watering hole. He has a supermodel girlfriend so it’s nice to be able to pry him away. I am still a Partner at DH Capital (M&A Advisory). Life is good.”

Ian Miller sent in the following: “Hey Brian! I hope all is well with you in these crazy times. We’re fine. We’ve been camped out in our weekend place in Skytop since March. The girls are finishing junior year of college over Zoom, and they both have exciting summer internships lined up. The internships have gone virtual, but at least they weren’t cancelled. Liz and I are running our shows from here. Trail runs, long walks with the dog, family dinners, lakeside business meetings, no commute: it would be pleasant if the world weren’t burning down around us.”

Tim Rumberger continues in his role as world languages department chair for Mashpee Public School in Mashpee, Mass.

Michael Jeffrey writes from Australia: “I was in Bawlmer in 2019, actually — polar vortex hit on my last day, it was insanely cold and I was happy to put my tail between my legs and run for the warm weather. I hope all is well with you and the rest of the Gilman boys.”

Amatsia Spigler sent in the following: “Hey Brian, nice to hear from you. I hope you and your family are doing well. Israel was pretty aggressive from the start on this COVID-19. Back in the middle of March, we went into pretty strict lockdown, with the accompanying economic fallout. But as of now it looks like they have flattened the curve, and so restrictions are slowly being lifted. The problem is that it is hard for people to maintain discipline, so we will see how this pans out. The U.S. doesn’t seem to be in great shape. Especially certain pockets like N.Y. I don’t have too much new to report. I keep abreast of what is happening at Gilman through the emails. We do live in different times. I’m still doing financial consulting, and currently am working for a nonprofit that helps children (therapy, school, kids on the street etc.). So it’s nice to be able to do that.”

Joel Getz continues to work as senior associate dean at Yale School of Management. He also serves on a few public boards as well as the board of a new boarding school being developed/opened in Massachusetts. One of the highlights of each summer for Joel is when Joe Shin (who worked for many years as a leading investment banker in Seoul, Korea) comes to New Haven to visit his sister, Hyun Ja (Bryn Mawr ‘81), who lives in town and also works at Yale.

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Joel mentioned that one of the things he most appreciates about Gilman is how his friendships with classmates continue to grow over time — quite a testament to the kindness and inclusiveness of so many in the class.

David Reahl writes: “All is well in Chicago. I am into my 19th year with USAA Real Estate. I had the chance to Zoom call with David Knipp and Dirck Bartlett recently. We had some really great laughs on that one. Last summer, I had the chance to catch up with Dr. Bill Heller, Andy Owens, and Rick Friedman over some beers in Wrigleyville. It was a great time seeing them and recounting old times back on Roland Ave.”

Congratulations to Joe Seivold who will be inducted into the National Lacrosse Hall of Fame Class of 2020. He becomes the second member of his family in the National Hall of Fame, joining his namesake father, Joseph, who was inducted in 1979.

Geary Stonesifer sent in the following: “I hope you are well, son! I moved to Palm Beach, Fla., a year ago after buying a company called Mrs. Peters that makes the absolute best smoked fish dips in the world. So, I am growing the brand and trying to take the products nationwide.”

Ed Villamater writes: “I saw your dad at Chuck Wilder’s funeral a little while back and it was nice to visit with him. All is well with my family despite the COVID-19 pandemic. My daughter (Emma) just completed her sophomore year at Penn/Wharton and my son (Ethan) completed his sophomore year at Gilman. My wife has taken up golf now that she has more free time. My parents just moved across the street from me so it’s easier for me to visit them and care for them. All is well at work...the University of Maryland Medical Center is busy but NOT overwhelmed by the coronavirus....we have adequate supplies of PPE...going to work was initially very anxietyprovoking but it is now becoming the new normal. As far as our class of ‘82 classmates, I see Tom Waxter, Mitch Ford, John Danko, Les Goldsborough, Jimmy Cook, Wells Obrecht, and Taylor Classen around Baltimore fairly frequently. I was very upset that the annual Alumni Golf Tournament was cancelled as it would have been a first for me and it would have been nice to spend time with Tom, Taylor, Wells, and Mitch. Speaking of golf, I have recently been playing more golf with George Doub. He is quite an accomplished golfer! He recently (2019) won the Greenspring Elkridge Annual Golf Tournament. Needless to say his handicap is much lower than mine! I hope to work on that moving forward.”

Brian Doud: As for your class secretary, my wife, Leigh, and I have now been in Mountain Brook, a suburb of Birmingham, Ala., for ten years. I continue in my role as CMO of Thompson Tractor, the exclusive provider of Caterpillar equipment in Alabama and northwest Florida, and Hyundai Forklifts in Georgia. My eldest, Patrick, just graduated summa cum laude from Rhodes College in

Memphis, Tenn., and was a defenseman on the Rhodes lacrosse team. My youngest, Sean, is a rising junior at the University of Georgia. My wife and I are enjoying being empty nesters and celebrated with a trip to Italy in October 2019 for our 25th wedding anniversary. Thank you again for making this class secretary job so much fun — I always look forward to catching up with each of you. As always, if you would like to be included in next year’s notes, please feel free to send me an email (abcdoud@ or call me directly (205-420-1727) and I will make sure you are “published” in the next issue.


The class of ’83 is back on the board. A little technology snafu caused our class’s incredible news off these pages in the last issue. We’re back. We usually have a theme running through the class each issue. Last time it was empty nesters. This time — and hope this will be all outdated by the time you’re reading this — is life under quarantine.

Wayne Farley told me, for a change, he has “a little time on my hands to write an update, go figure. Seven weeks into this crisis I have all my children home. My eldest, Madison, is a consultant in D.C. My number 2, Brooks, works for Goldman Sachs in New York. Fortunately, they both have continued to be employed. My number 3, Grant, is a junior at Gilman and has just committed to Duke for soccer. I am still working for our family in the real estate business and my wife, Diana, is starting to think about what is in the cards when we are empty nesters. Beyond dealing with this craziness all is well with the Farleys.”

Jay Schmidt writes, “Michelle and I are having a great time with Lily, who is now 18 months old and so much fun! Caroline will be a senior at Episcopal High School in Alexandria next year. Georgia will be a ninth grader at McDonogh, and I’m struggling a bit with that. Henry lives in Federal Hill and works for PWC, and I’m still at Legg Mason.”

Gideon Brower chimed in from the Left Coast: “I’m happy to report that I got married last September. My wife, Marisa Kurtzman, is an architect with a firm in Los Angeles. We got married up in Northern California, and we’re weathering the shutdown at our home in Santa Monica. Hope to get back to Baltimore once things open up.” Congrats, Gideon!

John-William DeClaris lost his father in March. Despite that, he said he “continues to work at the Food and Drug Administration, which, by the way, is a great organization

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and always looks for good people. During this pandemic, he is spending his time doing some fictional writing and genealogy, virtually traveling across the globe.” His significant other keeps him from finishing ALL the Cheetos and Cherry Garcia.

We’ve had several other members lose loved ones as well. James Howard informed us, “Hey all! I’ve actually been in Baltimore since March 12. Sadly my mother passed away and I travelled back home to handle her funeral arrangements right before the whole pandemic thing hit. Because I left Japan prior to April 1 and am a permanent resident, I am able to return back to my wife (who came over with me and returned to Tokyo right before travel restrictions went into place), but there are still many things I need to sort out first. My biggest challenge currently is finding a care facility for my father, who is suffering from dementia. As I’m sure you all know, the coronavirus has taken a huge toll on nursing homes across the state so most are in lockdown now and not accepting new residents. When the situation eventually improves, I hope to find some place for him and once he is settled, I can return to Japan. I plan to come off of family leave and start working remotely soon, but in the meantime, I’ve been catching up on a lot of American TV! Hope you and your families are all taking care of yourselves in these strange times.”

Sending our sympathies to John-William, James Howard, Mark Kaufman, Keith McCants, Lee Sterne, and Alan Fleischmann, who lost parents and/or loved ones this year.

Daniel Stuelpnagel wrote, “Fortunately I wrapped up an exciting year of exhibiting with art fairs back in November, great shows in D.C., Miami art week, Los Angeles, and NYC Soho, as well as delivering and installing several corporate collections and commissions; I’m approaching a thousand paintings after 20 years and more than a hundred exhibitions, now 2020 is a good time to be in the studio and reinvent; I just started outlining my second novel, which will be a fun sci-fi space-race/gold-rush comedy thriller epic, it’s great to have a tiger by the tail; I was recently invited to participate in more art fairs internationally, Germany, Italy, etc., but obviously that now may have to wait quite a few years, so I’ll stay home and work, and I wish everyone well, safe, and healthy!”

As always, love Tim Carroll’s outlook on life, “The Carroll family is thankfully non-remarkable while navigating the new reality. Not only are the kids home but this is the longest I’ve gone without work travel in their lifetimes. This time is like nothing any of us have ever experienced and hopefully will never again endure. Our team at Microsoft works daily with the leading predictive models of the virus. The most critical data point we have learned is that protecting others is the best way to protect ourselves; that point is empirical, not philosophical. I’m looking forward to seeing and speaking with all of you again as soon as the time is right.” His twins are 10 now.

David Watts noted, “This strange time has offered unique opportunities for my firm. I was hired under an emergency contract by the state of Maryland as a medical planner to work with the Department of Health and medical facilities throughout the state to prepare for bed surge needs in response to COVID-19. I have spent the past couple of months helping to plan and implement the 250-bed field hospital at the Baltimore Convention Center and a 60-bed field hospital in Cecil County. In addition, I have been working with hospitals throughout the state helping them convert spaces like cafeterias and conference rooms into alternative patient care facilities. We will all be relieved when these new facilities are no longer needed.”

In case you hadn’t heard the news about Mark Kaufman, Baltimore City recently created a $51.7 million Neighborhood Impact Investment Fund (NIIF). According to the press release, “It’s a new public-private nonprofit partnership designed to spark investment in and spread economic opportunity to neighborhoods struggling to overcome decades of disinvestment. Mark Kaufman, a former Maryland Banking Commissioner and a former U.S. Department of Treasury official in the Obama Administration with experience in community development banking, was named president and CEO.” Don’t forget your old friends, Mark. He is “now home with family in Guilford and commencing cocktails earlier in the day in honor of COVID! Our daughter Caroline is graduating from Tufts — remotely!”

Just as COVID-19 hit, I saw Mark at R House. I reached out to my elbow to say hello. Elbow bumps are now passé. I think Mark was the last human I touched beyond my family.

Speaking of touching classmates, I made the big move to Dr. Willie DeVeas. I remember those big claws from the gridiron, but I must say he’s quite agile for a big guy. He’s a fabulous dentist. Always fun catching up while getting my teeth worked on, though he does most of the talking. And, he was good enough to see my wife, Jennifer, for a minor emergency during the pandemic. Willie replied that “We have been busy hosting our 21-year-old daughter, Michelina, on loan from college and our Gilman senior son, Walter, during the coronavirus lockdown. Both are doing surprisingly well, especially when you ponder being locked home with your parents in spring 1983 what WE would be like. Walter achieved Eagle Scout last fall and will be attending UMBC for computer engineering/info systems this fall. Michelina was supposed to be singing in Italy over spring break, starring in a production of “Hair” at Salisbury in April and attending a session over the summer at Open Jar Institute on Broadway, so ship sailing in the right direction — just on hold for a spell...My amazing wife of 26 years is now the office manager at our dental practice, DeVeas Family Dentistry, and I enter my 29th year in practice — unbelievable! We are blessed in light of all the madness that is.”

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Speaking of old dogs and new tricks, Willie’s practice is all over social media. Dr. Gino Freeman is living in Baltimore and is active in his Jonestown homeowner’s association. Another doctor, Dr. Chris Wilson, lives in Silver Spring, has been married to Tiffany since 2015, and works as a physician with a specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation in a multidisciplinary group.

Max Curran says, “both daughters are home with Jennifer and me during the COVID-19 crisis. Our daughter Maeve finished her junior year as a fine arts major at George Washington University. She turns 21 this Friday (May 15th.) Our daughter Dacey (19 years old) is in her first year at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Dacey is a professional music (singer) and songwriting major. Unlike their father, both girls are straight-A students.” Yes Maximus, but were they the eighth grade decathlon champions like you were?!

Wonderful to get a message from Mike Szymanski telling us, “Still living in south Florida just below West Palm Beach. My older daughter just graduated from FAU, and she is sad that their graduation ceremony got canceled. We celebrated it at home with the family and once the social distancing is lifted, we will take her some place nice for dinner. My younger daughter goes to Dreyfoos School of the Arts for high school, and she loves it there. She is a really good artist which we all know she did not get from me. Still working at Magic Leap, which is a startup company specializing in mixed reality as well as playing Rugby. Not getting around the field as I once did, but it is a great way to relieve stress.”

I get to see and hear from my brother Alan Fleischmann often. He says he “has never been busier running his global CEO advisory firm Laurel Strategies, especially during the pandemic where he seems to be on Zoom calls from dawn to dusk. In addition to working with a great roster of clients, his show, “Leadership Matters,” on SiriusXM radio and its business channel, is enormously popular. He hosts the radio show weekly and features some of the most significant leaders and CEOs.”

He and Dafna have been managing well on the homefront in Chevy Chase as well with my nieces, Laura Julia (16) and Talia (13), and their dogs, Hiero and Winston.

Haven’t heard from Jim Harper. Usually, he’s too busy to write, traveling the world and enjoying the regional cuisine. I watch with envy on Facebook that his last trip was in Asia, including Taiwan and Japan. I’m sure he’s on lockdown now.

While on lockdown, there are few benefits though. For example, every Sunday I receive a note from my computer that Jerome Hughes is live on Facebook. I’m able to pop in and hear his wonderful sermons, taking me back to his booming voice in chapel.

Normally the wordsmith, Van Smith didn’t hack out much info for us. He simply wrote that he “is still in Baltimore, and now is raising two daughters with his wife, Catherine Pierre.” I do notice that he’s given up some old bad habits, continues to be a community watchdog, and doing some blogging. I saw him once taking his kids to a martial arts class.

Peter Ratcliffe comically chimed in, “My report is same old but all just getting older. Ratcliffe Architects — 12-person firm — office and home near each other in Greenspring Valley area. Regional client base — custom high-end commercial and residential. Recent notable clients: St. Paul’s School sports stadium and other projects, Jemicy School additions and improvements, still primary architect for Royal Farms (20-some years running), country clubs and restaurants, (Valley Inn, Elkridge CC, Greenspring CC, etc.) and various new homes and additions (check out the website!). Still married to Elizabeth, who does event planning for Gilman. Four children — two girls, two boys (both Gilman alumni). Oldest out of college, two in, one graduating this year. Primary interests — travel, golf, paddle tennis, salt and freshwater fish, hunt, some surfing.” Sorry Peter, it looks like you picked up a few new hobbies over the years.

If you’re not following Haftan Eckholdt on Facebook and his culinary adventures, I strongly encourage you to do so. Haftan offered to host a dinner party before our next reunion with him and Tony Foreman manning the grill. He reports, “John and I are healthy and happy eating various vertebrates. I have dialed in a few Sundays to stump Tony and Cindy (pheasant can be roasted straight up fast at 375, and miso butter makes a wicked cacio e pepe with no lactose, BTW.) We moved another ten blocks north in Brooklyn (every ten years, right on schedule), and I changed jobs (every two years, right on schedule.) At a nonprofit now, focusing on people who think and learn differently. Helping out a few startups, some alumni, some local, and some none of the above. Social distancing has provided an opportunity to perfect a few old recipes and attempt some newer ones. We still have the house in Glen Arm, which provides... more vertebrates! There are way too many fox pups in the yard this spring, and the frogs require earplugs (and more recipes). Worse than the rats and car alarms in Brooklyn.”

Really glad to have caught up with John Clarke, who told me, “I’m living in New Canaan, Conn., and having a lot of family dinners these days with my wife, Susan, and our kids, Eleanor (10) and Steele (8). We are well and doing our best to hang in there. I still practice law with DLA Piper in N.Y., where I’ve been since 2003, handling securities class actions and other types of stockholder litigation. Usually, that involves quite a lot of travel,

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so being able to stay local has been a small silver lining arising from this period of social distancing. There are a lot more Gilman alumni than you might suspect around here, including Jake Hendrickson (who lives about five miles away) and, until recently, David Nelson (who pulled up stakes for Colorado.) In normal times, once in a while, Ric Ritter comes through New York and we all try to get together. I’m pleased to be in touch with those guys and several other classmates. Wishing all the best to everyone in the class of ’83 and their families and friends.”

Speaking of David Nelson, John Clarke was right about him. David emailed: “We moved back to Denver in 2017 and I’ve been commuting to NYC. Happy wife, happy life. Left NYC in the beginning of March; won’t renew my apartment lease, and I’m working from the guest room at home. I doubt I’ll go back anytime soon. For now, I have a keyhole view of the Rockies between the neighboring homes that I gaze at on calls to replace the southern view of the Empire State Building and downtown Manhattan in the distance. Different. It’s great being able to say goodnight to the kids seven days a week. I could do without their fighting though; I prefer the banging of dumpsters and car horns. Daughter Lane has had both knees done at the ripe old age of 14. She’s through rehab and can’t wait to get back on the soccer field. Definitely first born, she excels at everything she touches. Son Jack (12) is simultaneously brilliant and lazy in every aspect of life except soccer, where he applies himself with disciplined drills every day — even during the pandemic. Youngest daughter Kate is lovely, gracious, and ready to help anyone with anything. Christine is losing her mind with all of us home every day. Bless her. And for those of us from Calvert, I was fortunate to see John Patterson at my brother’s 70th. Such an amazing career he’s had. And still the same velvet tone in his delivery. Some things don’t change.”

James Smoot is an avid tennis player, but he tore his Achilles last year. He’s almost 100 percent and is back on the courts. James said, “I played tennis against John Baker last year at an interclub match between Homeland and Elkridge.” Work wise, James says, “I’ll have 30 years with the Social Security Administration this summer. “

Dan Long is itching to get back to his bees. He lives in Athens, Ga., has undertaken the task of building a house, is becoming a certified Master Beekeeper, and is celebrating the 20th anniversary of his Brushwood Nursery. His third grandchild, Pippa, was born last year. Dan jokingly complains, “Yeah, my oldest had the nerve to make me a grand before I turned 50.” If Dan weren’t busy enough, he was elected VP of the International Clematis Society.

Rob DeMuth and Joel Cohn work at Merrill Lynch and walk a lot. Rob can be spotted walking the sidewalks of Roland Park with his bionic knee. He commented, “I continue to cement my place as one of the older guys in the class by having a full knee replacement in late October. I walk around the neighborhood in my oversized old man cushy sneakers with the Velcro straps for exercise. It would be great to blame Mickey Fenzel for all the running he made us do during lacrosse practice but I don’t think that was the problem. Otherwise like most people holed up at home working, and with two teenagers being educated via Zoom. The real star, my wife, Jenny, earned her master’s in nursing administration last spring.

Joel let us know in his unique writing style, “Life is better once you get two monitors. Alex came home from New York at the end of March. Hannah is a senior and comes home Sunday. All together again. Literally drinking every night. I make a good ‘quarantini.’ Walking the dog a lot! Supposed to go to Idaho with Jill this summer, working on the assumption that that will happen.”

Speaking of alcohol, Keith McCants put down his beer long enough to type, “Year two of career ‘shift’ is going well. Higher Ed/Trinity College is definitely different from financial services, but at the end of the day, I’m using my core IT skill set and get to witness the fruits of our labor walking on campus. Coincidentally, last year’s NESCAC golfer of the year was Gilman ’15 and the following pic from last June includes Gilman students as they came through Connecticut. Pandemic aside, the fam is doing well. Daughter Jillian is working for McDonald’s Corp in the northeast regional office while pursuing her master’s degree at Fairfield University. Son Andrew is near finishing nursing school in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, my Giants/Ravens tailgating streak with Jon Kelly may be coming to an end thanks to COVID-19. Crossing my fingers that things can return to normal safely and soon.” Keith says Jon is still working in private equity out of New York. “His twins are getting big — I think they are maybe three now? Time is a blur. Otherwise, he and his family are well.”

Jennifer and I along with our two 9-year-old kids are making the best of the situation. Life is simple. The kids are outside from sunup to sundown, even on rainy days. We realize that we’re not cut out for this homeschool thing kids are doing now. The adults do enjoy an outdoor, safe, social distancing happy hour in our neighborhood every day at 5 pm. I love my workouts, also outdoors, in Stony Run Park. Hope you’ve been following them online! (I think Jay subscribes to my YouTube channel and has offered his

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Keith McCants ‘83 now works at Trinity College. He says “last year’s NESCAC golfer of the year, Trinity’s Will Rosenfield, was Gilman class of 2014, and the above pic from last June includes Gilman students as they came through Connecticut.”

daughter for my curls). It’s hard to stay motivated, though, without a gym, equipment, or any great expeditions planned. All of our Jodi’s Climb for Hope trips were either canceled or postponed. Did Rim to Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon last year. We moved the date back to September in the hopes of it still happening. Been doing some keynote speaking on how I applied the lessons I learned in the mountains to my business and family lives.

Thought I’d save the youngest for last: Derek Reid: “I’m still teaching at Butler as a professor in dance (since 2004). I have former students in companies all across the country and throughout the world. I’ve been teaching via Zoom, but the arts are not meant to be taught this way. I feel like this is another element in our culture that will be undergoing a big change. My wife and I have been holed up in our downtown Indianapolis home since March. My younger daughter is home from her first year in college. My oldest has been out of school for a year and is working her way into politics. I’m heading into sabbatical in fall 2021, so maybe I’ll be able to check in with you again when I roll through Bmore. Take care. Stay safe!”

Couldn’t agree more. Wonderful to hear from you ’83! I’m sure Richard Gatchell would want us to remember the classmates we’ve lost: Matt Atkinson, Rob Robertson, Eddie Russell, David Vocella, Andrew Jones, and Wes Everett


If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at

Todd Taylor ‘84 breaks up an epic battle between former classmates Eric Pfeifer ‘84 and Brendan Linehan ‘84, over which Tigers reign supreme — LSU or Clemson. Todd happened upon the Hounds and their families, including Brendan’s triplets and Eric’s son, a junior majoring in engineering at Clemson, at Deanie’s Seafood in New Orleans during the January 12, 2020 NCAA College Football Playoff National Championship.


“The weeks run together,” Father Raymond Harris preached on Mother’s Day, after two months of quarantine. “The pandemic wears on, and people are wearing out.”

But to everyone listening to him celebrate Mass through the livestream, the pastor of the Holy Family Catholic Church in Randallstown, Md., encouraged resilience.

“We must match the resolve of those who are providing safety, medical care, and other necessary services at great risk to themselves and their families,” he said, noting that many of the church’s parishioners live in neighborhoods hit hard by

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A silver lining to the crisis is that we can go online and listen to Father Raymond, who recently marked the 26th anniversary of his ordination as a priest. Videos of the church services are on his Facebook page.

“The nation,” he said on Mother’s Day, “needs a sustained examination of conscience so that we will confront and correct the conditions in which people of African descent are looked upon with suspicion as they go about the ordinary activities of daily life.”

On that particular Sunday, Father Raymond also wished a blessed day to all moms. “I trust that my own mother is watching from her home in Catonsville,” he said. “My gift to her is that she should remain at home and safe during this pandemic.”

Around this time, Jaan Naktin, an infectious disease specialist in Allentown, Pa., shared a video he took at the hospital where he works. Looking down from a second-floor window, the video shows firetrucks and ambulances slowly circling the hospital’s entrance, their lights flashing and sirens wailing. “A parade of emergency vehicles in appreciation of the healthcare workers!” Jaan wrote as a caption for the video. Some of the commenters on the post said they were moved to tears and thanked Jaan for being on the front lines. The pandemic, Jaan later said by phone, was the “big game that all of us in the infectious disease field have spent decades training for.” He works for a group of hospitals called the Lehigh Valley Health Network. His wife, Karen, is an internist (they met in medical school), and the couple has three children at Temple.

“Life took me down a path I could not have predicted, but here I am,” said Jaan, recalling that at Gilman, Mr. Bulkeley had encouraged him to pursue a career in writing. But Jaan spent his encounter shadowing a pediatric surgeon at Johns Hopkins, and the experience opened his eyes to the world of medicine. “Hopkins security was more relaxed back then, and I could watch surgeons work and slip into talks by some of the world’s medical experts,” he said. Since the anthrax attacks early in his career, Jaan has lived through SARS, MERS, and swine flu. His hospital was among the few federally designated hospitals to treat patients with Ebola. “Our radar is always up, and we read the reports from the government,” he said. “Dr. Anthony Fauci is a kind of hero to us — the prototypical infectious disease expert whom we all aspire to be, especially when it comes to his communications skills.”

Before the pandemic, Jaan would typically consult on a host of infectious disease issues that arise at modern hospitals, from complications of chemotherapy and knee replacements to the ‘silent epidemic’ of Lyme disease in Pennsylvania. But when COVID-19

hit, all of the elective medical procedures went away and there was a drop in ‘travel medicine’ (Jaan’s group could give the yellow fever vaccine) as people stayed home. By mid-April, Jaan was increasingly dealing with complications of people being treated for COVID-19 in the hospital for three weeks. “The frustrating part is that the treatment is not clear — we don’t have access to slam-dunk therapies for this disease,” he said. “It’s hard for us, as doctors, to stand there next to patients and not have a treatment.”

Even before the pandemic, Jaan had been providing telemedicine consultations for patients in several towns, in part because of a shortage of infectious disease specialists. But he expects that virtual visits with patients will only become more common in the future. “I have always credited the three years I spent at Gilman with shaping my personality and the philosophies that prepared me for life,” Jaan said. He encouraged Gilman students and alumni who are interested in medicine to feel free to contact him. “Our hospital has summer programs that give young people exposure to many fields of medicine,” he said.

Robert Landon’s first article for the New York Times, published in August 2019, was called “Significant Mother.” It tells the story of Robert’s complicated relationship with the woman who was briefly married to his father. As the article teased, “Beth was my ex-stepmother, but ‘mother’ was still a part of her title. Could I share a home with her?” After reading the article you can listen to the Significant Mother podcast. Robert, Beth, and their friends share uncensored and often hilarious stories about their unconventional lives. In the spring, Robert, who usually writes about travel and architecture, recorded episodes from a farmhouse in Spain, where he got stuck during the pandemic and was in quarantine. During one episode, Robert mused about trying to find a way to purchase the farmhouse and make it

(parts of an upcoming 10-volume set) by David Levy ’85

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Vol. 1 The History of Judaica Libraries and Vol. 3 Topics in Judaica Librarianship

his new home. But he abandoned the plan “after the company I worked for cratered, and I lost my job along with 20 million other Americans.” He expected to be in Spain for a year. For the latest on Robert’s whereabouts, please download Significant Mother.

David’s forthcoming 10-volume set, three volumes published so far. A tincture of some of David’s other publications can be found at: (8 pages)

In March, Jeff Grant and his fiancé, Jennifer, cancelled their plans for a lowkey wedding at a restaurant outside Atlanta and livestreamed the ceremony from home. “In TV terms, it was really a three-camera shoot,” Jeff explained. “Our families Skyped in on my laptop, which was perched atop a ladder on the landing,” he wrote. “I recorded the ceremony on my iPad, and my iPhone streamed the wedding live on Facebook.” The streaming idea was a last-minute decision. “I felt that amid all of the bad stuff going on, it might be nice for friends to have something to celebrate. To my surprise, the wedding has been viewed on Facebook more than 500 times.” Other than the children, the rabbi was the only other person present, and he maintained a healthy distance. The couple assembled a chuppah from a couple of coat racks and some fabric they had purchased. The wedding video captured the sound of Jennifer’s dog drinking from a nearby toilet. “How many newlyweds can claim that?” Jeff wrote. “We’re still trying to figure out how to retrieve our marriage certificate without having to go to Atlanta City Hall.”

his new home. But he abandoned the plan “after the company I worked for cratered, and I lost my job along with 20 million other Americans.” He expected to be in Spain for a year. For the latest on Robert’s whereabouts, please download Significant Mother.

In March, Jeff Grant and his fiancé, Jennifer, cancelled their plans for a lowkey wedding at a restaurant outside Atlanta and livestreamed the ceremony from home. “In TV terms, it was really a three-camera shoot,” Jeff explained. “Our families Skyped in on my laptop, which was perched atop a ladder on the landing,” he wrote. “I recorded the ceremony on my iPad, and my iPhone streamed the wedding live on Facebook.” The streaming idea was a last-minute decision. “I felt that amid all of the bad stuff going on, it might be nice for friends to have something to celebrate. To my surprise, the wedding has been viewed on Facebook more than 500 times.” Other than the children, the rabbi was the only other person present, and he maintained a healthy distance. The couple assembled a chuppah from a couple of coat racks and some fabric they had purchased. The wedding video captured the sound of Jennifer’s dog drinking from a nearby toilet. “How many newlyweds can claim that?” Jeff wrote. “We’re still trying to figure out how to retrieve our marriage certificate without having to go to Atlanta City Hall.”

If you don’t live in Baltimore, one way to survive quarantine is to order steamed crabs from Crisfield, Md., and that’s what Tommy Horst did back in April. When the pandemic hit Miami, Tommy’s ob/gyn practice changed. For the first two months, half of the eight doctors in his group worked while the others self-quarantined on a weekly basis. This, of course, meant a lot of time at home with his wife, Indira, and Thomas (10), and Evelyn (8). At his hospital, no visitors were allowed except for spouses and partners who were there for the delivery of their children. “We wear masks all the time and try to be as careful as possible,” he wrote. “The mask is hot, uncomfortable and if worn for a long time, very irritating to the skin.” Tommy added, “We are trying to be as safe as possible, but if others aren’t also, then the spread will pick up quickly. In my opinion, we will be wearing masks and social distancing for the remainder of 2020. Only a vaccine could change that.”

Dave Rody and his wife, Anna MacCormack, moved to Baltimore from New York with their three children. Their son is in the Gilman Middle School, and their two daughters are in the lower school at Bryn Mawr.

If you don’t live in Baltimore, one way to survive quarantine is to order steamed crabs from Crisfield, Md., and that’s what Tommy Horst did back in April. When the pandemic hit Miami, Tommy’s ob/gyn practice changed. For the first two months, half of the eight doctors in his group worked while the others self-quarantined on a weekly basis. This, of course, meant a lot of time at home with his wife, Indira, and Thomas (10), and Evelyn (8). At his hospital, no visitors were allowed except for spouses and partners who were there for the delivery of their children. “We wear masks all the time and try to be as careful as possible,” he wrote. “The mask is hot, uncomfortable and if worn for a long time, very irritating to the skin.” Tommy added, “We are trying to be as safe as possible, but if others aren’t also, then the spread will pick up quickly. In my opinion, we will be wearing masks and social distancing for the remainder of 2020. Only a vaccine could change that.”

Harry Halpert, Dan Kim, and Tom Washburn all have sons in the Gilman class of 2020. Wallace Halpert is headed to Georgetown, Andrew Kim to Dartmouth, and Pierce Washburn to Marquette.

Dave Rody and his wife, Anna MacCormack, moved to Baltimore from New York with their three children. Their son is in the Gilman Middle School, and their two daughters are in the lower school at Bryn Mawr.

David B. Levy Ph.D. was recently featured in UMCP Alumni Spotlight at:, which notes

Harry Halpert, Dan Kim, and Tom Washburn all have sons in the Gilman class of 2020. Wallace Halpert is headed to Georgetown, Andrew Kim to Dartmouth, and Pierce Washburn to Marquette.

David B. Levy Ph.D. was recently featured in UMCP Alumni Spotlight at:, which notes

Gilman Headmaster Henry Smyth and Pragathi Katta were among the VIP guests at the 2019 opening of True Chesapeake, a restaurant in the historic Whitehall Mill that features worldfamous Skinny Dipper and Huckleberry oysters. Steve Howard is a partner in the venture along with other Gilman alumni. After the restaurant closed to diners in March, True Chesapeake provided more than 2,000 meals to the families of Booker T. Washington Middle School in a partnership with the Ed Reed Foundation. The restaurant also started offering “curbside crabs” for pickup and was exploring ways to provide meals for Hopkins frontline workers. “The oysters are still growing, and the nursery is running,” said Steve. “We expect to have good crops in the fall and in the years to come.”

David’s forthcoming 10-volume set, three volumes published so far. A tincture of some of David’s other publications can be found at: (8 pages)

Gilman Headmaster Henry Smyth and Pragathi Katta were among the VIP guests at the 2019 opening of True Chesapeake, a restaurant in the historic Whitehall Mill that features worldfamous Skinny Dipper and Huckleberry oysters. Steve Howard is a partner in the venture along with other Gilman alumni. After the restaurant closed to diners in March, True Chesapeake provided more than 2,000 meals to the families of Booker T. Washington Middle School in a partnership with the Ed Reed Foundation. The restaurant also started offering “curbside crabs” for pickup and was exploring ways to provide meals for Hopkins frontline workers. “The oysters are still growing, and the nursery is running,” said Steve. “We expect to have good crops in the fall and in the years to come.”


If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at


Adam Morgan: My weekly re-acquaintance with Gilman over the last seven years has come to a close with the “graduation” of my younger son, Philip, with the class of 2020. My older son, Andrew, graduated in 2017. COVID-19 really threw the class of 2020 into a wall in terms of experiencing senior year after college acceptances and closing out their Gilman experience. The school worked hard with “Connect-ED” classes being streamed online. Philip received lots of Gilman swag in the mail, in terms of a cup, Frisbee, hat, and picture frame type merchandise. (No refund of any kind however.) I paid the deposit for Philip to attend Bucknell University in August. We will see how classes evolve dealing with the virus. Philip’s mother, Julie, went there.

If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at

Adam Morgan: My weekly re-acquaintance with Gilman over the last seven years has come to a close with the “graduation” of my younger son, Philip, with the class of 2020. My older son, Andrew, graduated in 2017. COVID-19 really threw the class of 2020 into a wall in terms of experiencing senior year after college acceptances and closing out their Gilman experience. The school worked hard with “Connect-ED” classes being streamed online. Philip received lots of Gilman swag in the mail, in terms of a cup, Frisbee, hat, and picture frame type merchandise. (No refund of any kind however.) I paid the deposit for Philip to attend Bucknell University in August. We will see how classes evolve dealing with the virus. Philip’s mother, Julie, went there.

I continue to work for Envision Physician Services doing teleradiology at night from my basement. Not an ideal job, but one I am currently capable of performing from a wheelchair. I foresee me declaring myself disabled in a few years. Working nights is tough.

I continue to work for Envision Physician Services doing teleradiology at night from my basement. Not an ideal job, but one I am currently capable of performing from a wheelchair. I foresee me declaring myself disabled in a few years. Working nights is tough.

My wife, Julie, has been the JV water polo coach at Gilman the last two seasons. She hopes to coach this fall as well, pandemic permitting. She has taken the JV to the championship game her first two seasons. Varsity water polo won their first MIAA championship in 19 years, only the second in school history. Brad Lebow’s son, Brooks, was on the team with Philip.

My wife, Julie, has been the JV water polo coach at Gilman the last two seasons. She hopes to coach this fall as well, pandemic permitting. She has taken the JV to the championship game her first two seasons. Varsity water polo won their first MIAA championship in 19 years, only the second in school history. Brad Lebow’s son, Brooks, was on the team with Philip.

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Ethan Weiss chronicled his decision to head to New York from San Francisco to help treat COVID-19 patients: timmermanreport. com/2020/04/a-san-francisco-doctor-answering-the-call-to-new-york.

Ethan also wrote a thoughtful article for STAT about genetic testing:

Ethan’s story then went viral with the photo he posted of his return to San Francisco on a crowded United Airlines flight.

Henry Franklin reports: I am a partner in Franklin Financial Group. We work with businesses and individuals all over the country with their employee benefits, insurance, and retirement planning. In the winter, I still find time to be an assistant coach for the Gilman varsity and JV wrestling program. Personally, I have three children. My oldest, Carter, is graduating from Bryn Mawr this year and will (hopefully) be attending the College of Charleston in the fall. Hanna will be a junior at Bryn Mawr in the fall and my youngest, Buck, will be a freshman at Gilman.

Todd Crandell reports: My wife, Lisa, and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary this May. We live in Dundalk where we both grew up. She’s quite the Greyhound wrestling fan and has enjoyed going to the duals the past few years where we annually see Henry Franklin, Pete Kwiterovich, Jay West, Bernie Rhee, Teddy Brown, Ted McKeldin, and others. We had a great time at the Gilman wrestling 100th anniversary get-together with many alumni, including Rich Weinstein, Hugh Marbury, Has and Willie Franklin, and many more. Reconnected with Andy Cameron and Rick Roebuck over the past year too. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed finishing ahead of Henry Franklin, Brooks Matthews, David Clapp, Sackett Cook, and Jack Cavanaugh in our Rotisserie Baseball league the past few years, although John Linehan beat me out last year. I’d talk more smack, but I don’t want to fire up the opposition for whenever baseball starts again. I’m in the middle of my second term on the Baltimore County Council representing the 7th district. The Council is primarily responsible for local legislation and land use as well as serving constituents, which has been challenging during the pandemic, but I spend most of my time fending off and exasperating savvy land use attorneys like Tripp Burgunder and David Gildea (P’20).

Andy Barker reports: I am two years in now as the founding director of the Burlington City & Lake Semester. It’s an immersive program in partnership with Burlington High School that gives a diverse group of 20 juniors and seniors the chance to use the city as their classroom for one semester. We study City Systems; do participatory research on Lake Champlain with UVM researchers; and conclude with a student-designed project that contributes to community health. So far, so good. Ana and I celebrated our 20th anniversary this year. She continues to play viola with the Vermont Symphony and other ensembles. Emma is off to Bowdoin College in the fall and Tess will be a 10th grader at BHS. Our highlight of the year was a nine-day canoe trip in La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve in Quebec last summer — remote and beautiful. Still planning this summer’s adventure.

Doug Godine reports: My wife Corie is doing great after a battle with breast cancer. My oldest transferred to our alma mater, UVA, and is headed there in the fall. My second just finished his freshman year at Georgetown and loved it, and my youngest is a sophomore at McDonogh. I love my job (at Brown Advisory), and I am looking forward to getting back to seeing people this summer.

Tom Annau reports: I live in San Carlos, Calif., with my wife, Kelly, and two sons, Nate (16) and Xander (13). Most recently I was a senior director at Microsoft working on new artificial intelligence algorithms and left last November to take some time off.

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Morgan family four-year Varsity Gilman Blankets: Andrew ‘17 (water polo), Adam ‘86 (swimming), Philip ‘20 (swimming)

Rob Mockard reports: I started a new position with Honda Motors Trading Division: risk manager for Honda’s North America regional supply chain activity. Included in my duties is business continuity planning, which has never been tested like we have during this pandemic. Happy to report, thanks to technology and support from our local Columbus community, Honda operations are set to reopen using a staggered approach. Personally, I’m still happily married to Jamie, with whom I celebrated my 50th birthday last year in France, where we met my now 105-year-old host grandmother, who hosted me between junior and senior years at Gilman.

Randy Reisner reports: I am a vice president with The WhitingTurner Contracting Company. I have been with W-T for 28 years since graduating with a civil engineering degree. My group focuses mostly on commercial construction at colleges and universities. I have been married for 19 years, with two daughters. Still playing tennis and got into road biking on weekends including a few century rides.

Jon Guth reports: We are just trying to manage through the pandemic as best we can. Like many of us are probably doing, I’m teleworking from home, still with KPMG, and currently on a rotation with their audit technology office. I try to keep active and healthy by cycling as often as possible, both road and trail. Miles will be 13 in June and we’ve had to postpone his bar mitzvah from June to November. Rebecca is now 10. Both kids play club lacrosse but with their seasons cancelled, we all go biking together on the NCR trail to get out of the house. Looking forward to getting them out on the water sailing again soon. We’ve also been having some epic Ping Pong matches on our new table! :)

Byron Lawson reports: Currently, I am head of school at the Trinity Preparatory School in Winter Park, Fla. It’s been a whirlwind of change as we have experienced the novel coronavirus and its impact on our economy. The school and our community are doing well. Personally, my older son is graduating this year with a B.A. in neuroscience and a minor in architectural studies from the University of Chicago — where my wife and I attended. Our younger son lives with us on campus in Winter Park. I do a lot of nonprofit work here in the metro area, and I have served on the boards of the Orlando Philharmonic, the Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida, The Florida Council of Independent Schools, and now, I sit on the board of the National Association of Episcopal Schools as well. Life is really busy looking for teachers, global partners, and trying to provide the best education we can for kids in Central Florida. Periodically, I see Joe Seivold as he is the head of school at Berkeley Prep in Tampa, and Ryan Jordan — he is head of upper school.

Rich Weinstein reports: Pre-COVID-19, I had the good fortune of not only celebrating 100 years of Gilman Wrestling, but also watching my nephew Andy Weinstein ‘20 be crowned the 126lb MIAA champion. Since then, I’ve been managing the challenges of work-from-home like everyone else. On the work front, as the managing director of Arts & Letters Creative Co., I’m super proud of the ads we’ve developed for clients like Google, NBC News/ MSNBC, and ESPN. And, at the same time, I’m grateful to my wife, Orna, for playing the role of elementary and middle school teacher to our three kids. I hope the rest of the class of ‘87 — and the entire Gilman family — is safe and healthy.

Kevin ‘Bubba’ Buerger reports: I moved to Greenspring Valley in January, leaving Roland Park. Jack is graduating from Gilman this year, off to study and play lacrosse at Syracuse next year.

Matt Wyskiel reports: All is good in the Wyskiel house. Christy is doing her Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures work from our sunroom. Tolliver (currently a Gilman ninth grader) is doing ‘distance learning’ and is bummed that his varsity golf season got canceled. Daughter Jamie is in 12th grade at RPCS, and is headed to Trinity College in Connecticut this fall (if schools are having kids on campus.) I’m “rolling along” as I continue to manage stock market investments for clients of Skill Capital Management that I founded about 12 years ago; more interestingly, in the past 1.5 years, I have learned to play the bass guitar, which I am enjoying.

Andrew Meredith reports: I recently moved our Merrill Lynch wealth management team to Hunt Valley and coach travel soccer. My wife, Anne, keeps up with her Garrison and RPCS classmates, and she is busy with my two middle school Boys Latin Lakers, Michael, 14, and Matthew, 12.

Rick Roebuck and his wife, Jen, are at home with their SMU freshman Ted while their older son Ricky is living off campus until he graduates from the University of Richmond.

Kenzie Marty and wife Elizabeth have four children in Rodgers Forge, and his oldest daughter is about to graduate from the University of South Carolina.

Hugh Marbury and his wife, Elise, have two high school children in Annapolis, and Hugh is now a partner in the D.C. law office of Cozen O’Connor.

Billy Barroll reports: My wife, Megan, and I live in Annapolis with our three kids. My son William is a sophomore at University of Richmond. My daughter, Elizabeth, is a junior and Jackson is an eighth grader at Severn School. When not coaching lacrosse or fishing on the Bay, I can be found at Corporate Office Properties

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Trust where I am a SVP in charge of leasing and asset management for the company. I spend time with Jon Kagan, John Spilman, and Gil Hutzler fishing on the Bay or offshore out of Indian River, Del., aboard Spilman’s boat, Braveheart.

Craig Scheir reports: I have been working as a senior electrical engineer for a company called Aloft for the past four years. We make and install luxury interiors and auxiliary fuel tanks for various aircraft. I am currently working on a new control system to provide auxiliary fuel for some of the planes. I have two children attending college, but they are both home due to their schools going online. My wife has been working from home for 12 years as a freelance writer and has helped me ease into working from home as well.

Craig Powell reports: I am still living in Alexandria and I’m in my 19th year working with the Department of Labor as Director of real estate services for their Job Corps portfolio (I’m a consultant with CBRE but have been on this particular contract since 2002.) I

government relations firm in Washington, D.C., and I came back to Gilman in February to speak to an Upper School assembly about my work and career. I publish a quarterly analysis of trends in politics and policy that often goes to more than 50k readers, with a 100 percent discount for all Gilman class of 1987 grads (email me).

Peter Van Dyke reports: I live in Manhattan with my wife, Georgia, and my two boys, William (18) and Robert (16). I retired from my 25-year career on Wall Street in 2016 and have been working as a finance/technology consultant since then. I split my time between New York and the Eastern Shore near Chestertown, Md. Some of my interests include travel with my wife, birdwatching with my older son, and scuba diving with my younger son.

D.B. Hebb reports: I have become an avid saltwater fisherman but am limited by sea sickness. I still strive to be a Redmond Finney first-class citizen and pick up trash when I see it!

Ted Fish reports: I have been social distancing since mid-March with my family in Santa Fe. All are well. I opened up my own consulting company last fall — Fish Leadership Consulting — helping schools, universities, and companies to build cultures of leadership ( Wishing all Gilman community safety and good health!

Ken Zeitung reports: I live in San Antonio, Texas, with my wife, Debra, and sons, Aidan and Kyan. I am the senior financial officer for USAA Residential Real Estate Services.

Ned Carroll reports: All is well in Charlotte, N.C. I retired from Bank of America a few years ago. Took some time to fish and do some Habitat builds in El Salvador. Got pulled back into corporate

didn’t do anything wild to celebrate my 50th year, but I did commit to (and completed) running 50 miles of races over the year (two half marathons, a 10-miler, a 10k, a 5-miler, and a 5k.) The day of my second half marathon (Baltimore) was the same day as Mr. Finney’s memorial service. I managed to run the race, hobble to my car, find a place to shower and put on a tie, and made it to the service just in time. Was able to see Hugh, Pete, Brooks, and a few others ‘87s (including Van Durrer if I’m remembering correctly — I was a bit dehydrated and famished so I might have been dreaming).

Bruce Mehlman reports: I am living (and now working) in Bethesda, Md., with my wife and three kids (two of whom were in college before COVID). I am the founding partner of a bipartisan

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Hugh Marbury ‘87 and Sam Knowles ‘90 share a drink at the D.C. Alumni Reception last November. Bruce Mehlman ‘87 (center) poses with Headmaster Henry Smyth and Brooks Matthews ‘87 after speaking to students about his work and consulting practice.

America and am the Chief Data and Analytics Officer at TIAA, an asset management and retirement firm. My son finished his freshman year at Wake Forest (from his bedroom). My daughter is a rising senior, and while I thought the Davidson connection would be strong with her, she’s eyeing Chapel Hill as #1.

David Morales reports: I am a pediatric heart surgeon at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. I have a busy lab doing research on surgical planning in virtual reality, tissue engineering, and artificial hearts. Clinically busy operating four days a week, mostly doing neonatal surgery (small baby surgery) and really enjoy teaching our fellows. My eldest daughter is a sophomore and my son will be a freshman at Columbia University. Funny since they were both born in NYC. My youngest is an eighth grader at Cincinnati Country Day. When not working, like to travel and go fishing with my son, all over. I miss Baltimore at times. Still order my crab cakes from Pappas for all holidays. Eating some for Mother’s Day. My mom and one of my three sisters still live in BTown.

Jack Cavanaugh reports: I am celebrating ten years at Brown Advisory on July 1 where I am focused on client work and community engagement. I volunteer on five nonprofits and otherwise try to catch every sports event of my two high schoolers — one at Gilman, one at RPCS. All good!

Phil McLean reports: I’m living in Media, Pa., with my wife (20year anniversary coming up!) and three kids, the oldest a senior in high school. I’m an anesthesiologist at a local community hospital with neuroscience, trauma, and burn center. I’ve built a boat (an outrigger canoe) and will be completing another Rim to Rim Grand Canyon run/walk in October with my wife: this will be the third time along that trail, and we will be celebrating by turning around and retracing our steps back to the southern rim!

Juan Alvarez reports: I am still down in sunny Sao Paulo, Brazil. I am the general manager of iCAABS, a consulting firm that helps international companies expand into the Brazilian market.

Alfie Spear reports: I have been with Walt Disney World for the past 22 years after serving as the assistant general manager for the Stockton Ports Professional Baseball Club. For the last 10 years, I have been the manager of Food and Beverage Concept Development Projects.

In 2019, Reverend Tim Schenck of The Episcopal Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Hingham, Mass., published a new book, “Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection between Coffee and Faith — From Dancing Goats to Satan’s Drink.”

Rob Mendelsohn is a senior software engineer at Neurala in Boston.


Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection between Coffee and Faith — From Dancing Goats to Satan’s Drink

Rob Demeule is a civil engineer at Huitt-Zollars in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Johann Torres is now the senior medical director and chief medical information officer at Miami Beach Community Health Center where he is also an internist and HIV specialist.

Tripp Burgunder reports: I am a partner at Rimon Law, an international law firm with a new Baltimore office. I still do real estate transactions and real estate litigation. My wife, Tammy, is a doctor at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital. My oldest, Ben, is a sophomore at Cornell (but from home.) He is studying entomology. My middle, Sam, is at Friends School and looking at colleges (remotely) and is into sports data analytics. My daughter, Maisie, is a sophomore at Friends School. I will likely work for her one day. In other news, as a result of this column, I am now the single largest holder of class of 1987 LinkedIn connections. I have almost 50 connections.

Van Durrer reports: All is good here — staying safe at home with my wife in Santa Monica, Calif., but as a Skadden restructuring lawyer, I have been very busy. Family is good. My triplets are 28; my son Andy is ‘essential,’ working at Raytheon (a large defense contractor) in Los Angeles, my daughter Sarah runs the San Pasqual Stables in Pasadena, Calif., and my daughter Ashley works remotely for a publisher in Boston. My 24-year-old daughter is working remotely for a tech company in San Diego. Although we miss our restaurants, we are getting our favorite dishes/ cocktails delivered to the house and getting spoiled by the muchdiminished LA traffic! My sister (an RPCS grad) and her family in Dublin, Ireland did contract the virus, but they only experienced a couple of weeks of flu-like symptoms, so they are on the other side of that now. I wish the whole Greyhound community a good

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summer and stay safe!

Andy Fine reports: I am in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak in Boston. For some reason, Boston has been hit as hard as almost any U.S. city other than NYC. It is a strange time to work in an emergency department. The overall volume of patients is low, but the stress and anxiety levels of patients, families, and staff is high. We are doing our best. I do feel lucky to be able to go to work in the ER and to be able to help at least a little bit. Our family is doing well. Hannah is 16 and is learning to become a Boston driver. Henry graduates from high school in a couple weeks. He is off to Connecticut College in the fall. He was on the high school basketball team and played much more and far better than I ever did. Watching his games brought back good memories of the green room, the weak side drill, and 3-on2 continuous. Laura and I celebrate our 23rd anniversary as I write this. Time is flying! Be well!

Will Gould reports: I’m still living outside D.C. in Northern Virginia and working at a commercial finance company called Midcap Financial. I’ve been staying home since mid-March where my wife, kids, and I are all trying to keep up with work/school remotely. I’ve been on a few Zoom calls with Simon Hamilton and other college friends. Simon is rocking a full-on COVID beard — not a bad look. Like others in our class I expect, my daughter graduates from high school this year and we’re waiting to see if she’ll go to college in the fall. Strange times.

Clark Wight reports: Loving living here in Perth, Western Australia, with Leanne and our family. Carter (25) is an architect and loves fishing and is playing lacrosse. Dixon is 23 and lives in Sydney working for a FinTech firm. He is incredibly grateful for the time spent with David Clapp in Baltimore as part of an internship last year. Riley (13) loves school, netball, and her dog. Leanne and I celebrated our 26th anniversary and love getting back to Nantucket to see my parents and U.S. family when we can. I am still in education as head of a junior school and absolutely loving it. Miss all of you; especially class of ‘87 and hope to get back to Charm City again soon.

Brooks Matthews reports: Last year, I stepped down as head lacrosse coach. I spent 2019-2020 focusing on my classes, assisting Greyhound TV, and supporting my daughter during her senior year in high school. Julie and I are so proud of her as she moves on to the University of Delaware where she hopes to study exercise science and nutrition.


Please send us your notes for next time.



Please send us your notes for next time.


If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at

Henry Cha: It’s been a busy year for the Cha family. Zan and I are extremely blessed and proud to see our kids grow up and move on to their next stages of life. My oldest, Gabby, finished her master’s in marketing intelligence and currently works for T. Rowe Price in the Business Intelligence group. Xavier is in his first year at UMd in their Computer Science and Scholars program and loves it! My youngest, Esprit, is a junior at SPSG and enjoying her time playing tennis, basketball and lacrosse. My beloved, Zan, also moved on to Booz Allen Hamilton from my company at Healthcare Interactive, pursuing the FDA, NIH, and other public sector clients in the health care field. I will miss her and am very proud of her accomplishments. As for me, I am improving my tennis game as a new 4.5 bump up!

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I want to thank all of my classmates who were able to take time out of their schedules to respond to my most recent email asking for updates to post in this summer’s copy of Class Notes. From the response I see that I still have not gained the respect of a John Schmick “See Me Fast” Post-It note, but I guess I should have never expected to achieve that.

From Baltimore, I can report that I have rejoined the Gilman Board of Trustees after a two-year absence, and if my math is correct, by serving for another eighteen years I will have tied our classmate Michael Weinfeld’s tenure on the board. My older son, Carter, is still on track to be a member of Gilman’s class of 2021 and has started his college search. My younger son, Mason, is a member of Calvert’s class of 2020 and has decided to move past his father and brother’s blue and gray attachment and instead is going big blue at Philips Andover this fall.

Thanks to Tim Scott’s reply to all, most of what I may add could be a repeat but I hope some of you will still enjoy it. Tim and his family, including his oldest son, Max, who is now at Gilman, have moved to Lutherville. Tim continues to work for Wells Fargo Bank and advises me that he is as confused by the rules under the CARES Act as I am.

Dr. Arun Agrawal wrote to me from Southern California, where besides learning how to microbrew, he and our classmate Dr. Andrew Coyle are on the front lines in the hospitals and we are thankful to both of them.

Greg Levin wrote from Charlotte where he is a National Feed Producer for NBC News. I am sure that he is disappointed that he did not get to broadcast his fourth Olympic Games from Tokyo this year.

Our class Ph.D., Dr. Ed Trusty, has announced his return to Baltimore from Texas as he has been named the Interim Head of School at St Paul’s. We only ask that Ed not give the Crusaders any coaching advice when playing the Greyhounds.

Jason Jenkins is still in Baltimore and when not posting on Facebook about losing his phone, breaking his phone, or his phone being hacked, he is working in property management.

David Heroy was in town last summer from Austin, Texas, where he is a science teacher at a private school. His wife,

Erica, and his two daughters report that their dog has never been happier than during the current pandemic.

Fred Lohr wrote to us from London where he is working for Legg Mason.

Charlie Neer was happy to report that while living in Philadelphia he has been organizing “Scotch-o-clock” with his neighbors.

I was happy to hear from Harris Ferrell for this update. Harris and his family live in Queens, N.Y., and wrote to remind us all to not touch our faces and make sure to wash our hands.

Lastly, Luke Harlan wrote that he is enjoying his time with teen boys and feeling extremely fortunate and grateful to be inspiring and empowering others to become the best version of themselves as a transitional business, health and mindset coach.

I wish each and every one of you and your families health and happiness in these times, and I look forward to seeing all of you next year for our 30th reunion!


If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at


Matt Buck enjoyed a very proud moment, in June of 2019, with the graduation of daughter Abby from the school that Matt heads, Calvert Middle School. Abby is the first child in the fourth generation of Bucks to attend Calvert, beginning with Matt’s grandfather, Frederick in 1930, and his three siblings, Charles, Adele, and Isabelle. Abby is now attending her ninth grade year at Friends School, where his mother, Barbara, worked for 21 years as Middle School assistant head. Matt will start his 10th as Calvert Middle head in June 2020. Year nine, with all the challenges presented by COVID-19 distance learning, has provided him his sternest test, to date.

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Boyne Kim

Tronster Hartley: Another journey comes to an end as I completed my MBA from the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. I am still leading a team that makes video games, such as “Civilization,” for Firaxis Games up in Sparks, Md. This will be the fifth year we’re taking on a Gilman encounter student as well as a summer intern who completed his encounter two years ago. I’m working out which side project to take on next; FinTech looks more exciting than Donkey Kong these days and so I’ll see where that leads.

John Kim: I was in Los Angeles for work and wanted to find a place to watch the RavensCardinals game. So I just went to a bar called The Parlor to watch the game, wearing the only Baltimore gear I had — a Gilman t-shirt. Out of nowhere, Ted Evans ‘91 and Marc Lasky ‘85 came up to me and said they were Gilman grads as well. xSo we just hung out and watched the game together. And, who knew there were so many Ravens fans in LA!

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Matt Buck ‘93 with his daughter, Abby, and son, Ted. Tronster Hartley ‘94 Peter Bogue, Stewart Kesmodel, and John Kim, all class of 1994, got together for a round of golf at the Burning Tree Country Club in Greenwich, Conn. Stewart and John both live in Greenwich, and Peter recently moved to nearby Fairfield. Ted Evans ‘91, Mark Lasky ‘85, and John Kim ‘94 Arif Joshi ‘94 talks to current students about his work at Lazard Asset Management during November’s Wall Street 101 trip.


Karthik Balakrishnan is currently an associate professor of pediatric head and neck surgery at the Mayo Clinic, specializing in reconstructing kids’ airways. His wife, Samantha, also works at Mayo. They have three kids, ages 6, 4, and 4. Karthik’s family will be moving to California later this year. Karthik will be starting as a member of the airway team and medical director of surgical quality at Stanford Children’s Hospital. He hopes to catch up with any Gilman classmates who pass through northern California.

Anand Dutta is currently a gastroenterologist specializing in biliary and pancreatic disorders working at Wellspan York Hospital in York, Pa. Anand is married to Tara who is a vascular neurologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. They live in Hunt Valley, Md., and have three children (Divya, 6, Jyoti, 4, and Sonal, 1.)

Ben Wilson lives in Greenwich, Conn., with his wife, Courtney, and their three children, and works in New York City at Barclays.

Jon Jachman lives in Rye, N.Y. with his wife, Arielle, and children Matt, Blake, and Hannah. He is a portfolio manager at Taconic Capital, where he has spent the past 19 years. In his free time, he enjoys helping coach his children’s soccer and lacrosse teams.

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Members of the class of 1994 recently caught up for a minireunion... and crabs!... at Baltimore’s Nick’s Fish House. Pictured left to right are Art Swartout, Curtis Cooper, John Bond, Victor Fox (and his son), Alan West, and Paul Lee. Mitchell Whiteman ‘94, Stewart Kesmodel ‘94, and Than’l Badder ‘94 caught up at October’s Baltimore Homecoming event held in the newly reopened Broadway Market and Choptank Restaurant. Peter Bowe ‘74, Mitchell Whiteman ‘94, and Stewart Kesmodel ‘94 catch up with Joseph Jones, Founder and CEO of the Center for Urban Families, at the Baltimore Homecoming in October 2019.

Lewis Applefeld lives with his wife, Pamela, son, and twin girls in Rye, N.Y. Lewis helps manage a private investment fund.

Travis Brown and Heather live in Pikesville, Md., and are raising three daughters (ages 13, 10, and 7). Travis has a financial advisory practice of 18+ years, and when not at work you can find him in nature, usually biking the local trails.

Will Gee is living in Fells Point with his wife, Blair, and spends his days creating virtual and augmented reality at Balti Virtual, a company he founded in 2015.

Dr. Amani Hemphill lives in Leesburg, Va. He is practicing wound care and plastic surgery. In 2018, he founded Skyline Wound Care PLLC, specializing in skilled nursing wound care in W.Va. Amani is also looking for venture capital.

Bart Kenney completed medical school, pathology residency, and a GI/hepatobiliary fellowship at Yale. He was an assistant professor at the Yale School of Medicine for several years before eventually taking a job in private practice. He lives with his wife, Alexa, also a physician at Yale, and his daughter, Charlotte (age 4) in Westbrook, Conn.

Lorne Smith is living in Lafayette, Calif., outside of San Francisco with wife Ashley and two daughters, Mozelle (7) and June (5). Lorne is working in lacrosse for TRUE Sports building the next great brand of lacrosse gear, while also coaching in town and making his own lacrosse products under the Firethreads brand. Lorne was inducted into the US Lacrosse Baltimore Chapter Hall of Fame a few years ago.

Bryan Lopez is married to Danielle and has three children, ages 14, 11, and 10 years old. His daughters, Olivia and Lexi, started eighth and fourth grades at RPCS this year. Luke is at Saint James Academy. They live in Monkton. Two years ago, Bryan started a software company called Brytemap, which is dedicated to the cannabis industry and based in Hunt Valley. Bryan is chair of our class’s 25th reunion this year, and he looks forward to seeing all of us return to campus soon!

After fifteen years of living in NYC, Alex Lopez, his wife, and two young daughters have settled down outside of Chicago, where he works as a portfolio manager.

Spencer Finney lives in St. Louis with his wife, Jodie (of 18 years), and four daughters, Margot (12), Sarah Catherine (10), Julia (7), and Josephine (5). He is a partner in a small private equity firm called Sage Capital, where he has worked since 2005. He serves on a couple of charitable boards. He is currently the board chair of his daughters’ school, Villa Duchense and Oak Hill School, in St. Louis. He is still playing a lot of golf and squash.

Robby Kang is an assistant clinical professor in head and neck cancer and facial plastic surgery at City of Hope National Medical Center in Los Angeles. He is also in a part-time touring band called Help The Doctor. He has headlined all the big venues on the Sunset Strip (House of Blues, Viper Room, The Roxy, etc.), played in San Diego, Toronto, New Orleans, and opened for Rusted Root in Philly. His wife, Molly, is the founder and CEO of Floravere, a bridal company, and they have a 3-year-old girl, Willow.

Jason McCormick lives in Towson with his dog, Mosby. He is managing McCormick’s charitable giving and outreach programs.

Brett Myerson lives in Baltimore with his wife, Kelly, daughter, Sophia (9), and son, William (5). He is heading into his fourth year as in-house counsel for Priority 1 Automotive Group.

Dan McGill lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Nicole, and two girls (Josie, 5 and Dulany, 2). He earned his master’s in real estate from MIT. He works for a value-add focused real estate development firm and skis whenever/wherever the opportunity presents itself.

Corey Popham is married with three children and lives in Rumson, N.J. His kids are 14, 13, and 11. Corey works in Manhattan for BTIG, which is an Investment Bank. In his free time, he enjoys coaching his children’s basketball and lacrosse teams.

Brandon Thornton lives in Baltimore. He just started his 17th year at the Public Defender’s Office. He got married last year.

Dr. Arman Taghizadeh is a board-certified child, adolescent, adult psychiatrist and a sports psychiatrist. He maintains an independent practice in Lutherville, works on the faculty at Johns Hopkins Hospital and serves on the Health Committee at Gilman School. This past year, Arman founded Mindset Training Institute, combining his athletic success, medical training, and clinical experience to develop several programs for athletes, businesses, first responders, coaches, and parents. He is extremely proud to have incorporated his programs into several schools, including Gilman. He currently resides in Roland Park with his family.

Hans Breville is currently working at PwC, advising health care clients on how to transform to best meet market and customer demands. He lives in Arlington, Va., with his wife, Anne, and two kids (daughter Lena and son Lukas). When he is not pounding the pavement for his clients, he is busy coaching his daughter’s and son’s basketball teams.

James McIntyre lives in Mountain Lakes, N.J., with his wife, Lauren, two boys, Trevor (8) and Grant (7), and daughter Adair (4). He coaches his boys’ lacrosse and works in New York as Sr. MD and COO of Moore Strategic Ventures.

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Peter Bridgman is the president of Visionworks, a $1B eyecare company based in San Antonio. He has two little girls, Evy (4) and Charlie (2), and is married to Hilary.

Andy Snow and his wife, Kim, are celebrating their 15th anniversary and live near Annapolis with their two boys. After many years in advertising, he went into business development for Affinitiv, which specializes in marketing software for automotive manufacturers and dealers. Sports keep his family busy with lots of club lacrosse year round. His younger son, Henry, is 10 and his older son, Carter, is 12. Carter started sixth grade this year at Gilman (class of 2026!) so he is back on campus frequently.

Terrance Whitehead is residing in Northern Virginia with his wife, Kourtney, where he has been for the last 20 years. They have two sons, Colin (12th grade) and Carter (10th). Professionally, he is a program manager for IT integration and services company. Personally, he serves as a co-director for the Gilman Black Alumni Leadership Institute (GBALI), which has served Baltimore area high school students weekly at Gilman for the last 15 years.

Matt Carbine works at Calvert Hall. He has a 10-year-old daughter and just finished an MBA at Loyola University Maryland.

Doug Hamilton lives in Baltimore City with his wife, Angela, and daughter, Charlie, age 10. Charlie is in fifth grade at McDonogh, and Doug is struggling with which sideline to be on during the GilmanMcD game. Work wise, Doug is the CEO of Hamilton Associates, in Owings Mills, which he calls an industrial manufacturing ‘nanoconglomerate.’ They have three diverse companies under common family ownership and management. He still sees guys like Brett, Kaveh, Max, Amani, Jon-Mychal, and George Bealefeld from time to time. He tries to keep up with fitness by spending a lot of time on the tennis court. He can be found at the bar table at La Scala in Little Italy. Travel is also passion. He has been to Italy, Germany, Tanzania, and Mozambique in the last 18 months, and just spent Thanksgiving in London.

David Payne and his wife, Jennifer, live in Baltimore with their sons, Beckett (6) and Xander (3). David is currently the CFO of Tessemae’s and spends his down time volunteering for the football program at Saint Frances Academy.

Herb Beatson moved to San Francisco in September of 2018 after 15 years in D.C. to join Sepio Capital as co-CIO and managing director. He is running a hedge fund and real estate private investment fund for the firm. He is currently splitting time between San Francisco and Utah.

Lieutenant Colonel Brian Holloway is serving in the Army as an engineer. He is currently stationed near Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, working on a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology. His oldest daughter is in

community college, and he just celebrated 17 years of marriage with Naima. His three younger children are doing well in middle and elementary school.

Nauman Siddiqi moved back to Baltimore five years ago. He is an interventional cardiologist and works just down the street from Gilman at Union Memorial. Nauman and his wife, Aiza, have a 7-year-old son, Zidan, who is in first grade at Gilman.

Jay Arnold has lived in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. for the past 15 years. He left Investment Banking in NYC and headed back to grad school for his MBA at Darden (UVA). Jay has been CEO of Astro Chemical, an old specialty chemical manufacturer outside of Albany. The company develops and manufactures highly specialized materials primarily for the power generation and composites industries. Alysa and Jay have two daughters, Virginia (13) and Eleanor (10). They are both pretty involved with several nonprofit boards in the area.

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Marcus Holman ‘09 and Lorne Smith ‘95 teamed up for Team Wimmer at the 2019 Hawaii Lacrosse Tournament. Marcus was named MVP of the Tournament.

Drew Poffel leads a team at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, based in Rockefeller Center. He works primarily with HNW individuals, families, and small institutions. He’s been living on the Upper East Side of Manhattan for the past 10 years.

Mark Abrams is the chief product officer for Ascend Learning’s nursing education division. He lives in Ellicott City and is married with four boys.

Alex Mueller lives in Boise, Idaho, with his wife, Kari, and two children, Anja (12) and Beck (10). He enjoys coaching baseball and basketball, fly fishing, skiing, and hiking with his dog in the foothills of Idaho. He runs the engineering department for SigningDay and is a freelance software engineer.

David Biddison and Delia live in Newtown Square, Pa., with their son (12) and daughter (8). They have lived in the Philadelphia area for the last 14+ years. David co-owns Traditions of America, a real estate development and homebuilding company.

Paul Schilpp lives in New Canaan, Conn., and works at a private equity firm in town. He has three little ones, ages 9, 8, and 2.

Marcus Simms is still living in Atlanta after 21 years, but still keeping the pulse of Baltimore politics. Marcus recently hosted the Gilman Atlanta Alumni event in January 2020.

Dylan Slagle is currently living in Westminster, Md., with his wife, Julie, and son, Nathan, 8. He has been working as a newspaper photographer for the Carroll County Times and Baltimore Sun Media Group for the past 14 years.


Please send us your notes for next time.


Geoff Greenblatt continues to work in the gaming and e-sports world as a brand strategist (ownership of Blockbuster Video never came to be for better or worse). He is living in Brooklyn with his wife, Carly, and their dog, Lola; he stands out in Brooklyn for his lack of tattoos (at least that can be seen), and has replaced his beard with simple facial scruff, but is trying to blend in more with a work-in-progress, faux hawk!

John Schmick reports that he continues to enjoy teaching at Gilman. His younger son, Bo, will join older brother Johnny in the Lower School next year. John’s wife, Kate, is working as a learning support coordinator over at Calvert where their daughter, Anne Miller, attends. The family just moved to Gilman’ville last spring and enjoys seeing Keith Baker as he tans himself on the lower fields.

Erik Atas got engaged and planned to get married sometime in June 2020! Erik is still dominating the legal system in Baltimore.

Alan Woods’ wife, Staci, who is exceptionally gifted, is slowly adding to her business, attempting to conquer the criminal justice system in Maryland. Their kids, Matthew and Madeline, are growing up quickly and already are significantly taller than their father. Work is consistent for Alan, fighting crime in Baltimore and keeping the streets safe. Thank you for your service, fella!

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Members of the class of 1997

David Sandler and his wife had a baby in September (their first). Nathan is a happy and smiling kid who loves to play and laugh, but hates to sleep at night. The silver lining of this time at home is that we get to spend so much time together. On a professional note, he continues to enjoy his job as the director of content protection and anti-piracy for Warner Music, where he tries to prevent people from stealing music (to varying degrees of success).

Ben Stevens lives in the Baltimore metro area with his wife, Megan, and three wonderful kids, Greyson (8), Olivia (5), and Tucker (3), and their 100-pound Bernese Mountain dog, Putter. Ben is a partner at the law firm of Rutledge & Stevens, LLC based in Towson, where he does transactional and litigation work in the areas of estates and trusts, small business representation, real estate, and family law.

Brian Nottingham is still in sales and playing lacrosse, bruh. He enjoys being a husband and father to three kids in Parkton, Md. Brian loves coaching his kids and teaching them his quick reflex secrets.

Brooks Marshall has been working on staying jolly and keeping others focused in the COVID era! The support from the Gilman alumni and larger Baltimore community has been tremendous, he says. They continue to work toward their annual goal of sending deserving/underprivileged children to outdoor camp through the Jolly Boy campership program. Brooks can frequently be seen walking the Ojai Valley trails barefoot, sitting courtside at Lakers games with son Otis while shouting lingo at opposing teams, sipping and sampling California’s finest vintages at only the best vineyards with wife Kami and playing Connect 4 with daughter Sky at Topa Topa!

Jordan Angell spends his time in the operating room at Chesapeake Urology, on the golf course working on his putts, or challenging his friends for money on his Peloton bike. He lives by Herb Brooks’ motto, “legs feed the wolf gentlemen.” He is staying involved on the alumni board at Gilman and enjoys his two boys and watching them grow up quickly. Jordan sees fellow alumni as much as he can!

Gene de Juan has been dealing with chronic pelvic pain for eight months and had to take a break from medical school. He is rethinking his life trajectory, but most likely will continue along this path. It’s a long one, but he will have twenty years to practice medicine when he finally graduates. Fishing and gardening are still a couple of Gene’s passions!

James Bentley still loves politics and politics love him right back, (thanks, James, for those insightful notes!).

Aaron Hunter bought a new house in Timonium and promises to get himself some Vineyard Vines clothing.

Trent Stone is working on multiple DIY projects around the house over the last year. He has an almost completely pottytrained and totally rambunctious 2-and-a-half-year-old boy. In June, he will have a little girl to add to the family.

Mark Scott continues to enjoy life in Winchester, Mass., with his wife and two children. Despite 23 years in the Boston area, he remains a committed Ravens/Orioles fan and looks forward to this upcoming football season! He is currently practicing architecture at Payette, an award-winning firm in Boston; recent projects include a new research science building for the University of Connecticut and an innovation center in Hengqin, China. Mark returns to Baltimore regularly, where his parents and sister still live. His nephew is finishing his second grade year at Gilman, so the family tradition continues for a third generation! Please feel free to contact him if you find yourself in the Boston area — “it’s always a pleasure to welcome old friends in our home.”

Ken McNish is finishing his 12th and final year at Charlotte Country Day School. This coming year he will be the Upper School athletic director at St. Paul Academy and Summit School in St. Paul, Minn.

David Chalmers’ mother (and our class mom) Linda Trapp celebrated her final year at Gilman teaching language and coaching cross country; let’s be honest, she was the only good runner in the family. Linda will be spending lots of time up in Maine with David, his wife, Margie, and their kids. She looks forward to retirement and teaching the Chalmers kids yoga and improving her grandkids’ cross-country skiing technique! David is still practicing pediatric urology and has a totally badass hand-painted blue crab on his X-ray protective apron.

Morgan Salmon is living in north Philadelphia (but not born and raised), he works at Amazon going on year two where he spends most of his days, he enjoys chillin’ out, maxin’ relaxin all cool on the beaches of Jamaica when the three young kids (10, 5, 3) aren’t in school.

Brendan Callahan’s life in 2019/2020 has been spent chasing around their three kiddos (8, 5, and 2), which was his same response as last year and will be the same next year, but the math on their ages will be different thanks to Mr. Matthew’s skilled teachings! In

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David Chambers ’97 models his blue crab X-ray apron.

between diapers, elementary school, and kid sports, Brendan fits in training for a career in Nascar. He has decided to race on the amateur circuit on the weekends while staying busy with commercial real estate during the work week. “If you’re not first you’re last, Shake and Bake!”

Danny Mooney has made official news and moved to Charlottesville during COVID summer. Danny’s wife, Evan, is an incredible artist and they have somewhere between four and eight children, you know those Irish! Moondog has stayed on board with Brown Advisory and works in their C’ville office. Danny and Stuart Wyeth continue to talk about coaching youth lacrosse in the south and the best practices for recruiting young talent to schools for the sole purpose of just playing sports, a technique called Bakering.

Billy Buppert loved homeschooling his kids so much in 2020 he decided to pull them out of Calvert to permanently continue their educations at home. Bupps has really loved teaching the boys the art of making fudge like they used to at the Inner Harbor. Those guys used to sing as they made the fudge I recall and no doubt would have made Mrs. Dickies’ choir in Lower School. Unlike yours truly who got cut from choir in both fourth and fifth grades…not bitter at all.

Matt Garrity has mastered the art of installing car seats in rental cars to enjoy hiking or ski days outside Manhattan. For broader travel these days, he finds himself in southern California and highly recommends Disney California Adventure Park. When not traveling, Matt teaches tap dance to local youth at New York’s esteemed dance studio called, “Jazz Hands.”

Andrew Wooten’s life in the ‘Big Easy’ has changed and Mardis Gras will always be different post-COVID. Andrew’s bride, Elizabeth, and their three precious girls (Ellie, Isabel, and Lachlan), have adapted incredibly well to home school, life, and work at home, and to social distancing. He has loved being at home and ofzf the road and is hopeful his travel post-COVID will be much less. “We also have such an added appreciation for our teachers and health care workers — thank you all.”

Keith Baker, when not sunbathing in the lower lots at Gilman or working the umbrella rentals in Dewey, can be found wearing a hard hat and a lax penny at his day job. Keith told me that he recently visited with ’97 alum Dr. Angell for a very special procedure courtesy of his loving hands and microscope. Also Keith wanted to mention that he can “still outrun my wife”…why are you running from her is the question?

Clayton Apgar and Kate are in Los Angeles trying to keep up with their son, Cal, who arrived August 20, 2019. So far, Cal is into oatmeal and salmon, stroller rides, and the sound of loud kitchen appliances. Also important to mention that Clayton named his son

Cal, which is totally awesome, please only allow him to wear #8!

Brian Margarine and his wife, Brooke, with their children, Victoria (11), Parker (10), and Scarlett (7) got a puppy named Jax. His best friend is Ivy, the Bupperts’ dog. Kind of weird if you ask me, why is Brian’s best friend the Bupperts’ dog? Anyway, Brian’s family has been challenging each other during the COVID era in Monopoly, Clue, and Count Daddy’s Kidney Stones.

Major Noah Bengur is flying for Delta Airlines and still in the Marine Corps Reserves. He lives a pretty normal life when not “flying the friendly skies” or “catching the spirit.” Noah enjoys his Diesel F250, practicing Scout Sniping at the local gun range and washing all of his neighbors’ Subarus. Noah has two beauties in his life: Carmen and Chloe, and three wild dogs. Something very cool that I found out, Noah trained one of the current Blue Angels when he was stationed in Kingsville. “Oorah!”

Alec Riepe’s wife, Kelly, owns Uber Bagels & Deli. Alec can be seen from time to time making the dough in the kitchen and trying to remember what shape the bagels are supposed to be formed into.

Ben Lucas is still living the Cali life…typical day includes chai latte, surf, burrito for lunch, surf, yoga class with wife, surf, hang with the family, decide board shorts/tee combo for next day, sleep and repeat!

Will Stewart is excited to announce he is engaged to Jessie Montgomery of Harrisonburg, Va.! She is a graduate of UVA and Fuqua, currently working as a VP of external affairs for a nonprofit. In other news, after returning from a successful Scottish golf trip last spring, he began 2020 with a new job for a Geneva, Switzerland-headquartered software company. It provided a monthlong onboarding trip and he is still sore from ‘skiing’ (aka falling down) the Swiss alps!

Chuck Baker quit his job and is now a dedicated online poker player and blackjack enthusiast; he has to play online because casinos have banned him due to card counting and stealing robes.

As for myself, Will Lanahan, I am still living in Connecticut and working at Vineyard Vines dressing the world in prep. I see my fellow alumni as much as I can. I made it to all of 2019 Ravens home games to watch Lamar Jackson and our flock dominate the field. I am thankful more than ever for Gilman and what it has given us in terms of friendships and brotherhood. I think about you all quite often and am so proud that we are the class of 1997, the Centennial Class of Gilman School and obviously the best and most important class to ever graduate from our beloved Tech. Be well my friends and see you for our 25th. One Love!

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Darby Butts: After becoming the 1,459th person to spend the winter at the South Pole, Antarctica in 2015/2016, Darby is now the Partner and COO of the largest independent craft brewery in the country of Colombia. He is still a chef and world traveler while he builds his companies in South America and around the world.


The past year has been a unique one for the world and for the class of ‘99, with the ongoing coronavirus affecting each of us differently. Unfortunately, those feeling the most significant impact have lost people important to them and to members of the Gilman community.

Apaar Singh’s mom, Mala, passed on May 5 from complications tied to COVID-19. Touching tributes to her appeared in The Washington Post and elsewhere.

While COVID-19 has left some of us with gaps that can never be filled, others have welcomed new lives into the world under challenging conditions. Kittu Rao’s wife had an emergency C-section in Miami, as baby girl Anisha Rao arrived on 4/15/20. Anisha remained in the NICU for 12 days and is now doing well. After spending time as a general surgeon, Kittu is considering a transition into anesthesia and is currently consulting remotely for Expert Institute.

Justin Haas was a couple weeks ahead of Kittu with his second son, Wesley (older brother Nathan is 5). Justin lives in Silver Spring and works for the Navy, representing sailors and Marines before the Physical Evaluation Board on issues relating to discharge from service due to medical issues.

Tim Hurley may have been in the hospital at the same time as Justin, as his third child, Willa, entered the world on April 6.

Mike Rogers joined the Big Papi club on July 9, 2019; he hopes to bring Lawson to our 25th reunion.

Other ‘99ers are expecting new family members imminently, and many of these babies are already wreaking havoc as this goes to

print. Henry Russell’s second is due any day now (the middle of May 2020.) He coaches the football team at St. Frances, which finished with the #1 ranking in Maryland for the third straight year, and #3 in the country, their highest final ranking. They will send more than 25 students from the class of 2020 to college on football scholarships totaling ~$4.5 million. Almost all of these students will be first-generation college students. There will be a documentary coming out this fall about their previous season at St. Frances, likely on one of the major streaming platforms (Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO.) Henry also started a new business with good friend and Naval Academy classmate John Reeves. The business is Russell Reeves Capital, and they invest in multi-family apartment complexes throughout the country.

Craig Bennett is expecting his second baby in September. He is the dean of the middle school at Calvert and lives in Rodgers Forge, where he is neighbors with Andrew Faraone. Craig’s wife, Erin, and daughter, Eloise, are excited to welcome a new family member. Craig just finished a master’s in philosophy from Loyola, and he is putting the degree to work pontificating in Emmyworthy videos on Baltimore history for his students.

While Craig is still in the hunt for critical acclaim, Shaun Woodland is racking up awards for his work on the big screen. He starred in the film “Unarmed Man,” available on Amazon Prime, which won the HBO “Best Feature” competition at the Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival in 2019. It also won the “Best of Peer” award for the Television, Internet & Video Association of D.C. Shaun also appeared in “Big Time Adolescence” with Pete Davidson and Griffin Gluck.

Dr. Karan Kamboh is just as sexy as ever, and he recently starred in a YouTube music video called “Brusher Now,” which is worth two minutes and forty-six seconds of your time.

Lauren and Charles Wagandt’s kids keep getting bigger. Everyone is still alive and employed, which Charles points out is a genuine achievement these days.

In related news, Charlie Marek started a Peloton group called #HoundsofGilman, which Charles is still trying to join.

Will Miton, wife Raffaella, and son Oliver (now 3 and a half years old) live in northwest Philly, right across from a nice park and near some amazing mountain biking trails. They are within easy driving distance to many state parks and spend lots of time outside. Raffaella got a Ph.D. in clinical psychology back in 2014 and was practicing in NYC, but she will start seeing patients in Pennsylvania soon. Oliver spends much of his time riding his bike or helping Will roast marshmallows over their little firepit. Despite only being 3 and a half, Oliver hauls without

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training wheels. Will upgraded to Captain at Southwest last June and is based at BWI. He hasn’t flown for six weeks and hopes he remembers which buttons do what when he gets back to it!

Some of us have young ones beginning their journey at The Tech. Beau Smith’s son, Reid, is wrapping up his first year at Gilman’s pre-K. “Big kudos to all faculty, staff, and administration — especially the Lower School, namely Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Rogers in KB — for helping Reid’s kindergarten class through a virtual spring semester, no small task,” Beau writes in a bid to secure “check-pluses” across the board for Reid next year. Beau’s dog has been a quarantine beneficiary having shed a lot of weight due to more frequent walks.

Bill Miller: My son, William V aka “Five,” will start in Gilman’s pre-K next year, and my daughter, Natalie, is wrapping up kindergarten at Bryn Mawr. Becky’s business Tinyhood is growing quickly too.

Meanwhile, Del Schmidt hasn’t cut his hair in 14 months; wife Meghan was unavailable for comment. 2000

Charlie Ring

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Chris Atkins

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Joe Hong

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Brett Hollander ‘03 and Jeremy Pollock ‘03 catch up with former Gilman teacher John Polasko at Loch Bar in Baltimore’s Harbor East neighborhood. Members of the Class of 2000 reconnect at this January’s Los Angeles Alumni Reception. Malcolm Ruff ‘02 talks to past and present Gilman football players about what it means to be a Greyhound in September 2019.
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Collin Wallace ‘02 and Jeff Seibert ‘04 share a laugh at January’s San Francisco Alumni Reception.


John Mooney

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Alex Cole

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Tyler Hoffberger

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Adam Kovars

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Whit Johnson

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If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at

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Khalil Uqdah ‘06 and Omar Brown ‘07 caught up at January’s Palo Alto Alumni Luncheon. J.D. Kameen ‘10 hosted an Alumni Reception in January, and welcomed Tim Holley ‘77 (left) and Nathaniel Badder ‘94 (right) to San Diego. Marcus Singleton ‘05 leads the break in December’s Alumni Basketball Game.

Ben Hearn ‘11 and Brian Midei ‘11 catch up last November at the New York Alumni held at Sardi’s.


Eli Kahn

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Christian Moscardi

Cooper Jackson: Living and working in Los Angeles. Currently an engineer at Tinder.


Austin Dase

Austin Dase: Living in D.C., working as a software engineer for Fundrise. Recently finished an M.S. in computer science.


Evan King

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Quinn Flaks

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Greg Alspaugh

Kyle Tarantino

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If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at


If you would like to serve as class secretary, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Outreach Nathaniel Badder ‘94 at


Lucas Randrianarivelo

Lucas Randrianarivelo: Coming up on three years since closing ceremonies this coming May, and I can still remember sweating through my blue button-down and blazer. This is just one of many memories I had at Gilman, from U.S. History with Mr. Downs (in Middle School), to English Literature with Mr. Hastings. I can’t lie and say I sometimes wish I could go back, especially for the much-needed naps during assembly. I am currently a thirdyear mechanical engineering student at Rochester Institute of Technology, and I am loving it now. It was very different from Gilman at first. I am playing soccer at RIT, a brother of Theta

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Chi fraternity, and an RA. Apart from the long cold winters, RIT is great! This summer, I am planning to be in Baltimore, and hope to see some buddies from Gilman after social distancing is lifted. Stay safe! 2018

Piper Bond

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Ben Levinson

Noah Seth

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Kofi Whitehead ‘19, Maxwell Costes ‘18, and John Moore ‘18 reconnected at the B.E.S.T. Alumni Brunch at Miss Shirley’s in January 2020. The brunch was an opportunity for our college-aged B.E.S.T. alumni to discuss summer internship opportunities, current majors, and what their college experience has been like so far. Recent graduates from other area schools, including Boys’ Latin, Bryn Mawr, Friends, Garrison Forest, McDonogh, Roland Park, and St. Paul’s also participated. Lucas Randrianarivelo ‘17 at RIT last fall Former Gilman football players gathered in September 2019 to meet Head Coach Nick Bach and this year’s team.
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